xt77sq8qfv15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77sq8qfv15/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1987 1987 1987-02-23 2020 true xt77sq8qfv15 section xt77sq8qfv15  

Defense "”8 LSU past Wildcat—s


Junior gymnast Robin Leggett still on upswing ‘





Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Established 1894

independent since 1 971

Monday, February 23, 1987



P.) (‘..\. I)l’;\.\'l=l BUSH-"15R
Staff Writer

Contributing Writer

It was a chance for people to
see how citizens and government
should interact within a democra-

That was what Roger Ander—
son. chairman of t'K's Russian
and Eastern studies department.
called Friday and Saturday's
symposium on US and Soviet re-

The conference got under way
at 1 Friday afternoon in 1'30 Stu—
dent (enter with Burns ll West
on. a law professor at Iowa t'ni-
versit} Weston talked about how
the United States and Soviet
l'nion have followed international
law in recent years

"The Soviet regime is without
doubt repressive,” Weston said
"No one in his or her right mind
would reject that "

However, Weston said that does
not allow the l'nited States to
break international law

Nikolai Smirnov. a representa-

Staff Writer

It has almost been two years
\lm't’ Mikhail Gorbachev was
elected general-secretary of the
i‘ommunisl Part}

Since his elwtion as party
ruler. there has been much talk
about (airbachex's new policy of
‘glasnosV the Russian word
for openness toward the West.

During a l' S Soviet symposi-
um l’ririay night. Stephen L.
White. a professor at Glasgow
l'niversity in Scotland. told about
123 people about these new
changes and how open the Soviet
i'nion really is

The signs of reform have come
within the area of government

(‘ontributing Writer

The thought of a nuclear test
ban treaty between the Soviet
tinion and the. United States is a
trick, said the special assistant to
the under secretary for public af—
fairs at the State Department

~\nthony Silvia said a mora-
torium on nuclear weapons test-
ing would be an ineffective tool in
try ing to reach world peace

"A ban on nuclear testing will
do relatively little to advance
world peace. but what has kept


the from the Soviet embassy in
Washington. told the crowd that
the Soviet linion is interested in
reaching an arms agreement
with the United States. But, he
said, President Reagan‘s pro-
posed Strategic Defense Initiative
is preventing one from being

James Millar. director of Inter-
national Programs at Illinois. re-
ported on research done about
Soviet citizens who immigrated
to the United States during the
late ‘70s.

Miliar‘s study found that those
people who immigrated to the
l'nited States are “very inter-
ested in finding both positive and
negative elements in both sys-

Following Dr. Mark Field's
presentation on the health care
systems of the Soviet Union and
United States, David Powell, a
senior research fellow at the Har»
vard Russian research center,
ended Friday afternoon's presen-
tations with a comparison of the
elderly of both nations.

Friday night‘s keynote speaker.

White said the Soviet Union has
seen the most rapid change of
leadership since the 19305.

Changes White cited included
the introduction of two new mem~
hers into the Politbureau who
were not brought up through the
regular ranks and the appoint-
ment of the first woman to a
major Soviet leadership position.

"It is more likely that more
women will be coming into Soviet
leadership," he said.

Another change within the SOVi-
et government. White said, is the
shift of leadership to the Secre~
tariat area of the government.

“That's the powerhouse of the
new administration,“ he said.

White said there have also been

Test ban won’t achieve peace,

the peace is our ability to have a
credible deterrent," Salvia told a
capacity crowd at the U.S.‘Soviet
relations symposium on Satur-

“Before going into the mora-
torium, the Soviets just com-
pleted a massive round of tests
and they didn‘t need to do more
tests." be said. “It's a great
propaganda benefit to them. "

The United States. however.
needs to test systems to see if
they work. he said.

Some ways in which the United
States needs to strengthen its

U.S.S.R., U.S. topics
of two-day conference

Officials provide differing
opinions during symposium


Stephen White of Glasgow Uni-
versity, addressed a capacity
crowd about Soviet General-Sec-
retary Mikhail Gorbachev‘s chan-
ging attitude toward the West.

Jane Curry, an associate pro-
fessor of political science at the
University of Santa Clara in Cali-
fornia. opened the symposium on
Saturday morning by saying su-

See OFFICIALS. back page

Speaker says Soviet Union making changes

several significant changes in the
Soviet political system.

In addition to reporting violent
domestic crimes, Soviet newspa-
pers are becoming more critical
of shortcomings within the gov-
ernment, along with “the darker
side“ of Soviet life, such as alco-
holism and prostitution, White

Moscow has also acknowledged
the growing drug problem within
the nation, in which there are a
reported 46,000 drug addicts.

In addition to a choice of candi-
dates in elections, there has been
greater criticism of Soviet poli-
ticians, as many government
leaders have begun to meet with
the common man.

Sci: CHANGES, back page


military are by modernizing its
strategic nuclear forces, extend-
ing conventional forces to meet
non-nuclear and terrorist threats
and developing a strategic de-
fense system, he said.

Salvia said the Strategic De-
fense Initiative, or ”Star Wars,“
is very important to the safety of
American citizens, but there are
several myths about its objec-
tivos concerning it offensive ca-
pability, safety, nuclear status
quotients and weaponry provoca-

Sec BAN, back page



Tear tactics


Chris Lyons. a member of the UK rugby ”A'
team, runs for a touchdown Saturday afternoon


ALAN NAWSE Kernel Stat‘

during a 24—0 win over Eastern Kentucky Uni-


Cleveland writer to read and discuss
his poetry during workshop today

Contributing Wn‘ ter

A poetry workshop featuring Mwa-
tabu Okantah will be held at 2 today
in the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultu-
ral Center in the Student Center.

During the workshop, which is
being held in honor of Afro-Ameri-
can History Month, Okantah will
read and talk about his poetry.

Okantah's readings will be accom-
panied occasionally with music from
some members of his band, The
Guerrilla Dread Liberation Posse.
said Chester Grundy, director of the
minority student affairs office.

The entire reggae band will per-
form at 6 tomorrow night in the Stu»
dent Center Ballroom.

Okantah is a well-published writer
and poet. He has had articles and
poetry appear in The Village Voice,
Essence Magazine, The Black Na-
tion and The Journal of Black Poet-

He has been named to the Interna-


“Although poetry will be focused upon, other

issues will be discussed."

tional Academy of Poets and in 1980
was awarded a New Jersey State
Council on the Arts Poetry

Also during the event. Grundy
said. some UK student poets might
appear and read their work.

"Although poetry will be focused
upon.“ Grundy said, “other issues
will be discussed.“

Grundy mentioned the college
scene as a possible issue. “Okantah
comes from an era that was differ-
ent. He can show his perspective of
what happened 15 years ago as op-
posed to what‘s happening now.“

Campus minister finds new home, mission at UK

The Rev
Student Center

ALAN "Awumm Stiff

Bl" Moore. campus minister of the UK United Methodist
believes that music is an important part of min-

Staff Writer

The chatter of the students gath-
ered around a flickering campfire
on the outskirts of Lexington fades
as Bill draws a guitar onto his knee
and softly begins to play and sing.

The themes of the songs he SiHSS
vary. Some speak of love, while oth-
ers lament war and isolation. Others
are humorous.

Sometimes this 40-yearold sings
by himself; sometimes the students
of the UK United Methodist Student
Center join in.

His face mirrors the emotions of
thesongshesings: Heneverlooos
the students‘ attention because this
is the Rev. Bill Moore, the campus
minister of the Methodist center.

“The students really respect him
and look up to him," said Kathy
Gravel, a special education senior
who has been involved with the
group for 3“: years.

“He knows how to talk to We."

she said. “He‘s a real caring person
. . .He has complete tact.“

“He’s very easy to work with,"
said Mia Greene, the campus min-
ister at the Baptist Student Union.

“He’s very honest with his opin-
ions," but he’s never offensive, she

Moore came to UK from his job as
campus minister at Morehead State
University in 1979. Music is an im-
portant part of his ministry. His gui-
tar is never far away.

Since he has been at UK, Moore
has started a drama group and has
established a new music group at
the Methodist's Wesley Foundation.

Music has been a part of Moore‘s
life for a long time. He took a year
off from Asbury College between his
junior and senior years in 1967 and
1968 to tour with a mmical group
called the New World Singers.

the group performed American folk
and Christian music throughout the
United States before travelim to Eu-
rope for a five-month tour. They

then made an album and traveled to
Japan and Hong Kong, Moore said.

After graduating from Asbury
with a degree in history in 1969,
Moore entered the seminary there.
He married Sharon Malone in 1970
and graduated from seminary in

His music became an important
part of his jobs both at Centenary
United Methodist Church in Lexing-
ton and at Morehead.

While serving as associate min-
ister at Centenary from 1972 to 1975,
he established a youth music group
named “Manna,“ which is still in
existence, said Bob Cain. a former
assistant campus minister at the

Moore traveled with the music
group at Morehead. He was campus
minister there from 1W5 to 1979.

He left Morehead to come to UK
became of “shameless vaulting am-
bition," he said. UK was the only
step up in Kentucky campus min-
istry from Morehead, he said.

See MINISTER. Page 7

Chester Grundy.
minority student affairs

The workshop “will be very inior
mal with many questions and an
swers," Grundy said. “A lot of ex
change will happen with the

Okantah is a New Jersey native
and is currently the director of the
Afro-American Cultural Center at
Cleveland State University

Besides lecturing part time in Af-
rican American literature at the
school. he has also been a guest on
Cleveland radio and TV talk shows.

The poetry workshop is co-spon-
sored by the English department
and the minority student affairs of»

The UK theater department's
presentation of “Artichoke"
otters fine characterizations,
For a review, see DIVER-
SlONS. Page 4.

National Orgasm Week is
coming -- do you know
whore your condoms are?
For a columnists view. see







 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. February 23, 1987


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through

the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. Universty of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the—oh-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student om.
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus


Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday prececding the

publication date.



' Readings Poetry workshop 8. book sale With Mwatahu
OKV‘H" Free M L King Center 2 p, m Call .7 5641

0 E mibits ‘Watercolours . by Jane Kehrt Free Basddll
Stiller. Noon-4 p m .Call 7 886?

0 Meetings Year Semester Summer Abroad Student
”firsnectives Study Abroad Ottice Free 1 ‘h SC :1 3‘3 ‘3
1.: '11 Call 78139

- Workshops lime Management 51L! UK St 5 no" UK
Br' .«Uo Barker Hall 2-2 50 p in Call 7 8t“;

- Workshops Vocabulary Enrichment 310 UK $3“ "W


i.K Rn 306 Barker Hall 1 1 50rd Cai‘ a"


. Concerts Rm 22 Jazz Ensemble: Free: Center tor the
Arts 8 p m Call 7-4900

. Religious Tuesday Night Together Worship Service.
Baptist Student Union Free. 429 Columbia Ave; 7:30
p m .Call 73989

. sports Japan Karate Association- Shotokan; Sac/sen;
Alumni Gym lolt 68 p m.: Call7-1195

. Concert Reggae Concert with the Guerilla Dread
Liberation Posse Free. University Club; 6 p.m.; Call 7-

. Sports Lady Kat Basketball vs. Dayton; Freew/UKID:
Home. 7 30 p m

' Workshops Financral Aid Workshop (Section l); Free:
106 Frazee Hall. Tues 5-6 p.m.; Call 7-3383

- WOrkshops Motivation, Learning 8 Success; $10/UK-
S25 non-UK, Rm 306 Barker Hall; 3130-4: 1 5 p.m.; Call 7-

- Workshops Organizing to Remember; $10/UK-
$25 non-UK. Rm 306 Barker Hall; 1-1 :50 p.m.; Call 7-

. Religious Prime Time- Campus Crusade for Christ:
Free. Chem Phys Bldg. 137: 8-9:15p.m.; Call 273-1780

- Lectures. 'The Alro~American As Literary Historian’
(AirO-Am Critical Thinking); Free: Peal Gallery; 8 p.m.; Call

e Other Mwatabu Okantah & the Guerrilla Dread
Liberation Posse; Free; SC Ballroom: 6 pm: Call 7-2901

0 Other Pan African Day

0 Moves: Premiere: HOOSlERS; Free; Worsham Theatre;
80 m .Call 7-1287



. Concerts Katherine Days \ :"A n Hel‘er a hot
. i :rarn 0t blues boogie and ,1: ‘he 11;: Free Student
"‘t" 12130pm Call 7 5867

0 Meetings UK Cycling Cub meeting 510 2 l 2 Seaton
Ce'i'w 8 30710 p m .Call 25477765

- Vleetir‘us Basic Preparations for Travel Abroad Study
Apr mo 156 Free 115 SC 4 ’3 BOD '17 Call 78139

~ v .ies Stand By Me. $1 95 Worsharr Theatre :5
p '7‘ Cal 7 8867

- Movies Goldfinger $1 95 Worsham Theatre 100 m:
Call ' 8867

- Sports UK Basketbalf vs GeorgiarAi

e Workshops Time Management 310 UKS25 noanK
Rm 306 Barker Hall. 22 500 m .Call 78673

- Workshops Vocabulary Enrichment $10 UK—SBS non
JK. Rm 306 Barker Hall 1 1 50p m Call 78673.

O Meetings Food tor Thought Art 3 Women Artists
Free 119 SC. Noon Call 73295

0 Other Biochem Mechanism of Action is Regulation of
Vlynsi" Light Chain Kinases' Free MN 463 4 p m Call 7-


- lntramurals Entry deadline for wrestling (sign up at
mandatory clinic); Free: 135 Seaton Center; before 4 p.m.;
Call 7-2898

0 Meetings UK Table Tennis Club; Free; Seaton squash
courts 7~1O p m.: Call 252-7081

- Movres Stand By Me: $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 8
p m . Call 7-8867

0 Movies. Goldfinger. $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10 p.m.;
Call 78867

' Other Panel discussion with architects and designers—
ASID Free: 113 Funkhouser; Call 277-7318

- Plays 'Artichoke'- Touching & funny play otters a
glimpse into lives 01 Canadian family: $5-$4/stu.; Guignol
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-1385

- Religious: D & L Grill- Baptist Student Union; Free; 429
Columbia. Noon: Call 7-3989

0 Sports, Japan Karate Association- Shotokan; $30/sem.:
Alumni Gym loft; 6-8 pm : Call 7-1 195

- Workshops: Motivation. Learning 8i Success; $1 O/UK-
$25rnon-UK: Rm. 306 Barker Hall; 3:30-4:15 p.m.; Call 7-

0 Workshops Organizing to Remember: $10/UK»
$25 non»UK: Rm. 306 Barker Hall: 1-1 :50 p.m.; Call 7-

- Other international Tea Hour- lragi students; Free:

Sol rriurn MI King; 3-4'30 p m.: Call 72755


2/24: Movies: Premiere: HOOSIERS; Free; Worsham
Theatre: 8 p.m.; Call 7-1287

2/25: Movies: Stand By Me; $1 95: Worsham Theatre; 8
p.m.; Call 78867

2/25; Movies. Goldlinger: $195: Worsham Theatre; 10
p.m.; Call 7-8867

2/26: Movies: Stand By Me; $1.95: Worsham Theatre; 8
p.m.; Call 7-8867

2/26: Movies: Goldfinger; $1 .95: Worsham Theatre; 10
p.m.; Call 7-8867

227: Movies: Stand By Me; $1.95: Worsham Theatre; 8
p.m.; Call 7-8867

2/27: Movies: Goldlinger; $1 .95; Worsham Theatre; 10
pm: Call 7-8867

2/28: Movies: Stand By Me; $1 .95: Worsham Theatre: 8
p.m.; Call 7-8867

2/28: Movies: Goldfinger: $1.95: Worsham Theatre: 10
p.m.; Call 7-8867

312: Movies. Premiere. ANGEL HEART; Free; Worsham
Theatre: 8 p.m.; Call 7-1287





2/23: Meetings: Year/Semester/Summer Abroad: Student
Perspectives- Study Abroad Office: Free; 1 15 SC: 3130-5
p.m.; Call 7-8139
2124: Lectures: ‘The Afro-American As Literary Historian'
(Alro-Am. Critical Thinking): Free: Peal Gallery: 8 p.m.; Call
7-2901 ‘

2125: Meetings: UK Cycling Club meeting: $10: 212
Seaton Center: 8:30-10 p.m.; Call 254-7765

2125: Meetings: Basic Preparations for Travel Abroad-
Study Abroad office: Free: 115 SC: 4-5:30 p.m.; Call 7-

2/25: Meetings: Food (or Thought: 'Art at Women Artists':

Free: 119 SC: Noon: Call 7-3295

2/ 26: Meetings: UK Table Tennis Club: Free: Seaton
squash courts: 7-10 p.m.; Call 252-7081

2127: Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Seaton Bldg: 7:30-9
p.m.; Call 351 57
2/27: Seminars: Rongguang Lin. UK: Copper (1) Complexes
in Solution; Free; CP 137; 2 pm.
2/27: Lectures: Clay Maupin: ‘lntormation on Tax Law
Changes tor 1987': Free: Peal Gallery/Ml King: Noon: Call

3/1 : Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Free: Seaton Center:
2:30 pm: Call 35157




0 Other Scholarshrp Luncheon for Perspective Minority
:i' dents Free SC Ballroom 11 30-1 30 p m Call 3.


’TZ-nnrerts Lexington Philharmonic Concert Csaba
:1 . or, cello S12 50 $15 $17 50&S2O Centerlorthe
‘,'t.: c :f m Call 74900
Meetings UK Badminton Club Seaton Bldg 7 30-9
' Call 3 h i 57
Moues Stand By Me 81 95 Worsham Theatre. 8
Call 7 53867
Mums Goldhnger $1 95 Worsham Theatre. 10p rn ,
,~ Am”

r’ 1.: Artrchoke Witching & tunny play Otters gllmDSe
'~ ‘lvt‘S it Canadian tamily 85-84 stu Guignol Theatre. 8
' Cal: 7 ‘» 38“
317““ Lady Kat Basketbail vs Georgia Free vv UKID

rw .1 trir m.

\v-r" "ars Rondo-Jam Lin UK Copper lli Complexes In
i"’ C'ee CP137’ 2pm
_ t‘ ' xii-s Clay MauDin lnlnrmation rin Tax Law
* 1r ‘ r lith" Free Peal Gallery MI Kind Noon Call
, Senior Vorce Recrtal Bill Adams Free
' 1‘ Hill: 8 C m Cd“ 7:4900
r' Mr &Ms Black UK Pageant Free Memorial
‘: '* Call ’ .7931


0 Concerts: Faculty Recital: Patricia Montgomery, piano;
Free Center for the Arts; 8 p m.: Call 7-4900

0 Concerts: Kentucky Day of Percussion; Free; Center
for the Arts;10 a.m.-6 pm; Call 7-4900

. lntramurals: Starting date for intramural wrestling; Free;
1 35 Seaton Center: Call 7-2898

- Movres' Stand By Me: $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 8
p n1 Call 7-8867

- Movres Goldfinger. $1.95; Worsham Theatre; 10 p.m.;
Call 7-8867

0 Other UK Residence Halls: 1987 Dance-a-thon
(proceeds go to Dale Baldwin): Minimum $100 in pledges;
Civic Center Shop Crt.; 10 a.mi-10 p.m.; Call 7-4401

- Plays. 'Artichoke‘- Touching & runny play otters glimpse
into lives of Canadian family; $5<$4rstu.; Guignol Theatre; 8
p m .Cail 7-1385

0 Sports. UK Basketball vs. Ole Miss (H)

- Other. Black Student Union DANCE-A-THON: SC
Ballroom: 8 pm ; Call 7-2901


2/‘23: Readings: Poetry workshop 8 book sale with
Mwatabu Okantah: Free: ML, King Center: 2 p.m.; Call 7-
2/23: Exhibits: ‘Watercolours'- by Jane Kehrt; Free: Rasdall
Gdlery; Noon-4 p.m.; Call 78867
2/24: Concerts: Rm. 22 Jazz Ensemble; Free: Center for
the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900
2/24: Concert: Reggae Concert with the Guerilla Dread
Liberation Posse: Free: University Club: 6 p.m.; Call 7-
2/25; Concerts: Katherine Davis & Erwin Heifer in a hot
program of blues, boogie and all the jazz; Free: Student
Center: 12-1 :30 p.m.; Call 78867
2/26: Plays: ‘Artichoke'- Touching & funny play otters a
glimpse into lives of Canadian family; $5-$4/‘stu.; Guignol
Theatre: 8 p.m.; Call 7-1385
2/27: Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic Concert: Csaba
Onczay, cello; $12.50. $15. $17.50 8 $20: Center for the
Arts; 8pm ;Call 7-4900
2/27; Plays ‘Artichoke'— Touching & tunny play otters
glimpse into lives of Canadian family; $5-$4/stu.; Guignol
Theatre; 8 p.m.; Call 7-1385
2/27: Concerts: Senior Voice Recital: Bill Adams; Free:
Memorial Hall, 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900
2/28: Concerts Faculty Recital: Patricia Montgomery.
piano; Free; Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900
2/28: Concerts: Kentucky Day of Percussion: Free; Center
tor the Arts;10 a m.-6 p.m.; Call 7-4900
228: Plays: 'Artichoke'— Touching & lunny play otters
glimpse into lives of Canadian family: 55-54/stu.: GuiQI‘C’I
1heatre;8p m.: Call 7-1385
3/1 : Exhibits Children's Literature about Women: 2nd fl/Ml
King; Call 272-5727
3/1 : Concerts Center Sundays Series: UK Choristers- Sara
Holroyd; Free: Center for the Arts; 3 pm: Call 7-3145
3/1 : Concerts. Center Sundays Series: The UK Chorale;
Free: Center for the Arts; 3 p.m.; Call 7-4900


2/24: Sports: Japan Karate Association- Shotokan;
$30/sem.; Alumni Gym loft: 6-8 p.m.; Call7-1195 '

2/24: Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Daytoanreew/Ukiu:
Home: 7:30 pm.

2/25: Sports: UK Basketball vs. Georgia (A)

2/26: lntramurals: Entry deadline for wrestling (sign up at
mandatory clinic): Free; 135 Seaton Center; before 4 p.m.;
Call 7-2898

2/26: Sports: Japan Karate Association- Shotokan;
$30/sem.: Alumni Gym loft: 6-8 p.m.; Call 7-1 195

2127: Sports: Lady Kat Basketball vs. Georgia: Free
w/UKID: Home: 7:30 pm.

2/28: Intramurals: Starting date tor intramural wrestling;
Free: 135 Seaton Center: Call 7-2898

2/28: Sports: UK Basketball vs. Ole Miss (H)




' Gambia National Cultural Theatre $2 Memorial
' f r‘v Call 7 8867

- "“"w Mirth 1987 Womenc Hat: r. Month

0 'rr'wthts Chiidren 5 Literature abou‘ Women. 2nd ll MI
in n; Call 272 5727

' Concerts Center Sundays Series UK Choristers- Sara
rtiilroyd Free Center for the Arts. 3 p in Call 7-3145

I Concerts Center Sundays Series 1he UK Chorale
rim: Center for the Arts 3 p rn Call 7 4900

o Exhibits. UK Art Dept Faculty 8 Alumni Exhibition
Free UK Art Museum Noonrfi p n‘

0 Meetings UK Badminton Club Free Seaton Center
r' 10;: m Call 3 £157

0 Plays Artichoke . Touching & lunny play otters glimpse
:r": lives 01 Canadian lamily $4 students $5 public Guignol
Yr eatre 3 p m Call71385

- Sports UK Basketball vs TBA (Hi

0 Other American ASSOCIatron 01 University Women
Awards Ceremony Arts Place 161 Mill 2 30 p m Call
, 7a 5048



0 Workshops: Test Taking. $1 O/sem ; 306 Barker Hall; 3-
.3 50 p m .Call 78673

0 Exhibits 'Watercolours'» by Jane Kehrt, Free; Rasdall
Gallery. Noon-4 pm. Call 78867

- Workshops Women in Transition (Section I); 335; 129
Dickey Hall, Mon "79 p m .Call 73383

0 Concerts: UK Symphonic Winds: Free: Center for the
Arts, 8 p m : Call 7-4900

- Movres Premiere ANGEL HEART; Free; Worsham
Theatre. 8 p m. Call 71287



224. Religious: Tuesday Night Together Worship Service-
Baptist Student Union; Free: 429 Columbia Ave: 7:30
Pm ;Call 7-3989

2/24' Religious: Prime Time- Campus Crusade for Chrlst;
Free. Chem-Phys Bldg. 137; 8-9115 p.m.; Call 273-1780
2/24: Other: Mwetabu Okantoh 8 the Guerrilla Dread
Liberation Posse; Free; SC Ballroom; 6 p.m.; Call 7-2901
2/24. Other: Pan African Day

226: Other: Panel discussion with architects and
designers- ASlD; Free; 1 13 Funkhouser: Call 277-7318
2/26, Religious: D at L Grill- Baptist Student Union; Free;
429 Columbia: Noon: Call 7-3989

2/26: Other: international Tea Hour- lragi students: Free:
Solarium/Ml King: 34:30 pm ; Call 72755

227. Other: Scholarship Luncheon for Perspective Minority
Students: Free; SC Ballroom:11:30-1:30pm.;Cdl 3-

2/27, Other: Mr 8 Ms, Black UK Pageant; Free: Memorid
Hall; 7 p m.: Call 7-2901

228: Other: UK Residence Halls. 1987 Dmceathon
(proceeds go to Dale Baldwin); Minimum sworn pledges:
Civic Center Shoo Crt.:10a.m.-10 p m.: CHI 7-4401
2/28: Other: Black Student Union DANCE-A-THON; SC
Ballroom: 6 p m :Cdl 7-2901

3/1: Other: Gambia National Cultural Theatre; $2; Memorld
Hdl; 8p m.: Call 7-8867

3/1 Other March 1987 Women: History Month

3/1: Other: American Association or University Women
AWUdS Ceremony. Arts Place/161 Mill: 2:30pm.: Cal


. . (q

3/3: FarmHouse Dance Contest; 32.50: St) Grand
Ballroom: 7 p.m.; Call 8-6821

3/4: Ash Wednesday

3/4: Food for Thought: “Why Women Writers?’; Free; 119
SC; Noon: Cdl 7-3295

3/5: SEC W Tournunent (A)

3/5: Last day to withdraw from the University or reduce
course load and receive arty retund

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 Debbe Miler scores 19‘

’m x’

as Kats trounce Cards,
up winning streak to 4

By C.A. DL'AN E [H lN l FER
Staff Writer

LOUISVILLE ——— it happens every
time two intense rivals compete
with one another. Records. statistics
and predictions can all be disree

And that's the way it was Satur‘
day afternoon between t'K and the
University of Louisville women's
basketball teams.

Although the Kats entered Bellar»
mine College‘s Knight s Hall as the
favorite. L'K coach ’l‘erry llall did
not expect a cakewalk

“They always play as tough each
year,“ she said before the game.

Although the Kats came away
with a 7048 triumph. llall‘s predic-
tion came true. as l‘K had to
scratch and claw its way through


Top 20

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most of the «to minutes of play in one
of its most physical games of the

The victory raised the Kats' re
cord to 15-9 and l' of L dropped
three games below the .‘ioo mark at

"It was a very. very physical
game." L‘K center Debbie Miller
said. "We‘re not used to playing a
game that physical ”

One reason llall gave for the phys—
ical play was the lax officiating

"There were a lot of things tfiat
went oii tfiat would have beeii called
in our conference.“ she said. "but
that‘s what happens when you play
a team from another conference on
the road."

L' of L coach Peggy Ficher agreed
with her colleague

"I thought they let a lot of things
go.“ she said

As a result of the rugged play. the
Kats normal offense was disrupted
and UK was taken out of its normal
offensive flow

For the game. the Kats managed
to hit 50 percent of their field goal
attempts. but they committed 12‘)

”The game was rough and it took
us out of our offense a little bit." l'K
guard Jodi Whitaker said

Things were much worse for the
Lady (‘ardinals

L' of L's shooting slump continued.
as it shot a dismal ill) 4 percent and
committed all turnovers 13 in the
first half.

"I thought the biggest difference
in the game was our shooting per
centage." Fieher said "We just
couldn‘t put the hall in the basket in
the first half "

Despite the (‘ards' :to-t iii‘st-half
percentage. they were only to points
behind the Kats when they entered
the locker room at the half

L'K quickly changed that position
in the first 1:35 of the second half.
when it went on a ti :2 run to up its
lead to 37725 and prompt a l' of l.

"I thought that the tiineouti



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would settle us down a bit. richer

But the t'ards didn't settle down
as the Kats continued their spurt.
and by the time l' of L called its
next timeout. l'K had increased its
lead to 4933.

"l was really pleased with the 111‘
tensity we kept up in the second
half." Hall said

The Kats increased their lead to
as much as 18 but committed a rash
of turnovers

l' of L was not able to take advan
tage of the [K miscues. as several
\ytllll(l~l)t’ field goals were way off
the mark

And when the shots fell short.
there was rarely a L' of L player un~
derneath to claim the rebound

For the game. ['K‘s much bigger
team outrebounded the Lady ("ards
by a ~13 ‘25 margin

“I didn't think size would hurt us
that much.” Fiehei‘ said. "but it did
because we didn't get good position
underneath ”

'l‘he Kats then went on a tit run
during the final stages of the game
as they cruised to the final 22»point

KENTUCKY KENNEL. Monday. Fobflury 23, 1987 - 3

Andy Dumotod
Sports Editor

Tigers’ man-to-man defense

fatal for Wildcats once again

By ALS'TIN \\'ll..\tl\
Asstx'iated Press

BATON littl‘tilfi. La Nikita
Wilson took control of the lane offenv
sively in the second half. and Low-
siana State l'niversity used a tough
man-tornian defense to beat Kei.
tucky 65-52 iii a Southeastern (‘onferv
ence basketball game on Saturday,

“livery team we meet will play us
a man-Ionian defense because we
just don‘t hayc a very good inside
game.“ Kentucky coach Eddie but
ton said after the game

Wilson had six points at halftime
and finished with 3.2. hitting nine of
12 attempts fi‘otn the field

"He wanted the ball He dc-
iiianded the hall and he didn‘t take
any bad shots.” said LSl' coach
Dale Brown

Wilson got four of his points in a fit-
:t run opening the second fialf

“I think both teams started the
second half a little slow.‘ Sutton
said “They didn't score a pomt on
their first three possessions. and i
don't think we even got a shot on our
first three possessions

“Just before we broke from the
bench to begin the second half. l rc-
iiiinded our ballclub that they'd
have to reach down and find some-
thing We were really tired the last
:21) minutes

”We did a horrible ~ioh defensively
on Nikita Wilson." Sutton said
"He's ii great forward. one of the
best in the conference He did the

same thing to us here and at Lexing»
ton "

Lst' pounded Kentucky 7641 at
lAtxnigtononJan 18 -

Wilson said his teammates were
responsible for his points "I got
great picks inside he said "This
was probably my best game of the
war hccausc l was more active “

Anthony Wilson and Darryl Joe
had 12 points apiece for LSl'. 17-12
overall and T ‘0 iii the Sl-It‘

flex ('hapiiian had 24 for Ken-
tucky. 1ti-8and it?

Kentucky opened a
t‘irstrhalt lead with a lit) scoring
surge to make it :1 12 t'hapman had
nine of lll\ points in that 6=_;-niinute

LSI‘ narrowed Kentucky‘s lead to
26124 at halftime. then went ahead
for good .tl the in its mark on a
layup by Anthony \\ ilson

Kentucky guard rid [lavender was
13 points tvelow his season average.
scoring only No points in the final
two minutes of the game

Robert Lot k had 1’.’ points for Ken—
tucky Hit-hard Madison had

The lt'itll.\ battled evenly on the
boards Lst' had i3 rebounds. Ken-

Individually. 1.\‘l' s tiliver Brown
had the best afternoon rebounding
with H Lock and t‘hapiiian shared
the lead for Kentucky with seven

Kentucky turned the ball over 17
times and in of those turnovers were




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on steals. LSL' turned it over 15
times and six of those were results
of Kentucky thefts.

1.8L? again had to go almost the
whole game With its starting lineup.
going to the bench only after Joe
and Bernard Woodside fouled out in
the closing minutes of the game.

Men’s tennis team upsets Stanford

Staff reports

The l K men s tennis team defeat
ed defending national champion
Stanford L’iiiversity Saturday iii lht'
("STA l'l't'A National Indoor Tcaiii
(‘hainpionship at the Louis' ille 'lcn
nis ('cntcr

The Wildcats got off to a slow
start. as l‘K‘s litthard Benson
dropped the No 1 singles event to
Stanford's Jeff ’l‘arango. 377. t; :5. ti 2

But (lrcg Van Eniburgh iiiiiiiedi

,itely' put l'K back on track with a 7»
.. 770'- win over Scott Moody in the
\o jsiiiglcs match.

1 K s Stew Denney took the .\o :3
singlt-s went with a victory over
(it‘iit‘l'iii' Nlt'Ktw. t? 7. b4. 64 But
Stanford‘s .lt‘ll (“attirell returned the
taior by defeating l'K‘s Adam

Andrew \‘arga made fast work of
Stanford's Barry Richards. 7-5. 6-4.
to put the Cats back on top by one at
the \o 5 singles spot

Stanford captured the final singles
event. with Curtis Dunn defeating
L'K's David Keevins. 7.5. 6—4.

[K then went on to claim two of
the three doubles matches to pull
out a 5-4 win over th