xt78930nw32c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nw32c/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1945-03 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "School - Community Health Education Service", vol. XIII, no. 1, March 1945 text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "School - Community Health Education Service", vol. XIII, no. 1, March 1945 1945 1945-03 2022 true xt78930nw32c section xt78930nw32c     


0 Commonwealth of Kentucky 0










Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction







Entered as second—class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.


VOL. XIII MARCH, 1945 « .:_; N9. I





Health is a subject of the first order in a. program of education
which trains people for citizenship in a democracy. Every school
system in America recognizes the importance of health by placing it
in the curriculum to rank at least with the fundamental too] subjects
of reading, writing and arithmetic. legardless of the apparent
emphasis upon the importance of health in the lives of people, there
are still too many people who are unable to perform their duties as
citizens because of poor health.

In order that health education in the schools might be made more
effective in the lives of people it has been decided to increase em-
phasis upon health teaching and health practices in our schools and
communities. To that end a Division of Health Education has been
established in the State Department of Education and a full-time
Director has been appointed to that position. He, with the coopera-
tion of his colleagues in the Department of Education and leaders in
schools and colleges. has made an excellent start on a program of
health education and connnunity health services.

This bulletin, prepared under the leadership of Mr. Hambleton
Tapp, gives in brief the purposes of the program and describes the
progress made during the first half of this, the first year. I commend
it to you as a guide and stimulus in improving the health services
throughout the state.

Superiniendcnt of Public Instruction







In the late spring of 1944; a grant was made to the Simeriiiteii-
dent of Public Instruction by the Kellogg Foundation of Battle
Creek, Michigan, to establish a Division of Health Education in the
State Department of Education. The grant was made by the Kellogg
Foundation in order that a program of health services, state-wide in
scope, might be provided in all the communities in the state under the
leadership of the state and loeal school systems.

Health has long been recognized as the first cardinal objective
in all programs of education in the elementary and secondary schools.
So important is it considered to be in the educational program that
health is a required subject at every grade level in the public ele-
mentary and secondary school ot.‘ the state. It is considered a
“must” subject just as spelling, reading and writing. Health
education is included in every course of study prepared by the state
and in almost every pamphlet which the state has published relating
to the total program of the state.

Emphasis on the subject of health, however, has not been
strong enough since the results have been disappointing. \Vhen the
figures concerning rejections of prospective fighting men were
released by the selective service boards, people were shocked at the
wholesale rejection of young men because of physical unfitness.
Somewhere we have failed to do enough. to develop health knowledge
to the degree. that it resulted in health practice. Perhaps the mat-
ter of health in the curriculum should have more emphasis than has
been given to it in schools and communities. “\Vhat steps should be
taken? \Vhere could we get the funds to do things in health edu-
cation we have thought we should do but were unable to do?” The
budget set up for the operation of the State Department of Education
could not bear a heavier load.

Information came to the Superintendent of Public Instruction
that the Kellogg Foundation had helped the State Department of
Education in Michigan develop a promising program of Community
Health Services in that state. The Foundation was contacted and an-
encouraging reply was received. Kentucky was asked to formulate
a plan of extending health education services through the schools.
A staff member, representing the Superintendent of Public Instruc-



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tion, visited the Kellogg Foundation, conferred with the Director of
Community Health Service Projects, and studied the program of
Community Health. Services under the direction of the Michigan
State Department of Education. He reported to the Superintendent
the result of his investigation.

The Superintendent appointed a State Connnittee on Health
Education to advise with him and his staff concerning the kind of
health services the State Department of Education should sponsor.
This committee met on May 10, 1944, to consider the question. The
committee was made up of persons in the field of health and persons
in closely related fields. It included the following persons:

Dr. P. E. Blackerby, Commissioner of Health, State Board of
Health, Louisville, Kentucky.

Dr. Static Erickson, Head Home Economics Department, Col-
lege of Agriculture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

Miss Elizabeth File, Director of Child \Velfare, State Depart-
ment of \Velfare, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Mrs. Emma Hunt Kruzeisc, President, State Board of Nurse
Examiners, 604: South Third Street, Louisville; Kentucky.

Dr. A. M. Lyon, Director of Hospitals, Department of \Velfare,
Frankfort, Kentucky.

Miss Mary Lois ll’r‘lllI'aHZS‘Oil, State Director, Home Economic
Education, Department of Education, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Dr. R. E. Jagger's, Vice Chairman, Chief, Bureau of Instruction,
Department of Education, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Hon. John Fred W tilliums, Chairman, Superintendent of Public

. Instruction, Department of Education, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Dr. Maurice F. Seay, General Consultant, Director Bureau of
School Service, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

The Superintendent presented to this group an outline of the
plan he and his staff had worked out. After discussion and modifi-
cation the Advisory Committee on Health Education recommended
the following broad plan as a program of action.

A. Purpose of Community Health Service Program
1. Develop leadership in community health service among sec«

ondary school pupils.

Make the school a healthful place in which to learn.

Make the home a healthful place in which to live.

Make children healthier.

Give experiences in the maintenance of health.

Make community health services available to as many people

as possible.







B. State Coordination

1. A state coordinator of community health service projects in

the schools should be appointed by the Superintendent of
Public Instruction.

Provision should be made for preparation of county helping
teachers and county coordinators and for persons who pre-
pare secondary pupils for leadership in community health

. Provision should be made to bring county helping teachers

and coordinators, and persons who prepare secondary pupils
for leadership in community health services, together for
selecting, classifying, and organizing materials of learning,
and planning for carrying out of programs in counties and

. The state coordinator should work with county coordinators

and helping teachers, and with persons who direct in lead-
ership preparation in the secondary schools.

The state coordinator should work with all divisions in the
State Department of Education and all other departments
which can contribute to the purposes of this program.

The coordinator should have the status of supervisor in the
field of instruction.

. There should be a state advisory committee representing

health, child welfare, home economics, hospitals, nursing,
and general education.

C. Suggested Program of Action at Local School Units

1. Select 10 counties or 25 twelve grade schools in which the

program should be inaugurated in the entire 12 grades.
Work with local health departments, hospitals, nurses, child
welfare agencies, home economics departments, nutrition
committees, demonstration agents, farm agents, farm secur-.
ity agents, and others in preparing local program of action.
Provide for secondary school pupils definite preparation for
leadership in community health service.

Organize programs at all school levels leading toward the
achievement of all the accepted purposes of this program.

. Provide materials for learners at the elementary and sec-

ondary school levels.

Select a helping teacher or teachers to be the coordinators
of health instruction.

D. Financial Support of the Community Health‘Service Project

1. Costs of implementing this program should be estimated.
2. Application should be made to the W. K. Kellogg Founda-

,,tion for funds with which to implement the program.



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lnnnediately after the meeting ot the State Superintemlent with
the State Advisory (,‘ommittee on Health Education. application was
made to the Kellogg .li‘oundation by the Superintendent of Public
Instruction. The Foundation made a grant snt’lt'iciently large to pro-
vide for the em}:)lovmmit ot‘ a State, ("oordinator and for his traveling
expenses, secretarial assistance, for the coordination. a sum tor work—
shop, a small sum for publication, and a sum to be used in helping a
limited number of counties in the employment ot county health

The State Director of” Health Education assumed his duties on
August 14, lSJ—t-l, and began at once to take the l'irst steps in the
formulation of a program of action.

The first major step taken in the, program was to select 10
counties in which intensive programs ol" community health services
vere to be organized. This task was completed in September. The
second major step was to organize a workshop for the intensive job
training of county coordinators who were to lead in organizing the
Community Health Service, Program in the counties selected.

The counties selected are widely representative of the counties
of the state and are t'airly well distributed on a geographic basis. The
counties selected with the county coordinators are:

Adair Mrs. Clyde Marshall
Breathitt Mrs. R. M. VanHorne
Elliott Miss Opal Brown
Knox Chester Hammons
Leslie Mrs. Lelia Begley
Letcher Robert Blair
Magoffin Miss Olga Prather
McCracken Mrs, Marell Morris
Pike Mrs. Sallie Kimbler
Todd Mrs. B. L. Peniek


The State Director of Health Education soon atter assuming his
position prepared a general statement: about the program and dis-
tributed it to all participants in the program of health education in
the county systems. This statement covered such phases of the pro-
gram as Purpose, First; Steps, Obligations of Counties. the Connnun—
ity—thool Health Service \Vorkshop, the General Duties of the State
Supervisor of Health Education, the \Vork of the County Coordina—
tor, a Course of Study in Health Education, and the like. It is
reproduced here in order to illustrate early steps in planning:









The Purpose— To stimulate a county or community interest
in the importance of health to such an' extent that the individual, the
home, the school, the community will strive to learn the best health
practices and put them into operation.

First Steps— The State Supervisor will select ten counties of
the state in which to project an intensive connniniity-school health
education experiment program, in accordance with the desires of both
the XV. K. Kellogg Foundation (donor of the. fund making possible
the work) and the State Community—School. Health Education

Obligations of the Counties Selected—Jl‘o appoint a person to
act as county supervisor, or coordinator, of the county—wide health
education work. This appointment will be made by the county board
of education. The person appointed should be one possessing above
the. average intelligence, energy, enthusiasm, personality and, if
possible, should be a college graduate with successful teaching
experience. The counties selected will be obliged to pay all of the
salary of the local coordinator except $500 contributed by the Kellogg
Foundation, as well as traveling expenses. The salary, however, is
arranged by the county school superintendent. (The suggestion is
made that the superintendent of the independent districts of the
counties selected be requested by the county superintendnt to aid in
paying the salary of the coordinator.) It should be made as large as

The Community-School Health Education Workshop—
A course of training for the county coordinators will be given at the
University of Kentucky, Lexington, probably September 11—16. This
school, directed by Dr. Leonard Meece, Bureau of School Service,
University of Kentucky, and a staff of elementary and secondary
school experts from the State Department of Education and from
Teachers Colleges, will be under the instruction of well—known
authorities: State Board of Health doctors and muses; nutritionists,
dietieians and luncln'oom experts from the University and the State
Department of Education; welfare and mental hygiene specialists
from the State \Velfare Department; an authority from the Kentucky
Education Association upon buildings and grounds in their relation
to school sanitation; a lecturer sent by the Kentucky State Dental
Association; a physical education and playground specialist; county
health doctors and nurses, and others. This will be the most unique
and comprehensive school of its kind ever conducted in Kentucky.
Immediately following- the close of this workshop the coordinators



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will return to their districts and begin making plans for the im-
mediate organization of the community—school health program of
their counties. The State Supervisor will aid in the community
organization of each of the ten counties.

Work of the State Supervisor in the Counties— He will
attempt to arouse local enthusiasm by advocating and explaining a
new community-school health education effort in the county. This
he will do in several ways:

1. Visiting and enlisting the cooperation and aid of the health
units, the doctors and nurses.



Visiting and enlisting the coope'ation and support of the
hospitals and clinics.

3. Enlisting cooperation of the Red Cross, the county farm
agent, Frontier Nursing Association toward more practical lesson in
community-school health education.

4. Stimulating the interest and support of, as well as leader—
ship, the clubs, societies and associations, such as

The Parent-'i‘eachers Chamber 01" Commerce
\Vomen’s Clubs Board of Trade
Kiwanis Club » Ministerial Association
Rotary Club 4—H Club

Lions Club Boy Scouts

Exchange Club Girl Scouts

Camp Fire Girls

5. Attempt to arouse the enthusiasm and support of the local
editor, so that favorable publicity will issue through the county.

6. Become acquainted with the manager of the local motion
picture theatre, with the view of favorable advertising and use of
facilities for showing health education pictures.

7. Discuss the School-Community program with the teachers,
superintendents, principals and boards of education of both county
and independent school districts.

8. Visit schools, as far as time permits, to help organize work,
to Observe the plan in operation and to check results.

9. In an abbreviated form the State Supervisor will carry out
this procedure in as many of the counties of the state as possible,
exclusive of the ten selected for intensive work, as the State Commit-
tee has resolved to begin organizing a School-Community Health
Education plan in all the counties possible, with particular emphasis









being placed upon the elementary schools. (This is a long-time pro—
g 'am which has as its object the gradual improvement of health in
the community—the developing of strong, hardy robust men and
women—to the end that the county, and thereby the nation, be made
stronger and happier.

Work of the County Coordinator; This person will work
with the State Director in kindling and developing a coinity—wide
enthusiasm in community-school health education. He or she will be
able to do the ground work in preparing the county for the program
prior to the arri 'al of the State Director. The county coordinator,
after having attended the workshop, will return to his or her county
to give the county’s teachers the things learned in that conference.
He or she will aid these teachers in organizing and establishing
courses in health education. It will be his or her duty to visit all the
county schools, for purposes of helping and cl'iecking, make contact
with the county agencies and officials—health officer, visiting nurse,
welfare worker, community hospital, Red Cross agent, county farm
agent, dietician, service clubs, etc—enlist their help for the schools—
such as establishing clinics, providing for lectures, consultations,

round—table discussions, demonstrations, movies. visitation, practice

and experimentation a conduct school and community surveys.
demonst'ation, summer camps, as well as visit, in so far as time per-
mits, families in the county. The county coordinator will encourage
every teacher to teach health in everything, even in arithmetic and
geography, in order to cause the child to maintain a constant con—
sciousness of the importance of health in successful and happy living.
He or she will, encourage the instructors of health education to teach
by the problem method, making the problems as practical and appli-
cable to the locality as possibe, and to use the textbook mainly to
supply information which the problem has suggested, such as the
local well or water suppy or fountain, or the size of the room, light—
ing, ventilation, etc., or a local epidemic measles, scarlet fever, itch,
etc. Health education can be made very popular. The county co—
ordinator can also help by conducting demonstration classes and by
furnishing materiaIs—pamphlets, bulletins. books, tests, camera,
slides, movies, etc.


The county coordinator will make reports in writing from time
to time to the State Director. lt will be well for him or her to make
a survey of the local field to determine the program to be made. The
plan then should be set up, outlining the problems, the methods of
attack and the objectives. All of this should be carefully set forth in
writing. At the end of the year 2;. general snnnnary of the achieve



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ment's should be made in a written report. A log or running narra~
tive of the work in the county, with newspaper clippings, pictures,
eertain letters, would be invaluable, as well as interesting.

The Course of Study in Health Education— This will take into
conside 'ation four main t’aetors, namely

.. the individual
2. the family
It. the school
4. the eommunity

Hundreds ol’ points are involved under these four headings.
.lust eonsider for a moment, for instance, some of the many important
elements involved in the matter of personal hygiene—care of skin,
hair, nails, kind and eondition of wearing apparel, condition of the
teeth, eyes, ears, nose and throat, respiratory habits, eating and
digestive habits. posture. exercise, reereational habits, mental atti-
tude; some evolving around the fmuily—eondition of the house
(floors, walls. ceilings, lighting, heating, ventilating, degree of clean-
liness), sickness, precaution against eontagion, foods. cooking condi—
tions, mental attitudes and distmsitions ot' the parents, moral influ—
ences, ete; or the school with its many problems involving safety,
sanitation, nutrition and health; or the community with its problems
of safety (streets, transport, buildings, lighting, order), sanitation
(eondition of streets, buildings, water supply, t’oods, sewage, etc),
health and the facilities for maintaining it (involving elinies, hospi-
tals, sanitoriums, and the care of diseasesfitubereulosis, eaneer, polio
and ordinary epidemieal diseases). These are only a few of the inter-
esting problems which present themselves. rl‘he pupils will be face to
late with aetual eonditious, will study them, offer suggestions and
then study more.

in the end, the pupil not only should have a fair knowledge of
the important l’aetors involved in health edueat'ion, but should be
healthier and happier; will attempt to make the school, the home and
the entire community safer, cleaner, healthier and happier; all of
which will exert its influence upon making a healthier, happier,
stronger state and nation.


A. workshop in Health Education was eondueted on the Campus
of the University ol’ Kentueky, September 11—10, lSHJr. Dean
“'illiam S. Taylor, Dr. Maurice l“. Seay, Dr. ll. '14]. Mee(:e, all of the
University of Kentucky, and State Superintendent John Fred

. 11





\Villiams and Dr. R. ‘E. Jaggers of the Department of Education,
advised with the Director in selecting the time and place of the
workshop. Dr. L. E. Meece was asked to be the Director of the

The Workshop Schedule and Staff

Monday, September 11:
9 A. M. to 11 A. M.

Milk and Food Sanitation—Mrs. Sarah Vance Dugan, Director, Divi-
sion of Foods, Drugs and Hotels

Motion pictures: “Eating Out” or “Slinging Hash”; “Modern Magic”

11 A. M. toZP. M.

Water and Sewage and General Sanitation, by Charles M. Davidson,
Director, Division of Sanitary Engineering, State Board of Health.
Film: “Water—Friend or Enemy”

The pictures are shown and explained by Roy McGee
“Winged Scourge”; “Vandals of the Night”; “Keep Em Out”;
—Mosquitoes, Rats, Flies.
' 2 P. M. to 3:30 P. M.
The Control of Communicable Disease—R. E. Teague, M. D., Director
Division of Tuberculosis
3:30 P. M. to 4 P. M.
Round-table discussion

Tuesday, September 12:
9 A. M. to 11A. M.

The Local Health Department in Kentucky—Dr. Carl M. Gambill
and Dr. P. E. Blackerby, Chairman of the State Board of Health
11 A. M. to 12 P. M. and 1:30 P. M. to 2 P. M.
Individual Health Protection—Robert H. English, M. D,. P. A. Sur—
geon U. S. Public Health Service.
Reports of County Health Doctors and Nurses


Round-table discussion
Staff meeting.

Wednesday, September 13:
9 A. M. to 10 A. M.
Nutrition—Dr. Statie Erickson, Home Economics Department, Uni-
versity of Kentucky
10 A. M. to 11 A. M.
Round—table discussion of Nutrition

11 A. M. to 12 P. M.
Reports of County Health Officers



 )11, 1:30 to 2:30 P. M.

3118 School Lunch Program—Miss Mary Lois Williamson, State Depart-
:he ment of Education

2230 P. M. to 3 P. M.
Round-table discussion of School Lunch Rooms

Meeting between staff and county coordinators
Thursday, September 14:
- 9A. M. to 11:30 P. M.

Physical Education and Playgrounds, leader, Miss Rosallia Kurz,

Physical Education Supervisor, Louisville City Schools, followed by

round-table dicussion of playgrounds and physical education pro-
3n, grams

th- 1:30 P. M. to 2:30 P. M.

Social Service work done by the State Welfare Department, by Miss
Elizabeth Fike, Supervisor of Child Welfare

2:30 P. M. to 3 P. M.
Discussion of local social service work, led by county health nurses

tor 3 P. M. to 4 P. M.
Meeting of the staff and coordinators.



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Friday, September 15:
9 A. M. to 11 A. M.

Mental Hygiene Work in Kentucky, leader, Dr. A. M. Lyon, Director
Mental Hygiene, State Welfare Department

11 A. M. to 12 M.

Buildings and Grounds in Their Relation to Sanitation, discussed by

Hon. John W. Brooker, Public Relations Director, Kentucky Educa-
tion Association, Louisville.

lI‘- 1:30 P. M. to 2 P. M.

Round-table discussion of general physical and health problems re-
lating to the school and grounds


Staff and coordinators to formulate program of. Health Education to
be used in the counties.


Saturday, September 16:
9 A. M. to 12 M.

Reports of the staif and the cordinators upon the programs arranged
for the counties.

1i- The Visiting Workshop Staff

Miss Mary Rone, Todd County Nurse, Elkton

Dr. Charles J. Grubin, Director, Madison County Health Department
Richmond '

Miss Geneva Hinton, Nurse, Scott County Health Department

Miss Bessie Marie Ball, Bureau of Public Health Nursing, State Board
of Health, Field Advisory Nurse, Louisville






Dr. Paul D. Moore, Health Officer, Lincoln, Garrard and Casey

Roy McGee, Teacher Coordinator Schools for Food Handlers, State .‘

Board of Health and State Department of Education

Captain Robert H. English, M. D., Assistant Director, County Health
Work, State Board of Health

J. Rout, Sanitary Inspector, Lincoln, Casey, Garrard Counties
Miss Alice M. Payne, Public Health Nurse, Mercer County, Harrods-


Dr. W. H. Skaggs, Public Health Officer, Anderson and Shelby

Miss Virginia Robinson, Fayette County Health Department, Lex-

Miss Ethel H. Snapp, Fayette County Health Department, Lexington

Miss Ruth Worthington, Fayette County Health Department, Lex-

Dr. Samuel L. Andelman, Praintsville and Magoffin County Health

Miss Irene Nooe, Attendance Officer, Mercer County, Harrodsburg
Miss Mary Vance Day, Elementary Supervisor, Somerset City Schools
C. W. Marshall, Superintendent of Adair County Schools, Columbia

Some Workshop Results

The workshop, the first of its kind held in Kentucky (in so far
as is known) was, based upon audition and the spontaneous testi-
mony of persons participating, one of the most stimulating, instruc-
tive and inspiring experiences remembered by the coordinators. The
magnificent work of the members of the State Department of Health
(highlighted by the brilliant discourse of Dr. English), the profound
discussion upon the subject of nutrition, with its vital ramifications,
by Dr. Static Erickson, the zealous presentation of the physical
needs of Kentucky school buildings by the Hon. John \V. Brooker,
the enlightening expositions of mental hygiene and welfare needs by
Dr. A. M. Lyon and Miss Elizabeth Fike—in fact, all, particularly
the distinguished work of Dr. Meece, the director, was of a calibre
to do credit to any national conference of professional people. The ‘
group was fortunate enough also to have the pleasure of the brief
attendance of Dr. Masters and of Mr. Seay. Their suggestions were

Although a vast amount of material was presented, the analyzer
might list the minimum results in this type of outline:

1. Sanitation (Even if the county coordinators succeed in
getting established a few sanitary toilets, a few sanitary pumps, in' I
having made a few school, grounds more healthful, causing more
paint to be spread, in helping to secure pure water for a few schools,
in teaching a few children the importance of killing and preventing




State . ‘







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disease germs—thereby helping them to become healthier and thereby
saving lives—something will have, been accon'iplislied.)

2. Immunization (If they succeed in having a modest number
of children, grown—ups as well, inniiunized against certain diseases-
diphtheria, smallpox, whooping cough, etc—something vital will
have been achieved.)

3. Clinics (The coordinators will work with the local health
officers in conducting clinic—general physical examinations and
special. such as eye, ear, nose, throat, dental and tubercular. If they
can follow up, which means saving lives, they will have done a fine

4. Home Nursing (In some of the counties classes. composed
of high school girls, are being organized for instruction in home
nursing and hospital practice, which training will greatly benefit
the home, the community and the nation.

5. Nutrition and Lunchrooms (lf the coordinators and teachers
are able to teach the effect of nutrition upon the human body to a
few score of children—and cause them to make proper nutritional
practices habitual, so that the effect is felt in the homes—then some-
thing quite salutary will have been accomplished. The lunchroom
may be the practice center of good nutrition"; it helps to make the
children healthy; it sets an example in proper foods and serving
which will have a benign effect upon the home and the community;
it. is a blessing to those children who do not receive enough good,
nutritious food. Every lunchroom which the coordinator is instru—
mental in obtaining will reflect itself in healthier bodies, sounder
minds, increased years of life and happier living.

6. Physical Education and Summer Camps (It was generally‘
agreed that each school should plan a general physical education
program, in which each child participates, and that the gymnasium
should be open to all. Agreed also were all that more games should
be learned (more guidance material obtained) and more playground
equipment obtained, particularly in the rural connnunities. ,It was
agreed also that the entire community, adults as well as youths,
should be encouraged to play; particularly was the idea of establish-
ing ru‘al community-liouses encouraged. Little time was a 'ailable
for discussion of the important subject of summer camps.

7. First Aid (Unfortunately practically no time was available
for discussion of this vital subject. It was agreed, however, that
each school. should have a First. Aid kit, the use of which each child
should learn by practice, and that somewhere in the czu'riculu'm.
provision should be made for courses in First Aid).










8. General. Health Education courses (Organized health in- ‘
struction on all school levels and planned heathful living throughout
the school experience. At elementary levels, particularly primary,
this may be undertaken as a part of larger projects, if desired. At
secondary levels specific instruction, by means of the problem
method, in health in its various ramifications should be given. Here,
too, may be brought in training for home nursing and hospital
practice, even first aid and Red Cross training, to the end, generally,
that accurate knowledge, appropriate attitudes and sound habits
aimed to further individual and community health be firmly
established) .

Immediately following close of the workshop, the coordinators
returned home and plunged into their work. They projected this
preliminary work; conferred with their superintendents; visited the
local health departments (for assistance, knowledge of resources, and
of county health conditions, as well as for working out a joint plan
of action) ; appointed then a committee of prominent county citizens
(for advice, help and coordination purposes) ; presented the idea of
the new work to the county teachers (and their good will and coopera-
tion assured) ; surveyed the schools; met the local. committee to sub-
mit plans; presented the case to various organizations (such as
Kiwanis, Rotary, \Vomen’s Clubs, etc.) and their help was solicited;
schools selected for intensive experimental work (the range is from
five to all in a county, depending upon the desire of the county


Visits ”to all counties which have special programs in health
education and have employed county coordinators, show that plans
have b