xt77wm13r216 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13r216/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 04, 1983 1983 1983-11-04 2020 true xt77wm13r216 section xt77wm13r216 W
I=I:;;:IIIIIII{'Q~IIII.IIIVIII>III M- M . . - . . , 2 . . M
my, _—:.,_ - how-Him y» ‘WdM.W.M Mommi no" m. m;
, A t... Ara at esneged by diss dents
. 5. ' ‘ -' 'o‘p 0 o o
4 .. g, .3. in command post near 'l'ripoli
_ .. . so a at.
-— ' I y. 5“? I l . ‘3' if“ fr 'é . é ‘ 1.3"} . ’
é ‘ .' ‘* I \i} ‘ ’I _st ." “p... ByMONAZlADl-j mini and wteran «it tit-i hit: lf‘. it..- Hit gun-ruins .1 ~ \u“: \‘n‘tnu
.. . I_$—r" ‘ t “at? u .i‘ ii ‘ 2:“; . _ Associated Press Writer Nixon and Ftrd adniiiiistraiitm :i the lllldi ti
‘. ‘ ‘ figr‘ I I Q =, I'II _ ‘I “ ,2 ‘- Ht‘ replaces Rotn‘r' i \tt‘rIarlilne “hilt‘ n‘fu‘; swimsuit-r .." l’olIYIJ‘
M av .22.. . M" ‘ I‘ 233M oI‘I j', I ‘ BEIRL'T. Lebanon - Palestinian who was named (k'l l? as the White i it.‘ tirnit‘f Mix .it' ’ul' strum :
,I I o2 .I d ‘ ~ mutimers pounded Yasser Arafat's House nationalseeurit} thinner win-nuns rein-tit~r\ :. int-n; “A.
‘3'." f . ., 5 1' 2‘ last Mideast stronghold With tanks in his new ioh litunsfelti villi .\\r‘..tll .m our iris ”N mm
a” . 3 tr “‘ and artillery yesterday. leaving 34 oxersee l‘ S efforts in holster the nil-ti .Illdih‘ in; \raini t .iqiinuim
4“ r, ‘ ”can.“ , ( dead and 119 wounded outside 'h'ipo gowrnmt-nt in [moon in to lieu- tk‘ditquuftl‘l\ .i: Halt-Lu.
I "2... i MM 'I ‘ .. Ii lt‘rittt’ \chdrawal of 5) mm [arm-ll l: ”0”le l \ \luriiit' sputuani
ti’ “‘4 'M and Palestine Liberation Hrguniui Mn; ltotl'l'. Jordan will Kulll ft
2 2“ " ‘ ' Police in Tripoli. 50 miles north of tioti forces from imitation and try to Yiliiht' out .imiinii tin- nl'tllht‘f' t-
"' » __ .. W ‘ Beirut. gave the Casualty count in negotiate peace til-tween lsruel anti rinwtet iii 1hr “unit-s .i rpm! luv
_ . . a ‘ the fighting. Which broke out at tht'Arab world fir-ftirr thii \t‘stt-rtlln .iritf that Thi-
,‘(M‘ M. M . csMk ; dawn and raged through the day and Arafat was in ilw lieleaguereti \ldl'ltld'b it-iiinmi .t it-w l-Mllhb
t3. . VI .efi t‘V‘ into the night Tank cannon and stronghold near Tripoli .‘I Hnttsh . .
"I‘ II mu‘e than 100 field artillery guns lirtuidcastina t‘oni camera crew “" “WM“ "'"""”‘ ""“”‘-”“’
.. ”- 2, 4 r ,2 M”, 22 \ .‘12-‘w . .- thundered around the City said He refusedttithllt with them "’ "' ”"' M‘m'“ ”‘ “”m“ ““1 ”"'
iMw '4’. ~ hath“ Ir?" .. 4. _{gccw a l The center of the fighttm was “I“"wr’w‘k‘ 5"“1 ””‘l'I " ““5"" M"!
in» ‘2 .2 =‘ \‘t' 2* » \2 . . t 5 in ' a ' Nti'il .' l -
, M :11; ‘ts' 4 I‘wucI‘I'NI 'Il US Marines m Beinlt. mean- Siuunt mm' “h“.II ”36 from III'I .IiIlIr:;}rl ittsIlerflilIlr-«trg Itha-I HI! 2i
. f ck) - 3. 222.;2‘ 2 . . . while failed an infiltration attempt “NH“ edge 0‘ “\rdl‘” ‘ headquar t ., , . . ll . .
¢ :. a, "in I“. “Mel“ i and predicted ma'e attacks in their ters in the Baddlivn camp Beirut .WII ‘lnt- IIIIII, kl 1‘1 at“ \mt‘lii-t!
. . i M ta!” .3“ {'I’IIIIIIII it. , 2. 1 base. radio said the mountam changed ”ml" "‘r‘W'M‘I‘ ”Mm?“ ””l "W 1““
.M. . a“; . . . . . hands several um“. during thedli) sou unit in ‘l" ifii .rliits
fl" Ir» “a 5” '* 2‘ V . In Washington. President Reagan A huge column of Mark smoke A N‘l" 5' "‘H‘Plll't‘ dl‘“ wtllt‘il
. 2 .I 2M 3:. .. ft . -. _ named fame,- Defense Secretan rose above Tripoli from an (ll rt-fm for .l lhllltliul m nth Lililliill tiltiiri
. 22 < a“ .. . . ~.... 1' . i _ -. :.,=§~w . . . .. _} Donald H Rumsfeldas ms m. 511d (hr-My on [he “13(- ill lht‘ BflddéHAl enlv .1")th lA‘tLtlltlf‘. \ unflillfi
_'r dle East mblaWuM and Rums campset ablazein thrfltltitlnfl fdt‘tltitb IHM' t'llllfrrvtitt- Irwin 'ii
suit “unto krillelSlafl 2 , , - Gent-tn \futittax mi! in \t‘ll'flle
watCh dog feld qmc'dy admitted he dId “OI. Anna! "(’“It’d “'5 3“" “RM?“ 010- trgotiittlln ut-rt- lnzn in ionic-
have any solutions for the region s . .. fl ,
problems would fight it) the bitter end to dt' up with it resolution tl’ .immui ui
Mr. X watches the world go by while his owner, Steve Wade, studies by the fountain in front of the ‘ {99d 0|" 9909‘? I ”9 charm“ I" a "WIN it \im 17 .II t mi ilmtt't
Patterson Tower. . broadcast over his \'()l(‘(' 1‘ l’iilt'.‘ “hit‘h l‘t‘iil'l Airgun] !ll Illlllldl
"it is worth our best efforts." said tine radio that Synan and Libyan (mm trim”... 1,. win” in, t... um,
Rumsfeld. 51. a former congress troops were supporting dissident .IndcTtlltlllllt «nun-mums
i ‘ d
SG ff' . 1D t . h' t UK student appomte
A O 1013 avenpor l‘BSlgnS lS DOS to position on CHE
By ELIZABETH CARAS Although the Senate passed a culture Student Council urges SGA a fashion show of native Indian 3) JN“ “MM-“h ‘ ' - ~"l
StaffWriter bill at its last meeting urging not to provide funds or verbally clothes. senior Stafanter ' ' . W A
campus support for the “Great support the event, which will be ' y -'
David Bradford, Student Gov- American Smokeout,” Scott held Nov. 19, He said the college The Senate 3150 approved a bl“ Jack [)ulworth u. looking for on g .
emment Association president an- Yocum. agriculture senator, said asks SGA “to provith support for allocating $517.9 for the SGA‘S‘U' "educational" (‘Xpt’rlt‘nt't' when ht- 2.
nounced the resignation of John the students in his college feel it is the tobacco industry." dent Orgamzation Mm" 0" N0" 1mm lhc Kentucky (Iount‘ll 0" “lull . .
Davenport. political affairs direc- improper for SGA to spomor such , 10' The. event.“ “Oped to 59"" as W Edut‘allm later "115 mmlh II I
tor, at the SGA Senate meeting an event. The Senate approved a b'" allo a starting pomt for "0““le 9“ l’ulWTlh- 3* “"8"“ Jun“)r “‘85 '2 I ‘ ‘ 'II
last night attheStudent Center. eating 3le to defray the costs of changes between SGA and numerr one of four m (‘Hf‘l appmmm .5 ‘ ,,
Bradford said it was Daven- Tobacco is the mainstay of Ken- the “India Night“ program spon- ous campus organizations. Bryan named Wanda)- h} um John y I “If I ,
MI. third year being involved tucky’s income and the industry sored by the International Stu- West, director Of student affairs, Brown He Will gene as it student >V£¢~M l " .0.
with student government. “I’ve should be supported at the state‘s dents and Scholars Office. “The said. representauw from NOV 15 ,0 Apr” w 1» '7'” _ ,
found him to be an excellent sen- land grant institution, Yocum money was gomg F0 8° to MUC‘ West said members are an ex 15 ~21 M212 ‘ I. -.
ator to work with. a worthy oppo- said. “We feel it is inconsistent mg the prices 0f tickets although cellent source of student 0 "no" "it‘s such a broad education ' - ‘ I“ 1‘
mat in the past eImtim (Daven. With the charge Of this University they were already printed MUP. “Most Of the time after map", tor- llulworth Mild (if the benefits of a ‘ .
wt mm mm in last Springvs to use students tmtion to support Keith Hlll.Sen8mr€t-lal‘ge,sald4 gamutlm members: cast - [hen servmg on u", (Itlunt'll IIltIh an ."u F \
SGA presidential elections) and a suchacontroversial issue." Instead. the money will be used ballots they kind of forget about cation in itself m- biggest thing is ‘ S; I '
tine member of my executive for extra activities such as the becoming active With the sun " ”‘9 CM”“-’"’“""“"“’-“““‘ II ‘I “*5 I‘
branch.” Yocum said the College of Asrl- showing of the film "Gandhi" and Westsaid. ' He u only "is ill-«ind studs"! W I
reentative named to ('lll-J and the J“ h I)! |“()RIH
first from L'K
. . . Other appointees were Grad) lit-en successful in his bid for \t.:\
1 rar machine can read to the blind M... ..
Terry Mt'Brayer a ltxtnittoti law 2" l“ ”M ”W """Wlml‘hfi‘ “l“
yer. and Michael llarreld. senior ’1‘” “"""I“"“"” “”‘W l" "’0’"
By CHRISWHELAN any standard typeface, but it has For the KRM to read. material is trating" for the individual. Harken ‘I'C‘I "amen! 0‘ ”“1““ “(Mm IIIIIIII IrIrYIIIII IIII IIIII I ”III IIIII II III
Staffwriter difficulty with “poor quality print or placed facedown on a glass scan- said. “it.taltes on the average of Bank and “I‘m”? MIW‘S‘I'HP Iumhtmm IIIMIIINI IIIIII III ”N
paper such as newspaper," he said. ner. The computer detects light and eighthourstotrainaperson.“ Dulworth was mm‘mm'd 3" a “t” IIIIIII "I “WM IMHI ”III“ III'IIM III
Visually impaired students at UK It also has difficulty differentiating dark areas which allows 'it to recog- _ dent rf‘pfllfit‘nléllll't' b) Jim “in“? "mg"
now have the benefit of a 330.000 between certain letters and it “can- nize letters and group them into Kathleen Hougham. coordinator 0‘ “mm S‘Ude'“ (5"V9mmem MSW" _. In am WW" “UNI'U' WI} "I 'I
reading machine. donated by the not read script or handwriting." words. Harken said sounds are then a“? 1”me VOIUmeer recording “0" Walden! “ulworlh said Whllt‘ ""1 “l “U '"""“I"" “m 5"" "“i‘
Xerox Corporation. which scans Harken said. determined through a “dictionary of umt. “_‘d UK has had the KRM for ““5"“ ”Ody Prmldents "0mm“? m'". . l ”“1”” '“m “Wm" "M
printedmaterialandreadsitaloud. If another cassette is inserted, the linguistic rules." A speech synthe- aboutsxx months. Harken said it has students for ('lii-Z. they themselves "5 5"" l""‘”“'"' ““‘l'l “”‘dm"
The meeil Reading Machine machine can also do mathematics. sizing unit finally troduca the been m the "WW but has not been cannot serve (II-(III ":3me "I “III III IIIIIINI
was designed especially for the “It then becomes a talking calcula- sound. availablefor publicuse. ”That WW” “9 H ”mm“ "1 ”1“" ,. i g IerIIIE‘I , “TIP": iRIIIIIm
blind, but will also aid students with tor,"hesaid. Other features of the reading ma- During this time five people were est Since the student body president in: {IR olIIIsIlItIxieInnt" II M In"? ilIf‘lIlI‘lII:
readlns disablities such 35 dyslexia, Columns pose a slight problem be- chine are a Goo-character memory. trained to use it and according to 59"“ 0" "‘9 “08m 0‘ I”“‘“’“- I h" “3“. m. “fifnfih. IX, II
said Henry Harken. reference li- cause the machine reads primarily an optical scanner and the ability to Harken all is“working very well " said ““13” W Rot'f’mmfi body mm a: i u, nu m 1H,. l‘IIIIII‘I
brat-inn at the MJ. King library. from left to right. Although experi- reviewthecopylineby line. Hougtlam said the Xerox Corpora- THE» over another governing Mum! “M rem-hi?) the mtleg‘
Harken is mponsiblc for teaching ments with foreign languages have Although KRM is not difficult to tion donated the KRM to UK in con- bod." " gun the smut» inll get I firm:
mletousetthRM- been done onthe machine. “it does use because it has only four keys. junction with international Year of That might have been a major "in, ir.,mim,.m..,no,-A
'nie KRM can read books, mag- not have foreign language capabili- “we like to train the students" be- Disabled Persons and Xerox's 25th point of interest to Dulworth. a for llulworlh said he htipn. to get ;.
. azineo, typed cmpondence and tits. Harken said. fore they use it. “Its a lot less frus- anniversaryofbeing in bullies. mer SGA senator-atlarge, had he cubicle m the new “Ml muanlul
[ions Office to conduct his utxlt with
Shoehorns l'K students although he «in
phasizevi that he Will he representing
. . "all the unlit-miller. and "it stau-
College ongrzculture offers students the opportunity to learn the art of blacksmithmgftrsthand [33' W“ '"“‘ ”" “M" h” “‘
- _._ 7.-.-“ ._-.A_.,-_. . .. . a _ m. ._ _1 One major goal stains out in lmi
f j ByJ.S’l’EPHE.\' MOSES None of the other students have a wrtthsplans
i We class after this. so we usually stay “The me big thing lm really
‘ ‘ M F . bl ks 'ths ”W9 try to teach the longer than our assigned time. and looking to push for in the establish
l timers, or ac mi . are , Jackson Will sta' st as long as the ment of a fund for It'adcnllt‘ nt-ri
l 1 loolkMMeMtM‘Mlf uponmewith Toma! gelatin 5,11Udents how [0 keep students want " ) Iu lent-e " he said if vu- can gr! lha’
J pa ano rcen ury, are l t -
a ‘2’ 5 still an indispensable part ory the 1 Moms comfortable Patnce men. a rhyme freshman It'll"??? timifnr‘m "$3.3
; .e,’ A It hommdustlri’; and themselves :hszmgkmlh: :‘M’Mu'x attIMtI: "3;": competent teachers to stay here and
t . . nex one you see a horse ' ' - ‘ - ’ hel hm mon- m t H"! l
a ‘ working in the field or racing at the confident working Wind ""5 18W“) ‘0 16"“ I mip' ”Wm II I
. n. , a track. his performance usually can under the horses. ”
g M .J’" "I, M: -- 2" . . be related to the fan-mu, quality Linda Snead. an agronomy armor ————~-'—- - --~~
, ‘ 5 . hi" , .5332; t A, , “gm. decided to take the class because "it
i M .‘ I g t“. A fan'ier‘s course. the first in Stephen 6- JaCksono w‘" “99°" my “mnmu- ”d 'NS'DE
I +- . ‘ k a, three years. is currently be offered UKferrier partially because II" 3" up an 9“
§ M _v (I " ~ g; by the College of WWW". with penenttal educatim program With
1 ‘M . . plain to continue it in future Fall le- _ another tamer fa m" ”mm ‘1
l . I o 7‘ masters. Stephen G. Jackson. an a- .. “PM “'9 “m“ a" ‘ n Hot "WWI.”
. . . ' . I mmmmmtwimmeds- Andlnadertobecome skilled in unique breed and have to be Nifimmmml
l , - l I t ‘ . . .':,~ , 't I P‘rtment of am'mal sciences. is the MM horses. Jackson “id stu- lwfimmd my ”I” m'" 3cm”).
. i . ,, _ i, ‘ Wig.» immfa'theomme. mu avelop experience by work- praise when a show or race hone -
l . A _ . 2 . , t . - - I. he 2
M . .I a, ,7!” M; t. _ mm Raul). Jackson‘s tam” m with I‘m-m “mum d perfa'ms WE". am If? uually "I MM”M ' .°
, . M *5 .., .5,- . 'g. . assistant. attended an Oklahoma fl'ooenfnovu. ”W'mwmm“m - h M m“
, 3‘ 37' - “c n 25 I“ » 3'7 ‘7. ‘ farrier school last summer and Fame-n are 9“" relatively well. m fl '0 m ~ I hat-
with ;W .- - . ~ » _- M . . Students also learn hum anatomy aver mmmmo . gr_ mm.urmm.~c
. My. .. '5‘“; M :1?th cl ’ , 23W _F'i“ mlpmhktmmhbmm . . .0" ‘ ' ye
. *7 1 y, .. . -:“- 8.5:. ~ ' t ”3"?“ M‘§I_ ‘M 0(me “Ed excuse physiology, ”CM with 350.000 in aming: not all that
. ., ., {.31. , w " - "" “'52 mull. Jackson said "Specialties
.2, ‘.‘ 111;»- ‘ f’ Winoncunearegiven Mmmuudamm can make more money. depending
it; .324.ng . .. .I ,, 4:; ' - “aM good taste M0! the trade and the clam lectme. and . two-hour mtheinkillandclientele “
WI “IIIII‘J‘II .1: ‘ ‘3 I l' "U ii!- mingle: belnnd them-II Jackal hborlta'y at UK'I experimental Accordim '0 J'Cm- mechaniza-
,..,. .~ 4' r; . .. A fM M ,M M “M22 ~ . . Illd. ‘LilteMany firm of art, a good station form Prelerence . Um to tion Will not affect the future at for-
?M, .-,M . 2 - .v . - N ‘. MlmulfllfltSL WNW an’mfl science "MW. rien. as the wdeuion Wt" stay a
‘ I aflI..- f‘ "in-e2. r" ' .. wummumm mhndlmdM.Whmc a... “u”
"”;.""I ;a$at.,_, n :. .MMMJ'M ‘1 Wefl'ytotfldtt’lmm “WIRMW. mlychnmamadeheshouathe :.~:~m..‘
- . - . - ' ‘ tommmmmu Mhdmw m“ mania...“
mmmm MM” "°'"'“ Jmm » "F"""‘~"
.. manta-I. ' - owns “m m- fiohhhfit—mfl
the Ila-Ia. m an M .
”WWW” how to no. on m is. me My “6" "" M2 ' unwound-untu-
Linda Snead. on economy senior. steadies a horse while Tony ' m "W' ' m "‘ Mae m tum. ‘ h.“ “m“ n I:
Shuttle mmimol science major files his hoof w' ww‘“ ”“m'm “ah" “'1 “‘4; l M '9 m can: and . mar unu- .. .y, . .2
. . - dthesbuwmiouthotfm. mmmmugu. In! ”"2““ t: "’“' * ' ' "

 rum!” .
w Domlno’s COLLEGE LIFE AT CALVARY D g pr g 1]] mb t b
O . .
| 24 Pizza Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:45 am. ru 0 ra CD a S a use
— ,, 9 Q E z ,, ,. , __,_ M r . Wm ., 11:00am. WY , , - , ——~ - 7-4—4. W- “—7-, " ,._,
g 8 E G Dméwir . . College Forum (Pizza,5:30) 6:00 p.m. 3090'” 2 i??? 2 ‘1‘" g I." ‘4 t l
------f------ EVCfllngWorship 7IOOD-m. lnrecent yummablleamtummbu ‘21.“ '3 .L ' ' '- '
3 ' .‘A
I FREE I FREE : Calvary Baptist Church- 150 E. High m3??? m Mme; ”gym Imufl‘
m - It
I PEPSI : PEPSI I (3 blocks north of the Student Center) — refitted an attempt to tight this abme amaig atu- ; . . \ r ‘y
I Two tree 16 oz. I Four tree 16 oz ' Kgfl‘gkyWu a) 13% ”T5132: metrnm": 11;: f b I d '
I trottluuot Papal with I bonanza! Pepsao with I editiond‘fl'he Chemical People,”anewaeriumPBS. V 4 a u with...“
I :glyip‘gn 3313132. I zgzpon :eerSizzse I R'CK NELSON A WP “ approximately 15 we we" present ‘0 ”P“ I, .It «It»
Customer pays Customer pays In COHCOr' watch and discuss the first W! N ”I warn at f“ a ‘_ but
I deposit. I deposit. I with the Health Sciences Lamina Center WM! ailm- I)" V n IIC‘I
I Expires: 11/6/83 I Expires 11/6/83 I The WW0“! Wm m the whim 0‘ ' . ‘fi ..t.
u _ no plppuy drug abuse that exists in mum high schools. The 4 _ M, I, . I,“
I put, a... muemw I Fur, Free Delivery I DEL nationally produced segment was shown directly at- 4f“ ' ,
Good at any | Good at any I SHANNON terwart'h. m\ / r i
I L°"’"°'°" '°°°"°" ”mm" '°°‘"'°"' CARI. PERKINS The W" meefinl It the Mullins Center was 0'88- A’ ' ' , M
I , I . u ' Rupp Arena. Nov.ll 8p.m. "ind.” the Human “elm” can”? “d the Mt -— J
I I. : new. $9.75 a $10.75 :gaauismmmmmm 3m"; p... .. a, .. We... malaria...”
I 0 as I ' . o6 . at Rupp Box Office 8. Disc Jockey who coordinates BAOCHUS’ campus activities, said she Anonymom laid. Traffic Alcohol Patrol is part at the
“:3 - - - - - Lngaa- - - - - J was not overly disappointed by the somewhat meager effort to curb alcohol abuse in Kentucky, Alan Ernest, a
. . ‘ 3:;ntgt‘:tl.nl;BestitgtgteahaVingt :istribnted‘fgnht‘iym aruiomtc- masts” with the Lexington/Fayette Comty
‘ “Youlearnncttobeidealiatic,"she said. ' 'lhe poblem is denial, Myrtle Proctor, an adoleecait
_~ 0 “ Dr. William Berdine, executive director of the item drug meter at the Comprehensive Care Cents, said.
' ‘ tucky War on Drug, was a panelist at the meeting. Studentsandparents refine toadmit theta problem ex-
, ' - Ber-dine explained that “The Chemical People" was the istsintheircanmunities.

.. _ n. .. . , . . ‘ “first phase of statewide activities" by. the Kentucky ’lhe PBS program said that many teenagers feel com-
{Vi}: ; .~ . . War on Drugs program. They are using television, placent becauseotthetact ttntdnigsandalcoholm
‘ I“ an if 3‘. W through the cooper-aha: of KE'l‘, to try and “publicize so readily available. It showed how many see alcohol

bur-"N . , 9:” ‘ fox-35: - (the) abuse problem first, and stir up interest." Only being pushed upon them by the media and hear dram-

. . if _ ‘ s QQW: then will some impact be made toward finding a solu- pantdrmusagebeingalmostanonninwrsociety.
‘ “'3 ‘li‘dfilm‘ ' t‘oigilhtlhtguszlltdhigh school problems with drug abuse were parenFadtggwiulil) fiim’fi'fihe‘v‘i’ beMai-cutthe fi'mfi:eumw' and
4 A ‘ “an“ I a ‘
\ The Magic Of Mexico - m4{ focused on in the broadcast. concern for the problem social whatnFayetteCounty scfitohmald.
° we. : ghoul; Sgt be contgined to that one area, some mem- l mdgbgafi 8%: problenli l)haslfesterecl ta- too
“can...” wuc i . 5-. ;. tie-m e; rs pane sag . ‘ “ (:hemj ” ‘ f t
- . ‘ Alcohol abuse is well represented on university cam- inmtlgleright direction,Berdines‘:ild. eop e Is a in step

.rmmrat‘iirai'irih $2.00 - -


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Sports writer says he s not anti-UK Wildcat Warmup
By MICKEY PATTERSON point where peqile tend to lose rea- should be changed than part of the
"" SportsEditor sonaboutitJthink thatone func— roleofacolumrustoughttobeto go hemelk“ \. _:.~ t »~.t:‘m .
1...... tion of a sports columnist or of a after that i think it‘s gomg to be a Wm \ Mi" Aw ' \ V A N l)‘
run Billy Reed, the sometimes hated, newspaper is to maintain a sense of fine thing, it‘s going to show the na- airinu - .2; - .. \l ‘
sometimes loved, (depending on perspective and a seme of reason tion one of few things that occur in itmmi. l k ~ : \.. : ..
whether your favorite color is redor about it and sane people interperet Kentucky that really is a positive (ult‘hts l k ;.. «. r ., ._ - . _ i : r z «Um: .ri‘
, blue) but always controversial that as being anti-UK or anti-Joe thingagoodttung “ .tll Mm i: u ~ \i .ui-s. an...» _, . ,, . .
0.. sports editor of The Courier Journal Hall or anti-whatever but that‘s not Reed said one of the reasons that \audcrhilt t.~ qr: \t.r- ~r. :r v ._., \caxuz‘. .: at l 2 u a» \t. .i . , .tt --
, wasoncampus last night toexpound thewayllookatit. so many people identify so who EilYl‘ -.~..r .t- \..- lord“ . \\ . - . .~ . . ,t, .
7 on his views on UK Athletics, the “I think it's mainly the role of a mently with UK basketball is Ken ”Htflm l k - . rm \ . Jwb . ., haw .c u . ,.. In”, A, ,4, .
condition of college sports and jour- newspaper in our society, especially tucky is a impoverished state with a Iklrnm l k . u at g... ,, . ~ \ x Wit - 4 ~. kt . is in... , ., .1 ,. .. ,. .
nalism. in sports where you get people who lot of negative factors. by being in- Injuries \ r: - H, « In”. A t. ,, ,, k. .
Mano-in Reedspoke tomembersoftheSo- go nuts about it. and I'm talking volved with the UK Program it‘s _ . . it «t - ... \ - , .,
ilcbolics ciety of Professional Journalists about well-educated professional something they can be proud of and L k ' ' I'" ‘* ‘ "J ‘ ..... :“f‘ " ”I“ t_'ll .2}. ,.II_,. . ,
td file (Sigma Delta Chi) in the Maggie people who seem to really lose their bragabout *“l‘ " f“ ' ~' *I *I‘-"‘ I‘ W“ ‘ lit wire-- l at. z
rnest,s Room of the Journalism Building. perspective when sports is invovled, Reed said UK is not the only "““I' f ‘ ""I"‘ I" ‘ I‘ "W lltj‘i 4 ti it . - r.
Utility He has been anything but popular every now and then we just need to school where this happens He com- ““""‘_"‘“ “ “' " “ ""”“ ‘ ““' "““N‘ ii ; \-.ir..i . r i H mm.
. i with Big Blue fans the past few remind them, ‘hey wait a minute. pared the love of Oklahoma football “‘“r'” l k ’ ' Ht 'Ruk tis. \ a
almost years, commenting on such subjects this is just a game we’re talking in Oklahoma, He also said every PI I u I II I . , IIIIII . . “III I I“. i~
I, said. as the “Dream Game" series and in about.‘ This should be entertain- state has this type of identification. II'_‘"‘I "I_ " .. ‘ '_II I‘ I‘III‘II‘II k lie I
In ex- general not writing favorably merit, this should be fun. this is not just nottothe extent of L'K's ‘I‘ "I ’I'I‘I ‘II I I I‘I‘\: 'IIIIII‘III ‘II‘II
enough for the diehard UK fans likedeath." "‘I‘II “I ‘ -r 'IIII‘I“ I‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ UK
eleoln- throughout the state. At times UK Reed was one of the main voices I"; “I ‘ I‘M; \I III km \1
bill an zealots have accused Reed of favor- in calling for an annual basketball , .- I I II: I‘I‘ “I”: . I“‘ “III Atoll; IIIIII‘HI‘I‘I I‘ shirt. lri. .
aloolnl ing the University of Louisville over game between UK and UL and be- KatflSh Wm I j: “:“II ‘I’ "j’I PI If \I‘I‘IIII‘ " ‘
dram- UK. Reed, however refuted these lieves the game will be one of the Strong performances by Mar- ” “ 1.. ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ \, :I R _. \t. I, .I . I ,I
'- m Chagall t d to think that I smyasnfgscglfijopogetsf ta t' .. tyn Wilby, Jeff Bush, and \nles: ir.r i ~.- aims mm -..r. .. my.” tut! mi 1 l ‘1it.~ii\‘ . ,r - . . .
H): H Cope en . ’m H Is 01 an SIC. ' v u g - lvN‘rly Van Munch! ”will it It: ll '= irr- i. illl\l t. ‘1 V, v.- ,ii'11 - i a
ham, . anti-UK which really isn't true, “is he said. “Ive been a big agitator II)ennix Damion Propelled lht iiiIriItIII Ii ., . ., .. I IiI .‘ IirII IIII II It is“: IiII IiIxu i . . p II ,.
not being anti-UK at all, it’s just about that. I think Otis Singletary Kallish to a 6I2—Sl \ictory over :ItIiItIII...\iIIiII tIc. .II.I.I IIIII.I.r:.i IIiI.rr\.iI \T‘t‘r'::illll trim” “Mi“- Rr.:l RtrItIIkIrI . “II kl~ III
ftl' 1“ maybe being in disag'eement With wld sommy that he thinks the Purdue la“ nlghl a! Memorial \:‘”d(xl:iil .,i: 'ii guigtli‘il‘! it :izzr-u ‘?.t tut: .I‘ :Iiii.lt .n ‘t' Kl (dilatir‘i :.:.I . liAuLi . \l.i .- .
rst step certain coaches," Reed said. «‘1 still UK-U of L basketball game is a per- Coliseum. 'llllt'\ IIIIJ _, i..r:..,:.: I ”WWI I I,_III,IIKII,II.\ .ii. Wm. H I.IIIIII II, II II, “I . .i ,
gount asUsIgmfmoftgy CWIilflergIt :maltfibutetomivthifh '15 not tIrue Wilby set a new pool record it immi- Mm. trim mm H . M. ,.. t. it .. tr
Wmer a e an ' y any meansv u gum ‘Ve ‘ S -f ‘ n v. , \. d iiizlw,“ lh:.\1\'. I; l" .x \l. lll.ll \«ii 'Iilt‘? i| ,_‘ I,,g, “(I I lit ,‘ti, ' 'J . «
thing that has motivated me more adopted that as kind of a personal '9 the ‘90 yard trtestylc m d “r”: I. .. f 12:12.”. '10:” .m i Kll: ll'Ai'iil 1'“; ix...“ ... .. . lx‘ h , .ir
than anything and has been a con- crusade and I don't feel bad about “me 01., 4:112“ and uh” :tl‘ltulzwlw‘ fl}, HQ} ”and K H. in; i, \ .,. .. 9-. .
stant concern is that I've seen over having a crusade because I think a placed “N I" the l()00-yard “pm“, w,.m,,.m.,..“ ”m,“ . m I, -.-’.t I“? .. V , i-.. I _I '
the years UK sports in this state just columnist can do that. If you think freestyle and the ZOO-yard tly.
become bigger and bigger to the something is wrong, that something ___-.,____,___ -r-~_.~._._.___.____......._.--. _-_ , . .. ,_
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