xt77sq8qft99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qft99/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1985 1985 1985-11-13 2020 true xt77sq8qft99 section xt77sq8qft99 Vol. XC, No. 28 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Wednesday, NO‘i/embet l3 l985 . .

Advance . Coup attempt fails , *
I t t. “ ' 4 I" . 1"

o ' -' . .

r9815 1'31”“ o rebels should quit - t
in progress _ . s .
. preSI ent-e ect says -
. ,1} 1.5311,: ' _‘. ~1'. '1 1 .11..

$50 deposrt due ‘;
AHIl)JAT\'. lvory coast 'AP) - _______._____4.- A '31. ;,‘.1 .- {to
. 1.3;» Presidentelect Samuel K “09 said , t6 - . ,- 1 1 .‘ 13;}:
by ChrlStmaS Eve g1 . .1111 . in a radio broadcast yesterday that I “ant [0 ”nor ill ”k . ’g Hf};
1:: 1 1 1'“ . .. ' l an attempt to overthrow his govem- nation [har Ihc‘ £0th 1. '1 :11" 1-};
By SAIL-LIA MALEMPATI 1 zg.‘ 1 . :.. e .. ment in Liberia had failed and he . , . 1 ':’_;‘f ),
StaffWriter 1 ii $3 " urged the rebels lUl by a fugitive has falled. l m \llll illc‘ {-1'.‘.'.1, i
. .- a .. _,.. . , . . . . .-; ‘.‘:- -"'.

stmen's Wm take the tune w m. 1 ‘ 1 up '3 *1 ifgillacitzll:l11ld\ d0“ fl 'huf‘ arms lm- commander in Clllk‘l \‘l 3,1. 1 111.1? 5.3131
lSlel‘ for dash? [early can avoid an ‘. 3.; 1 li- . . I or; ' Doe's statement “As broadcast on the armed forces til '1' ' ,. l
unnecessary ssenext semester. ‘.,» ~ Elna Radio. a christian station that . - . .1 .- . , ' .’-, 7-,:

Advance registration will save stu- ‘ 1 ‘ "1’” ‘ ‘3” had been held by the insurgents earr leena and tht lltftd 0‘ l ‘ ' ,. 5
2:211:50??? timebeapd rhloney hater ' _ . 3 ' - ‘ 1 ' her in the (31a) Tht’1l)l‘t)£\l(l('a5l.fm()n- 513131" ' "‘ 1 _» .' if ‘ ‘l

we em a erc ance 0 se- - , ‘ ‘ *4 . itoret in t e near iy \ est A rican I '- 5 .1 -1
curing the classes they want. said i .- \1 ,2 . ‘lg 1 3 A ‘ nation of ivory toast, indicated 1 ISamuel I“ Due. '1 , . 1 J
Anni-‘isterdirectorofadvising. \ «r ) ,3... Doe's forces had named the upper Liberia presidcnl-clctl » ’ I 711"

"It is generally more difficult to , ‘ , "" A ”s l I " hand after a day of fighting with ' "I ' . '-' '.

_ -' get into the more highly requested ' ‘ ‘\ \ '5 1 1'; s "h 1 radio stations changing hands be- #— ',11 j " ~1_.1i‘~‘
classes, especially business and eco- ( - - _ M 3’ .- f ( _ ’ tween rebels and lt)_\;fll\l> -V -‘ - '-'. -1' "

. nomics classes. if students wait until \ j .. ' 1 H , in the broadcast Doc called on Doe loyalists had recapturi-vf "vi .3‘ .' 5 ‘ }
late registration to schedule their it ‘ ,’ 1’ 1' ‘ the armed forces “to stand firm and government radio station ‘ ‘. -.

V classes."shesaid. V’ to continue to remain loyal to the 1 I ~ 3 ” "

Advance registration for spring 11 government " lie said his troops Gilbert in a telephone iniw‘wt‘o '7‘“ " ..,‘
semester begins today and continues - ream. :- m. , were searching for the remaining Nth Abet‘laLed Press Kalli“ r 37- -Z i. . . ' .1
through Nov. 20 Undergraduate stu- \_ g... . 11 .1121”: 1 . " scattered rebel: ’ Washington. added “As far a~ .w' . _ ‘
dents can register during those days 1: ’ {1’33} ‘1 s “i take this opportunity to inform know all Americans are safe \M- ye -1 .3 t. . :11."
any time between 8 am. and 4:30 W . " ". " the nation that the coup hire failed adxised people to remain ir. fritw 1. ' ‘ -‘ _ ;. .
9m 1 . 11. k ,. . . 1‘ I'm still the commander in chief of nilu>9>.0ttth9 streets " - ‘- " 1 '~ ‘ 1 . .

1 (graduate. evening and weekend we 3;!" 3 ‘, “W the armed forces of Liberia and the ouiuonkpa “.31. am,“ the leaders i 11 , : 1 1
stu ents have varying hours for reg- {(31 _- .1 .1 .3' head of state. Doe said in the m the him”. ‘9“) ”sergeants COW 1' '_ 1 . . ,1
istration and should contact the (flirts. . broadcast that brought “0% lhm a master “,1, . I . i~ .. 1-. -
dean of their college for more infor- t1: 1. 1,53 53 He said he had ordered a (iUskaO- geaiit mp1,“... _. ' . : ,_ .1 ;
mation L i 1”": dawn curfew and closed Liberia.s " .‘ t . 1‘ ' "

Students who do not take advan- ' rm ‘ borders and its international airport Tue‘dd.‘ ~‘ ditt‘mp't‘d WUP ’31"? . 9 1 , 1
tage of advance registration must '> 3.. . if . to aid in the search for rebels led by l9» than A "ninth dtttr “it“ ‘ "the"? ‘ . _ .
pay a 520 late fee and will not be if} ' .511" Gen Thomas Qumtmkpa “i” declared the winner "Y m" .3“ ' . , 3' . . "
able to schedule courses until late ...1_ l is. -31.: g; The broadcast was heard at 7 p in ”Witt-Pam t‘lfi‘h'n‘ in l-it't‘r'u 1‘ 1'.- ‘1. 1‘. 1-
registration. which begins the first .15.?“ .q» .1. ""5 J (2 pm EST; about l7 hours after “th“ “11> founded llf~11t""“1 \WY' - ' .. - ,-
day ofclassesnextsemester. ‘ . -1 fighting started \Mtl‘l an attack on W“ 43"” H" W47 i’W . i . ' s 1 ‘_ "

During advance registration. “we .35 Doe's executive mansion elected to ii slit-5w? ‘t‘r'i 1. - 3. . .1
are usually 8le| to honor % to Q . mam .~m . \Vltnes'seis said at least a dozen dent m” “it“ 7"" it" “ "‘ “~‘ ' _‘ t 1' -1 '
percent of all students' requests." . .3; bodies were seen being taken to a “n“l'ldtm‘”? :1 . . i ' j ‘
Flslel‘said. 1. 11.11.37: hospital Flilhtinil lie-gal. .i' "i . ‘ . ' .. .

This does not necessarily mean 51143:? Doc said in a telephone interiieu miNN‘m 1“ . 1' it; ‘~i'*‘i" 1m .. . . _, ‘ ’ I '
that. students will get the specific x» Wlth \‘Bt“s London bureau earlier in nt‘~\'>i‘> sate. rum. _ t: . :- .. 1 1 :
section they requested. but the stu- F - iiuuussio K."‘.l5|a“ the day that his soldiers had killed “'511l'1‘"‘l‘1‘”“”r“"“"WWHl": ‘ 1 , ‘
dents will most likely get the OI'EIEII accent "about l3 rebels" who attacked the W Ill“ "W” 3' “T "l" " ' . :' - ' ’I ,
coursesthe)‘wantsheadded. executive mansion belore dawn ”’“P “ml" "ii Ml" “5"" ' " " 3' -. R

Students' cumulative grade. pomt 1 3 announced tha' '[.:t'.ivir.lip.i ._ - 1
averages determine who is given Paul Marthe. o Unwerstty of Lomswlle student against his car ,0 read the paper yesterday Richard Gilbert, a l‘ S Embassy taken int-i- the tri ittl is' \.i . 1 1~ .- 1 .
pm)er (m. getting mm a class. she who was It" town tor the REM concert legns morning as be was waiting ‘01 0 friend sWik(‘.\n‘.d:~i iii \lom‘tnia. the Libt‘l‘b \mnkpa ’lt‘t‘l.‘!'o_‘ii . .- ..; 1 , 1 1 1 .
mm High school GPAs are used to an capital. said the center of the City his troops had Mll'l‘wutlift": \ll'i'lli . - . , ' ‘
determinepriority (”freshmen was calm at mid-afternoon and that andsaidlniehadwni "Hi :i :41, ' _ 1 1- ;» .

ln addition to thestudent benefits. - . ’ ' ” . .
advance registration helps depart- . . ' .
me is... ec ions or res man sena ors omorrow s
staff and course sections needed. de- , . “ - ‘
pending on the number of students . . . . , . . .. . __..__ ’ .‘ I ~ "
whoenroll in each section. IS: lrlelEHllwl-Atlmu I“ In addition ‘0 the” senate respon- a té‘izneLndous aisct ((1)1 both I RM'A ‘ ‘I ‘ . I.

If more students than expected re; nior rl er sibilities. the freshman senators an 11 e 1"”"5' 3' ”he . ' ' _ ' " .- ., .1: “
quest a class. “the department will . "“15! serve 0" a legislative commit» “n" (ato. a telecommunications FreShman EleCtlon V0tmg . - h ' - ‘
go in and add another section.“ pm Freshmen are sometimes left out tee. They also must be involved in major. "A5 a representative-of the V LCC -— (for LCC students only) 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 - . i
ter 5111111 adding that 11 not enough of a lot of campus activities. but the Freshman Representative Coun- freshmen class-I want to vmce our m 3‘ 1 1 , I - .
5111111311115 51g" up for a class. the they are guaranteed a v0ice in the cil. formed last year to focus on opinions on vanous issues affecting P- ' _ 1. i. " ' '
1.011151, mayhem nee] ed Student oovernment ASSOCIatlon freshman problems and programs. the entire student body lwant all of .1 Donovan, Blazer and the Commons Cafeterias . i 1.

1,15th encourages students to thanks to the freshman senator elec- All the candidates seem to be the freshmen to become an integral ll a1m_ to l p.m. and from 4:30 ‘0 6:30 p.m. _, 1 1.1 1 '1 1 .1
schedule their classes as early as tions. 1 qualified and seem to have a desire part Of [K and for them ‘0 reap the . . ' . 3 ‘ -' ' f. ,. ' "
”flame. instead of waiting until the This years campaign has reaped for the position." Hensley said. many benefits that the t'niversity .1 MJ. King Library—3 108 p.m. 3’ 1 1
last mmute ..Toward the end of ad, a Wide range of political honefuls “They have really been cam» haélwflef 1 .1 Classroom Building —— 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. . .' .- . ‘
1,111.10? registration. there tend 10 be and from va'field of i-.1two Will be paigning hard and they deserve a kellh (lar). a political sclence .; 1. :1. 11 .11
longlines.“shesaid. selected. Lb students witha total of large response from the freshman and finance major. “i think i can 1 1 1, 1, 3- .1 .?

John [)elap. an adviser for the fOcrfidtilt hourg‘sjdortless may vote for class." reprlefsggt the freshman class in a To vote, you must present a validated student ID i 1’ 11;: - j
. _ - . 1 woo ecan aes omorrow. qua ii manner.“ - - - 4 .. . ‘ .
£30123: OngrtgiZilritibcdenczz d: ”lose two defied will have the The following is a list of the 12 Natasha (‘ottoiL a business admin» card and octlvmes card. ' _ v: . J1. ‘
11.11111939 fire 1111111.. He said 11 same authority in the SGA as sen- candidates and the reasons they istration major “The reason that l . ' .-
“11111111111111 more smoothly 11 “people ators at large. They represent me want to be elected. according to am seeking this office is because . ; 1 . . ,
would come in more-evenly .. freshman class by senate voting. SGA forms theycompleted: I‘ve always been interested in stu. the freshman class and make sure Kathy “.1. (mum. 1, .h.” _. _ 1 1 1. . .11. 1'.

However .. rocrastination is a sponsoring bins. working on pro- . , . dent government and working Wllh "‘9” 0P'nlons are rf’f‘ogmled 1“ "‘9 malor "1 wok the position wt ;i.-a-. 1. . . ' ' .
h d' - P grants and serving on other commit- Heather Bake. a political smence people. I think W5 a great chance to student government. man senator because I :iwi 't‘...‘ ‘L - . , " ‘ .
ugnvizii‘h $23123: 3323:. and tea. "131°“ '1 am a .90“thall we“? meet new [mute and get involved Mike Ford an entomology major ever." U" ”Mme" WW W“ ~ -; . ' l
and l 500mthelast "hesaid y i. - major, later. planmng a career m helping with activities for the fresh- “i am very enthisiastic to serve as pate in extracurricular .i. tit 'iis 1' ‘~ '1 f . .‘ .- .1 * 1;.

Each college has'slightl diff t 1 Basmally they have. the same la‘f’ and politics. therefore. I hove ‘0 men andtheoverallcampus." a freshman senator and willing to do which Will benefit tiotli the .tiil-t ‘llil ‘ 1 . 1. ,‘ "‘ t ' -'
m 1 1, . 18 . b3} "1‘19”" rights and responSibilities as any 83'" as "“10" experience a_S POSSIble what is required of me to properly at student and the min.» \llltlf‘l‘il ‘ , . ‘ i.

ellnds or [‘8ng ”"8 18”" odter senate member," said Bill WW SGA, Partlculanly as 3 Stephanie Fleming. an undecided represent the freshman class Along body. Through this achvih l 'i ape ‘. ' l ' i' i
9,” .Pmedm ‘0' advance "8'5"”8— Hensley. chairman of the SGAfresh- freshman senator. Most important- ma'or. “I‘m secki the office of "th . ' i not v- ~ . , " , ‘ '-
tionisasfollows- 1 _ 1 J _ng _ w my running mate. Matt Straub. 0 p Lb freshman iiiii i 1

“GO w W dean of our mu man-Senator election board “They ly» because 0‘ ”Perle”: 3 d5“ freshman $6th in order to get in- we can fulfill our duties. accomplish communicate their feelings nit . - ‘ '

SecleTRy ege specifically represent the fmhman ‘0 belnvolved, and a “numbness ‘0 volved and understand how a gov- many goals and Overcome any bar- governing student body « 1 , '
5 AHONvP‘Sh‘ class. represent the student body. I can be ernment is run I want to speak for riers thatstand‘m our way.” ‘11,“ H llU\s 1 11 1 _ 1 i 1
G l 't ' '° -- -»
neco o is ives a... 0 101a eaves pOSltlon - ~ , ;
g . . " - . ‘ . . . , . i . ~ " . '-
VIEWS 0“ ab 01110“ I .. l1 Director Cites political maneuvering as reason for leavmg . . .
- it Hy HRMH'UUI'LR just “ She declined to elaborate. but Botkms uill appoint the ill .\ issis ’ , , . .
° ' ‘ N “- : StaffWriter 58|d the comments appeared 1“ )‘95' (ant director of goveriirzii-ztal .il ' .
Stance on Issue can nOt be mIXture % . . 1 1 1 terday's Kentucky Kernel fairs after ad\ertising for m. iiisi _ l» 1
' ° ' ' ‘ ; “ t ‘ , The SGA director of governmenta ”i took the Job to help students in.” ‘ '
of evolutionism and creationism ideas ‘f - 1 __ “mm. mm because... up.» and 1111 M gamma , do". .1. .
.. . . , _ ‘v -' ‘ litical maneuvering" she savs has lieve that this manipulation helps '—_. ‘ ‘

“5 N0" “AR" er they believe life becomes worth ~ ~ -* . ' ' l

. i . . . ~ - kept the executive branch from students but rather it hinders the

5 u . s _ . . V ,1 M‘ t 3 ‘

pe‘ldlpmled’ laditor :pmetl‘ingthatt conception or 50m“ 1 Ar ‘ 1 . functionproperly. services and activities the student INS'DE

. . "“93 9" a , ' s ‘* Lisa Corum who held the Student government provides "

of 85:33:: ones??? 0121:1152: The pos‘l‘m that a fetus _ worth » » .. .1 Government Assomation post. said Corum said those who are usmg .
gvnecologist/obstetrizian Dr 1:“, (”Pends ("Us mothers deSire. he ' ii ’ she resigned because “certain mem< issues for political gain are not a

Hicks depends on who one belie 1: said. MM separate in far from C bers of the senate were hindering majority.but rathera‘select few ” Tbs Wlldcal players have not yet

In A Coder Darwin “11.5 either one pre-Christian times. when a father the process for political gain, I do SGA Executive Vice President p‘vcn upon abowl bid or a whining
way or the 01111111 811 d 11.5 not some WONG either approve 0‘ “'5 "9Wb0m not want part of such action." Donna Greenwell said Corum had season. For a story. see SPORTs.

mixture thereof .. Child 0" leave 1‘ [0 the elements 0" Corum said some senators used a some problems with people in the of- p.32.

Hicks prefaced 1115 talk b' sa 1 the state, , 1 1 . resolution calling for full formula fice. but ”it was more of a personal

“I'm not .111 a position) toys: Throughout his talk. HICKS Cited DR. LEWIS HICKS funding from the Council on Higher problem. She‘sagreat girl —donea An “Mo" hips. 83-yeaicld
judgmental .2 as he was involved in examples 0‘ how aborted fetuses 1 Education as an issue for political great job in governmental affairs. "In of Phillips Market on Lime-
1w0 abortiohs several cars a 0 He have been used for experimentation. The meeting opened with the gain. “Lobbying is an important i'm sorry to see her go." she said no... died yesterday. For the story.
said that experience ycoupleg with such as one done by Peter A.J showing of ”A Matter of Choice,” a issue to students and it should not David Botkins. assistant director man's.
one he had 111 medical school 10d Adams at Case Western Reserve in pro-life film about a reporter who have been used for poltical gain." of governmental affairs vn’ll assume
him to rethink his acceptance of 1973 where the heads of 12 fetuses fintt herself rethinking her views she said, “Political maneuvering is Comm‘spositim.

Darwin'st of evolution; a the- were kept alive to do studies on about abortion after working on a a gross deterrent to the political “I don't think she was pleased
ory he says he could find ho ev' their brains. 1 1 story aboutthesubject. process." with the SGA bureaucracy." Botkim
dencetosupport ‘- "mks close. d h.‘5 talk by setting up _ 1 In addition. 00mm cited similar said.

1 - a hypothetical Situation dealing “1th The film includes explicit depic- “political maneuvering" with the SGA president John Cain. tut

Talking to about is people who at- frozen embryos. He said frozen em- tions of a suction curretage abor- resolution before the campus rela- night said he had not received 00- '- be M with .
tended. last night 3 meeting of. Com bryos left over after in-vitro fertili- tion, where the fetus is sucked from tions committee to raise student rum‘s resignation. but said she my my“ “M31211”! m
pus flight to Life. Hicks said the zation could be claimed — after a the uten- by mum of a vacuum fees. have become “frutrated about Lflbhh a“ ,0. 15“.

“0'1”“ debate does "0‘ really can period 0‘ tIn!e - by the state. which cleaner-like device; and a saline Corum said comments made about some of the things that are bam- ‘. w W 'm, . 30
ff" ”03"“! when life b08115 but could use them to set up “baby abortion. where a saline solution is the executive branch's handling of in in thesenfle. But I am W 1 but of [in will mum

“the“ l!“ becomu important. farms." the purpose 0‘ WhICh would used tokill a fetus. which is stillborn the resolution at a Monday commit- that this (the migration) is not fl- marrow

"9 ”Id We mmtdectde wheth- betoharvostorganst acmpiedays later. 1 tee meeting were “tuifair and un- rected at anyone inparticular." '

 2~KENTUCKV KERNEL My, Novdnbor 13, 19.5
590": Editor
. Assistant Sports Editor
_ ' “ «‘V‘sze“ ., 3-
mmifihfifi‘ééfihwfilxe it“); ' ’
Cats under a spell 0f d6) 3 V ll l r W
- m “11.1,”: man momentum by downing a good \‘an- game. that's only one loss less than :-‘ 1,, ' . g . I ll
' s“ L Ed to (It rbiltteam we had last year " i " ‘" ’ ll ‘ “3" i ‘ M
- with a few new twists. the plot is That brings up the subject of -:_;;»:g wwwéwy" . l g , " : _ , .
I The l'K players are all too aware the same this season. \HIh L'K losmg b0WIS. One would think bOWI talk if g l - 5‘ , g g‘--. 3 33.7.,“ 9.3"} i” a; ‘
- - “ of the rumors floating around which to le' and Georgia and narrowly might have been squelched after % .» g . .4 § .1. . ’32.}3' . V3 ~
~. have them finishlng with a losing re- winning 0\t‘l" lowly East Tennessee L'K‘s three losses in its last four . 4. '. :. a
‘ cord and sitting home bowl—less in State The only difference lies in the games. But Lucas and the other Q . .3. ' _-_ t "' ' 1" any
‘ . ‘ ' thiccmber Cats 31424 loss to \‘andy which sends players haven't totally ruled out the ' .‘ _ . .,. j
' " ‘ Funny. it was only a year ago them into Saturday‘s game with possibility we - m V V s i . .=’=‘
' ' ‘ , - heading into the Florida game that Florida. a team ranked No. 1 in the The bowl scene. as Lucas views it, t“ w A3, . ‘
- ‘ the same phrases such as “backs to nation before losing to Georgia last is with a total of 34 bowl bids. l2 .. . ‘”“W:T‘\\ *" - _3 <3» . . .
‘ ‘ ' ' the wall." and “nothing to lose" sur~ Saturday available to teams with five wins or H .3 V._ as .1 a W. {1? "m .V
' " .. ' . ‘ rounded the l'Kfmtballprogram "Hopefully. we can work that to more. like UK. The key is winning ”33 . t .. .2: . .3. . - . .., _ g»
" ‘ ‘ . These very cliches were used at our advantage." said junior tight the next two games and knocking 39“” _ ’ . fist-ga’ ' . . “‘s g
. -' .- ‘ . yesterday's weekly football press cnd Matt Lucas. "We‘ll just get mad two other teams out of the picture. .5; 4” 1 . V f: g‘ T‘ '
'~ . ‘ . conference. and they only added an enough to say ‘Hey. it‘s time to win “There is not really much we can W 1&1.” "-:‘§w P 3 I; . .. ,_ g. Q
' ' . ' ' uncanny feeling of deia in and start to play up to our potential do to stop the press from writing “r. w? ‘E’ifl‘? N 23/ ,z‘ . ‘5 ~ . . .
'~ ' - , "We've got nothing to lose." said instead of packing up our tent and what they want to“. Lucas said. tigfiégc a ('1‘
_ 1 f wide receiver t‘isco Bryant "We're going home ‘ " about the Cats not gotng to a bowl. wig; ». . , V3 .
I - . ~ . iii a bind and our backs are to the Some suggest that maybe it's too “We've just got to go out there and V)? ‘3 I . , \ $3
w ' , wall All we have to do is go out late. that the tent has already been hopefully prove them wrong." . M. "i“ -‘.'t ‘ g... e M..." l _ .
Q. t: 3 . ,. ~. there andplay " packed. But whether or not it's a “I‘ve still got a lot of faith in this “s. ' Vest “g...” N .' -‘
L ' _‘ ‘ Beyond the cliches. the Slmlldrl~ case of whistling in the dark. the UK team." Lucas said. “and I know ev . - , ~ ‘ sf»; ‘6 ~' ”a.
.- i I- _ ' . ties of this season and last are strik- football players View the Florida erybody has still got a lot of faith in " “mags WM . ., .. fl . .' . , Ru...
. ~ ; - ' . my; game Saturday as an opportunity to themselves," ‘" ' .. “.22: . ‘3 .7? " ‘g' '“f;
’ ' , . - 5‘ l salvagea disappointing season. And they also have something to umnmmmsonxmwi
- . '- . ‘ ' . This time a year ago, the \N‘i dcats prove ' '
.' . had lost badly backto—back to LSl‘ “It‘s too late to win the SEC." "If you can't motivate yomself Almlng to please_ _ _ .
1-“. I _ '1 ' ' ‘ , and Georgia They eased by a weak Lucas said. “but it‘s not too late to when people are saying you can‘t do Scott Malone. an Arts 8 Scrence lunior, takes yesterday afternoon. The squad W'” hOS' Ihe
, J , _ ' '3 \'orth Texas State team thc next save our pride. If we wm these next something. you better get out of the aim during practice wrth the UK rifle team UKlT in Barker Hall Saturday.
, ' . -. week. and then picked up a little two games and then win a bowl sport."Bryantsaid.
-' ; . , .' .
- - ’ ' - . ' UK adopts rules to monitor basketball players on...” 1...... To. 20
. ' . - Team (Record) Last Week
. - ,, . .I . .V . .~\l’ l'K has adopted rules lic- l'K athletics director (‘lltl Hagan make Written reports 0“- speaking lounge m the football stadium. Wild~ ;. 2:322:1392» i
~3 , . ~wind \‘t‘.\;\ requirements to govern distributed the new rules to all engagements. provide informatlon cut Den And boosters may not sit thiogtalew-l) .1
' . ‘ '. . contact between athletes and b00st- “th5 and other Staff members on summer jobs and register auto- on the bench during games without Alwaw” 6
. . .' ms and to monitor playcrs activ last week. along witha memo dated mobiles with the L'niversity. Such “prior approval of the director of ii3§§fi2¥a§£* & M r ‘t'. “Jet's“? ' ' '1’? . r , ,
R nd 1' n ' P h m S V .
u g e *1 orpora e , .
O . ' ' ‘ I' .’ —
mixed effort . . ‘ . . , , _, .
’ ' combined in post gm 1 1 ar - - ~
. . - . , . .
Shorter flops , . ,
‘ o . . - ' ~ ' l. tr“w’wutv”“°° " V. , . I
' fl 8‘ BR‘ "‘5' BRL “I‘ll“ . '=:~'--.52-3-3632:lirirézbifiitifi: $2595: 'érg‘isiizzliiir'..W;,.-.kw?':"-"- "'::"'- I’,3;>,e ..1;:r‘r’"=‘:.:~gzg:3:3§§;;,;:;;:.~';';‘-'7. ."‘:;/.gz~:-:t:-:-:-:-:-:;I:;;;I;I;5;;g'_I,,__”M....,..,..I..i-. . ". . ,. :_ .: h . ,
. - '« ' them one step ahead of the 18“ and WI’MWWWWMW . . - -. ..
iiiwmteitr' aftfrt all“??? "MKS whose talents earn them varying tit». xwtw m 1 :r =5.- .:~."
ll um.I e q S l 5 5: rec: of fame and fortune. 'twlml'uw . Il 'l . a". I III. 'I.:
t;“re:;;xiuggzn;$‘d P523338; a??? ' g "I‘like everything about his art.” ”u" WW“ " ' ’ '." ', I‘ 7’? ,5

HS , , I, . . _ , . . . . .. I.\ .' .‘ .I '.'!“
has accomplished a technological . l Warhol bald 0f Basqulat. Thert‘ -——————-——-—-— expressed il- pl‘irz..'..v- 1- _, _. . ' . '1'). ‘.‘ 5-3:”

. d. i t , da t t" , a I' . notabad paintingthathedoes. tntl ‘illl'lltil itgtiv't-s I . . '.t» . -. I II
“0? ”1 {u canyouf fife .01 ' ., , : Described by one critic as the pi A I. I J N1. h l ll Iur‘h‘ o lt‘hl: ttti. ’ ‘ g . ., 7-9" ‘3

(erlf'lmI). MamIeho l- e songs .iitI . . oneer of a "post-graffiti” style. Base I' IS ean-. lC e L - P" P ' . '.'? ‘. v - . (’.'
interesting an .. e {“33 .m mm} » v» 7— 5L—-———~ qtliat disdalns the label ”graffiti art- Basquiat disdains [he The its-)t-iiiwtlt: 't‘..tl"rt..t .v... ' ' . ;'_ . V' '1 5I t:
cases are fun b Hodjra. is a nite morocoumsvouwnuu-os.ncooos MI" II I I I H {mum my pol. «.1. ‘i'..t‘ ':..i :: _,_ ,_ . _. ‘.’!f't .H‘I.‘
segdupttii this" reg: . gtlhlfihtdrilh lodd Rundgren's latest one-man album is impressive but hollow. “I don't think the two words even label graffiti arIlSI- léili‘llltb in l'nt- rim ~...’ '.'.'i :tg ' s '. .‘. ‘ .‘ -;

I ohm}: orII ud esOd n da' 4 _ go together." he said in an inter “I don’t think the \huhmm {IN N [HWHIIW .._. II; ,I. }.~' ,
$1: "gllnab. anghtérmve-‘HML —-———-———— time after making his first appear- View “I‘m an artist. not a spray Hr: ‘ .\i'i:. a ll.t~: , .._- .tr.
:giipjraoflb9%:ng the sense ance at the Grand Ole Opry on June painter. IWO words even g0 mm mm tum“ 3,! , 3 m '. , , f
. ‘ . . ‘ '. ~ A. REVIEW ll. 1949 His life at the top didn't last “Graffiti is way past it's prime." 79 - llnt‘.\ inittai': .1. .- ' . .‘l' 3‘
"IEU re sitting m Nth a giant Chunh long Three and one—half years after he adds. tIOgIether’ he sald' in the t-ttllnitnixiutt .t . r. .. ..; t If, . ' ,-.

‘ ("r 'l h' k lh t‘ l — his ()pry debut. he died in the back The Transit Police Vandal Squad. ‘ I m an artist, not a lillt-ti \\ai'litti dpiizit-t: is. ‘.t - .t .t ,I .

HuthliIhcahd b; ade e (:1? seat of a car, the victim of alcohol which notes that graffiti now covers I - ,, Hegulllnc> .mti ll... .titi..,' ., ; 1w: . .. . I I _II,'.I \It I'Iz._f:
that Iyou ‘5 ou.. . d {Eu—TE; an” ShOTN‘r abandon 3311" ”1599 "13'5““ and hardliving signs. maps and windows, has al' Spray palnter- ttwn k'\plt-\~itllil\l.t .:;..t;t-\ ax: : . .
grens {.mprfime [a {[15th 5d]: getting much more anOle “"lh the The newly released material in- rested l.900 people on graffiti hang man} ”i um. , .m, .,__ _ I
morfith‘m t, ‘.’.mflct'h f alr IH” work that can be med Visually m eludes some of Williams‘ most popu- charges since 1980. 75 percent or ———-——- sl_\lt~lhalllt‘lii\nrs ,. .‘t ;
g.“ famed???" -‘ e “"8” ‘ " soundtracks. for Instance." Shorter lar hits. and it also contains some themages 14:019. _ Around \lai-ntti . titanium... \til . , 2- ..
“(H’BA‘I‘LN >3.” 1“ promotional material r‘" obscure songs he never recorded Basquiat also did "subway work" lmm CW1“ m “‘3"- “qufi ll“ via) lr‘ire llasqliin' ttrt-tt 'illli‘t“ ‘- ‘t -. »

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