xt77sq8qft26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qft26/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-03-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 14, 1979 1979 1979-03-14 2020 true xt77sq8qft26 section xt77sq8qft26 voi. I..\’.\'l. No. tzs Ker 2' University 0' Kentucky
Wednesday. March N. I979 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
# —
t .. urvey/ng 9 SI ua Ion
-- .. .. SG-SHAC poll seeks student opinion on mandatory health fee
B, Dang”; MCDAMEL telephones." Cox said. wan—st to $34 in I984-85. “The issue really comes down to a
.. , _.. ' (hm hm“, The programmer will apply a In addition tothe telephone survey. mandatory fee that WOUld COSt leSS _
' scientific random statistics tape, and 86 will place a referendum on its April than a voluntary fee. and what do YOU
' .g . Twenty members from the Student select phone numbers according tothc 4 and 5 80 election ballot asking people think." she added.
t 5* , Health 'Advisory Committee and student‘s place on the telephone list. students whether they want a After the Health Service requested
s t ‘ ., 1 fit Student Governmentwill man phones such astakingtheZer.59th and l03rd voluntary 0" mandatory health fee. extra University funding .19 cover i
w\ . I m April 2 and 3 to obtain student input numbers. Although the referendum will not be risrng health costs last year.Singletar_t.
3 ., ...-5 ~'-' on the mandatory health fee. if The telephone list will have 500 as statistically valid as a random appornted 3" ad-hoc committee to -
.. fit _ " President Otis Singletary approvesthe names to insure 400 “reasonable survey. it allows all UK students a review the program and methods 0t .
~ I. ' . telephone surveyand its methodOIOgy, responses" and “an error rate of no chance to indicate their preference of financrngthe setVlce in the future. ‘
”N j 3} ._. _._ , Student Health Administrator Jean more than five percent.“ Cox said. the health fee systems. FOHOW'hS the ad-hOC committees
' V - . COX saidaletterto Singletaryisinthe SHAC has been working With a Students who visitthehealth service reporth Singletary decrded the
. I ' . mail today. and it he gives the 80' seven-member SO ad-hoc health fee April 4 and 5 can indicate their Universitys support Of the program i
', , ' ' .1 _ ahead they wincompletc preparations committee to “help develop an opinion on a questionnaire SH A C would stay at the 1978779 level of .
' w\\&g 3 =I~ ‘ ' \t for the random telephone survey. unbiased way 0i getting student prepared for their own interests. Cox 5690‘000‘ and future increases in
.’ \\‘t “He could question it (the survey)." ihPUt." co-chairman Peggy O'M era said. “We at the health service were operating costs WOUId be absorbed by a ' '
1 \V i I , COX said. “and they’d have to 20 back said. She addedthatSHACinvited SG kind of interested in finding out how the student health fee. . I.
. . . _i‘q :' t . 2:?- of“ I. . anothefonetfl However. she added. the questionnaire hnd methodology feel about the health fee.“ reclommen ch e cor; inua ion. 0 t e
' . , , '9; e s 3 tejephOhe survey is "almost as clean as because over half the students use the . . V0 untary ealth ee~ they also ‘
. . you can get it.“ health service." Alter results ofthe three surveys are reported that a rapidly increasrng t,
e g “K $9 . sin mar . “de SHAC to find 0m The I0 SHAC members and I0 80 cohipiled stepahately. the'inforrlr1tatiotil voluntary health fee could not support . .
l . s _ 'f . h g .3 d .h . f , members who conduct the survey will “it, go tot e a. ministration. w 0 WI the current program indefinitely.
:x_ > m , i t ere “35 stu ent support 0t d explain the background behind the make the final chorce on the The committee also stated that a y
7 —g " By TOM MORAN/Kernel start mandatory , health fee. 1 he issue to each person called. ask the mandatory or voluntary system. - mandatory health fee paid by all full-
CatChlng methodology '5 being submitted to student‘s classification and age. and “Neither SHAC nor student time students would mean a slower '
Thomas Herberger. a general studies senior. takes to the air in an attempt to him before the actual 51"”): to make then ask qucsttong involving the government are making-a decrsion. We increase in the amount ofthe health fee ' .
catchafrisbee between his legs. sure the results dw‘ill provide trail) mandatory and voluntary health fees, are just gathering information. over the years. and said it would ' '
. rhpresgntat-iye'stu en;1 opiniolh w en Under the proposed mandatory 0 Mera Sdld. recommend suchachange ifthere was i
II t e d ministration C 00”“ etween system. the health fee would rise by an Cox said some students mistakenly student SUPPO" for ‘t' j
I east treaty ca 9 the mandatory and voluntary s-‘IS‘ems‘ average of $2 each year. from SIS in think SHAC is backingthe mandatory Singletary then to” the committee .
“We haveatcomputer)programmer 1980-8! to $24 in 1984-85. system. “The advisory committee is he WOUId 0le approvea mandatory
' l on our staff and what we'll do is take Costs under the voluntary system getting hung because people are health fee It the majority Of the
cena’nty by Be In the spring enrollment tape and pull off would raise the health fee by an assuming they are pro-mandatory StUdents voted forit.and asked SHAC
. a list of the names of students with a\ crage of $3 each year. from SZI in health fee." she said. to survey the students.
By FRANK CORMIER American compromise proposals.
‘ Associated Press Writer The prime minister said the three I I I I .
leaders would sign the accord in .
CAIRO, Egypt President Carter Washington. Then Begin and Sadat a n I a VI w
. ' concluded his Mideast odyssey would sign the Hebrew version in . ‘
t.‘ ' yesterday with Egypt embracing peace Jerusalem and the Arabic text in
terms and Israeli Prime Minister Cairo. _ - ._
. Menachem Begin vowing to resign The breakthrough came in the last By Sl'E TEETER Metcalf. a communications junior. for an escort at night. More foot Metcalf‘s platform include proposals .
..?:_. unless his parliament accepts them. hours of the peaces gamble Carter StalfWriter is a senator-al-large. Neal. a fourth- patrolling and additional campus for extended hours at the Seaton g _
Both nations said a treaty could be began when he left home last year student. is a senator from the lighting are other improvements Center. Memorial Coliseum pool. and .
/ signed within the month. Wednesday. The platforms of the two tickets for College of Business and Economics. Metcalf said he and Neal support. the Alumni Gym. 'Metcalf and Neal _‘g
Begin agreed to the u,5_ “I am convinced that now we have the. 80 presidential and vice The number of attacks at UK this English and Gunnell. who is also. support opening the Memorial .
1. compromise proposals and said he defined all of the main ingredients ofa presrdential POStS contain many Oithe year has made planning programs for chairman of the Student Senate and Coliseum concourse for runners
- would work to persuade his cabinet peace treaty between Egypt and Israel same planks. campus safety a part of both tickets‘ president of the Student Government during the Winter months and _ .
. and parliament to approve them. The which will be the cornerstone of a The tth tickets presidential platforms. Metcalf proposes an escort Association of Kentucky, have also expansion of the Seaton Center. .
‘ prime minister calledaspecial meeting comprehensive settlement for the candidates Bun English and Mark service to replace the current program proposed additional lighting and foot English and Gunnell have adopted a .t
. ofthe cabinet for todayamid signsthat Middle East." the president said Metcalf and respective vice where StUdehtS can can campus POhCe patrols. as well as establishing phone similar stance. , , , .
approval was likely. before leaving Cairo. presidential running mates Bobby Dee booths with “hot lines“ to police Including women and minorities in .
After a final shuttle from Jerusalem Before flying to Cairo. Carter helda Gunnell and Sid Neal havethe same around campus. more 50 programs '5 also 0“ the ' ‘
to Cairo, Carter flew home. The mood final breakfast session with Begin in stands 0“ campus safety, campus - Metcalf and Neal‘s platform also Metcalf-Neal platform. as well as '
aboard Air Force One “’35 upbeat. Israel. recreation improvements, screening H ‘ calls for standardized teacher encouraging the Universrtlv'. _to - -
Kit Dobelle, chief of protocol. ”You have succeeded,“ the prime applicants for teaching assistantships, _ as: 1.6.3 ‘ evaluations.which Metcalf claims will “maintain its present policy of hiring ‘
raised her glass of beer in atoast. The minister said just before Carter left. and improved summer advising for Re??? “A °' ‘ 3, insure that the quality of teaching is minority faculty members.“ Metcalf ’
. president shucked his coat and “We made real progress in the peace- incoming freshmen. W. ' _._. " upheld. Specifically, Metcalf has said. .
~ grinned. making progress. Now, of course. it is However. English. who is chairman proposed mandatory evaluation of all Metcalf and Neal have also thrown
He waved to reporters in the rear of the time of Egypt to give its reply.“ of 50's Academic Affairs Committee. Q " graduate students teaching here. oral their support behind extended food
the plane but gave them no details Sadat‘s reply was positive. He and Gunnell have proposed allowing ‘. exams for foreign teachers and hours at the Equrnox. Commons and _
about the developments that piled one agreed to US. formulas for resolving StUdehtS to park in faculty lOtS after 2 k m improved orientation for teaching K-Lair grills. English and Gunnell > _ _
atop another on the final day of his differences on three issues: Israeli p.m. _ assistants haven‘ttakenastance on food service. . '
trip, Instead, he went to bed. access to assured supplies of oil. the Like English and (Iunnell‘s EDQIISh Metcalf English and Gunnell‘s platform calls In addition. expanding the discount '
. In Jerusalem. Begin said a treaty timing ofmovestoward autonomy for statement. Metcalf and Neal‘s version for requiring foreign teachers who card to include more ‘Fayette Mall ‘
with Egypt could be signed within the the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip and a includes pushing for a new parking have trouble speaking English to stores, and more 50 gripe sessrons at ‘
. month jf the cabinet and parliament timetable for an exchange of structure wherethe parking lotin front enroll in a program that teaches it asa various locations around campus are _
approve. ambassadors between Egypt and of the basketball lodge is now, but second language. They did not part of Metcalf‘s platform. He said he , , '
Egypt‘s Minister of State for Israel. makes no mention ofstudents parking . ' c. i t ' propose the criteria for determining and. Neal want'to make SGminutes : ,
Foreign Affairs Butros Ghali was Carter said he informed Begin by in faculty lots. t ’ f5}- » N at; which teachers “have trouble" available in print and publish brief .
asked if he agreed with Begin. “I can telephone of Sadat‘s approval. The parking structure that Metcalf. s . i. ‘ . Speaking English. agendas before meetings. .'
answer positively.u he told The In a nationwide radio interview. Chairman of SG‘s Student Affairs “e. I" \'~ ,» Ticket distribution should be Their stands on issues aren‘t the ' ,
. Associated Press. “I hope the peace Begin said parliamentary debate could Committee and atwo-year member 0t ‘ . improved and there should be more only things the candidates have in .' . ' .
i treaty will be concluded in this begin as soon as next week. A vote the University Appeals 1303th and I ‘ " I tickets for post-season play. Metcalf common: All the candidates, are . -
, . month.“ could come two days later. Neal support is part Otthe University‘s ‘ said. He added that the number of members ofUKfraternities. Englishts 5
Begin said “it would be the duty of “If there is a majority. we will sign plan to alleviate parking problems in e student seats should not be allowed to a member of Sigma Chi. Gunnell of . - 1
, . Q; the government to resign" if the the peace treaty a very short time the future.Nodate has been set on that Gunne" Neal decline ifUK enrollment weretodrop. Phi Kappa Tau, Metcalf of Sigma Pi .
- f, parliament. the Knesset. rejected the Continued on page 8 pr0ject. Other sports-oriented planks in and Neal of Delta Tau Delta. _ . .
,, oda _
' ' I The Sit-year-old has been serving as auxiliary to Bishop A LOITISVILLE MAN WAS KILLED Monday night world .7
_ I . James H, Malone of Youngstown. when his car collided with a coal truck about five miles south ‘.
'ocal He succeeds Bishop Richard H. Ackerman. who served of Campton. state police said. . - '
~ almost l9 years and who offered hislettcr ofresignation on his A dispatcher at the Morehead post said Anthony Bowman. WHILE THE CHINESE REPORTED A FLOWER-
1- 75th birthday last August. 26. died in the crash on Kentucky IS in Wolfe County. The STREWN heroes welcome home for their invaders of . . ~ _
I A LEXINGTON-FAYETTE COUNTY COUNCIL truck driver was not injured. Vietnam. Laos accused China yesterday of moving many _ ,
. COMMITTEE has recommended that the city upgrade the divisions nears its border and digging combat trenches “in ‘ ’ , ‘ . '
' city‘s electric code to prevent the danger of electric shock in A GROUP OF PARENTS PROTESTING A COAL preparations for war." .5 , .
newer homes. COMPANY'S USE of a former school bus to transport ' Chinese television showed troops withdrawingthroughthe ~ . . .
_ Lexington Fire Marshal Tom Parker told the Council‘s workers to a strikebound mine ":30th agreements With the “atlon Friendship Pass across the border with Vietnam as pretty ', . .
‘ . _ services committee that one of the most important problems company yesterday on the operation Of the bus. Chinese girls garlanded tank cannons with red scarves. _ '. w . ‘ ‘
in new construction here is inadequate electrical grounding. A5 a result ofthe agreement.which receivedthe approvalof The Soviet Union charged that “Chinese aggressron . “ . '. ‘
For many years. home electrical systems have been Harlan CircuitJudgeSid Douglass.the parentssaidthey will ORGANIZED LABOR. CHARGING THAT continues"innorthernVietnamand LaoschargedtheChinesc - .- ' .
‘ ' grounded by attaching ground wires to metal water pipes in not continue their protest today and willallow school buses to PRESIDENT CARTER‘S “voluntary“ wage guidelines are were movingtroops. smuggling spies and cammandos into its . , '. _ ‘.
-_t ' the walls. If an appliance short-circuited, excess electricity operate on schedule in the Clover Fork area of Harlan illegal asked a federal judge yesterday to strip the anti- country and carrying out propaganda to sow division among .. . . . i
‘ I would bedischarged through metal pipes to outside pipes and County. inflation program 0t its only penalities. . _ the Laotian people. i '- 2 ’
. into the ground. The demonstrations began three weeks ago after Jericol The AFLCIO and nine member unions filed in US The Laotian charges did not elaborate on movement of .i ‘. , .
. r. '. . . Mining Co. refused to repaint the yellow vehicleit usesto take District Court. asking for an injunction to stop the troops. ..
-, ‘ . non-union workers to its Glenbrook operation. where the government from denying federal contracts to firms that pay . j - .'~.
' .i - United Mine Workers union has been on strike about I5 wages exceeding the 7 percent guidelines. weather .ie“.
State months. AFL-CIO President (ieorge Meany. a strident critic of Q .-
. ‘ The parents claim that a school bus could be a target for C arter‘s anti-inflation progam. said the threatened penalties MOSTLY CLOUDY AND COOLER today with showers i. 1‘ ‘
. p0"; JOHN PAUL II HAS NAMED the Most Rev. violence if it were mistaken for the company‘s bus. Their turn the “voluntary" program intoa mandatory one. which is ending.Temperaturcs remaining in the lowto mid 403. Partial t. . .. 1“
, William A. Hughes. described by an “soot.“ .5 a "peopje. protest has resulted in reduced attendence or closing at seven illegal. Only Congress. which phased out mandatory controls clearing and cold tonight. Low Is to 20. Manly sunny and g . . .
- ' oriented“ priest. as bishop of Covington, schools in the area. in l974. can reinstitute them. he said. continued cold tomorrow. High in the mid to upper 30s. ., . . q f. i
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. 2 The entry of former (JO\. Louie Nunn into the hopefuls who will have an organized campaign staff 1 Ma ’/ q . awnéag ’ 1‘ 7 ' .l t t: ‘x “s
governor‘s race is assurancethatthe election will be and widespread backing from the party‘s strong 1'! '1, \ ..‘. \ 4 ‘Q. \ ml???” :14 ‘ .1 :3 1‘ k \ ‘ ‘
. .. . . .. .. . . ,. .72» 4,47" 2 2, x 1 2... 1
highly competitive. Kentucky Democrats have organization. The possrbilities exrst for an electron w." "l' % \ g ‘- cw ' ’ " fiiA , 2.3 \t .252”
. . . . . . . . u - O 2 "’. I 44,. ,.’ ' 22 I» -, ' L\ “ 57'”
dominated state politics in the recent past. and it‘s that offers a chorce between candidates ofdifferent ‘l. 1 \‘ \' " \h t » 4244?)”47733 .. < l‘mt “ '04
hard to even remember who the Republican philosophies. Let‘s hope the issues aren‘t obscured \‘ l;l“\‘ .4 .‘» @934 47“"17’ , . ' 4’; .2
candidates for governor in the past. by demagoguery about tax cutting. rhetorical \“ ‘ftfig‘ “ - t 1 ‘ 1 1’ s.-© .11 fizgauw’}: \ 13>. 1
.\unn. who will almost surely get the GOP s bid. tirades on tax cuts. or other porntless exhalations of \g- \ “gin 2. 2'"_ 5" L4; Q ex {7 . .7”
will be opposed by one of several of Democratic hot air. {Wt \ 1') 4 l 3/ ~ 9 N ‘ i
2%m._.-, /\\ a. s... .3 _ 2&2 / a
1 \ 20V: __ \g“) (.4: ‘~§-:::‘-'f 4/ .
. . y. 2 5: DOWN-0R 2‘92 , 2
2 exmgton scores wrt tourney - i '5 ~ , : -
53> /’ ' ' 3 ‘
4 i I ‘. l 4 1‘4
1 One way to measure a town‘s financial strength is records. Although the tournament is committed to f.
1 to see how successful it is in bringingin conventions. Louisville next year. it‘s likely that it will return to SG ballot uestion an excellent idea 21
lfthat‘s the case. Lexington scores well this week by Lexington. perhaps on a regular basis. after that. q g-
1 bringing in the state high school basketball Why would Lexington beamore successful host :1
1 championships for the first time in lo years. than LOUISVllle. which has a larger population anda Student Government‘s decision to put the to see what students really think on this important 11 1
The management of the Lexington Civic Center spacrous arena of its own (though not as big as question of a mandatory health fee on the 50 issue. "g .
I (the games start today in RUPP Arena) COUVian-‘d RUPP)? Perhaps Lexrngton is easier to reach. the election ballot next month was a wise one. As a Referendums on issues might be a good way to ‘41s» '
the hi h school athletic association to ive fans are more a reciative. orthc cit 'is 'ust a more . . ' ' 2 ‘ 2 2 .Y 513?
2 .- g ., . . . g . 11pp . y J 1 . matter affecting allstudents. the campus population incite some 5“]de mtem.‘ all K' Regular polls
Lexington a try. it wasnt too hard. as the hospitable environment. Whateverthe reason.ifthe h Id 1 1 o ortunit t ro id . t W‘th conducted by SC. on topics like the Withdrawal 5....
tournament‘s appeal has been dwindling in hluegrass area shows sustained interestinthe Sweet 5 ou ge every pp y op v einpu. ' policy. use of the student activity fee and other 1441"
Loursulle. Sixteen competition. there 5 a chance that the a ready-made operation for sampling student subjects could prompt more involvement from the $1,.
Already. ticket sales have exceeded previous tournament may return to stay. opinion. the SG elections are a perfect opportunity student body. .113
k - nmuw —:—— -~—-—»»——~e~\———~wm————~*————— --,,-_* ' ____.___—_______¥ksww m ‘———— 23,;
r? ,
. ' '.
' Lettets t0 the BdItOI
, . , movement. shouldn‘t it “shock“ and thought highly of. and were proud Where wasthisadmirablesentiment the local press ever afford us the
saddenlng “sadden” us that it cost them $l5.000 Have a heart enough ofthis univesity to attend and last April l3. when the Kernel's~ top presumption of innocence before our
to get out of jail when they were play one of the most legendary. headline read “Arrests made as trial‘.’
l‘m going to catch hell for missing accused ofholding upasign.but it cost Look. lils. what is gulilg on? dignified and dominant sports 0f the marchers disrupt CIA chief‘s speech"? Does the more recent editorial 2
my ten o‘clock class. butlfeel l have to these football players absolutely Because of recent events. racism. university. Don’t you think they (Since we were charged with KRS reflect a reform in the Kernel's 4
write this, L‘nlike Stephen Lutz. who nothingexceptasignaturetoget out of unworthiness and narrow- deserve a little more respect than 525.150, “Disrupting meetings or journalistic practices. or is it rather *1
found himself merely pissed off. i find jail when they were accused of rape? mindedness. have you. UK. turn you‘ve been giving them! Even ifthey processions." this involved convicting that the Kernel applies a different it
”0'56” ma hOlhng rage after reading Finally. where did you get your against a few men. which you areproven notguilty.you‘llstillhaveit us in print.) Or where was it the standard of fairness to UK football ‘4:
the Kernel editorial of Friday. March overdose ofself-rightousness‘.’Youare supported so enthusiastically during inthe back ofyour mindsthattheyare following day when the Kernel players than it does to political 31
9 ajuays ready to defend your the past football season? I‘ve been “simple-minded animals and that editorial (Outside agitators drew the dissidents'.’ ‘11 1
I fully agree with you that it is columnists when they write heavy- brought up believingin the innocence black men are 0"“ sexed superstuds." attention they desired“) falsely g i’
“saddentng” to find that people still handed. sophomoric and insulting of an individual until they are proven The next time you go to say claimed that we “tried to shout down George Potratz ‘
deal in simple-minded racial “satire“on abortions.drunks vomiting guilty. but apparently on this campus something about the subject...remem- the speaker“ and said that “University “5'5“” ”0'95“” 0t EhlliSh g
stereotypes. I agree with you that it in public orthe columnist trying to get very few people have taken that view. ber. and putyourselfintheir P05ttl0h- officials were justified in protecting
showsa“shocking" lack ofethics fora laid in FloridaThenyou piously scold The players have already been Could you withstand the snickers. Turner‘s and the audience‘s rights" in the Kernel published an apology 1
sportscaster to emphasize that all of us that you won‘t publish a letter you prejudged and sentenced by a large whispers and staring?Could you 80 0“ having US arrested? Where, in fact. did It” the headline all” it appeared- '
' the L'K football players charged‘with feel is obscene or libelous. Face it. do number of the student body and unaffected by .the thought you made ————~——————————
sex crimes have been black. It shocks wasn‘t for obscenity and libel the faculty. it isn‘t enough that these men national "CW5 With SUCh a charge? .
and saddens me much more. however. Kernel wouldn‘t have an editorial will have to live with the COUld YOU walk through a CFOWd 0f 3
to see you call charges ofsodomy and page. embarrasment of‘ such a stereotypical laughing people thhOt-lt wondering if I ',
rape “some scrapes with the law." It seems to me thatthe Kerrie/owes accusation. but they must also be they‘re langhmg at YOU? No. to all ‘2 i
1 If you have the time and space to an apology to the alleged victims of subjected to the ridicule of fellow those questions. 50- UK~ stop ’ 2
vent your rage at the racist attacks alleged violent crimes that were students. faculty. and the media screaming guilty and all the 0th“ _t
made against the men charged with perhaps committed by members ofthe (especially the sportswriters). There racist. slanderous terms we been 3
rape a gruesome and violent crime UK football team and whose suffering have been articles written and other hearing lately. 'i
(and l applaud you for doing so) has been ignored on the Kernel's media news broadcasted in a THEY ARE INNOCENT UNTIL ' .
surely you should be able to say editorial page. it seems to me the slanderous and unfeeling way. Doyou PROVEN GUILTY"! The Kentucky Kernel welcomes and encourages contributions from g,
sometime and somewhere something Kernel owes an apology to those who have any idea what they‘re going the UK community for publication on the editorial and opinion pages. ‘r
aboutthe sense of revulsion any decent received a much heavier dose of through? I guess you‘rethinking I‘m Betty Wasserman Letters. opinions and commentaries must bctyped andtriple-spaced. 1‘1.
human being onthiscampusmustteel. justice when they were accused of beingbiased by not mentioningthe girl secretary. Communications and incjude the writer‘s signature. address and phone number. l‘K T
that such an abhorrent crime could excessrve real "1 excercrsrng freedom In this matter. Well. I‘m not. l can students should includetheirvearand maior.and l'nivcrsitvemplovees "
ey en have the slightest chance ofbeing of speechothan have those who were understand what she‘s going through. should list their department and position. . ' 2 '
perpetrated by any member of the charged With physrcal assault. I think from a woman's pornt of view. But it Kernel inconsistent Letters. opinions and commentaries may be delivered personally to '
l “”6“”? community. SUCh an the Kernel owes “5 all an apology for isn't her name that is being publicized 1 1 1 1 1 the Kernel newsroom. ”4 Journalism Building, Some form of . .
occurrence is completely contrary to slapplhg 01" hands when We call alloverthe nation and she iS not faced The Kerrie/Iv editorial (Friday. identification is required.(‘ontributions may also be mailed to Editorial
eyerythingauniversity can betakento apparent “animalistic 'brutes“ just with the humiliation and degradation March 9) on the eightfootballplayers Editor. Kentucky Kernel. ”4 Journalism Building. l'niversity of ' 2‘
stand for. _ “'hatthey'scemto be.whll€SUPP0rtlng that these eight men are being put charged withmPe begam'thotlld d0 Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky. 40506. For submissions mailed on 5
Where the hell is your sense of acolumnist who calls us shallow through. well foreveryoneontheUKcampusto campus. our sort code is 0422]. i
outrage? The men who are accused of Illlterates just because he feels like it. This whole matter makes me remember one Of thC basic tenets Of The following requirements are also enforced: ;
this acthave been released wrthout wonder about UK‘s integrity and American law 2» those accused of -
bond. Sick as we all may be of the David E. Waite substance. These eight people are crime are innocent "htil proven Letters” '
inflated rhetoric of the Iranian student Economics 'un' 2 ‘ “ "

J Ior students and athletes Of UK' They gUIlty. Should/re .350 words or Ionuni/rortr‘t'rnpartit'u/ur mum.prob/ems. -
or events relevant to the l‘K (‘tHillllll/lllll, or renturlu regarding the :
operation of this newspaper. '

I KNEW THERE WAS Gome— ., ..
To BE A L6? or mm soonl opinions:
“1"“ ‘S m K a n— -n i 4 Should be 800 Windsor less. (iii-eund exp/dint: [Hui/It)" pertaining to V
B —-.. B 6 JUST 7' ‘ ‘ 3 topical issues of interest to the ('K t'onmtu'rtti'.
' D t 1
, l 5H1, ’ ll . j / , ///// / 2 3/1 r( \‘ Commentaries: ,
i, “will Hid I \n v ‘, Should be 800 wort/A or /('\,\. unless [iri'i'itim agreement I.\ rt'uohe’t/ 121 _
.. lli . i I / o r x .d i with the Editorial Editor. These [notes are reserved for I’m-W MW” 1
: i '4‘“ hi" \\ / ‘fi, ‘ "V “ ’ l‘" ‘ who the editors feel have .v'petitt/ (rt-(lentta/i. ei‘lwrt'ent'e. training or
a: I”. I‘ll e . f‘ ' ’ r ['2’ other qualifications to address a particular .HllUt't'l. 1
32‘». 4 U i 1’ / _ r
a i T l / M
.,_, ' ‘l l P\ ‘ N V l U
7‘2 l \l a \ , 0 Letters. opinions and comentaries mustbetypedcnddoubk-spaced,
i i a l 12: and must include the writer ‘3 signature, address andphone number. UK
' i V k ' ‘ i I. 0 ' ' 777' student: should include their year and maior, University faculty and
I ‘i 2 h i g I? l ' employees should list their department and position. 1 1
' i . 'll V ' i The Kernel reserves the right to condense or reject contributions.
' ' ll ‘4' . I __ limit the number of submissions by frequent writers. and to edit all I
' 2 1' | _ h“ / e 'e€ contributions for style. spelling. grammar. clarity and libelous
‘ . t I Q ‘Q i ' - statements.
2 - m lllllll ' ,4 ' t 2

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2 ll” klNll ( I\\ klRNH , Wednesday. March N. I979-)
Executions ,7 . , ~ . , -. 9‘s, ,v .
it Bi RICHARD TOMKINS a t , z ‘ it i = ~ - .. fa
fig Assoc1ated Press Writer . ii 1 . i I: .‘ A52, .- V IW I~"'.."'_:::-. .
l I. TEHRAN, lran Firing 1'2'1‘3533: if: , .i , ' I, , - , . . . - $4.5;
' .- ' squads executed two generals, , , . 2 ii ’ , . II ’ 7'I: IJ'I , "’
a legislator, the former head of 1? 7' ' e U32 ””“" - iiriLQi ’ ,.
. I: . . «,2: ’3 ., , I -' .' er I..' ' $321..
the "a“ona' news agency and I; if t -' I i i; .. .c. . .I , . ‘ /
eight other men yesterday in u E f, , ' W i ”$4M . -'- , fl //x
. of former supporters of Shah 42 , 2 ’ g Z z, 3% I ‘ ”III . I I . . . . ; '3; III: III/ III 4.; I.///
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. 2% g é; ' ‘W’ mew/4‘ i if} 1
Eleven men were klned by / «i g . In“; I’II-I . VIII” w” 3,5341%” 34' .. "“' . .‘2'
firing squadsin Tehran and one git 32 / A my”; 4% m e. '
in the holy city of Qom loo it we It. em W f I”
miles to the south, after secret W/ . _c , . - -. . ,, er, ' fl
trials with 0 U! defense , 'ijéa . I I . IIIIIII I . r I M , , ,
. attorneys. The announcement / g r! , 7 7' I 7 7' , '
of the executions were madein '. a" I" ,s % i ‘f " I- j ..
I Charges against the l2 : , . " MI I-- . II I' I- , ,, I . -
ranged from corruption [0 I. , 5%» I ”/ .,,, W iii:ii§i3.;=.;?;IIII 7 Ww'i'iii7;7fl'lé"