xt783b5w9j8h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt783b5w9j8h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-04-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 2002 2002 2002-04-22 2020 true xt783b5w9j8h section xt783b5w9j8h Check out the Happy Turtle for a collection of beads and bongos | 2


Running back
struts his stuff
in Blue/ White
scrimmage | a


Celebrating 30 years of independence



UofL may charge $125 athletic fee

Athletics: Deficit leads to possible student fee
increase; UK will not follow suit, official says

ment incurred a $3.2 million
deficit iii 2000-01. Athletics di-
rector Tom Jurich said Satur-
day he expected a deficit of
about $1 million this year.
largely due to expenses con-
nected with operating Papa
John's Cardinal Stadium.

The university‘s finance


of Louisville student leaders op-
pose a $125 fee proposed by out-
going president John Shumak-
er to help fund the school's
growing sports programs.

The UofL Athletic Depart-

committee voted 3-1 Friday to
recommend the fee.

UofL‘s Board of Trustees is
scheduled to consider the pro-
posal on Monday, and Student
Government President Carlton
Brown is trying to organize a
protest for the meeting.

“It doesn‘t seem right that
I could get home from work and
think. ‘I just paid for somebody
to get a new pair of cleats.”
said SGA president-elect
Chris Marlin.

UK students need not wors
ry this will happen to them.

"There are no plans to im—
plement anything similar to
what UofL proposed." said
Brooks Downing. director of UK
Media Relations for athletics.

UK's Athletics Department
receives no university funds or
tax dollars to support its $41
million budget. Downing said.
Ticket sales, 'T.V. contracts.
commercial marketing and the
sales of UK-licensed products

are the main sources of revenue
for the department. Downing

“We're completely selfrsupr
pottive." he said.

UofL‘s Athletic Department
has operated without any gen
eral university funds since the
mid-1980s. when the lfofL Ath
letic Association was fortned as
an affiliated incorporation to
insulate the university against
athletic losses.

In his presentation to the fi-

nance committee on Friday.
Shitmaker said the tee isn't jilsi
a reaction to recent revenue
shortfalls. but a move that will
keep l'till/s sports programs
cotnpetitn'c against college
sports powerliottses.

Shumaker said he is open
to exploring other plans lit-
also said the Athletic Associa
tion will look for ways to cut
costs while asking for increases
in donor levels and
ticket prices


.1. lug I I at
Eliot Gleason. 5.
hogs Smoky the
Bear at an Arbor
Day celebration at
tho Arboretum
Saturday. The
event alsotele-
bratos Earth Day.
which is today.
Earth Day was
founded In 1971 as
a yearly
celebration so
people mold have
a day to recognize
global mlty.

moi routers I


Israeli forces remain
in villages near Jenin

Tactics: Sharon says Israel has completed
the current stage of its ‘war on terrorism'


JENIN. West Bank With Israeli forces gone from most
Palestinian cities in the West Bank. Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon declared Sunday that Israel has completed the latest
stage of its “war on terrorism" and will turn to new tactics as it
presses the campaign.

Israel withdrew troops froin Nahlus. the largest Palestinian
city in the West Batik. and most of Ramallah. the Palestinian
headquarters in the territory But soldiers remained at two sen
sitive and volatile sites Yasser Arcfat‘s compound in Rainal-
lab and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. where armed
Palestinians are holed up inside.

The Israeli army also said its forces remain in several vil-
lages near Jenin. though Israeli forces left .Ie llt’. city and the
neighboring refugee camp Friday. the scene of the heaviest fights
ing in three weeks oflsraeli incursions aimed in the West Batik

Sharon called the operation which Israel says has been
aimed at militant groups held responsibl ‘- for attacks that have
killed some 470 Israelis iii 19 months of fighting a success

“I believe we have achieved very notable accoinplishinents."
Sharon said. “However. the war against terrorism continues and
will continue. But now it will employ a ditlerent method."

Sharon gave no details. but he has spoken previously about
creating a buffer zone that would make it more difficult for
Palestinians in the West Bank to reach Israeli cities and towns
Israel already has an extensive network of checkpoints that
keeps most Palestinians out.

The withdrawal from Nablus anti Ramallali was a signifi
cant scaling back of the Israeli campaign. However. Palestini-
ans are demanding a complete Israeli troop \Vlilltli‘li‘.\'éil from
the West Bank before they will consider .1 cease fire deal

Secretary of State Colin Powell. who tried but failed to he
gotiate a truce during a Mideast visit last week. said Israel
should loosen its confinement of Arafat to give him a better
chance of exerc1sing his authority.

“I think the tnore access he is given. the opportunity he is
given to show whether or not he can control forces or bring thi.s
security situation under control." Powell said

Israel says it will maintain its s,egc of .\rafat's headdnar
ters until he surrenders four men wanted for the killing last (Ic-
tober of Tourism Minister Rehavam Zeevi and the man accused
of arranging a weapons shipment to militant groups

Arafat‘s aides have said the suspects are in tuszotly ill the
compound and will he tried by the Palestinian Authority

In a related development. six pI‘H-l’IIlOSllllllill activists from
European countries slipped past the Israeli set urity cordon and
entered Arafat's offices on Sunday.



Campus environmental groups celebrate Earth Day

There will be an Earth Day celebration from 11 am. to 3 pm. to-
day in the free speech area. Activities will include making tiedye T-
shitts (bring your own T~shirtl. painting personal recycling bins and
flower painting, 2103 will be on site and there will be free food.

Student organizations must register by today

The deadline for re-registration paperwork to be turned in to
the Student Organization (‘enter is today. All current student or-
ganization registrations expire May 1, Any group not registered
cannot reserve rooms or outdoor facilities on campus for the next
academic year or participate in the fall Student Activities Fair.
Presidents of student organizations should contact Denise
Stephens. manager of the SO(‘. by phone or email if they have any
questions or need a packet mailed to them. (‘all 957-1099 or e-mail
wwwukyedu Studentt‘enter StudentOrganizations for more

English Department presents speech this afternoon

llK‘s English Department. the committee on American Cul-
ture and the Mary Todd Lincoln House will present “Into the
Whirlwind: Lincoln's House Divided Speech." at 3:30 pm. today in
Student (‘enter Room 15in. .Iohn Burt. an English professor at Bran-
deis I'mversity. will deliver the talk. which is drawn frotn a dis-

cussion of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. “Lincoln. Douglas and the
Political Culture of Freedom."

Gymnast named All-American at NCAA championship

The first UK gymnast to compete at the NCAA championships
since 1998. sophomore Aronda Primault tied for sixth place in the
vault competition. This was her first career All-American honor.
The competition was held last week in Tuscaloosa. Ala. Primault
is the first UK All-American gymnast since Robin Ewing and Jen-
ny Hansen in 1996.

UK Alumni Association to hold career seminar

The UK Alumni Association. in partnership with Ashland-
area business professionals. will hold a career seminar frotn 10
am. until 1 pm. Saturday. April 27 in the Ashland Community
College teleconference room. The seminar. “What Every Business
Person Should Know." is for UK alumni who are looking for a job
or are considering a future career change. Admission is free for
members of the UK Alumni Association and $10 for others. To regs
ister and reserve lunch. call Sandy Boyken at 257-8700 or e-mail
her at slboyklu ukyedu by today.

Fossil fuel expert to speak about 0.5. petrolem industry

Susan Landon. an independent oil and natural gas consultant
from Denver. Colo. will deliver the first Donald C. Haney Distin-
guished Lecture at 7 pm, Wednesday. in room 102 of the Mining
anti Mineral Resources Building. The lecture is free and open to
the public. A reception at 6 pm. precedes the lecture. Landon will
speak about the opportunities and challenges facing the the US.
petroleum industry in the next 50 years.

from ems l KERNEL Sim

Sherman‘sbsoalornttboflrst llararnbee Celebrationmhlchwas
sponsorodbytheliatloaalAssociatlooof black Social lorhersandtbe
pkasa'marfloa M"Iblchnoaas"m together." "lo are


. b



Statie Methaus
Scene Editor
Phone 257 l9l5 l Email ke'iieiattdyanoowm

_| MONDAY APRIL z“: 2902 | kznruénv «ram


New store offers stylish fun,
place to relax with a puzzle

By Michelle Kretzer


\‘isioiiai ies Todd (‘opeland
and Erin lloherty have
long been collectors of clothing.
iewelry and musical instru
ments made by local craftspeor
plc. They traded eiet'ything
front beads to boitgos to
bootleg tapes among friends
and fellow concertgoers

But the pair saw the need
for an outlet where artists
could showcase their work to
all Lexington residents The
idea. as Doherty puts it. was "to
give people in the area a place
to buy beautiful locally-pro-
duced goods and keep the rev
enue here at home."

From this need sprang The
Happy Turtle. a shop Doherty
and Copeland co-own on the
corner of South Limestone and
Maxwell streets. Patrons are
greeted by the scent of a calm-
ing incense stick and strains of
jam band music on the stereo
Bright tapestries and hand-
dyed silks compete for wall
space with strings of colorftil
patio lights and wind chimes.

The owners chose the
store's name because they
wanted their store to have the
same relaxed. lighthearted feel»
mg as the jovial tortoises that
dance across the cover of one of
the couple's favorite albums.
the Grateful Dead's Terrapin
Station. Visitors think the two
may have hit their mark.

“I feel like I'm visiting my
family when I come here." said
shopper .lulia Gabbard. "I know
all these artists and the atmos-
phere is so cozy "

In addition to the patch-
work pants. flowing cotton


High Street at Euclid

@422 ROYS

All Drinks
ling: Going lit

4pm to 7 pm

dresses. hemp icwelry and
wooden lllSll‘llltll‘Ills made by
their friends, t‘opeland and Do
herty also import a tow items to
the store. such as soap. candles.
disco balls. glow sticks and
band shirts.

Copeland said that before
an item appears on the shelves.
they research the manufacturer
to determine how each item
is produced.

“None of our products are
tested on animals. and they
were all produced under fair la-
bor practices. We want people
to feel good about where their
money is going." he said.

And if saitipling the
patchouli lotion and trying on
some tie-dyed pajamas make
guests at the store want to stay
and relax for a while. they can
hang out and watch some TV
while working on one of the
"community puzzles” that blan-
ket the card tables in the Turtle
Lounge. Stary ing artists might
choose to show otf their talent

on the .\rt Wall a stretch of

sunny yellow plaster open for
ex eryone to draw on

More than lost a store or .l
community hanwut Doherty
said the real benetit of'l‘he Hail
py Turtle is simple

"This is a great way to sup-
port local craftspeople and bust
nesses, We can be a good re
source for the community and
give people cool clothes and fun
products they would otheiwise
have to go outside of Lexington
to buy." she said

And if patrons leave feeling
uplifted. they shouldn‘t be sur
prised. It seems that Tllt' Happ
Turtle has good karma to spare.


The Happy Turtle is located at 304 S. Limestone St. Business hours are
12-8 pm. Monday thru Saturday and 1-5 pm. on Sunday. The store's
phone number is 225-0303. Patrons can also visit
www.thehappyturtle.com for more information.


Goo Goo's new album
won't live up to Dizzy


Robby Tahoe. John l‘tzeznllt and Robby Taltac matte up the Goo
Goo Dolls, who recently released the new album, Gutterflower.

By Paul Halter

Four years since the band's last CD. the Goo Goo Dolls
are back with the recent release ()utterflower.

The band. which features John Rzeznik on vocals and
guitar, Robby Takac on bass and vocals. and Mike Malin-
in on drums. uses the same formula that brought them
success with 1998‘s Dizzy Up The Girl. But this time the
formula produces nothing but mediocrity. It‘s not that the
album is bad. but the haunting ballads like ”Iris" that
made. the group famous are missing from the equation.

The album‘s best tracks are those that feature Rzeznik
on vocals. Takac doesn‘t have the voice to do lead vocals
and doesn‘t put the same emotions Rzeznik does into his
singing. It is interesting to note that the group‘s big radio
singles have only featured Rzeznik on lead vocals.

What the CD lacks musically it makes up lyrically.
Rzeznik‘s ability to write lyrics that are meaningful yet
catchy is his best quality. which can be heard in the songs
“Big Machine." “What a Scene" anti “Sympathy." But the
first single. “Here is Gone." is unfortunately forgettable,
much like the CD.

It is always sad to see a band that showed so much po-
tential in the past churn out mediocre stuff to sell albums.
Most of this album‘s songs sound exactly alike.

The Goo Goo Dolls are best writing their soulful bal-
lads. and Gutterflower features nothing but up-tempo
beats. There aren't any songs like “Iris“ or “Name."
which put the band on the charts.

What may have been a decent album coming from a
band that does not possess the Goo Goo Dolls‘ talent turns
out to be a disappointment following Dizzy.

Grade: 6+



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 Editorial Board

Clay McDaniel, Dialogue editor
Samieh Shalash, asst. Dialogue editor
Josh Sullivan, asst. Dialogue editor
Ashley York, editor in chief

Stacie Methaus, Scene editor
Amanda Hardaway, cartoonist
Joe Anderson, staff writer
Jennifer Kasten. at-large member
Wes Blevins, at-Iarge member







Summer cycling can be


great fun and
exercise if you
know what you're
doing. It could also
be dangerous
because you may
end up being run
down by a roaming
bread truck. To help
avoid biking
mishaps. I present
today's great
blunders in biking
so that you may
learn from the
mistakes of others.

lfht til
Know your bike and

your equipment
well. Know how it
shifts and how good
the brakes are. Bad
brakes can lead to
bad pavement
smears and good
brakes can result in
handlebars flips
that land you
directly in the path
of oncoming traffic
- not to mention
because your
friends may refer to
you as Lance
Armstrong for years
to come.







Doors opened
through humor,
not stereotypes

"Those were the days. And you Aneu u-lio you ll we then
Girls were girls. and men icere men. "
opening lines of “All in the Family "

These are the great opening lines to the (itssli‘ I‘lTlls sit
com. which relied on comedy to address sl'l'liills stereotypes
and discrimination.

Using humor was not a new concept then. and it contin
ues today. Margaret Cho. in her lecture .-\lil'li If) :it the liidi
ana University Auditorium. said laughter can save its. help
ing to rise above our current situations

One direct way comedy has saved society is i)\' promot
ing the evolution of female roles in each generation liver.
battle against oppression has opened the door to more open
debate. often giving way to satire Without this outlet. the
key issue of sexism might never be addressed in main
stream media.

In America. the liberation movement of the llllills fought
social and economic control that tied wives to husbands
as property.

But despite how far the movement has come. women
around the world still have reason to unite Now. yyonien
seem to be holding down their sisters by pl‘tililtillllL’ ideal
standards and continuing labels.

Girls are placed into an oversiitiplified category: based
on genetics. The extraordinary broadness of this group is
often underestimated because there are no two females
exactly alike.

Our society seems to be promoting cut .‘lll(i dry stereo

types. with each person fitting nicely in a group (‘ho real
ized the need to resist classification. After having sex with

Hit 82
Watch for debris. You

may be riding along

a woman. she couldn't decide on the status of bemi.’ ‘AIH

when all of the
sudden there's a
large piece of
muffler in the bike
lane. You see it too
late, hit it and
almost lose control.
Then you hear a
crash behind you
because your bike
sent the scrap
metal skyward, and
it has jammed itself
in the chain of your
friend's bike. True
story and freak
accident all in one.

liiit 83

When looking for cross-
country shortcuts it
is advisable not to
cut through
backyards. The
shortest distance
between you and
your destination is
always guarded by
a very large dog. A
pack of hotdogs
might just save
your life.

Milt #4

When crossing creeks,
be sure you can see
the bottom of the
creek clearly.
Moving water can
make six feet look
like a foot and a
half. Fall victim to
refraction and
you're bound to end
up with a face full
of water, a wet bike
seat and an equally
bruised ego.

tilt 385

Make sure your pants
aren't too baggy.
Not only do they
add an incredible
amount of wind
resistance but they
also get stuck in the
gearing. One second
you're riding along,
the next your pants
are snagged, ripped
to the crotch and
neatly entwined
around the bike
gear. Your friends
will definitely find it
funny, but you on
the other hand have
to ride all the way
back across town in
pants with the
crotch ripped out.
Hope you’re
wearing boxers.

Do you have humorous
summer moments?
Write me.




New campus dorms
need policy change

In recent years, the increasing size of freshman classes has led to a lack of room for
students living in the dorms. As a result. resident advisers have been forced to host some
students in their rooms, which are normally single rooms

An architecture firm proposed building new dorms on campus. as well as several
shops, as part of UK President Lee Todd and Lexington Mayor Pam Miller’s college

town plan.

If this proposal is enacted. UK should consider making some halls in the new dorms
coed. Currently, this is in the process of being done on the French floor in Keeneland

Hall. Other students have protested this exclusive policy as unfair.

Why should the only coed dorms be available only to students who speak French?
If UK is going to explore the possibility of building new dorms. it should consider

these protests.

Some might claim that coed dorms are morally wrong, or that bathroom privacy
could not possibly exist. However. having coed halls does not mean that men and women
will be living together in the same rooms. Other universities have two-room suites, in
which four women or four men share two bedrooms and a bathroom. If suites of this type

were constructed, bathroom privacy would be a moot point.

As for the morality issue, it is not up to UK to decide what is moral or immoral in stu-
dents‘ lives. It would obviously be up to individual students to decide whether or not
they want to live in the coed halls. Those who choose not to can simply live in UK's ex-

isting single—sex halls or floors.

Obviously. UK needs to do something about the lack of housing for incoming fresh-
men. Is building new dorms the answer? Yes. Once these dorms are built, though. UK
should at least explore the possibility of making them coed.

. a perk of being an RA.


or straight.

she said.

hips are back).

"Then I realized I'm just slutty

where is my p;ii‘;itle"‘

It is this underlying anger that Hollywood often lacks

Comics, writers. actors and other artists shape the 1m
ages of a typical woman. It is by environment. not biology.
that masculine and feminine traits are defined
differences in many cultures.

But the examples in TV and film obviously fall short ot
accurately portraying the average woman Each year the
“perfect" image changes. causing a continuous cycle of new
faces. eliminating great talent.

Older veteran actresses are shamelessly trying to keep
current with the new style (breasts are out this season. but

leading to

The sad reality is female consumers shell out millions

as products.

of dollars. contributing to these ridiculous images. Stars
are willing participants of the oppression. being oliiectified

Opinionated females are often silenced in the entertain

ment business. In order to have a voice. you must have if
certain body. causing many great minds to he doped up to
maintain a “healthy" weight.

“It mattered more to me to be thin than to be alive."

Cho said.

seen as beautiful.

The major heartache is having the value of a woman
based on her attractiveness to someone else
bodies. from full-figured to petite. should all he eiiioyed and

Different es in

No changes are required to be happy being you Your

genetics. history and individuality are the essence of you
Andrea Dworkin wrote in the essay. “Biology Superiority.
about the horrible pressure of body image.

“On a pedestal. immobile like waxen statues, or ill the

gutter. failed icons degraded because our biological traits

are what they are.‘

Rachel Miller is a columnist for the Indiana Daily Student (lndiana

0.). Her views do not necessarily represent those of the Kernel.

America the last, best hope for Africa

In the course
of the two years I
have written a
weekly column.
the question
asked most by
readers is. more
or less. “Who are
we to judge?" (Ac-
tually. the largest
portion of my
mail is comprised
of porn and credit
card offers. which may have made for a
much better column).

The question usually comes after
something I wrote concerning why some
countries as well as the governments
and institutions of those countries are.
for lack of a better word. backward.

To my surprise. I have found that a
lot of people fail to make the connection
between liberty and success. and instead
they chalk U.S. strength up to greed. colo»
nialism or some other postmodern reason
for why the United States sucks.

But the sad truth is that a great deal
of the world is messed up. Atid the even


sadder truth is that the situation as a
whole probably won't improve anytime in
the near future

The problems in the Arab world are a
good example. but the Middle East might
as well be an all-inclusive resort com—
pared to SubSaharan Afr1ca. where dis-
ease and poverty virtually plague the en-
tire population.

Whereas every generation of Ameri-
cans have been better off than their par-
ents. very few Africans live better than
they did just .30 years ago.

In Sierra Leone. savages involuntari-
ly amputate the arms of men. women and
children so they won‘t be able to cast a
vote for the opposition. Elsewhere. Robert
Mugabe has singlehandedly transformed
Zimbabwe from a land of promise into a
land of chaos. confiscating the land of the
farmers who supply the country
with food.

The pointy-heads in universtty tow-
ers may recline in their chairs. take a sip
of their double lattes and write off the
rampant lack of civilization in Africa as
the inevitable effects of colonialism.

They might talk about the need to

protect pristine cultures that practice
cannibalism against the nasty American
way of life.

But blaming the entire plight of the
African people on the West does nothing
to reduce the percentage of Africans who
will die from AIDS. and it doesn't elimi-
nate the slave trade that still exists in
certain regions.

Even worse. it implies that nothing
can be done.

But something can be done. and
America should be the country to act. I‘m
not a flag-waving. knee-jerk patriot who
thinks the Ifnited States is an infallible
entity. but I am a firm believer that what
makes America (and the rest of modern
civilizatiom great. and what allows its cit-
izens to live well. could also vastly im-
prove many depressed parts of the world.

It would be nice if every culture
adopted free markets and democracy com-
bined with a strong deference to law and
order, But the United States should accept
the politics of reality and consider a new
kind of imperialism -— one based not on
mining land for minerals, but rather on
exporting liberal and humanitarian con

cepts that have been the cornerstone of
progress throughout the past century

It is an idea that has lit-er. proposed in
several places (May Boot mule the cast-
for an imperialistic lfnited St ties in the
pages of The Weekly Snmdzirdi. and it
Simply means the West should .isstime the
burden of improving the messed up parts
of the world

It could be done in cooperation with
other advanced countries. :il‘: under the
auspices of the l'iiiterl Natzons and it
would resemble the role played by po'lt‘r-
keepers in 80811;} “trill the .\il'.es after
World War II

Sure. many groups would oppose
American intervention around the world.
but billions more see .\:::e:‘:ca is .‘l sy'rn
bol of hope. perhaps of their
last hope

And that‘s yyhy yye il.i\" the right. iii-
deed the obligation. to lodge hemiuSe
we are ;\Illt‘l‘lt‘.lll\. and by mixing we
also help

Dialogue Editor Clay McDaniel is a finance
senior. His views do not necessarily represent
those of the Kernel.

what makes America great, and what allows its citizens to live well,
could also vastly improve many depressed parts of the world.”


 4| NONDAY. APRIL 22. 2002 I Kenrucxv NERNEL


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TNREIIVHCRELmtrontLots.‘ nateueiectnc.
16.000 acrelaketulnomlenngtui 500031211859


TOYOTA CARRY '95 LE Sinoot. CD player. 86.000 Niles.
Excel“ 10111811011 56.400. 321-4554.

tibon $300 0130 Cd 333-7450.

111111114 0015111411110 VALUE! Attractive. My tum:


$55150 SIGNING BONUS!!! 2 rooms avalidile in 4 BR
Sim Bums! Please cal 252-8483 or 8592401052. Ask
to speak with Lindsey or Amaida.
360/110. 2601199. 2239393.
nice bacony. Nopets. Avai. Nav aid Ainist 5590/1110. 223-
9393. 2601199.
mte yad No pen. Aval. Nay 10111.

”SUNNER RENTALS. $340 1 E Stride. A/C 225-5464.”
1ANOZBRAPTSAva1aoleNay Nakimchstanc‘ etoUACatI
Craven: Properties 2525858.

iBEDROON. BUSUNE Finished or Unfinished. 53500311

1 BLOCK FRON CANPUS. 1811 810288 5111150 #0011000.
nookim $375 8 to. 231-0989.
lBLOCKUKIorZBthnIstied.Lease.dcposit Nopets.

IBRAPARTNENT. 75050 Fl. Air.tisliwastie1.raigc.retng.
5320/1110. 1285 Carter Pmay 3393332.

IBRAPARTNENT TSOsnlA'ldstmashchatgeJelng-
“01.5320/11101285 Centre Pakivay. Cd 3393332.



18RUT-‘IC1EIAIY. 316MSENalrtodasses. A/Cpronded.
No pets. Available Nay and Aug. Off-street parking.
5350/1110.+e1ectnc oily. 2601199 2239393
136-1401RANSCRIPAVE4BRImses.Air.mdoos S920
Wino. ”Allies 396-3822.

1-4 811. AVAluBl! 91mm sflease. Nay-Aug lst month's
mil tree.511lt u tocaiws. 502-836-3820


.Centrd 811/0.
/1110. 2239393.

10110011110113 Reduce MMWJ
tricmodemcortstructionon-siteiatm-y Ctieciitisoilon
ttieweoatmvvidcatpropemescom Cdifiianafler

18110712661109 St. Nadaoodar. washer/dyemo pets.
Nov, 5475 t utilties 269-4265 aid 333 5147

181! EFFICIENCY Ray 657 501111 Lmestone Rasher/WW.
no 091554659 1094 utilitics Reserved parking. 333-5147

Ull aid Trmsv 9830726 msiilsoruttietscrxn.

2 BEDROON. Al. Patmg. milky $410430. Cd 255-1115

28RAPT OnUnrversityAve ZBAnardnoodiioorspakm
Ava‘i. Nay 151. $595 ~ some 1108059485000.

2 8R APT N/D, carpet. walk to school. $500/mo o utilities.
252-8388 after 2pm.

2811 CONDO A15575/140. 6 electric. 3 BR condo at

5900/1110 . electnc and water. 8010 kitciiensltmstiedand
N/D. Cd! Greg 312253334 ext 103. EON.

288.18A11mstiediiitcnen.bdc011v.aa SumnerorldNo
dogs. 3500/1110. 9 electric (approx $40/1no.)12611atsc1'ait
Ave. 396-3822

ZBRIBANOpets Naikinodstanrezw 7681.

ZBRZBACONDO $575/m.'0110.lnckidesilzosgas.
Avd. Nay C/A. 11/0 101 and 11011111 011 Yates Creek Leave
message. 88840083990011 tree) or 6063240404.

2 PARKIT“ SPACES. Oflstreet henna 88!. Private, shaded.
Availabletor next semester SOS/semester 859-492-3255.
2. 3. 4 8R DUPlIXES FOR RENT. 0111ates Creek Rd Starting

2. 3. 4. 5817 HOUSES Available Nay Aunts! cal 9489260
orseevnvvi. Matpmpertiescomtor pictues.1loor plans.
and shoving times

23.4 811 HOUSES near Oil-available 1T1 Nay and August Cali
9489260 or (tied out 011 wensrtemnildcatproper

2-3 88101111110146 273-9340 or 983 2137

Parking call 223-3928

28818A.Aoaet.c1eon.and ious.Nearcampus.
Avdaoie Jilie ist. Utilities pad. 00/1110. 5200 deposrt

2811 234 ARUNCTON AVE. carpet. nastier/dyer. no pets.
MIST. $595 6 utilities 333-5147

2811 HOUSE 1203 Crescent Ave. 5680/00 August. Excellent
condom. 6195502.