xt78930nw379 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78930nw379/data/mets.xml Hall, Jacob Henry, 1855-1941 Ruebush, W. H. (William Howe), 1873-1957 Ruebush, J. H. (James Hott), 1865-1948 1908 scores (documents for music) M2198 .H350 1908 English The Ruebush-Kieffer Co Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Gospel music Revival hymns Choruses, Sacred (Mixed voices, 4 parts) Crowning Day, 1-6 Combined: Contains 297 Numbers of the Most Popular Songs of This Famous Series of Gospel Song Books, 1908 text 1 close score (287 pages), 21 cm. Call Number: M2198 .H350 1908 Library's copy imperfect: Spine damaged Library's copy imperfect: Spine damaged.Provenance: Wilcox, Glenn C Crowning Day, 1-6 Combined: Contains 297 Numbers of the Most Popular Songs of This Famous Series of Gospel Song Books, 1908 1908 1908 2023 true xt78930nw379 section xt78930nw379  



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41:21 it: "”"“””’







(Em tuning

Nos. 1-—6 Combined

Contains 297 Numbers of the Most Popular Songs of 1111:;

Famous Series of Gospel Songs

Property of

Dayton, Virginia


The Ruebusmfiéiefier £10.,


In ardeziag this book alwsys my.e Cc Dr-I—o and kind at note: wanted
PRICE-«SO cents each; $5.00 per dozen, postpaid

- ' E315“ ”WWMTETW ..._.. 32m








Wm"... mum...“









{Hi '3“ “HDHI 1H!




\ V, . w” . . m ,.J..d...,m,.n.v..w
...svi,,...r..:affidrfixvyfirwfiwfimflaflmfif; u, .E . ‘ k ‘





Contains 297 Numbers of the Most Popular Songs of this
' famous Series of Gospel Song Books.

This is a Superior Collection of Gospel Songs and Hymns g 1
suitable for every Department of Church Work. I



I. H. fiall, J. H. Ruebush, and W. H. Ruebush




In ordering this book always say, C. D.—I-6 and kind of
notes wanted.


Price, 50 cents each; $5.00 per dozen, postpaid.



Copyright. 1908, by The Ruebush Kien‘er Go.




Lord is my

shepherd; I shall not want.

SCHOOL. He maketh me to lie
down in green pastures: he
leadeth me beside the still wa-

LEADER. He restoreth my
soul: he leadeth me in paths
of righteousness for his
name’s sake.

SCHOOL. Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shad-

evil. for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff they
comfort me.

LEADER. Thou preparest a
table before me in the pres:
ence of mire enemies: thou
anointest my head with oil :
my cup runneth over.

SCHOOL. Surely goodness and
mercy shall follow me all the
days of my life: and I will
dwell in the house of the Lord
for ever.


ow of death, I will fear no

ALL. 0 Praise the Lord, all ye nations. Praise
him, all ye people. For his merciful kind.
ness [is great toward us; and the truth of
the Lord endureth for ever. Praise ye the

tLEADEB. After this manner therefore pray ye: Matt. 6: 9.13.
The Lord’s Prayer.







































Dr. H. R. Palmer, by 1:01.
—{‘r l l J
mv i 4’ 1L A :1‘
a ”'—_I Is): 0 L :11)... J
U— 6- an -6—
1. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name;
2, Give us this day our dai - ly bread,
3. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil;
! a 0 I, 6'
(g: . é {2” lg) L J,
1575— U ‘r t 5 ~ 3
I L i l . ll J1
$5 '1 OJ 1 l i II I I
g La——6—Fg—-;l+l—z-—fl
U a -6~ -6- «9-
i Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

lAnd forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass a-gainst us.











Wm Thine is the kingdom.and the power, and the glory for—ever and ever. A - MEN.

i . #9- 1:9— 0 I 5’ 0 rl 5’ I

.E. l 7 l i r [I 6’ I

(W15 0 II I : [LO LO H I
i i '





The Crowning Day.

“ Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the LORD, the
righteous judge, shall give me at THAT DAY : and not to me only, but unto
all them also that love his appearing.” Paul’s second letter to
Timothy iv : 8.

No. 1. Coronation.

“ But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the sufi‘ering
of death, crowned with glory and honour.”——HnBRr-:ws ii: 9.



1. All hail the pow’ r of Je - sus’ name! Let an- gels pios- -trate fall;

2. Ye chos - en seed of Is - 1ael’s race, A rem-nant weak and small,
3. Yo gen ~ tile sin- ners ne er for - get The worm-wood and the gall;
4. Let ev - ’ry kin -dred, ev - ’ry tribe On this ter - res- trial ball,
5. 0 that, with yon- der sa - cred throng,We at His feet may fall,




























































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U ' i 1- NIH \r

Bring forth the my - a1 di - a - (lem, And crown Him Lord of all;

Hail Him who saves you by His grace,And crown Him Lord of all;

Go spread your trophies at His feet And crown Him Lord of all;

To Him all maj - es - ty as - cribe,And Clown Him Lord of all;

VVe’ll join the ev - er - last- in" song, And crown Him Lord of all;

, “ —o— — - ‘1 — Q ,9 61' .9 ‘
e31? ~E—F‘gfi-f‘ 1% e :a P 1:
1 1 r r t : rt 1 1I

I n g 4 r a J 1 4r J. r l )4 ———-l— a
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git—g: ‘— ?’:::l: —l;iv_":{——‘_,_I:6__;j '_j_:—I_ .L_

U ' V f . l—
Bring forth the r0_v- al l(1i - a - (lem, And crown Him Lord of all.
Hail Him whosaves you by His grace,And crown Him Lord of all.

Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all.

To Him all maj ~es - ty as-cribe, And crown Him Lord of all.

We’ll join the ev - er - last-ing song, And crown Him Lord of all.

N ’ A
l L 3‘ L 4- .413. , l f 1;» g,
gig—1 _IEE:i‘—t if r i 1 a lll"§" {:0

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 1,3,,» A,vv 1. ..‘ . , . ”r .
”~%=Avawmair§u mainus‘e 3,:- s «1». 1’1" ‘


No. 2. I am Washed in the Blood.










Rev. Elisha A. Hoffman. J. H. Hall.
:iflj:—fi—_& \



1. I have been to Je - sus to be cleans’dwith pow’ r, In the a
2. I will walk in meek-ness at my Sav - iour’s side, 0 the
3 I will keep 1111 - spot -ted from the world and sin, Thro’ the
















_ -p- -1- .p- . . - -g- -Q. “
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4'1; a ‘ v 5 . a ' J






blood, the pre-cious blood, And I 1111 - ger
blood, . . . the pre-cious blood, I will trust each
blood, . the pre-cious blood, In the foun-tain




In the blood, the pre-cions blood,

0 the blood, the pre-eions blood,
Thro’ the blood, the pre-cious blood,


at thefonntthis ver — y hour, At thefount of Je - sus’ blood.
mo-ment in the Cru - ci - fled, O the blood, the pre - cious blood.
flow-111g for the soul 11n—clean, In thefount of Jo - sus’ blood. «

- -9- 4-





I am washed in the blood, In theheart-cleaneing
Hal-le-lu-jah, Hal- le- lu— jah,

hfihh e
:;°_d,d_1. xdh-ddg




I am washed, in the blood,

Copyright, l893, by John McPherson. By per.



(u L; w







. g‘L‘éLv‘yil‘akiS-L: '

.. Megan“ .. '

5L%-§:’;:Aané<‘ 411-7125». .1».- gag-£5251 1555155.; 1 : x :

lawsuit“: ’4

I am Washed in the Blood. Concluded.


blood of the Lamb; I am washed. . .

Hal - le - lu - jah, H111 - le - lu- jah,
N \ \ \
x d - d_ :1 _0L



was hed,



in the blood, I am washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Hal — le -l11-jal1,

h 5 h l\
x 5 a5, :5: ,5:


in the blood,

No. 3. Dennis.

Rev. John Fawcett. H. G. Nageli.



’1 :II 1L1 I IJ :‘J I k5 i _
’Efié—5— $5: 5:5: 53155 :55; L5:il_:5:l E5}: 5 I52:

—o— :g: »o— o—




1. Blest be the tie thatbinds 0111 hunts 111 Chris-112111 love;
2. Be - fore our Fa-tl1er’stl1ro11e,\Ve pour 0111' {11‘ - (le11tp1‘211‘1‘s;
3. We share 0111‘ 11111 - tualwoes;()ur 11111 — tual bur - (lens bear;














4. \Vhen we a - Sllll - cler part, It gives us in - 11111111111111;
I’\ I’\ I
‘ -o— —o— I -9- >44 I de I J
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F i 1 1
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-:3:"::...3::1:g1"?"' ' 1’: 13:;1:y1:3: 2‘ :
~o:a— -v— 1 1 —o— o: «'—

The fol - low - slup of k111—cl1‘ed 111111ds Is 1like to that a - hove
Our fearsom' hopes,onr aims are one, 0111‘ com~forts and our cares.
And oft - on for each 0th - er flows The sym -sz - thiz - ing tear.
But we shall still be join’din l1eart,A11d hope to meet a-gain.
4 I» I ,/‘ I _‘I:\ I If: I~._ ’\ l I
-'_I;: fi‘g— g—aq‘ 1 I19 ' r













1 1.

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No. 4. Hark! the Voice of Jesus Calling.

Dr. H. R. Palmer.



fifiifi :Ej—fi‘L—L‘H —.+—h-—«—1—t4‘—+— 1+3

- {to-'— 0:0— 0:0;w-o——~:: —I; I:t "_‘:§:3

1. Harklthe voiceof Je-sus call-ing,“Fol-low me, fol-low me!”
2. Who will heed the ho - 1y mandate,“Fol-low me, fol-low me!"
3. Heark-en, lest He plead no long -er,“Fol-low me, fol-low me!”

'L:n— p ewe—4 :1— a—
gig: {tr—rt: :I—FE [EE E:3












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Soft - 1y thro’ the si - lence fall - ing,“Fol - low, fol — low me!"
Leav - ing all things at His bid-ding,“Fol - low, fol - low me I ”
Once a -gain, 0h, hear Him call - ing,“Fol - 10W, fol -low me!”




—p—-— a ‘5‘ .- _- at—e—r
@333 :rj:E:::‘t: : :1:- — L
filifl E:‘;2::lz:___ .___k_.__ fi*:_

v V V v v














$96.?“ I? _1 _:._ “JEFW

As of old He called the fish- ers,When he walked by Gal - i - lee,
Hark ! that ten- dcr voice en-treat-ing Mar - i- ners onlife’s rough sea,
Turn-lug swift at Thy sweet summons,Ev - er-more,0 Christ,would we,











._$E4~__J\ «4‘ 35 J‘ h -- —n 1—11.:
ergg—ifi a gia—g 2:;9 :T r 5—3
"—z—Ké'kiaézéi' :95 5?}

v 5 v v a VI



Still His pa - tient voice is pleading,“Fol - low, fol - low me!”
Gen - tly, 10v - ing - 1y, re - peat-ing,“Fol - low, fol - low me!”
For Thy love all else for -sak - ing, F01 - low, fol - 10w The-e!

By permission H. R. Palmer, owner of Copyright.



 1 ' N0. 5. What a Friend We have in Jesus. %

“There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” PROV. xviii: 24.









Rev. H. Bonar. Charles C. Converse. By per.
__—.§_——1 :1‘ 11‘ 4‘ 1“ r l g:
31—133: 1.. . 21—55 j};—
:13 -a%1‘— :— ~—11+y~—-1%+:1—3:‘1
-9- ~9- -9~


1. \Vhat afriend we have in Je - sus, All oursins and griefsto bear;
2. Have we tri - als and temp-ta-tions? Is there trouble a - ny-where§
3. Are weweakandheaV-y 1a - den, Cumber’d witha load of care?




















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J '1:r%£~-- 12—1—1: i 4911‘:
-9— 1-4- —o- —9—.
What a priv-i -1ege to car - ry E\ ~1yth1ngto God in prayer.

“’9 shouldneV-er be dis-cour—aged, Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Pre-cious Saviour,stillour ref - uge— Take it to the Lord in prayer.



















.— 9 9; 511? v19'?_.t 33"?r9‘3‘“ “—7
:53: r ‘9 1; e 1e * 1 F— E—th 11—51
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‘ __-4 _ *::1_'_.—1:1_ : _y : 1:1: :1:
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Oh,w'nat peace we oft-en for- feit, 011, what needless pain We hear,
Can we find afriendso faith-ful, \Vho will all our sorrows share?




.::.:;_.,.v..:;.¢:¢a.=».wa.m_..z. ..: . : .. « -. 1‘. -‘ ~


























D0 thyfriendsdespise,f0rsake thee? Take it to the Lordin prayer;
-9- —9— -9- —9— -l9— —9— ‘2‘ g I. .1“ —g— -9- —9— —9— f”
l in ‘— 1L 5 1
r (I ' 1 1 "-
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:r i:;:i:_i 45 j ::1‘ 1 :4: 7-1.:
.:::: .:5: a15% 5—.—5_: :11
, -9— —9- -o- —9-.
All be-cause we do not cur - ry EV - ’ry thing to God in prayer.
Je -susknows ourev-’ry Weakness, Take it to the Lordin prayer.
9; In His arms He’lltakezmdshieldthee, Thou wiltfind a sol-acethere.
‘3 7 _'.,- W 4. __:1_'_:: ,,_, a A t 1___‘ __ _
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No. 6. Ever Will 1 Pray.

A. Cummings. J. H. Tenney. E:

. , h .F
7??? = ‘1 1 . .4 2g F +E§j
__ a,











17 Q) . I l i '1 . v ‘.
,,_ :I::1::;’__T:E‘:___ _:."f-j hvr’ ;,E
1. Fa - ther, in the morn -ing U11 - to Thee I pray; E
2. At the bu - sy noon-tide,Press’dwithwork and care,
3. When the eve - ning shad -ows Chase {1 - way the light, ‘
4. Thus in life’s glad morn-111g, In its bright noon- day,



-—s”:P-.‘"fl‘—‘_'_—” ‘:‘:——’”2—2:2:::_ r—*“
‘@*_’;£::'f* ;:2’—2:E:;_21:__;§ 2" 2:232 F:E1:23

V V V I Un—toThee

























. fl ,1: 1‘ 1‘ a 1 ,s ‘ l 1
_ ,,,_ J 1 __ _
2:- 2, — .2 ifliflaarj #6:] .
_— _1 - i-;““;: ,__ i‘ _,:r0 3 a E
Let Thy 10v - ing kind — ness Keep me through this day. 1
E Then I’ll wait with Jo - sus Till He hear my prayer. ‘
: Fa - ther,then I’ll pray Thee Bless Thy child to - night. -:
i In its shad—owy eve - ning, EV - er will I pray. ,2"
.—-——fl ' —-F—— — R!~P~—-—— rflvfi—fl—o—q—Q—I 5"}
E @_ ‘ ,;2__L, 9 1 1 [ \- 1 I; r_ 9 r I '-
. —— 1———, . - L V
r: *—'-L_P——P—“P*t!*—*2 " be a. 1 P [L J
1 v v v 1 t v '
Keep me through,
i CHOR -.v
’ U
. . v 1::
I W111 pray, I Will pray, Ev - er will . I pray. if'
E I will pray, I will pray, Ev- er will I' pray.
' Morn -ing, noon and eve - ning Un - to Thee I ’11 pray. ‘
Un-to Thee 1’11 pray.


Copyright used by permission. From “ Shining Light."



 4‘ ‘mwg 1.3.x


No. 7.


Happy Spirits.

Rev. J. C. Burkett.










k l

l V 1%] j 1“ 1“ ‘V 21‘—
A 43.. v' _ k __ :‘S :j:_
A '__JEE£:_'3:_;_I;LE 33









V . . ,
1. Death shallnot de-stroy my comfort,Chr15t shallgmde me thro the gloom;
u 2. Jor-dau’sstreamsshallnot o’er-flow me While my Saviour’sby my side;
i 3. Smil-ing {in-gels now surround me,Troops resplendentfill the skies;
4. Je — sus,elnd in dziz-zlingsplendor, Now methinks ,appears inview!
' ,41— —R- —R- ‘ k -E— #4—!— f—fi— ' 9
= .& ‘WY_" _' “" 'l_ h“ —'” _W* “T:
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‘ “ ‘ ir‘ x V ‘ V V'L '1




guru: y


mam " ‘ M '

















' Down He ’11 send sonu 311:1 eon— V0 TO eon veV mV 5 )i1 — it home.

4l w v

f“, CzL-naan, Cu-naan lies be-fore me, Rise,and cross the swelling tide.

j Glo — i‘y shin-in}; all a-round me \Vhile my hap-py spir—it flies.

‘7 Brethren,could you see in Je - sus, You would love and serve Him,too.

1 v Y

4 r1+*.. # ##fit.

1 :4 i- .7: LL *7 ”pirkwtimgiT WWW, F”, r “.1: 9- I:

3 4-4 -I—404—D4~rv—0 ”r’ V r em ,4 ,4 ,4 . i :9 K

I "’“l:f*‘_"'—:H.:“—”7+: ' t L it: b Eh—I

W_V V if V V

(“1101:(73. n. P

, fl ‘ . . fl 4
‘m';_',,,._ E *4 ‘L _. j l A flI A l '1

43+— » 4i 4—44.74 —a awg— —— . —~ —314* ——l‘— —1‘—
.‘ i177 ”1 ’l—I‘L —" "_0‘A* ‘ “ “ii“ “y: ; 3

Soon with aim-gels I ’ll be marching

With bright glo-ry on my brow;













Who will share my blissful portion,

By permission.

, 4!- L 41-4:— 4— - -~ fi- 42— ,
:d —' “’:* Iii: :hg { ’ ffl .—.£: , 9*”.
Efi :1 fir; 42 u a 9 ,L‘ 43:1 ,-, 34‘5" ~*
‘ A '4 w l4 l4




Who will love my Saviour now?







No. 8. I Long to be There.

. I?
“I Will L. Thompson.
my Moderato. . L
l 4 l 41 . J






I Eiagfi- :Eii_;:—l i1:j§i_'___ *ii:£:{trj___§2il Egg

l .
1. My heav’n-ly home is brightand fair; I long to be there.



















2. My Fa-ther’shouse is built on high; I long to be there.

3. Its glit-t’ring tow’rs the sun out-shine; I long to be there.

4!— l , ' ‘ .
4:: E It i i T? i 35? ' '
If "‘4: i; I l r ' L #9:.)


I .. 1 g n m 1 r 1' J1 1 l I [ I
l g 1 I l 4 4 Jifi j l l l_ AT A 1


No pain nor death can en - ter there. I long to be there.
Far, far a. - bove the star -ry sky. I long to be there.
Thatheav’nly man -sion shall be mine. I long to be there.
































I L _ W -
nee—421 , 2"“? .9” . ,_ E2?»
l v r L 1 fl . I ‘ -.—— _
4 4._ l g 1
Jan-.3117, lg lll ILJ I l
'3: L' 'a 03 "9‘- fi_F‘fi - ”fl
011, an - gels,guide me home, An - gels,gnide me home,
4-— ,). a— 2° 4- -n- a.
whim. i- - - l :3 f3. fifiCFwE—E. I
:4 I- If E E I I Ll L L E [L l I
"I “r l . L . U ' ' l 1' ' r—I
Ch, an-gels,an-gels, guide me home, An-gels,an-gels, guide me home,


l Repeal, pp.


- gels,guide me home, I long to be there.

“-3010, an - gels, guide me home, I long to be than.

)1 pr. Will L. Thompson, East Liverpool, We.


 _ jag? _-;».;,_‘ ~21. j 35%;; 1- ~

No. 9. Bring Them In.

Alexcenah Thomas. W. A. Ogden.
fig 1' fl} 1 l
- w- | A ‘ l _ fi__ T
$52? :1??? E ii— 1933:ny :13
—‘ 1:9 3- " ' ’fv '5'; I 'fi— 4.
1. Hark l’tis the Shepherd’s voice I hear, Out in the des-ert dark and (lrear,

2. \Vho’ll go and help this Shep-herd kind, Help Him the lit; - tle lambs to find?
3. Out in the des-ert hear their cry ; Out on the mountain wild and high.

@532 5 Ligintli: #:3523142: LE;


















" 7 Ejj—*j—fif—e “J'-

Call-ing the lambs who’ve gone a - stray Far from the Shepherd’s fold a-way.
Who’llbringthe lost ones to the folcl,\V'here they’ll be shelter‘d from the cold?
Hark ! 'Tis the Mas-ter speaks to thee, “G0,flnd my lambs where’er they be.”












7:: l._ _. u_= . =fif~__f I; 9—; J ,.__:[:':. . —' fl: E
SEQéF%:{EI:lItj—E:E“ q“? :1); Efifi :ffl




Bringthem in, Bringthem in, Bring them in from the





fields of sin; Bring themin, Bringthemin, Briugthelit-tle ones to Je-sus.

Copyright. 1885, by W. A. Ogden. By perms-lion.








N0. 10. The Father’s Call.

Eliza M. Sherman. W. F. Werschkul.

W“. A . r r , . . 1
fins—14$; i 3 a s 1, 1; I , J
sz—s-W;r—.—.— j—iaTOQEIQ—U—qrfl
If I
1. Hear the heav’ nly Fa - ther call - ing,“Now My ten -der mer - cies

2. “In the book of my re - mem-brance,Shalltheirnames for-ev - er
3. Help me bow in hum - ble rev-’rence,Fa-ther,low be-fore Thy





































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V’ I I I I
0: I J r a
”fi__1_____4\ F A r j . a
———a'———3§+ —4,— “EU I j ‘r i - J


prove, I will send you rich - est bless - ings, Sweet-est
be, Who have spok - en oft to - geth - er, Who have
throne, Con - se - crat - ing all an - o Thee, Make and

negate—3 ' ~z—E1F:g_; f; . £45














I\_/ K E; If.
I “ - A a: r 1 {





“In the crown . . . of My re-


to - kens of My love.” “In the crown
ev - er tho’t of Me.”

seal me all Thine own.



joi - - cing, Bright as morn - ing stars shall

1"“. -'-'
v 5

Bright as morn - ing stars,



my re - joi-cing,


I‘m “ Bountiful Songs." By per. of S. W. Strum).


 The Father’s Call. Concluded.

shine, . . . . . . . . They who fear . . . . . Me, they who

morn-ing stars shalls ne, ey who fear e,

I they who love Me,” Saith the Lord, “they shall be


N o. 11. Pray for the Wanderer.











, fiRev. C. M. Hott. A. S. Kieffer.

1», 1“ I . I

~ £9112 _.I___I i 0 'L j—{ [1— :ZI—fl

‘ gif— ; 6-133 I?! —b;i 4—: g I [a ’*:_—o—. T_g:g_—Eg 111;!- 17,5

1. Far 111 the des - ert wild,VValking a drear -y way ;Sufl’ ling and
2. Ten -der - ly bid them come Back from sin’s wilderness ;Come to our
3. Plead now at mer-cy’s gate For each poor wan-d’ring one ;Soon it will
4. Pray,and with love entreat All who by sin are press’d ;Bid them at

-'_. 9-



















A A A ' 1 A . A ' A I) I) A A
IL’ 1' 1' I 1' I l 0 .'__' .' 1' " I [I 1' 1' 1
. gag—5r: Lille? 1Lf’.FE»F‘IIvL Lillj
5 _iz—&: Ia: h: ::tb:;-b_a_ue_1_1_Lr-th-aép_fz::::l

1 I I I V I I V I I

_ 1 . I J I

I ‘JD ‘5 4V 1 I 1 1 L I I n 1 1. 1‘ l
I ?:I2::I:j:é: 32:1:2: 21:: aid“ IL '1‘ 5. 5
a a; e .1, g e 6— . —v——»—L —'

5—51 - de-filed, Go — ing a-stray. Pray for the wan-der-er,
Fa-ther’s home Sav’d by His grace.
be too late, Life will be gone.
Je - 5113’ feet Find end-less rest.















A 9 .1..- ‘9‘ -Q_ —t Q 49-. A A A i
gm; 1' L :r, 1::1 :5 1 1 Li-‘fifi:
:g‘ _5‘I2: :1: g 1 F r Lg- 1 a h-*h:k I2: 1:



Pray for the wan-deter, Pray for the wan-derer, Go - ing a- stray.




No. 12. At the Beautiful Gate.

fillet J. H. Martin. R. M. McIntosh. By pet.


5 m A‘ [4‘
- A: ._ __ __ "__
_ $4 :le_J::1;: “3—1—3 3— 423::qfi
1. II think I shouldmournoer my sor- row- ful fate, If
no one should be at the beau- ti - ful gate, There
2 How sad - 1y I’d feel in the heav -e11 - 1y state, If
{If no one should be at the bean -ti - ful gate, Con-

-o~+-g—‘-o- ---~.—~+——










J ,3
lgfigj 3‘ —,‘ A]; M 3: 1 —°: 11‘ I‘ firs—“:ih—_‘
§:—— * fi—z—a yf—flirj—il 5:E!::3E‘——;
sor-row in heav- on can be, } Yes, wait - - ing and
wait-ingr and watch-1115;: for me.

sad-mess in heav - en can be, }
duct-ed t0 1110 ' TY by me. Yes, wait-ingand watching for
41- 1— fi- 41- —1- —o- - -o‘ - -o- -o— —o— o —









: , H . . u 1 ;; ‘_p_ _

@3EEi:b:i:i:il: fpfi L if: {E L LL E .E 1'?

v_9_g,_u_E—.—2 LI— t 'lfilfiht: itfliflZIIflfi
IVI v v v v v v v



watching for me, Yes, wait - - iug audwatching fo1‘111e;May
me, for me, Yes, wait-111g and watching for me, for me; May




_'_ -'._

.1— - —}~——


—o— -o~ ~a- ~0—

ma - 11y of those at the bean - ti - ful




3 O Lord, I beseech Thee for
Wisdom and grace,

In winning lost souls unto Thee.

That many may be in that
beautiful place,

A crown of rejoicing to me.

waiting and watching for me.



No. 13. Sitting at the Feet of Jesus.

“ Sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind.” Luke viii: 35'.
















a A. A. Armen. Rev. A. A. Arman.
' E n» it 1 h 1 1
‘ '" fl 1 1 L l gll
1e .1 '_.:.=_ 7,11%: t, i;—
:— a
' ‘j 1. My heart has found a rest— ing place—Sit- ting at the feet of
j 2. Here all my doubts and fears de-part—Sit— ting at the feet of
3 3. Here I take coun -sel how to live,—-Sit- ting at the feet of
" 4. Here I am e’er su-preme-ly blest,—-Sit- ting at the feet of
g 5. Here I en - joy com-munion sweet,—Sit- ting at the feet of
. 6. Here I shall ev - er safe-1y hide,—Sit- ting at the feet of
1 4— 4” —o— ~0— ~02
3 A “WWEIE‘” ‘3;
‘t‘ A . . . fl— 1 1
i l “ I l E: 4. I L1 Li .1 l U “ U L4 i 1 -J
A“ hl U] L l i I I
$——:1—+-4————w‘ _ '—
1 fife—m. Wm- d @3221
j I
j :>. J e-sus , ’T' is where I share the richest grace,—Sitting at the feet of J e- sus.

Jesus , Here Christ’s own blood doth cleanse my heart ,—-Sitting at the feet of J e- 8113.
1. J e-sus ; Such wis—dom God a - lone can give,——-Sitting at the feet of Je- sus.
a h H J e-sus ; When worn and weary I find rest,—Sitting at the feet of J e- sus.
— J e-sus , The Lord comes down my soul to greet, -—Sitting at the feet of J e- 5113.


Je-sus; For, God, withme, for-e’ er a-bide,——Sitting at the feet of Je- sus.

l @3531; T1 mi Ta—E Tina-EEEZEI

[ i

1 1 r rr—r-lr







is blest! Of

hap - py bliss - ful rest! Oh, how my soul
0 I -'._



Lrs-gg‘m“ h“ _. t ' 'r‘ A



the world ’tis best; Sit-ting at the feet of Je - sus.




i affine»;

Copyright, 1891, by The Ruebush—Klefler Co.




/No. 14. Jesus will Welcome Me Home.































K “That our joy might be full.” John xvi: 24.
M Rev. Geo. P. Hott. J. H. Hall.
5 A __j j_ E,“ L I'“ L 1 El
' 5:4: — ——':.: :331fi: y—‘:y:: ,EEleéfié
. :ék:j:§l:y_, _g~_ w —y_ 2
l ~0- -o- 1 ——:-
1. Hear the prom-is - es of love, Je -sus will wel-come me home,
2. I must watchand work and pray, Je -sus will wel-come me home,
E 3. Come andjoin me as I go, Je «us will wel-come me home,
4. Crm‘. ns of joy He’ll give at last, Je -sus will wel-come me home,
_'- "" O
A l i 1' 4:1; _ , L I“ J l I
, ‘5 i
. 5-4—:4_a a}; g L EagE _Ej_,! L g: d— 5+]
1 —§ “o 42 —L1—c- 0—— O mo 532:: I
l! End~ less joy in heav’n a - hove, Je- sus will wel-comemehome.
; Ev - ’ry mo-meuLday by day, Je¥ sus will wel—comemehome.
[ ’l‘mv-’ling from this world of woe, Je- 5115 will wel—come mehome.
: XVhen life’s sor- rows all are past, Je— sus will wel—comemehome.
: ', ._E ,6: ,_:£E_E£E_E£ E'E g
@: —£~— 3:3:EE—E':’“E9 , EE E:’—:EE;EEE:;:: E
,5 i in: FEE : nun—L325: e:—
l l 1/ V l V V—
fl ‘ i -:i5 I I _Jl N ahfil N \ ‘
7f}; E'Efl-:.:,:': 3E _j;§iEQ:j: -!:11:_:g ::—
: gi:v_1y E:Ed'EiEiE g‘.— , _, >y;y;yi;._y_fi 6:;—
Je-sus will wel-come me home, Je—sus will wel—come me home,
welcome me home, welcome me home.
QUQ- -_ _____ -_ ___
' ,afl-flefll—«aewfi— oeo~o 45 ~fl-o—o—o I1~o 3 age' 2_ .5—
; _-—.H;E_._ :E :tjEE 3"!E’ PVE’EFEP'E'E'E'E. E:E:*:’ET
— ~ #5:!er~ofiP—e~tv~fiv~l——F~"~- ee—lwea—E-rr-M—E—
V VI v v I ' 7 E |



When the Fa-ther’swill is done,




Copyright, 1892, by The R

Je - sus will wel—come me home.



—o- o— -o-



uebushoKlefler .Co.



 19 No. 15. Was It for. Me?

























































£11 I M w; J. M. Whyte.
_ L l‘ 1 L 1
"1% l7) 3 £- 1 1. ~19} l 4!—
@944 411. 3:3: EEEE. 3311 ;_ :;:.:.: :1;
1111 1. Was it for me, for me a- lone, The Saviour left His glo-rious throne,
1~ 2. \Vas it for me sweet an-gel strainsCame float—ing o’er Ju -de -a’splains,
3. W'as it for me He wept and pray’d My load of sin up- on Him laid
.« 4. Was it for me Hehow’d Hishead Up- 011 thocross,a11dfieely shed
5‘ "‘ :': 3: '9: "E: :1: :12:
' * ’ E ‘:E:‘:" *
,1 @512? :E: ‘-—E L E:E E E: E: E E E 11
I “173:1!!1711': wizh1- 171171 M11 ‘EV’ —',’,:
v ‘1; l
1 \_ \_ - - :
' _Q ,4, | I ‘1 1 _ N 7777
1 _ _ A # 1—_4 17 1,- v v—Vflu ‘V: 7
5:123 ;; :Es - 44E :4 i E: L...
1 —~—v— ~-— —1—:1——1;— ‘07va A 1'—
. J The dazzling splendor ofthe sky? \Vasit for 51110 Ho dame to die?
1 That starlight night.s0 long a - go? \Vas it for me God plann’dit so?
1 1 Thatnight Within Gethsem-a - no? \Vas it for 11,1e—thzttag' - o - 11y?
«‘ I His precious blood—that CI‘lIIl— -son tide? Was it for me the Saviour died?
1, 1 —n— —0~. —o—° :o-'—:: A
1 ‘ ___p. :11::_:;-_'3‘_,“' :7; 1_‘_I::E::1__ : _._ _
“ @‘Q:fii:1l:l f::';:;:1;1p- E: h: h: imfi 1:::—E .
1 40E E ¥" 1.1 EEEEE ‘1'“:9 1': i—
1, V
j, CHORUS. \
:_ _ :: 1‘: \ i: ' :_ 1‘ ::—~_-
5_12::1‘EE1~Ej: i _ EEEEgE :11”; _:,:;1__i :3
1 _—::_ _: A: :: — Mgmg. —:vv—'“
:1. It was for 1110, yes, all for 1110, Oh! love of
5 It was for me, yes, all for me, Oh! loge of
1' 1 ,EE __:Q_,1p_:p_::p:.,,::,:: n 4E! #45 ELEC—E 11—
@flz : :1, 1111:» ,1 1th: :;i:“—i: Pi
E @‘b:’::‘:'.;11’:'“";’:’ E LE E E E E E:
V V v V

_1_ >

1 1 : ‘ 1

1 3%; E: r —> :1 1 E: 11:11.; _
’3” fig :2 :fifl‘!”wi”l‘ !- ”“‘““'flvg’:' ‘* ' ’ ‘
:11 10: v . v v ' ‘g . V ‘
God, so great, so free, Oh ! wondrous love!
‘1, 1 God, so free, so great and free, 011! won-(irons,wondrous love!
1' E'_

:— :,_n_ _, 1‘ 1» :,,p_p_:

11 : » - 1



1' I ’11 shout and sing, He died for me, My Lord and King.
11,! I’ll shout and sing, He died for me,



Copyright by J. M. Whyte. By permission.



No. 16. Battle Hymn. ‘









Rev. 1. Watts, D.D. English Arr. by Wm. B. Blake.
#91141] girjjdegfu.
. — —— : —-—a———a— :1—r °
A_|_vr L L'__ ’4 1% ’g—"—" _ — _:!:Fr§:fi

Am I a sol-dier of the cross, A fol-l’wer of the Lamb.
And shall I fear to own His cause,0r blush to speak His name?

2 Must I be car-ried to the skies On flow-’ry beds of ease,
{While oth-ersfoughtto win the prize,Andsail’dthro’ bloody seas?
_._0 -fl. 4‘. -'.

#— :— -P—--P— 4-— ,0—
ge$fi¥ttFZFFEIFtFIH . 1:“.
ll [1 l I 1 ll 9 l I L
r7 “1" Lo ' ' ' If r ' I L , L'
















And when the bat-tle’s o - ver we shall wear a crown!Yes,



I ‘1 A I

we shall wear a crown 2 Yes,we shallwear a crown! And when the bat-tle ’s
o 1-0 #— L o o _





o - ver we shall wear a crown In the new Je - r11 - sa - lem. - BS!
.a- x









MW Hsti




@j’gTw . Lg:









_ _,fl, Ii
Wear a crown, wear a crown, Wear a bright and shin- -ing c1 own, I '
Wear a crown, wear a crown,
'1‘"!- 4; 40%.,— AI-.. . -fl. 1. _‘. _Q_o
1 L I T - : _ ‘ I
@‘3 1 I V. . -_ x. L 14' _ -
1 a g a La f a __ _ _ s.—
I——:———‘—v*'5 L r I




3 Are there no foes for me to face? 4 Sure I must fight if I would reign,
Must I not stem the flood? , Increase my courage, Lox-.1;
Is this vile world a friend to grace I’ll bear the toil, endure the pain.
To help me or to God? Supported by Thy word.



No. 17. We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes. //

“Thy work shall be rewarded.” Jer. xxxi: 17. _
Dr. wm. Miller.
, L

4—4—4~—43E 4 $1.: “I 1 144
414-33! 4 1 i 4—¥——l-~y—ta~g—d—aj§z§
land of rest for thee I siglx,\Vhenwi11t11e mo-ment come,
tran-quiljoys on earth I know, No peace-ful Shelt’ringdome,
Je-susChristI fled for rest;He bade meceaseto roam,

Mrs. Elizabeth Mills.


1. 0

I sought at once my Saviour’s side, No more my steps shall roam;

-g-°;'- #-
1; 1

.' 1 L;

o-m--o-— --














When I shall lay my ar- mor by, And dwell in peace at home?
This world ’59. wil-der-ness of woe, This world is not my home.
And lean for sue-cor on His breast,’l‘ill He con-duct me home.
With Him I’ll brave death’s chill-111g tide, And reach my heav’nly home-

'- '0-


















We ’11 work till J e -sus comes,‘We ’11 work till J e-sus comes,VVe ’11
We ’11 work, We ’11 work

0- f— 1












work, till Je - sus comes, And we ’11 be gath-ered home.

We ’11 work,


 No. 18. Wandering Home.














































E. A. Barnes. Arr. by J. H. Hall.
Gently. r
EH: EEF—fiT—Fl‘fiF—m L
3:— a—«—— 1:];us ——a———:1—— -
———— o——q— . — ,——1——a—a——
_ -4. . g;_ i—“'—"—
J _ .
1. We are wan-der-ing home as time ghd-eth by, And
2. We are wan-der-ing home by the same old way Our
3. We are wan-der-ing home o’er a storm-y plain, Re-
4. We are wan- der-ing home, yes, wan-tier - ing home, But
gee : LL- 9- {g- L a
—e L %
:——'_:‘€_——’— : jfé: |::S: , _‘_,“t
:‘T “ — —‘—:3: ' : — —|:'
44—1—37 jg '
Weav- eth its gar- -1ands of years; To a bean - ti - ful home,
fa - thers be - fore us have trod, To the shad - ow of death
plete with temp-ta - tion and sin, To a beau - ti - ful fold
soon we shall wan-der no more;I And, oh! may we meet
:3:—l—————+——§ L .L 3 1 .L F: 9—!
@J ’ = . .L V]; L R—r' } L' L 5
‘Lfi‘ ‘ “"“‘ ' :LA —-?
3:31:37; LAE!:3:$_3¢ _ “—61;— i
1;}- ‘Tfi-v- ' \f -F' 33%- 41 ’ 3- v; 1--
and bet-ter by far Than the one in this val- ley of tears.
and the cit - y be—yond, The glo - ri - ous cit - y of God.
where Je — sns a- waits To welcome each wan-der- er in.
‘ each .oth-er at last, At home o11“the heav-en - 1y sh