xt78gt5ff627 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5ff627/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150513 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 33,  May 13, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 33,  May 13, 1915 1915 2015 true xt78gt5ff627 section xt78gt5ff627 A msut: IIIIIIIDCY IIICOI‘I‘€Ct
May I3 should be V0. 7, no. 33
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$9 s
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  · llllll llllllfllllllll Ill Jlllll     ·~ ···   M ~ »~··HE|ll Hlll lllllllllllllllll  H ¤·r€d       be {Ill VI|llll}ll’$ llllll TIIIP
Ifrom Lieutenant Allen W. Gulllon, for·| tg|V°T' In "h°p°I Saturday evemng M
, tmer commandant of the Cadets Corpsl · -    °b°l°°:d ht IM Umveslti chori; ___..., V
g _ _ at the university. The card was malled| · l U ' m Hs °n W e r°° °" .
  GI’8.d\18tlllg CIBSS IS at Fort Bliss, Texas. and says ln! 21 Hlgh   Enter Rep teveryone III ImIImd' LOSE Three Out Of SIX
· H- lpart: ·-my company wm. sm the as resentatwes 1n Annual t "" 'h° ¤’°¤'**m '°' ****’ °'°"’"¤ W"' Games on Southern Trip
thé L8.I`g€St Ul tl’l€ IS- . be soloists, ladles‘ double quartet ’
OHIO? COUl[)8I'llGS ln UIC   Bri-     lladtey tri m I t tt f t ti        
tory of the School sane. Events: drln (close and eat _' 0. ens quare e or mxe »
tended order), wall scaling, tent pitch-t lglcis gt"? ng: °h:ru°· There will be
‘ lng relay racing. As t was the only The university this week ls host to *‘ °" ” E ° °"“¤· The baseball team returned Sunday
l` l l th ·
htTh° nazi: ir°(:;1°?t::it::s.npth: Omcet- wmt the company I was hap.I0ll€ hundred high school pupils of the The €¤m9·t¤· t°8€th€*` with other morning from a slx-day trip to Ten-
  "°t:y ° t ° tc" tu un for gachet t,y_ Congratulations tm the 6xc€ttettcetState who are here for the Inter- SDIO! and the ¤P€¢l¤l ml1¤l€¤·l f9¤“"`°¤ nessee where they played three games
lors degrees. Last years graduates __ lhotd tn ttl tt t nd n S tt Ft td mttsto tovortt
umb nd on hundred and twenty all. 9 0 ape 8 0 to 9 . _ and the Southwestern Presbyterian
zvo Std thafwu constdered ut un- On the reverse side of the card ap. under the auspices of the university. twigs lttzances G€iB°:» 0; M¤Y¤Vm€·|ITnlverslty. The trip resulted ln two
gr uluauy tu e number but tht- yen pears tt photograph of tt cut, wmt tm Twenty-one hlgh schools are entered W 8 6 °·c°°mP¤¤ st °l` the 9V€‘ game won, three lost, and one tied.
there are gne hundrett and ntxttntwt; lnscrlptlon stating that lt was award- and this meet P"°mlS°“ to he the m°“t ning C0¤·¢h Bfllmase attributes the three
cndtdates for dence- gd to Lteutenant (mulch-, company successful of any ever held. Dr. W. "°‘°'**· losses to the fact that errors were
Thu number does not include those ttt ··C0mt,atty C0mpemt0tt_·· L. Anderson ls ln charge of the ath· numerous on the unfamlllar ground,
_ The student body jotmt in cottgt-at. letlc events and Professor C. P.       and the fact that the pitchers en-
:3;) tlIiII•;IIll&pI:rII h;(;xror;;st:;;r£:n:: ¤l¤¤l¤z our old commandant, Iweaver cf the music and public tcountoroa were about the bggt the
speaking €Ve¤t¤· team has had to buck up against
;'·°;x‘;)°:;tn°;::“2§;:ér :::ttuxt;°;°t:z The new track on Stoll Field ls be-       I this year. Hard luck was a big factor
lng used for the flrst time by the hlgh ln the games
dred degrees at the graduating exer-   I 0 A   not t t t ttt t r '_
¤·•;t ¤·· ¤··¤·=· t t ed by · · · Z° ...§’..°?.'J‘Z2.?.§1.?`..l.hs ”;““§`§t.°,'..?d Dinner ts Served at the Th. ns. ELT.; °.3`l3f‘ C.....t...........
°°° “°m°° °v° °°° °ppr°v straight-away ln front of the stand · was played Monda
· - . . Y afternoon and
m° f°°°"y 'md °my uw final °x°m`           ln addition to the regular events SCOVlll€ R€Sld€YlC€   went eleven innings. The flrst two
i°;;*‘;':t; Ext:;;°;t"I’n;”;t;°‘octencas on the program. a relay race for the the Home “EcS.” batters or C. U. were able to secure
*···· S\1¤d¤·Y Schools of Lexlnzton and one ——-——i hits which resulted ln one score Not
there are forty-two Seniors, and lnl Lot. the tratotnttto ot th ttt tt The Board of (`ommerce took an- I I
' ‘ ’ ll h l ·
the College of Agriculture the same JUIIUS     R€pI‘€S€I1l, B 9 u vers y other ot tts ntttttto _tottrnoyo·» yootor_ um [ ° °gmh wu ?h°""“t “bl° m
I t _ _ _ has been arranged. Seven or eight connect wlth Thomas twlsters again.
p > ¤“m*’°"· ***8*** °* "'h°'“ “"° *“ ‘h° _ Umverslty on Subject or the Sunda) Schools have entered d¤Y· €°'¤g to the A¤'*°¤**¤’¤* E*¤°'l· Spalding scored in the mth, bringing
l'l°m° E°°"°mi°° D°p°"m°m‘ Th° of •¢EdiS0n” their teams and all of the eight fra- mem S°’m°“· The members len thetthe score to a tie Tuttle drove out a
C°“°$° °‘ M°°*‘“°*°“’ '“‘d E'°°“’°“' ternltles ln the Pan Hellenic Council 'l"`¤°“°¤ S*¤“°¤ °" a spew] CM at ho I
_____ · me run l th l hth hl h
Eng*“°°""g h°° thuIty`f°°r sud me wlll compete ln the contest arranged 12 °I°l°°k and made their mst Swpt the flnal scorling fgoretie Wlltlcfts ::2
Mlnln College has four. The annual contest of the lntercol- t S vt , · _ ·
g for them. at Us C0 ll "*“ld""°° °“ the hx features of the game were the hlttlng
These graduates represent every leglate Oratorlcal Association will be tttodnto wttt no awarded the wtnners pergment Station ya,-m at 1230, when of Reed Tumors home mn and the
”°u°° °f uw Sum fom the m°“n` held in Berea' May 15' ln all events and a silver loving cup l““°l‘€°“ was served by tha Y°“¤g ruling of the umpire who call d tle
{gina through the Blue GPIB! to the The members ofthe association ¤!‘€ wttt bo gtvott tho oottoot wtnntng tho ladies of the Home Economics De oomo booouoo ot, nrovtouo E; at;
Purchase, and Florida, Massachusetts. Kentucky Silto U¤lV¤l'¤l¢Y» T¤`¤¤¤Yl· tttrgut number OL ttottmt partment and the Experimental Bak- ments etsewhero The Sooro tottg 8.
New York, New Jersey, Tennessee, vanla Unlverslty, Georgetown College, Yesterday the vtstttng students were gry at the Sta{i0n_ After luncheon the State_ ' AB H R fw;
Indiana, Ohlo, Missouri and Panama Central University, Berea College and rogtotorod ot tho Y M C A rooms members inspected the various points Sottrodor on 5 1 o 3 2
are among other sections represented. Kentucky Wesleyan College. all of Today th ttmt I t I tI tn dl of interest around the Statlon farm. T t tI  
The names of the candidates by col- which Wlll enter l‘epl'eSellt¤tlVeS lll the tngo tor ;trY;€ oto:oaro:?oojlondB vI::tn The heads of the departments were “lI:ttg;It gt     ft at I3 3
leges follow: Ngttttj ¢<>¤¤°¤*· solos are being held ln the chapel ln h°°‘“ ’°'” me day and the l”°g"*’·"‘ *“‘ Park   3h   3 0 0 2 0
cen". or Arts and Sclonco. The winner of the contest will re- ttto morotng and ottorttooo and the cluded talks by Professors J. J. R,,,,dI   I I ``-'` 5 3 tt t tt
Esther M. Bailey, Jeanette Bell. celve a beautiful $25 gold medal wlth ttnots at 8 dntoctt tontgttt The out Hogpeyt (v_ w_ M,,_ttt€wS_ Et S_ Good_ Watérs `zb ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ V 0 U 3
U ‘ Amy Breslln, Marguerite Brown. the coat of arms of all six colleges round tn ttto tonnto tournnrnont to otso George Roberts, Harrison Carman, Dr. Soototng tt '`'`'°' QI t t o 3
Rexle Brooks, Teresa Buchlgnanl, El·lstamped on lt ln enamel colors. botng ttotd today. Tomorrow, the soo none.-; Grghggnt Dean _y_ H_ Kastte Park (" rr' '‘`‘` 4 2 U U U
la Mae Cheatham, Elizabeth Cole· Last year's contest was won by ono ronntt tn ttto tonntn tournament and others, .rttotnnS"n' ```'`' 4 o tt I 0
grove, James Henry Coleman, Grace John Howard Payne, representing wttt no ttotd and the prettmtmtrtes tn -?...•...—_.. ' ‘ ‘''`''' _
Crulckshank, Helen Desha, D. D. Don- Kentucky State and his clear cut vlc- ttto rnorntné and attemoon and thelCATS     ,r0mtS 37 Z Q E  
· ohoo, Aleene Edwards, Elizabeth El- tory over all his opponents gave the ttnnts at ntght ot, the dectamtmons for       Cumb€t_tand_ AB H R A E
drldge, Esta Gunn, Annabel Grainger, unlverslty flrst honors for the tirst boys wont soton and quartettes tn Chestnut SS 5 2 2 3 I
Lester W. Grady, Martha Fox Hleatt, time ln fourteen years. ttto onooot Sotttrdoy rnorntng the Tomorrow afternoon the Wlldcats Luno_   5 1 o tt o
Anna Hodges, Chrlstlne Hopkins, State will be represented this year tonnto ttnnto wttt no otoyott ond tn meet the boys from the University or Hnrdtoott zo t t o tt 2
Ludlo Hollowell, A. H. Johnson, Mrs. by Jullus Wolf, who recently won the ttto ottornoon ot 2 n_ rn_ ttto trtoto ond Hawaii, across the sea. This aggre tturns tt; I °``''   t o o o
Rhoda Kavanaugh, James O. Kelley, llltersoelety contest between llletttnots to trook ond ttotd ovonto on' gatlon is usually the strongest that StoottonSottIot.IIIII 5 o o o o
Albert John Kraemor, Owen S. Lee, Union and Patterson Literary Socie- Stott tstottt nthe Kentucky lads stack up agalnst ttontor tto` I   tt o o t o
A, B, Llebovltz, Malcolm McCoy, ties. Wolf's subject will be "'l`he Sotttrttoy ntorntno tho otnmnt oto during the season. The Hawaiian “·rtgtttI tt I ``''`° t o o o o
James Park, Nancy Pllcher, Esther Genlus of Edlson." Stoto ttntvorstty novo motto ntons to» team, so far, has lost only a few games Tttoo rt. I ''°`'`' _t o o o o
Rider, Dan T. Roberts, Leo J. Sand- To wln this contest wlll be a time- toko ttto vtsttoro around the otty tnland if the home boys support the Eaton, tt;   tt o o 2 t
Ls mann, Marguerlte Schweers, C. `B. ly Victory after State’B unsuccessful otttontobttos ond Saturday ovontng tho pitchers ln good style, the contest III_ ____
Shoemaker, Clyde P. Taylor, R. B. year ln debating. Cttornt tyttto ot. ttto nntvorotty wttt ron_¤ will be well worth seeing. The llnc- Totots to 5 ,, to _t
Tum" J°m°° W‘ w°°°°n· Arthur E" —;—-—•-•-•-——-—- der a special program in their honor up mr me wudcms will b° °'b°“t "   lnnin • ~
Wegert, Elizabeth White, Natalie M.! .tt to ttndorotood that the nntvorstttr follows: McClelland, p.; C. Park, c.; Stott,   tt tt tftt t tt¤ttIt tt tt tt_.,
I w°°d· M' H‘ Judd‘ S' I' A' A'     iauthorlties will arrange some otlter}Tu[tu°* {U; l\I“t""?· 2b·? Sch"“d°"· £(`llllllJ€l`ll1.IllI I tl 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 o o-Q
. c°"°·° °f A°'I°°m"`°'       special exercises during the stay of Ss"' J‘ l°rk· MM °*"*ldmg· HW R€*’d·` Struck Out—By Thomas, 3- ny E,.
Bljd YWB:I°CIl RI lIII§I6(?munll     ‘_"_ I the hlgh school contestants. Cf.; Crum, rl'. iles. 8. Base on Balls—Schrader,
C rt*     g;°*   ‘ V3"': •Da‘t ‘ 'l‘he model for an athletic scholar- 'l`he high schools who are entered! ”*°‘•·•··—t Wright. Waters. Home ltnh-:rutt|s_
D"';'Ettt0u' C gn·EiI;t0¤‘H‘C   ship medal which was submitted to are: Stanton, Sprlngfleld, Stanford,lACADEMY     Three-base Hlts—Chestnut, Burns.
' t' J 'J‘ ‘ F H ’ ‘ ‘ J the executive board of the Southern West Point, St. Helen’s, Maysville, Er-'       Two-base Hlts—(‘hestnut. Reed. C.
br°I;th’ ‘;v‘J ‘;;°°’ ‘ ‘ K°n°°dy• d' Intercollegiate Athletic Association by langer, Lexington. Hardlnsburg, Som- ___ Il’ark. llalk——Thomas, 2.
;i‘Rs;';_.;¤' Ch::;;Jjv`;°:ir$?°2ux’ a committee of which Professor erset, Richmond, Ashland, Bellevue, ·t—ttt. Ketttucky Aottoonty ot Sotonoott Second Game.
Pong.- W J ·Ptg“0tt C· G Doovntni Charles Weaver ls chairman, was ap- Cynthlana, Louisville Hale, Louisville wtttctt was otgutttzed tut year wtttt ttt Un the second day another umpire
D“vtd’Cutt osu E In témtnlu H L' proved and accepted by the board. Manual. Lawrenceburg. Bloomfield.,tttntttbersttttt of ttbuttt tiny t,t.t_,ttttttt,ttt'“'¤¤ Secured who proved more unsat-
Poote w·y'*;‘nd· Rtwttd. P E· Rich; Professor Weaver was advised of this Walton, Uatlettsburg, Ury Ridge, ttctttttttsts tttttt ttottotoro ot ttto Stoto isfuctory than the mst. (‘uutbor|uud
tt ards Q J Roth B W dont H· Scott in a letter from President W. M-I will meet at State Vniversity next swred [wo runs in the uml inning and
G C' stmt C'B‘T ‘t no   T t' klass. of the executive board. Saturday tt to wry ttttotv tttot ttto ncre able to hold the lead untll the
tto   W zlorthtnotxg 0; C' Yt)u:" Each university ls to award one     tttotttoorsttttt wttt no oonstttornttty tn_   seventh, when thc score was tied. l·‘or
, . .H°m• lumtttloo . . tttooo ntottoto to ttto tttttoottt ot ttst         croonott nt ttto wtnttto ntoottnot ttour and onehalr innings no scores
J nt A ker Lot. B·rtt8tt Mary 'Varslty team having the highest rec·t t A rttature that Stmutd be or on were made. ln the last half of the
°° 6 ° ’ ' ord for scholarship State University —·—·— t · · el v· tl 'I`l ‘ ‘
, · peclul lll[t‘l`€SI ls the semi-popular leo- *° ‘" ‘ ‘“°“·l» 0* (U“*b°l'l¤¤ld. Willi
g::t;I;°'Itti:;‘":;3y:"Bl;r;bt::° Moor? will award one this spring and the! At tt t·ttt.tttty ttteotttttt toot wook tt tttt.t._ ttt ttt,. ttt·ttttttoott_ tty ttttytott tt one niun on third and two out_ scored
Elsie Speck • p honor tuuy   to any one of soynlwus delttded to hold the annual conlttxtiuert Professor. of Physics, Case il Slllkle. $l'UrlIlg lllv Wllllllllg full,
cottooo ot ctvtt lrtotrtoortno °'I°l ""’" wh° h'"° b°*’“ di"u"““l“h°dtlnencelnent exercises on June l0th, School of Appllod st-lance, t·lt»y,,|uttd_‘i'*’l*’|¤ has been done them YM the Nouns men and women, who
o urn ag su sc ers • colon news o entae 7, and ask that any person who doubts are responsible for lts weekly appear.
2         g‘:¤°:;`°' "’”” °‘ |“‘”“ °°¤°*m¤U UW “¤"*"|m•| •' the accuracy of thelr water-throwing ance. A comparison shows that lt
._______ _a_, ,_ _;T;;_____ _T_La ___aaV;_M_ __T;TL aim, pass under their windows at any ls the equal or any un|y°r·|ty papa,.
8 __     _ _ 8 auaacm,.I..°N' cna DQLLAR aan YEAR awa ca"`,. pan ccpv time between the hours of 6 a. m. and ln the vountry and ln some features
latsnd at bsxlngton Post Ofloo as second class mall latter.   °' mj, and su H they d° nm nt wrpaues umm °"· It *" "*""”"Y *°
._..._____,_____________________;_;_:____________________ UIPITB. be dellred that lp the future. THE
‘ —;-- IDEA wlll not onl l t I th hl
IDlTOIIAL|'I’AFF,1|14-llll. UTM mm on the Patterson Hm sundu Y '“P“*” ° sh
ds of the past but wlll grow In ,
CLYDI P. TAYLOR ................. . ..................... lldltor-In-Cblef back fence, ‘No chickens allowed} is exceylence nnd In mae, and mnuanca
z Inc Im"] zag xszsmnn uoms ................. . ................... unsung manor to be taken ll¢¤r¤lh*·" '¥‘l¤¤t'¤ uw umn is wlll become not only the but r
J. owns aamows .................................... Assume nano: •<"'° °'°° °' “‘° °°°"· ¤¤lv¤r¤l¢v paver ln the country. but
——-— wlll be known and read throughout
I under Entlrely In Isnsgelnenl hn Blu"' Elsewhere in Q". Mme annum me the entire State, thereby serving as
Jammwm asu. .... Patterson neu 1. 1:. souauo ...... men. me mee. ”“‘“’"‘°'“ "‘“' "°"‘ "‘° '““"’I’°"‘* an advertisement mr the institution
4. s. Lmsovrrz ........... sun 0. . n a ............... °’ '"°k"‘"" °°°" "‘° °°*°' "“‘ °‘" ‘ d l .
  Oticl C OGI 8 lining sheet that wu wen mgh perfocw an tend ng to make closer me mt, , g
B. W. ROTH ............. Agriculture FLORENCE HUGHES ..... Exchange Considering the average am-. awa'., "°“’ b°""°*’“ the “¤|*'€¥'•|U' Mid the · l
` l .
.t.... ence ln such a matter, what else could Dogg: ther i i l
ucsum w. cum ................................... Business Hanger have been expected? many one :6,9; l: ;_‘;:E’;'I;’F*;'i‘°“:‘i°; =
· • W C I
J. T. GILDIR ..................................... Subscription Hanger —- should be corrected before it can hope l
‘ "°_""—_""‘_—_`_‘ °*” Y°° TELL °°’ •°¤¤ll* to step mm mn lugs.- .pl.s,., of ln. ‘
° —-—— lluence, and that ls "THE IDEA."  
Q. Why the north entrance to the TM ““m°¤¤l¤8 name, which our ad- l
cn THE GIRLS, ISSUE. Main Building is like the ··IAamgt°¤ mlrable student publlcatlon has to car- I `¢
________ D.-ug?·· TY ¤I‘0uIld With lt, ls its worst handl- i
thtmlistl week the mlghtty gnale lstepped down from hls throne and turned A. Because the executive commlt- cw- Anvthlns that is W°*'ih ¤· mime.
_ ‘gmmy|o‘éa¤:1\:1:ploi;‘•;r ·o t e emae of the spetles. The result was a most we of the poultry panc|,,,.,· Aaaoda. IS worth a name which, to a certain
Many of our campus prophets had made bold to predict that the Glrls' u°" is h°Id|“g “ b““|“°“ m“m*8· extent at lm"' """°°t°° the ““t“"’ l
• llssue would be a feeble attempt and a subject for satlre among the ranks of Q- Why at State dances onefourth °f mn for which it sand" Thu °°r' l
c     tgzdstmnaer sex. The fall of these "Lords of the Universe" was sure and the noor Is for the dancers and three. *¤*¤lY· "7`he Idea" does not do.
· , Tl l l fthl
The girls modesty refrained from telling what they dld. They wrote folxtrlzggr t:;“;uE;,? b I to J; zzlfdznzs mz T::en:;s?nkn°whIi
the storles, the headlines, edited all stories, read proof, and even superln- p m °°"y ut unc
_   tended the makeup or me paper, all wmwut assistance from any mus mu. have another ¢¤s¤z¤m¤¤t." my or '“‘ ’“"““¤°“°“ °¤¤ ¤¤8¤¤¤¢ M swd
er .· U I:)t)I:tas0fst;·;%Ly ;m(ilrls’ Iasue thrtgughftit   exmrety Réld from the stand- may not be partly or wholly respon- "°“°“ f°" ll- The seneral lmpres- ;
L3»z*€` _ which W., w.,1.....»$"i.'2,·rle‘Li"`l‘“ lf’§‘§"“ ht ° TS ' §“5t°$‘J ‘L“"°°‘ °“"* '°' "*‘*· “'°" °°°"‘“ '° "" “‘“‘ "*’° *'*'° W >
. Crip D Glrls' Issue was the best of the ;e:r. amess mus 0 8 m t t at me Q- wm'- when Y°‘·' VY W d° mn chosen during uw time- when the I
5; In View OY the femvklble efficiency and ablllty shown by our fair co. reference work ln the llbarry the men 8]****8 €*D¥‘9¤¤|0¤. "Why, the idea) 5
  __a _____________ iaborers. are shouldlikg to suggest to the future management of THE IDEA across the table exercises hls bass W12! in its P¤·lm|¢¤i days. Logically, ,
nat certa n pages evoted exclusively to the girls and edlted by a "Co- volce llke a blg bumble bee? U E IDEA" lndlcliiel that our stu- l
tl ® editor wlth a staff limited strictly to women only.’ A_ He doesn., want to ha", why gtenttpubsfcaglog attempts to interpret • •
AWARDING OF 8wEATER8_ Mary won't speak to Blll any more, "’ mn ° l °¤8h¢ and record the
I I   _ or whether it was a 1908 or 1910 m0d_ Ideas of the great thinkers of the age, _
  `· Apropos of the agitation for better treatment of vlsltlng athletes, a few el dress Miss So-and-So wore to last “ m°“ “"“““*l P°"°Y for ¤ ¢0U€8€ {
s? remarks are flttlng at this time concerning the attitude manifested toward nighfs bal] ¤€W¤D¤Def and decidedly not the pm. A
our own men. ‘ ,
_ It has always been the custom at Kentucky to award sweaters to ’Varslty Q' Why the Depanmwt °f H°m° Icy of our pubncauom
· medn. This tai not aupaltz palymen; for labor done, but a token of faithful Ewnomlcs is UTM D°p"tm°m?" hThe name °h°uld b° °h‘¤$°d md
" an consc en ous e ort r t e un versity, A_ F · · 1 e sooner th bett It n
) I During the last two years there has been considerable delay ln the lorpzgmans two masons. W6 D¤D€|’· Efery ygsr th; I 39 fir
\ awarding of these sweaters. We recently endeavored to flnd out why the ' ' . uc on B
;19::ff0c<;;baI1f sweater; had never been given out and were able to go; no Q  h B*;°°;°€· igggsggzvsndr ‘:;’l°""; 5** ***:03 with
sa s a on rom au entc sources. Thls much is certain, however, the · Y ¤ ¤¥¤D ¤¤d Cl’0||? ° ° ' “ GM ° Y· but
  ’ srvtiaters hlave naver been ordered. No Instructions have been given for A. Nobody knows—unless lt ls a "°tMn$' *8 d°n° ¤b0¤¢ it Mid our paper
' mgrg tgigcaasslhedzghere any excuse for this continuous delay, and 1f so, is Sghgyng of me ()wgngb0r0.¤g_ ls forced to live ¤¤0¢h8l‘ Year under a
°””¤ The "K" men, many of whom step from our walls for the last time, ln --;- name that is an °“°°°° °° many
T June, should get Immediately what ls only their just due. Finally for a brief su m { th m°“$h““' Y°¤¤8 ¥¤•'¢¤ and Women.
{ ' · —-L- · m "Y ° 9 lf it ls the wlll of th g d I I
c nspect the new Spnng + • 0 Q O O 0 •I• ·|· 0 0 O O They thought It best to stay at home, w°"‘“"’“ N“"‘b°"· M ““ ny m" mls Us Select Md ¤d0Di u :10:*;] aepnxssopxflf
Styks in 4 HUM or rpg; qApp|_y • Where there was gmplg need, ls what we expected to find: ate and expressive name for our • •
t ,,, , ,, a, _, _, a a a a a a a uecaulieutlley had men- hands qulte “;·;i;:¤¤r••• ¢r••¤*•• ¤¤ Pm- H•l• paper. A certain well-washer has con. ,
q ¤ · sented to offer a small cash prl e t A
a ° *   The woman’s slde to plead. A 'f*""*9°"° ‘P“°h W An"' L°“' the 006 Wh0 WUI Suggest the zbesft `
Shoes O •|· O O •I· O ·I· + ·|» ·I· ·I» ·|» ·|• ·I» O 4 ·|» ml ”'°h°*· name, which wlll add to the Interest »
Sh_ st ., , wget much to my mts week, we gm- DA faked interview wlth the "¤•ar by making n more gen.,,·,|_ ` i
ff 8 ·I· For the interpretation and lv ur ¤¢0¥‘Y m¤Y Séém slim- “”·" A STUDENT l
• • crmciam of an manu in the a But adverse to Ou,. cuswm_ we The telephone number ot Patrlek · l
Neckwear O Woman': Issue, see the Gad-..• Must Stay at home wlth them. Hi" in h•*VY N¤¢k ¢y¤•· ;”"*°*i
lg. gy column n•xt waak_ • • sl .·,`   A slam on every male animal in the At “· m€6U¤8 0f the Mountain Club
, • _•I» It has taken two policemen M We’ve always thought that the falr ·°h°°" mn w°°k °m°°"“ mr umn Y°¤l‘ WQI`6
  t     to ka", _(ua)_ away {ram ,.,l·demOiseu€S were the sweetest and And this ls what we found: elected as follows: President. F. W. l
•|• the printers while this issue Qidearest thlngs on earth and wlth, due TM b"` Inu °' THE IDEA °v°r Maw; vice P'°'id°m· MIN C¤"'i9
      : ra. bagng pub|i·h°d' aa watch awreapact to [hem we have. for some gotten out. Need we say more? Blair; Secretary, Mlss Etta Potter.
W In |XPl0|l¤f\ next week! Oithlrty-one issues of ghlg paper. failed  —
•|» —Glrls' Issue of IDEA. `to use a single "must-be·dashed or lt- A ·
Pda leach Suits   $9•·••·•··•··•··•··••••••••••c.t..·tl,., -· WHERE AMIOOING
•• · ·DrInted expression to relieve ?
aI“ ls O"'! ...;  our pent-up feelings but when we
Realizing that the Glrls' Issue of turn the paper over to the gentler sex To
G   C X THE IDEA lsst week was thelr lnltlal for the thlrty-secondth Issue and they I   O r C
V attempt an not wlshlng to ap- lead the chorus thelr Ilrst tlme up at t I1 D u
’ lpear to be wllllng to nlp so promlslng bat wlth the I  
. phrase that "any old
3 a bloom ln the bud, the Gadfly In- msn’s s ——— old fool to chew " some·
& 0 l·€¤d6d m9!`€IY l0 give the girl news- how d--d--.-dungod if we dong mal  __,. ,
• Dillerlsts a few kind words of com- that we ought, In self defense, ally ·
ljgjgggj mendatlon for their laudable efforts, ourselves wlth old Klpple In bewg,i|·l I I ‘
but in the face of so belllgerent a chal- lng the fact that "The female of the   & M  
The College F¢u0WS’ Shop lenge as ls here reprinted from last species ls more deadly that the male."
week's IDEA, the I·‘ly feels It hls ex- I ‘ 1
d t t d' , lbel . T l ‘
gieizmgi gn Hmzurlziuz mt :;;l:;’:] It can be said wlthout fear of con-;     Q O • l`
I exington • ar CO mcg the gma wom to expect an nin. tradlctlon that last week's Issue of °
• * * ¤ » l
terpretatIon," "a criticism" and "ex- 1:l:h'lDLA WT; me bes" ("ms lime u¢°¥'l°NW\· ’
uanwaawran aa plosIon." I·‘ar be It from us to dlsup· Swtefs evler en_g0mm out at OIG l
      point our jolly good comrades, but wm Tum wwnd °°°°°l l°°°° l .
  rather permit us to say In response appear next ye"'   R • h N S • I
iu wlvr “Al~ rr'.-? ;I;:·;n`:I`lleY lhat ask so shall they be Wok newy Gush law Ou ld ron d e   t     a
'     [[08 eawrh         I
DR. J D   p utl tln thlsw aytos eeho wfar your I
_ _ "Uut where's the current ‘News In CUHUU ll ywvul dcllrr Yyou.
svs. un. nos: and when "'“""" U COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
gplguuay I `Some readers ask, no doubt; The expression "Comparlsous are _
maaaaa ana"' ga oraah 'lls thIh;——the glrls passed by such sweet-smelling/‘ may seem a blt far-I N ’
ssectenene aenuiny, *¤¤l4¤•· fetched and out of place. but slnce lt I24·I28 orth Ll|||¢|I,0|\e Lgglnguyn,
Q",. pg.-, gx gaauaaaa mx And so we ldt It Q l   ls the girls who tell us It’s alright,] ' K,.
4:-·· ·

 T H E I D E A 3
·¤—— -£* *”* _,i__—;-_ -_i
I I1m1hl1¤ |'Iays1» Thomas to Svhruder
ERROR;:”£TL%z:$:zLJLv Tmp [to Tuttle- Struck Ont Hy Thomas, 4;   S u Q •
' hy s11·ph1=n1·111n, 10. Threebase Him- p   S   g  
    (Continued from P·g° Ono) I'11rk_ J. Two-bmw H|1s· HN"[)hPhSOIl,    
Fl · t , o . ·   111111.,1, 1111111. FNDAY EVENINGS
  s |{,,1.d_ (1_ __________ 3 I 1 11 11 Fmh and muh Gum". Phone 1517 for Private Lsuont.
418-423 I. Maxw•II Waters, 2b. ....... 5 1 1 5 2 Thp ,,11,.0,,1; game with g_ p_ pq and Admlmon 50 NM. Ah U- C. T. Hall, 8 11:1 11.A" N D T
1 S Idl , Ir. ...... 5 2 0 1 0 . , * ¤W •¤¢•• MGM-
SPCCIII B0\lq\l¢t8 Mldé f0l’ Pgfsk nr':. ''.·'·_I · 5 2 I 0 I ::;;£";;3°;_2:3° w;3°;‘;;h:l:”n mxxd Sgt Maguire Building, Cornor Main and Broadway.
UniV€fBity 8tud€IIt8 for Flynn pe   4 I I 2 0 In to- Oppose- M3)rmn fha px ripéapq Monday and Wednesday Afternoons, 3 to 5.
D d P t- ’ * · 1 1 W · ·· Monday and Wednesday Evenings, 8 to 10.
an$e%va2”A¤$r les `_ — — — _ M U"` day bef"'? w°"" "°p"*“°d· S- H Gavone Castle Polka and Fox Tron Taught
‘ ‘ • '|`0¢¤|8 -······ —--39 U 6 I2 6 U. getting two hlts and three runs. •
I K. 8. U. R•pr•nni|tIv• (‘umberland——» AH H R A E Mm-mn s1,·u(»11 0,,1 H Oy the wndmm  
' ._.-.-._._ _____ (Yh€i¤¤¤t· **”· ·-·-· 3 I 0 I 0 In this engagement. The game was  
LU"¤· €· ···--···· 5 2 2 3 0 fast and only marred by errors of the
Hnrdlson, 2b. ..... 4 0 0 4 1 gnmqd S   O U R
• D•   Burns lb 3 0 1 0 0 ·p|,,.°|,,.,,
1 · ·····-·· · . game of the series and the
DOROTi·i 6 SHOE Smphenmn’ cf`   5 1 I 0 0 Hvvond of the doublo-h€¤d**¥‘· was b*" $|51   D 8    
OII H¤¤'1°*'· 3b· ·-····· 5 I I 3 0 gun with a changed line-up. James
FOR W EN Wright, lf. ........ 5 2 I U I Park returned to the box and pltchvd    
$3.50 to   Pennlngton, rf. .... 5 0 I 0 0 in his Oldume ym·m_ (turtls park N, R 3
RAIJTON HEALTH SHOES Th“'*’“'· P· ···-··· 5 I U 2 0 turned ro his old position and at no ememmr No MON
FOR MEN *—*-“ time did Q P U have any nhance to Our H"! . No Les,
T¤¤¤1¤ ·········· “ 8 7 5 2 scoro. Park ;1er1111t11·d only three hits I I   &   rw
7 $*00 t° “‘00 8•=¤»·e by •¤¤*¤¤•- 111111 111111 111 UIGRP 1111 1111111111 1111 wnnf y    
I BNIB ····- ··" 2 0 1 [ 0 2 0 0 0 0"6 somv doubt as to the safety of the]  
  CllHlb€I`I'I'Id   I 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0   y·,1nnpr_ [n [hg threg games the {du] ~ -~—·—————-——-1 -1 —- . ., , _ _   _ _ ______ 
1 , Struck O¤¢—BY I"U'¤¤1 U DY soaring was nine runs. Only 11 few' $
  I Thweat, 10. T11ree-base HHSr—\V8[€l'S. ,,.,0,,, ,,,,,,%,,,,,.,1 perfect 1,,,11 pmy1ng_|   YOUNG MEN
3 ~` I'-, ` Two·base Hl1—Spald|ng. Base on Siam- AH H R A 1.;* ,
' *   |¤¤1¤¤—¤eed. 3: S¢hr¤d¤r· ¤·`¥Y¤¤· sc11m1111r, S8 ...... 4 11 11 :1 :1 ·
` ' * Hardison- P¤¤¤<¤d B¤¤¤—R¤¢¤- W1111111, 11. ....... 1 11 11 11 0 and es Q i
: } I Third Game. Park, .1_ 3b. ...... 4 1 0 0 0   lows li£€ct§;yn§§gl?€$; Stil-
* 1 The third game with Cumberland Reed. c_ __________ 4 0 0 I ] 1 I` 1 y
{ —=,1w· A ~— gresultcdlnthe Hrstvlcwrv onthetriv- Tuttle, 1b. ........ ,4 0 0 0 0; Fifty-Five models made by
1 I ," No errors were made on either side. W em __ _ 0 4 0
[ 31 I I at , 2b. .. . 3 0
I ‘ 5 y yy McClellan pitched an excellent game, Spalding, "·_ ______ 4 I 0 0 0
3 lallowlng only one slngle in the an-:pm.k_ (y__ ,f_ ______ 3 2 0 0 0 Hart, Schanner & Marx
  gagement. Bradshaw was replaced In 1McC1eH,md_ p_ ·___ 3 0 0 4 I
·, l.   O Ime sixth by Estes, after several long! ____ __ It’s really thé V€l`y best
I l be d . O l 1 C - r • 1
|i§J.31I.‘21° m§.I‘ 2`1”;f ‘1€fS1, Z22 §f"‘;'_“ ,1; ······· 23,, 3, 2, *1   ~ Ymmg m¤¤’S model out thm
  on u walk. one hit by pitcher and one 111111111;,11, 311 _.._,,_ 3 0 1 z 1| Season-
} single. "Dutch" led the batting with w00d_ sS_ ________ 3 0 0 1 01 $
1   I   I 101:3 tilts. AB H R A E3Stephenson, rt. .... 1 0 0 0 0:   We Show them m 3]] the
· 8 9* Bates, rf. ......... 3 1 1 0 0 - Q
.   I T   SChI°3dBI°, SS. . . 1 . 1 5 4 0 3 0 M0r[0n_   _ ____ _ _ _ 3 0 1   Q!     ·    
• • l Wright, cf. ...... 4 1 0 0 0 Hambroughl ]b_   3 1 0 0 03 Tartan plalds and 3 lot of
· Park. J-. 3b- ----·· 4 1 1 1 0 BGBUITIOIII, 11. .... :1 0 0 0 OI 4 ‘ ‘
1 127 Cheapsrde Tame, UL __·._·_ 4 1 1 0 0 Emmv cf ·_···.· I 3 0 0 0 0, 3 styhsh strnpes and checks.
1 Hours 8 •.m. to 8 p.m. Ph•n• 864-X Reed, c. .......... 4 1 0 1 0,R_0uSev|"€, gb_ ____ 3 11 0 2 0 _
-` Waters. 2b- ------ 3 1 2 5 0{0v11r111re111, 1. ..... :1 0 0 0 0 Better drop m and $96 all
1 · i— ···— iv¤3(<1i¤3g» F3 -----· 3 3 3 3 3 ——~—— q the new Sprmg Su1ts we
ur ,   r. ...... _ ________ .
3 r   r McC,€mm_ p_ _____ 4 I 0 1 0 T°‘““‘ scm by2|8m_in2¤_ 3 10 1 show, pmced from $12.50 to
· • ~   · *—‘‘- S. P. I'. ........ 0 l 1 0 0 1 0 0 x——3  
•· _’L"_"'_"""`_f '!`<>¢¤|S ----- - ---· 36 12 4 U U $111111 ....... ...,11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11-11 1
1     C¤mber¤¤¤h¤n¤<>n. cf-   3 0 0 0 0lsc11r11111=1r, 1111, ..... 4 1 0 4 11, NHT"   __ pp_p W    
Hunter. 3b· -----· 4 0 0 1 0 wragm, cr. ....... :1 11 0 0 11*   v* `—3
/         \ |P€nDingt,On, rf. ... 3 0 0 0 0;Park' Ju p_   3 2 1 6  
111Cwr ;¤·ru¤oAv$ wngm, 11*. ....... 3 0 0 0 0 Pg,rk_ (3, 1-_ __,___ 4 11 11 11 11 C D   &  
l TURKISHSHOWER 2* PLAIN \ QBFHGBURW. D- ·-·· U U 0 0 0i'I‘uttle, lb. ........ 3 1 U 0 0 • • °
L ¤ BZXTHS 3 3 L Estes, 11. ......... 2 11 0 0 0 wMe,.S_ 2b. _______ 3 1 ,1 5 ,, S1)ORrl¤lN(; GOODS
Q 1sA‘11‘*1¤' \1‘)( "11\|NSY 1U¤."¤ V * — -. —. — — Spalding lr 4 0 0 0 1   O   Iv
3 ___ ____________. . . ......   ` S
Totals --·------- 30 1 0 8 0 Thomas, rr. ...... :1 0 0 0 0 ,
$¢¤•‘• by '¤¤*¤¤•- Reed, 3b. .....   3 0 0 0 1 116 "' AIAIN
• P  State .,.... . .... 010003001}-4} ..___
P I Lumberland .... 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0-0 Totals   ______ 30 _, I 1,, 2
1 ·•nk·" · Pom"' ”"•“” Struck Out—By McClelland, 8; by| 3, p_ {1,- AB H H A E
1 Eagle Barber Shop 1“’°°““"· *1 by ms- 1 ¤<>¤·»··» 11111111. 11. ..... 1 1 ·» ·» 1 P H O E N I X H O I E L
P1ay——Scl1rader to Tuttle. Three- \Vo0d, gg_ ,__,____ 3 11 11 3 1
-   °m:3Z":¤3¤3::¤ ll-,:':••|:::¤*:°g:’•;:“k 'base H11s—Wa.1ers, Park, J. Two- Bates, 115 _ ____   I 11 0 11 U ?—**;**—*s<*>‘r’r " 1 s