xt783b5w9b7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt783b5w9b7m/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201011 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, November 2010 text GLSO News, November 2010 2010 2019 true xt783b5w9b7m section xt783b5w9b7m wwGLso
A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Volume 32 Number 11
Hie-Imam {to mom
Newsletter Sponsored [in
Movea ble m

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The Imperial CourI of Ken’rucky .{fi‘ ‘
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 Issue 11 2010 Feature Story Page 9
Female to Male: Making the
CO NTENTS Transition
SpeCIal GLSO Edltlon
l Female to Male: Making GSA
1 the Transition Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
‘ Pride Center
3 A Victory Tainted by 6 Candlelight Vigil
’ ‘ the Suicide of Gay Friday, November 5, 7 pm.
‘ Teen Phoenix Park, Lexington
The Spirit of 8 Lexington Pride Festival Meeting
, Belonging Sunday, November 7, 6 pm.
Pride Center
Bluegrass Gay 8
Phonebook Returns HIV Networking Meeting
a Monday, November 8, 10 am. - 4 pm.
Female to Male: 9 Clifton Center, Louisville, Ky.
Making the Transition
Kentucky Bourbon Bears Meeting
‘ AVOL: Dine Out for 10 Saturday, November 13, 1 pm.
Life Crossings
GSA: Search for New 11 GLSO Board Meeting
Advisors Sunday, November 14, 1 pm.
Pride Center
Candlelight Vigil 11
Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
, J Lexington Pride 11 Sunday, November 14, 6 p.m.
’ Festival to Remain Pride Center
’ Downtown
7‘ PFLAG Fundraiser
_ Homosexuality and 12-13 December 3-5
. the Bible Joseph-Beth Booksellers
20% of all book and 10% of all cafe pur-
GLSO Resource 14 chases go to support Lexington PFLAG.
Directory 3

 GLSO — ‘
The GLSO News is published Dennis Wheatley, President l
monthly by and for the Lexington Thomas Collins, Vice President ;
Gay and Lesbian Services Organi- Jane Minder, Secretary ;
zation members and community. Ginger Minder-Moore, Treasurer a
The mission of the Lexington Gay i
and Lesbian Services Organization l
is to provide support and services Mary Crone, GSA 3
to the GLBTQQIA community. Jesse Howard, Marketing/Sales ‘
Orvis Kean, Events .
The vision of the Lexington Gay Charlotta Brunson, At-Large 1
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Jessica Sucik, Affiliate Groups i
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA David Spencer, Webmaster l
community through voice. i
The Lexington GLSO is founded 3
upon the core values of fun, in- Bill Chandler, Admin. Assistant ‘
clusive, respect, integrity, dignity, 859.253.3233 ‘3
service and competence. l
The GLSO is currently looking for i
389 Waller Avenue new contributors and editorial j
Suite 100 staff. If interested, e-mail i
Lexington, Ky. 40504 editor@glso.org.
Want to become more involved? ‘
GLSO is looking for new Board of Directors members
and volunteers. ;
Contact Dennis Wheatley at dennis@glso.org for more information.

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 A Victory Tainted by are 155 Icons archived on the free
. . site.
the SUICIde of Gay Teen
Catherine Guidi, Equality Forum “The GLBT community is the only
community worldwide that is not
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - OCTOBER 21, taught its history at home, public I
2010 September 28, the City COUHCii 0f school or religious institution.” stated
Norman, Oklahoma, a conservative city made Lazin. “Without this information, it is
a bold decision in favor of an unpopular nowonderthathomophobia hassuch ¢
proclamation recognizing October as GLBT adevastating impact on gay, lesbian, ‘
History Month. The 7 to 1 vote came after three bisexual and transgender youth.” I
hours of anti—gay rhetoric from community
members opposed to the proclamation. “Zach like other teen suicides
reminds us why youth need role i
The victory was followed one week later models, history and the civil rights j
by the suicide of Zach Harrington, 19, who message of our important national 4
attended the council SESSiOh to support the and international contributions." said ‘
proclamation. Lazin.
“When he was sitting there, I’m sure he was GLBT HISTORY MONTH ICONS I
internalizing everything,”said Nikki Harrington, FOR OCTOBER 22 TO 31, 2010 ‘
Zach Harrington’s older sister. “I’m sure he - Eleanor Roosevelt (First Lady)
took it personally.” October 22 I
- Jalal AI—Din Rumi (Sufi Mystic) .
Harrington, a talented musician, graduated October 23 .
Norman North High School in 2009. He was - David Sedaris (Author)
subjected to constant harassment after he October 24 I
came out as gay. “He feared for his safety,” - Maurice Sendak (Illustrator)
stated his father Van Harrington. According October 25 |
to his father, Zach requested to leave high - Johanna Sigurdardottir (Iceland’s -
school early in his senior year and finished his Prime Minister)
diploma in a separate program. October 26 i
— Matthew Shepard (Hero) i
Van Harrington stated that his son experienced October 27
a hard reality at the council session as -Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
he witnessed the same sentiments that (Composer) 1
tormented him in high school being shouted October 28 ,
and applauded by adults. - Rufus Wainwright (Singer)
October 29
“Equality Forum mourns Zach Harrington,” -Mel White (Minister) l
stated Malcolm Lazin, Executive Director October 30
of Equality Forum, which coordinates GLBT — Emanuel Xavier (Poet) '
History Month. “Zach reminds us why we October 31
need GLBT History Month to build self-esteem I
and buttress youth against the tsunami of Equality Forum is a national and .
homophobia in our schools and society.” international GLBT civil rights '
organization with an educational
In 2006, Equality Forum, a national GLBT civil focus. Equality Forum coordinates 1
rights organization undertook coordinating GLBT History Month, produces '
GLBT History Month (www.glthistoryMonth. documentary films, undertakes high 1
com). Each of the 31 days in October, a impact initiatives and presents the
gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender Icon largestannualinternationalGLBTcivil
iS featured online With a video, biography, rights summit. For more information ‘
bibliography, downloadable images and other visit www.equalityforum,com and l
educational resources. In its fifth year, there www.glthistoryMonth.com. 6

' The Imperial Court of Kentucky
E www.ImperialCourtKentuclqorg
: —
: GLSO News Monthly Sponsors
‘ SisterSound 859.806.0243
' Diverse Music for all Women
S Richardson Vision Center 859.278.4201
5 1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside
: Shopping Center
_ KCHIP 877.524.4718
’ www.kidshealth.ky.gov
Debra Hensley Insurance 859.276.3244
1513 Nicholasville Road
Lexington Lyons 859.468.6371
Levi and Leather Club
Lexington Fairness 859.951.8565
Saint Mychal the Martyr Parish 859.338.1195
www.5tmychalthemartyitorg . _
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867
474 Silver Maple Way
d Unitarian Universalist Church 859.223.1448
5 3564 Clays Mill Road
2 Scott Ackerman, Keller Williams Blue- 859.338.8483
h grass Realty, ackermanteam@aol.com
LI Gay and Lesbian Services 859.253.3233
d Organization 7

 The Spirit Of peers. Change must happen. Be the
. change you wish to see. Stand up

Belonging... against hate, bring down the fear.

Craig Cammack, Lexington Fairness Don’t wait, make the change now.

So many lives depend on you.

The Pride Flag resembles not only the

unity of colors, but each stripe resem-

bles a facet of the gay pride movement: Bluegrass Gay

red — light; orange — healing; yellow Phonebook Returns

- sun; green - calmneSS; blue — art; Jesse Howard, Editor

and lilac/purple — spirit. With this rec-

ognition, The Gay & Lesbian Alliance It is that time again, time for the pro-

Against Defamation (GLAAD) came tO' duction of the newest edition of the

gether to form the unofficial national Bluegrass Gay phone Book.

holiday, Spirit Day. On October 20th,

the country united, wearing purple, to The Bluegrass Gay Phonebook is a

symbolically put a stop to the hate and publication produced by the GLSO to

bullying our young LGBT community spotlight LGBTQQIA and LGBTQQ—

members. IA friendly organizations within the

Bluegrass and surrounding regions.

Unfortunately, Spirit Day was only one The purpose of the publication is to:

day. But the fight for fairness and

equality forges on. A5 adUltS, it is our 1. Serve as a community resource for

duty to ensure our children live in a the LGBTQQIA community of Central

safe world. At this time, our young and Eastern Kentucky.

LGBT community members are at risk,

bUHledi mentally and emotionally fight— 2. A fundraising resource for the

ing the fear that is forced upon them. GLSO.

We must, in some way, make Spirit Day

every day. This doesn’t mean we must The GLSO acquired the Bluegrass

wear purple every day. This doesn’t Gay Phonebook as a new foundation

mean we must wait for a national or- of the Pink Pages. The pink pages be-

ganization to tell us when to act. This gan publishing in 1992 and was pub-

means we must live every day with the lished annually through 2005. The

spirit 0f equality for all. We must “0': latest edition of the phonebook was

wait to fight for our community’s rights published in 2008 with more than 100

from fear. The fight continues until the listings of LGBTQQIA and LGBTQQIA

force 0f oppression is gone. friendly organizations. '

We Will keep this article short. There The phonebookis also available online

is not mUCh more to say. Spirit clay is at www.BluegrassGYP.com. To place

every day. Make it every day. Fight an ad, please review our advertising

for those who are afraid to Speak for rates in the back of the current edi-

themselves. Ensure that our youth are tion or contact us at 359_253_3233_

not willing to take their lives for the

fear of retribution from their family and 3

 3 Fema'e t° “a'ei EZEEEgth‘ivlffia'Sa‘S.“e§'Eh SEES"
. . . o r , m ,
¥ Mak'ng the TraI‘ISItIOfl peers and having to eyducate you:-
' Jesse Howard, Ed'tbr self due to the lack of information
. throughout my youth, I hit quite a
What IS transgender? How does a growth spurtthis pastyear. That be-
person begin the transition and how mo said, I have formed into a much
does it impact one’s life? These are more compassionate and honest
all questions that many LGBTQQIA creature for it. Plus I have humbly
community members and allies alike become a sort of beacon for queer
_ ask themselves. As the nation begin and trans youth in my community.
. transgender awareness month, the Helping these people has meant
' GLSO sat down with supporter and the world to me.
local artist Jack Cofer to talk about
‘ his transntlon from female to male. Editor: Why and/or what eyehtS
. lead you to the decision to transi-
. Editor: What does transgender mean tion?
t to you?
_ _ JC: I knew I was male from a very
.IC: For the sake of brevnty, I Will young age but did not have the yo-
JUSt say that to be transgendered cabularywith which toarticulate my-
- or transexual is to do literally what se'f until I read my first book on the
those words mean ' t0 90 beyond topic - Stone Butch Blues by Leslie
the gender binary our culture has Feinberg. From thereIentered into
clung to for so long. There are many Gender Theory 101 through con-
places around the world and cultures versations with like-minded friends,
throughout time that have acknowl- most of which had dated someone
edged a gender spectrum or at the trans or at least taken a few classes
very least, a third gender. These peo- on the topic. It only took from mid
ple who move beyond and between 2006 until March of this past year
male and female are typically held in to go from denial, to education, to
very high regard among their peers. coming out, to binding, to chang-
[For me personally it meansa lifelong mo my name and lastly (so far)
journey and the knowing that I’m fi- hormone therapy. It’s hard to not
nally home. gun it once you see that light at the
‘ _ end of the tunnel. And sometimes it
Editor: As a young adult, hOW has takes that very light to let you know
transitioning to a male impacted your you’re ever, in one.
Interview continued in GLSO News
JC: Most of the time, it means forget- December Edition.
ting that I’m young at all. There is a
lot to take into your own hands once
deciding to transition. Between navi- 9

 AVOL: Dlne cat for Llfe tion efforts. Compounding the issue in the
Mark Royse, AVOL GLBT community is a higher than average
prevalence of alcohol and substance abuse
AVOL (AIDS Volunteers, Inc.) along with as well as psychological and self-esteem is-
QX.net and Subaru, International present sues that often fuel high—risk behaviors.
Dining Out for Life on December 1 in honor
of World AIDS Day. Local restaurants around While people live longer now with HIV/
town will give a portion of their proceeds from AIDS if they have proper access to medical
the night to benefit AVOL and help fight HIV/ care and treatment, HIV is still a serious,
AIDS. There will also bea candlelight vigil on chronic disease that impacts all areas of
that day, with participants gathering at Third the infected person’s life. Unfortunately,
Street Stuff between 5:30pm—6:00pm, and especially among the younger gay/bi men
then walking to Phoenix Park. in our community, there seems to be com-
placency about HIV/AIDS, and yet HIV is
HIV/AIDS continues to be among the most 100% preventable.
serious health concerns in the nation, and
perhaps the greatest health concern in our AVOL works diligently to prevent the
community. Statistics released in a Centers spread of HIV/AIDS throughout Kentucky
for Disease Control (CDC) report in Septem- among those populations at greatest risk.
ber 2010 indicate that in urban areas, 1 in We also serve those living with HIV/AIDS
5 gay/bi men are infected with HIV. Half of by assisting with housing and utility assis-
these men are unaware of their infection. tance, supportive services including food
and personal/household items, transporta-
In Kentucky, at least one new person be- tion, some prescription co-pays, substance
comes infected with HIV daily. Our state has abuse referrals, and more.
unique challenges in fighting the spread of
the disease. Kentucky’s high rates of pov— AVOL relies on the support of volunteers
erty, rural isolation, lack of education about and private contributions to achieve our
HIV/AIDS, and a high level of social stigma mission. For more information about Din-
around the disease create barriers to preven- ing Out for Life or how you can support
AVOL, please visit www.avolky.org.
~ 5 (S- Listening is probably the must important factor a hen
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H ms 1;; ‘33 Creative Realty

Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.
l: j
1033 Industry Road
859.338.1 195
GSA: Continues Search for Candlelight Vigil
New Advisors Friday, November 5, 7 pm.
Phoenix Park in Lexington
The GLSO Gay Straight Alliance for
Youth (GSA) is currently in search The GLSO, Lexington GSA, and
of a new advisors. As the program Lexington PFLAG are joining to hOld
continues to grow, new advisors are a candlelight vigil to honor those
needed to meet the program’s grow- affected by bullying. All community
ing needs. members are invited, so spread
the word. There will be a couple
“We have a number of female advi- 0f guest speakers and the vigil Will
sors, but only one guy. It would be travel throughout downtown Lex—
nice to have at least one more man," ington. For more information, ViSit
states Mary Crone, GSA Program Di- WWW-QISO-Org-
Lexington Pride Festival to
The GSA program provides an outlet Remain Downtown
for young adults through the age of
20 an outlet to connect Wlth other The 2011 planning committee met
youth to discuss issues of daily life with community members to discuss
as a Young adult. The program also concerns with moving the Pride
provides Opportunities for gay YOUth Festival away from downtown. After
to meet peers from throughout the much consideration and collabora-
region and create long-lasting friend- tion with the city of Lexington, we
ShipS- are pleased to announce that the
2011 Lexington Pride Festival will
“The most important qualifications is remain at the Robert |:_ Stephens
to enjoy Spending time With teenag- Courthouse Plaza. The committee is
ers,” adds Crone. now searching for new theme ideas
for the event. To submit your idea,
If you are interested in volunteering e-mail steve@lexpridefest.org.
to be an advisor, contact Mary Crone
at mary@glso.org. 11

 Hpmosexuallty and the dominance and these men were
B|b|e interested in demonstrating their
. By Karen Taylor dominance over the visitors as
well as Lot himself. At this point
To begin this discussion we have to recognize Lot begins begging them to not d.°
that we don’t find the word homosexual in thISanU' thing. He even offers his
the original Hebrew or Greek Bible because Virgln dayghters to them In place
it wasn’t even a word until the 20th Century. Of the V'S'tors- The men pushed
Next, we need to always interrupt the Bible through LOt, knocked clown the
in context of the society in which it was door, and drug LOt 'n behind them.
written. With those two things in mind, let’s However, as they entered the house
take a look at sexuality in general during they were struck bllnd rendering
Biblical times and then look at the scriptures them incapable 0t domg what they
generally used against homosexuality. set Got to do. In the confu5lon Of
the moment, Lot was instructed
The sex act in the Mediterranean world was to take_his family and run to the
an actofdominance. Women were ofa much mountains as the Clty, Wh'Ch '5 fU"
lower status, thus the men demonstrated OerV”, '5 about to be destroyed.
their dominance over them using sex. This story has absolutely nOthan to
Professor Mary Tolbert summarizes the do w'th sexual Identify or a lovmg
research "ke this- committEd relationShip between
two people. However, it is a story
“The single most important concept about rape and inhospitality. Other
that defines sexuality in the ancient references infer pride and failure
Mediterranean world is that approved to help the poor as the reasons for
sexual acts never occurred between social Sodom’s destruction. Ezekiel 1.514} I
equals. Sexuality, by definition, in ancient 50- “LPOKI thls was the WWW 0f
Mediterranean societies required the your SISter Sodom; She and her i
combination of dominance and submission. daughter had pride, fullness 0t ‘
This definition of sexuality was entirely foqd, and_abundance of Idleness; l
male-not surprising in the heavily patriarchal neither did She strengthen the
societies of the Mediterranean." hand 0f the poor and needy. And
they were haughty and committed
Sex acts between men did happen but it was abomination before Me; therefore
in order to show dominance of one group of I t00k them away as I saw. fit"
men over another, not a loving committed It’s my belief that the story itself
relationship between two people. With that demonstrates the attitude Of the
said, lets look at the story of Sodom and heart of the _men. They had eV"
Gomorrah in Genesis 19. Lot was sitting intents "1 their hearts. They were
by the gate and saw the two angels. He fU" 0t Wickedness, Whleh GOd
invited them to his house to clean up, eat, hates, and was determined to
and rest up for the next day. He was being destroy the CltY_t0r lt/ bUt wanted
hospitable, which was expected of all people to save Lot for h'5 heart was one or
during this time period. Then came the men compaSSlon.
of the city, young and old alike, demanding
Lot bring them out so they could basically l\low let's |00k at the two Passages
rape them. Verse 5, “And they called to in LeVItlcus. :‘You shall not lle_Wlth
Lot and said to him. ‘Where are the men a male as W|th a woman; It Is an
who came to you tonight? Bring them out abomination." (18122) “It a man
to us that we may know them carnally.’” lies w'th a male as WIth a woman,
(NKJ) “Know them carnally," in other words, b0th of them have committed an
rape them. Remember sex was all about abominations; they shall be PUt

 to death; their blood is upon them.” whose status was unequal. On t0p
(20:13) Chapters 17-26 specifically of that, there was a common practice
address the Holiness Code of the period. called pederasty where a younger man/
They were attempting to spell out ways boy was socialized/mentored through a
the people of Israel would act differently close relationship with an older man.
than their Mediterranean neighbors. They believed this was necessary in
They wanted to preserve the internal order to prepare them for leadership in
harmony of Jewish male society by not the kingdom. We assume there were
allowing them to use sex as a form of abuses taking place. It is my belief that
expressing or gaining social and political the abusive relationships are what Paul
dominance. Again, it has nothing to do speaks to here, not a loving, committed
with a loving committed relationship. It relationship between two consenting
never entered their minds, as they had adults.
no concept of it. In addition, why is it
that we pick out this one thing without In Romans 1:26-27 women are
looking at all the others? Some of the reprimanded for exchanging what
things we ignore are: Ch. 19:26, you is “natural intercourse” for what is
aren’t to eat anything with blood; vs. “unnatural”. It makes sense Paul would
27, you aren’t to shave the sides of say this, as the understanding at the
your head or disfigure the edge of your time was sex only occurred among
bead; vs. 28, no tattoos; vs. 30, keep unequals with the dominant partner
the Sabbath meaning there is no work, being a male. In addition, it is my belief
only time spent with God; vs. 33 do that being born gay or lesbian makes
not mistreat strangers (hummm that intercourse with a man unnatural.
sounds familiar); vs. 35,36 be honest Therefore, to go against what is

I in all your business deals (car dealers “natural” for us, having sex with the
come to mind here, but they aren’t the opposite sex, would be a wrong.

‘: only ones).

‘ Throughout the Bible it speaks of love,

I What about Paul in 1 Cor. 6:9—10 and gentleness, kindness, reaching out to
1 Tim. 1:9-11? Again, to understand the poor and needy. James 1:27 “Pure
what Paul is saying you have to consider and undefiled religion before God and
the translation and the sexual practices the Father is this; to visit orphans, and
of Greek culture. In an article entitled, widows in their trouble and to keep
The Bible and Homosexuality, written oneself unspotted from the world.”
by Rev. Mona West, Ph.D, she states: Jesus Himself said nothing about
“...there is some confusion about how homosexuality. The one thing He is
to translate two Greek words in these interested in is our heart. Before going
lists of vices Paul has enumerated. off onto a tangent about a single idea in
The two words are arsenokoial which the Bible, find out about the time period
is rendered in various translations in which it was written. Things change,
as ‘homosexual,’ ‘sodomites,’ ‘child we worship today differently then we
molesters,’ or ‘perverts’ and malakoi did 50 — 100 years ago. The church
which is rendered in various translations once taught that it was a sin for whites
as ‘catamites,’ ‘the effeminate,’ or and blacks to marry, or that it was OK
‘boy prostitutes!” Even though the to have slaves. We know better today
translation is extremely difficult, we can and it is my hope that one day, we
see there is a specific meaning. Where the church of Jesus Christ, can stand
the Mediterranean world saw sex as together in one accord on this issue.
based on dominance, submission, and
unequal status, the Greek narrowed it
down to an occurrence between people 13

 GLSO Resource Directory _ _
A community resource page for gay and/or gay- Rel'9'_°“5 Groups
friendly organizations throughout Kentucky. To Integrity(Episcopal) ------859'533'9851
add your listing, scroll to the bottom of this Interweave (Uh'tahah) '859'256'5904
page. Lex Friends (Quakers)...859-254-3319
Mercy Ministry Church ..859—358-3357
Anonymous & Confidential HIV Testing MCC Paducah ...............270-443—3339
AIDS Volunteers, Inc. (AVOL) .....859-225-3000
Health Dept., Fayette .................859-288-2437 Student Groups
Health Dept., Jessamine ............859-885-4149 Berea College ACE .......859-958-3633
Health Dept., Woodford .............859-873-4S41 Centre College (BGLA) ..859-238-5332
UK Adolescent Medicine .............859-323-5643 Morehead State Univ. .. 606-783-2294
Volunteers of America (VOA) ......859-254-3469 OUTSource (UK) ..........859-323—3312
STD Testing & Treatment ...........859-288—2437 UK GSA .......................859—559-7464
Community Groups On the Web
24—Hour Crisis Line ....................800-928-8000 AIDS Volunteers (AVOL) '
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line.............800-999—9999 avolky.org .
Alcoholics Anonymous ...............859—967-9960 Imperial Court Kentucky
AA/Alcoholic Teens, office ..........859—277—1877 imperialcourtkentucky.org
Bluegrass COLTS .......................859—225-9169 Integrity (St. Marthas)
Council for Peace & Justice ........859—225—6999 integritystmarthas.blogspot.com
Discussion Group ......................859-253-3233 Kentucky Bourbon Bears
Fairness of Louisville .................502-893-0788 kentuckybourbonbears.com _
Gay Straight Alliance for Teens ...859-266-5904 Kentucky Pagan Forum I
Imperial Court of Kentucky ........859-619-7521 go.to/kypaganforum
International Gay Bowling .........859-276-3058 Lexington Fairness
Lexington Fairness ....................859-951—4450 lexfair.org
Lexington Human Rights ...........859-252—4931 Lexington Lyons Leather/Levi Club '
Lexington Insight Group ............859—230-2428 lexlyons.org I
Lex. Lyons Leather/Levi Club .....859-468—6371 Lexington Pride Festival
Lexington Pride Festival .............859-253—3233 lexpridefest.org
MACT .......................................859-358-8335 Lexington Fayette County Health Dept —
PFLAG Lexington .......................859-338-4393 lexingtonheaIthdepartment.org (
PFLAG Louisville ........................502-329—0229 Mercy Ministry
SisterSound ..............................859-806-0243 mercyministrychurch2006.net
Social Services (Lexington only) ................211 PFLAG Lexington _
Speakers’ Bureau ......................859-266-5904 pflaglex.blogspot.com i
TransKentucky ..........................859-963-6606 Rainbow League ‘
United Way ..............................859-313-5465 rainbowleague.net
United Sister Circle Alliance
HIV/AIDS Information and Services unitedsistersorg '
AVOL ........................................859—225-3000 Volunteers ofAmerica (VOA) |
Health Dept., Fayette .................859-288-2437 voaky.org
Toll-Free ......................877-606-2437 i
Cumberland Region (SE Ky.) .......606-864—3776 _
Toll-Free ......................888—425-7282 GLSO News Deadline ’
HIV/AIDS Legal Project ..............502—584-1254
Lexington STOP Program ...........859-254-3469 ”member 2°
Louisville Region .......................502-574-0161 . .
Moveable Feast..........................859-252-2867 send amc'es’ ads and p'Ctures t°
NKY Region................................859"341'4264 editor@g|so'°rg

 Couples Union
Counseling Ceremonies
Rev. Kenneth Waibel
Professional Spiritual Direction
Ecumenical 0 Holistic o Inclusive
859.338.1 195
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Dining Out for Life
,.r""\‘ “:1 fit- rjé: fl‘ mm Restaurants
V ‘ l _.J j . ; l 7-" VI ‘ ‘* (more coming soon!)
" ‘ " “ \ alaLucie
Buddy's Bar & Grill
Bourbon n’ Toulouse
Cuppa: A Tea Cafe
The Dish
7 "’3‘ 1* 3f; {Ilia/x “\n 7;,ij Hanna’s on Lime
'_.: ~"‘,' g ' ‘ \_4 , 5: _\.¢‘ ‘ ' 7‘ V, H \ , Mia’s
Sal’s Chophouse
Saul Good
The 6 Friends Café
Stella’s Kentucky Deli
Third Street Stuff
QX . net
x KENTUCKY $6."?
Yip (fnmmuniry Engagcmcnl u (a
p. n!
w PNC Alt? '
Dine Out. Fight AIDS. g“\ ""““‘”"“ —'
Wednesday, December 1 Ifia /‘@\
On Wednesday, December 1, World AIDS Day, B°bby£e$flmmlm v! ‘
generous restaurants throughout Lexington will ‘ ‘ '_ ’
donate a portion of their proceeds to AVOL as pad 1ri’iaihfixtrvTheatre mun ‘3,
of the international event lDining Out for Life.’ . ;
awnkmdle ;
Grab your friends and make a difference by "MR mans
dining out. Not only will you help AVOL, you ‘
can register to win some spectacular prizes! arr-rm“ ‘ "
liming ® .
Find out more at: so”! .
www.avol ky.org ”mm. m. SUBARU I