xt78gt5ffd82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78gt5ffd82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 2000 2000 2000-11-16 2020 true xt78gt5ffd82 section xt78gt5ffd82 LEFT 0F CENTER

Alon readers




He said he'd
be back
And he is.
Check out

Arnold’s new
movie I



Alert reader Brad
grandmother just
sent him an
interesting e-mail
that illustrates why
some votes are not
being counted.

Dear Brad,

I won the Florida lottery!
I'm now a multi-
millionaire! Can you
believe it?!? You see,
my ticket doesn‘t
have the exact
winning numbers on
it. but I meant to pick
those winning
numbers. The ticket
was very confusing
when l was filling it
out and I ended up
with the wrong
numbers on my card.
But since I really
meant to pick those
other numbers,
they're going to give
me the money _
anyway! They really
shouldn't make those
darn cards so hard to
fill out! And even
though I was
confused, I didn't ask
for help because no
one would have
helped me anyway. If
the Florida State
Lottery won’t give
me the money, I'll
just sue them!


Rather weird

Janet Nicholas found an
Internet site that
gives some funny
quotes form Dan
Rather on the hectic
election night.

“Well. we've said it
many times. If a frog
had side pockets,
he'd carry a handgun.
And he doesn't have
side pockets, so
maybe he won't get
those states and
maybe he will."

"Bob (Schieffer), the
polls have closed at
Virginia. A Senate
race there ugly
enough, nasty
enough to gag a

"...you can bet that
Governor Bush will be
madder than a
rained-on rooster
that his brother, the
governor, wasn’t able
to carry this state
for him."

“Bush has had a lead
since the very start,
but his lead is now
shakier than
cafeteria Jell-O...”

"Bush is sweeping
through the South
like a tornado
through a trailer

“There's no way Gore
can win this thing
without carrying
California. It'd be like
trying to scratch his
ear with his elbow."


-Complled by: Ron


THE 411

To: rear 1"”“12

3.8 2.1

Expect snow for the

Kentucir y:

Home l

VOL. #106 ISSUE 3359


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Call: 257-1915 or write:



Tax season worsened by forms

Sign here: Computer helps with tax forms [is dimrun for them to

By Cory Nagllnger

if you think American tax forms are
tough to fill out. imagine what intemational
students go through.

“It‘s confusing because of tax treaties
and other things." said Adrian l.im. a grad»
uate student in business administration.

Factors such as how many days you
have been in the US. and international
agreements between the US. and the for-
eign country have to be taken into account.
he said.

“I see the lengths they go to. to com-
plete these forms." said Lisa Collins. assis-
tant dean at the Graduate School.

manage all the papers

and forms she said

Also. the forms are very technical and most

of the time. are not written in the student's
first language.

”A student from (‘hina may have a dif-
ferent situation than a student from (‘ana-
da."(k1llins said.

Not many tax accountants in lexington
know how to complete international tax
forms. Lim said. The good news: Help is

The lnternational Student (,‘ouncil is
providing a new computer program to help
intemational students complete their tax

NRAwareY. a software package specifi
cally designed to translate the US tax rules
into easytounderstand language. strives to



.‘America' s next
green universi

Make it green: Student organizations
push for more recycling on campus


While UK’s administration wants to be “America’s ‘
next great university,” student environmentalists
want something else —— they want to be “America’ a;

next green university.”

“If UK wants to be the next great university -—.-
they need to be a little more green.” said
Crawford, a natural resources senior and an active
member of hgigsidence Life Recycling. Cram

W with

Greens and the Environmental €th-

arm group Wednesday afternoon to promote and oh-
courage recycling on UK’s campus. The event was

sponsored by SGA.

Crawford said Wednesday’ 3 event was weir way to
celebrate America' s Recycle Day. a corporate sport~

sored holiday.

Instead of protesting. which is what Crawford did.
last year, she took a different approach to reform.
“We are doing are own thing to celebrate this

day,” she said.

The three groups handed out literature, cotton
candy and popcorn and sold books to interested stu,‘


editorial North. Central
WI ide every no}! can.

dhopei .
ill actually;

Crawford said site
manners from the rep

achieve three basic functions

lt can assist a foreign visitor with the
calculation of his or her residency status. it
can inform the visitor of any tax-treaty iin
plications associated with their country of
citizenship and it can help complete the ap-
propriate income tax forms.

In a shoit period of time. a typical for
eign visitor should be able to decide which
tax return to file and complete and print all
necessary returns and statements.

"It will do all the calculations for you
and give you a print copy." l.iin said.

Publications from the Internal Revenue
Service have been provided in the past to
help international students

The tax forms foreign students must fill
out are called lMllNR. NR stands for non
resident alien.

plastic and cans will be 10-
Scam campus residence

works that is: she hopes stu-
gain for recyclable materials

to Went the volume
recycling to the Univer-

ta about the availability of recycling on W8, (If

7i gfil as the beneficial aspects.

Along with this they also encouraged students to
sign a petition to protest UK’ 3 limited recyding nan-
ties on campus. With the signatures. Crawford, as well.
as her other partners, hope to increase the percentage
of: waste recycling on campus. They delivered it to
President Wethington at 2 pm.

Whether Wethington attends to the petition or not,

sit},— so they will see howuuich regionalism r-eoy
Adoleoursgtogetflmnbetterhflolved in sav-

linear earth

“We want the university to redistribute their
money to give man trimming. she said.
, David Hutchfiipon. I marketing sophomore and
member of the Wants] Concerns Committee
martini UK’s recycling isn’t quite up to par.

Crawford intends to continue making UK' s campus


door recycling.

“We are trying to get the comma... going to get
the University more environments!!!

In fact, she just purchased bins (they look like the said.
ones at the William T. Young Library) from grant
money provided by the National Association for PET
Container Resources, a corporation that funds out-

.” he

Hutchinson and Crawford said UK’ 3 recycling
technigues continue to substantially improve but
think the University could do better.

“We don't think 1! I! M 88 itcould be.”


U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain
Nonresident Aliens With No Dependents

flaw 4w“. ‘u ,

Ind Stains» Mu r
y u. .« _.






lnternatlonal students must complete a tax form
like the one pictured above when filing taxes.

Giving the gift
of knowledge

You can help: Organizations
participate in book program


Harriette Arrlngton, a professor of curriculum

and instruction, reads The Heart of Friendship.
an East Afrlcan folktale, to a group of primary
school children.

By Lalnln Swann

Instead of giving children presents to
unwrap on Christmas morning. two l'K or-
ganizations want to give them the opportu-
nity to wrap themselves up in books

The UK (Tollege of Education (‘oalition
of Student Organizations and [K Athletics
Department joined together to launch
“Books for Children." a program that col-
lects new books for underprivileged (‘hllr
dren at campus locations anrl distributes
them through local agencies

This is the first time I'K has been in-
volved with the program. The idea for the





Possible Supreme Court judge speaks at

Open seats: Oregon judge and Supreme Court candidate
says he likes to go by the book on judicial matters

By Ashley York


He's not a member of the Supreme
Court yet. but he might be a likely can-
didate if Texas Gov. George Bush wins
the presidency.

Iliarmunl ()‘Scannlain. a United
States (‘ourt of Appeals Judge for the
9th circuit from Oregon. visited l'K‘s
Law School \N’ednesday night to speak
about the role of the current judiciary

“He‘s a highly prominent member
of the judiciary that Republicans hap-
pen to like." said Aaron Whaley. a sec-

ond year student in the College of Law
and member of the Federalist Society.
about O'Scannlain's possibility of being
elected to the Supreme Court.

“The (Republican party) have put
him on their short list of people they
would nominate if Bush wins.“ he said.

O'Scannlain spoke to a courtroom
full of law students and professors
about a judge's duty to apply general
rules to concrete controversies.

“Judges are the citizens whom we
delegate to responsibly confirm our
laws." he said.

Aside from speaking about a judge's
responsibility to the people. he also

brought attention to problems existing
within the interpretation of laws by
judges. saying he would use textualism
as his essence ofjudicial review.

“I intend to interpret laws the way
they were (defined) at the time the law
was passed." ()‘Scannlain said.

Thus. O’Scannlain said judges
should disallow their own policy to
make judicial decisions.

He definitely wants to go by the

“The (‘onstitution is the supreme
law of the land because it was dearly
ratified by the people of the land." he

Andy Barr. a third year law student
and president of the Federalist society.
was excited about ()‘Scannlain's visit to
l'K and was also an instrumental ele~

See JUDGE on 2



Dior-told O'Scannlaln my be appointed to the
Soprano Court ff Bush Is elected president.


The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentuck , Lexington




Ti niiiiisniiv. vaiii'utirn 16.2006. i my cum



The Low-down

I think we
each other
in a way
that most
either of



- Macaulay
Cuiltin, 20, on his
“good friend"
Michael Jackson.
42, to Barbara
Walters in a
"20/20" inter-
view to be
broadcast Friday.

".5. court to hear Bush case

'l‘.»\l.l.AHASSEE. Fla. A federal appeals
court in Atlanta agreed yesterday to consider ar-
guments on (it‘tH'gt‘ W. Bush‘s attempt to stop De-
mocratprompted manual recounts iii Florida‘s
contested presidential election. The court issued
its announcement at the same time Hush and
presidential rival Al (tore were urging the Flori-
da Supreme Court to rule on the legality of the
disputed recounting in heavily Democratic coun—
ties. There was no immediate word on when ei~
ther court might hear arguments.

Fla. court won't stop recounts

'l‘;\l.l.;\llASSl‘Il'I. Fla. Florida's highest
court yesterday rejected the Republican secre-

tary ofstate's request to delay hand recounting of

presidential ballots. Katherine Harris had asked
ilie Florida Supreme Court to order a halt to on-
going manual recounts “pending resolution as to
whether any basis exists" for their legitimacy.
The court ruled without holding a hearing on
llari'is‘ request. lti rejecting her suit. the judges.
all chosen by Democratic governors. did not ad
dress the many other electioni‘elatetl legal chal
lenges iii l‘ltii‘lilii courts.

Fed leaves interest rates unchanged

\\'.\Siril.\lti'i‘tl\' The Federal Reserve. cit-
ing signs oi iiioderaiing economic growth. agreed
yestci'ilzn not to iiit‘i‘i‘aS‘t' interest rates. the
fourth time this year it has decided to leave them
alone. Officials said that evidence that the
record breaking economy is slowing to a more
sustainable hut Silll‘iit‘iililly pace convinced
them to hold interest rates at 6.3 percent. The
funds rate is the interest that banks charge each
other on overnight loans.

LAPD officers are convicted

i.(lS .»\f\'tii2l.iiS Three Los Angeles police
officers were convicted of conspiracy and a
fourth was cleared yesterday in the first trial to
come out ofthe [Al‘li corruption scandal. A jtiry
found Sgts. lirian l.idtly and Edward ('li'itz anti of-
ficer .\lich.iel lliichiinan guilty titlicer Paul Harper
‘.\ as acqtiitti ‘(i iaddy and i lritx were also was convict-
ed oi one . iiillll oftiling Tl false police icpoit.

Eight Palestinians killed in clashes

(}.\7.;\ CITY. tiaza Sti ip Eight l’alestini
ans were killed in hitter i lashes yesterday. the
highest death toll in the lsraeii-l’alestinian cori-
ilict in nearly a month. There were no celebra»
tions to mark what Palestinians see as their sym-


Latin heart-
throb Ricky
Martin, fronting
an MTV cam-
paign to edu-
cate teenagers
about the dan-
gers of AIDS.
urged them
Wednesday to
practice safe
sex and show
compassion to
victims of the
virus. For
World AIDS day
on December I,
the pop super-
star is fronting
an MTV docu-
mentary on the
ravages of

Actress Melanie
Griffith has
entered a hos-
pital program to
treat an addic-
tion to pre-
scription drugs.
her publicist
said Tuesday.
This is not the
first time the
actress has
been in rehab;
she struggled
with an addic-
tion to drugs
and alcohol in
the late 19805.

boiic independence day - only more funerals and
more violence. The intense fighting was a sad
contrast to the funeral of Leah Rabin. who died
Sunday of cancer. First Lady Hillary Clinton at-
tended the funeral of the wife of former Prime
Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated
five years ago by a Jewish extremist who op-
posed his peace initiatives.

Austrians focus on cause of fire

KAPRUN. Austria ,. With the last remains
of the 155 victims removed from an Alpine tun»
nel. investigators shifted their efforts yesterday
to finding out what caused a cable car jammed
with skiers to burst into flames. The last of those
killed in Saturday‘s fire was cut free froin the
melted wreckage anti brought out in the after
noon. Army helicopters then flew the remains to
a forensic institute in Salzburg for DNA testing.
identifying the charred remains is expected to
take three to four weeks.

United: Mechanics stalling flights

CHICAGO United Airlines has canceled

hundreds of flights so far this month because of

what it claims are illegal. concerted job actions
by mechanics whose contract negotiations are
stalled. A United spokesman said an average of 4
percent of its 2.300 daily flights have been cati-
celed in November. twice the usual amount.

Americans flunk on tire safety

WASHINGTON , Despite the huge recall of
Firestone tires linked to traffic deaths. most
Americans still know little about tire safety. ac
cording to a new survey for the Rubber Manufac
turers Association. The nationwide survey asked
licensed drivers to answer to questions. No one
received an A. while 36 percent scored a l) and ii
percent an F.

U.S. soccer gains with 4-0 win

WILDEY. Barbados Clint Mathis scored
the go-ahead goal and Earnie Stewart. (‘obi Jones
anti Ante Razov tacked on scores as the l'nited
States beat Barbados +0 yesterday anti advanced
to next year‘s regional finals of qualify ing for the
2002 WorldC L.up ’lhel' .S team is now 3--12

Compiled from wire reports.





Something 18 always




Continued from pagei


collection was complied
around three weeks ago. said
Josh Shepherd. information
specialist for the College of Ed-

“It started as an idea from
an emeritus professor to Dr.
Raines. the dean of the col-
lege." Shepherd said. “She
thought it was a good idea that
student organizations (in the
college) should be involved
with the project."

Shepherd also said fami
lies could be tied up in pro-
viding finances for housing.
food. etc. and providing a
book for a child could be the
least of a parent‘s worries.

"Hooks at the library are
OK. bitt it's helpful ifa child
can have a book that they can
call their own." he said.

Several organizations
will reap the benefits of the
collection. such as the

Carnegie Center and Interna-
tional Book Project. These or
ganizations can help get books
to children across the globe.

UK Athletics became in-
terested with the project and
said it became bigger than
they expected.

“We liked the opportunity
to work with the College of Ed
ucation 011 ‘Books with Chil—
dren."' said Alyssa Weisberg.
director of marketing with UK

With the popularity of UK
men's basketball. Weisberg
said UK Athletics has the
strength and power to get the
fans involved.


Key locations to drop off a book for
"Books for Children" include the
Education Library, the Student
Center, the W. Young Library, dor-
mitories and the Oswald Building on
the LCC campus. Donations will be
accepted through early December.



Continued from pagei

ineiit iii getting ()‘Scannlain
to visit l'K.

“He‘s been very selective
in choosing what colleges to
visit." Barr said.

"it‘s a great honor and

privilege to have such a
prominent federal judge visr
it UK‘s College of Law."

Melanie McCoy. a sec-
ond year law student. said
()‘Scannlain's national repti»
tatioii benefits the College of
Law iii many ways.

“it shows dedication of
the College of Law explor-
ing issues that affect nation-
al judiciary." McCoy said.



The headline

"Sky bridge possible for

Limestone." in

Wednesdays Kernel may have been misleading. Council meme
hers have not discussed the possibility of a sky bridge yet. but

may iii the future.

_\ caption in Wednesday's Gena Lee Nolin article incorrect-

lv ide nti fit d the station and time of her new show

“Sheena. ‘

ihe how aiis on \ilil i' at ii p m on Sundays
lo icpoi I (Hi WWW. call the Kcmtl at 257-1915.

happening in Music City

' t . l

t \.l\;i\lii\‘

i\".i Aflstiixt \‘iSU"\ me o‘ tcstiiirants and llllt|\‘ii \yilt' «noun .ll'tlllilvi

flu? in lesion. to itiiiist to :iis i.t\\ .'c .\ grcit
ilk with? ‘v‘ " ylv'illlii; iii;


L'l‘k' ii \ .ll'f-c " lil‘i‘ni Tll'ii'it"v.

ism ‘oi‘ if is Ici it from l’l.iiio lint thc toolvst put toi

was ‘1i $15.: t‘ou 'Tii“\\l‘. r'ifdhi the mantle of ill ihc .iilliiii ot'tlic .\'H 'l ii.iiis tlic

l'icd iii i's. a it :i» 'i‘c'flm'r ’ ‘v;*t“c!‘.it“g tltil‘ st‘t‘iit

until» ‘0 .l \i cs i".ll!‘.i i' to: lh'li ( oiiipiitci ( iii'iioi‘atiie: l’vcsiticx \ishviilc s
tiliat ihcrc s sti much to do within walking
tiltiilm c .w 11p ii‘ii'tini ‘il ad that there .ii‘c plciiti oftuciirv soluttliiiig s around to

hang out ii::h l' ion i'c looking to iiiii\ c to .i citi packed \Hiil c\citciiiciit. Kcitli ilcti

iiitcli i'cttiituiit mix \ishviiic It s .i i‘i'titic platc to my from l‘ciiig i i‘olli'ec student to


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Amen. .l O'IIIYW‘ Keyword Hi.- Mf‘ Day







I or.







e of

l of



1a. ‘





Radio club wants UK
students to tune in, join

Balancing the dial: Club is rich in history,
tradition and looking to recruit members


The UK Amateur Radio
Club. rich in history, is work
ing to strengthen its member-
ship to carry on its tradition.

Ernest Haulch began radio
on His campus in 1915. He
started a club. but it did not last
long. When the United States
entered “011d War 1 in 1917
only the military tould use the
radio for communication.

Nonetheless. Baulch starts
ed training war recruits at UK
on the radio to strengthen his

When the war ended.
Harry Brailsford. Allen (70-
mack and Baulch joined to re-
launch the amateur radio club.
They got a license and went on
air in February 1919.

to be taken down.

"After the roof was re-
placed, we began replacing old
antennas and equipment." said
Gene Yates, the club's adviser.

Yates is responsible for the
operation of W~1J P. the name of
the radio station used by the

He holds the license for the
club and makes sure that all
the equipment works.

()ne benefit to joining
UKARC is the opportunity to
learn how to install the new ra-
dio equipment. as well as
working with faculty members
to build the radio for use in
classes, Yates said.

Meeting new people is also
a reason to join the UKARC.
Since this is an amateur club.
it is a learning experience for
all. and everyone is welcome to

not have to be licensed to be
part of the club.

“Someone with no knowl-
edge of radio would start out
learning radio theory and the
Morse (‘ode at a speed of five
words per minute." Yates said.

One way to learn about
amateur radio is to read Now
Y'ou re ’Ialking. a book by the
American Radio Relay League.
Next. a person can enroll in
classes for the technician's li-
cense offered through the Blue:
grass Amateur Radio Society.

Yates said the UKARC works
hand in hand with the Bluegrass
Amateur Radio Society.

“The UKARC house the 10-
cal two meter repeater and the
Amateur Television Repeater."
Yates said.

"Working with the Blue-
grass Amateur Radio Society
to place these two repeaters
here provides local operators
with good coverage over
Fayette (‘ounty and surround-
ing counties."

High“ inlI'S later. Iht.‘ joiIL Yates said‘

. _ . People interested in oper-
hOUSmL’ problems. 15 looking ating amateur radio should get
to build nwmbcrshin and buy licensed so they can become an
new equipment. operator. Yates said.

There are three levels of ii-

club. though suffering some

IlK's Amateur Radio Sta-
tion is located in Anderson (WSW that

On the radio

The UK Amateur Radio Club meets
the first Tuesday of every month at

are obtained 4 pm in 553 Anderson Hall.

H8” ‘ through testing: technician.
‘ ‘TWO YPHI‘S 11th the hlllld' general and extra. As of now.
ing s root had to be replaced. these tests are not available

The antennas and other instru- through 17K.
ments used for the station had However.


a student does

Youngfellows encourages young
graduates to give back to UK

It's only money: Private
donations help keep tuition down

By Erin Ncidorrovv


Coming up with 310000 is a lot easier than
you might think.

The Youngfellows, an arm of the Fellows Soci~
ety. offers a 15-year payment plan for students
who wish to give back to 17K, Tz‘tx-deductibie pay-
tnents start at 820 a month for the first five vears
and increases to 8'3 a month for the iemaining 10

"liven though the University is state-run. it
has to receive a majority (61 percent) of its fund-
ing from private donors." said Brandon Schadt,
co-chairperson ot' the Youngfeliows.

Private donations help keep tuition down.
and Youngfeliows can earmark the program, orgar
nization or college where they want their money
to go. Donating to multiple organizations is also

Now students have until one year after gradu
ation to take advantage ofthe extended payments
otfered through Youngfellows. Regular Fellows
have 10 years to complete their donation.

"People hear 810.000 and they just tune out."
said Holly Rickman. an accounting and finance
senior and member of the Student Development

Council. 11' students are working for a matching
gift company. donating is even easier. For exam-
ple. a student working for a company that match
es employee contributions dollar for dollar. like
Lexmark. will pay only 35.000. The employer
matches their contribution for a total of 810.000.
Most of the time. this oniy requires filling out a
form and sending it in with the contribution.

"it's a win-win situation for the school, the
employer and the individual." said Aimee Baston.
associate director of Annual and Special Giving
Programs The student rec eives credit for the full
amount and the compam spends money already
mar ked toi ( h 1r itahie donation on something
their employee cares about."

The Student Development (‘ouncil will begin
recruiting mid-spring. They will be taking a more
“grass roots" approach. said Schadt. speaking per-
sonally to graduate programs. honor societies and
(‘iaines scholarship recipients

"We want to focus on people who have been
affected the most by the University." he said.

Caroline Harralson. co-chairperson of the
Youngfellows. said it is important to personalize
their recruitment and provide lots of information.

“\N'ord-otlmouth is very important.“ she said.
"We try to lay it out student to student.

“Even if they don't become a Youngfellow.
just informing them about the University's
needs anti their opportunities to give back to UK
is important."


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Louisville Speed Art Museum
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the eyes of
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The painting was

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Portraits: Cezanne painting most important addition to
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LOUISVILLE. Ky. The Speed Art
Museum. Kentucky's largest art museum.
has acquired a painting by post—impres»
sionist Paul Cezanne for $3.5 million.

Museum officials lauded the painting.
"Two Apples on a Table.“ as the most im-
portant addition to its collection since it ac-
quired Rembrandt's "Portrait ofa Woman"
in 1. 77 for $1.2 million.

”We are thrilled to add this wonderful
small masterpiece to the Speed's colleo
tion." said Peter Morrin. museum director.
"11 is truly a lasting gift to our community
and region."

The 9-by-13-inch painting went on dis-
play Tuesday in the Speed's main gallery.

Mayor Dave Armstrong. who attended the
unveiling ceremony. said the painting
“adds to the overall positive direction that
Speed is moving." under Morrin.

The painting was paid for through do
nations. with the Alice Speed Stoll Acces-
sions Trust providing most of the cost.

Alice Speed Stoll. the granddaughter of
entrepreneur J .8. Speed. for whom the mu-
seum is named. left the museum more than
$50 million. She died in 1996.

The painting had been in the hands of
private collectors for years before Ruth
Cloudman. the museum's curator. spotted
it on display in a Paris France art gallery.
which had been commissioned to sell it for
a Japanesecollector. said museum Spokes

woman Penny Peavler. That collector.
whose name was not released. had owned it
since 1991. the museum said.

Cezanne was born in southern France
and lived between 1839 and 1906 and had
worked with other legends. such as Monet
and Renoir after leaving law school. He
painted "Two Apples on a Table" some
time between 1895 and 1900.

Cezanne. who had worked with other
legends such as Monet and Renoir. was a
strong influence on 20th century masters.
such as Picasso and Matisse. museum offi-
cials said.

Other contributors were Wayne
Perkey anti family. Mrs. W.L. Lyons (Sally)
Brown. Mrs Harry (Jean) Frazier Jr.. San-
dra A. Frazier. Randall and Charlotte
Hockensmith. the University of Louisville
Foundation Inc.. Helen (fondon Powell. and
Edmund and Louise Steinbock Jr.

Admission to the museum's permanent
collection is free.


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Election votes bounced by courts

Legalities: Judges deal with the pressures
of historical presidential election in 2000


Florida's contested presi-
dential election careened
through state and federal
courts on Wednesday as
George W. Bush clung to a
BOO-vote statewide lead.

Al Gore hoped for enough
votes to overtake his rival as
heavily Democratic Broward
County began a hand recount
of more than one half million

“The election of the presi~
dent and vice president is not
a matter of local pleasure."
said Florida Secretary of
State Katherine Harris in le»
gal papers filed in the state
Supreme Court.

A Republican. Harris
sought to block any county
manual recounts “pending fi-
nal resolution" of whether
they are appropriate under
state law. She also as