xt78sf2m6z13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m6z13/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19320405  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  5, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  5, 1932 1932 2013 true xt78sf2m6z13 section xt78sf2m6z13 L









Members of
Schools Attend Contests
During Week


Ijouisville and Lexington Are
Traders In Musical
Approximately 3.500 high school
students, principles, and superintendents from all parts of the state
visited the university during the
twelfth Annual High School week,
which was brought to a close Saturday. The week was sponsored by
the university extension department, under the direction of Prof.
Louis Clifton, assistant director of
that department, who stated that It
was one of the most successful programs ever conducted.
Holmes High school, Covington,
won the debating tournament, the
finals of which were held Thursdny
night In the Training School auditorium. Friday and Saturday, musical contests, Including Instrumental
and vocal solos. glee clubs, quartets,
bands and orchestras, took place.
8tudents of Louisville and Lexington were leading scorers in these
events. Louisville Male High won
first place In saxophone oboe, and
bass solos, and In class A tJItnd. and
second place In clarinet and flute
solos. Henry Clay, Lexington, came
first In clarinet and bassoon solos
and class A orchestra, and second In
piano and girls', boys' and mixed
glee clubs. University High. Lexington, came first In girls' solo, class
C orchestra and third In violin.
Winners In instrumental solos:
Baritone first, Joe Coulter, May-fielsecond C. D. Gaston. Winchester; third, Ernest Lyons Ashland.
alto saxophone first. Adam
Layman, Louisville Male: second.
Jack Crutcher, Winchester, third;
William Yount, Frankfort.
Trombone first Walter Zeigler.
second, Ernest Harris,
Somerset; third, Lloyd Ryan. Orms-b- y
Village and Ralph Cass, Princeton, tied.
Comet first, Virginia BrookshTre,
second, Percy Lewis,
Ashland: third, Walter Sears, Somerset.
first. Nolan Hibner.
Henry Clay: second. Marvin
Louisville Male; third, Kenneth Armstrong. Ft. Thomas.
first, Roy Goodman,
second, Ernest Lyons,
third, Alvln Emerston.
tenor saxophone
Stanley Bennett, Ft. Thomas; second, Edward Waddle. Somerset;
third. Edward Abraham, Ashland.
first, Arthur Garrison, Ft. Thomas; second, Ethel
Yount, Frankfort.
first, William Gorman,
Henry Clay.
Oboe first, William Carrier, Louisville Male; second. Bully Crutcher,
(Continued on Page 4)


Wig-glnto- n.



Various Industrial Plants of
the North Will Be Inspected by Engineers on Five-Da- y


The 37th annual Junior inspection trip sponsored by the college
of Engineering, will be conducted
by Prof. R. D. Hawkins, head of
the department of Hydraulic Engineering, and O. O. Thurman, instructor in charge of the machine
shop. Commencing
April 25 and
continuing through April 30, Dean
F. Paul Anderson announced that
the party will make their headquarters at the Hotel Gibson in
Cincinnati and the Hotel Gibson in
The inspection party will be
taken through the following plants:

nn Innovation in It pnlrrnrii
The Kernel announces In this Issue
a survey 01 social ana poiiucai De- liofs hotH hv KtllHnnt.a at. thn univer
sity. Permission has been granted


ueorge u. uunyena,

pro- -

iessor 01 sociology ai Kipon
Ripon. Wisconsin, to use a Question- aire which he used In a recent sur
vey or student opinion at seven mld- wesrern Denominational colleges.
The questionnaire
appears on
Dage four, and all student
ed are eligible to set down their
beliefs concerning the questions listed.
No names are required, but
only sex, classification, college, state,
county (If Kentucky), and fraternity or
These are
necessary in order that facts com
paring oeneis 01 me student body
may be gotten. It is thought that
with this information.
facts may be found out and interesting statistics compiled concerning social and nolitlml nni nlnn nf
students at the university, and In
comparing tnem witn the opinions
of students as found In Professor
uuaycha s survey.
A box for questionnaires filled out
Will be Dlaced In the nnlversltv nnci
office, and will be emptied finally
Thursday at noon. It is hoped that
all groups will participate, so that
representative opinion may be secured.
Results of the survey will be announced in The Kernel as soon as
there is time for the
gone over and the statist im mm.
Editors of The Kernel request
earnestly that the questionnaire be
answered honestly, carefully, and
fully. Such a survev mnv h mm.
cessful only with the cooperation
of students.
Results will be of interest to all.
Opinions of members of the faculty and staff concerning the survey:
Dr. James B. Miner, head nf the
department of psychology: "This is
a difficult tvrje of ludirmpnt. ts orivo
The method suggested for record
ing me students' belief is one which
is commonly usea, Dut involves an
atteniDt to pet a minntltnti
ment in which the steps of the scale
seem w De qualitatively described."
Prof. Enoch Orphan head nf the
department of Journalism: "If these
blanks are filled conscientiously and
not hurriedly, and
without careful study; Indeed, if
they can be made to represent conscientious and honest personal con
viction, as tne student sees the
problems that are here RinrapitpH
the result ought to be a worth- wnue
of the attitude
of the thinking young men and
women of this university, or any
other institution of learning. I presume that the real purpose of this
z tn mnlro
available for further sociologlc em- oeiusnment lor the benefit of students of that branch of learning."
Mr. Bart Peak, seeretarv of the
Y. M. O. A.: "Questionnaires
generally not answered by a large
enough per cent of people to designate a verv accurate remit hut T
think it is always helpful to get the
viewpoint or even a minority group.
There certainly is a need for
ious thought on the part of the
present generatipn on some of the
questions in this questionnaire."



Preparations in

by SuKy Circle

For Celebration
val, May

of Festi-


May Day this year will be more
elaborate than ever before. Plans
now being formulated
by SuKy
circle, student pep organization, for
the May Queen election, festival
Manufacturing parade and attractive program will
company, the National Cash Regis- continue the traditional day on the
ter company, the Dayton Rubber campus with all8,Its old splendor.
Friday, May
has been set for
company, the Wright field, the
Frlgldaire corporation, the Andrews May Day and the election of the
queen of ceremonies will be held
Steel company, the Globe Iron
Roofing and Corrugating company, Thursday, April 28, with all men
the Newport Culvert company, the students of the university permitted
Ohio Bell Telephone company, the to vote.
this year will be
Cincinnati Milling Machine company, and the Columbia Power made by petitions bearing the signatures of 25 men students, which
Students who intend to take the are to be given any officer of SuKy
trip are: O. O. Adkins, A 8.
Cups for the fraternity producing
A. L. Anderson, W. W. Anderson, A. 8. Augustus, E. O. Bar- the most original float and for the
sorority decorating the most beauber, E. P. Barnett, I. N. Brown, J.
B. Byars, D. E. Callahan, R. D. tiful float will be presented by the
pep organization.
Tentative plans
Cooke, W. H. Cowley, 8. L. Davenport, L. B. Davis, F. E. Dunn. D. E. call for cups to be given to Individual floats as well.
Durbln, A. O. Elklns, W. H. FarmIt is expected that the parade
er, J. 8. FrHiikel, 11. B. Gaunt, C.
J. Gottlieb, E. W. Graham. R. H. this year will be more beautiful than
Oray, O. O. Orlmm, E. M. Hays, the one last year with more originH. B. Helm. W. M. Holtzclaw, N. O. ality shown by all participants. FraHorn, J. E. Isaacs, J. W. John- ternities and sororities will not be
ston. J. M Kane, W. D. Kelley, J permitted to pay more than $25 for
materials used to decorate their
W. Little, R H. McBeth, J. H.
L. R. floats. This is $10 less than
R. L. Moorman.
Newcomb. E H. Nutt, C. W. Par- amount allowed last year.
It Is expected that nearly all the
B. Phelps. J
sons. 8 C. Perry, W
H. M fraternities and sororities on the
R. Redwine. T H Rhodes.
Ropers, J. E. Bcholl. F E. Scott, campus will have sections In the
J. A. souvenir May Day program:
B. F. Sender, J P. Stewart,
Taylor, P. W. Thurman, W. Van- - have already signified their IntenGllot, R B. Vice, C. O. Wallace, tions Copy for the program must be
C. A. Whltuker, Elizabeth Warren, turned Into Nell Dishman, Alpha
Gumma Delta, associate editor.
J. W. Wilson.

Delay in Salary Distribution
For Faculty Is Basis
of Action

Augusta Roberts, secretary of the
Y. W. C. A.: "Such a questionnaire,
handled Intelligently, Is of decided
value in that it stimulates interest
in vital problcmls. It makes u.s
aware of Issues when our tendency
is to be indifferent and uninformed.
It is only through a careful
analysis of our own attitude toward
social problems of today that we as
individuals may develop a social
consciousness and ultimately make
for social progress."

Strollers Will
Open Comedy

At Local House
April 27 Set As Tentative
Date For Opening of
"Good News"
"Good News," the Stroller spring
vehicle will be staged at the Kentucky theater, It was announced
yestPiday by the officers of the dramatic organization. April 27 is the
tentative date set for the presentation. It will be the first time that
a university production has been
staged in the down town play house.
The costuming committee, under
direction of Bliss Warren, has decided upon the type of dress to be
worn by the members of the cast
and is preparing the material. Stage
settings will be identical reproductions of the scenes used in the
musical comedy's run in New York.
Pictures of the original sets were
received last week by Tick Evans,
who has charge of the stage crew.
Tickets will be distributed during the next two weeks, Bus Yeager.
business manager, has announced.
Representatives are being appointed to handle the sale of the tickets in each fraternity and sorority
house on the campus.
The Blue and White orchestra,
with Gene Royse directing,
adapting the music of the play to
players. Script
suit the needs of the
rehearsals are being held every afternoon and the chorus is rehearsing each night.
The acquisition of the Kentucky
theater was made after a conference with the district manager of
the Publlx Amusement
The corporation was persuaded to
allow the Stroller group to use the
house only because of the excellent
reputation of the musical comedy
and the assurance of Stroller direcwould
tors that the performance
be of highest type. The downtown
show is fitted admirably for the
needs of the play and presentation
there will aid materially in giving a
finished production.
Billy Hubble has been selected by
the director of the comedy to take
the part of the bandmaster. The
final cut has been made In the
for the chorus and the following girls will appear in the ensemble: Linda Wilson, Elizabeth Wat-kin- s,
Anne Weathers,
Marjorle Powell. Edna Mae Kirk,
Betty Anne Pennington, L o 1 a
Cooke Ooodson .Tida Stephens. Mll-l- y
Nelson, Mildred Faulkner, Frances Huson, Opal Hubble, Margaret
Katherlne Wurst, and
Elolse Neal.
Rehearsals for the chorus are
held every Monday, Tuesday, and
Thursday, while the leading singers
In the cast practice on Wednesday.
Today's practice will be held in the
Training school auditorium.
The stage crew, under the leadership of Tick Evans, will meet today
in the Intramural office In the basement of the Alumni gymnasium.
instructions for the
building of the sets were given out
at a meeting of the committee Friday, and work will begin at once.




K. Milward, Commerce
Head. Directs Campaign
of Lexingtonians

Approximately $20,000 was subscribed to the faculty loan fund at
a Lexington business men's meeting held at 4 p.m. Monday in the
palm room of the Phoenix hotel.
The fund Is being raised In an effort to aid those members of the
university teaching staff who may
need money before receiving their
pay being held up in part by university authorities. Approximately
70 business men attended the meeting.
This plan was adopted last week
at a conference held at the home
of President McVey. Business men
desiring to cooperate with the
authorities In aiding the
financial affairs of the teaching
staff consulted the president of the
An attempt is being
made to raise $40,000. Loans will
be made on a 15 month's basis.
The faculty members may borrow
from the fund at 4 per cent interest. Funds Invested will in turn
pay the lenders 4 per cent. Lexington business Is expected to improve considerably if the plan works
as it should.
The campaign Is under the direction of Henry K. Milward, president
of the Lexington board of commerce. President McVey has extended his cooperation to the business men and the fund Is expected
to be fully subscribed within a few
days. The first $10,000 of the fund
was pledged by the original meeting held last week and the additional subscriptions were pledged at
Monday's meeting.

Block and Bridle,

Alpha Zeta Pledge
At Society Party

Alpha Zeta, national agricultural
fraternity, and Block and Bridle
club held pledging exercises at the
Agricultural society party held Friday night at the Judging pavilion
on the experiment station farm.
Alpha Zeta pledges are Clifford
Westerfleld, Bowling Green, graduate student; James Downing. Lexington, sophomore; Beach Craig
myle, Covington, sophomore: and
R. R. Scott, Ludlow, sophomore.
The following men were pledged
to Block and Bridle: C. E. Avres,
New Liberty, senior: John R. Collins. Flemingburg, Junior;
W. B.
Hughes. Olive H1U, Junior: Sam H.
Pnrent Frankfort. Junior; Clarence
S. Bell, Maysvtlle, sophomore: Ralph
Cadiz, sophomore;
Smith Broadbent,
Cadiz, sophomore: H. B. Craigmyle, Covington,
sophomore: Ralph Kercheval, Salt
Lick, sophomore:
Jerome Respess.
Covington, sophomore: J. J. Rosen-burYoungstown. Ohio, sophomore; and E. W. Walton Munfords-villsophomore.



Miss Mary Corbett
To Address Y. W.


Miss Mary Corbett. Y. W. C. A
secretary of South America, will
arrive in Lexington this morning to
talk to Y. W. C. A. groups of Lexington and the university.
Because of her engagements with
the Lexington Y. W. C. A. In the
early part of the evening, Miss Corbett will make no formal address
to university students at a vesper
service, but will talk to them informally at 9:30 o'clock Tuesday
night at a pajama party in Patterson hall, and will discuss the
life of "Women and Girls In South
America." She is especially capable
of talking on this subject because
she has spent many years in that
Miss Corbett 's first general appearance will be at a city wide
Olrl Reserve banquet, at 6 o'clock
Tuesday nipht. This banquet will
by the University
be sponsored
High school Olrl Reserves.
After her engagements
at the
The university rifle team has
been declared winners of the sec- university Miss Corbett will visit
tional N. R. A. championship, thus Berea College.
bringing to a close a successful
season of 68 matches won and 8
lost. Although the regular season
terminated March 19, the team
members volunteered to enter the
A White House Conference lunchfinal fatches which are conducted
annually to determine the national eon will be held at the Lafayette
hotel Saturday. April 9. with repMembers of the rifle team are: resentatives from towns and colEades, Florence,
Parrlsh, Perry. leges from all sections of the state
Carter, attending.
Wallace, Chinn, Chapman,
The purpose of the
meeting is to decide more definitely
Allen, Coffman, and Wachs.
Champion- when and where the Kentucky
Results of the Hearst
ship Trophy match have not been White House conference
will be
held, and to lay specific plans for
the completion of the work which
has been undertaken tn this connection.
The purpose of the Kentucky
The White Mathematics club will
hold Its moiilhly meeting at 4 p. m. White House conference is to make
a study of needs of children in
Thursdny, April 7, in room 109,
hall. Mary Allison Threlkeld, the state and to offer recommenpresident, will have charge of the dations for Improvements. The conmeeting, and will Introduce the ference is patterned after the
speaker, Andrew Ferrlle, graduate Washington White House conferstudent in the mathematics depart- ence. Dr Jesse Adams, College of
ment. All studwits Interested In Education, is chairman of the educational committee of the
mathematics are urged to be

of K. Rifle Team
Wins Championship

Child Welfare Group

Representatives Meet




President's Statement


Will Re Used





Students at University Are Requested to Answer Questionnaire on Social and Political Reliefs; Plan
of Professor at Ripon (Vllep;e



$20,000 PLEDGED



the students of the University of Kentucky:
Various rumors are going about to the effect that fees at the
University of Kentucky will be doubled in the summer session and In
the regular session of next year. The fees for the summer session
will be Increased $4.25. The fee for each term has been In the past
$18 25. This year the summer session fee will be $22.60 for each term.
This is a slight increase which should not be a burden to anybody.
No action has been taken on fees for next year, but undoubtedly,
they will have to be increased, possibly to $15.00 more pur semester.
Even at this Increase the fees will not be high and will approximate
about the average for state institutions In the country. There may
be also a small Increase In the fees asked for out of state students.
I wish to say at this time the university will go on next year and
it is expected it will meet the needs and requirements of the students
wiio attend the university.
A number of activities carried on in the
past in the way of bringing speakers and in putting on programs will
have to be reduced. The loyalty of students to the university and
their determination to assist will be of great value In going on. The
faculty carries much the larger burden. They have done this loyally
and cheerfully. The students can do a service to the university by
keeping before those who want to go on with their education, the
fact that the university is continuing Its program.


President of the University




Jane Dyer, Dorothy Day Are
Named Outstanding Junior, Freshman
Ella McEIroy. Betty Ann Pennington Receive Alortor
Board Prizes
Presentation of tliree major
awards to women students and
blunts by laculty and stuuent groups
featured the seventn annual woman's banquet sponsored by the
Women's Admlnistiative council
last night at the Phoenix hotel.
Jane Dyer, Morganlield, Alpha
Gamma Delta, was named as the
outstanding Junior woman at the
university and was presented the
prize of $100 given annually by the
Woman's Self Government association. The award is based on scholarship, campus activities, leadership,
service and personality, and the
winner was selected by a committee
composed of Deans Sarah G. JJland-in- g
and Sarah B. Holmes, Mrs. Edna
Giles, house mother of Boyd hall,
Miss Augusta Roberts, secretary of
the Y. W. C. A., Elizabeth Ann
Ewing president of W. S. O. A.,
Edythe Reynolds, president of Mortar Board, and Eleanor Smith, Y W.
C. A. president.
Dorothy Day, Lexington, Alpha
Gamma Delta, was awarded the
cup presented each year by the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority to the
outstanding freshman woman. Honorable mentions were Mary Carolyn
Terrell, Dorothy Williams, Phebe
Turner, Eleanor Chapman, andBea-uic- e
The Mortar Board prizes to the
two residents in Patterson hall who
have kept the neatest and most
attractive room this year were given
to Ella McElroy, Springfield, and
Betty Ann Pennington, Louisville,
both members of the Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority. The prizes were
book ends donated by Dean F. Paul
Anderson, College of Engineering.
Phi Upsllon Omlcron, honoiary
home economics sorority, pledged
Catherine Culton, Parksville; Kita
Wathen, Lebanon; Caroline Grubbs,
Junction City; Virginia Carlin,
Saiah Van Arsdale, Harrods-burDorothy Prones, Lexington,
and Virginia Kearns, Bellevue.
Announcement of the new ollicers
of the Young Woman's Christian
association was made by Eleanor
Smith, retiring president The officers, elected by members of the
Y. W. C. A. for the year 1932-3are Catherine Jones, president;
Marianna Lancaster,
Charlotte ReUmon, secretary, and
Clara Margaret Fort, treasurer.
Elizabeth Poole presided at the
Miss Poole is president
(Continued on Page Four)


Chess Players

To Mark Final

Chess players,

Guignol Play
"Rebound" Will Be Presented
During Week of
May 9
Modernity and sophistication are
the keynotes of the concluding play
of the Guignol season, Donald
Stewart's "Rebound," which is
scheduled for a week's run beginning May 9. "Rebound'' is a three-aOg-de-


comedy, with two settings, one
in Paris, the other in a Long Island home.
The cast as announced by Director Frank Fowler, Includes Jean
Lowry, Sara; Andrew Hoover, Bill;
Neal Cain, Johnnie; Lorraine Monroe, Liz; R. D. Mclntyre, Les; Leer
Buckley, Lyman; Mrs. Martha Coleman Johnson, Mrs. Jaffrey; George
White Fthian, Pierre; and Hilda
Cooper, Evie. Six of these, Miss
Lowry, and Miss Cooper, and Hoover, Cain, Mclntyre, and Fithian are
veteran Guignolites and are well
known to little theater patrons. In
the Broadway porduction Donald
Ogden Stewart, the author, played
the part of Les, a role which will
be taken by Professor Mclntyre In
the Guignol production.
"Rebound" had a successful run
in New Yor two years ago, with
Hope Williams in the lead; later it
was produced on the screen with
Ina Claire in the principal role,
supported by Robert Williams and
Robert Ames.
The play is a potpourri of love affairs on a mass scale. The necessary triangle has been turned Into
a pentagon, with resultant patho6
and sophisticated humorous situadialogue keeps the
tions. Rapid-fir- e
audience on the edge of thelmmer
and the plot, although everything
comes out all right in the end, is
nicely delineated.
This production is the last of the
Guignol's current and fourth Guignol season. "Let Us Be Gay," the
first of this year's presentations,
was followed by Ibsen's "The Doll's
House." "Berkeley
Goldsmiths "She Stoops To Conquer." The little theater with its
ambitious and varied reportoire, has
been playing to crowded houses all

Kentuckian Contest

To End On April 13

Date Set for Checking
Sales Receipts in Popularity Contest



and students are invited by
President and Mrs. McVey to



Wednesday, April 13, announced
as the closing date for the Kentuckian sales campaign, will be the
last day on which representatives
may turn In receipts to be counted
in the sales contest sponsored by
the circulation department of the
After this date
1932 Kentuckian.
the price of the 1932 Kentuckian,
lowered for the time of the contest, will be raised to the original
All sales receipts to be counted
in the contest must be turned In
at the Kentuckian office before 6
oclock Wednesday, April 13. The
cups, offered to the winners of the
contest will be awarded on the basis of a final count which will be
made at that time.
These cups, now on display at
ihe Dunn Drug company .will be
presented to the Individual having
the highest number of sales, to the
sorority and fraternity with the
largest total sales.
Delta Delta Delta
At present
with Alpha
leads the sororities
Delta, second: and Kappa
Delta, third. Alpha Sigma Phi and
Alpha Gamma Rho hold first and
second place .respectively, for the
fraternity cup. The three highest
contestants for the individual cups,
ranged In the order of their number
of sales are John Kane, Ann Myers
Ross, Evelyn Treabess.

come to Maxwell Place at 7:30
Thursday night for an evening
of chess with other devotees of
the game. Those who will be
present are requested to call
Ashland 3716 or to notify Sidney
T. Schell, Jr.


Receipt of $38,000 from State
Makes Partial Payment
Possible; Back Salaries
Will Be Paid
The payment of a portion of the
university faculty salaries for the
month of March has been made
possible by the receipt of $38,000
of the regular tax funds paid to
the university each month by the
state, according to an announcement by President F. L. McVey
Members of the staff receiving
$1200 a year or less will be paid in
full for March but those drawing
larger salaries will receive only
$100, Doctor McVey said. After the
payment of salaries today, no further payment will be made until
after the next meeting of the
board of trustees.
University finances will be discussed in full at this meeting, and
it is expected that at this time
plans of operation for the remainder of the school year and for
1932-3- 3
will be presented for the
board's consideration.
When March salary checks were
withheld on the regular day of
President McVey announced that the payment of salaries for the remainder of the
year, until July 1, would probably
be on a 50 per cent basis, but that
back salaries would be considered
as an obligation which must be met.
University revenues are, at present, about $350,000 behind the total
according to
for the year 1930-3figures given out by President McVey, Tuesday.
The revenue for
1932-3- 3
Is estimated to fall $537,000
short of the 1930-3- 1 total as a revalues,
sult of reduced
and an expected decrease In the
state inuniversity's share of the
heritance tax.

Three Companies
Of First Battalion
Hold Second Parade
Companies A, B, and C of the
first battalion of the R. O .T .C.
unit at the university paraded before Capt. W. A. Cunningham, adjutant for the unit, at 4 oclock
Monday afternoon at the university
parade grounds. Cadet Major S. E.
Milliken received the parade.
The battalion was led by the university men's band, accompanied by
Elizabeth Jones, sponsor.
Jean Dawson, battalion sponsor,
took part In the parade, and the
company sponsors accompanied
their various units. The sponsors
Jane Dyer, Company A; Evelyn
Grubbs, Company B; Helen Wunsch,
Company C. The cadet captains of
the companies are W. E. Florence,
Company A; J .H. Ewing, Company
B: and C. W Parsons, Company C.
Col. Owen R. Meredith.
has approved the excusing of all
cadets who participate in the review
from their next drill period. .
According to Captain Cunningham, these parades represent
cadet corps at lis best and constitute an impressive ceremony. He
says that the battalion has progressed rapidly la its training; each
organization has developed a com
pany spirit that will mean still
competition to decide the final winner of the annual Military
day to be held May 26.




Sorority Wins Scholarship
Cup with Standing of 1.66;
Five Women Make Perfect
Kappa Delta sorority, with a
standing fif 1.66, led the women's
social organizations
for the past
semester in scholarship, and were
presented with a silver trophy last
night at the Women's Administrative council banquet. The standings
of the women's Greek orders were
released from the office of the dean
of women yesterday.
average was 1.515 which is slightly better than the mark achieved

last year, 1.49.
The remainder of the sororities
made the following averages; Alpha
Gamma Delta. 1.65; Zeta Tau Alpha, 1.506; Chi Omega, 1.503; Alpha
Delta Theta, 1.487; Kappa Kappa
Gamma, 1.463; Alpha XI Delta, 1.45;
Delta Zeta, 1.449; and Delta Delta
Delta. 1.448.
The scholarship report compiled
in the oillce of the dean of women
is prepared for the national officers
of the social groups and Includes
the hours, credit points, and standings of the 329 girls who are members of the orders.
The average of the
women has not as yet been complied. Last year's standing of 1 67 was
.18 higher than the sorority group
The report revealed that five sorority members had made a perfect
standing, 3. Three of this group
were members of one organization,
Alpha Gamma Delta. They were
Evelyn Grubbs, Dorothy Day, and
Mary Elizabeth Rentz. Elizabeth
Poole, Alpha XI Delta, and Helen
Wunsch, Kappa Delta also made a


of S.

Those women dropping from the
university previous to the end of
the semester were not Included in
the averages made. A total of 17
women either dropped from the university or did not affiliate with the
chapters on the campus, the report
Delta Delta Delta sorority had
the largest number of women with
a total of 48 who contributed to the
general standing of the group. AlHANDLING SHEEP
pha Gamma Delta had the next
largest group.
Prof L. J. Horlacher, of the ColStandings of the fraternities will
The College of Agriculture will
lege of Agriculture, will address the
Boyle county sheep growers at hold its senior assembly Tuesday. be released within the nest week,
Dunville Thursday night on "Care April 5, at 4 o'clock, In room 'Mt of it was learned yesterday. They will
be complied by Dean Melclier.
the Agriculture building
of Handling Sheep.'

* Best Copy

Tape Two

as the election of officers it may
become a vice rather than a virtue.
The officers who are to guide the
actions and direct the policies of
an organisation throughout the
National Oollnra Preaa Aaaoclation
year to come are, or should be, of
Intrcollrf late Preas Anaoelatlon
the gravest importance to the fu
Islington Board of Commrrce
ture of the group. Upon them de
Official Nraparr of th atiMrnta of the
pends the progress of the organ!
Unlvrmlly of Kentucky, Lealntton
2atlon: whether its standards shall
year. Intend It
ftuhnrrli'tlon 12 00
remain high or aspire higher;
Ky ., Pontoftlre m ercond
whether its standards of usefulness
One Hour With Voo
mall mattrr
shall become wider or be reduced
Mnurlce Chevalier and Jennet te
whether, in short, MacJJonald in "One Hour With
is the present, attrnrtion at
the organization shall continue to You" Kentucky Theater. Chevalier
prove the value of its existence on portrays the part of a wealthy phy.
a university campus. Unless there sician and the husband of Miss
Mtnmffinf editor
He becomes InterestMARY ALICE 6 ALTERA, Altociatt tdllor Is a striving for a wider usefulness, MacDonald.
patients whose
a higher standard, there is no Jus ed in one of his for a divorce and
husband Is suing
Atfintant SAttort
tification for the existence of such takes this opportunity
of freeing
Marvin C. Warns
John M. Kane
groups, and they become "dead himself by nnmiiiR Chevalier corresBUM Warren
Robert Baxter
Aneelo J. Tomajiulo
wood", a liability to the university pondent. This puts Chevalier in
little deeper than he Intended. His
and to themselves.
Thus it be- wife hears of the affair and de.
Sportt tutor
comes increasingly Important that cides to play a little herself, and
J IVlmar Adams those in whose hands are placed does what happens? Plenty!
Nnrbrrt Campbell
Always be Sweethearts,"
Sunny Day
these responsibilities should be con Will
"What Would You Do", and many
scientious and capable, and possess other song hits are sung throughSociety Stttort
Emily Hardin
Eleanor Smith a clearness
of Judgment
and out the picture.
strength of conviction which will
Lola Orubb
Elizabeth Hardin
enable them to administrate in the
Tiffunv Productions have turned
Special Wrtteri
best possible way.
out an interesting picture in their
Jacq Roby
Wrhstrr H. Casne
modern treatment of the old meloRobrrt H. MoOaufhey
Marvin Markman
drama. "Lena Rivers", now showing
at. the Strand theater, wltn a ni