xt77wm13ng0p_80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15.dao.xml unknown 6 Cubic Feet 9 boxes, 1 item archival material 51w15 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Caleb Powers papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Conspiracy -- Kentucky. Affidavits Statesmen. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Petitions for the Pardon of Caleb Powers, 1908 text Petitions for the Pardon of Caleb Powers, 1908 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13ng0p/data/51w15/Box_8/Folder_1/12329.pdf section false xt77wm13ng0p_80 xt77wm13ng0p GREENFIELD, ILLINOIS, January 27, 1908.

The undersigned citizens Of Illinois, constituting a committee having in charge the circulation
of petitions throughout Illinois asking Governor Augustus E. Willson, of Kentucky, to pardon Caleb
Powers, present the following address in behalf Of this movement:

Caleb Powers, charged with being an accessory before the fact to the murder of William Goebel,
has been tried four times; three Of said trials were held before judges who were afterward removed
from the bench by affidavits setting out specific bias and prejudice against him.

The juries in his first three trials were intensely partisan and the verdict Of conviction in each Of
said trials was reversed by the highest court in Kentucky.

His recent trial and its result is fresh in the minds Of the people. The last jury composed Of
eight Democrats and four Republicans, stood ten for acquittal. Notwithstanding this fact, together
with the further condition that for more than an hundred years in Kentucky it has been the general
practice tO admit to bail a defendant when a jury cannot agree upon a verdict, Caleb Powers was
denied bail and remanded again tO jail. Immediately" Caleb Powers pressed for immediate trial, set-
ting Out that his long imprisonment and poor health made it necessary for another hearing Of his case
in ten days. His plea was refused and he was ordered back to jail and trial set for next July.

For eight years this young man has lain in the jails of Kentucky. He has endured much. Pa-
tiently he has waited in the hope Of final freedom by a jury Of his peers. He has made a brave,

, manly fight, asking no quarter, seeking no favor other than that guaranteed by the law Of the land.

His fight for freedom will live in history. Caleb Powers has no private fortune. The expense
attached to these trials has been enormous, the last one costing more than ten thousand dollars on
the part Of Powers’ friends and it is estimated that the cost on the part of the Commonwealth was
almost forty thousand dollars. Caleb Powers has been four long years accumulating from the sale of
his book and private subscriptions from nearly every state in the Union the amount required for his
last trial. 'We are reliably informed that the recent trial has exhausted what funds had been gath—

» ered by public contribution for his defense. Therefore he is without means to stand the expense of
another trial. '

It was more than four years between the third and fourth trial of Caleb Powers; and while his
case has been set for trial next summer, from the history Of the continuances taken in these cases in
the past, it is by no means certain that it will then be tried. In the meantime what Of Powers?
Eight years Of jail confinement is a test Of physical endurance which is almost beyond the compre-
hension of those Of us who walk in freedom. True, this man has been a man Of steel, but there are
conditions under which even steel must give way. Tired, worn, moneyless, battling against tremen-
dous Odds for life, and honor, and all, like a wounded lion at bay, after eight long years Of almost
living death, we believe the hour has arrived when the governor Of Kentucky should end all this by
the pardon Of this Dreyfus of American politics.

In order that the people may know where to find these petitions, we are this week mailing them
to each and every postmaster in the state Of Illinois, asking for the signatures Of all those who desire
to join in this movement, irrespective of party affiliations.

We most earnestly urge not only those who receive the petitions, but also some friend of Mr.
Powers in every community in the state to make a thorough canvass Of his vicinity in behalf of this
long imprisoned man. I '

‘ If for any reason the party who receives these petitions cannot circulate them, please do the ‘
committee the kindness to hand to some friend who will.

All who desire blank petitions can have them by addressing Mayor C. J. Doyle, Greenfield, Illi-
nois, secretary of the Illinois Petition committee.

Should any postmaster fail to receive petitions by February 1, 1908, we ask that he, or some pat-
ron Of his Office, notify the secretary immediately and he will forward same at once.

' All petitions must be signed and returned not later than February 10, next,—just ten days, and
earlier if possible.

Return all petitions and address all communications to Mayor C. J. Doyle, Greenfield, Illinois.

(Speaker of the House Of Representatives) (State Senator)
(Former State Treasurer) (Mayor of Alton)
(Mayor of Belleville and former Congressman) (Chairman Appropriations Com. House Representatives)
(Former State Senator) (Former Adjutant General)
(Chief Grain Inspector of Illinois) (Mayor of Greenfield)
Petition Committee of Illinois.

 [Fronl the Greenfield till.) Argum]

Mayor 0. J. Doyle, of this city, has
been requested by the Kentucky “Pe-
tition Committee for the pardon of
(laleh Powers’7 to assume charge of
the organization of a movement look—
ing to the general circulation of pe-
ti tions addressed to Governor \Villson.
of Kentucky, in behalf of Powers
throughout the entire state of Illi—
nois. Mayor Doyle has started the
organization in his characteristic
and thorough manner. The entire
work in Illinois will be entirely inde-
pendent of the committees in Ken-
tucky and other surrounding states.
()ne of the strmigest rum-partisan
committees possible will lie-associat-
ed with Mayor Doyle in this work.
The full membership of the Illinois
committee includes the following well
known and able gentlemen: Hon. E.
D. Shurtleff, speaker of the house of
representatives; Senator O. F. Berry,
of Carthage; former State Treasurer
lien Small, of Kankakec; Mayor Ed-
mund Beall, of Alton; Mayor Fred J. I
Kern, of Bollcville; Hon. David E.
Shanahan, of Chicago; former State
Senator W. L. Mounts, of("arlinville;
General James B. Smith, of Clay
City; Hon. W. ScottCowen, of Shan~
non, and Mayor C. J. Doyle, of Green—
field. This auxiliary committee is
composed of the most prominent
members of the two great parties of
Illinois, and they call upon the citi—
zenship of the state, regardless of
party, to sign these petitions when

[DEAR EDITOR: The above will
appear in The Argus this week. The
petition committee, as well as my—
self, will appreciate the publishing of
the appeal as a neWs item in your ear—
ly edition. If you can consistently
give it favorable editorial mention it
will be of great aid. Assuring you of
our disposition to reciprocate when-
ever you may call on us in like man—
ner, I am Fraternally yours,

Editor Greenfield Argus.
January 27, 1908.]

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3’, -,-.“: . ...,0336339, arm... a frieflfl said;

l -

t0 $&, “1 fihoughi you Vera e Wemmcrafi.“ fihe $731 iegua in fihis
Gage fiovernar Tilleam, i? gummei my in one seufienmg m ”flan he

38% a 57$? trial?” I a?RfiTF you finveymar, 1 #071: na* he here
fifimiay, may moulfi any wemhsr Of fiEie emmmifltee if we did he?
believe implicitly in fihe imnocenca of Mr. Pawexs, nor woulfl We
"1:27 1.11.735} :'2. .:‘." :5:: ."'-2.}. f 1 21‘- 52, 2'1 :37“. ‘iziz’ial . ' 222-1'13: I:
wae flaked we serve an fihi; finmeififi7é I a% firefi fiaelinefl om fihe
gffluflfi $33? I fihfififihfi 17 heifief f0? YT. Fowers *0 we eefiW17fiefl

fly a juwy a? his gearg. fiat fikn frianfl.who aypraachefi we gaifl,
”30 yea believe thafi he men 3%? a €71? fimial?” I fifiifl, ”i fio
mafi.” Eben egifl he, “We 7am? yam am 737 cmmmififiee, far 397?
reasan f0? fiaclining is on? waasan for vanfiimj fiau 70 Serven”

30 : congenfiafl an& E aw.fiere 77 gay fig yea, fisveruer, fikafi

Mr. Powers hag have? hafi 2 fair fiwial; 77a? fihe eafifiiiien$ in the 2
state are guehwfram 7&7 very nature of fihe case, KKEE it 1% ahso—
lufiely impasafikle fey Eim in ya: 7 fej? fifiial. P0117333 ifi in
ibis ease; 7&9 1amt trial Judge amid $0. In a fligsenfiing oyinion
a minoyifiy mf fihe 793311379 finuyfi saifl $0. The Qupyeme $6737 of
the Unified Ltatefi etzengly imfiimafieé it. Evary same man in fihe
Sfiate kaowg fihafi thifi is e 901771921 @339 anfl fbr fihie Peeaon it
is absaluéely imposefihle fi$.fefi a £31? an& impartial fiury. Then
fihe 175% jury was being melaefiea, I Witneeeefl scenes in fihé ficefifi '
0130717 flour? fihafi were fiisgugfiing to any fairuminfiefl man. Where I
was a hafifilm royal he mean Tajor Owene afifi Col. Freeklin, fihe

one figflfiing for Fepufifiicams, fihe GEE»? fa? fiamaarafis. Then &
yr0$yeeu1we wafi 99133 queaxionea, you could always cell from
w 4

MT- ETflflklin'S 396037 Quegtian'whefiher ha wee a fiemoerat1 fiffier
the jaws? hag saifi fihat he hafi fflxmmfi anfi QX@Y%HSB& am flyimion, if
a fiemoerat, Hr. Franklifi wavlfl flay, ”Eotwithsfiamfliag 7&9 faat fihat
you have Eoth formed anfi axyweaaafi an ogimion, $3717 you, if fiaken
upon fihig jury, give hafih fihe figmewnweelfih anfi 7he flafenfianfi a
fair anfi imparfiial fiyial?” If a Eagnbliean, his eeeam& questicn

 ! A
was, "EOE 8&111 hflVG that ngififiom?fi “Yeaw aaié fika jfiyarfi “fiifl
you ffiffl fihfit Upinififl frmm waafiing fiafiailafl acafinflfifi 3? $39 flea“
timony?“ ini 5% og)umfiil tkw juror vaulfl fiisxualify Lfimgelf,
flafior fiwemg, far *he Qefensas aflfiemgtaa ta fiisqualify avery
Eamoarafi, anfi hr accpgtad Rapuhlicans wifihoufi asking fihem one
9:331? fluafifiiCEQ Eafiafllyfi “Tfitfile, Zinfiay, flafiinssg an? mfifiers.
Both the Gommgmmealth Hfifi fihfi caf u amfi kafl machine pelifiioiafls
from Earrissn anfl fixam? flaunty $0 yagfi Hymn fiha polifiiag 9f evary
mam plaaefl in fihe jury hex. The 138% juror seleefiefl in fiha last
firial, Hajar Oweng gfiqrfiafi out to make him @isqualify himaalf.
The firgt quéafiion gm pufi fig him, ”You were an arasnfi afimire?
anfl Suyygyfigégayerevyfiu hafi?” "ES, 1 votefl far Jahm Yaung grawfl.“
' saifi fine juxnr. “@aka yam? aaafiflgaifi ngox Gwefls. 30W flail me
thafi fibere is nofi pelififias in €313 eaae. The max? jury mus?
necesgarily somg frsm Fayetfig 0? Swan finnnfiy. Jufiga Worris has
already refused to go fin Favefite flownfiys Is fhere 9 fififié flan
Wifihin tbs Ssunfl 9? my vcioe wha Believes fihafi yam 02% 30 to ihafi
roek~yibhea County of fiamnfiyaay, fiwea, ani 3%? a gury fiha? woalfl
" ,.2 .ra o I .\ ‘s n_. 1 - ~ ..
aang in a vaxulct a: éfififilfififil even though fihe Law anfl svifiemce
warrantefi aai demaniaé it? Why &0 3 Say fihig? 30 I mean that
there awg ma? ffiirmmiaflgfi,'umywegufliceé man im iha fiauufiy 0f Gwen?
Eat at all. The faiyaminfled, unprajuéiaefl men will n3? sit in
thig ease; fihey will &isqu§lify fikamselves by fihe fiazeng. At fihe
last trial, yen W031i hava thoughfi fihafi there was an epifiamio
among fihe venira a3 ragaxfls ampifial punighmenfi. In fag? Jufige
Morris agkgfl saveral 6? *Hr f3T$TS if ifiay hafi BGESfiiegtiaas
soruples on that gubgecfi before fihay reamhafi $8argetown. So fihe
better 01333 will aisnuaji?v fiBfiW%le“0 if “Gamfixl “"” ”m U ' n
J. .. _..] .IuJLLL.‘q ,uu 1:; nudfl) 9 calls» “3.3.. OWE-Fifi
mnsfi necessarily aceegfi & jury fram fihQSG wha are ineayahle of
weighing fihafi greafi mags 0f tafifiimcny intalligenfily and who have
fieludefi fihfimSelves inta fE¢ Eniiaf thfif fihoy fian givw hfim a faiE ~
anfi imparfiial trial. Qam Er. Powers gefi a fair trial mafia? fihesa
circumstances? $02 For the uninfielligenfi are fihe ones who are full

 i a
Baa-1:: w
0f palifiimfll yrejnfliea. Ah bu? fihgy may fiha? {fie yfajufijee ifi
fihia fiflfifi flag fiiefi am?“ $mfi ha% it? Why ?0ur fimnay, E aaulfl
yiek a,jury ia fiffinaa fifnufiam 3m fiha vfi~aafifi a? fiesrgéfifiufi tkafi
wmuli acgwifi, E aawa ufifi'9hat 33$ evifianae is. Amfi 1% le%# fiime
than fihafi I can 316% a jury tflafi woulé hang himfi where is another
reason'why My» Payers Saw “4* 92% a fair firiahg Wfie evil fig?
mam £3 livagaffiey Eham‘ A xfififiriang lawyer has figuvéfi in fikase
Gases whg figea earfiain ska? wifiuagsas. Thage Eta? wifinégaas
musfi ueeesgarily fiag?ify im fufiuz@ trials. fiheyé‘will always ha
One er were an via jury witb.eneugh fiayfig fealing t3 acaeyt the
Sfiafimfiaqfia a? fihasa gemjurems anfi hflflfifi ycu will alwagg hav& a
hung jury far fig will ne?sr Ea aomviefiea again. éflafhnr reason
Why he'eaanat gmfi a fair @3131; I? fiakag «shay $3 firing Witnefiges,
some 0f Whom.ara frsx fligfiwni 3fi3f98, and Eoweya ifl wifihaufi maney.
Evefiy firial hag 903% him evmr fiwaive fihaufimxfl fiollar$. ”here
'Will he gat the necessary manay from? Suppose he should ask the
flammanwaalfik $0 Brim? EiE T€*n9sges. Tania fihe Gunmen?emlfih
bring all khat he wanfimfi or Wnulfi ifi uga itfi fiigerefiion $3 $6
Wham t§ 3rin3. fihe Comuanwealfih was agkefi afi fihm saesnfi'firial
of Hr. Powarfi to firing him Wffimaages anfl fine fieurfi refmsefi his
ragueafi. Again, I fear fiba fingfir 0f fleath :3 already uycn fihe
mafl. I fig mat balievg he will he aliva fimn.vanfih$ fram now if
€0333d $0 11% im fihe flaofifi fiannfij jail fihifi gamma? afifl anfierga
fihe firyiflfi ardeal of afiofh-r trial, Far @ighfi 103$ anfi weary
ysarg this man kaS'Waifiafi a ma? ffir marey a far he has waver
agkefl far Ska? H has f0? fi333€¢85 anfi E Bag¢ ha wili 39% have to
wait eight aays longer.
3 Efl conclufiion, Oflfi worfi f0? @003 Jim Herarfl. if I kaow
testimamy when X hmar it aha 325% fivial of Powers ghnwad Eeyund
all drmbfi fihafi anafihwr fhmm.fiim Hawarfi firefi fiha fafial ghot. We,
this pardon anmmififiee, hopg fihmfi yam will rijhfi fihe mrfing acne
fihafi 9003 moufltain man.
I thank.you f0? fiha aar&fu1 atfienfiion yam havg given me.