xt786688kk0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt786688kk0n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201505 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, May 2015 text LinQ magazine, May 2015 2015 2019 true xt786688kk0n section xt786688kk0n O
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Around The lerary
GLSO Libraiian Adam Wheeler reviews szleemgraplg):
Intimate Expressions of Queer Culture, a photographic
survey of queer people in Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Bangok.
Countdown To Pr1de ,
Pride Festival Chair Chad Hundley announces new
Pride sponsors, entertainers, upcoming fundraisers,
and the pre-sale of Pride merchandise packs.
. New Counselor Offers Free Services
The GLSO is proud to announce that, as part of its flee mental V
healthcounselingprogram, MichaelA.Taylorisnow available
to ofier flee counseling services at the GLSO Pride Center '

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Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Christopher R. Bauer to educate, enhance, and empower the community about
Assistant Editor - Advertising GLBTQQIA issues.
Tuesday G Meadows
GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Copy Editor . .
Christopher R. Bauer, Presrdent
Ann Malcolm
Theodore Meacham, Vice-President
Paul Brown, Secretary
Sarah Brown
Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
Calendar Coordinator
Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
Chad Hundley .
Krra Goldade, At Large
Amy Hatter, At Large
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams
Dena Lee, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Tuesday G Meadows, At Large
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The TOdd Ryser-Oatman, At Large
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions GLSO Staff
3 community that accepts and celebrates each individual. Chad Hun dl ey, Office Manager
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to GLSO Pride Center
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
(859-253—3233). All submissions may be edited for length. 859-253-3233, www.glso.org
Office hours are:
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO Tuesday-Friday l p.m.—5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

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By Helena Handbasket
‘ x [ho really gives a rat’s ass? I up sometime during the 20th century. would see that I tried to inspire people
know that’s what you might While nobody knows for sure how it to love themselves and each other. And
be thinking right now. Who really came about, it’s believed that a rat was if I have failed in this quest... well... I
cares what Helena Handbasket is used in the expression because of the guess I really don’t give a rat’s ass. I
talkin’ about? Well... you might not, way people View the rodent—annoying did my best and if my best wasn’t good
but the purpose of my monthly article and small.” (We all know someone enough then maybe someone else more
is not to say that my opinion is more that we would put in that category, loving and more caring can get through
important than yours... it is not to say don’t we?) Another theory could be to your hateful old self. LOL. Aw, you
that I know more than you do... it is that it was just a funny version of a know Mamaw loves ya. Now come on
not to say that I am better connected related phrase from The Adventures of over here and give me a little sugar!
to the community than you are. If Huckleberry Finn (1884). The phrase Until next month ya’ll... 
there is a purpose to this article, it is from Mark Twain is “don’t give a dead
only to possibly make you think and/or rat.” I would love any comments or
see things from a different perspective Either way, never think that Miss suggestions you might have.
sometimes and hopefully, also to make Helena doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Please send to:
you laugh, at least occasionally. this community or you. (Caution: HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com
Anyway, this started me thinking. Mushy moment up ahead). If I were
Just where did the phrase “I don’t give to leave this world tomorrow, I hope Reprinted from the
arat’s ass” come from? Wikipedia says people would know that I tried to be July 2013 Issue of LinQ
this: “It’s just general slang that started the best I could be and I hope that they 0
mat: has. TD wHATA HHPW , . . EGWHD HE’E mu . m4, rpm-r , ”I
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Reprinted with Permission from funkywinkerbeancom

Imp erlal C ourt of
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kentucky en uc y e S
By Christina Puse
reetings, everyone! The to attend New York’s “A Night of a
GImperial Court of Kentucky Thousand Gowns.” This event is New qufif“ I , . I
hopes that you have been enjoying York’s annual Coronation, and what 5' ' 1‘ III I i 2'73
all this nice weather that we’ve been a FABULOUS Coronation it was! 49%; I . '
experiencing here in the Bluegrass, Their Reigning Monarchs, Emperor {if I} “
along with the rain, as we usher in 14, 18, and 23, Tony Montelone, and ’u {74* V ‘
Spring and say goodbye to old man Empress 28, Twinkle Montgomery, » . .I in I (9‘ I
Winter. While the community has stepped down from their Monarch I :5- I
been out and about enjoying theirtime positions and crowned New York’s ;.‘ . 7'3
socializing and getting some much— newest Monarchs, Her Most Imperial is: ' - I if?
needed fresh air, the ICK has been Sovereign Majesty, Empress 29, N ' I},
out and about continuing its efforts in Madison Mansfield and His Most I -
building friendships and working to Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Emperor As you can see, the ICK is b/y
raise funds for the local charities of 24, OpiNYated, so that these two new as ever continuing raising money
Lexington. Here’s alook back at what leaders can continue their efforts in for its charities. The community of
events were held in April. raising funds for their local charities! Lexington, and surrounding counties,
On April Fool’s Day, the GLSO The ICK would like to congratulate are thanked and appreciated very
and the ICK teamed up for an event NYC on a fabulous Coronation much for their continued support!
entitled “Shenanigans!” This event weekend! The Imperial Court of NYC Without you, the Imperial Court
was held at Crossings Lexington, and will be in attendance for Kentucky’s of Kentucky would not be able to
all the funds raised during that show Coronation Ball this June. continue its efforts in raising money
went to GLSO to benefit the Lexington The ICK held an event at Crossings for its charity beneficiaries. If you
Pride Festival, which is held in June. entitled “Studio 54.” This event was haven’t done so, please join the ICK
If you missed this event, you missed first put on by H.M.I.M, Emperor 33, on Facebook to keep up with its
out on a really great time with family Tim Logsdon, 5 years ago. If you don’t upcoming events so that you won’t
and friends! remember what the Disco era was all miss a moment of all the fun and
The following week, His Most about, the ICK sure brought back the excitement! Also visit the ICK on its
Imperial Majesty, Emperor 33, Tim memories and the genre back from the website: www.imperialcourtkentucky.
Logsdon and Her Most Imperial grave! If you missed out on this event, org for further information about its
Majesty, Empress 33, Christina you missed out on a GREAT Saturday upcoming Coronation Ball entitled,
Puse, traveled to New York, NY, night raising money for charity! “The Bourbon Ball.” 0

. (it
By Tuesday G Meadows
I Just Need to Pee
“A false sense of fear of transgender individuals which seems to be the purpose of these bills compound the
daily struggles for transgender people” Jermane Davis of Pride at Work

t was my hope to never have to Let’s be honest. Even though transgender the people who promote this type of hateful
Iwrite ever again about restrooms. men are affected by this debate, the legislation can see no downside to doing it.
I would so much rather write about fearrnongering is focused onustransgender In other words, there is no danger of them
some of the more positive aspects of the women. Fox News blasts headlines losing their job because they promote hate.
transgender experience or even one of like “fairness laws will open women’s They have everything to gain and nothing

the many diiferent problems faced by our restrooms to men.” Bigoted talking to lose.
community. With the recent attacks on us heads yell, “I don’t want those people in The most disturbing trend of these
using public facilities intensifying I knew the same restroom or locker room as my antitransgender restroom bills is that
it was time to revisit this subject. It is daughter!” while fomenting the crowds they target the most vulnerable people in
important that we use the term “restroom” with threats of a rapist being alone with a our population, transgender children. As
and not “bathroom” with regard to doing 12-year-old girl. Transgender students’use adults, we should be protecting all of our
our business in public. I have never taken of school restrooms became a political hot children. It is not uncommon to hear that
a bath in one of these public facilities nor potato here in Kentucky for much of the transgender children pretend to be sick to
have I ever seen anybody take a bath in 2015 legislative session. These antitrans avoid going to school because restroom
one; for baths, Iuse my bathroom at home. bills did not die until the very last day of use is a problem. Even many adults find
When nature calls, it seems pretty simple. the session. SB 76 was a mean-spirited it hard to use public restrooms. The
I just need to pee, so please move along attempt by the Kentucky state senate to Williams Institute at UCLA did a survey
folks, nothing to see here. Normally I do restrict transgender students’ restroom use. that showed that 60 percent of transgender
not write about politics, it is just not my When that bill rightfully died, the bigoted people said that they avoided going out
thing, but it is time to throw my two cents sponsors tried to sneak it into the popular in public because of wonies about safe
into the discussion. Some think the attacks HB 236. Thankfully, the house saw fit to let access to public restrooms, and 54 percent
on our restroom use are backlash for us the bill die even though they had already said that they had had physical problems
becoming too visible while others think passed the “clean” version of the bill before like dehydration or kidney infections from
it is a reactionary attack because the right the “Bathroom Bully” provision (not my trying to avoid using public restrooms.
wing has lost the maniage equality battle. I term) was added as part of an amendment. How is a child going to be at school 8 hours
don’t know or care why they are attacking; Unfortunately, hydralike, these bills will without using the restroom? How is that
I just know they are. pop up the next legislative session because Continued on next page


 Continuedfrom previous page hiding. The reaction to Indiana’s so-called protections that we may enjoy from our
providing a safe and appropriate public “Religious Freedom” act has shown that federal government state by state. Stay
education for all children? Right now there the LGBTQ community and our allies tuned for the next couple of elections.
are at least 6 different state legislatures that can indeed win against the haters when As far as I “go,” I use the women’s room
are trying to pass antitransgender restroom we are all engaged. I believe these bills when I am out because it is the one I am
bills (counting Kentucky, which I worry are an attempt to “divide and conquer” most comfortable using. So far I have not
will be back). Like Kentucky’s, many of the community by singling out the “T.” had problems (although I have friends
these bills are addingamonetary bounty to So, will we have the courage to stand who have been stopped by managers or
reward those who report transrestroom use. together and stand up to these “Bathroom business owners here in Lexington). I was
Some even want to send us to jail for using Bullies?” On a national level, there has recently asked by a longtime fiiend, “So,
public restrooms, even if an individual been some progress. President Obama what public restroom do you use?” I said,
business owner has given us permission. has made it clear that his office is looking “Really? Look at me. What is going to
(And, as an aside, haven’t some of these into transgender issues. Also, recently the happen to me if I use the men’s room?” He
politicians just been complaining about the EEOC ruled against the Missile Research then looked at me and said, “Good point,
government “encroaching” on business and Development and Engineering Center never mind.”
owners’rights with fairness provisions and for harassment of a transgender woman You may write me at trneadows828@
enforcement of equal protection?) We can over restroom use while she was at work. I gmailcom or follow me on twitter:
win against these anti-transgenderrestroom am sure that the next step will be for these Tuesday G Meadows@trishgigi. Now
bills and other bills that try to drive us into bigots to try to dismantle any and all the Tuesday is gone with the wind. 0
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HPV Vaccmatlon, a Serious .3
Consideration for Young Men Q

Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)

By Tommy Collins W

‘ x [hen considering health issues penis). These HPV—related cancers are the vaccine

related to MSM, HIV/AIDS more prevalent in MSM as compared during the
dominates the conversations. It is widely to their heterosexual counterparts, and recommended
accepted that HIV infection is the result prevalence increases among HIVpositive age range.
of sexual and drug use behaviors of MSM. Development of anal cancer is Some healthcare
young MSM. Young MSM’s decisions especially concerning for HIV positive providers may provide the vaccine to
about sexual and drug use practices may MSM. older patients upon request, but out of
be influenced by positive messaging Risk of HPV infection that could result pocket expenses will probably apply.
regarding improvements to duration in development of cancer in MSM can Currently there is no approved HPV
and quality of life for those diagnosed be reduced through vaccination against testing available to men, but some
HIV positive. Multiple and varied the high risk types of HPV (16 and 18). providers do conduct HPV screening
educational campaigns and interventions The quadravalent HPV vaccine currently from anal swabs of HIV positive MSM
have been designed to positively affect available provides protection against due their increased risk for anal cancer. It
HIV prevention. When these campaigns these high risk HPV types as well as the is advisable that if you are PHV positive
focus solely on the prevention of HIV low risk types associated with genital that you discuss cancer risks associated
infections, opportunities for broader STI warts. Presently the Advisory Committee with HPV infection with your healthcare
education is lost. on Immunization Practices recommends provider.

Arguably a lesser worry among young HPV vaccination in young MSM through The greatest preventive measure to
MSM, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) age 26. The vaccine is most effective prevent HPV infection that a young
infection can be a factor for serious when given before the youth becomes MSM can take is to complete the
health complications. Genital warts, sexually active and has been placed at risk vaccination series. Problematic is the
resulting from HPV infections by types of infection. Regardless of being sexually recognition of one’s sexual orientation
6 or 11, may cause embarrassment and active, the vaccine provides protection if and/or the ability to discuss one’s sexual
discomfort for young MSM affected, but no infection has occurred or protection orientation at the recommended age for
these infections are not considered to be against specific types for which infection vaccination, potentially deferring the r
of great risk to an individual’s health; has not occurred. Adolescents may begin decision for HPV vaccination to young ”2..
although having genital warts may the three—shot series as early as age 9, but adulthood. Ultimately, in the absence of '7’
create a greater risk for PHV infection. the recommendation is for vaccination to a parental decision for vaccination at the
Moreover, healthcare providers are occuratage11-12,andolderunvaccinated recommended age, young MSM under
concerned about infection with HPV males may be vaccinated up to age 26. age 26 have the opportunity to decide to
types 16 and 18, which are known to be The vaccine is covered by most forms of get vaccinated and reduce future risk of
contributors to the development of cancer health insurance and the Federal Vaccines serious health complications.
at multiple sites (anus, head, throat, and for Children program for those receiving 0
a LinQ

 7‘ _WW} ., ‘ 5} ,é_i*J E '5' r E I ' .

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Q? . ,.

Around The Lrbrary:
Queerography: Intimate Expressions of Queer Culture, by Sway Photography
Reviewed by Adam Wheeler
ueemgraphy: Intimate Ewressz'ons 0f Queer Culture, by private and public lives of queer r, i, if] m, a
QSway, is a photographic survey of queer people and culture people in the locations which 1/ {DUB LEW FILE E
in Hong Kong, Tokyo, and Bangkok The definition of “queer” in the photographer visited; and quntifialaipesLfijmm E
this book essentially includes any person who embraces a gender the private lives of queer people
identity or sexual orientation that lies outside of cultural norms. Sway are heavily tied to clubs where Q Q
also includes, in a way that this librarian has yet to see elsewhere, individuals are free to express . Tl?- ‘ '.
sex workers and fetishists as a component of queer culture. Indeed, their identity without judgment. W
the photographs included in Queerography paint a unique image of As a result, the diversity of \fif/
Clueer culture from an international perspective. photogmphed individuals is 79““ ' ““‘leK’JBI‘G "5‘7 4.. g!
In addition to the many visual representations of queer people limited to those who utilize these venues for self-expression.
captured by Sway, comments on individual definitions of “queer’ ’ are All text is provided in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Thai to
provided throughout the book along with brief reflections and advice suit a variety of language backgrounds. Please be aware that there are
from photographed individuals. While Queerography does offer a few images which include partial nudity. Overall, Queemgraphy
unique perspectives that may help readers who are struggling with is an intimate photographic collection which provokes the reader to
their own identity, there is a notable focus on the glamour of queer re—evaluate their concept of “queer" ’ and perhaps grow in the process.
culture. As Sway states, there is often a significant divide between the I hope you’ll give it a browse! V
' ’ it? '
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We Eat Better ‘
C C C A i A
Eat Locally? : m —~=-
By Ranada West-Riley
’ve been around for many years. I’ve and Thursdays you can find your market diner close the the downtown market I was
. Ieaten at many places throughout this at 400 East Maxwell from 7 am. until 4 telling you about. Everyone loves Fried
nation. I cook for a living. I’m basically pm. Wednesdays are located at the comer Green Tomatoes, right?
submerged in the hospitality industry in of University and Alumni Drives fiom 3
every way possible. I eat, drink, live, pm. until 6 pm. Saturday mornings are Southern Fried Green Tomatoes
breathe, and own all things food. Ithought generally the most popular day, and the -1 large egg, beaten
I’d do a little research and see how the location is right downtown. The Fifth Third -1/2 cup buttermilk
LGBTQ community compares in eating Pavilion, located at 241 West Main Street, -1/2 cup all-purpose flour
and drinking habits... how we size up in on Saturdays from7a.m. unti12p.m. houses -l/2 cup cornmeal
a culture obsessed with good food, good the busiest downtown Farmers’ Market. -Pinch of Salt and Pepper— and a pinch of
drink, and the whole dining experience. A It’s conveniently located a block from a cayenne
new study by an LGBT—focused marketing great little diner you should try that serves -3 medium-size green tomatoes, cut into
firm finds that gay men and women, on a mean brunch using local ingredients. slices
average, dine out in restaurants and eat Finally, nurse a hangover and go out on a -Vegetable oil
“nicer” food than straight people. When Sunday to Southland Drive from 10 am.
questioned, we tend to find food and dining until 2 pm. for another really nice market. -Heat in an iron skillet (preferably) with
as more of anartform. Iconcur. Ironically Buying local boosts your community vegetable oil to medium-high heat. Each
enough, we are 50% more likely to drink and its hardworking farmers thatare quickly slice of tomato goes through a “dredge.”
vodka as well. Ilove a good martini myself. becoming fewer and fewer as people move This means soaked in buttermilk, then
. I don’t know about you, but I find all of this more towards big business and squeeze out covered with flour, then into the egg, and
comforting. For once, I believe I’m in the the little guys. So, ethically it’s ano—brainer. finally the tomato goes into the cornmeal
right place at the right time. Locally sourced foods are better for you, mix with the salt, pepper, and cayenne.

So, since we eat better, I wanted to with fewer or no pesticides, chemicals, and -Fry on medium high heat and flip once
emphasize the importance of eating locally. carbon footprints for transportation, making slightly browned. Don’t force it. Don’t put
Lexington has a wonderful Farmers’ it better for you and the environment. the heat up too high. Baby it.

Market thatruns 5 out of 7 days. Farmers’ It’s nearly summer. I was raised on
markets are far more than just foods; you Fried Green Tomatoes. Below you’ll find Finally, serve it up with some horseradish
can also get wines, soaps, meats, flowers, the recipe that my mom’s mom’s mom mayonnaise... or ranch dressing... Or
andallthings Kentucky Proud. Fridays and handed down over 100 years ago. Iput a anything else you like dipping into and
Mondays are dark, however, on Tuesdays little spin on it, and you’ll find it at that little enjoy! 0


1!‘ Countdown To
1; i... L E X I N G T O N
.1 ii
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By Chad Hundley 2 O I 5
2015 Lexington Pride Festival Chair
‘ x ’1th June in sight, PRIDE and sponsor for this year’s festival. Crossings We also just had two other amazing
all the festivities leading up to has already done so much for the Lexington fundraisers during April that had a great
it are now in their final stages of planning! Pride Festival and GLSO over the past turnout. On April 17, Ramada West-Riley I'
We have come such a long way in a few year. They continue to host fiindraisers for and the Lexington Diner hosted a Dine ‘-
short years to making the Lexington Pride us as Pride rolls in. WEKY is yet another to Donate and the turnout and food were ”V
Festival the spectacular event it is today. I media sponsor for this year’s festival. Cash amazing! We also just had the annual Mr.
am so proud to have seen the festival evolve America returns as a Yellow Sponsor. & Miss Lexington Pride Pageant on April
to the land-marking Lexington event is has Lexington Diner will continue their support 26 sponsored by Absolut. At the time of
become. for Pride coming in at the Blue level publication, the winners have not been
We started ofiApril withanamazing show Sponsorship. We want to welcome aboard announced.
at Crossings hosted by the Imperial Court Kroger as a first-time sponsor this year The month of May brings another
of Kentucky called “Shenanigans!” Thank coming in at the Green level. Rounding large event of our 6th Annual Bachelor/
you to Crossings and the ICK for holding out our sponsors added this month is UPS Bachelorette Auction being held at
this event, as we had the amazing Big D expanding their sponsorship to the Green SoundBar. This exciting event, hosted by
host the show with DJ Brady spinning the level this year. Thank you to all of our Phillip Marcum and Tim Burcharn, is set for
tunes. The very next day we started selling amazing sponsors! Friday, May 22, starting promptly at 8 pm.
our Pride packs online. Ifyou haven’t gone Last month we announced our two We will have lots of auctionees, dimers,
to the website at www.1expridefest.org to headliners for this year’s festival, and I and great silent auction items to bid on!
order yours, do so now while the limited would like to announce two more of our We are quickly filling up the courthouse I
edition merchandise is still available! The entertainers atthis time. Bridge 19,afemale plaza and sidewalks with vendors of all ;
Pride packs include: an ofiicial 2015 Pride folkband, will be retumingto the Lexington sorts. So this is your final reminder from J
t—shirt, 3 selected Pride buttons, a Pride Pride Festival stage this year, along with me that if you want to booth at the festival
koozie, an oflicial 2015 Pride poster, and a local ally cover band by the name of get your vendor applications intoday while
Pride wristband of your choice all placed Alcatraz Shakedown. We are so happy space is still available and before prices go
in an official Lexington Pride Festival for these bands to be joining our lineup of up!
polyester drawstring backpack. Our limited entertainers. I am especially excited to see Mark your calendars for upcoming events
edition Pride coffee mugs are also available and hear local DJ ’5 Brady and EA battle it happening with us in June as well. Saturday,
at the upcoming Pride events, the GLSO out on stage again this year during the early June 13, we will be representing at the
Pride center, and Third Street Stuff. evening hours. For more information on the Powered With Pride 5K Run in Louisville.
We are happy to announce Crossings entertainment be sure to check our website We are still looking for runners to help
Lexington coming in again as a Rainbow out and follow us on Facebook as well! Continued on next page

 Continued from previous page ‘ l
represent Lexington Pride. Please contact 1 4/ ,l l 1 z ‘ , V ‘
fimdraising@lexpridefest.org for more V g fl r g i l i “ 5‘ :‘m :1“ 11K” ‘1 - : ‘ :1: i‘ : i
information on that. Also, taking place on mil *meam [2 wk; L1]: \w/ u 15;, \W/ \v/ngvmm
samday’ June 13’ W111 be our memhandlse FUNdraising ~ GLSO Subcommittee Members
release party and Pride Welcome Show
at Crossings starting at 9:30 pm The ~Planning fundraising events throughout the year to help support the GLSO.
f0110Wing weekend we Will b6 walking and ~ Getting the word out on Social Media like Facebook, Twitter, word of mouth etc...
celebratmg our Pmeup W‘th our “elghbors 2015 LEXINGTON PRIDE FESTIVAL!!!
in Louisville at the Kentuckiana Pn'de
~. Festival and Parade. Come joinusand walk - First Aid -Security - Stage Hands Merchandising - Trained Bartenders
l with us in the palade and Visit our booth at -HoSpitality - Set up/ Break Down -Kids Activities - General Runners
1 their Pride" Am the“, Of course: Saturday, Events leading up to the day of the Festival such as:
June 27, is our big celebration! Make . .
- Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction—Fri, May 22 — Merch Release Party—Sat, June 13
your plans to attend all of these events and
spread the word through social media to all ' walking Wllh LEX Pride al “16 LOUlSVllle Pride Parade—Fri, June 19
your fiends and family as well! until “6’“ Submit Application at: WW. Vaiqistics. com/ex/partal. d/l/ap?AP:2126632624
month, keep the Pride going and smile, ‘
because everyone is so much prettier when Contact vo/unteers@/expr/defestorg or vo/unteers@g/50. org.
they do! y
Hm in ,1 “r.
.. i i \ *1! 1 ' 3 mgilifimm 101511101 lSHIllL" 01
. in: *J 11 V' 3;, p ’r A
i : 11minBUii0N5,&wnni/ino
w ORDER YOURS Al 11111103151016» =

 CC 9 99 ' '
Oh, The Places We 11 G0 W1th SlsterSOund
S isterSound,theLexingtonWomen’sChorus, crossed paths with a SisterSound member yet?
completes their 2015 concert season and Call 859-263—0702.
19th year of singing together by presenting “Oh, Are you interested in singing with SisterSound?
The Places We’ll Go,” Part 2. On this trip we’ll New members are always welcome. The only
be California Dreamin’ our way down Route 66 requirements are that you are female, 18 years
(The Long and Winding Road) to visit Chicago, of age or older, can match pitch, and enjoy '
New York, New York, San Francisco Bay, and