xt780g3h171m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h171m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 1972 1972 1972-10-18 2020 true xt780g3h171m section xt780g3h171m y Vol. LXIV No. 35 an rideoendcnt student newspaper
ernel Wednesday, October l8, 1972 Utliu‘r‘w‘ly of Kentucky
Eight pages Lvw'ioton KH‘YUCKy .:0506
<. 3- 1'; “s
. . $2 “IT-335.
Fo rm e r Cl‘l'y 0th may .» w _ , .
“ .- ‘3‘“? “3%., “‘3 WH3 3 4t“ -. t;
t~as 3s "3\ 1-.“ i " " : T‘
By MARILYN WULLSCHLEGER Reverse 9“?“ . :g"? ._ . -' 1§ :1..§ ' f,_-_;'i g
Kernel Staff Writer “1 think it has a reverse effect than what i ' .92.. . ”a; 3.3

The first formal attack on the proposed they ‘re trying to accomplish," he said. 9‘ 3°?“ as“: I. §
Lexington-Fayette County merger was Each representative would be answerable *“3133 3’: ‘3 . % y. : $3; ’2‘“
made yesterday when a former city at- only to the peoplem his district.giving him 9““ t“ _ 5g ‘3 ‘3 33g
torney aired his opposition on WKYR-TV inadequate power to accomplish what his ,, . s31“? ‘ ' ‘3“ ' “"sz 3:...
(Channel 27) and WBLG-TV (Channel 62) dlsmd asked him to do. H ‘ ,“ " . , ‘9‘“ Q‘TW“ our-3" ”a .
evening news. It is likely that a single member could _. .1.“ .. :35 3 ¢“ & , ‘3. - $3

William C. Jacobs, Lexington‘s be outvoted by the other 14 members. even ’ i. L l . w§‘§§«‘§k g l as
Assistant Corporation Counsel from 1965 to though the member‘s entire district / “5‘3 3§§§y y “3 §
1970, directed his primary objections supported him. “It will 10““ in a per- '3 ”*3: fig as
toward the proposed government’s manent minority forever.“ Jacobs said. a z “"4
representative council. The proposed Jacobs also sees the proposed govern- *9 333‘s?” 3 -‘ f.
charter provides for a 15-member council ment as being nonpartisan and opposes .»-=' “‘3‘ 1- 6‘ ‘ '3 3-“ 5. 3“
having one member from each of 12 lh‘s- The party 53’5th is itself 3 800d ‘% ' “” '
representative districts throughout system 0“ checks andbalancesnhe said. 5'. 3 ““ 3 r“w
Fayette County and three members and there '5 no organized OPPOS‘PO" m a W: meg. :3
elected from the county at large. nonpartisan type 0‘ government. 1% .. .. s“ ' 3 —

"Servicedistrms' si: > 3‘ ‘
. . If the merger is adopted in November‘s “‘t - ‘ .
B, ke fh'eves election, the county Will be divided into 3 3‘ wee : .,
“serVice districts“ according to serVices ‘2“ --
. 3 provided to particular areas. The present 5 . " .
fh "V9 at UK city boundaries would incorporate a ”Full I '
Urban Services District" and retain all ' - "
By NEILL MORGAN City services as it now has. Residents of « s . ~:, _ . V
Assistant Managing Editor these areas would pay the present city tax. . .1 '3 .
Supp0$e you come out of the Classroom Present county property would become 3 ‘ . O " T '
Building someday and find your bicycle a “General Services District". These
has strangely disappeared. After the areas would have no sewers or street u.
initiai freakout, you might wonder what lightsand residents would pay the present Bu 5 eye
the chances are of getting it back. county tax. lnibibiiig in a little of the good life. Bill Jauow prepares to pick up

It WOUId PTObably take a 800d sized Continued on Page 4. COL 3 his date at the ('omple\ before the AT” Roman Orgy Friday night.
computer to figure the exact odds. (Kernel photo by Jamey Mason
However, according to campus police, if
you know the serial number of the bicycle . p
the who... oi getting it back at he s f ere a oo oo "1 f 9 page ,
greater than if you don‘t.

The latest “Bicycle .HOt ‘Sheet" By ROGER DRl'RY Skilled hoodoos in Southern MiSSlSSippl. The Hoodoo pointed out. though. that
released by campus police “535 181 K“ernel Staff Writer Dr. Alan Moorer a UK English professor things weren‘t like they used to be. Now.
bicycles WhiCh have been 1053 or stolen The old art of Hoodoosim is still verv said. many people hold Hoodooism in scorn and
Continued on Page 4' Col. 3 much alive and being practiced by a few “ The practice of Hoodooism is now almost few take it seriously Hoodooisni is slowly

3 . . 1%“. ..- g g _ 3 .3. 4 strictly limited to healing. in contrast to dying, The old Hoodoo doesn't know who

, j 3 ‘3'- é?“ if“ $225 ' 3:)? “3 i “-“v- ' ,3 the leadership role the hoodoo once had in will take his place.

“K :3? 1" .. .'.-:_ $339“ 3,, -' ‘ g)“ 3 4"“ smallsouthern communities. Moorer said. "l’m the last of it." the Hoodoo told -

3' ‘3 “ .‘ “ '3‘“ 3-.“ f t ' ‘3er Moorer. himself a native Mississippean. Moorer
' if - {$3 “- '- '...“-3' spent last summer in southern Missis'Sippi Moorer was also able to talk to one of
f ._ “g _ «it ’3‘: , R“; 3 ‘3 ., ".. ' e. studying Hoodooism and its adherents. In the Hoodoo's patients Elizabeth H. was
”a“: '; -- 3-3)} “a; :3?er ,§‘%‘ COnducting his study. Moorer interviewed crippled for eight years She went to
_ g3! ‘ ‘3 53 a ‘. . .. 3 several powerful Hoodoos and people who several doctors and cinics seeking help.
"3‘ , 3‘ i;- . " 3;, '3 .-' ‘33- "3 ; “-33% had been cured by them. but to no iqull
L; ‘_ : . J“ , ”a; ': ”ii" 3‘93“ .. ‘1”; ., The first Hoodoo Moorer interviewed After seeing the Hoodoo. Elizabeth is
3'93"?“ at". .3 “f“ ’ " 3.; ”*g’i“.e, 3;. $13; j;”(:”‘“aflm g, asked that his name be witheld. iMoorer now nearly cured She expects her cure to
3 4"; 3" if“ 3“ ' .. 2‘ 5" V “3’5“. fwfimt W a.“ ,‘tiX .9. found many practicioners of Hoodooisni be complete by (‘hristmas
2 “it? 33’"? its t“ 3 . :“i is .315’334' 3» 3“ ' “ Prefer to remain anonymous-i This old
“£33, x. ““'§‘§“?i 1‘ 3‘ M‘ "T“: - *3 .'"';.~'“..~'o‘73 .- Hoodoo hy'es in a rural part of Mississippi ”WWW"“0"“le
“ ‘2’ 4. i .3 “7’ 3 {9 gif‘ ”a? “,3 g: ‘. J m The Hoodoo told Moorer how he got into Among other patients of Hoodoos
‘. 3.“? l '.. ; 32$ 9" “ ‘“ this unusual line of work Moorer talked to was a woman who had a
“A “3&3 ii ’ . “ “"3 ‘3- '“ T ,- 3% Hoodoo abortion The Hoodoo tending her
' 1 ‘Born dead' used dancing and chanting to bring the
NU'S '0 you o --1 “ac born dead.” the Hoodoo told fetus out of her This took nearly all night
. I’ausing in the nut-gathering rush before winter sets in. this squirrel in the Moorer Life was breathed into him by a After the fetus was dropped. the Hoodoo
Botanical Gardens seems to be questioning the motives of the man with the female conjurer. who ”1“” taught the boy "30k 1‘ and imprisoned It In a container so
camera. (Kernel Photo by Barry Ilurst). all she could. \‘l hen she died. he it s soul w'oiildn t possess another person
‘ ‘ inherited all her powers (‘ontinued on page 1, (30.. 3
" ’ A custom-made day for day‘-
”V". Ins'de fI'e Kernel TOday: dreamers and those inclined to
’ a In the winter. a young man's fancy turns to . stay in bed is what the
I “ basketballon page 5.Nixon's political tactics are cald and ra'ny weatherman has in mind for
’ (r ' discussed on page 3 by Nicholas Von Hoffman. today The temperature should
§ ~ ’ Soft boots and strong feet are needed for a range from a high in the mid-50‘s
/ walkathon on page 7. And on the same page toa low tonight of to There's no
t, Alaska's only congressman is still missing. two ways about it. you're going to
' ‘ [t get wet with a 60 percent chance
3 . ‘ --L A of rain in II c forecast

 The, i -.v . N .1 ".11 i .1 .Nroq l mini Kil'li Micanm . .
l . t .. a, mm 'r‘IHJIJv'IU Edit.” N: t- \‘i‘Hlt'l
Egmléfky a :i: :::::::2;:.::::;::::::‘:::: Lzzsritznr'“ EdllOTlClS
. . i vii, v... in tot . ..i. i..,i.~..ni m. on . m. iiiitiu i. v ”in luv”: it.
’ U of L fr sfees should 0 on doors to ublic
p p

Like most university governing the public can‘t sit in on meetings. consider the wrong elements will propriation to the university by
boards. the ruling body of the Middleton threw the doors open to have a showcase for their grievances 3100.000 with an option to add $300,000 l
l'niversity of Louisville is a weighty Louisville‘s civic and governmental if they open the meetings. I can un- more if the money became available. 3
group. A railroad President. several leaders derstand that.“ she added. “1 would think that if public of— ;
upper—("lass physicians and one of . . _ “But I can also understand a little ficials in the city of Louisville believe l
Jefferson (‘ounty‘s leading 5" the l"““~““”“ board fi“5“"l'(‘5 better that when you allow people in in a voice for the people and Open ‘
Republicans are among the decision- 501““ one-handed applause l0" being and make everyone a part of the government. that they wouldn't be
makers at the state‘s newest public h‘thl enough “’53." they 1‘98”." dhhl process. they have some respon- very happy about extending any more
institution. full?! {hetPUth ‘0 know what they sibility for it. And they won‘t do funds until those meetings were

a a )0“ . anvthin’ to harm it." o ened," she s i .

But we don‘t think a list of im- We‘ll also have to give the trustees h pMoney talks 3030“ if some trustees
pressive names should preclude the a “"‘( for courage. For the t'niversity Cl‘l’y money don't. A‘nd we think the $1 225 000 total
pubhc‘s right to know how those of Louisville. now a state-funded Ms. Bendl. who has called in the subsidy offered bV Louisville and
names are doing in their jobs as institution. has to be either very brave past for open U of L. meetings, also Jefferson County to.the U of 1, speaks
trustees. And the L' of L‘s board of or very foolish in denying Louisville added that it was the Louisville eloquently of the public‘s right to
£0 the public and the press ~ - - recently to increase the City 5 ap— propriated.

. ,1“, -

In some ways. it's hard not to ad- Bendl upset Q \ To???
mire the l' of L trustees. L'nlike their ‘ , H 1 ‘ . . '. \\ - W
counterparts at t'K. who hold a sham (rerta Bend] ”.1th s0: [00' Ms. '.W \rlt‘y , W ~ \ _ J
public session after hashing out the Bend]. Lou1sville S ‘hlrd ward .' ‘ f . l - \ i \ ‘1‘ \‘\
politics at a private “luncheon“. the alderwoman and an outspoken ‘. SENME la \ x. ‘T ' \\\

Louisville group has votedtwice in six rallying pomt m cm. pOhthS' was , l. ‘ NORTHEKN l. ' MN !
, , , . , . iustifiablv disturbed by the t' of L's ‘\ ‘ LIBERALS . " - ‘5‘ ' , N \ “
months to keep the boaid ioom doors ~ . _ . ~ . 3 “ER 1.. 4': i \\
closed. board decision when contactedfi \‘i i.‘ ,1 L4 , " i : ;‘g.;‘§.l-lz;‘"
Tuesday by The Kernel. , ' ~ 25‘” fly 5" \‘F‘ “"‘“ \3i “LA '
Whitewash . “Granted. it‘s just like the parents —J{ ‘ S - ‘ _ “ ‘3‘ \e;
in a family. There are certain family ”W ‘1 —. ‘ “ SCHOOL . ’2‘

Board chairman Edwin Mid- matters you just don‘t go into with .ffi‘f / 4’1)‘ ’. ‘\‘ X‘ ,,BUS‘“ ~ t
dleton~ the Republican chieftain in your children.“ she said. “But we‘re ,6) [II—1“ \ _ .\ ”, \\:.‘\~ :--__ _ _.. 9 .
Jefferson (‘ountyrvcalled the Monday not children. We‘re supposed to go \ ' © his”; _ ”,1 , 7_ " \k i
decision a “compromise“ in that he into what‘s happening there: we‘re ‘ h ' SELL—l!" ' ' '\ _. ,‘ "V"\‘:‘\ 1' . “\‘ ® (l \‘ \
and t‘ of L‘s president willnow meet expected to accept what the officials ' ~ \\\§ ». 1," \\. \‘ ‘\\ , \ K's“ m ’ \
with the press after sessions to give give us as facts. But we don‘t get v . t \; y _-_g _ _- -- .3. 6Q\> ,
their presumably whitewashed these facts. ' .' 'EEVJID M , '1' ' t” ' . ‘. /l
version of what went on. And while "'l‘hey‘re afraid that what they “A.“ To srm nususrn'. ' '1

Government representatives will be able purpose it is to write self-ri hteous, in— The area was also very overstren thed
says WendeISdorf to do something useful like distribute dignant letters to the papef whenever and whenever a manpower surveygwas
is a dicfafor leaflets for ScottS store We should be anyone ventures to suggest ina letter or conducted. by congressional investigators

happy to let him run everything, Hell. the colun.n that (reorge McGovern is anything our superiors padded the work load un-

Sept 25 l was quoted in the Kernel as Germans were. in the 30‘s. I h l 1" Il‘ 1955 lhah the SO“ 0f GOd. :dlC‘V'ably-Thekhhlyg-(Ih'5 th) W91: really

1 . 0 ll ’. "‘0 l a US ' were W0!‘ 1" H] e u 9 8 voca 0
:iiic‘tljtirthill‘thescghhtahiZEdelifil: “1:5 : .\&-S.lunior thzdhrugtlheiffissiosfirdcidgehuthfdt; 2:3: genziral's office pgrosecutidg hhe soldiers

' ' . . ' 0 0 4 ‘ ‘ . ' ' i
context. ls totally correct. F r lb r er Stand let one get past them. I have yet to see a high]22::ngle[theeigegzzia‘sjsitt’lfhghzlggzz

AtthefirstMcGovern meeting he gavea ea 5 U 9 10”” d‘Spu‘mg Tom SChOll‘S “hum“ to do that interested them Every pa -day
peptalkthat Sh00k me UP~ ”0 Prophesized o . which pointed out that McGovern and l realized the American tax- a ery was
a purging of the party after a McGovern W", cause h'fer friends were ‘absent from the Senate‘when supporting this lavish armv onhy )hecause -
victory of all the old-line Democrats He After noticing that the Deer Laundry $th dBfrootkS Sb him-the?“ amendment Of his ignorance or its waste. Because Of
sounded like Joe Stalin and we all know had been torn down. i became jubilant at has eea e . y we V0 es. limited space I will not disclose ex-

Joe wasn t a dictator. He was Just a loyal how nicelv the lot could be land ca d d HO“ about. lt' 8016 Possessors Of The planations on other areas of squandering
Red. made beautiful. It then dawnedson fnee tilt Trudth. ishMciGotvern really against the :Vfr‘ but Will readily admit their presence.

Well. i began waiting to be purged. being it would probablv becomeanother smother or oes e jUS oppose lJose hpfrfiihivier My examples of waste are of relatively
an old-line Democrat and the former vice piece of land. iflue parking lot. p {\sz Senior inexpensive items when we compare with
presndent of the Young Democrats. We Now I read that it will be many times the expense of the $9 million each F111 jet
SfidsngzhtorryScottwilldou for the good worse than that.We,the local community, v f ran 0 oses thailnpfitdy wagggo frsfohdhe Eightéinch

- ' will be granted another “Dead Cow e e s e 5 C05 0 eac an one

In the Sept. 26 Kernel Scott said that the Lounge” ”8’“ l“ the midst of our fair PP “”h l" Vietmam Sh°t up 0V" 200 °f. these
Free University decided not to use its university. The reality 0f something as mi'ifary WUSfe 3200'000) JUSt because they were m the
catalog. By Free University Scottmeant to nasty and vulgar as another hamburger held and the superiors didnt want to
say Mark Faster and Dan Mohn. He also stand Wih truly be a blow to the at- In response to the naive beliefs of J.L. transport them back to base' Why should

.._ said “some individuals had stolen it and mOStPherf- l can alrealdy 5.99 the pigilined Hood and Louie B. Nunn, I will attempt to $3 gznzgog:itc::r:a::::;txfi¥ 5:51:12:
~ ~ . - .. u 0 ea some cow eavm enou ar- ‘ . ' ' -
flirtfifgdftxrihggv (8:258 The peohe bgge around to fill Stoll Fiefd threg tirgnes pmwde some Personal mmght "ho the a“ they want? As“ any veteran ab°ut the
ge and John . Problem 0‘ “3‘10"“ defense Spend'“g- waste inside the military and he’ll ten you
Ezell. the chairmen of Free Wuniversity. m er. ‘ In my not too distant past I personally it was there.
and other Free U. Coordinators. myself Thomast‘onley observed the monumental waste that George McGovern‘s proposed defense
included. We did hOt decide to ban the Agriculture Senior occurs in the United States Army. 1 was cuts will not bring this nation to its knees
poster; it was decided for US by Wen- stationed at the Army headquarters in nor close every military installation in
delsdorf‘s henchmen. Of course. such a McGovern forces Heidelberg, Germany, so we had plenty of Kentucky as Louie Nunn wants voters to
poster WOUld pervert our young minds, and supplies to waste. The waste of office believe. It Will Simply give all American
we should be happy that 500“ is watching quesfioned on war supplies in our building alone would taxpayers an efficient defense system! If
out for us. certainly run into the thousands of dollars the military were efficient it wouldn’t be
We should all be happy that Scott can It has become apparent to anyone who per year, This waste occurred in all offices our nation‘s largest expense.
hand-pick his J. Board and his staff. lt‘s reads the “Kernel" that the McGovern in our area and I'm reasonably certain Ron Morgan
really and to know that the Student forces on campus have a committee whose every where in the Army. 3&5'Junior

 - 'l‘lll'i Kl~I\'l'l (‘KV KI‘IH\ICI.. Hediiesdai. (Ictobel‘ 18. “073—3 .
U ' .’-\ . .
Nicholas .,-
V°“H°"m°“ * ABORTION
N'xon's tricks don't become a President 'NFORMAHON
; WASHINGTON *To ride along in the White The business of Nixon‘s people fouling up the An Abortion can be arranged
l House with the burglars. the shakedown ar- starting time of McGovern rallies or forging within 74 hours
. tists,the buggers and the White House toughies. tickets 80 that i00 many PPOPlt‘ try ‘0 get in the YOU can return home
i the FBI has discovered that President Nixon has hall. and 30 away mad. are all ancient Stun”
l l'orgers and agents provocateurs on his payroll. There are a million others. like calling in false the same day you leave
i Sure. a President has always been a pol. but alarms on the polling places so that "0‘”.5. in
i once one was sworn in he put the worst of that tlisérictshyou 1"“ going 10 1059 get tired 0i waiting CALL COLLECT :
. contemptuous word behind him. Not so Nixon. “IVES“ 221:2“ entire section of his campaign
aggbei:ji?gp‘:hg;erie:?:cl?égs;)i::;nm::l:: $233], organization given over to this sort of electoral 2'5'735'8100
assessor in places like Brooklyn and Boston. strife'The wh919 of America is to be treated like OPEN 7 Days A WEEK A Non prom Organis. 24 HOURS.
the Chicago River wards. This may explain the
There was no reason for such candidates to go strange screw-ups last Spring in the Ohio and
aboutbothering people With speeches. They were California Democratic primaries. The Nixon
running for only one reason: to get the job. in campaign CIA may have been at work. )4: 0
this type of campaign. when the candidate does Nothing is without its redeeming aspects. r.\ Tlred 0f the
open his yap, it‘s not to the voters, but to closed howcver. The ward bosses of electoral strife are N3
meetings of precinct captains and election-day incapable of restraint. Even when they have a ~ ‘ (3 O s I I
workers. Those speeches are short: you take clear win they want to do everything they can to /\ b a m e o e
care of me. I take care of you. guarantee they are in a sure-win. no-contest ‘. P \
The Nixon campaign is much the same. The situation. A politican. as opposed to a pol, would \ \ i \t l h ,
candidate talks only to the workers. Com~ naturally like to dothe same.but he is restricted 1' \ unc .
munication with the voters is left to those two by the things he believes in and the politics he a
Barbie Doll daughters, a regiment of surrogate espouses. Nixon isn‘t. and if he thinks he needs it i, "5%“; , 5,97
human beings and the art of the TV ad producer. for his fail—safe victory on election day. he’ll sign Q”, 'W/ fl
This sort of campaign suits the ward heeler. the odious peace treaty with the North Viet- ‘
He doesn't have an thing to say. He doesn‘t namese that he swore he never would. That will .
, believe in anything :0 strongly that he wants be a blessing. but. peace agreement or no. the Why "0' eat 'unCh WA”. "5!
people to know about it. He just wants the job. A man has missed his calling. He should have run
proud and leading President would find he isn’t for county clerk. Burgers
, — ‘ m) ' ' ~
able to stay qu1et. tel 19‘... The “ashington Post Steaks
6 i Roast Beef F
l I II I l2 n .
‘ "“m lllllll
Fi i I'"'-'I
o o o Sh ' , .‘
Government bears fhe gurlf for inflation Chops. . . N -i i“
l V 5 5 8-“ TOM BOWDE‘V Ayn Rand has said. “Don‘t bother to examine a "(Hid many more ' ' “T r ' q .
(inlt is a powerful tool. It cuts deep to the root folly—ask yourself only what it accomplishes.“ ' ?'* ‘ - ’
0f a'man S soul: hls selfesteem. LOSS of .591" Grayson‘s article consists of exhortations in the 729 SO. Limesmne O 9‘: 'i i 3'
confidence. leads to apathy and irresponSIbility, form of patronizing. homespun aphorisms (“Are H . - ‘-
espeCially if the man sees no way to atone for the you a careless shopper7“) purportedly pointing More than [USi Pancakes” ii, I'Il'” M.i
guilt or to prevent Its. future occurrence. A man out the cause of inflation. But. assured that the
i thus weakened by guilt can be explmted by any unproved guilt of the large businessmen is
group which offers him a chance to regain the already accepted. Grayson is actually trying to
selfesteem he has IOSt‘ _ broaden the base of responsibility for inflation to -
Tom Bowden is a senior include all citizens. thus molding a new national A r t A ct
u Ion
history major. He has worked inflation is caused not only by corporate
. . magnates. Grayson asserts. but by Jane
for bath ”'9 Kernel Housewife's failure to shop around sufficiently _ f
and fhe Wildcaf'. for a can of peas; not only by giant labor unions. 9; wfl Q ’W
but by individuals who use disposable products '3. .. , ’ _ .. ”5
Since guiltcan be wielded for ulterior motives, (thereby causing “inflationary” cleanup): "Qt 1 at“ '5; g
there are constant efforts to inculcate it at the only by government malpractices. bUt by people * fig V . A.
national level. Recall the recent attempts of who voluntarily pay “too much" rent for the” -. 4-"
racists. for instance, to persuade today’s white apartments. ' I 4g ,-$;‘. V '5. . i 3;,
people of their guilt for the subjugation of When people feel guilt. they accept punish- ti"“““ 3" ‘T , ,i ’- ,. _~ ’
Negroes by white men living 100 years ago. ment as a natural sacrifice. And when there is ”t: .5“ r , “Q '.~ q '1 «$3.. .
In the eyes of the Nixon administration. every sacrifice. there is always someone around to i; t Kw. ‘2 .‘l' $ \\ . .
citizen is a criminal. atleastpotentially. because collect. 5 '2 u if . a; 1 '5 ("3‘ i
he makes his transactions in US. currency. 1“ light 0f the Nixon administration‘s faSC‘St “\3 - ;? . QT § f'.‘ 3»
Writing in the October “Reader‘s Digest." Price policy of wage and price controls with criminal g "-. «\J\\\\. Q '~ 1 iii
Commission head C. Jackson Grayson urges all penalties. this article by a top government of— ‘t ‘ (‘t i 4‘
citizens to bear the guilt for an economic ficial can reasonably be interpreted as a i 3“» ‘ -
phenomenon which is beyond their control. 5 cautious initial step toward justifying the ex- k i‘ . 5, "
.l‘m convinr't : .. he opines. “that inflation is pansion of government controls to cover all 1"" ." '
caused jarghy by individual attitudes and ac- economic actions. however small. of ordinary __—__________ .
“011$ 0r failures to 30“ YOUFS- Mine. citizens. indeed. the statements 0f the “d original works of graphic art etchings. lithographs.
Evervone's. We are ALL to blame for inflation." ministration made it clear that the failure of . , . . .
i . . . - - Phases l and II to control all rices was not due bl leading 20th “will” artists
There are at least two books which explain P
inflation in lavman's terms: “How You Can to a lack of intent or zeal. but to the im- Pablo l’lc;i\\i‘ .liilillll} l-iicdlaciitlci \1.iit ( li.ig.il|
Profit From the (‘oming Devaluation." by in— practicality and limitations of the control S.il\;itlui I).ili \Icmiiilti (lililt‘i imii \m.‘
vestment counselor Harry Browne. and ”What commissions. When all that stands between the (”NCO Runauli Via”. \ mimh and Him.“
You Should Know About Inflation. " by journalist government and your property is the problem "i 7
Henry Hazlitt. With the aid of facts and figures creating a more efficient bureaucracy to control ‘
which I haven't room to repeat. they illustrate it. it is time to start worrying SUNDAY OCTOBER 22nd AT 3200 Phi.
clearlv that inflation is caused by the govern- Don’t 19' the MXO” administration or anyone . ‘ . ' ‘ '
ment.‘ which exercises its power through its “ls" convince Yhuéhdaccspt unearned guilt. R9511? CAMPBELL HOUSE lNlN- ( OLONIAL
. . , . . . ,. z . - up on inflation an eci e the issue for yourse . ‘ . . ‘ _ 5
::::;:i)::h“?i::; lihfnhiintihhys ifgmpggfinifiit (iuilt should only result from doing a wrong act Exhibition 1-3 p.m. l‘ ree AdmiSSion
economv. the people who receive it. spend it. by choice. lfyou are not sure that the simple act . 5 . ) 5 . 5 . ‘ _
Naturallv. The RESULT is a general rise in Of spending .V‘OUI‘ money is Inflation's cause. All New Show by Meridian (.alle‘ry lrices as low as $13
prices. ' don't accept responsibility for inflation‘s evils.

 tm'l'llli KliVl‘l't'KV Krjlt§EL “ednesday. October IN. I”?!
COUNTRY was msems: UK prof studies Hoodoos
The conWOY TW l TTY 0 nd ('ontinued from page I In answer to a question about the source
When Moorer finally got to talk to Smith of his power. Smith replied, “I does the De
Lorella Lynn Show lllll‘WIl- h“ “"1”" him ‘0 h“ 1‘ warm if Lord's work." Smith said his power was
unsettling person As Moorer approached the upuwm. of praypr“ and attributed
OCT. 25 - 8 P.M. Smith's “("15“ Sllllm came "l” and anything that he had done to the power of
greeted Moorer by name. He also told (iod.
‘Pnll‘l’s (ENTER FRANKFORT I KY_ \ltttll‘t‘t' about ht“ family. “hll'h ““0"” Moorer plans to visit Smith again this
had never mentioned to anyone. Christmas, and continue his study of the
old art of lloodooism.
-.-, UK I' i ' T b'k
‘ Conway Twitty p0 Ice 0 reg's er I es R
a: I % (‘Ontinupd from page i campus police are beginning a voluntary Tm
. w ’. _ V sinceJanuary land not recovered And 124 registration program for the owners, he e
«it: _ ’ i of that number have the serial number said. Abrams said they would like to use rapio
m » listed as “unknown." the owner‘s social security number, as Of a
5 a . Serial numbers are the best means of well as the serial number to register the SW1":
: identification because the stripping of bicycles. .
' . bicycles and the interchanging of pilt‘ts The campus police will also engrave the earn
. ‘V '. hare become so common Sgt. Robert owner's social security number on the "Ot‘
Loretta Lynn e H I Abrams of the campus police said. bicycle if they want, he said. anzt
Wj ' “Besides stealing whole bicycles, we The registration will not stop the
’ ‘Mfl have cases where only the handle bars or stealing of bicycles, he said, but it may gate
i " . wheels of a bicycle have been taken.“ he have a psychological effect which will ”‘2‘
._ x said. slow it down. bel's
V . Also. many people fail to know or record Abrams 3159 said the campus police oul
’ -.. the serial number of their bicycle. so the have been testing some bicycle locking y
fl ; ‘ R G 'ff apparatus and the best appears to be one you ‘
_ g ' OY n Merger draws called Kurly Kable. It consists ofa six foot
"r; ’é piece of stranded cable which is looped at S
\. f .' '33. V o 0 both ends where a padlock is fastened.
W Q ”‘ m . cr'f'cal SpeeCh This cable can't be cut with ordinary
) . , ’ ‘ ggfiiv_...‘fif ‘ , :5 (if) ‘ _ pliers like some can, he said. He estimated
v\ ' ' {'1 a 3" 9‘ (""“m'ed from page ‘ it would take about 15 minutes to cut a
' we A "Partial Services District" is also Kurly Kable with a hack saw.
The . v.‘ e . .'{ {‘3’ provided for in the charter. and these The campus police will be registering H
" ~‘ , ' . e. » residents would face a tax increase only in hit-yel05 tonight at llaggin Hall and lhcl
Osborne Bros. we: »\-~ 56*» _i proportion to the seruces installed. Thursday night between Holmes and 5935””-
; . 5“” "”0" Patterson llalls. Next Monday and when I
' . g * i/ . But Jacobs sees an error in the charter‘s Tuegdu}. nights they \\ ill be at the (‘omplex ““Slt‘r
,T , J” A ./ explanation oi these districts. Mall area Macon
. . _ , According to Section 2 02 of the charter. Fill“
TICkets Available at DAWAHARE S residents of the present (‘ity of Lexington WSW”
Alexandria Dr. in Gardenside would pay both the city and county tax. (‘olleg
And Section 3.0:}. he said. states that the “bum.
_ . charter ”shall be construed broadly in w f d lllinoi
'nerducmg conwa‘r’ TWIfiy, Jr. favor” of the merged government. not the e 900 e Purdu<
F' 1‘ bl. A people. Jacob said he feels that a court The
It's pU IC ppearance would have to uphold this "miswording" 500““
Featuring: 1" k ‘ presented in these two sections of the Due to a typesetting error, a goals"
The Twmy mm 'C "‘5 proposed charter. sentence in Tom Scholl‘s con- opposn
Adoption of the merger would also servative column said yesterday
The Coal Miners 54.00 Reserved Seats impose the present occupation tax upon that US. Senate candidate 0
Kenny Star 5300 Genm, “WSW" CQUM)‘ residents Who do not work in the Walter “Dee" lluddleston raised R,
Randy & Sandy Bumwe city. Jacobs said. Citizens such as county a $35 million surplus to $25
farmers would have to pay the occupation ‘ million. The latter figure should
tax. receiving no benefit in return. have been $250 million. The
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 'l‘llli KI‘IN'I'II'KY KI‘IRNI‘IL. Wednesday. October l8. l972—5
Defense stressed J l. l. , M
. otel c
Basketball d ' °
rl S 99 | '1 Friday and Saturday _.
Oct 20 - 21 9 - l
3." “WK ”REW'TZ (‘oach Hall moves to the center and calls us in. a .
Kernel StalfWritcr He outlines numerous defensive drills we will Happy Hours: Mon. - Fri. :
This is another in a series of articles by perform and then he tells us that we will be one of 4 pm. . 6 pm,
Rick Drewitz about the UK basketball the best. defensive teams in the nation.
team. Yet we will fast break as much or more as in SLOO Cover
Tennis shoes squeaking against the floor, the preVious years-Then he tells us we Will all be on 540 SOUTH BROADWAY ,
rapid pounding of 20 basketballs,the hard twang time for practice and there Will be no hor- (4 Blocks Behind'Srudent Ce f )
of a ball bounding off the rim and the gentle 59PM!" _ n er
swish ofthe net asaballdrops through the cords. Already we understand three things about Mu" b" 2] "'h ID g
The sounds of a new season that began in Coach Hall: discipline, defense, and con- ' ' . ‘
earnest on Sunday, Oct. lo. A new- season that is ditioning. ' . . . . . ~. . . . . . | . . . . | | |
not, if the feelings are right, gomg to be Just . .
another season. We work on defensive drills for the better part —
A silence comes upon the court. Through the of the 2'2 hour practice. Then we head for the . NK‘EMIECH‘K‘OYIO Now PLAYING! .
gate strides Joe Hall. All eyes rivet on him, then showers. - g V .
the noise picks up again. “On the line!" It was sprint time. I / M\ ‘ ””W" ‘ I
. . . . t ’ t ' I
As you shoot you begin to wonder. What Will it After practice we saw a short film on defense. . I Egg-5&7; If}? H01 "ROM EUROPE-f} I
be like? Willhe be tough and work you hard? Are Then Coach Hall and his wife invited us over to . g- ;a—]‘ . 3 l J CONFIDENIIM {EMILE ’ .
you ready to go after that starting position? Are his house for dinner. Now we know a fourth thing , 52—52,? gig-Ir - IN COLOR - IN ENGLISH -
you ready? Coach Hall believes in: good food. - \i‘ fl/§‘/ CIIHIINII "HES EXPOSED! .
o . .
Swetz, Rubenstem lead - S T R A N D HOW -
I53 EAST MAIN 51 2555570 __, I
“‘ [' MUST
' AND Sllllgltttltllt I. r" I" ’, ..
Wafer polo record up to 8-1 ' WHERE'S -
' "m“ ““n- “a RIP-SNORIER '
'l‘heli'K water pole team ranits Peaking ln their last two Junior Keith Swetz led the . ‘ “innit - .
5935,,” record to 8~l last weekend. games. the (tits limited their offense with 12 goals. and '
when it won five games in the 0pp0nents to only four points. Hubenstem had eigh