xt78gt5ffc20 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5ffc20/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 21, 1986 1986 1986-04-21 2020 true xt78gt5ffc20 section xt78gt5ffc20 _________—__—____—_~_____
P R Val. m that”? ,, “townhouse; UniverSlly of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky independent since 1971 Monday, April 2!. t986 ,
~ 2 ~ Ballooning F « Sov1et leader asks "
i 1 provide f for polic ch 11 '
O o \ . .
)86 "Ice uplift \§\‘ ® from United States ~
Re orter takes ~ . . a : .
'dp f l'f 3 . Gorbachev claims Reagan’s actions g . .
r1 e O a l tlm u o ’ o ‘3 _3,! ;3"
e e ‘pmsonlng relations of superpowers .. ;. .3 , ,
nysco'l'rwmo ' Q '~_ '4 5
Special Projects Editor ' B) SL‘SANJ.S.\llTll ——-—~——- -. ,- g ' ,
"~19 Associated Press it ~ , ~ - ', .3
I felt a little bit like i was ~: r *,;.;;, . ’ ‘ It (the summit) “to .‘i
clinging to a piece of wreckage. 3,” ‘ . 3‘ "5 ”WM“ , POTSDAM. East Germany ~ So- happen; a better '. g: .i ...-.5313; '
afloat in the South Pacific. Our ,7 ’ ‘2 . '73“. x ' . viet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev . 5‘ ‘J’ ~ i .i t
plane had been ShOt down and we " ‘21:}; " said yesterday that he was willing to aImOSPhere '5 5' 4 ’31". ‘. ".- ‘t,' -:|
were waiting for air-sea rescue to . . .... use.» 1 ,7. ;. . 3 meet President Reagan this year it . ” ' ; j
spot us and deliver us from the 2 «:33, .3 \ $th . . ,j; the United States changed pollcles necessary, 3 3 53 '
sharks, Jaw 77;.3. 3,; 3;; 3 _; he charged were poisoning relations M'kha'l GOrbaChe‘ v ~ .' . . fr, f f.
It's amazing where a mind can -"' .:fs. (I, , . :1“ ,' between the superpowers. Soviet leader ‘ . ' '
wonder when it‘s given the right ,1 ., a; .‘- , Speaking to reporters at Potsdam. __ 5 'I - ' ' . .' 5-;
circumstances. , i . 37.5. 'i , 3 3e , 5‘" ' site of the 1945 Allied conference on _. '; '.
In reality, the Porter Palnts l 132;,» ~ 5t:.:,3'.1 W3). ”1» ‘35,»: $1.,»- :j Germany3 Gorbachev Silld ”lllt' llll> )(‘ill‘ Ill [mI l'lllled States \‘0 :3' 3 ‘3' _ 3 33 3
balloon had landed quite nicely a ”V “Wife £33333 gig/[33.1% ,3, 1 meeting (with Reagan) can take date has been set .' ‘~; ‘ ' 3
couple of miles outside Lexing. . airigfij, 33 , .333 33». ... ' place if the L'niied States realizes Regan. interviewed on the NBC -‘ ' ' ;, ' "
ton. off Bryan Station Road. The ‘_ ’ t 7,; * 'flfiag; -' , i that it is necessary to take this television program “John McLaughr ' ‘_ ."- ' ‘.
{our 0‘ US —’ myself. “now re- ‘ ’ V“ '1? a“, hwyfit, path." lllt title on ()ne.‘ said he llelie\ ed 33 . . " 3-
porter Eva J. Winkle. who had 93‘8" “‘33 be; - "But if tAmerlcat goes on acting “1‘3 meeting had been “postponed 1 ’ ' V. ‘ 5-.
ridden with the Holiday Inn 3 ”.4 3 -...-. ”5735‘? ”.5, __"e; 5‘ gaff}; 3., ' as it is t0day,trying to pimp the at» morethanciint‘eled ' , ' ,. I L' ’_
entry, and two Lexington women o. i " ' “a, "3, 3%..3 3; mogphere, this will throw a shadow Gorbachev made his remarks in ' ‘ ~. ' .
who had followed the balloons -— (,1, x {‘6 . “£3.35 it, over any future meeting." the Soviet Potsdam In r c>lwnse ‘0 a reporter's ' .» ,
were trying to keep it down while 1% ,. i133 ,3 s Communist Party chief said. "If question He spoke in Russian, and ‘-‘ 3. ‘ ..
Charlie Ball gave occasional 3 v 36.3 4,. hi5; . tthe summit» is to happen. a better his comments w cre translated by re- ,- , .
shots of the propane jets to keep _'3 ”‘1 ' .g. ' atmosphere is necessary ” prime” fluent in the language ' " i . . . .
it inflated so the ground crew "‘ i r §i Gorbachev did not elaborate. but The Soviet leader addressed to '. ' . ., ,
could find us. ' ‘ “fig-3,3 ...‘v‘. he appeared to be referring to last porters in the courtyard at CeClllen- 3 . . ,'3- .
It wasn‘t the best way to spend "“ “% if week‘s L'.S. bombing raids on Libya hot, it manor house where Soviet '3 " ' ,3.
Saturday night. but the time I \ 3;.3,:;3 and recent US. underground tests of leader Joseph Stalin. President 5 3 ’- - ,3
had spent in the air as an observ- 3 3., .- : in. nuclear weapons, On Friday, Goi‘btr Harry Truman and Prime Minister 7 ‘ '5 _ , ‘
er in the Little Kentucky Derby 3, k, A1433 Q _' '3, chev told the East German t'ommu Winston (‘hurchill of Britain met in , '
balloon race was more than ad- .7'1‘ .,- 3 1' M 3 I nist Party congress those actions the summer til 1943 to (leClde the i 3 -
equate compensation for the hour 2 ’3; 1. . ‘5 :1 3 \ .3. I». I and the "increased it's i threats" tateofixistw'artiermany ‘ , ‘
and a half l had to spend on the “‘3, ‘s ‘A’ against Nicaragua demonstrated Gorbachev was the first Soviet , ‘ 3 ‘: i '
ground. 1."- , ~‘- “hm”. 3 , that the L'nited States was following leader to visit the site since Stalin ' . ‘ i ‘;
We lifted Off around 6 pin. at . . ’2‘ ‘5'. 3 . ‘ . M Red . a “militarlst and aggressive" policy was there. East German offlClals ' '
about 800 feet per minute. Cap- -.3 " " i ‘53:?» c’ , ”‘3‘. _:_ -..: ”333—; H LObS'ltv 7 u that could damage L'.S.~Sovlet rela- said. They said other Soviets had not ' ‘ ~ . -, .
tain John Daugherty told me that W” . In." ‘N ; 3"“",‘1."*-%: k ‘ tions. come for ”ptillllt'ul reasons" after ‘ ' .
was a little fast. but it seemed .1 l ‘. . U $53333 3 white House ("hief of Staff Donald Xlkita Khrushchev denounced Sta» . .
3‘15t “"9 ‘0 me. He threw out $ 1 ‘ ~ ' 154;“ 3-; , . ~ t...) Y .3; T. Regan said yesterday the [‘nited 1'” ' I . .
some Porter Paints hats to the 3 ' " . 3., _ , j :“KXE 3 )3. y. l r States expected Gorbachev [0 “live (ioi‘bachex has been in East Ber~ ‘ 3
crowd, which had dwindled con- ‘ .... ’ . «r If 3 ’r? m ' l "i e , l 3 «3 :3 up to his word“ and meet \vlth Rea— ltn for the party congress since -
siderably from the 1.500 or so ‘3. . .. ,". a. i r. .. ' 33v , 33 ‘, gan this vear. “Ulm’w'di' and lb “Pecu‘d ‘0 re- ‘ . 7 .
who were there to see the first " ' Hm . J‘fi ' ’ gel-'3; ' '.. i f k. ' ‘ 3 turll to Moscow tomorrow \'ester- 3 ' -
balloon take off3 and in a couple 9“? 3,»? 3; , .3 fr"; 3, _ s .3 ~~3 » ..33 33 :3; i ‘. 3_ T3h83lvvt) rttcn agreed at their (10- day “uh his lilrst (3.313 3333.833 from the . . .3 , ,
3 of minutes we were leveling off a) ‘3‘ . 3 33 3 '3 3 l3 h g _ .3. ‘9 _ ,3: .3 F2" 3 ”,3 .3 “I" i . 3,. new summit in \ovember to meet C()ngl‘(‘SS.Wthh ends. today 3 ,
atabout1,500feet. Mg. ”,3“; 353.. i. - ‘ S}; ' ’ -, 3v 5 V“ _ t. , , ' , i ' ,
The Porter Paints entry. one of . ' , 3 - {‘3} l 3' s‘ ‘ ,\ g ’3 y i “c 1" ' ‘ ,- . ' ' ° . ' . I
the “hounds" in the LKD balloon ‘ ,‘j , ~‘ . ..., '_' , , *3: , 31‘ , . ' "ii StatlSthlan to Ol‘ecaSt , , , ,
SeeBAl.LO0NlNG,Page5 59.. . , - l .- . 3.4 ... .. , . , . ,» ’ .7... . ~' _, 3 ..
MA may Kernel Sta" '
Weather doesn’t sto . f/ / future by past events ‘ w
p 3' a? ’3‘ \ . ‘ ‘ '
t ' 5 V By WENDY S. SMITH ground to another group in order to ' . ‘ ‘ '
0 0 O “I 5 ' ' Senior StaffWriter predict the future of the second " .3 ' ', , , '
un at LKD festhltleS ' . group. Govlndarajulusaid 3 3 -' . -' .. ‘
3 One way to predict the future Robbinswho earned his doctorate 3 _ ‘ 3'
HyEVAJ.WINKLl-: “This year's better than last ' from the past is through statistical degree in mathematics at Harvard .
StaffWriter year3" said Farid Mohscni, a A " analysis. in 19:18, is the author of four books a . _ :‘3 :
Lexington resident. “i think in .’ ' :3, Herbert Robbins. a Higgins pro» and morethan loosclentificpapers r V ' ,
The weather may have damp- generalit's more fun," a lessor emeritus 0f statistics at to He is a consultant to several gov- . ’ 31‘ . 3
ened the streets. but spirits at Gay Hastings. 373 a Versailles l 5 . lumbia University. will present a ernment agencies and an expert wlt— 3‘: 3, . ,3 1». 3' _3
Saturday's Little Kentucky Derby resident. said she was enjoying i 3-; .r . lecture titled "How to Predict Your ness on statistics in court cases in ' j ,. '
events were left untouched. the carnival but thought the rides ,9 Si . 33 Future from Someone Else‘s Past" volving disputed elections. copy 5 , 5. v ,, ,
Lynne Hunt, LKD committee were too expensive. Her mother. r‘ .r J, ‘3 at7230 tonightin 208 Student Center. infringement. tax evasion by use of -,*3 3 j 1'3-
chairwoman. estimated that Susan Kirkland, said the carnival a; ‘ ‘ . During the lecture. Robbins will commodity options and employment ' i i.’
there were 250 to 300 people in at- was “nice for the kids3” it} I‘ i apply data on certain events to slmi— discrimination. ' , .' ,' " '- '-
tendance at the concert and a Many said thev heard of the " ‘ i * l , 5 lar situations in order to predict the "This will be a tremendous lecs i ‘ ', .a3;,
steady stream of at least 2,000 carnival through'local television . ‘ 1,, . . outcome. ture." Govindaraiulu said ”I have f’ ;"_ '; -. '34}
through thecarnivalgates. stations 0,. had seen it as thev .. 3‘1 3 ’5 ‘3 ' As an example of the general heard him many times. and 1 rate 3. " .33;
About 1,500 people attended the drove past. ' 3 ‘ '33. a , ~ ‘ £3; problem of predicting future behav- him as one of the greatest statistl- ', 3-3 3_ ' ~";. 3‘,
start of the balloon race, which - ; .' h lOl‘. Robbins will present a question clans," "-‘ ' ,3 3‘ -'3'_. .‘f 3, L‘
was won by West Virginian David The hot air balloon race ‘ . ' " ‘ y ’ I such as: If the drivers in some state He said Robbins has an en a lot of 343 ,.3i33,5- 3f. ‘. 3 .313
Short, flying for Fox Fire. John seemed to draw manv members I .~ - . 3 -3, ‘fl who had no acctdents last year are ideas to other people. and "even 3,3-‘3..,’_ ‘;3-i3‘{'._ :3
Daugherty of Porter Paints came of the crowd to the carnival as I ‘ . 3 . “"1“" 3"" observed for another year under the some of my research is inspired by 3 3‘3; .33 , ‘3 ,f .3 3' ‘3.
in second and independent bal- well. Howard Jones said he saw 3 5 ' W; same conditions. how many acct» whathehas done." .23;
loonist Mike Wade came in third, an LKD advertisement in the s3~ 33 33, *- ,,._.,.,_ .. dents will this group account for A reception will follow the lecture ' . ,i 3’3.‘ .
The three received Plaques Lexington Heraldicader. He and ii 5”,?th ‘ i ‘ dunng the nex‘ year‘; . m 2” Student Center. Where "people .A 1" l. ' I I;
The rain kept the Atlanta his wife brought their 3-year-old of“? " "r RObblnS. "who 153m? 0t the can meet and chat Wllh Robbins.” " -3; '~
Rhythm 390th)". the top-billed daughter tosee the balloon race. t 5i} . world's m0“ d'smgwshed Stalls” (‘ievlndarajulu said. " , .3“
band, to only two songs. but few ’ '3 " clans. will apply similar conditions ,-\t 4 pm. tomorrow in 212 (‘lass- , J . .3'
in the crowd seemed to mind the Sgt. LH. Adkisson of the UK ' .33 x 33 .. of anything you can put a statistical room Building, Robbins will give a ,, 3 3* " , '
steady drizzle or the lack of live Police Department said he was i ' model to," said Zakkula (3}ovlndara~ more technical lecture on this sub- ' - 3_ 3 ‘.
lnusic, looking for a large crowd at the l 3 julu.a UK professor ofstatlstics. jet-t geared toward statisticians. '- ~. ‘; . y- . _
“Other than the rain. (we're) events but was expecting no .,,33,,3, For example. Robbins will com- mathematicians and graduate stur - ‘3 - 3
having a good time.“ said Keith problems. fl 3! L333 33" ,3; pare one group Wllh a similar back» dents. ' ‘ ,
“Hammer"Hammerick of ARS. ' W” Md” ‘W . , ... , ._ ,'
The carnival attracted a steady Hunt said the Student Activities ""°“"'“"""°""‘""°‘5'°" ReSChedulin WW“ , ' ‘ ’. - '
crowd from the time it opened Board. which sponsors LKD, SPeC‘O'OFSr ”Pr CTOWd crowd the balloons 0' g ’2” ' < ‘
Friday until it closed late Satur- would receive profits of 25 per- ”‘9 Little KenlUCkY Derby. BONOM, Koren . l N‘hamtassisss «was . f ;
day evening, drawing many visi- cent from the 10 rides at the car- Wekstein, an accountin iunior, and Amy Heck- f f ’
tors from outside the immediate high and 15 percent from the rotte, an advertising siphomore, ride the Sea 0 Ina exams Weaken: “a." and m I ' I
campus. air. Dra on at the LKD carnival Saturda . ° ° " runners w." V .
9 V still poss1ble a u. may titanium. a - .
. the Kentucky Relays lost .
Seniors accept challenge donate to UK w...... .. ,
’ Students with conflicting final ex- m’ Page 3'
ByBRADCOOPER lished a oal of raisi .000. said “I am ver ha . although we arships. $775; the Business and Eco— ”mam“ “Mules may 5"“.“3‘”? '
SeniorStaff Writer Tim Fregdenberg, thengcofincil‘s ad- are not sureyof dilly money total," nomics Development Fund. $293.50; the chance mdosthe reschetdhuling,3 W Avila! m '
viser. Straub said. “I think it went very and teaching improvements, $335. .A‘b' ““9”ng 3'2"? an “*0 be! scheduled the portom‘. 3 .
The blitz W35 0" last week as the But with more pledge cards com- well and more importantly in the 3 , final .f’xams 5" ue on any 0an 0" who will "MC. the“
Student Development COMO“ mem- ing in every day, Freudenberg said long term it will help to make se- Louncd members worked from date '5 minim to “a"? the exam or music" man your. For My
bers sacked more than 100 seniors it appearsthegoal willbedoubled. niors more aware of the University's “0‘“ 5 ‘,° 1° W“- eac" "‘8'“ ’as‘ the “ass “'m the h‘gheSt catalog story see m ..
and convinced them to take the se- “We had an informal goal of rais- need for money.“ “'eek trying ‘0 make personal con- number r?SCh‘?d“'ed' _ , P " .- -
333033 challenge. ing $303133 and we're probably going ‘9“ with 335 many graduating 59- It the highest number is shared by 99. .
Council members made more than to double that in our first year —rm Seniors contributing money will be "IOFSESPOSS'NC- more "‘3" “"9 “ms“ me We ‘." , ,. . .
1.000 phone calls to get UK graduat- real pleased.“ hesaid. given a grace period of eight months h 3 “thh the Class department Prefix ‘5 ‘
ing students to take the senior chal-- “There have been two major before they are requested to pay the Others addressed classes t 93 are hrs‘ alphabetically M" be reSChed‘ , '
. . . . - ~ - enrolled in — which helped to make uled.
lenge,3 3 3 3 mom-a.[hons sohcnlng contribu. first Installmelll 0f lhelr pledge. A John Cain council member and Stu-
Durmg senior blitz week. which tions from alumni; the library doors student pledging 365 would be eX- den, Gove‘mmem Association re... Although University Senate rules ~ 3....» -- ..
ran from April 14 to 18. council fund-raising basically solicited pected to pay that amount for each 3 d' led 33 P 3,8,3, such a request must be made ...»:
members convinced 104 students to money from student organizations of three years following graduation. dent.the ea "‘39 ge-ge 9" two weeks prior ,0 the last day of .
take the senior challenge. ralsmg and the Free-for-All from local WSi‘ . . Cain. who raised about $2.210 in classes. students may still be able to “h ”w h. m”, W;
nearly 88,400 m the week-long phone- moses‘Treudenberg said. Seniors pledging mmey we”? also pledges. said students were recep- reschedule exams if requests are m . 0 M M ...:
a-thon. . . “If you Put that in 99'5“?“in given the opportunity to deSlgnate tiveandwillingtodonate to UK. made. in writing, as soon as possi- M W I w M *2“
'l‘heamount raised in thepllone-a- that students are paying for this out the UK program to which they ble to the appropriate instructor. m ”w h. N
thon does "0‘ include PINS” solic- of their own pockets. that's pretty wanted their money [080- “Most students agreed to give said Charles Byers academic I l ”I a“
ited Walsh letters sent '88! week ‘0 impressive.“hesaid. something at some point in time.“ ombudsman ' m 3 m.
December graduates and sailors Louis Straub. the council‘s chair- Among the departments that '86 he said. “In general most people ‘ W " ‘ ‘1 - 2*;
whoapplied for Mayday-ea. man. was pleased with the We. in receiving pledge money from 342- were very receptive to giving to the Byers said the decision will be left ‘5. * g 0‘3 xi;
Originally, the council had estab- thon‘s results. nior blitz week were student schol- UniversityofKentucky." up toeach instructor. ~ *2 1. ~.

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor, with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.
. V V 4/25: Movies: Barbarella - Tickets on sale at noon; open to
Movics: Roman Hoilday, open to students, acu ty, students, faculty, staff 8 guests: $1.75 Worsham Theatre-
' ° MOV’IP\ Roman Holiday open to students faculty, ' . . . . V . . .
_ 5'0” 8. gues, S, ,5 “0'5th Theatre 7 30 p m Call 7. :t2cgf7f 8 guests $1.75, Worsham Theatre, 730 p.m., Call 7 7./32obp.x.,Call7é12:7 VV VV k V on 0V8 0V "0°" 51 75.
I287 . V b II M h 11 t h m V Shi I 4 21: Movies: Roman Holiday; open to students, faculty, 4 ~ owes. or are °' V" 9V" s ' ' '
. Spots. UK Bose ° VS' ars a a o 9’ vey staff 8 guests; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7- Worsham Theatre: 7:30p.m.. Ca 7'1287
Field, 3-00 p.m.: Call7-8829 bl IC t F C t I 1287 4/28: Movies: Barbarella- tickets on sale at noon; $1.75;
. . _ . :
- . - th Eincgl; U: {fizlfggzrg e oncer, ree' en er or 422: Movies: Roman Hoilday; open to students, faculty, W°'5h°mThW"°17:30P-m-IC0ll7-1237
. e rs ' p. " a . _ staff 8 guests; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm; Call 7-
~ . ' ' 0 Rentals: Graduate String Quartet, Center for the Arts, 1287
. . 800; me Call 7.4900 . .
V V. _ Saorts: Japanese Karate (Shotokan) _ Japan Karate As- 4 23: Movies: Roman Holiday: open to students,szciViVlty.
IV -‘ . ,' sociotion, AlumniGym Loft, 6-8 p.m.: Call 7-4394 $208.; 8 911995? 5175? Worsham Theatre. 7'30 p.m., ° '
‘ « , . Rel'g'ous:.TNT ‘ Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite 424: Movies: Roman Holiday; open to students, faculty,
V ,. Tagether. Baptist Student Ctr.; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3989 staff 8 uestS' $1 75. Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.: Call 7.
. : . ' 0 Meetings. SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting: 1287 g ' ' ' '
; 11‘ Student Ctr.;4:00p.m,;Cal|7-8867
, ' ; I Meetings: UK Waterski Club Meeting - everyone we-
‘ , ‘ V . lc:me please stop by; 205 Student Ctr.; 7:00 p.m.: Call
. ‘ . ‘ . ' ‘ 258-3992
: ‘~ " , ' 0 Workshops. Bicycle Repair Workshop 'lf you ride it, NCERTS
. . . T ' ,.»' \Ou can fix it': 206 Seaton Ctr.; 5:30-7:30 p.m.: Call 7-1411 ARTS & CO
, - V. rVV V V 4/24: Concerts: UK Orchestra Concert; Free; Center for the
V J , ,. Arts: 8:m p.m.: Call 7-3145
' ' ' ’ - ' 4/24: Recitals: Senior Recital: Melinda Cumberledge, So-
' l l: - 4 22: Concerts: UK Jazz Ensemble I Concert; Free; Center prano; Center ‘0' the Arts; 8500 P~m-3 C0ll7'4900
‘ ' , . . ' for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.: Call 7.3145 4/25: Concerts: Early Opera in Concert: Purcell'; Center for
‘ ' 4 22: Recitals: Graduate String Quartet; Center for the the Arts; 8:00 p.m.:Call 7-1385
- A - vi Arts; 8:00 p.m.: Coll7-4900 4/25: Concerts: Collegium Musicum Concert: Free; Center
V 423: Concerts: Lexington Philharmonic Young People's fortheAths;8:00p.Vrn.:CalVI7-3145 .
. Concerts; Free; Center for the Arts; 10:30 8 Noon; Call 4x25: Recitals: Senior Recital: Kerry Bryant, Flute; Memori-
' 233-4226 al Hall: 8:00 p.m.: Call 7-4900
, . ~ 4 23: Recitals: Voice Honors Recital; Center for the Arts; 4/27: Recitals: Center Sundays Series: The Guitar Society
V ’ 8:00 p.m.: Call 7-4900 of Lexington- Central Kentucky presents Duo Guitarists; $6
I ‘ I 4 23: Recitals: Senior Recital: Jerald Harscher, Guitar; BS4.50;CenterfortheArts;3p.m.;Call7-3145
. I Centerfor the Arts;8:00p.m.;Cal|7-49m 4/‘28: Concerts: Council on Aging Spring Concert; Free;
‘ ' 23 WEDN ESDA Y 24 TH URSD AY ‘M‘°”“° ’13°""""‘ C"" ”"5
, _ t
' _ o Sportk uK Bow-bell \sV LOUtSVIlle at home Shively ' Other: Kentucky Foreign Language Conference; 510 “go“-
I , Field 3 00;) w Cal. 7 38:0 fee for non-UK attenders; Student Center. 1:00 p.m.: Call 1'; SPORTS
V O Concerts Lg-v.'iqtcct philhgrmom: Young Peoples Con. 7-1921 . V €21}; 4/25: Sports: UK Badminton Club; FTGEJ 56010" Gym: 8330‘
certs Her;- (01‘le tor the Arts 10 3O 8, Noon Call 233- 0 Other UK Theatre Production: 'As You Like It by Wil- 103° p.m.:Call278-7138
4226 liam Shakespeare: $5-Public & 54 Students; Guignol V, ' I . K t (Sh tok n)- Ja an Karate
- Reutuis » e e rtcncv 3 Rothai Center for the Arts Theatre 800 p.m., Coll 7-1385 1261 VSI’VPT’S'AJVOPWY‘EG 10:1: 7 3 p :1 'Ccall 7 43:4
- 8000 rr‘ Can ‘4300 0 Movies. Roman Holiday; open to students, faculty, . . 11 h 11 t h _ Sh' I S-SOCIGIOH: Um?" Y'“ 0 5 ' . .. ‘
. , 0 Rig—Mai» 9w :, Rag-ta )E’Old Liarscher Guitar Cen- staff 8 guests $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.; Call 7- :ieQIZ :ggrgsagléa?r7sggg9 V5" Mars 0 ° ome, tvey U2: Vs’pOVV'SVC UK Rugby V,:°Sm dvs' WVestern CKTVnggskVYVVbéJK
’ h, . i. i w. r ' ' ' " 't r’ t t 'um: .m.; a -
mil; "‘6 Al ' 5V3“ 0 CVOVH V4900 1287 , . . . 4 22: Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan) - Japan Karate Rug y 'C omrnVonwea . a ' , ,p ,
, Sports UK “(sme- -, sunbal Team vs Asbury Wood- 0 other Self-Defense Clinic - sign up by 4:00 p.m. in 135 A c‘ation' Alumni Gym Loft: 6-80 m _C0” 7439‘ 4, 27: Sports: Aikido: Beginner Aikido Classes; Alumni
, land Pork .1 00 p, in (01- 7.2896 Seaton Ctr. 51.00; Alumni Gym Balcony; 6:30-7:30 p.m.: 5.50 I ' ' V' . Gym balcony;1p.m.Call266-0102
. . . Ome, 3.0“. 5,0639", Umon Awards Banquet SC Call7-3928 423: Sports: UK Baseball vs. Lomsvrlle at home; Shively 4/27: Sports: UK Badminton Club; Free; Seaton Gym; 2:30-
. _ ' ' Grand Baiimmn 0 Concerts: UK Orchestra Concert: Free; Center for the F'eldi 350° p.m.: C0ll7'8829V 3;30p.m.; Call278-7138
, ' Rel'gIJU‘ Sweat COWWtY‘ISs-Ot‘v Students Wednesday Arts’ 8:00pm.; Call7-3145 4'23: SpOI’YSZ UK Womens 50“!)0” Team VS. ASbUl’Y; 4/28; Sports; UK Women's Sohba“ team vs. Berea; Wood.
. Night Bible Stud. 23' Student Ce: 7 00 p m. Call 254-3997 0 Meetings, Cosmopolitan Club Meeting; Student Center; Woodland Park; 4.10.0 p.m.; CV0" 73289? . . land Park; 4 meV; Call 7-2898
. . Meg-wigs (Why. Conwnnyee Meeymg 228 Student 7,30p.m..Call254-6359 4 23: Sports: Aikido: Beginner Aikido Classes; Alumni
. Or 5 00 c a: Can ‘ 586‘ 0 Recitals, Senior Recital; Melinda Cumberledge, Sopro- Gym Balcony; 8:30p.m.; C0” 266'0102
, ' Sports Amide Big "her A kidc Classes, Alumni Gym no: Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.: Call 7-4900
' BOlCOnf. ‘3 3C a m Ca‘? 260-0152 ' Other' German Club Kaffeetisch - informal gathering
' - Othe' Hukinlng avg Transportation Fair Info on com- with refreshments everyone invited, 571 Woodland; 5-6z30
' thunity 8 rumors nui- via transportation utilities 8. car p,m.;Ca||8-6298
- ' safety 206 Siam-m ctr 11.3 p, v~- Call 76598 0 Other Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon; $1.00; MEETINGS & LECTURES
' Seminars Tl—lc' Na H Exchange System by Ms, Jana Baptist StudentCtr: 12:15 p.m :Call7-3989
~ Patton' Med Ctr Pm MN 163 4 00p m ' Meetings- UK Fencing Club Meeting - free insturction;
a Reiqmg: yum...” 1m immug FellOvV/Shlp creative equipment provided: Alumni Gym Loft 7:30 p.m.: Call 233-
., r t‘n m a d u .. r ' . . 1
V O b L ' k t ‘ l e ”1 :ne M” be served K 520 4 22: Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting;
House .112 Rose St 603;; n1 \O:l254»1881
' ' V . 115 Student Ctr.‘ 4:00 p.m.' Call 7-8867
' Religicii- Cantwb. ’y Fellowship Holy Eucharist and . , V' K W ' k' CL b M V.
Fel|0wship St Auqi S'HI‘E‘ . Cnacel 5 3O p.mx Call 254- 4 22' Meetings. U aters I u ee "‘9 . everyone we-
3726 “ lcome please stop by; 205 Student Ctr.; 7:00 p.m.; Call
, , 268-3992
5 Par Fl it») ‘d : ; . . .
r0: £9151: p, g (N if: '128 Elf-eiiépgzjllv erM:;g: 4 22: Workshops: Bicycle Repair Workshop 'If you ride it,
‘ ' Cal' 233 54;, L g l ' ' you can fix it'; 206 Seaton Ctr.; 5:30-7:30p.m.; Call 7-1411
1 4 23: Meetings: Concert Committee Meeting; 228 Student
' Ctr.; 5:00 p.m.: Call 7-8867
. FRIDAY a 4 23: Lectures: 'Pain Relief and the Elderly' given by
I S Marga-ret R. Grier, Ph.D,, Nursing; 128 Erikson Hall; 12
I A Noon; Call 233-5471
I ' V 4 24: M t'n : Cosmo olitan Club Meetin ; Student Cen-
, . ‘ Other UK 'hectre Production As You Like It' by Wil- 0 Other; UK Theatre Production: 'As You Like It’ by Wil- ter' 7807:; 9201125445259 9
. . llom ShokeSDeore SS-Publi: SA-Students Guignol Theatre liam Shakespeare: SS-public 8 SA-students; Guignol 4 24. Meetin. 5V UK Fencing Club Meeting _ free "‘5er
‘ l 8 00 p m COM 1:385 . Theatre: 8 p.m.-Cal|7-1385 tion . equipmgnt provided; Alumni Gym Loft: 7:30 p.m.:
' . ' Other Caircauni n SGcIOl Philosophica 131 Taylor Ed. 0 Movies. Barbarella- tickets on sale at noon; $1.75; Callv233-5201
. ' V . .. Bldg 3 5 p m Co: 7 4795 Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-1287
V . ,' . ' C'Jrifet’.‘ EGV'v ODlr'C n Concert Purcell Center for 0 Academics, Last day to sit for a final examination for
. "‘9 Ar” 8 001‘ C0" 7 ‘355 candidates for a May graduate degree
-. ' ' , ‘ O'hei A'v > Man EtudeM Dental Associat Seaton 0 Other, High School Band Contest. Free, Center for the
3 '- ' F‘eld ll 3 "" call 9331330 Arts 80.m.-10p.m.; Call7-3145
1' > ', . ' Mowefi: BOIbC'Gllu “ctr-‘2 on sale at noon open to 0 Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan)- Japan Karate As-
. . students for ulty staff 8 guests $1.75 Worsham Theatre: sociation; Alumni Gym loft; 1-3 p.m.: Call 7-4394
. . ~ ,‘ 7 30p m Ca’? ‘ 1287 0 Other: International Symposium at UK Language Meet-
‘ " 'V .V .V 0 Concert: {GHQ/grunt Mus-:um Concert Free; Center Free and open to the public; Board Room, 18th floor POT:
for the-Arts 800;, '7‘ CC; 7 3145 9a.m.-4:45 p.m.~Ca||7-6114
. V 0 Recitals Senior We: 'a Kerry Bryant Flute, Memorial 0 Sports: UK Rugby team vs. Western Kentucky; UK
V . ' . ‘ “l0” ’3 00 i3 "1‘ (U ‘ 4'3”} Rugby Pitch Commonwealth Stadium. 1 p.m.: Call 259-1169
V V , 0 Other Lrvt .u 0.. 1' Series Lecture on Mastery of 0 Religious. Canterbury Fellowship Evening Prayer and .
‘ ,V the Form by Dr to” m Yriggert King Library North: Noon Fellowship; St. Augustine's Chapel; 6p.m.: Call 254-3726 i:
, - ‘ v ’ -_ Cour-1°00 SPECIAL EVENTS
: V . : . V: , ’ V _ . 0 Other In‘iwov ’ricl Symposium at UK Language Meet- 5
1 I -‘ :' V ' - Free and ooev '. the public Board Room 18th floor POT, 4/24: Other: Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon;
I: - , " '7' I ' ." 90 m 4 45 r 'i‘ (0'! 7-6114 $1.00; Baptist StudentCtr.; 12:15 p.m.: CalI7-3989
* . . - -., 'V . -V ' Socr“. Utt Badminton Club Free Seaton Gym 8 30- , . 4/25: Other: UK Theatre Production: 'As You Like It' b
VVV , VV ~V ‘, V 10 BC: in Ca‘ 2‘5 7138 4 22: Religious: TNT - Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite William Shakespeare: $5-Public S4-Students; Guigno1
IVV .' ' ' IVV. . . V Together; Baptist Student Ctr.; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3989 Theatre' 8:00p m ~CaII'7-l385 '
1‘ ' f . 423: Other: 8l°Ck Student Union Awards Banquet; SC 4/25: Other: Colloquim in Social/Philosophica; 131 Taylor
' < 'n I ' . G';3"d:°Vl"°°m G V c . , St d V Wed d Ed. Bldg.;3-5 p.m.:Call7-4795
,' .V l . .1 4, : eigious: rea ommtssuon u on 5 nos ay . V . t t l A . t- t
.V- I; ‘ ; - - Night Bible Study; 231 Student Ctr. 7:00 p.m.:Call 254.3997 :V/fi gig/23353823; “den' De” “°"°' 5“ °"
. . «V . VVV V 4 23; Other: Housing and Transportation Fair: Info on com- “25: Other: Lecture Recital Series: Lecture on Mastery 0'
‘, ,‘ , V. .".‘ munity 8. campus housing, transportation, utilities 3 car the Form by Dr. James Taggert; King Library North; Noon;
.: , i ‘ ". V .' - safety; 2065tudentCtr.: 11-3 p.m.: Call7-6598 Call7-4900
.' ., f 4 23: Seminars: 'The Na/H Exchange System by Ms. Jana 4/25: Other: International Symposium at UK Language
’ l « 1’ ~ '.. ‘ Patton; Med. Ctr. Rm. MN463: “001”" . _ Meet-Free and open to the public; Board Room, 18th floor
' ' ' -. ‘-: , ' 4 23: Religious: Wednesday Evening Fellowship: creative , _ , , _
t - : , h f t d V f d‘ or 'II be ser ed K POT,9a.m. 4.45 p.m., Call76114
I . , , : ' ' , inn i v ; -
‘ ' r . '-’ *1 ' NDAY M ND . wors 'p or s u TBS reeV w 4/26: Other: UK Theatre Production: 'As You Like It' by
1V . > _ ’u'. House/412Rose5t..6.00p.m.,Call254-1881 . V V bl” 8 54 d , G _ l
".. ‘ 4 23: Religious: Canterbury Fellowship Holy Eucharist and mlllgm 85h°rtesngaVr7°V3§§Pu 'c ’5'” ents, ”‘9'”
‘ i ' [7;]: ‘ , Fellowship; St. Augustine's Chapel; 5:30 p.m.: Call 254- 9° ’9? P“ ' . . V .
. ,V _ . VV ,V A. . Other UK Theatre Production As You Like It' bY Wil- ' Movies- Barbarella- tickets on sale at noon; $1.75: 3726 :06: gcngernchs: Last daVdetCLVseitdefgrez final examrnation
t . ' . ' liam Shakespeare SSpublIC SA-students: Guignol Theatre Worsham Theatre 7 30pm; Call7-1287 4 24. Other' Kentuck F ' L C Q ~ 510 0" C9" ' ° '5 0'0 01'9" 0
- . q . , « , , y oreign anguage on erence, V . . V V
- ,V' - ' ‘ " 39-": C0" ’ 1355 0 Concerts: Council on Aging Spring Concert; Free; Cen- fee for non-UK attenders; Student Center; 1:00 p.m.: Call “26- Other. H'Qh 5‘h°°l 39"" Contest, Free. Center for
r V , -V,'VV - Recitals Center Sundays Series The Gutter Society of '9' for the Ar,s- 7:30pm.; Call7-3145 7-1921 thbAVrtana.Vft\.V-1V0P.W;V;COVl175-3145 .
. V ‘ V V Lexington Central Kenturky presents Duo Guitarists, $6 8 0 Sports: UK Women's Softball team vs. Berea; Wood- 4,24: Other: UK "no", Production: 'As You “k. W by - "r '1 erna '°"° YmVP°5Wm 9' UK L°"9U°9°
' ‘ $4 50 C t i th A t 3 C 117-3145 . . . . . Meet-Free and open to the public; Board Room, 18th floor
V . . en er .0: e r s p m. a land Park 4p.m.,Ca||7-2898 William Shakespeare: SS-Publlc 5 $4 5'09“"!- GU'9"°l .9 . . ll
, . -' , 0 Sports Aikido Beginner Aikido Classes, Alumni Gym Theatre: 82mp.m.: Call7-1385 POT-V 9-m-V"-‘V5 P~mw Ca 7'61” . V d
. r' balcony l p m Call 266-0102 4/26. Religious. Canterbury Fellowship Evening Prayer an
A ' . R l ( , C ,9 b r F H h‘ H I E h - t St "2‘? Other: Self-Defense Clinic ‘ 519" "P by ‘im p.m. 1" Fellowship; St. Augustine's Chapel;6p.m.;Call254-3726
‘ '- ' A 1‘9] Ch or” if U y eaoswsso'p lacy 11;; 05;; I '35 59m" c'" s‘ '00; “mm“ 6"" “I‘m" 6:30'7‘30 4/27- om - UK Th in Production: ’As You Like W by
V . . ugus me 5 V aoe 0 30a m pm. a 4- 6 p.m.: Call7-3928 .' or. ea . . V G . I
, , : r ' Sports LiK Badminton Club Free Seaton Gym, 230- . V William Shakespeare: 35-public, $4-students, uigno
: V ' 3 30 p m Call 278-7138 4 24: Other: German Club Kaffeetisch - informal gathering Theatre: 39-m-2 Coll 7-1385
I ' ’ . Will“ VElFGShmeml OVGFYOM 1mm“: 571 Woodland: 5'91” 4/27: Religious: Canterbury Fellowship Holy Eucharist: St.
:_ . . p.m.: Call 8-6298 Augustine's Chapel; 10:30 a.m. I. 5:” -.m.; Call 254-3726
4 29: Conference on Improving Personal Communication: 4
workshops; $45-one day or less; SBO-total; Carnahan Con-
ference Center; 8:” a.m.-4:ZK) p.m.: Call 254-1060
4092 Bicycle Repair Workshop 'If You Ride It, You Can Fix
It'; Free; 206 Seaton Center; 5:31-71!) p.m.; Call 7-1411
400: Last day to apply for May Certification for Teacher
Education students; 101! Taylor Ed. 0169.; B arm-4:3!)
p.m.: Ca117-1857
400: Conference on Improving Personal Communications:
4 workshops; $45-one day or less, SKI-total: Carnahan
Conference Center; 0:300.m.-4:wp.m.: Call 254-1060

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
2"»555E3i53?%%‘=i=‘i‘“*3. are; 5 " 1: i"“1""-:.est-2:22eat?mewes aim" a...
Milers t0p UK’s performance in Relays Former Wildcat named
O I . . . . .
Bretding captures 1,500 and 3,000 to pace remarkable middle-distance runners aSSlStant on | IK Staff ,
By WILLIE Ill.-\1‘T Saturday in 4 minutes. 5.76 seconds, I thought overall in number of peo- Hawkins. who transferred from . .- l‘
sports Editor just ahead of freshman Russell Nal- pie who performed well and the Purdue in January. won the 800 Sat- By WILLIII-Z lll.\'l"l‘ and the 1978 NCAA (‘hampionship . -
ly's third-place finish of 4:06.02. quality of the performances. ithe urday in 2:08.16. breaking Mad- Sports Editor teams. (‘asey served as a grad- ' .

The UK women‘s middle-distance Nally also took fifth in the men‘s 800 Relaysi were the best ever.“ igan's 1983 Relays record of 2:11.07. uate assistant for a year under . ., .
runners have been so routinely out- on Friday inl:5t.50. Friday's sunny skies and 70-de- Freshman Elisa Frosini took second It was just seven years ago Joe H Hall before Joining (‘lem , , -‘ ' ‘
standing this spring that even' their “They were perhaps our best per- gree weather certainly didn't hinder at 2:08.31 and Hoover was fourth in that Dwayne Case