xt786688kq0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt786688kq0v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1983 1983 1983-12-12 2020 true xt786688kq0v section xt786688kq0v K ‘N C Y
VOLLXXXVI. No. 66 Established lm WWdetucky. toxin“. [(0an trim!“ Slot. l7” Monday. 00cm '2 ma
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DE c Residence hall students to pay bill for accepting collect call

Rle-It‘KYSIcVEIGll Bowling. billings and accounting su- expect payment for calls made by mud.- l‘onitvs \dltt “e .i r-. .i. .-:- uni-iv.» ..n innit-mg nm- .i. 92...) - 2,... ,. 5i. _..2 -. i .
StaftVlrltet‘ perviser students This year the increased the t'.ill\ to each resident -‘ " -m «on: pi-ittn .t Er iorimi ti- ittMHl tr...‘ «v..- .ti...i4-~ .i -,. -- -

, " . . . numberofcalkdenwnded9")me ““1115 H 1h" t'illlS JHH‘UW 3" 3-" (Just (fir li'milintit' M'Hii‘r :tt lint. do." « .,s. l:'."\ i.’ 4 '21 \2

Some 500 students “I“ "90?”? Studfntls (Temh'_ are per-muted “Beginning with calls lll Septeiii lxltllsttltlc-nt.‘ getcharm-«153+...' -..i;, . ni- .‘ix‘mlltl H l l .
bills {0‘13} front Student Billings to ma e orig 1'59?“ phone calls m ber they refused to give its credit ' “e have to hold them Will! \ -. tilt-in \J .l' wit-.- ,. "1". ,
Services for collect calls made on onelofvthree ways b} dial"? the he said "We are responsible tor \ponsihle (‘onitis \illtl lI‘Iiill\r‘ ‘lw- l’ ”l" " .,.'\ r"”"”"”" ”'“N‘ 3‘ ”‘3‘"! Mills lint. inn . . 4- -.
reSidence hall phones Payment for loca 0”“ operator 'and plating it payingthosehills - pmwm“ “mm" [12,“,Y.2.:2_'. “.2, pm lllliil'\ \tlll there are -\.l\\ to -~..i~=-u....i\ . “”222 2!. '_
the bills is Dec 16. Del t‘ombs. direc- cone“ or third-party call. usmg a . . ’, , .i . plum .itit- .nieptut the \.lil\ tr . . , , , .

2 _ ,. . 2 2 _ But because those In“. “2.“. [Otllllllldtt .nupted l’lt «mix m 4 ~ \i\\ l .uupuu! .. .r\ .

torotcommunicationssaid credit card. or applying for a stu _ _ “Mm” mm 1 1 Mini N. .22 nil-dis .i ;!~..- detnim- wink hr 2. .,w . . , . . .

dent billing number from (i'l‘l‘l caused by students. the tlll\t‘l‘.\lt_\ ' f" ‘ ' " -:“' \2 2 2-' lik- -' - .. 2‘ - ~‘-" ~-\ .2 "

"L'niverstty policy is that students (‘ombssaid (‘ombs said. has come up with .i “‘l‘l““"l“““”‘”m” “"“W‘ 4'"? “N“ W ~“"“ ' wry-'2‘
are not allowed to accept long dis- way to bill students for their costs “it , iery min-ii ,. “N“: in,” in. A. .e:l.. '.l\ .loi : “inside: i: in l‘ ”‘2" “'5 . 1 3: ‘ -~ -
tance calls on their phones. ' (‘ombs ”MlllOt‘ occurrences (Ot students They are also planning no“ prove ”mm-pm putt) qtllt'kh (mile .l; m. ' i~ meii? Ml‘. -|lil ixit' I and“ ‘21.: ’ lirm :2
said. But because students have ac- accepting collect callsi have hap- dures on handling accepted calls guilty one. howling cm; “llt't‘. \ roiiu' i..ii minim \Hti tt.t\t' t2» . .
cepted calls. the l.'niversity has been pened previous to this semester." shouldthey occurinthe future person Ax uni-limit it will iu-icin no. wt tin-Mill ‘1’“{1- -" 51“va ‘5 "l ' 2'“-

' ‘ L itli sin'e Seitem- Combs said. "In the st. we've all . . 2 , M .. 5 . .2 .2 22- i x .i.: Lin ‘.i.- - . . . .2
tlilaliegvsll‘ti‘hoeraln’l‘cthephon: [Clet-tron ways denied these chgiarges to GTE 2 [(917th 258m (nl'lli fell!" fhvullqu: 1" “mm“ (1‘ l“ i 2 2 1": mm" mm" l”"""“"" '5‘ "m" ”L“ "W“ ‘l' ! '-'"" ' ‘ .
ics. ' and they‘vegivenuscredit “ 5'3 d 1““ ”f d “l 9“ N15 -“ ll Students rt‘titw to pin tum-17W Hull'- :« Wit-ll“ I'i53'1“"-|H.\ “til“! at :i ”in midi-w .t‘ lhi" . .2 ~

‘ cepted and the restdence hall phone said ‘we “I“ keep them lion. I'I‘L'l\ i..i. i: .lzltlillllll to pniiient ioi lilo pct .. tizi. m :i.ou iii“; in- 'i. :
“It's gotten to the ponit where it‘s The L'niversity was not responsi- numbers on which they were (lt‘ tering. from getting tilt-.i L21.tlll'\ ...i. («Iliilix \.|l(l l‘tii- w‘ond time .i ltii! :mw' .t .. .222 2.. ..-\ .\'
totally out of hand." said Robert ble for these calls and GTE did not cepted "We have a list of all calls and from graduating if the prob ciiii w .‘lt‘t‘r‘ptfi‘. tnr student mil hem .i
2-»»-- : - *’* f‘r‘ "WV“ 5 "ea—‘*——‘~——~HW —'" - 2: -. . t. ' .- l
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,2 . ~ 2 2 Governor S SC 0 ars
. . ; .22 v, . W422, x1] .2» -2_' _ g 1:.1‘." . 1. ‘ .,.- .
- .— N u ito expand program
"22 2- ’ V £32,? l lh \iiiii'iiuti-ilii'Htm it tlmtlv xiiiiwu .iiiiiu 2-
A W)”; . :. ' ""2.‘ ' - agig/1’ ’, . ' 1%;3 l \tdtt \hlill'l l‘1lln .Itlttl' l .Ill it“ lit ~..i '
‘ own/2226?, , ,,,-. .1 2 -, .132”, (”I %_ W2- ‘ Mpg} ‘ifl‘t i ll‘llt "'12 I“. 'lt‘s‘ilt‘tl . ,2 'l;. _H.
2 \ “a.“ ., ,2- f l the liliH'l'lltIl \ Nllttl.tl‘\ l'io tiier \ \mmom lhltl'lii:_i' -. ' "~ -
9 - " ' ' ' .,2- 2,-"//// ' ‘éfle‘. . l illillti designed to ttiiitwt t‘lllltdtl' .ll'l'.l‘ iii the Unit‘s“ ”5 V“ 5 "
'c’agé/éé} 2" ~‘ l ' .1 I“\t‘t'tlllllll.tl higl. \l‘limtl llllllttl“ will "”th ”N‘ tolleui- of lttix ua- - t
2'” .,n '2 :2. /L'%%%%g " x ' 3,“ , a“ . l in- mounting ll\ \lllllltll‘l llltlfli'dtli riwiiioiiiiw .iinl tin loin-g. -~' l m
,2/22///%%%/'2/%W ,." 2 filly} » ; ll: ltttH \t!\ ' 'Nllul: \HIl . hail liri- 2,-2'
l 2 "’ " [Ml/Cg . - 2? l 'l‘lit- [iriiflrJHl it: Whit h Wl" “‘5 “33”.?” ‘:;...I,’,(.:lh-t'i.lju- : “7"". l .'
" ' h ' ”7%?fl/fl' 2/M"" i: " ' l littll; \i litml tullltll“ ll’tttlt dllllllld m" [\tt'.,i*..1k -lI-I'Q;‘~ltt ' liw' ' ~
//,”ZZ///,/7////’/// /?///{/~ ' ' - *m’ . ~tiili' totin- lugetht't for fur weeks I. ' I . W ‘
' : //’//"'///W/' ¢%7////%”//” . ~_ '9“ ' .f' ' g l of \ll led ediimtion'il t‘Vttl’l’lt'm'v‘ “My“ " ”WNW: "‘ ‘ ”my
' ' W //7//'/"/,/ '- ' ' l I ". t ll‘t’ltl it H litre t'ollege tlll\ \l"ll l' “ “mm.” " WMHN’! W! V' ' I
.. Eff/a/if/Q/fém . .2 \~-\t “a” d “NW,“ “I“ MM. 2'. tnugtlti thc \(‘\ltl
' //////' . , '/ held at Eastern Kentucky l'iiiyersi It was .iii 0‘\tlo‘lllt'l\ lIFi'Wi ..
K*2/%//'/M 2 t\ Donald \iiirls .isk-I‘iuti- \ll‘t' pl'l‘ll'tltl' ioi t-ith l.niiit\ .ilid -tl.
a?“ t2 2 . . - ~ ~ - - - - ,. - -: -
2/2 2% _ .2.-2 \h‘tlH1HlH Ht .Hdtl‘ t..it .ilfdih \dJl ilotitx Hiuiiiici \.\.i. Hi ..i. . ii.
' ' " He said tlint l.|\l year about Mo St“ to: us of the V‘SHHI, an oi: N.
4W" " lll‘lll\ were lllttiltt‘tl in the progriiiii O'lltl' lwhnolugt .iiid keii' it it: 2
i W%W "2' , l lllll their ~ .l lot more Unit! All ex rttltltt' .tllll ”14H .tllliuiigli ti- .t L.’
l /“"”/ - | t‘l'lltlU'lal\lllllt‘lltSllltlll'\t.ttt‘ be ill hiiiuin- llt‘\t tent lie .t-nii-t
l . . “amt ,2 223%?” \i_ ' ‘ l ”insider ruining tun k to U2.“ t; .igiin.
--- 4—» 'W U ' -- M i --—» in I‘II‘INKi i l'hert- i~ .‘i great llt‘t'tl lot 1equal; ‘i l “I.” Ask", 2., ll 2“” 2”. .,.“,
\ltll! of tho- it!) rain \‘ttn .\ \‘llt . I mt ,.,., . 2.. ,H.
BOOked up l llt‘ \illfl with .llie .irlllwi t'illlllllb “h‘mlmu” l" m l“ I
i . . . . . . . l .il-oiit Hit \tlltll'lll\ \Alll ln- able to .il “4““ JUN“ 1‘" “RU hillb' l-t‘vT "'2
Roh Bella (left to iightl. a biology senior. Scott Bechcr. an carol in which they could study hit their llllills lllt\ \\a".«'.' ; ”Wm,“mmnqumlnH .m- .l\4gll5|l)ll' -i. “Kt-Wm: ...i...L-.
engineering senior, and Ricky Van Dyke, an engineering studying on the fourth floor of MI. King library \{illlltlil‘- l offices and in 2‘ \tllllllllhllitl‘ul.
freshman. are among those students lucky enough to find a afternoon, ! "l'he progiatii was so successful minding lN'milllu' luv .ipph...tM .-
____________ _2_~,_2 ,H_,,-,J iiiid generated so much enthusiasm I)“- go
. -__. . .___,...._.___._ m-“ , ____. , _
Off and running Equipment and personnel problems
- - r y
I 6-year-old likes the freedom of college life — somewhat make diffiClllt first ear fOI' S ATV
By LYNN I). PARKIS Louisville. Western Kentucky Universny and Kentucky y
Reporter State UniverSity. She was accepted on application to the
University of (‘alifornia Santa Cruz. American Universi n} J. 511-)”er \iosigs “WM“ "“"““""_“h“‘ i hit \hakuii .2 tin-.ilet .nn u-

Her mother taught her to read when she was three. ty in Washington DC. the American College of Switzer Stallyt'ritor mm and Sbhtl'mlt- piudnn-i rm 4
After a year in Hawaii. she skipped first grade. After a land in Leysin. Switzerlandand UK. \A'l‘t‘ tun lI‘d‘ll Altli tin- group I
year in MQXlCO- She skipped 11th grade, At age 15 She She chose UK "I can keep ln [OUCh Wlth my famil." Student /\('tl\'ltlf‘f~ 'l't‘lm [\lltll hm A v \lll(‘t' the start Editing in: lll'lt'-
became a University of Kentucky frachman. Some of and with my friends. . .Ican go home and do my laun- completed its first St‘nlt‘slvi' (h- I have been ii ”1.in promo-n. l"- t

‘ her friends 311d "dormmates" in Donovan Hall gave her dry and “0! have ‘0 pay 52 like you do here at the spiteequipmentprohleiiis \a‘llnl like re .n .l klnltltfitlli iiplii l
a“sweet-l6"partyontlcth. dorm."shesaid. SATV. a commnm- oi the sin now i

Amy Milman does not look 16 Her medium height. Although SAT and ACT examinations placed her in dent At-tivities Board. was lkti’lll —— The problem with ttu- editing i» ;
medium weight and mediuiii-hrowii hair blend into a the 99th percentile. she has not always done so well on lished this Fall MTV \illlo-rwl .nnnwim with the teiuonimnni that all of ll'Xltlfltull l\ iiiiiig i., -
campus crowd. “She doesn't 3C! 16-” said Cindy Palor- [5‘5- she said. She remembers having conSiderable some problems. including .i bro l‘dllllllS department use thaw {utilities .it 'lelwiihle l
mo. her roommate. Palermo. a 90““(‘81 science fresh- problems with the placement tests she was given in ken camera \nlnno said SATV would like to shalom \ald “1- got IiH-l ti oi .
man, has a sister slightly younger than Amy. “It Florida. ”I couldn't 119908an?! the trees.” she said. "1 During this time. some of the roproduce some things with an tapes. about to stories we I'Jll' I
doesn’t seem likel‘mliving with my sister." didn't know the seasons. what a COW looked like. what new people in the orgaiiim'iltii 12m liluegmss Dateline. such as some get out lM‘RlLM' of no milling 1,.

Jacquelyn Milman. Amy's mother and an 3555mm potatoes WET?- I had "0 idea what little rain bOOtS were Interest without the mini-iii («pup ports ext-tits th.it do not normally l'ilitit-s We hope to get out .i iii-in
professor in community dentistry at UK. said ”The only in Hawaii you put your little thongs on and got your feet menl. said Frank salt inn exw pi-i tt'lt'k'lhllm i‘oyerage n month next wrnmier
challenge or problem we have ever had with Amy is wet.Nobig deal." utive producer financially they are working on According to Shelton tinny-x
getting her interested. We SP9“t "‘“Sl 0f the time C0” Today Milman‘s background contributes to the. quality As a result of the equipment ll}2llfl to find funds. grants and Visions M'H .iLso show .i
vincing teachers that She needed m be accelerated." of her work “Her writing is excellent; it is really out problems and a lack oi poi-oniiel zloniitions to help with their «lit video filth!“ program loi om- tun”

Amy remembers that once it was not so. “I went to standing." said Jone] Sallee. a professor in the Honors SATV produced only «mt' tide-i ing and equipment needs 'We re it day Tho- prograni inllml ”ll ii
kindergarten in Hawaii.” she said “It was an open Program. “The approaches she takes her topics. have taped presentation tlllh ytuii Sill also trying to build ii relationship World lk Just mu. MN m- '
2 school systemsoyoucan goas t‘astas youwant to.“ been unusually original. Her writing always had that Vlno said. a half-hut” din-w t'lltl ‘Altll some of the StathflS in said ‘ltork World Mint; in lI'
After moving to Florida the following year. she was quality of liveliness about it that is very unusual in a tled “Vismns " lle send the Ul‘flalll town ' Salvmo Kalli “What up rem-d weekly from \‘m tutti :i.
’ happy to skip first grade. “The first grade teacher college student in general. and especially in a student so when originally planned to would ultimately like to do is have (limes 13m 15 group. ona tilin-

scared me." she said. “She looked like a witch. She had young. I was very impressed with the maturity of the produce another show. but compli our own editing suite ' \al . d m2, ,2 .
alittle wart on the end other nose andeverything." style." cations arose in locating editing He said SATV is not limited to ' Hm “1 "mam” "

2 . » - . _ _. . needs pfiple who .in- iiilrrv-stul in
Summers after her Slxth and seventh grade years But Jamey Cook. a friend of Milman s. offered anoth- equipment 2oil-communicaimm stunt-nu, We 2 n MTV ' u. 2 . 2 '_

were spent in Mexico "My mom chaperoned a group of er opinion. “She gets more childish as she gets older." “My biggest criticism with lhlk w Milt all students to get involved " ”t m“, 4, . “.wihn ‘ 1*.” "l.
iUKl college students down there" for six-week Spanish Cook said. “She doesn't party a lot; it‘s not. ‘hey. it‘s semester is not having in.- wliting Brad Broughman. reporter with m "2",”: an“: 31“ ”:“2 'r W." '_:
courses at what Milman calls "the university with the Friday night. let‘s get drunk,‘ She dances around in facilities to do the Videos. he SATX'. S'dld he joined the group p": it; 9” I]: ":21” Put; "2;
longest name you could possibly think up" - Instituto fountains and runs around singing at the top of her said The m‘gannatlmi planned to treatise “i like finding out new $2.2m (2:222:32 “silt” 5" '2.
Tecnologico de Estudiantes Superiores de Monterey. lungs." use some eqmpment at lA-xing things “ He also said "the media who WI“ (am (m “H” 2'5"?"
Three years later she found herself enrolled in the high Milman chose to live in the dorm “because I would ton s Telecable. but the facilities is a powerful thing. and'television mutter .
school extensmn of the universny. meet more 1 .. . .. were booked up for a solid shapesoursociety today l

. 2 . , peop e. she said. I wanted to meet some .. 2 . . . . . . l
At the prep school. Amy .ook 14 classes in one school peo le and to be inde ndent sl' ltl' month. hesaid l-rank Sahino has done an in Salt/mo said "ll”dl‘ivl‘lfi ..:.2.

year. She had no trouble returning to Lafayette High wha‘t .. pe ’ ' ‘g' 3 ' some- Another student-run ten-Vision credilne amount of work with dedication an- tho- two limtti I
School in Lexington as a senior. skipping her junior ‘ program is Bluegrass Dateline SATV and has gone mirecognized qualifications for .lpvlylltfl to .
year because of the extra courses she took in Mexico. “I still have to go back lhomei every Friday to get which also put out one show It is forthat." Broughman said SAT\' I

She received scholarship offers from the University of my allowance " .2.—.-»_-2_______—__—__———._——_—_——.——-—————-—»
o l
,. Greeks sponsor Toys for Tots drive means :
go'- o o o
. » for needy children at Christmastime ram-www-
*) \ v .\ : «mantra: unlo-
: W 10 at.»
f . ‘\ ,.\ 1 By MARTHA REED PERRY the toys. ‘ Sampson said He said the year." Sampson said "Hopefully. “with My
‘ ,_ . $32322.“ , Staff Writer fraternity will also launch a door-to we'llgetlbwtxzsthisyear " ”'7, ' " '
\ ‘ O 2 g'}?§ door collecting campaign Dec 17-21 'We‘re expecting I good turnout." “’ 2
- has?!" Some underprivileged children in Toys may also be dropped off at the James Bland, thve committee “Whig“ ‘I m
‘ 3;?” Lexington will have a happier fraternity home. located at «3 member. Mid "We've got more 0-“.de
‘ «’é‘rr“ Christmas. thanks to a UK fraterni- Pennsylvania Ave media coverage this year. and so ‘fl 2' .. _ , H
’ i ‘ W ty Once the toys are picked up they more people Will be able to hear l;
. "E” are repaired and "made presentable about it ‘ " ‘ _
/ii% .a a . Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity has for children." Sampson said They The first yur of the drive was
. a... .N. . begun its third annual Toys for Tots then are distributed to people who real successful." Sampson said
\- ,,. . 1 Drive. The NW of the drive. can on thehotlina requesting them We had a whole room full of m
' é I which involves collectim old or bro and to children whose names are stuffed animals. games and such
‘ fa ‘ 2‘ ken toys and rutorirg them. is to subrnitted by churches We expect this year to be our mat ' ’
. . to» ~,‘ 2 ensure that underprivileged children Sampson said that In the past thr successful " - at an “fl 0
. i- . __ . M ‘ / . in the Lexington are. can get a toy fraternity has taken the toys to a Sampson Illd a lot of the fraterm- Ohm“ ‘2. 2 2,
~ ‘ 2:; x l 0 l for Christmas. Marlon R Sampson. fire station and let the fire tighten ty broom live out of mu. but 2 , g . _ .
We? ’ 221' , ,2 ', chairmanofthetkive.said distribute them may-oar. however. have pledged to stay I luv day! bl , ’ ‘2, ,_ 1.
22:22:"; ' ‘ he said the fraternity Will he more After cum. in order to work to U n , *0‘2‘ .
‘ @353, ' . :- ' (l l "We've set up two hotlines where per-smally involved. and will active “3mm".m ” : , . c224
. 2.. f. .2: ._ 2 2 / 2‘ J We can call. give in their name lymmhmnneedylamilies The toy halite numbers are u H; _ __ 'j * ,_ ,3: ‘
' nmimnn. Knno‘h'nn'tm and address. and we'll go pick up “At least 250 children not "M last 3124 and m,
. fl I .

o 2 - THE KE CKV KENNEL Monday, December 12, 1983 —
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Some 83 cramming onl way they can pass
By EMILY MORSE can tell yourself that cramming did learn the material during the semi-s Little time is left for studying so planning il.ll". '~. . . ,_ «iv ..t'-.i‘f '..|i' 'ki “gov «A ~ 1
StaffWriter it. If the grade is bad it‘s because ter and others do it as a mayor re cramming bemimnamx‘essity ln~tiw .itmti: .tii..' '.;.~\ vs .»t.-\ to! :~ 'llJ' .t'v‘ 1i...:;:: 1 ~ .~..i--.
you crammed and if it's good. cram- nevi "Sure they’re cramming right they trim int i: - i. . ; .-\ r. \4' .v w in“; Ali.“ '.1.- ..
Noone should do it. but everybody ming did it for you ” “Procrastinating and cramming mm Bradley said It is especially when- lhtw »\i\- win. -.: ' . . . «mm .iz..e .w' ”a" :.~.~. 1m-
does- Craig Minton. a PSF'ChOIOS." 59m“. 80 together.” Taylor said Bill Sumt’ turd right now because the) have out but turd ’~il .. . ll .u . M: v..- . «t . a“
”I think every student crams.“ said: “I do better cramming I re- pOOple. like athletes. are forced to exams and still hate to practice for luxuitlu' ! 'lii-x : 2' ' i'i' ' .' . \ u . 2‘. .. hue . 4' pi '. int 't‘n- 'n'
said Peg Taylor, assistant director view everything wttli intensity. I do cram because they have illllt‘ llnlt' the Hall of Fame Bowl yootball um- xiii-t i. :..i: u a. - i. :i i... is. at: , .-..:~_ i:..;.,; u. c. :
0f the learning skills program at the betterunderpressure H during the season tostudy shesaid (‘oach .lt-rn (‘Iairbortie requires the t‘riimiiiitig i~ .i‘r'l‘. 't-l ' ~-. g- y _ ., _ 1, , _ , , _ 1 1,
CounselingCenter. Cramming usually causes students Robert Bradley. assxstant athletic platen to that at their academic pillage .md liislutt .m t. 1 . ....t .. 1 ‘13 - l .I “i". ‘ '1 ' ‘ V,
Dan Conaway. an agriculture en- to engage in marathon study ses» director for academic affairs. said, mini” 10; a: him it“) mun mart [ilrltltl’fiillHH '-.- ~ ., . ..' J' ,“1 Ftp-1‘ " 1N“
, gineering sophomore. said. ”When it sions where they drink numerous "Few people realize what the foot in“ ‘ .“.'." ‘1 A, n ‘v '
. comes toexams, you don‘t have any cups of coffee or other substances ball players go through" If they are (‘riimiiiing l.\ not always the .in lknlo! \i I ' - ' ' '\ .h.‘ i. M: 5.”: . _
choicebuttocram." with caffeine. They pace the floor 01‘ Injured. they must go to the training swer for some students Lisa for the it.» at. . i - 1‘. "’ "1"” “' ‘ ' ' M‘
“It works in some cases." Taylor sit reading and memorizing materi» room early in the morning to take Adams a t‘ltlil‘llng. textile and "HT muting min-w. ~ ,‘ ~ - . "" ‘ " “‘ "
said. “There must be some pay-off al until the last minute before the care of their injuries They meet chandistng senlor, said, * i doiit UHI‘I in». m. ., . . . 1 fl... in; .M...‘ “mum.“
or we wouldn’t still be doing it. test. Some walk into the class with and train from 2.15 to 7 pm. then train that hard | {11mm 11 I don't tin- Studi-nh ;ifii"1‘ t. . . - 1 - : . ‘1. .1. ,t, _1_ rd,“ ,.H.r.‘,u,_
Sometimes the student gets a better an open notebook. rush to shower and eat before 7 so km,“ 11 b.1110“ i never mi] t‘rJHl ltll lll.t'..' ... » .. 1 .~\.-\ . -..,~ v... -. .. _. .. .~. - 1.. -
grade. Depending on the yade you Some cram because they failed to Some have classes after dinner Taylor said that if a student is Slit‘Mllti 4.. -
F'n l S 1' iv lKit ff 1' t (1 nt “"‘" ‘
" V e
- htt tf dddv \
late mg rea 5 rom mom an a , 3 \, : “n31 exams
By STEPHANIE WALLNER _______________ ket their survival kits at uanPrSi i k H ' o a i f f
\ SeniorStaff Writer , ties throu bout the l'nited States. ' ‘ '
' “I thought I! would Stoltzsaidg ‘ g I... O f ()l' H)!“ N)“
Many students may get an extra be a rear idea I0 055 Paul Viers. Student Services l‘K . ‘ c . A. / 2
snack for finals week. g p representative. said last year that ‘ ' ( ' \/ ) i 1
A survival kit sent by Mom and these kits out, ” the company asked him to mail . ‘ / ~.“ ; l“ "'“\‘““M '“
Dad and sponsored by UK Student . them a campus phone book and ,o’ S, 2‘ l l “"“‘ l "' “"
Agencies, Inc. may help many Paul Vters. outlined his job as distributing the ‘ ‘.l , i H .
students through hours of study- Student Services survival kitsat the L'niversity 1 . l’ \o. ‘¥\ 1 1;." iiiiiltiii mg..- fir: lipiiiw it...»
' ing. _ “I thought it would be a great l / ~ ‘ ’ V ’ / * ‘1‘“"H""_ “7' l""”"‘“"‘ """"""
In cooperation with Convenient UK representative idea to pass these kits out." \‘ters l . ‘ - ‘- \\ *. / ‘, . ‘ wu‘: ”- ..i.. lH-M- mil-mm m .iml
Food Mart. Student Agencies has said. “It turned out to be a (“Oll- l; . 'f’ \ ’ , (/11 ‘ Q .‘ . wt 1....» vim-www-
sent brmhures t0 parent‘s Of a" _ fllCt‘ 51‘ 4:11;?) 2 ' . _ .‘ I 1 , \\\ I ”ll“. \ ' "if lbw!» .\.l2'.ll‘ \ultir
outof-town students offering a werea few major problems while Viers said he received t'om- “ «a ‘ ‘, ‘ "‘ A 3 v»! :ii.-ii. vii»... vii.» mu...» ..:..2
survival kit that can be sent dur- organizing the project. “I guess plaints from students who had or 1‘; of} " - ‘ 1 -...i.\ ..i..s ti .1 in \imit wt.“ 1hr
ing finals week. probably what held us up the most dered a kit but were not on his de— “ ‘ I" I ‘ l - ‘ i...i. t him-t lMI\ti‘\ t'l tziitiv my: .\
Some items in the survival kit was nonprofit mailing rates." he livery list. "They  i"tll\ i~ “l M ”if" n. 'v~ Staff Wnter "I" “'1 1" September [hill ”11* [Ml
he did. Mt 5"" he ”m.“ °“'y be 3‘3?:"I.‘."L'TZT‘ W” ”N“ "d ' m "'1";'.’.“.’.".QIZ".‘£.'Tli‘liitli‘ii.” N > "" "71 "771‘"; .m... ° u not «marred a mom txoolrm
able to see a 3m" fractlm 0f the ' 1* Law Library \‘lll bctipcn from ‘ a m to in until ll loam :txni'hruugrl'.dai Ar'tr VB: 4' vi! a. tune a." ‘hc \Jr: lit i: m w’k ihli'l l\ al'fid‘.‘ dnHXl“ at i K n 8 mt 4" (1 (NJ! "I'll"
I elm. midnightmdayihrnughlrnlat o m" 3." [W u." “a n... , l » \r'.' .11 .41 . «4 us And N ls partil'uliirl‘. ill'll‘fl' r-rirm-s hfsalli
' mm smnu do [Bed mm] u the Ininglnl Public libs-In \llll be open 9 Plan mil be up” ‘ lit a ~| . . {-1 ‘-la mr and during llnfll‘ “In?“ M ‘ lil'tl Aflflfdlm {0’18"le ll 4 Wm
: attention. especially as finals ap— rotpligozi2mr" ”mm“ ”NM” Ind “m :Ldlmfszmx mm m I m ‘ “Mouton: IM to Oflltl’dlS from Kennedy and is caught with Wt) or lens worth d
: preach, “you have to make value limversnty bookstores and l K pr) bunks tt is ”mini-red a theft which
‘ . . lice u punishable by one year in )8”
Sweet dreams ma brm sweet rades this week We .... .. « w .... v .. .. m... w
y reported. but we- usually hau- ll‘wl a my, it is constant) a felmy_ pun-
mmth." said an employee at l m ishahle by up to five years at a state
By SACHA DEVROOMEN Not getting enough sleep will also Bowers said students who have ex- up. revtew as best as you can for varsity Wilton» who (lo-(lined tri penitentiary
StaffWriter impair memory and concentration hibited some self discipline do not each course " give her name Kennedy and one perm has been
skills. Dr. Frank Bowers. director of have as much stress “They are not Baker advised students to relax Where‘s been to to ix ri-pnria-d «ought at his store this year Kenne-
Riead ell-mtg and texts. Do not the Student Mental Health Service. confronted with unread material. and stay cairn “When they begin to this week the week before fmaLs d) s located at «)5 S lamutone St.
cram.'niengotosleep. said. A healthy person should have theyonly havetorevrew " panic. they should stop and take she said ‘lt goes up, especially the usually dos not at for Mlflct
That p'ocedure should help most no problem stayirg up. “but if you He said students who did not study long slow bread: to get oxygen into lasttwoorthreedayi tim when buying back boot: but
students survive finals week. 80 overwhom'swithout sleep it will often are desperate fora good yade their system." he said. “This is Joe Kennedy. president of Kenm- they do spot check ll) cart. he
accordim to Robert A. Baker. in pro- impair your memory and concentra- and will have exam anxiety “Exam called the relaxation ruporue. it dy Book Store. and Paul Harrism said
lunar of pychology, who said going tion."hesaid. anxiety is related to the amount of - will restore your body back to work- UK police chief also said book if a book ll stolen. Kennedy said.
to sleep and dreaming can restore Drinking coffee or other caffeine pressure one puts on oneself that it ing order “ theftsincrease duringfimlwmlt the attident should report it lmflw':
me'smemory. drinks do little to help Baker said become