xt78sf2m9242 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78sf2m9242/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-06-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 10, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 10, 1999 1999 1999-06-10 2020 true xt78sf2m9242 section xt78sf2m9242 Something fishy


“ ~ “We sit



June 10. I999


table as
as col-
We are
board a
not a

-Elissa Plattner.
board trustee


can be
a big
or a
“but we
all cast

-Grady Stumbo,
board trustee

will be
if we
u S, 9 9

-Steve Reed,
board trustee


VOL. #104


ISSUE #150


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:

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yeah, baby!

Austin powers is
back for a
shagadelic good
time. I ?






The Board of trustees meeting included budgeting concerns, progress reports, and "It's goals, as well as the presiden'ts contract.


Board games

Trustee's meeting brings no change. Tie vote leaves Wethington's contract intact despite
heavy criticism from media and UK faculty and staff.

By Jill Gorin

The UK Board of Trustees still can't
seem to resolve the issue.

At Tuesday‘s open meeting. the
Charles T. Wethington so‘called COTTTT‘OVGF-
sy was finally discussed.

“The sad thing about what the board
did one month ago," said Professor Loys
Mather. board and faculty member. “is
that we have tarnished not only the presi-
dent. but the board and the university. I
feel badly about it."

As did several board members. though
not enough to convince others to resolve
the conflict.

The facts were clear. On May 4. 1999
some members of the Board of Trustees
met in a closed meeting and discussed an
extension of the president's contract
through 2003. which would violate the
board's 1988 decision to require top UK ex-
ecutives to retire at age 65. Wethington
will be 67 by the time his retirement rolls

They also gave Chairman Edward T.
Breathitt permission to negotiate with the
president. which resulted in a 19 percent
pay raise in his salary. from $1926.51 to

3229.439 . Contrary to rumors. this figure
is comparable to the salaries of UK's
benchmark schools‘ presidents.

The actual vote was held in an open
meeting of the board. with the votes in fa-
vor of the contract extension. but a lot of
the controversy lies in the fact that the
matter had not been placed on the agenda.
Two days later. the University Senate
asked the board to think about their ac-
tions and reconsider.

But Wethington‘s contract stands. for
now. after the vote to reconsider was split
10 to 10. Thus. resulting in the failure of
the motion due to no majority vote. But
the vote was not taken without hot and
heavy debate.

“I feel without a doubt we violated the
law." said Billy Joe Milles. board member.
“It's not like we ran a stop sign. This is se-
rious business."

Milles stated the board acted without
regard to the “open meetings law". KRS

For some. the answer was clear.

“There‘s no question in my mind what
we need to do." said Grady Stumbo. board
member. "We need to undo what we (lid in

For others. the answer was to take no
action at all.

It was only discussed in closed session
and the actual vote happened in open ses-

sion. said Paul Vanbooven. UK Office of

Legal (,‘ouncil.

'l‘heret'ore. it was not illegal. It would
only have been illegal if the matter was
voted on in a closed session. he said.

Although Wethington has weathered a
number of tough political battles during
his nineyear tenure as president. he was
silent during this debate.

Nate Brown. former SGA president
and board member. finished his term at
the meeting. but not after he explained the
importance ofsticking together.

"Whatever the mic turns out. we have
to put that behind us." Brown said. “And
not look at this person or that person as an
enemy or a friend.”

Whether or not this issue would di-
vide the board bothered many of the mem-

“A family divided can never succeed."
said Governor Edward T. Breathitt. “I
think it's terribly important that we leave
here united."

The board may have been united. but
the issue is far frotn finished. according to
Grady Stumbo.

We (lid not solve the problem. we will
talk about this again. he said.



Train track murder
suspect sought

Police name suspect in August 1997 slaying of UK student

Staff Report students


walking are offering a $25,000 re-


Lexington Division of
Police investigators are
currently searching for a
suspect for the homicide
and rape/ assault of two UK
students in August 1997.

Police suspect 39-year-
old Rafael Resendez-
Ramirez of Puebla. Mexico
has committed more homi~
cide crimes. five more to be
exact. in Texas. The most
recent being on June 5 in
Houston. Tex.

“We hope to connect
him with physical evi-
dence soon," said Assistant
Police Chief Fran Root.

At least two police in-
vestigators from Lexington
are assisting Texas police
with the search for the sus-

On Friday. August 29.
1997. at 2:48 am. two UK

along the railroad tracks
by the GE plant on Edison
Drive between Rosemont
Garden and Waller Av-
enue. A male suspect mur-
dered Christopher Maier
and raped and assaulted a
female victim.

Christopher Maier.21.
had been a member of Phi
Kappa Psi fraternity. The
female was a 20-year-old
sophomore at the time.

He was found dead in
the weeds about 10 feet
from the railroad tracks.
possibly beaten to death
with a board.


travels the

rails." Root said.
We think that's why he
was in Kentucky. he said.
Texas authorities are
offering a $50000 reward
and Lexington authorities

ward for any information
on the investigation.

Lexington police say
the suspect is a Hispanic
male. medium height and
build. short dark hair and
a possible mustache. He
sometimes wears glasses.
He also speaks relatively
good English.


Any information concerning
this investigation may be
directed to the
Lexington Division of
Police (606)-250-3700
or the Texas Command
Center (713)-479-6325
or (713)-693-5000.



Lawyer and board trustee Steven Reed lays
down the law at the board meeting on Tuesday.

Q, g: “t.



How they voted

The 10-10 roll call vote by which the University
of Kentucky Board of Trustees declined a
motion to rescind and reconsider the two-
year contract extension given to UK
President Charles T. Wethington on May 4. A
"yes" vote was in favor of reconsidering the
contract extension; a "no" vote was against
such reconsideration.

No: Yes:

Ted Bates, Nate Brown,
Edward T. "Ned" Loys L. Mather.
Breathitt, Billy Joe Miles.

Elissa Plattner.
Steven S Reed,
Daniel R. Reedy.

Paul Chellgren,
Merwin Grayson Jr.,
John R. Guthrie,

James F. C. Frank Shoop,
Hardymon, W. Grady Stumbo.
Robert P. JoEtta Y. Wicklitfe,
Meriwether, Russ Williams

Marian Moore Sims,
Martin Welenken,
Billy B. Wilcoxson

Kings Island fun in the sun

By Dave German

Jeremiah Johnson

It‘s the land of the free.

This spectacular place is free of
books. no teachers and definitely no
homework. If you are lucky enough to
have the opportunity to get away from
the slave-laboring eight-week classes.
then this amusement park is right up
your alley.

No it‘s not Candy Land.

It‘s Kings Island

Kings Island is an amusement park
that has 12 roller coasters and sports the
longest wooden roller coaster in the
world, “The Beast." .

New rides for the 1999 season ma
clude. “Face Off." This is an inverted
roller coaster that allows you to face
people in the car in front of you and see
them scream and shout while dangling
Your feet below the track. Also bringing
in the crowd is Kings Island‘s first Gyro
dI‘Op free—fall tower named “Drop Zone"
that drops down thirty stories. that‘s
higher than their Eiffel Tower.

More exciting rides include the
"King Cobra,“ the world‘s first stand—up
lOODing roller coaster and the “Vortex."




which speeds through six loops.
corkscrews and dazzling drops to get
your keester turning.

Paramount‘s Action Zone is new for
1999. It gives spectators a chance to ex-
perience stunts and performance by
some of the top Hollywood stunt per-

If you are looking to beat the sum-
mer heat as well. they also have a water
park called “Water Works" that‘s free
with the price of admission. It has huge
water slides. tubes and a wave pool.

Lifeguard Randy Johnson advises
all to wear plenty of sunscreen.

“A lot of people come here and think
the water protects them from the sun."
Johnson said. “But some don't know
that the sun reflects off of the water and
burns your face to a crisp." .

Johnson says that this time ofye
is when "Water Works“ gets most of
their business because of the weather
and most people are out of school or on

You will need a little dough to enjoy
the short getaway. The admission cost is
839.95. although there is always a chance
to get discount tickets from scalpers.
Prices for food vary from $3 to $10.

Kings Island is just two hours from
Lexington. The park is located just 24
miles northeast of Cincinnati. off of Hi.







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Afternoon Coffee




Common Grounds Coffee House, at 343 East High Street, has good reasonably priced coffee while you read the paper, study or hang out with friends.
They also offer a wide array of tasty desserts.

The Cafes of Lexington

. C O O O O I
The first in the Eight Week Round-up Series: A qu1de to caffeine hot spots in Lex1nqton 1.5254112111351133‘1’21‘“° 11315111119‘” 1111111..
1210 220 430 705 915 E”"‘”’""" 1'9”) lNSTlNCT(R)0NTWOSCREENS
ms 10111041199131 91320335551330 430 500 1145 1230 240 345 700 720
By Robert Ouan noon. Open until 10 pm. coffee. Their coffee tastes good, onrwosanENs 705 no 940 10 20 950 1°15


- . . . ENTRAWENT (">131 12 30 355 655 955 740 935 1020
OVId'S . The Line: Ten minutes be- The Line: Not a bad place to dom book shoppers. 1155225 500 no 1005 559305121510 “5 1010 me uuumipemou mo
Where: The Library. tween classes in Whitehall. drop in if you're at the nearby The Line: Not a bad option ”EVER 555" “555°11’91” ”mswwksmgursmm “ME“

The digs: Convenient for
getting your caffeine fix while
you study. The tables are large
enough to spread out while
studying. but the seats are un-
comfortably hard. ()rdering at
the counter makes getting your
food and coffee quick. Open un-
til four Monday through Friday
for the summer.

The clientele: Students

The line: Cheap coffee. but
no refills. Also. the coffee isn't
all that great. It's a quick walk
front anywhere on campus. and
inside the library you can‘t beat
the location. The outside tables
are a bonus for smokers.

The Intermezzo

Where: Patterson

The Digs: In the middle of
campus. the prices are reason-
able and it‘s open during eight
week until three in the after—





The clientele: In the middle
of campus, you figure it out.

where else are you going to go?

Coffee Times

Where: 2571Regency Road

The digs: The decor is a
nightmare landscape of tacki-
ness, from the art to the color of
the walls to the tables them-
selves. The service can be slow
at times. Open until 10 pm. on
weekdays and midnight on

The Clientele: Expect to see
SUVs with “Growth is Good"
bumper stickers.

The line: The coffee is
cheap and good if you can deal
with the obnoxious decor.


Where: 115 Locust Hill Dr

The Digs: Located on Rich»
mond road near Man 0 War. It‘s
small. but cozy and the prices
are reasonable. The service is
decent and the lighting and mu
sic are pleasantly subdued.

The Clientele: A pretty ran-
dom mix.

movie theater or in the area.

Cafe Joseph Beth

Where: In the Mall at Lex-
ington Green off Nicholasville

The Digs: Not really a cafe
at all. Joseph Beth is more an
overpriced American Bistro
with an espresso machine. Go-
ing here just for coffee would be
like going to Applebees just for
a Coke. Open until 10 p.111. dur»
ing the week. 11 pm. on week-

The clientele: Mostly older
professionals with money to
burn on $13 pasta dishes

The Line: Definitely not a
place to get a cup of coffee and
study for that economics initi-


Where: In Barnes and No-
bles at Hamburg Place.

The digs: The Wal-Mart 0f



The clientele: Mostly ran-

if you're out there doing some
afternoon shopping. But Ham-
burg Place is a long drive from
the campus area just for coffee.
Common Grounds
Where: 343 East High Street

The Digs: A quick walk off

campus. The tables are large
and the music and lighting are
usually subdued. The service.

well people often wonder if

there is service, but air pots
filled with coffee mean you can
get your own refills.

The clientele: During the
afternoon you can see business-
men on their lunch hour. pro-
fessors and students. At night
its mostly college kids studying
or socializing.

The Line: Common
Grounds prices good coffee and
great deserts to a student bud-
get. Usually the café of choice
among students.



by Robert Oulh

Episode I. Face it, no movie
could possibly live up to that
kind of hype. But. even if you‘re
not a die hard fan this movie is
still worth your time. The
crowds have cleared and the
furor has died down. There are
just a few things to keep in
mind when you see it.

To watch and enjoy this
movie you need to reconcile
yourself that it really couldn’t
live up to the hype. Like any
movie, problems exist. The Jar
Jar Binks character is tolerable
at best and down right irritat-
ing through most of the movie.
Jake Lloyd is ten years old.
He’s not a good actor. In fact,
he’s so bad at times that I con-
centrated more on his inability
to deliver a convincing line
than on the movie itself. You
simply can’t expect that much
pathos from a ten-year-old. But
you could expect a seasoned
filmmaker like Lucas to realize
this and have written an older

To look at this movie you
need to keep the whole plot are
in mind. Yes, on many levels

Episode 1

it’s overly basic. It certainly
doesn‘t embrace any of the com-
plex themes that the other
movies do. But, it‘s the begin-
ning of a six-part epic. It stands
alone more than any of the oth-
er movies do or will. It sets all
of the elements in place for the
other five films. It‘s also geared
toward children more than any
of the other movies were.

Still. the movie entertains.
The special effects are dazzling.
the story moves quickly with
few brakes in the action and the
cinematography is lush. It’s a
good movie. even for the casual
viewer, but it’s just a movie.

So, what’s next? The follow-
ing movie, to be released in
2003, jumps seven years ahead
in movie time to focus on an
older Anakin. Lucas has said it
will be a love story between
Anakin and Queen Amidala.

Expect to see more evil
Jedi, and the beginning of
Anakin’s fall to darkness. Early
production sketches indicate
you may see TIE fighters and
star destroyers as the Republic
crumbles and the Empire rises.

Also expect to see the
‘Clone Wars’ mentioned in A
New Hope.





Thellilli'ligloii 0



'71} Spacious
W Bedroom 2 1/2 Bath Townhouses

OFrost-free refrigerator with ice—maker - Dishwasher 0 Selfcleaning oven '
Pool 0 Workout facilities 0 Sand volleyball 0 Clubhouse with pool table O
24 hour code access laundry 0 Pets welcome 0 ()n campus busline 0

OSllledlfilecourt 0


From $640 to $670
lMile From Canpusll


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\11h111.111111.1l Cycling l~tcrtisc in \1nlcs.in11 lciimlcs With School Disincis Per Pupil Instriiciiona
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l'rrtll'flm? \11'1‘11r'1111 Pun-111111 1- Program: \11-11 1111 1 111,11n1~1»11ng Program: liinchumsm Program: l‘clinlillllxk Program: Geography
Title 1 11111111111-1 11 s11». 111111. \11 1111111: I11I1 - 1 1 1 11111 . 1.-11 (upmim l’111u'ssing. 1"? "‘1‘I‘T‘V'I:1i..1\1111.11il‘u11tli'('h.irgc.nl(hayc Tllle: A Novel l'laiclci \vnnplnhn‘nn Title: l'n1ic1l Slates 11.1111; 1n 11.1r1111n; chvrcs Title: lh‘ltfhlllltllng A 11111111111 Span c Neguimiing
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\Illor Profrssor 111 1111.11 .111.. 1 1 Major Professor: Dr Snlnu Whiichcan quor Professor: I11 1 11.1rlv-s lluliman
n.1,... i’mfessm 111 i 11.1:1-st 11111111 Major Profflsor. [1 k »1 \11111- In ('hnrlcs Wacchicr Major Professor: I11 Inhn 1‘11 Lies
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Date: liinc | 111111 Date: June 2. NW Date: lliflt‘ 7 100‘)
“mo. 1 I . Dan 11-1 Thu-3111151111
,"m y . ~111 _ 'rlmr:.“"p'l' Tmzimpm Timzwlum 12111111111
Plnrv. 11:1:111.1\.11111111.1~I ...1 ’ Place: 13111511
l'lli'r' ' -|1 “1'11" 111 \fwlnme J Plate: 4111\(‘R\1\ ‘ Flore: MNHH Medical ( cnicr Pluto: 6 M1llci Hall
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MAIN Professor: Dr Karen Mingsi
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A little twang.

The Backsliders, bring their country flavor to Lynagh's June 16. For tic



= - Bogart's Band Blitz.. Bogart's,
. ~ 2621 Vine Street, Cincinnati. 8
Reggae with Rob Dread.
Lynagh's. 10 pm. $3. 5 A T U R D A Y
Vince cm W/ Deanna Carter. Blueberries W/ The Damnation
Riverbend Music Center, Cincin- “-
nati. 8 pm. Ticket Master. Lynagh's.10 pm. $3.
Smash Mouth VII the Ernies. . - .
Headliners Music Hall, 1386 Lex- 322711311331"??? 3993?.55
ington Avenue, Louisville.8p.m. 55 r e ' incinna "
$13 advanced $15 door. p.m., ‘
F R I D A Y Delicious TripAt‘tendants 7”

Ronnie Dawson w/ Crown Elec-
tric. Lynagh's.10 pm. $5
advanced $6 door.

The Fosters w/ South 75 and
Long Tall Shorty. Yats.10 pm. $3.

Seven Grams of Groove. Headlin-
ers Music Hall, 1386 Lexington
Avenue, Louisville. 8 pm. $8.

Classes start June 1




Prepare for August MCAT.
Classes start June 23.

Prepare for October LSAT.

Prepare for organic chemistry this fall.





ket info call 255-6614.


On Tap...

For the week of June 10-June 16

Electric Blues w/ The Pain Killers
and Willie Eames. Lynagh’s. $3.


The Rioters. Lynagh's. 10 pm.


The Backsliders w/ Arthur Dodge
And the Horsefeathers.

June 16 , Lygnagh's. $5.

Jon Mellancamp w/ Son Volt.

June 22. Riverbend Music Center
Cincinnati, Ticketmaster.

Rollins Band. July 3 Bogart's,
2621 Vine Street, Cincinnati.
8:30 pm. $12.

Bars, clubs, venues

. ...... til 7263
Boogie NIqTTTS... ..

£55 8863
Cheapside Ba' and GT1“ 354-0046
Two Keys ....................... 254 5000
Lvnagh's Club 255-6614
Millenium.. . . 225-9194
Rupp Arena. .................. 233 4567
Lexmgton Opera ............... 233-4567
Actor’s Guild ...................... 233-0663
Yats .................................... 254-8128

Cincinnati venues (513 area code):
Bogart's .............................. 872-8801
Riverbend ........ 232-6220
Taft Theatre... ....721-0411
The Crown ................ 421-4111
Sudsy Malones.... ...771-3550
Ripley's .............................. 861-6800
Playhouse in the Park ....... 345-2242

Louisville venues (502 area code):

Kentucky Center for the
Arts ............. ....800-775-7777

Toy Tiger .......... 458-2020
Kentucky Opera ......

LoUIsville Gardens. ..

Actor's Theatre .................. 584-1205
Headliners Music Hall ....... 584-8088

Movie theaters:
South Park.
Woodhill ......
Lexington Gre

Man 0' War .....
Kentucky Theatre
Turfland ..................
Cinema Grill....
Carmike ..........

..... 272-6611
..... 269-1911
....... 271-2070
...... 266-4645
........ 231-6997

Campus listing:


Guignol Theatre ......
Singletary Center...
Art Museum ........
Student Center...
Kentucky Kernel .........
Kennedy Bookstore...
UK Bookstore .............
Wildcat Textbooks ......

..... 2573191
....... 257-4929
........ 257-5716
....... 257-8427




8mm. Joel Schumacher's descent into the lurid
underground crime world has significant gaps
in logic and an anticlimactic, self-important
ending. Nicolas Cage and Joaquin Phoenix star.
At Carmike

Analyze This. Robert Dinero and Billy Crystal star
in a comedy about a shrink and a mobster.
Guess who plays which role? At Man 0' War.

Election. The chronicle of a disastrous high
school election. Starring Reese Witherspoon
as Tracy Flick, an over achiever running
unopposed for class president until Matthew
Broderick, playing teacher Jim McAIlister,

- bribes dumb jock Paul, played by Chris Klein,
into running against her. Playing at Man 0'

Entrapment. Catherine Zeta Jones is sent on the
trail of a master art thief, played by Sean
Connery. There is the inevitable love story and
action sequences, pretty formula, but the plot
has a couple of twists. Also starring Vinq
Rhames and Will Patton. Playing at Lexington
Green and Man 0’ War.

Instinct. Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding Jr.
star in a tale of a scientist, played by
Hopkins, who ‘goes native' while studying
great apes in Africa. Playing at South Park
and Woodhill.

Life. Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence play
criminals sentenced to life in prison. The
movie's motto, Life: Share it with somebody
you love, lets you know this is one of those
feel good type comedies. Playing at Lexington

The Love Letter. Kate Capshaw, Ellen DeGeneres
and Blythe Danner star in a comedy involving
a mysterious love letter. Playing at Lexington

The Matrix. Keanu Reeves stars in a noirish
cyber-punk action flick. Surprisingly he pulls
it off. Be ready for a slew of twists and turns
in the plot, which, also surprising fora Keanu
Reeves movie, has been called intellectual by
critics. Playing at Man 0' War and South Park.

A Midsummer Nights Dream. Adapted from the
play by Shakespeare. Starring an ensemble
cast. Playing at the Kentucky Theater.

The Mummy. Another special effects driven film.
This one follows Brendan Fraser who stars as
a French Foreign Legion soldier who must
combat the evil of an accidentally awakened

Never Been Kissed. Drew Barrymore stars in a
romantic coming of age comedy about a shy,
awkward copy editor returning to high school
fora story. Playing at Lexington Green.

Notting Hill. Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant star in
a romantic comedy about a famous star,
played by Roberts, who falls in love with an
unassuming bookseller, played by Grant.
Trouble brews when her fame and actor
boyfriend start to crop up. Playing at South
Park and Woodhill.

Star Wars: Episode I- The Phantom Menace. The
Big One. Billed as quite possibly the most
anticipated movie in history, but probably
more just a showcase of lndustrial Light and
Magic’s special effects wizardry. Look for it
to take down Titanic's box office record by
sometime in the mid summer. Starring Liam

7 , 7 COMPILED BY Rosier ouxrii


KENTUCKY KERNEL 'l inunsoii,imrio.1999 |_3

Neeson and Ewan McGregor as Jedi Knights
and Jake Loyd as young Anakin Skywalker.
Playing at Lexington Green, Woodhill and
Turfland Mall.

Thirteenth Floor. Another reality bending movie
in the same vein as The Matrix, without the
all of the special effects, but with a little
murder mystery thrown in. Starring Craig
Bierko and Armin Mueller-Stahl as visionary
computer programmers. Playing at Man 0'
War and South Park.

Trekkies. The only fan club to be listed in the
Oxford English Dictionary. It's more than just
being a thirty year old virgin living in mom's
basement. It's an obsession. This is the docu-
mentary. Playing at South Park.

Trippin'. Yet another coming of age high school
comedy/drama. Said to slightly cop Friday,
even down to the neighborhood crime lord
sub-plot. Starring Deon Richmond. Playing at

Saving Private Ryan. Steven Spielberg's latest
gets re-released in hopes of swaying the vot-
ing Academy Award members. Although
championed for its brutal realism, the film
takes a nosedive into typical melodramatic
Spielberg fodder. Sure you can already get it
on video, but it’s cheaper at the dollar movie
and they have that nifty surround sound thing
that your little TV in the dorm probably does-
n’t. Playing at Carmike.

She's All That. Rachel Leigh Cook gets the oppor-
tunity of a lifetime when she goes to the
senior prom with high school stud Freddie
Prinze Jr. Prinze has to take