xt78pk06z24q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78pk06z24q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19850201 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 1, 1985, no. 448 text The Green Bean, February 1, 1985, no. 448 1985 2014 true xt78pk06z24q section xt78pk06z24q I I C
Or/V 1
2-1-85 · , No: HMB
February American History Month _
. American Music Month
_. Black History Month
Feb. 3 IHalfway Point of Winter
Feb. 3-10 · National New Idea Week
l · Feb. 10 Charles Lambls Birthday
A V Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, February 15, 1985 V
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, February ll, 1985
I Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,
{ Rob Aken (editor) -

 I O

To the Library Staff: _ l
_ I want to thank all of the staff who helped with the barcoding :
` project. We processed some llM,OOO barcodes, placing over 80,000
in books; as you know this was done in less time ‘than we
anticipated. I
m The_ LS/2000 is a step closer to becoming a reality, and as with L
; _ _the ·total effort on the automation project we owe thanks to ther j
A entire staff. I look forward to our enjoying the full §
implementation of the LS/2000. . a
Again, please accept my sincere thanks for your help. ‘ `
Paui wiiiis , §
A i
Transfers and Barcodes V 1
` Procedures for transferring items from one location to another ,
L within the system are not significantly affected by the recent 1
g barcoding of books. To initiate a transfer, fill out a transfer g
g slip as in the past. If the book has a barcode, please list it E
j on the bottom of the slip in the "Consulted:" area. Submit the _
· slip to Collection Development for approval. After approval has l
‘ been obtained, send the slip and item or items to the Catalog .
.Support Unit for processing. Any questions on this `may be A
4 addressed to Sandra Muenks in Cataloging Support. Thanks. »  
(Sandra Muenks) A
ALA Transportation _ i
_ It may be possible for the library van to provide transportation
1 for ALA this summer. If you have serious interest in considering
this type of transportation, please let me know by February 15.
(Paul Willis) »
Vi Library Hours Corrections `
li Please make the following changes to the Spring Semester Library ‘
. Hours. ‘
L A Architecture and Chemistry/Physics Libraries will close _at
E U:3O on Fridays.
i` The Art and Education Libraries will be open Sundays from 2
Q till l0.

King Library Barcoding Project
L The King barcoding project was conducted January 10-13, with
_ ‘ around 180 workers contributing to the effort. 0f the 180, about
lMO_ were library staff from King and some branch and -associate
libraries. The remaining M0 were volunteers from the teaching
faculty, Library Associates, and Donovan Scholars Program.
The results of the project were quite remarkable. Approximately.
115,000 barcodes were handled in the three day period--an average
t of about, 6,u00 per hour. An estimated 80,000 barcodes were
· actually applied to books. The remaining 20% of the total were
held for books in circulation or for some problem detected during
the project. The entire LC collection and several high—use areas
of the Dewey collection were covered. The Circulation Department
is now searching for the "leftovers" and finding about 2/3 of
them now in the stacks.
_ Another noteworthy statistic--around 12,800 problem forms were »
filled out by workers in the project. Many of these reflected
books tnot on the shelf, but others described a variety of
problems encountered. These forms will be very useful ,to· the
Cataloging Department in locating bibliographic problems in the
LS2000 database during system implementation. - _
From -the barcoding planning group, a big THANK YOU to all who
worked» so hard and enthusiastically to make the project. a
,· success. ‘ (Gail Kennedy)
LSO Membership Drive/Valentine's Day Tea ‘ -
On February 1M, (Thursday) LSO will be having its. annual
Membership Drive-Va1entine's Day Tea. It will be held in the
Staff·Lounge (3rd Floor - MIK) at 2:30 p.m.. This Tea/Membership
` Drive is for all current, as well as perspective members of LSO.
We will be collecting dues that day ($5.00 for a year's
membership) as well as re-acquainting ourselves with all past,
current, and new members of LSO. Since this is the first get-
together under the new executive committee, we want to encourage
everyone to attend. This is not for members only but for
everyone in the library system._—_PlEEse feel free to come and
enjoy some cookies, punch, coffee, tea and some engaging t
conversation. If you have any questions, feel free to call any
vone of the new executive committee members: ‘
Dan Barkley - GPD - 7-3139
Hank Harken - Reference - 7-1631
Judy Fugate - CDU - 7-5895 -
V Lillian Mesner — Agriculture - 7—8369`
(Dan Barkley)

Joyce, William L., et al, eds; Printing and Society in Early '
America,. Worcester: American Antiquarian Society, 19 3. E
(27208/.P7¤/1983) I
Contents: The Uses of Literacy in New England, 1600-1850 _
(Hall); The Anglo—American Book Trade Before 1776 ’
(Botein); The Boston Book Trade of Jeremy Condy _
' (Reilly); The Colonial Retail ,Book Trade {
(Stiverson); Bibliography and the Cultural §
Historian: Notes on the 18th Century Novel · i
(Winans); Early American Music Printing and
Publishing (Crawford & Krummel); Books and the E
' Social Authority of Learning (Isaac); Elias Smith E
and the Rise of Religious Journalism in the Early g
Republic (Hatch); Print and the Public Lecture A
System, 18MO-1860 (Scott); From Cohesion to l
Competition (Brown). g
Relyea, Harold C., et al. The Presidency and Information Policy
_ (Proceedings, Vol. M, No. 1). New York: Center for the
Study of the Presidency, 1981. (353.00313/C3335/v. M/no.1)
Rennick, Robert M. Kentucky Place Names. Lexington: University
of Kentucky, 198H. (Ready Ref./F/UN9/.RM6/198U)
Williams, Martha E., ed. Annual Review of Information Science 5
and Technology. White Plains: Knowledge Industry (for *
ASIS), 198H. (029.708/An 783/Vol. 19/198U) I )
Contents: The Economics of Information and Organization · j
(Lamberton); Psychological Research in Human- {
Computer Interaction (Bergman); Computer-Based ]
Information Storage Technologies (Goldstein); I
‘ Programming Languages for- Text and Knowledge
Processing (Lesk); Machine Translation: a
Contemporary View (Tucker & Nirenburg); Machine-
Readable Dictionaries (Amsler); Full-Text
Databases (Tenopir); Microcomputers in‘ Libraries
. (Pratt); Visual Arts Resources and Computers
· (Markey); Business Information Systems and
V Databases (Sieck).
SPEC Kit #109
SPEC Kit #109, Staff Training for Automation in ARL Libraries,
includes survey results, five policies and program plans, two _
examples of needs assessment, four staff development program `
descriptions, six examples of staff training materials, and a I
list of selected readings. °

 I · Ll
[ ,
E The following is the third part of a special 9-part series drawn
2 .from Mary Ruth Brown's article in The Encyclopedia of Library and
? Information Science. _’
EQ History of the Libraries: Buildings A
tg The first library building, always referred to as the Carnegie
{ Building, was opened for public use in 1909. Funds for its
$» ` construction were obtained as a gift from Andrew Carnegie through
Q the efforts of James K. ` Patterson, university president.
Q ‘President Patterson had his executive office in the- building,
Q ‘ while Miss _Margaret King, his secretary, had custody of the
Q books. By 1930, with a collection of more than 100,000 volumes,
Q, older materials were housed in two storage areas--one beneath the
** football stadium and_the other on the second floor of the mining
py building. Physical arrangement of the building was such that
gf students -had open access to the collection until 1931 when the "
$* library moved into a new building with closed stacks. V
im Completed at a cost of $M30,000, the new University of Kentucky
MT _ Library was officially named for Margaret I. King in l9U8. It
QQ was of Georgian architecture and consisted of four floors and a ‘
tm basement. A stack section with eight levels was located in a
REQ separate portion of the building. ‘
QQY The various reading rooms provided seating space for more _than
`y=‘ 500 persons while the stack area was designed to house' 200,000
%§ Vvolumes with ease. Within the next 30 years seating space was
L{ gradually appropriated for housing of the collection and once
§{ again library materials were being housed in storage areas in
%j other buildings. _ »
mg. In 1962 the first addition to the King Library was completed and
@1 the original quarters were remodeled. This new physical plant
Hg, provided vastly better heating, lighting, ventilation, and
%; electrical wiring. With 200 graduate carrels and 50 faculty .
lg; studies, -faci1ities were better than ever before in the history
%* of the library. Such relative1y_generous,provision was not made
Q3 A gor tungergraduates since only 150 additional seats were provided
,§? or ha group.
@t In the opinion of the library director, the new facility was too
MK late and too small. He emphasized that preparations should begin
@· immediately for a second addition of 100,000 square feet by 1970.
%g*l Not until 12 years later, and under a different director, did the
§* V` library acquired the recommended additional space. _