xt77wm13r289 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt77wm13r289/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1989 1989 1989-11-10 2020 true xt77wm13r289 section xt77wm13r289  

Kentucky Kernel

Established 1894

Vol. XCII. No. 67

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Friday, November 10. 1989




Men of Haggin
proceeds benefit
United Way

Staff Writer

Homecoming queen K.C.
Watts became used to large ob-
noxious crowds when she was
crowned before 50,000 fans in
Commonwealth Stadium. But
last night Watts was exposed to a
crowd for which she was not pre-

The Men of Haggin Hall per-
formed the final production of
their all-male revue fund raiser for
United Way at Blanding Tower's
23rd floor. Five Haggin residents
danced in the dark before 50
screaming women. Sometimes
the girls came out of the audi-
ence, and in K.C.’s case, the girls
were grabbed by the men.

“In front of 50,000 people, I
didn’t have to dance,” said Watts
comparing the two experiences.
“It was fun, but it was kind of

After the men performed their
routines, they paraded before the
ladies one final time in an auction
to the highest bidder. The girl in
the audience who donated the
most money to the United Way
for a performer received his servi-
tude for 24 hours.

Admission was $1.




(TOP) An interested female at last night's Men of Haggin Male Dance Revue at Boyd Hall enjoys
the show. (Above) Rob Vertrees, a second year participant in the show tries to run from Jenifer Far-
alee, an RA at Boyd Hall. All proceeds of the revue benefit United Way.

The servitude comes in various
forms. Last year Vertrces went to
a UK basketball game. As a result
of another performance last night
in Boyd Hall, a dancer will have
to perform at a wedding shower.



“When you first get on stage it
can be embarrassing,“ organizer
Rob Venrees said. “You can‘t 1m—
agine the high it is when you get
some big bids."

But the Louisville accounting


iiinior said that when no one bids.
“that is the most embarrassing
part. That is a real crushing ex-

See MEN, Page 2



Crum pleads ignorant of wrongdoing

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Uni-
versity of Louisville will file a re—
port to answer questions about
whether basketball coach Denny
Crum violated NCAA rules by
meeting with the mother of recruit
Dwayne Monon two days before
the prep standout committed to

Louisville sports information di-
rector Kenny Klein said that the
school was “following the proper
procedures and filing a report to the
Metro Conference, which will in
turn go to the NCAA to take any
action necessary to clear up this."

Klein said the university would
“neither confirm nor deny any pos-

sible NCAA violations."

Morton, a 6-6 forward at Louis—
ville Central High, announced
Wednesday that he would attend
Louisville. He has been heavily re-
cruited by both Crum and Universi-
ty of Kentucky Coach Rick Pitino.

Crum said he was sitting in his
office with former Louisville
player Robbie Valentine after prac-
tice, and “in walked Charlotte Mor-
ton and Ralph Johnson. I said,
‘Hello,’ and they said, ‘Hi.‘ and
they said, ‘What’s going on?’ They
said they came over to watch prac—
tice. I said sit down.”

Crum said the four “conversed a
while. We talked about a lot of

Crum said the team finished

practice earlier than usual because
of a change in the training sched-
ule. Practice was over by 5 pm.
CST, instead of the usual 6 pm.
quitting time.

According to Crum, Johnson
then asked about a video he had
seen earlier of a player who had
spent some time in prison and now
gives lectures to teenagers about
staying out of trouble.

“I said. ‘Would you like to see
it?m Crum said. “Charlotte said,
‘Yeah‘...It‘s a very moving tape.”

After the tape finished, Crum
said, the group continued talking
until Johnson suggested they all go
to dinner together. Crum told John-

See U of L. Page 2

The Call’s new album
influenced by the road.

Story, Page 3.

UK’s response
to NCAA probe
gets high marks

Sports Editor

UK should serve as a model for
other schwls because of its cooper-
ation during the probes of the Wild-
cat basketball program. NCAA ex-
ecutive director Richard Schult/
said yesterday.

“At Kentucky, you conducted the
model situation," Schultz. said in
comments to the Lexington Rotary

“Some people were not happy
with the way that happened," he
said in reference to some Kentucky
supporters. “You should be \ery
happy, and you should be Very
pleased. you really don’t know him
blessed you are to have a presi-
dcnt...of your uiiiucrsity
brillant, articulate and iti'.‘ as
much courage and a; strong a lead ir
as David Roselle.

“I think th:y (Kentucky officials)
set an example for other institu-
tions on how it‘s supposed to

At a news conference following
the speech. Schult/ said NCAA of-
ficials had considered shutting down
Kentucky‘s lzraskethall program.

Instead. the NCAA (‘ommittec
on Infractions placed the Wildcats.
on three years probation banned
the team from postseason play for
two seasons and barred them 37‘ 5'71
live television appearances for oar:

“The infractions committee can
call for the death penalty at am
point, if they think the situation
warrants it." Shall/z told reimrien
“And even though I am not a part

A it) I\


‘liyen though the
sanctions against
Kentucky seemed harsh,
they could have been a
whole lot nurse."

Dick Schultz

of the L:,:Il'tltttllc"c‘ I can tell you
that the .lcail. penalty was dis“
cussed. I li’i‘l t int-y gave it a lot of

“liven t. » ugh the sanctions
against Ker. .rtky seemed harsh.
they could ha..- been a whole lot

After Shultl. speech. Rotary
("litb members wt :- allowed to ask
him questions. bi.! nobody ques-
tioned the NCAA sanctions.

Shull/ praised the actions (ll Rt)-
»:lle and the Athla“ {irrector
(‘ V:

‘i '1 .‘lif‘rl the {M .3 "are \er‘.
wry r:i.: "nit Hunzaakx adminis-
tration it :~ ‘i-n' .4 . in“ in pre-
paring the j, "bf J ' ~.; i “l’aclc
don't like it
about it."

Schtilt/ said ht 9v "
-ant changes in Ll‘ll' s-t‘
.tttrin; the next few j.:‘ar~
to "hange th node!
”is l "‘t’lt‘l 1y -

Nev» :. .'l

t 'r‘ ”C.’

‘.‘\ \lr‘f‘tli‘le


or: haw
hiy.‘ now 3‘
'it‘i '.\-.l.'kl.'lz:_" “\'\r.!:
are only “It.“ the :bls, perceives
}« WU It" l‘t.‘ tliltl ‘illt‘ T‘tl‘llt' \t‘t‘s .jtil

‘ J‘. NO

x bull; said

2'; athleti.‘s Zl\ ‘l ."“'T'ill'll environ»

nient V b n. . t I‘M! 'b‘ t'tt-lflll

.‘ l K'\ Page



Contributing Writer

The [K School or Journalism is
celebrating its 73th anniversary llIl\
year, and many changes have been
made in the school since its estab-
lishment in NH by Enoch (irehan
and Marguerite McLaughlin.

L'ntil NH, Journalism was a de-
partment wrihin the College of
Arts a: Seiences. The School of
Joumalism became part or the Col-
lege of COnIIIluIlltdllUnS when the
college was established in the
1970s. Since its establishment. the
School of Journalism has produced
2000 graduates. -.ltllt\ .t \\ hi.h arc
l‘tiliuer Pri/t u latter»

The School vi Journalism has
changed substantially oyer the last
75 years. The faculty number has
grown, and the tairit uluni has been


..h;tngcd II‘ 7'? ll‘t‘ llt‘t‘tl\ f‘? \lllllt.‘i'll\
and to prepare them better for th.’
iob market.

A SH million rcrioyation of th.‘
building took place tym years 4:10.
and new personal computers were
recently put in tht~ writing lab.

A maior change in the Sthool of
Journalism “as thc addition of
broadcast and tid‘.er’tisiiig sequences
to the program, ‘.il\i hand Dick.
director or tie shoot of loumal-
l‘~ill. l’ft‘\lt‘tr\l_\. 'I‘C \cilUt)l dealt
only VHUI print iotirnaiism. Anoth~
er significant change viis the ac-
creditation «E inc :idu‘rtisirtg sc-
\lllCllCC si\ \t ars ago.

’tvttrtiaziw. . l\ c? anng a great
tl-.‘,ii Ii' tn; tast said
Douglas Boyd. d. an of the College
or ('ominu'iic.itioiis. ""‘he school
has changed to .it coittiiiodatc how


we 75TH, Page I


Assocrated Press

BERLIN —— East Germany
opened the Berlin Wall and its
other borders yesterday. and its
cheering citizens crossed freely
into the West for the first time
since l96l.

Late yesterday, exultant East
Germans began passing through
Berlin Wall checkpoints and oth-
ers entered West Germany at oth—
er border crossings. Jubilant peo-
ple pranced and danced atop the
Berlin Wall, a sight unthinkable
only hours earlier.

Hundreds were seen on the
Friedrichstrasse subway to West


East Germans break through Iron Curtain

Berlin. and i .ist (icrmans also
were allowed for the first time at
Checkpoint t‘haiiie, the famed
Friedrichsttasse crossing run by
the Allied military.

Many bagged and kissed total
strangers, a title cars packed with
Fast Germans and others paraded
down the streets of West Berlin
in a carnival-like titiiiosphere.

“It‘s cra/yf It‘s crazy!" yelled
one young man as he sat in the
back seat of a cat with his par-
ents after a brief trip through the
once-impenetrable Berlin Wall.

His parents \Jld they iust
wanted to see the West and then
drive back. They declined to give
their names.

\\ e heard it IV." the
young man .\ father said. ”We
inst dt‘tided to go ox er and have a
look. “C l\l\l utiltl It) slit)“ \‘iUI
son a little lat it: Kurtuersten-

The Kurtutrstcndamm Is one
c-l humpe‘.‘ most elegant shop-
ping strips. For decades, East
Germans locked tip behind the
now-crumbling Iron (‘tirtain
toiild only dream of seeing ll.

West (iennan leaders hailed the
decision. (‘hantellor llelmut
Kohl. on an oilit‘ial \isit to Po-
land, said: “We Wlll be in contact
Wllh the East German leadership
shortly after my return and I
would like to meet \c‘ry soon.




UK defense must stop

scrambled Vandy offense.
Story, Page 4.


 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Friday, November 10, 1989

Fetal rights addressed
by UK phiIOSOphy dept.

Staff Writer

Is fetal harm child abuse? Joan
C. Callahan of UK's Department of
Philosophy doesn’t think so and
expressed her views on this and
similar women‘s issues in a speech
to about 80 people in the Peal Gal-
lery yesterday.

Callahan cited the case of a preg-
nant Massachusetts woman who
was involved in an alcohol-related
traffic accident that claimed the life
of her eight-month-old fetus. The
woman was tried in court for vehic-
ular homicide.

“The question of liability for fe-
tal harm cannot be addressed with-
out the moral status of fetal be-
ings,” she said.

A distinct time needs to be set
which decides when an unborn
should be classified as a person,
whether it be at conception, birth
or various stages during pregnancy.

Callahan believes a person begins
at birth.

“If prenatal humans are persons.
then it’s certainly not obvious,"

she said. “They lack the mental
character. or concept of one's self
as an ongoing being. They have
no characteristics that compel per-

This concept of human life be-
ginning at birth and her belief that
fetuses shouldn't be protected under
the law, leads her to believe it is a
woman’s right to have an abortion.

She said birth “is the only point
at which societal decisions to rec-
ognize very young human beings
as persons fully protected by the
law will not allow most violations
of the rights of women who are ac-
tual whole persons."

Another problem which Callahan
discussed was the jailing of women
who might harm their unborn child
by such methods as taking drugs.
She called this the voluntary relin-
quishment view where pregnant
women forfeit their rights to auton-

“This means that all pregnant
women are now compared to felons
who forfeited their rights to be at
large in the community,” she said.
“This comparison of women to fel-

recwist CLEVEIBERIKemel swr

Joan C. Callahan speaks on fetal rights at the Peal Gallery yesterday

ons is chilling and morally impug-
nant Women have clearly not vol-
untarily relinquished these rights."

Some causes of fetal harm in-
clude poor prenatal condition as
well as smoking, drinking and drug
taking by the mother. For young
poor women the situation is even
worse because of social problems,
she said.

The solution is to "find the polit-
ical will to take positive actions to
reduce ignorance and poverty. We

need to introduce and sustain poli-
cies to help young pregnant wom-
en," she said. This can be accom-
plished through more effective
social programs.

Callahan has authored two books
which deal with such issues as
abortion, fetal rights and reproduc-
tive technology. These are: Ethics
in a Changing World and Prevent-
ing Birth: Continued Methods and
Related Moral Controversies.

U of L coach says he knew not of rule

Continued from page 1

son he and Valentine already had
plans to go eat at a local restaurant,
but they could all go together.

“I said, ‘By the way, I’m afraid I
cannot pay for your meal,” Crum
said. “He (Johnson) said, ‘l‘m
aware of that.‘ Robbie (Valentine)

said it was my idea anyway, so I‘ll
pay for the meal.”

Crum said he was not aware he
was violating any NCAA rule by
having dinner with Mrs. Horton,
adding that he would not have done
so if he had known.

“I can assure you had I known it
was a violation I sure wouldn’t


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have gone out in public to a public
restaurant with a person I was com-
mitting a violation with," he said.
“I may not be the smartest person
in the world, but I’m not that
dumb. It was strictly accidental."
Klein said the report to the Me-
tro Conference was a routine step.
“We‘ve done things as we have

in the past,” he said. “Here’s what
happened. We’re certainly not try—
ing to cover anything up.”

NCAA rules prohibit coaches
from having any contact with pros-
pects or their families during a
“dead period” of 48 hours before the
prospect signs a letter of intent.

U of L students want
change in racial policy

Aeeocleted Preee

black students at the University of
Louisville have given school Pres-
ident Donald Swain a list of chang-
es they said are needed to ease ra-
cial tension on campus.

Gerald White, spokesman for the
group, said there would be a mass
search on the school grounds Fri-
day to underscore the students' con-

White is president of the univer-
sity's chapter of the National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People, but he said the
group making the demands is not
associated with the NAACP or
other campus organizations.

The demands came after a fresh-
man, Dawne Jones, told university
officials that she has been the tar-
get of racial harassment in a donni-
tory in which she is the only black

Among other things, the stu-
dents ask that Ms. Jones be reirn-
bursed for all dormitory fees she
paid while the alleged harassment
was going on.

Ralph Fitzpatrick, Swain’s as-
sistant for minority affairs, said
that he and Dennis Golden, vice
president for student affairs, would
review the list and discuss it soon
with representatives of the group.

The student group asked that:

-The University will devise a
plan to desegregate the Panhellenic
dormitory, where Ms. Jones lives
and that more blacks be hired as
resident dormitory advisors.

-That the names of Confederate

Place, a campus street in the dor-
mitory area and the Confederate
Apartments. a dormitory. be
changed to honor the memory of
some figure prominent in black

White said more than 100 stu-
dents met for two hours Tuesday
night to compile the list of de-

“We want to see them met by
the administration,” he said. “I
think they are things the adminis-
tration can realistically do without
much extra expense or trouble."

If the demands are not met,
White said, students initially
would continue non-violent dem-
onstrations and lobby state and fed-
eral lawmakers. Eventually, he
said, black students might consider
an economic boycott of campus re-
staurants and stores.

Fletcher Elmore, a member and
past president of the local chapter
of the Sons of Confederate Vete-
rans,—said he regrets the group’s
call for eliminating the “Confeder-
ate” name from campus landmarks.

“Certainly we are not espousing
anything but respect for our United
States flag today, but we respect
the memory of our Confederate an-
cestors who were fighting for a
cause they thought was just and
proper,” Elmore said.

“1 don’t see anything wrong with
respecting our ancestors, no more
than we would object to people of
a minority race being proud of
their heroes — Martin Luther King
Jr. or Mahatma Gandhi or any oth-



Game causes controversy on campus

Staff Writer

It's just a game, but it’s a game
that UK administrators are taking
very seriously, calling it everything
from “disruptive” to “barbaric."

It’s the Assassination Game.
based on the premise that several
participants are competing for a job
in the world‘s most powerful intel—
ligence organization. To get the
job, you must "kill” the competi-
tion by hitting them with a projcc~
tile fired from a toy weapon.

The game started on campus last
Friday, and as of last night, two of
32 participants have been “liquidat-
ed,” according to organizer Rob
Redmon. Each participant paid a $3
entry fee to cover the costs of orga-
nizing the game.

A $25 prize will be awarded to
the participant who outlives the
other 31 competitors. The person
who liquidatcs the most partici-
pants will win 515. The remaining
856 from the entry fee was used to
cover the cost of printing a rule
booklet, posters and for photo-
graphs of the players.

Redmon said that he has made
every effort to make the game safe,
but UK officials are concerned
about safety hazards and potential
disruptions caused by the game.

“I don’t think he’s got any busi—
ness doing this game on campus at
all,” said Frank Harris, director of
the Student Center. “I don’t have


Competition involving toy weapons
will disrupt UK activities, officials say

anything against guns, but I have a
tremendous problem with people
play-acting with guns. My feeling
is if you point a gun at somebody,
you do it for one reason — you‘re
going to blow him away. You
don’t go playing with guns, toy or

UK Police Chief W.H. McCo-
mas said he is concerned about the
possibility of police officers mis-
taking the toy weapons for real

“A police officer is taught to
react to situations," McComas
said. “His thought process is: If
he’s seen a gun being brandished
and he’s had (a report) of shots be-
ing fired, he’s going to have his
gun out. if something comes out
of the (toy) gun, he’s going to act
accordingly. I just hope we don’t
get to that situation.”

McComas added that “the (toy)
weapon itself has a projectile and
could cause permanent eye dam-

Redmon, an advertising senior,
said that all the projectiles being
used are rubber-tipped and large
enough that “they can be seen, so
we’re not going to have a problem
with somebody’s eye."

He said that all the weapons be-


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ing used are brightly colored so that
they won’t be mistaken for real

Doug Wilson, dean of students,
said he is concerned that the game
is a disruptive influence on cam-
pus, and noted that “where some-
body is disruptive of our education-
al process, it is a violation of our
Code of Student Conduct."

Violations of the Code of Stu-
dent Conduct can result in sanc-
tions being imposed on the offend—
er, according to the Student Rights
and Responsibilities handbook.
Sanctions can range from a warning
to dismissal from school.

Redmon, who is meeting with
Wilson today to discuss the game,
said he doesn't think the game is

“One of the rules says you can’t
shoot someone in class or at
work,” he said. “The concept be—
hind writing that rule was so (the
game) would not disrupt UK func-

And since only 32 students are
playing out of a student population
of over 22,000, he said he doesn’t
see how it could be dangerous.

Redmon said he made attempts to
find out if there would be a prob—
lem with the game and asked Stu-

dent Government Association Pres-
ident Sean Lohman for help.

Lohman researched the issue and
told him to talk to Frank Harris,
Redmon said.

“I went to see Dean Harris on the
advice of Sean Lohman because I
didn't know who else to talk to,”
Redmon said.

After talking to Harris, Redmon
said that “I pretty much got the idea
that there was nothing against (the
game), but if I tried to go through
channels, (UK) would then decide
that I couldn’t do it.”

Redmon said he thought UK offi-
cials were overreacting to the whole

“I think they’re going way over-
board. I can understand that they get
scared by something like this; They
hear the word ‘gun' and they go
sort of nutso. But we’ve gone out
of our way to make it as safe as
possible.” he said.

Lohman said he thought that
Redmon had written the proper pre-
cautions into the game’s rules, and
said that “I really don’t think it's a

Jack Blanton, vice chancellor of
administration, said that the game
probably didn’t pose a safety prob-
lem, but added that “the psychology
is barbaric.”

"I think it's an appalling idea,"
Blanton said. “The University
stands for everything that is abso-
lutely contrary to the idea of such a
bizarre game.”

Men of Haggin ‘strip’

Continued from page 1

TJ. Meagher, also an accounting
junior from Louisville, said that
the girls are fairly well behaved dur-
ing the performances.

“They’re usually polite in terms
of not laughing and giggling and
pointing," said Meagher. “As long
as they’re screaming you know
you‘re doing something right."

Vertrees was the Joker, perform-
ing to Prince’s music from the mo-
tion picture Batman. Meagher was
a monk who, according to Vertrees,
“took a vow of celibacy."

Kyle Higgason was a construc-
tion worker, Jon Hughes was a
baseball player, and Paul Barnett
was a schoolboy.

The revue was the largest resi-
dence hall fund-raiser last year
bringing in $1,150. This year’s
numbers beat the money raised last
year, according to the organizers.

Michelle Diworth came to see
what all of the commotion was.

“I just came up here to see what
was going on," said the freshman
accounting major from Harlan. But
suddenly she was compelled to get
on stage and dance with a Haggin
man. And then another. “It looked
good, I guess."

Despite the success of the revue,
residence hall officials are not sure
if the merit is wonh the means.

“It (the men of Haggin) is in
question,” said Meagher.



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Kentucky Kernel, Friday, November 10, 1989 — 3

Kip Bowmar
Arts Editor


The Call begins to emerge from obscurity with ‘Begin’

Arts Editor

The road. Most rock musicians
view it somewhere between a
mixed blessing to be tolerated and
an odious chore to be avoided.

The Call, however, see it as pan
of the creative process where they
write lyrics.

But then they've never been the
average band.

How many bands can say their
lead singer played John the Apostle
in Martin Scorcese's controversial
“The Last Temptation of Christ,”
and did comedy in high school with
John Belushi, of Saturday Night
Live and “Animal House” fame.

“Martin was a big fan of The
Call — and he came to see a show
and told me he was doing the mo-
vie,” lead singer and songwriter Mi-
chael Been said, explaining how he
became involved in the movie.

“I’d read the book and they told
me he was casting for actors. We
don't present any kind of fantasy
rock life with outrageous costumes.
We try to be ourselves in the situa-
tion of our songs. It was the same
thing in the movie. Martin wanted
us to take the situation and relate it
to today. We were being ourselves,
and not really acting."

Being themselves is something
The Call always seek to do, regard-
less of the project.

“Sure it (being on the road) can
be a drag," said Jim Goodwin, who
plays keyboard for the band. “But
never enough of a drag to the point
where we don‘t want to do it. I
think we've reached the point where
everybody who doesn't like to do it
has been weeded out You have to
be crazy to do it. We play dive
clubs, and we don’t make any mon-
ey, but we’re into our music.

“We had a big walk-out a couple
of weeks ago." he said. “The road-

Califomia-based group seeks to instill passion
into an otherwise unoriginal rock music scene

ies said ‘you’re crazy, and sick’ and
just quit. But we’re fun, crazy and
sick because we enjoy what we do.
Most people can’t deal with it (con-
stantly touring) and they can hit the
read. It’s nothing personal, but the
music is important.”

The Call have tried to incorporate
the live sound of the road in their
new album.

“We do a lot of work on the
road," Goodwin said. “It’s a con-
stant process. Whether it‘s just
writing down lines, compiling, do-
ing work at a sound checks (before
a show). ”

The band spent 5-6 weeks on the
road getting material together be-
fore going into the studio for the
new album, Let the Day Begin.
Goodwin said they view their time
on the road as pre-production time.

“Then after we'd been on the
road, we went straight into the stu-
dio,” he said. “We didn’t use any
head sets, but we played straight
into the monitors as loud as we
would in concert."

Goodwin said he believes that
this album has a far more live feel
than any of their previous albums.

"1 think Let The Day Begin
sounds more like we do live,” he
said. “it has more ofa live feel than
either Reconciled or Into the

But Goodwin refused to rank any
of their albums.

“It’s like asking somebody
which of their children they love
the most,” he said.

The band’s sound checks have
produced some of their songs, in-
cluding “1 Don't Wanna." Goodwin
said they knew the song worked

immediately and continued to use it
throughout the rest of that particu—
lar tour.

The road is one place where The
Call has spent a lot of time.

“We’ve toured Europe a few
times and we seem to do well (in
record sales) in Scandinavia," Good-
win said. “We never done Australia
or the (far) east. I’d like to do Aus-
tralia and Japan though.”

Does the band see many differ-
ences between European and Ameri-
can bands?

“It’s hard to say,” he said. “At
first we thought we were more of a
European band because the fans
there seem to respond more to
bands that are deeply passionate
about their music. But we couldn’t
escape our more American roots.”

The band also sees a difference in
the fans in the two countries.

“There’s a fundamental difference
in the fans,” Goodwin said. “Amer-
ican kids will yell at any moment
in a concert and that‘s really enthu-
siastic but it's also rude. It’s like
rugged individualism at its worst.
The European kids wouldn’t think
of it and it’s just the way they’re
raised. I don’t think either is
wrong, its just different.”

But for the most part the band
tries to avoid telling its fans what
to think about their music.

“The important thing is that the
music says something important
about their lives that they can relate
to,” he said. “What we think is not
important. We don’t want to tell
them what to believe. We just want
them to believe something."

The Call has believed in their
music since they began with a self—

titled debut album in 1982 and fol-
lowed the next year with Modern
Romans, which spawned “The
Walls Came Down."

With the next album, Scene Be-
yond the Dreams, Goodwin joined
the band and bassist Joe Reed left.
The album flopped, and the band‘s
two most popular albums Recon-
ciled and Into the Woods followed
the failure.

Let The Day Begin is their sixth
album. And while most bands
won’t ever reach stardom if they ha-
ven’t by their sixth album, The
Call may be an exception.

They have moved to a new record
label and seem to be enjoying a
newly-found popularity. Their
Monday night show at Breeding's
has already sold-out.

A truer gauge of the band's rising
stock may be the fact that Peter Ga-
briel referred to them as the future
of American musrc.

Time Magazine followed up
with an article with the headline:
“Directions for a New Decade.“

As for the future, Goodwin anti
Been remain optimistic about the
band’s chance for longevity.

“We could easily being playing
when we’re into our ’50s or ‘60s
because we’re passionate about our
music," Goodwin said. “Look at
The (Rolling) Stones. 1 mean 1
love them but 1 feel kind of embar-
rassed for them acting like they’re
19 or so on stage and strutting
around. But a lot of their music is
cosmetic. It requires an amount of

The band’s passion for their mu-
sic has served them in good stead.
They got their first big break in

Woody Allen excels With ‘Crimes’

Editor in Chief

Pan of the disgust the nation had
with the Ivan Boesky scandal was
Boesky's arrogance that his crime
was above the eyes of the law. It is
perhaps a source of resentment that
many have toward those who com-
mit white-collar crimes when the
criminal acts as if he or she is
above the status of a mere criminal

Such is the basis of Woody Al-
len's latest film, “Crimes and Mis-
demeanors,” which opened in Lex-
ington last weekend at the
Lexington Mall.

The film is about how a man
comes to justify his order to kill
his mistress and how dealing with
the event makes him a stronger per-

Martin Landau is a successful op-
thamologist who has built a suc-
cessful business and has become an
active civic leader. He has all the
trappings of a graying yuppie: He
owns a nice piece of real estate out-
side New York City, has an attrac-

tive and entertaining wife, and ap-
pears to be ready to head into the
autumn years in comfort.

But Landau has a skeleton stored
away in his closet that threa