xt77wm13ng0p_43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Notebook, November 1, 1907 text Notebook, November 1, 1907 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_4/Folder_9/2879.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_43 xt77wm13ng0p ,~I.»_ . 7 _ . 7
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State of Illinois,

Vermilion County. ; 55'

Robert Noakes, being first duly sworn on his oath, deposes
and says that he is the identical Robert Noakes who testi—
fied in the case of the Commonwealth of Kentucky against
Caleb Powers, tried before Judge Cantrill, in the circuit
court in Georgetown, Scott County, Kentucky.

Affiant further deposes and says as followszw
active part in the campaign between Taylor and Goebel. I
was at heart a WRepublican, and after the elec—
tioniekflnin‘é had sau.i.¢§..t.11_ers_tattn and I was in favor of
hWflyfleans I took an active
part in transporting men to Frankfort during the time the
election commissioners were in session, and up until the
inauguration of Governor Taylor and the minor ofiicers.
After inauguration, when the contest was filed, 1 was an
open advocate official—via? and devoted most of myTimE—
talking the same and urging thWke
up arms and march to Frankfort. I was—‘fifiggresswe
and made many unthoughted expressions. I raised a body
of mountain boys and went to Frankfort With them on the
morning of the twenty—fifth of January, 1900. I stayed
in Frankfort during the day of the twenty-fifth of January.
The day was disagreeable and my men were expecting more
of me than I was able to furnish them, in the way of bedding,
board, etc. My Wife and family were urging me to quit the
fight before I got into trouble, as I had already made a
considerable number of enemies. On the evening of the
twenty-fifth, I went to Charles Finley and told him that I


had decided to take the men back home and asked him to '
please make arrangements for a train. A short time later,
Finley came to me and told me that the train would be
ready about eight o’clock. I took my men and returned
to the mountains, with the exception of four hundred men,
who remained in Frankfort. I went with the men as far
as Artemus, and got off there. I stayed at Artemus on the
twenty—sixth, and left that evening for Norton, Virginia,
arriving there on the morning of the twenty-seventh and
taking up my duties as conductor on the Louisville and Nash-
ville Railroad. I heard nothing more from Frankfort until
the evening of January thirtieth. I then received a message
from Colonel Roger William that Goebel had been shot, and
to hold my company in readiness to move to Frankfort. I
had promised my Wife that I would not take any further
lliand in the matter, and I did not go to Frankfort, butsentl
ancompany in charge of the second lieutenant. ‘
l About the time of -Wharton Golden’s confession, several
persons informed me that I would be arrested before the
investigation was over, and one or two Louisville papers
': published the statement thatJthe detectives had secured suFfi—
‘cient evidence to warrant my arrest. I saw the way affairs
were going; knew the amount of money behind the prosecu-
l/‘fin; We
lieving firmly that he would not hesitate to do anything. I
believed that they were as liable to convict me as any other
man in the state.

Attorney I. C. Maynor, of Corbin, Kentucky, had been my
attorney and legal adviser for many years, and I regarded
him as an honorable man. I went to him and asked him '
about the case. WmWe
arrested, and that they Jad considerable evidence against me;
although I knew thspiracy to
kill Goebel, and as I have said before, I knewwtlm
Wharton Golden and Tom C. Campbell directing
the prosecution, they were as liable to convict me as any
other man. Maynor promised to l_(:t__n_1§_kMany time
Wueeted.f. “" ""

About Mayfourteenth, I was in Corbin attending to some

/ i

legal business; and while there, I spent a good part of my
time in Maynor’s office. He apparently was very uneasy,
and advised me to get my affairs in shape to leave the country
on short notice. I did as he advised me, and returned to
my temporary home in Norton, Virginia. Idid not see Maynor
again until June fourteenth;1n the meantime, I had removed
from Norton to Big'gtone Gap, Virginia. Wne there
abplennejflrtielitli and/lgdwjliwjthwme,wHe said that
.he had been to the Défiiosgfle Contention at Lettisvillfiilfl
he had met Justus Goebel; and »thatwrnLca‘se looked rather‘
Wtiflly VflfiwmiiJlgVVtQ his ,qdyiL
and not take the advice of any WW-MW‘ZVVWQVMA he
won d pm me out. I romised to do so, still believing that
he was an honorable attorney and had only the interest of his
client at heart. We that he had

made arrangements to meet Justus Goebel at Knoxville. I

first agreed to go to Knoxville, but then (61375mi

it Bristol, and finally decided to have the meeting at Big

x, Stone Gap; accordingly Maynor telephoned me to meet
3 Justus Goebel at the TayEW
- WI went to the lmmhm
__ 3431ch met Maynor flaw—T e ofificell—Ieinformeme that
the gentleman we wished to see was in to supper; and that

we would just step back into his (Maynor’s) room. I went

to his room with Maynor, and was there introduced to a
gentleman who called himself Mr. Kleinmeyer. The gentle-

man and I exchanged a few words, and then Maynor left the

room; as I presumed, to tell Justus Goebel that I was there.

\ The gentleman (Mr. Kleinmeyer) and myself immediately
I entered into conversation; we discussed the mineral prospects
-\ of the surrounding country. After we had talked for some
little while he remarked that the country was too damned

‘A near to Kentucky to ever amount to anything; I asked him

‘ why. He said there were too many murderers in Kentucky;

that civilized people would not come there. His remarks

slightly offended me. I said that I supposed he referred to

the killing of Senator Goebel, and he said he did. I ,told

him that I regretted that Goebel had been killed in the

manner that he had; but told him that no man could trample

on the rights of the people of Kentucky and expect to live. _
He then said that he supposed I was a friend of Finley and
Caleb Powers. I told him that I was. He said, “Then, of
course, you believe that they are innocent and ought to be :
‘ iacquitted.” I told him that I did not believe either of those
imen knew any more about who shot Goebel than I did, and I
iwas sure that I knew nothing. He asked me a few more
questions about Powers and Finley in an insinuating way.
I very emphatically informed him that I had advocated their
cause until the present and was still Willing to take up arms
and fight for them. At this stage of the conversation, J. C.
Maynor entered the room with a sheepish, hang—dog ex-
pression on his face, and informed me that I had been talking
'to the man that I to-day believe to be the most notorious
scoundrel in the United States—Colonel Tom C. Camp-
bell. I immediately saw that my attorney was playing a
dastardly devil game. Campbell told me that outside of what
I had said to him, he could easily hang me in the state of
Kentucky; that men were crowding him who were anxious /
to give the evidence against me. I believed what Campbell ,
‘ said, and told him that I ‘had no money with which to fight ,‘
the case; and that now I would take the shortest way out of ;
it, or words to that effect. Campbell told me that if I would ’
do just as he and Maynor said, they would get me out of it ,
without money. From that moment on, I was completely in _
the hands of I. C. Maynor and Tom Campbell.

They arranged to have me arrested; and I was arrested /
on thewtwentkeighth;day offiIune by the chief of police of .~
Big Stone Gap, and turned over to/Constable H. D. Harrod, ,r
of Frankfort, Kentucky, who had requisition papers. He 1’

,9 took me to Frankfort and put me in jail 3n Iulyrthird. ”I /
_? remained in jail three days. My attorney, Maynor, called

‘ 'di[”fite“'dt' the jail, and I told him that he must make some ./

arrangements to get me out immediately. He did so, and I /
_lwas released in the custody of Constable Harrod, and was
' 5kept under his guard until after the case of Caleb Powers
was called for trial. I do not know who paid my guard, or
my board at Harrod’s home; but I know that I did not. I
gave Harrod ten or twenty dollars that Maynor gave me to

give to him. I only paid Maynor about twenty dollars for
his services. He was at Frankfort and Georgtown with me
the entire time. gTom Campbell informed nte that Arthur
Gocbcl paid Maynor one thousand dollars.

The first conversation that I had with Tom Campbell after
I met him at Big Stone Gap was in his room at the Welling-
ton Hotel, in Georgetown. He sent for me to come to his
room. He then informed me that now they were all going
to hclp me get out of the trouble; and that I would be out
in a few days. He then told me that he was ready to take
my statement. The nervous strain that I had gone through
with had left me almost a total wreck; and I was at all times
furnished with stimulants and kept under the influence
of intoxicating liquors, and was frequently on the verge of
delirium trcmcns. .I had never drunk to excess until after
I was arrested, and from the effects of the whisky that I had
been taking and my troubles, I sometimes realized that I was
not right mentally. In this condition I made a statement
in Tom Campbell’s room. My lawyer, I. C. Maynor, was
in thc hotel, and knew that I was making this statement
in Tom Campbell’s room; but never came to the room.,
Campbell afterward informed me that I had sworn to the-1; ‘

‘ statement before a notary public; but I do not remember ‘2\

of having sworn to it, and I do not believe that I did swear :1
to it. Campbell insisted that I did and proved it by a man
that he said was the notary public; this man’s name I do
not know.

At the time I went on the witness-stand at Georgetown

, and swore to the facts contained in this statement, I was
still under the influence of liquor;