xt780g3h1d8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt780g3h1d8g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1966-03-07  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 7, 1966 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 7, 1966 1966 1966-03-07 2020 true xt780g3h1d8g section xt780g3h1d8g  

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Con't Minutes of the University Senate, February 7, 1966

May Sanders was a teacher of all those who would learn.
Cognizant of the deficits of her initial preparation for
nursing, she completed her baccalaureate degree at age

45. Still concerned for improvement in nursing education,

she completed her Doctor of Education degree after the age

of DC at great personal and financial sacrifice. These

and other accomplishments were achieved despite an unfortunate
physical handicap which limited her mobility. She /as
dedicated to the fullest contribution of her God—given
intellect even in the final stages of her life.

New, therefore, be it resolved that the College of Nursing
does hereby officially recognize the contribution of Dr.
May Sanders and does further express its deep sorrow at
her untimely death.

The faculty of the College of Nursing recommends that this
Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the University
Senate and that a copy be sent to the family with expression
of deepest sorrow.

The Senate adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Elbert W. Cckerman

March 7, 1966

The University Senate met in special session at 4;OO p.m., Monday,
March 7, 1966, in the Student Center Theatre. Chairman Pellegrino presided.
Ninetymsix members were present.

President Oswald reported on House Bill 258, a copy of which had been
distributed to each of the Senate members present. He expressed the hope
that those present would take the opportunity to answer questions of all
faculty who are not members of the Senate.

As background for the enactment, to become effective June 20, 1966, the
President stated that in the spring of 1965 the Council on Public Higher
Education authorized the state colleges to initiate work in the arts and
sciences at the masters level. Concern was voiced as to the implication

of this action on graduate work at the University of Kentucky. On his
assumption of the presidency in the fall of 1965, he took the position that
an over-all look should be taken at higher education in Kentucky, a long-
range plan developed, and that there should be establishment of an agency
to coordinate such a plan. In direct response to federal legislation which
provided Support for higher education, provided there was long~range planning
and organization, the Governor appointed a Commission on Higher Education
composed of the presidents of the six public institutions, the presidents of






















































































Con't Minutes of the Special Meeting, University Senate, March 7, 1966

Transylvania, Centre, Villa Madonna, and one of the small private junior
colleges, and eight public officials, to handle the allocation of the federal
monies and formulate a long-range plan for higher education. The establish~
ment of this Commission resulted in a report to the Governor which he chose
to put into statute and which is essentially the present Bill adopted by the
1966 General Assembly.

He stated that the Bill is composed of three major points, the first two of
which auger well for the future of the state:

1. the establishment of the new Council, composed of nine lay members
with voting privileges, and the presidents of the public institutions, with—
out voting privileges;

2. the careful spelling out of the functions of each of the state
colleges, community colleges, and the University of Kentucky; and

5. the re—designation of the state colleges as regional state universities
(the President took the position that this re—designation should occur
following the establishment and meeting of a set of criteria).

The President singled out the major points of the Bill, emphasizing its
privileges and restrictions.

The minutes of February 7, 1966 were approved.

Dean Kirwan presented for the Graduate Faculty a recommendation that
honorary degrees be conferred on five persons at the May 9, 1966 Commencement.
The names of the five persons were approved by the Senate for transmittal to
the Board of Trustees with the request that the names not be revealed until
the Board has taken action and the nominees have accepted.

The Chairman reported that the regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate
for March would be postponed until later in the month and be devoted to

reports from standing committees of the Senate.

The Senate adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

Elbert W. Ockerman


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