xt786688kn68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt786688kn68/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1971 1971 1971-11-03 2020 true xt786688kn68 section xt786688kn68 W 9 . 5 ; '
. W 119 V A [00k (11 I'OI‘IIS HQ , , “ ,
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ende S tlle one. as the returns poured m =
BY THOMAS 8- SWEENEY computer “1 LOUiSVlHt’ had predicted '51 5111“" wide Ford‘s campaign cootlinators on the I’K campus I 4‘ I ,
Kernel Staff Writer Emberton victory. “7: 15 is 100 0:1le m predict anything 5~ , " - ‘5 -
“It’s great! That’s all I can say, Just great!" “I’ve never seen so tnany long faces,” said one At 8:10 Mug” WI“ contidem ot \icti.)t‘\_ . I . .‘
With that burst of joy, UK Young Democrats campaign worker during the first hour. , “Wyn, 20mg [0 Mn 1th no “In WI; IIIII [we I .. p 5 5
President Jerry Springate summed UP feelings 0f HOWCVW things 50011 Pit‘kt‘d Up. The ht‘UVllY now." he said as more counties went t'o l ord. ‘ 7 . ‘.
most of the people present at the Hospitality RePUbliw“ 5‘“ district was ”0‘ going ‘5" hum” Tm- crowd. which ma been still. chi-ma ever) - ,
Motor Inn last night. .. ., . . time a count} was posted tor Ford. ‘ I . ' I.
That was Wendell Ford’s Campaign headquarters, 5531;215:23-33“:;‘5:12":2113:7553;211:5595?71:“'3t-35515315555555"31-371'i ._ . 3'. . I ' 3X1 () .00 ll \VJN .tnIlHUIlCULl Iilttl i’Ul kl liltil d .g ‘ '. it I
where a jubilant crowd of Democrats gathered to Lexington ritv elm-lion results 55.000 vote lead, I‘he c‘I'(i\\Ll xii-m mid e an j ‘ . -
watch their candidate beat 01" Republican Tom . the» vxerc concerned the election um. mer and .3 ‘5, "
Emberton to win the 1971 gubernatorial election. 0" page ””00. Ford WI“ the ”cum Shouts of "(}r>\lllg 5 ‘I'I'
forward. trying: to gel clme to the podium from 7.1
, , . . . .. . . . . I .. , , . which l'ord \vould \pcah ._ 7...;
Eff“!a””Wagtgifiévwwwfiia5;ifaxai’wg'mlgt‘ggféérztiffiw”we , a, (iontinued on Page 5. Col. 1 '
t5essggpgeggwaoeegeefsmxgwy 5 ~55” .5 '
" “ex“... *3" “~ . "
arseegmatapfaeew "f. o f ' - » :5
«emewt .5... = f 01 L t h 0019 h (1 g
seem“ a ‘ WW estrus“ § «fir " ~ L 5
fig? 5’ tire‘iitet “or : ”t t . 5 . ‘5. ,
~ 2. ““eznw,« .. c 5 ; “52* 5 , .I .5 - 5, r
“a”? ,_ Waeawfi’r 9““ '5‘" - ’ U 1108 r t (1 U 1' pf] (’01 ‘ - ‘ " '
gwti‘wiiih’i’rhwa. t; "'5’ ». ' " 5- '~ .5
. .. 3,53%??? Kigf’lAt , ’ I‘m“ I . III” III” "I I, it}: . I I [1(lll‘lr'lllI'(. ilIC‘l II. I Z. . .I II :III
i “5’: , 1:12.,“ i- 531?; ”If, I: a, , , i\\‘I‘.l “‘59" \‘ gl‘i‘L‘ri-‘J" 3' “i ‘ 4‘ ' i “i 5 I ' ;',
' 3‘1 if 1...ng it“ ’ -’ . . ’5 " ' _,, “x ‘3‘ tiriniii lia‘l'llttci'ol \Kezid i -~ : .. . t“ "
. VI“ $2 " " -‘ .- .. ‘ {we “ ‘ “’54.. fl . “5.55 With :‘5ti_5:i(i«:i.5w::- 5.555..
w j .. . .5 J. I . I. 3'39“». '1'sz } ’3“: , V ' f hard-Mil. .‘L‘ 5 mm»; 2‘ '25 " » , . . ’. ; 'I 5 ’5
5512357. ’53-... H ‘ J15? ‘ ; 5; ”gt 5559': it ‘ 5 " ftu' " .« . ‘ - ‘
Sta, ' -‘ ' ‘K * l e" ’w - . . , :c . - t . '
.g . "3‘?" . I 3)??in . Va. ‘% IIII.III )3 for I:. “II; ht- § . ..
T. ' ._ 5- . x‘ " f" is». -. " w" ‘55; . “HI/Vsis‘ 7'
I! ”I 3%; IgI ”AJQS I I iv an a c I M531“ VI . II . Limit-j . .. . . I
Cu " _I 535-“ ‘. . t r is a, . , '1‘" P""“"‘”"Y“‘ WW m, 5ft; ‘
i I .5; 5 5 f ‘ 0‘ 'llt state's rum! vote. Most 'llIl‘JIi art-ax. nctm515 '
-' $2: (Lg .' g. r { >u'x "ll“ _ ., u... x M. e; _ , . _5‘
e: :" , r A. l\i \. AHL (“41;ng it} ’{l;‘lili.1,li‘ .itwfiils -_ \-
. . .a; f‘- ' ,5 -I Ioni Iimbertoti. '55
. I i : - i . ~ .
I 't V' , 1 5 ‘5 Ford‘s campaign
5 ; liorii based much of his c;ittit“;iigt: 5‘31 I?‘c ,
. ' economic policies ot the .\unn and Nixon ‘ I
, I w ‘5\ administrations, but on college campuses he was
I I w vocal about his role in Democratic reform and the . 'I
‘ Continued on Page 5. Col. 1 I
Fighters for Ford converge on the govemor-elect fl 5
as he approaches the platform to make his
acceptance speech. (Staff photo by Ken Weaver)
{gig52553235355535twistsSsfaiiififsiiésfiséisizeisfai535E55532353:Es5:55:55:52223232ng252553352is53;”:33332553323355325522is32i553255z355552is5:EsEs255332?2?:€23s5:3s55?;35333;3zssc‘s'sisEstsfsis33525552325532:5:32EaEsE53355;s£3353;555s5;EzisézisEsizizizEsEsiiigzg I
Below is a brief breakdown of the winners and losers in L' ' -. t
Tuesday 's election, as reported by The Associated Press: = 'I I I I . .
Kentucky—Wendell Ford (D) defeated Tom Embcrton ‘ 5‘ .1
(R) by a 47,000-vote margin. ' ' , .'
Mississippi—William Waller (D) defeated Charles Evers (I). " . . .'
. Philadelphia—Frank L. Rizzo (D) defeated W. Thatcher ' "
Longstreth (R). ' ,
Boston—Mayor Kevin White defeated US. Rep. Louise I
Day Hicks. r 5
Cleveland—Ralph J. Perk (R) defeated James M. Camey , f
(D) and Arnold R. Pickney (I). I‘ .
F San Francisco-Mayor Joseph L. Alioto (D) defeated 5; .
Dianne Feldstem (DlandIHamld DObbS (Rl- an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky ' .t
Lexington—Foster Pettit defeated Harry Sikes. “' -..
ii§5fifii5§§§§§52353535533355EiiiEEEEEEE5555555335353E5333533553335353335535535355555333E5355555§3§§355535§353§5355333535355355?33353355553§§35§5§§35§i§5§iiiii§3§§i§§55§333353353E$53333553533533333§3§525352333233{EgigigfgigfiifiEgEgEgEgEgSgigEgégéiEiiIii \Vednesday, N0“ 3. l97l LEXINGTON. KENTI'CKY 10506 \‘UL LXIII. \o. If, .I g
By LINCOLN R- LEWIS JR- in its PICS?“t draft dOCS “0t Others at the hearing questioned i ’ . _
Assrstant Managing Ed'tm consider teaching assistants. the faculty’s ability to administer . _5 ,5
Undefined status of teaching At one point in the hearing. a the code justly in 3 case of a ' . .
assistants clouded a hearing on the question from the floor on the student versus a faculty member. _ . . g .
TA Status unclear Proposed . faculty code of original impetus behind the No real consensus on either issue I . . . .
responsrbilities held last night by proposed code was directed to . .. ~
. . was reached. ’. . . .
the Graduate and Professronal Howell Hopson. undergraduate I)" I . ., ‘11 VIII“? _ . . . .
0 Student Association (GPSA). member of the Senate Council. who lqu‘m . (m L‘” H ‘I . - . I
' subsection ot the proposed LUtlk . . .
1“ r0 086d COde The question Of Status arose as helped draft the proposed COdc- idu‘ed Various Wordlllfl tevnsiotix ‘ ' ’ .
the group of teaching assistants and H0950“ tom the group the ”BE pr; 5} L I . (‘I’Sk \“ll wim'ul5 md - . ‘ .
faculty sought to improve what reason for the proposed code's ”.V ““II] i 1: til ‘I /§\f:51[ 5&(5 III’II it] if II n ' . .
they termed a vague and ambiguous existancc is one Of it “WNW (om-d1“. , Q n i k d L ( k i 5- .i
p roposed document. Some relations instrument to help prevent “$5“ ”:mnt' (. I I I I n I“ 5 '
V ‘ . ) ) ‘ - " ' ' ex tressed views as students, while the state from legislating II" .cna C ” ” "1 ‘ ‘ T". ' -
GPSA M r In better (lo/trillion others considered Wmselm regulations for the {why revismg the original than of the 4 .
' .I , , - . ' ,9 faculty. (The GPSA maintains Other Questions which arose PL" p (IV-“‘1 9”": “Y ”(“1" ‘ - . -
0" u H) ( 011.811!!le ,(Il'llll‘ teaching assistants carry on over 50 throughout the hearing concerned "‘~‘P“T“"hll“‘°* 1.5"“? ‘l‘ggc‘mm‘ 5. ‘ .. .-I ~
. . Percent of the teaching duties at the ultimate enforcement of the submitted by dittcrent ””1”“ 0" ,
UK.) proposed code and the basic campus and expressed during the I. ‘.
Al Sharp, president of GPSA and character of the faculty as a whole. Untverstty Senate 8 ”WC”! “wwn .
a member of the University Senate Some participants expressed a 135‘ Thursday ‘ . _‘ ’
said the meeting was held to obtain reluctance to endorse any form of Sharp said after the meeting. “I * ‘ ‘
input from graduate students and the proposed code because there is feel it was an excellent exchange, 5 V ‘
teaching assistants to aid the GPSA no guarantee the Board of Trustees and an example that the present ..
in formulating revisions for the will approve of the enabling form of the proposed code does not j . '
proposed code of faculty legislation granting the power of represent graduate students as '.
responsibilities. Sharp said the code enforcement to the faculty. students or as faculty.“ ’ '

 2 — THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Wednesday. Nov. 3. |97l ______—_____’//— —
. G a.
. S 8 en a to rs la b b 9 Eggs:5:3:;:2:5:3:E:E:5ISi?=E:E:E:E:E=?:§:E:E:§:§:E:§:E:E:E:3E553:;:5:2E;E533:5:sS;E52555535553Ezi;E323EzE;EzEg32‘:gEgEsEgzgigigi;3352333534:3:34:3:g;5:5:g:g:3z3:3:;:§:5:::g:§:;:::g:;:;:3;;:3:3:;z;:;:3:§:::§:§:::::;:5;2;:3:225:25;:::::::::::::::=:-:.:~:-.-:-:~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:~z~:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:.:-z-:~:-:.:.:~-:-»:-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-:<-§:-:-:.:-:-:<~.~:.:.-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.§§2;¢.;.§,§I%§II;II§IIEI ]
j support faculty code CAMPUS BRIEI S E i
' «eh-43°“?
By BONNI BROC KM AN While lobbying, W611 d 195 dorf ;:::i:5z5:323:35:3:3:E:§:;:§:§:§:5:3:32;:3:315$;:3:5:35:2:3:3$31322:E:E:5:E:§:Z:§:§:E:53}:S:§:§:§:§:§;§:§:Zt§:§:§:§:1:§:}:§:§:§:§:§:E:3:5:§:§:§5:332:53;32:33:}:3:52;}:E23:3:2:5:;::z;I:Iziziziziziziziflzizizi55:15:21:tzizi:35:21::15:-:v:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.z.;.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.;.:...;.:.z.:.:.;._...,.,..._.,...,..._.......,..._._._.,._._......._._.....-...-...-.-.. . .. .'.-:'3'.‘2-a'-£'_
Kernel Staff Writer asked the senators to “correct f °
Student senators will be the erroneous impression that omen Ian faCll ty con rOntatlon
lobbing this week to persuade the faculty 00d? W85
. . faculty members to support the student-initiated_” The code of . ., it -
. University Senate Council’s faculty responsibilities By KATIE MCCARTHY Literature ”and 3 301-8 course, Women in
, . . . proposed code of faculty originated last fall when a Kernel Staff Writer Education, Will be open for the Spring
. . , responsibilities. University ad hoc committee Sexist professors, beware. The next snide semester. , _
. ‘ Howell Hopson, A&S, urged developed a policy statement on remark you make against a woman could Another COUYSCItO be offered 1n ItIhe Spring
" the senators at their meeting faculty responsibilitiesto submit result in a confrontation with a group of 1972 catalogue 15 HONI 301'1, Changing -
. . Tuesday night to talk to faculty to the Senate COUhCh- angry women. Images Of WQme" .111 20th Century
' V members about the code before c ' The group is the newly formed grievance Literature, Wthh Will be taught by '
. The Council appomted a , , , h' D . f th H p
3 . 2 Monday, when the University subcommittee to draft a faculty committee of the Councrl on Women s JOSCP ine onovan 0 . e onors rogram.
. Senate meets to discuss the code Concerns. In their monthly meeting Tuesday Anthropology and socmlogy courses have
. .‘ ' issue. ’ night the Council organized the committee also been proposed for Ehe near future. -
" . . “A large majority of the wehdeISdorf 3150 ffkeh the as a reference point for women with A “Sexuality Forum is in the offing ior
. , . University Senate wants a weak, senators to make an objective complaints of discrimination or sexism in January and February. The series of lectures
watered-down code ,. said analysis of student opinion” on the classroom. and discussions Will be sponsored by AWS,
- _ V . StUant Senate Chairman SCOtt the proposed code. The COUI'ICII plans to raise “COHSCIOUSDCSS” Panhellenic, the Student Center Board and -
' 9 ' T. Wendelsdorf. “Our only The Senate will meet 7 pm. either by taking the complaint to the the CounCil on WomensConcerns.
‘I _ . ‘ allies—those who want a strong Sunday to develop their strategy Acaderéiic Omblifdsman 01' confronting the 1
_, ’ ‘ . code—number less than ten. We for Monday’s University Senate accuse persona y. C l
' , as students don’t want the meeting. HEW suit roup p ans prOte'St
’ ‘ V faCuIty to have a COde because Tuesda ‘5 Senate meetin was The suit filed With HEW against the . . . . V
. ,. we have one, but because Y . . g_ University charging UK with sex The UK Committee on Militansm made plans
. . . ., called 0“ the pet‘hOh 0f eight Tuesda ni ht fora counter demonstration tom ht
, " ‘ ‘ . students should be protected. discrimination has been referred from the . y g .. . . . g
- senators. Last week Wendelsdorf a ainst Arm ROTC’s military week activ1ties
' - There are cases of faculty - Washington DC. office to the regional g y . . . ' .
. - . . . . 531d there would be no more . . ’ . The demonstration Will includea“counter-drill”
. . members acting in an unethical scheduled Senate meetings office in Atlanta, Ga. The office has not yet f 1 . h t d fl. f .
' . manner toward students, the - . received a copy of the report but feedback 0 peop 6. wrt oy guns an m itary atigues
. — unless he was petmOhEd or ’ marchin in the same area as the ROTC marchm
, ' . . senators agreed. . from senators indicated an investigating . . g . . g
asked by ‘3 senator to call a .. . drills in front of the ROTC building The Free
“ .' ‘ ’ meeting. This policy should be team would V15“ the UK campus m the University improvisational actors will add a touch
I. ' - . " '. continued, the senators agreed early months Of 1972' of drama to the demonstration
I ' -I , Tuesda The Councrl urged concerned persons to .. ' . .
» . ' .. Lenny & Joelle at the Y- . . . . . . . . The purpose of the demonstrations is an
. , , . write this office. Office for C1Vil Rights, 50 . . .
., RUSTY NAIL Repeated Senate meetings are Seventh Street, N.E., Atlanta, Ga., 30323 attempt at commuh‘c‘iho". W‘h‘ ROTC an.“ the
' V t' , 816 Euclid Ave unnecessaryIand boring when asking the office to send investigators as whole UK community, said committee chairman
I, . .' I . there IS nothing specific or new soon as possible. Bill Moore. We want to educate people to the
. ' FRIDAY —SATURDAY to discuss,’ one senator said. In other Council action, a letter is being nature “30ng and pomt out the ridiculousness
. . . . of such drills, he said.
.. sent to all faculty and staff at the Umversrty . -
. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICOUPON IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - ff - - - A Statement 155““ by the commit“ welcomed
. ~ ’ I I m an e ort to compile mcrdents Of sex Colonel Small’s attempt to decrease friction
. . ' = Pancake PERKINS House = discrimination to be presented to HEW' between Army ROTC and other UK groups, but
I . = I Womensstudies courses disagreed with his use of “senseless drills” to
. ‘. 'I _ 1 = STU DENT SP ECIAL' = A variety of women’s studies courses to be accomplish this.
-. I_ I~ . E ° I: offered in the next two semesters was Moore said anyone interested in the h
. . _ .- . o 0 announced at the meeting. An A&S 300 demonstrations should meet on the student center ‘
II. I S Hamburger Plate g course, “Women in Society, History, and patio at 6 pm. Wednesday.
: ' o '
. , . . g Hamburger, French Fries, E. h
" '~ ‘ . = Coke and Cole Slaw = P k. t . k dd’ti l ' j‘
= = a is ants see a l ona re w v
i . . , = — We serve 28 types of Pancakes —— = 0
. I‘ . = 729 SOUTH LIMESTONE = HIumanIsuffering in East Pakistan and the Another organization, Oxfam-America, Inc., y
‘I - . I I .JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICOUPONIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- Indian relief camps, were UK professor Zakkula is sponsoring the Nov. 3 Fast To Save People. C
‘2 I . . Govindarajulu’s topics at a convocation at the On this day high school and college students are E
I V V) ‘ ‘ t: ' I AMILY " i-IN 1 FIRST Starts Lexington TheOIOgicaIl Seminary last week. asked to donate their lunch money and snack “
I. . . . . -. .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM ." pawn“! -"’. 7:30 Gov1ndaraiulu.chairnian of tlie Iiast Pakistan change to help the people of East Pakistan in
. III . - _I I II Jig; 1. I, .f THE __ \ RUN' Adm $1 50 Refugees Aid Group of Lexington. said he was Indian relief camps. r
' . . ‘ ' ° ' ‘ “disappointed with the American role" in the
. .?.I I* II ‘ - THE RED BARON IS HERE! Pakistan conflict. He felt aid to Pakistan should Govindaraiulu said that at present. citizens 0t
.i I: . .. . III,-'.-If ‘II stop until democracy is established. East Pakistan are not only being attacked by
' ‘. ‘ Govindarajulu. an Indian native. explained the military. tn" 41 terrorist. extremist group
» ' n ‘ ‘ ' at some. new " l . that India is ”mm” ‘0 “Slum the “‘hlgces and allied W“ Chin“ has “he“-
. V . .. ‘ ' mm {1 . help is needed. UNICEF: National YMCA and
. v - ' , “ 1.»? .. @ CARE a few or the .1 The we Name get. support and
. h’ . ' ' 3 "‘ i on ”Io/I3“ uh“ contributing to the East Pakistan Refugees from Peking and considers anyone making OVCT -
.‘ . .1 . A In“; . . V Fund. This money goes directly to the prime $500 a month an enemy to the common man.
' 0 " is» minister of India for distribution to relief The Naxalite group has 21 reward for the heads
I It I V 4 It It (I e g / camps. otsuch 9601310-
, . _. . and Brown” Honorary sponsors essay Mormons host
'. I, _ . BOLORbl/DELJXE -~ b \‘ The Lamp and Cross Society The first place award will be
K. II II I ,I . mud M313 -.:-. @ffi—Ifl (senior men’s honorary) of UK is $50, second place 325 and third 0 en house
. _ . . . sponsoring an essay contest open P1806 $15. The judges will be the p
.I I. I .. to . all undergraduates of the Faculty AdViSOT 0f the Lamp A Mormon Open House will
,_ . II . - PLUS A SAVAGE BRUTE WESTERN Um;ersrty.I . . and CTQSS Society_ The Dean of be held in the Student Center on
. . “I b T h‘VhlhbJeci of the essay is to Admrssrons of the University Thursday, Nov. 4, and a Samoan
I . . : ‘V; . . III“ #3:: e. . yII enrolled at a and the Preceptor of the Lamp fire dance will be demonstrated
, ‘. .‘ -. . . umversrty. The essay is not to and Cross Society. Their by Elder James [son a former
II , I - -I .I I HUNTING PM“ " exceed 200 words. Entries will decision shall be final. member of the International Mia
2 . y , .- ~ . . COLOR . . .- b; accepted until Dec. 15th at If onu have any questions Dancers. The dance will be part
_. Ix , ,I II Dinah”? Run.“ United Artists glimOf'fI/ieif of the Director of concerning the essay call Ben of a cultural display of the t
I . . .. . m 31’5- Fletcher at 269-3992. ancient inhabitants of the South
. I : -. ,I . __I__________————————-——-—-——_———_—Th P o" b P . and North American continents
I I . . , . and the book of Mormon.
I . .- , I e ertwu a Y apers by Don Rosa and Ron Weinberg The intent is to Show the
.. . I . ,. I . “_ .‘V II. .4 .. W I . . .- I”: "1. ‘4'.” TONER If 7mm?) 4/0 4%" (W Wax, 429111 ‘I Iiiiigiriilhcance ofdthe Samoan and
. . .‘ .. 7. ‘ f '* f? A. f’ o , Him 74/ ._43 m5? 135 MRI/1 FOR, ME 70 5145,,44' 71".»? AK pla Ii‘nraiesl'fm ,Eh;hpms they
‘ . . ' ' . 2i ” . 1 w ’7 3/331: . . 154:7 an [Sb/[1? on BACK Macs—s Hencrmngru; o f y 5) .r ”65' 8 event ls
.~ .. I. .. , ..., I. inf ‘. .1511 my ¢ . w ' :11 If, F . , I r I, > -. .. . _ me an 18 sponsored by the
, . ., . , 3 ‘ , . t I. *4 «’sz A 3’ . rt.» ’4" h "hf“ 0’ . WM 1-45 ’0 ‘ 4/ 0V 5"“ "“3 N Deseret Club
I _ ,- .' ‘ I): 1’ r » vhf-12¢,“ I. ‘%2’ ,3! 9355' WE Rho/”1.7 We"; 2 WE MEWS FRO/‘7 Ptm'v?;.: 1’44 T ,‘ /,.\ 3 ___________
-‘ ‘ - ' ‘ v 4 ' ' ”i" 1m new . 1W~ ;:(‘ w . , w. 1’ ~41 ,. w W 2 ll
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; ‘ ' ~ . ‘ . ' VI) 71 ;* . hf: Se, iir' 73 Mr let ”(a . ‘A-’ 1’“ w fir/(rim 9,95,35,11? 1/4/3647.- 11.451. x '- TI" 0'9ka HQIMI
,. ‘ . . 3‘ . a». »' In" 2/4 15h 4-. in t4}, ' n E "‘ tanking/5e NM 7.4; ,, , . . l ‘- The Kentucky Kernel. University
I . , ‘. II , . , a s .9 -3, v) 3' L. ‘2”. \-. I . I: . .‘ , ,‘ .I' Ii I 3* ‘ . . . , < I L i a Station. University of Kentucky, Lex-
, I .. .' . I i, 1 iv . pl 4 '. . ’/i- . K . t. ‘ I“ . hm 1WD LScAnQ/l/Kzit E 1,194DE ’ I; ,..-. _ I ’ “ 3,], m 'I'thghzé KODJUCIWL 40506. Second class
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II . , . . I», a 1‘ L. “3% .1 -9, filth/f.“ . I.. . f . g .9 \.\\ , , . /I rt a. .‘E A L‘ (2" I/ \ [3333‘s. and once during the summer
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. , -. , v I. , , ., .i, .\ , E . \ I, .Mhé .. 3A\\\ //// r/ ./S. . _ f, 4 G, ., egun as the Cadet in 189‘ and
N -. , ._\ "lg ~I (, . “I. 3K1. , _ 3* . R . ‘.‘::,.;.JI- 411:6; . ,< '/""‘l‘.§ 1 <' . ';. (4 552283;? Continuously as the Kernel
8 7‘. " 'I‘ ' wig—3 ' ‘0 j' ' -- ,‘4‘ ?. hi \I ‘- f k Advertising published herein is in-
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 _________—________—-———-——-_____—________ THE KENTI'CKY KERNEI., \Vi-dnt'sdal). Nrn. 3. “WI - 3i .
9 31?. 9 o . . ' s ,
usted. 1ve good men w1n ; , .
Foster Pettit and his entire candidate, was the closest . _ ' , .V
R d d l ' slate were victorious in contender for the city I '
e tape 0 rug arrBSt exp alned yesterday’s city election. commission. He refused to - , . ' .
Pettit and his four candidates concede early in the evening, . 5. g ' _‘
By DALE MATTHEWS booked, the police court judge will set bond. S’;;”h§fg;‘““fjgfighm-tjéfgfj 3:58:31”: 2:; $3,333} ‘1‘)“ . , ' J - -, .
Assistant Managing Editor Bond for possession, usually $2,500, may be Richard \limont and Scott 7 . ‘. ' I i "
Questions concerning the rights of UK posted in three ways by a professional Yellman did not yield their ' - H -
students arrested by Lexington Police have bondsman Or by the SUSWCt With cash or positions from the September i - ' -' . -
arisen out of the recent arrests of several propjerty 0f sufficient V31“? ‘0 cover the primary Only )5“ n» I . ‘ .
people for possession of marijuana. b0“ - i , ~ 1/2: ' - '
According to Ken Brandenburgh, UK Dean contacted mtg/a3; Scifiedsidattgt Sopnpcifjlgg Hellberg 'Ai/f‘y?‘ " .i V. .
assistant dean of students, and Lieutenant In addition, the dean of students is early in the evening to Pettit. Sells " Af/gfih‘ . ' ‘ 3 "
. Frank Fryman of the Lexington Police automatically notified when a student is This defeat ends eight years in ‘ Ceriified i’hrf/jgt/I'5}/ f; ' . - fl .
Department narcotics division, the following arrested. A representative of the dean’s city government for Sykes. P f 1’ Kitty "7 T ‘, _ f ' ._ ,
, 18 what a student may expect if arrested for office will go to the jail and interview the The Pettit slate’s victory was . gr ec “ .‘ .I Z ‘ , I:
either “possession of dangerous drugs for use student. If the student desires assistance and not unexpected after their Dlomonds ! i ' /"I . ' €.' ‘- " - ‘ "
or possession of dangerous drugs for sale.” agrees to appear in court at the scheduled success in the primary, when "Capri" . . , 8175 \i‘ ' x
Misdemeanor or felony ihfie’téhethiersfrii frronfif‘the dian’: oilflce Wlll petm brought .1“ more than half 35?}? Her band, $80, HIS, 890 .V -
Possession of dangerous drugs can be recognizance? O O icer d ou re ease on th: totealnd'histicket won by a HELZBERG
either .3 miSdemeanm 0’ a felony- 1“ either There is usually a limit of $500 bond to be SL’F;;§,‘&.3’fijjfimh independent , FAYETTE MAM ~ ', '
' case, ,1t may not be necessary for the released on recognizance as a student and G i ‘ I " if
arrlt;5:111118gsolfsf;::rt;§ Eff/:riiev‘izsirriariiisdenieanor the key factor is how high the bond is. if ’ .'
' ‘. . ‘ ’ Most professional bondsmen charge 10 ‘ 4
the arrestlng officer does not need a WP“? percent of the bond. This means if the bond BEN SN Y D E R DE P, T STORE S .' (I . .i“ ‘
when the offense occurs in the officer 5 . q , 7 . ,. \ . 7 .‘ ) _ z .
presence the officer is in “hot pursuit” or if 18 8d at SL’SOO’ It .“1” to“ 8‘50 Mum mt For Your Complete One Stop Shopping ‘ - '
a third ‘ party swears out 1 warrant to bondsgnatn k'cltlegs. Itt the :iotal bond is posted I Th 3 AI' G ,
. ‘ 1n cas ,1 w1 ere urne . n 9 en I on: e ‘ '. ‘» .
complain Of the offense. If a student wishes to contact the dean‘s 1-HOUR FREE PARK|NG with 53 Purchase 9 ' f
Probable cause needed office after hours, there is an answering 1‘
If the suspected offense is a felony, only service and someone will be available. ’ _.'~ . ., ..~ _. .
“probable cause" is needed for the arrest. In Arraignment ' 7s "m" 6‘0 “first “J5; tISHE2$23£1WSEOgTH » . .. . , ‘
other words, the arresting officer need only After being arrested the suspect will be ‘1‘“ u“‘.‘“m(nou:\:ll 0 M — . . ._ x _
Ibizve g(C)od reaso‘rji to ausptect that a fetlfrziytis arraigned at the next court term, Usually . 9/ win Adm. $1.50 Cartoon at Dusk ‘ .-
mg ommi e or 35 CC“ commi e 0 that is the next day, except Friday and v " I ll I
make an arrest. Saturday. In those cases the suspect is w A 7 ,~ 5
Suspect booked arraigned on Monday. OPEN FR|.-SAT.-SUN — EXCLUSIVE SHOWING . "
Once arrested, the suspect will be taken to During the arraignment session a O I .'
police headquarters and booked. State law preliminary hearing date will be set, the —-—-———-———— ———————— . ‘35
provides that at this point the arrested suspect will be officially charged and will i f,
porson be allowed to make one “contact” determine whether he will obtain a lawyer or H 7 t . ' L
telephone call. This means if there is a busy if the C011“ ShOUld appoint one. A VERY FUNNY! . - .
signal, another call is permitted to et in At the preliminary hearing it will be '
touch with someone. g decided whether or not there is a strong VERY INTELLIGENT ', ~ _
After the suspect has been arrested and enough case fora trial. VERY AFFECTING MOVIE", .
I . j . .
SG offers legal and referral servmes “ 2 . ..
Suppose you‘ve just been month and now you want to on current events and general AMAD,MAD MOV|E.DEVASTATINGI.Y " , _
hauled in to the Fayette County find out what’s happening. Try information, have consolidated FUNNY. AN“ BOMIBALLY “WASTAT'NG ’ V
jail, You’ve got that one dialing 258-8531.That’s also the in hopes of cutting the red tape "J”D'THCR'S‘ “BC” . j."
telephone call you heard about number Of the Student for students. . -
on television, right? Well, if Government Referral Service. Patty GENES, dlICCtOF Of Ilflle ;
you’re not sure who or where to The Legal Service, WhiCh Student SCTVTCCS, p0mt€d Out .I - I
call, try dialing 258-8531. That’s functions to answer ANY that how SCTVlCES are HOW . . "
the Student Government Legal questions students may have Operating from the same desk
Services number. concerning the law, and the and telephone in the Student - .
Or suppose you’ve been Referral Service, which Government office, Room 304 "
meditating in your closet for a functions to provide information Student Center. 2°mcen'W‘Fm 9’9““‘5 ,t .4 ,
A s a result of the “'1' GOUlDDflMlD SUTHEMD WUNMI‘llME ; . '
F consolidation, these services can Elll “MANARKIN .JUlES FEIFFER'S ' ’
h I now refer students to such mtmn‘MARClARODD MullamVINCENTGARDENlA[UUBUHWILSON lonxoms RDERS" _
rat to 0 d Card t0urney information as telephone E'Q'EEMEEWIVJACKBRODSKY R'MhJuEEiEIFFEB Mus. mm“! . .
Kappa Alpha Psi will sponsor a bridge and bid-whist gumlitgs 0ft lOczéllerzlltdlioCsltatlons, mmmwxwalgl my f , 3 .1
tournament this Friday at 7:30 pm. in the Student mlettersxmgfonvenélre 1 grin: 0,“ -——-——-- ALSO '——_—_
Center Small Ballroom. Immediately following the a , O a ,S- 8-St’ I : ,
. . . . pregnancy, drugs, etc., airline _
games will be a fashion show featuring the latest desrgns numbers, draft counseling, ave : .
:pumamte'nt. Adilnisséortihies igtzlrloctieds Willilclp) finance 2,11%?,harféegerrétgtizmioimsltclécrlgglt; It’s pu re Gould Q ’ . '.
1e con inua 10 o a l s ser 1 e rogram, 3 . - , .
' “Guide Right” which works with community children in ECOhootlobutadloin t $22: nghte? PANAVISION” Color by DE Luxso E . , . . , ,
I an effort to further their interest in higher education. references. ~ , f .
an les , .
ll 0 B ' .
n in shootout ' ' ' g
d MANCHESTER, Ky. (AP)-A I . ' 3'
:r Republican election judge was . .1
a killed and a Democratic election - t . ‘ .'
T judge was wounded Tuesday ,. G .53.. ’ :
e when shooting started following ' , ' ‘ .. .
h an argument at a voting place in ~ (Eu-«s, . . . ,7 _‘
:5 Manchester, Kentucky. g, , t . i‘ s' 3M," ' V ‘ . -,
Authorities identified the dead Teaser and the Firecat ~55 x‘, \‘r{’ ‘ G v . ; Every Good Boy Deserves Favour I. . .I .
.e man as John Mills, 74, a retired A&M SP BB ’14” . )6 ’ THRESHOLD 5 . . .
d school teacher. He was a GOP rig/2V "-9 i
Y election judge at the Goose ’: E 1/, j‘ . . . . . ‘ _
is Rock precinct, eight miles south _. .. . J; “ I; ‘ ~.. ‘ . ‘ .
le of Manchester. ' M "A E t . , j .
James Smith, 39, the ~ . . '
- Democratic judge, was reported 1‘ . . :
I in satisfactory condition at the Santana Every Picture Tell; A Story . ~-
Manchester Memorial Hospital COLUMBlA 30595 MERCURY l 609 . ._ .i
2' with a gun wound in his left . ‘j ‘ .
ss arm. A N D M O R E i i '
,3; Others at the voting place said .
31 both men had pistols and both FOR TOP LP ND TAPES ~ .‘
guns had been fired. 5 A y .
Qt. Witnesses said the argument . -‘
:1 developed over the qualifications A 1' T H E R I G H T P R I C E s . . .
of a man who was attempting to . ,
i‘y- Volt‘. , . ‘ ‘
Id The voting booth was closed ' ~
while officers conducted an KENNED ' BOOK 5 ' ORE .
investigation. ‘ '

 F d I °
. , or 3 rows promise
' o o The
on education issues ~ ' would
‘ Ember
¢ ¢fllu¢ €ffl¢ seem
Ana . year. another election. time and again its willingness to - Whil
' Lt. (3 Wendell Ford will receive a inject politics into any educational ' . 3 3 3 , 3 _ 3 3 33 3 ~ Statt
. 3 3 3 3 3 3 l sniksin oi kixiiun variou
' ’ 3 pron: 'l and a boost in pay; ISSUC tor Its OWN glorification ies i'.\iii.isi~ii-:i) ism LEXINGTON, m. which
,3 v i- i v. . ‘ x c ’\ x ' ' ‘ '—~v—A- ~-——o-——»-———-——.-———~——rflaw“;A— .... »—-~-——- ——~u—— A—v—w————--————3—v—3———3—_—_._ ~_~
3’ ' ‘ 1‘11““ ‘ ‘lrrou W1” “1” t‘ [‘FImL hhtit “t “Opt Mr' Ford W31“ IWL Up to Ifrliloi'm/v H'fnr'u'H/ t/u' o/unmm of [In [xiii/on. not of thc ( Hit/crstt)‘.
- 3‘ at the 075 governor‘s race. his campaign commitments to %———-———~\-3E3—\T33v:—3W~—————- Ddrt:l
. [,3 students that seems to sum students and faculty. and keep his 3'3”“, BMW tummy“, with, 31m}, ”wit-3 Assuming 15th,“, :2; l.
3 up :.ic 1071 campaigns. The two relations with higher education on a l);i\‘i(l A. King. b’usint’w Mmtugr'r John Gray. Editorial Page Editor mat-0n-
' tn-tz.~r L‘Lllldld‘dt'CS llllCd UP LilIHOSt friendly Lllld OPCH it‘Vt‘l. lt’s IlOt l.llll((' l-i'aiicis. (rlt‘g Hailiiiaiiii. Rarlit'l kaiiiul. l.lll(()lll R. Lewis [r Jeffers
t ‘ .33 I 3 i 3 3 ' 3 3 , llalc \liillll(‘\\\. and \\|'ll(l\ \Viiglit. ls.~i\tim/ .\Immgitlg Editors the [U
‘ ' ' H ‘ ‘l-W“ .‘V’Sldc Ol‘l StUdcnt lSSUCS ”0m IllUCll t0 uhh- and It WOUld bC 'd \like 'l‘ieriicy. Sports“ Editor Don Rosa. ('urtoo-nist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor Whe
, -3 3 3.‘ pollution to abortion. Statewide. huge improvement over the present
‘ . the candidates engaged in a string political mess. D
. .3 ' of ‘me-tooisms" from sales tax I
‘ repeal to the lowest of personal
. ; - ' insinuations. For Kentucky. it 333W 3 E
, .' s