xt77wm13nj7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13nj7w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18930231 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1893-02-may31. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1893-02-may31. 1893 2011 true xt77wm13nj7w section xt77wm13nj7w 

MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, July 26,1892 -page 108-109

report what regulations of the college are now in force
& to recommend such as they may deem desirable. On motion
Pres. Patterson was added to the committee and the same
committee was appointed on nominations. Subsequently the
Presidents name was omitted.

     Adjourned until 10 A. M. Wed.

Hart Gibson
  Sec'y.                   W. B. Kinkead, Ch. B of Ty.

                         May 31, 1893

     The Board of Trustees met at 10 A. M. at the College.

Present                  W. B. Kinkead
                         Dr. R. J. Spurr
                         R. A. Spurr
                         D. H. James
                         W. L. Davis
                         Phil. Bird
                         Hart Gibson

     Moved by Dr. Spurr that Dr. Pryor select the rooms in
the Dormitories to be used in case of necessity as an
Hospital. The application of Profs. Shackleford, White
& Miller was referred to the Committee on Salaries. Dr.
Spurr reported from the Committee on Physics, the inability
of the Committee to agree & were accordingly discharged.
The resignation of Judge Ireland was presented and accepted
& Mr. Jm. Hagan was elected in his place. The Committee
on nominations reported Maj. Bullock for Treasurer who was
elected & the following Executive Committee, Judge W. B.
Kinkead, Br. R. J. Spurr & Hart Gibson from the Co. of
Fayette & Gen. Buell & Mr. Davis, Mr. J. G. White was
elected Business Agent. The salary of Business Agent was
continued as at present and the salaries of Sec'y. &
Treasurer was left as at present. On motion the proposition
to establish a chair of Physics was rejected. Ordered
that the sum of $1500 be appropriated to the Department
of Physics. That the sum of $2500 is appropriated for
the Veterinary Dept. The following schedule of
appropriations was adopted. Viz:


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 31, 1893 - page 109-110

Normal Dept.                         200.
Biology                              400
Botany                               500
Physiology                           200
Veterinary                          2500
Civil Enj.                           300
Physics                             1500
Mech. Eng.                           1400
Chemistry                            800
Military                              100
Geology                              150

     And for the Experiment Station on specific and approved
estimates as in the case of other Departments all the sum
appropriated by Congress & all sums resulting from fees
in the analysis of Fertilizers. An extension of time was
granted the Committees which have not able to report & then
the Board adjourned.


     The following Resolution offered by Mr. Gibson was

     Resolved that the Athletic Association be under the
jurisdiction & control of the Faculty; that it shall prepare
and present to the Faculty for approval a code of regulations
for the government of its members; that a list of its members
be submitted to the Faculty at the beginning of each collegi-
ate year with any additions which may from time to time be
added thereto; that no student below the grade of Freshman
be allowed membership without the consent of the Faculty
previously obtained & that any member who fails to maintain
a creditable class standing in consequence of time devoted
to Athletic sports be required to withdraw from the
Athletic Association."


MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 31,1893 -page 110-111

     The following is the list of graduates and their
respective Degrees.

J. R. Johnson,          B. M. E.
MA. S. Railey,             C. E.
Milford White              C. E.
K. I. Adams                B. A.
B. G. Willis               B. S.
D. P. Smith                B. S.
O. C. Hobdy                B. S.
Jno. Bryan                  B.S.
Rosa Speyer                B. S.
Henry Gunn                 B. Se
Miss Cora W. Ware          B. Ped.
Jir. Courtney              B. Ped.
' Roberts                B. Ped,
    Baird                  B. Ped.

    The Board of Trustees met in regular session Wednesday
Dec. 12th, 1893.

Present                 Judge W. B. Kinkead
                         Gen. Buell
                         President Patterson
                         R. A. Spurr
                         Jno. F. Hagen &
                         P. P. Johnston

     Gen. Buell offered the following resolution viz:
that the salaries & etc. of all Profs. & employees be
appropriated for, as other oppropriations are made
Adopted. Resolved on motion of Gen. :uell that the Board of
Trustees express their di sapprobation of the appropriation
of $280 for the Military     epartinent in excess of the appro-
priation made at their first meeting during the year, but
they confirm the appropriation. Adopted, Mr. Gibson not
voting. Moved & adapted that the resignation of Mr. W. L.
Davis, is accepted with great regret. The committee on
nominations consisting of Judge tagan, Maj. P. P. Johnston
& Hart Gibson reported the following Executive Committee,
W. B. Kinkead, Dr. R. J. Spurr  R. A. Spurr, D. H, James
& Jno. F. Hager with Judge W. #3. Kinkead as Chairman.
General Buell submitted his report on "1 Salaries." The
Board of Trustees adjourned until 3 O'Clock P. X.   The
report of General Buell was accepted & adonted & ordered to
be filed. The report of Maj. Johnston on Regulations was