xt78w950hh77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950hh77/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1901 journals kaes_bulletins_095 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.95. text Bulletin n.95. 1901 2014 true xt78w950hh77 section xt78w950hh77 , KENTUCKY
State COIIege 0t Kentucky  
M  I
_ 131.  

 _ §. KENT [J CKY - »
    ‘ . . . S . I
  flgr1cult ur2.l Experiment lation.
l * i
_ THOS. TODD, Shelbyville, Ky. A
  7 T. NOBLE LINDSEY, Frankfort, Ky. _. 
E D. F. FRAZEE, Lexington, Ky. ‘
J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College.
M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
F .
l r M. A. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist.
2 A. M. P T R, _
E E } Chemists.
`_ H. GARMAN, Entoniologist and Botanist.
2 ` C. W. MATHEXVS, Horticulturist.
i J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist.
} Ass’t Chemists.
{ i L. O. BEATTY,
i R. M. ALLEN, Clerk, Food Divisio11.
{ . J. D. TURNER, Secretary to the Director.
]. O. LABACH, Chemist, Food Division. ‘
GEO. ROBERTS, Ass’t Chemist. I
E · T. L. RICHMOND, y A t t E t 1 _t IB *
P s ’ U t ` _
i ( MISS M. L. DIDLAKEL j s s o n orno ogis ant o anist  
.   Address of the Station—LEXINGTON, KY. N-
4 ` Morice, *
N The Bulletins of the Station will be mailed t`ree'_ to any citizen oi Ken-
tucky who sends his name and address to the Station for that purpose. ;
_ Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in' their· post- °
I _ oflice address, or of any failure to receive the bulletins.  i
132  it

 ` l
1 Bulletin No. 95.  
Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers. _ _.r. °
Number if Bmzzzis. There were 268 different brands of .
i commercial fertilizers registered from january 1, to May 1, ·
IQOI. Of these different brands, 159 were complete fertili-
zers, or fertilizers containing all three of the essential ingredi-
.· ents, namely; phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash; gg, were _
Q acid phosphates, or superphosphates; 6 containeda mixture ice;
of acid phosphate and nitrogen compounds only; gg acid phos-
phate and potash salts only; and 35 were classed as bones or g,
  Samples C0//cried cmd Amzg/zcr/. Three hundred and forty  
six samples were collected by deputy inspectors, or were sent
by farmers from various parts of the state; 281 samples were , A
{ those sent in by firms as official samples; of these samples, 438 iwé
were analyzed by the Station. _
° Rem/is offbc Amzbxszav. The results of the analyses show
that of the 43,8 samples analyzed, 83, representing 71 brands
~ i and go firms, fell so far below the guaranteed analyses in phos-
_1 phoric acid, nitrogen or potash, or any two, or all three of .
  these ingredients, that the dificiencies could not be accounted.

 [  _   l .· A   ZT- _
i   V , 134 BZ!/]€!Z·7l ./V0. 95.  i
  Q for by variations in sa1npli11g or analysis. It is probable that  ‘
 ,   in most cases, variations can be accou11ted for by hurried or  _
,   careless mixing at tl1e factories, or gross mistakes in shipping `
l I one brand for another, but in one or two instances, tl1e results .
1 show a desire on the part of the manufacturer to guarantee a  [
! higher percentage of the essential ingredients than the goods A
  7 contain.  
The great majority of the manufacturers, however, have  i
furnished in 11lOSt instances, fertilizers fully upto guarantee. .
The following table gives tl1e names of all manufacturers _
legally selling fertilizers in tl1e State this year up to May 1,
j and the number of samples analyzed of each f:1I“11l’5 fertilizers .·
  taken from various places i11 tl1e State or furnished by the ` ·
l manufacturers.
1 1 The table also shows in how many of these samples there
  , was a serious deficiency of either phosphoric acid, nitrogen or
  potash, and i11 how many tl1e percentages of these constituents
· are such as to be considered acceptable, from tl1e poi11t of
, y. view of thebuyer, either because they equal or exceed the per-
= i_ centage guaranteed by tl1e manufacturer, or because a slight
. deficiency in one constituent is, in tl1e Director’s judgement,
l   4 fully made up by an excess in one or both ofthe others. Under
A the heading "Relative Value Per Ton," is sl1ow11 in how many ‘
X instances tl1e " estimated value per ton" calculated from our '
_   I analysis, equals or exceeds tl1e value calculated from the .
°   11l8.ll1lf`2lCl.l1I'€l'iS minimum guaranteed analysis, a11d in l1ow A
? j many it is too low, reasonable allowance having been 111ade ,
`. `_ for unavoidable variations. This table should be carefully
studied. lt concisely reviews each firm, sho’.ving how the I,
T samples of fertilizers taken from various places i11 the State
compare witl1 what was guaranteed. In order, however, to
I , _ see the an1ou11t of variations fro111 tl1e guaranteed analyses, ‘°
· tl1is table should be studied in CO1lll€CllOl1 witl1 the table of .
. , results of analyses, which follows tl1is introduction. This V
· table CHI] be easily referred to, as tl1e names of the firms are  ·
‘ arranged in alphabetical order. `R

 2 M
L Cammcroial Ferz‘z'!z'zers. 135
Y   0a£°lJ °\~*|°\°1¤l*l°\°IOI;l°lO
· ‘·¤£·  
2   ‘*>l¤¤ 2 ¤|=:»‘~`[—`¤»|.¤\2¤ -2 222*22 WH
 _ $4 in ’l€E’_§§_V `ON "`__ "` i   "T '"‘ .
 2 ; "“OT 2 "|’°|°'”|°}°°`°I°`°);4H,;
 2    3*~—j·—‘ ~..
O '(l L20 i*'D\©`©\<>lliO\¢Q :0`:1 wl.-2 `
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:..2 LY
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. "" bu '0[CE . .J _ :2 5 L M _ A ___ Q V —>
Z -22 Q»»» 2   2i’\“l¤\°\°l··\*\¤l=1 1  
 `   `·“0TI 1Orlv-*|O1r-<`»-1IOjCz`r-<*';rl;`,y¥;  
9;% <><>.L;x  
l E·4`€_‘<¤1A-1g?iD%€;;(%;N>iii\2\·—¢`:}?1`¤r¤\¢I-vl71|;i}¤·<};:  
2 ` ‘1>¤Z·<1¤   ; |Q ]Y]Y; Z2 Q Q"QT 2; i' Q I  
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  ` O ?6T6`2$l24S 215|= 218; X
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  z 4-g\O  26 ’2§\%\%r»  
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2   2* 2 2 m °Z *6 ¤   ’¤ L2
 2 2z GIG 22 SIE ‘¤ 24* 9 E A
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 2 2c an ba 2 2 m :¤ 5 »< S U
,2 4: < •-· ~: 2, 0 ···· »-· ¤
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· 22é’?i`<;§,s3`g"¤ 2\2£`9£l§
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 Q     E  ‘M<>q Bmdm N0- 95.
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Commercial Ferldizers. 137
N Y-1w-1ut>|»—<|©1»—<00:~1¤.*¤'<$‘\Q® -
CN   »-< M x-· ’ij '1;m‘U g J
· .¤ gf wgla »`°’l¤> z :.2 L. Q ¤A° .
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. ga:|E‘·3 ;|g·6ig¤*»»·;l§\:°%z8
»-·-< . r ""

 , . wai   -——
i · I 138 Bulletin N0. 95.  ,
  » ' p . It is evident from the preceding table that while most of the
  fertilizers examined ran above the minimum guarantee, yet  
·   a thorough and careful inspection seems essential. It is hoped `
2   that farmers will generally take advantage of Section 8 of the  _
A fertilizer law, and when they purchase fertilizers, at least in { 
' quantity, that they will take a sample in accordance with Sec-  `
5 A tion 8 and send it to tl1e Station for free analysis. `
l Esse¢zz'z`aZs in Takzbzg ez Sample. 1. Take it at the ‘
time of purchase, and if possible in the presence of agent or  
seller. 2. Take a sample from not less than two bags, and I
from one additional bag for every ten purchased; mix these `
I samples carefully and take at least a pint of this mixed sam- ·
i . A ple, put it into a fruit jar, seal, box and express to M. A. Sco-
  ’ vell, Director, Lexington, Ky. 3,. Take the sample in the
Z presence of at least one witness, and have the witness sign the
  required certificate. 4. The certificate for free analysis to be ,
  ~ sent by mm'! and should be in accordance with the law as
i given in Section S.
Q If tl1e sample is taken in accordance with the above direc-
{   tions it may be sent by express and the charges will be paid i
V   by the Station.
l E Farm q" Cw·/gfazfc. A good form of certificate is tl1e fol- I
i I lowing, and blank certificates will be sent free to any farmer  
j requesting the same.
  t ................ . . ..,...... 190 j
I - M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Lexington, Ky.: ·
I __ This is to certify that I am not a dealer in, or agent for the i
sale of any fertilizer, and that the fertilizer, a sample of which  K
I have sent by express to you for free analysis was purchased  -°
I i ` by me .... . ................. . ...... IQO for my own use  
i i A and not for sale.  ‘
` · I further certify that the sample was taken at the time of
i purchase from at least ro per cent. of the sacks or other pack- a
ages comprising the whole lot purchased, and that it was taken  ‘
as provided in Section 8 of tl1e fertilizer law, in the following

 ‘ i
 · C072z71z.ercz'aZ Fcr!zY2`zcrs. 139 i
described manner, to wit: .`............,...............,.
It  Upon receipt of the analysis from you, I agree to furnish ,\
you with a tag taken from one of the sacks sampled, the name -»
and address of the firm or agent of whom the fertilizer was 4
, t purchased, and the amount purchased.  
V (Signature) ........,.V..4..,... . . . 1_
(P. O. Address) ,........ . .,....r....,. I . »
Signature of \Vitnesses: Q
? Should, however, any farmer desire to take a sample and  
T not have a blank certificate at hand, he may write one in full
? ‘ like the form above given, or take the sample in presence of
5 seller and witness and so mark it that he can identify it sub- _
sequently in a certificate, and send it at once to the Experi-
‘ ment Station with the request that the station furnish form of
l certihcate, sucl1 certificate to be filled out upon receipt cover- _
ing the sample and properly signed by sender and witnesses
- ‘ and sent by return mail to the Station.
r · Scrffwz [)}'0’ZlI-tZ]I.}I_g'_/0I' [Gry A72¢z@/sr`;. The section of the
Fertilzer Law, providing for the taking of samples for free ` `_ r
—· . . ‘*l*
. analysis 1S as follows:
SEC. 8. Any person not a dealer in, or agent for the sale V
of any fertilizer who may purchase any commercial fertilizer  A
3 in this State for his own use and not for sale, may take a sam- gary
I ple of the same for analysis, which analysis shall be made by  
_ the said Experiment Station free of charge. Such sample for
E free analysis shall be taken by the purchaser in presence of (
Y1 the erson com ian * or a ent sellin the fertilizer from at least L.
_ v i ) g _ _ 2,,,
1 · ten (10) per cent. of the sacks or other packages comprising ‘~
e the whole lot purchased, and shall be thoroughly mixed and .
. at least one pound of the material after mixing must be put
In » into a jar or can, securely sealed and marked in such a way as
’  , to surely identify the sample and show by whom it was sent,'
L- ` without giving the name of the fertilizer or the person from
:1 . whom it was purchased, and must be forwarded to the Director `
g ' of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington,

  tp  {.2 M:   ;
'*· ‘ 140 Bulleiivz N0. 95. ,
L, . · - i
  t ` . Ky. The purchaser shall also send with the sample a certificate
, ,6 signed by himself and witness, or by two witnesses, stating
 `   that the sender has purchased the fertilizer for his own use
  and not for sale, and that the sample was taken in the man-
 _ ?‘ ner prescribed in this section. Provided, however, that if .
 _ the person, company or agent shall refuse to witness the tak-
  ing of the sample, then the sample may be taken at the time
, A of the purchase in the manner already described in the pres-
Q ence of two witnesses who shall certify to the manner of tak-
ing the sample. The purchaser shall preserve the official label
from one of the bags or other packages sampled to be sent to ·
the Director after having received the report of analysis of
the sample, and at the same time he shall furnish to the Di-
I rector the name and address of the Erm of whom the fertilizer
. ‘ was purchased and the amount purchased; and any person
E having sent a sample for free analysis, under the provisions of
? V this section, who shall, after having received the report of
L analysis of the same, refuse to furnish the required informa-
i E tion, shall thereafter forfeit the privilege of free analysis of
i i fertilizers under this section. But if any sample shall have
i been submitted for free analysis without all the requirements
· of this section having been complied with, the Director shall ‘
_` inquire into the case and may accept the sample for free analy-
{ i sis if he believes that it is a fair sample of the fertilizer as it
` Q was delivered to the purchaser.
  I/Qzlzzes L/Earl.-—In calculating the relative value per ton, the V
" i following values have been used;
Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in mixed fer-
N, tilizers ...,................................. 6c per lb. .
.   Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in plain acid
. 311Cl uncidulated phosphates ...... . ...,........ gc per lb. »
E E Insoluble phosphoric acid in mixed fertilizers ..... 2C per lb.
`, Insoluble phosphoric acid in plain acid phos- _
` phates ........,..............,....... . ..... Nothing.
N Phosphoric acid in fine bone ................... 4C per lb.
Phosphoric acid in medium bone ................ gc per lb.
I V _ Fine bone is all that passes through a sieve with meshes one- ’
_ · twenty·iifth inch square. Medium bone passes through a p
, sieve with meshes one-sixth inch square, but does not include
. line bone.
* Nitrogen in all fertilizers ...... . ........ . ....... ISC per lb. `
Potash in all fertilizers, from sulphate ........... 6c per lb.  
Potash in all fertilizers, from muriate ........... 5c per lb. _

 ` 1
Commercial Fertz`Zzhe7*:. 141 ?
T The term "Potash from muriate" does not indicate neces-
' sarily that the manufacturers used muriate of potash in fur-
i nishing the potash; they may have used sulphate of potash, or
  other salts of potash, but in all fertilizers where the term i
i · "P0tash from Muriate" is used there is enough chlorine pres-
2 ent to combine with the potash, either from salt in the tankage S141$>¥i2éQQ·..2l. 12 ·1———1’““‘S1" é ·   ·‘ `
‘ ZZ *·' 9: . *1 :1 1 5
‘ ¤ ·¢ ` ‘ s ” 'E ~ ` ’·° E
1:5éQ 2 3 $:11 g1 1.-@@21.2 `§11$‘7.`1§E
.: ¤»·· ,2 " -~ 5 A ' 351:*: :*7. `E2 .,.*7
11-177 Eg 5 E `E C> S .2 :¤15·§I 531-2** ·:é  
r- ·-· E Q) 1* Z1 O "" 3"Y11 =-· A L-· S 1 U I5
Q C. an ¤ <¤ I ,:1 1 1-· l Z uq 1::. ZA vi 2. 0; 1
  1   1 1 1
_ _ ` 3.72 0.911 9.63 $3.72 7522 “   p
6.003.001 9 00 1 1 /0.00 9 00 L
1 1  
_ 1 S 219 11.04 0.43 10.931.131 1.02 14.50 7523 17
_ I 10.00 2.11 12.11 .0,81 0.11h1 0.S9 16.34 8203  
6.00 2,00 3.00 1 /0.00 10.82 1 .001 1.00 /.;.06  
1 1 I 1  
__ 1 8 15 0.861 9.01 0.94 1.141 2.90 16.42 7524 (J
__ 0 08 1.-161 10.54 0.55 0.0712.84 15.07 *204
6.00 2.00 S 00  l0.00 0..;/ 0._§()`l.5O /.00 /.;.33
.. 1 3 92 0.1101 9.52 1.01 1.231 4,02 13.79 7525
6.002.00 802 1/0,00 0.82/.0013.00 1.00 lf 06 _
.. ‘ 8.158 10.68 9.3611.021.24 4.16 18.74 7526
  10.06 12.02 12.08 10.71 0.92 3.25 18.41 8205 1
6.00 2.00 8.00 1 IO 00 0.32 1 .0013 .00 1 00 1;*.06 »
__ .17.61 3.11 1 1 120 72 1.63 1.98 20.85 7527
1   12000 [.652.00 /693
  1 1014 11.701 10.03 2.74131.33 1.96 23.0617640  
7.002.00 900 1/ 00 2./713.002.00 21 OI Z J 
  _ 1 1087 2.19 13.06 1.11 1.35 0.80 18 05 176-11  
  1 10.10 2.35 1245 1.05}.271,20 17.41 3206  
7.003.00 /0 00 [/00 0.82] 00/.00 /5.86 ;
1 { Lg
  1 9.47 0.41 9.88 1.03125 I.98 16.9917642 4
  1 8.63 1.83 10 46 1.2611 .5312.53 17.4018207
5.0013.00 8 00 10.00 0.8211.00 4.00 16 861 '
  15.40 0.82 16.22 15.4017643
__ 14.82 2.30 17.12 14.8213208
·— IO 004.00 [.].00 /5 UO I4 001
  _ 1 10.91 0.68 1159 1.96 2.33 19.2417644 1
.. 1 10.80 3.13 13.93 2.02 2.45 20.27 18109
· 7.003.00 [0.00 [!.OO [.652.00  

  3  Iv   I .'   i
;   · 144 Bulletin N0. 95.
I " I
. Er,
, ¤ E FACTURER AND NAME From Whom Obtained.
{ V .*3 2 or BRAND. ‘
= FB
Amer. Agr. Chem. C0., Clev.
Dryer Wks.
7645 Ohio Seed Maker with Potash   Manufacturer   . . ...................
. 7646 Horsehead Phos hate ............... Manufacturer ....,.....................
  ` American Ag. Chem. Co., New
· York.
Q 7647 Gr0u11d Bone ........................... Manufacturer   .. ................. .
. 8210 Bassett & Stone, Leitchiield .......
i .
7 The Armour Fertilizer Works,
l Chicago III.
` 7653 Bone Meal ............................. .. Manufacturer ................. . ..... .
Q 8214 1. K. Miller, Burdick ................ ‘
• .
[ ~
7654 Raw Bone Meal ....................... Manufacturer ..... . ...................
Q 8215 1). M. Brakefield, Adairville .......
· 7655 Grain Grower .................... . ..... Manufacturer .....................  
1 .
E, ‘ . .
· { 7656 Annnoniated Bone with Potash .. Manufacturer ..........................
_· 7784 Chas. ]. Fischer, Pewee Valley-,
. _ 7657 Tobacco Grower . .........   ........ Manufacturer ..........................
8216 D. M. Braketield, Adairville ....... ·
7658 Bone, Blood Se Potash ............... Manufacturer .....   ................
8217 Bassett & Stone, Leitchiield ....... , 
I _ I
i 7659 Star Phosphate .... . ................... Manufacturer ........................ . ‘
` 8218 I. K. Miller, Burdick ......   .......
6 7660 \Vhite Burley & Black Tobacco,. Manufacturer ..........................  
7661 Phosphate and Potash ........ . ...... Manufacturer   .......................  

 ¥ 1
1 11
Cammercial Fertilizers. 145
  Potash. Ti _ `
 ·· . *  " L4.
gi 1.112¤ @,.5%% 2:521%
· -.·· ‘ · "‘ .-· g ... "’
.§s"z§%·:1§ E .. g1=:¤E:...&‘·§¤—g¤· x.
1 1* Em 2 §1"§ 3 L3 215.EaE E? ®§‘·=Z  
E .5 .2 D4 <¤ .5 1-1 1m ¤~ rw/> ¤< $1; ‘ 1
_ 8.37 2.49 10.8611.7112.081|.661 $17.83 7645. 11 ·‘`-  
` 6.002.00 8.00 IO 00 1].6512.00 2.00 17.35  
8.96 5.69 14.651 1 8.96 7646 .  
° 7.003.00 10.00 12.00 1 10.00
1 17
16.89 5.63 22.52 2.3012.79 23.79 17647  
` 14.40 3.82 I8.22 2.4512.97 21.16 18210
" 20 0012.1/73.00 19.411
1 1 1 1
1   '
24.17 2.39 26.5612.4813.01 ` 28.21 17653
` 1 20.10 5.03 25.1313.1813.86 128.64 8214
" 21,l.OO1.?..]71j`.UO 12/.Sf  .
. 1 1 1 . 1 .
· 17.75 7.61 25.36 13.9814.83 130.71 17654
  16.28 9.56   25.84 138114.631 1301918215
1 22.00 ~_j’.7I14._501  2.;.33*
_ _ 10.2210.65 10.8712.0212.4511.38 1.10121.28 7655
` · 6. 002.00 8.00  10.00 11.65 2.002.001 17.35  ’ gv.
__ . · 7.4910.79 8.2812.81 3.41 .361 1.03 20.3417656
__ ` 7.72 2.76 10.481204 2.481.86 118.34 7784
4.002.00 6.00 8.OO1.?.4f_§.0() 2.00 17.Sl  .
1 •
  10.06 0.60 10.6611.571.91`1.22 4.35 1 23.46 7657  
  · 9.00 0.70 9.70 .2.26 2.741 5.43124.38 8216  
. 6.00 2.00 8.00 10.00 11.6512001 5.00 121.35 ‘
  10.16 0.32 10.4814.0414.901 7.53 33.48 7658 1 é
  9.60 1.24 10.8414.475.431|OO 4.92 32.33 8217 *1%
' 6.002.09 8.00 10.00 14.125.001 7.00 31.16 `
_ _ · 16.8110.84 17.65     16 81 7659 ·
  _ 15.44 12.67 18.11 1 15.44 8218
I 10.00 4.00 14.00 1 ]6.00   /,1.00 1
  *  10.09 3.28 13 37 3.2713.971 4.25 28.3317660
_ 6.00 2.00 8.00 [O.OO12.88~3.5O1 4.00 23.841 ·
   1 112.13 0_42 12.551 1 11.361 1.10 17.41 17661
  6.004.00 [0.00 12.00 12.00 /4.80 · '

 1   146 Bu//clivz [V0. 95.
s   '
s * .
E 1¤AcTURE1< AND NABIPZ From Whom Obtained.
’ _§ 2 on BRAND.
E . E
x ’Q_.M-,2 Mika). M. .D.D .-M2..Yi- WM ..(__
é I g
1The Armour Fertilizer Works,§
7662; Wheat, Corn and Oats S >ecial...` Manufacturer .................. . .....
_ l i .
778=>1 1 Chas. J. Fischer, Pewee Valley
1 ,
z 1Peter Backer & Son, Troy, |nd.l
1 785l; Grower No. 2 .......................... 1 Manufacturer. .........................
i 1   1
a 7352% Grower No. 7 .. .......................   Manufacturer ......... . ....... . .......
I ‘  
l — 7853l Grower No. 9 ........................... 1 Manufacturer ........... . ..............
l A lGeo. S. Bartlett, successor to.
l l Cinti. Des. C0., Cinti., O. l
77291 Indian Brand Tob. & I’ot’to Fert` Manufacturer .............. . ..........
` 81411 1 Benj. Mylor, Gex .................
{ I l =
773(li Indian Brand Gilead Phosphate,. Manufacturer ........... . ..............
` 8251 '1`onie Beutler, Burlington .........
773]) Indian Brand Ohio Valley Phos.1 l\Ianufacturer.. . ........... .. . .... .
1 82521 15. E. Foxworthy & Co., Mt.
  ' 1 * Carmel ........... . ....................
‘· 1Bowker Fertilizer Co., Boston-l
1 . 1 New York Cincinnati. 4
_ * 76681 Bowker’s Fish Guano .............. Manufacturer ........... . ..............
.. 7669 Bowker’s Ilarvest Bone ........... Manufacturer ........... . ..............
7670 Bowker’s Bone Meal ................. Mauufacturera ....   ..............
76711 Bowker‘s Soluble Bone ........ . ..... 1 Manufacturer ..........................
, 1 l
76721 Bowker’s Dissolved Bone ........... Manufacturer .................... . ..... ·~
76731 Bowker’s Dis. Bone with Potash Manufacturer,. ...................... .

 Commercial Ferz‘z`lizers. 147
Phosphoric Acid. 12 1 Potash. .51 1-:
.52 %° g 17 .2 ig .4 %°§°..‘¤ ..73. EF 3¤
1=’—·1§1 22 3 3 Q3 § 53 1; gf gg gg gg EZ
U > ,.. 5 ·.-7 ; q; H
E4 Ee :3 K?) C4 < LZ I2 1 Z U·1<   1;-lm C4 Q tf)  
1 1 1 1 1  
. 9.11 0.511 9.62 1.11 1.3511.36 1$15.8217662 ,
8 44 2.11110.55 1.65 2.0011.78 17.7017785 ·.   _
4.002.001 7.00 1 9.00 0.82l.001I.00 1 12.661   "'
1 1 i
. 8.58 1.37 9.95 2.222.7013.17 1 20.6817851 Q
4.00 2.00 6.00 1 [0.00 .?,OO2.4j’12._j’O   l7_j’01  
. 8.26 3.05 ` 1Il.3| 3.87 4.7013,31   23.3617852 75
115.00 j’.0013.6412._§0 1 20.501   ‘
.. 12.23 11.28 23.51 4.0414.901 1 28.6717853
120 00 3.003.601 1   2].001
.. 9.56 1.88111.44 S444.181442 26.9617729 `
. 10.47 3.68 14.15 1.70 2,0613.12 22.2518141
1 900 II 00 3.294.00 5001 274171
1 _ ¢
.. 1 967 3.01 12.68 2.963.5911.30 1.551 24.8117730 .
.. 8.72 5.22 13.94 2.9113.53|.26 1 22 5418251
9.00 1].00 2..[73.()O12.00 1 2I.0lE
.. . 7.37 2.71 10.08 2.1212.5711.08 1.52 191817731
  ` 9.41 3.72 13.13 L451,7612.01 1 191418232 1 2:..;
800 ll 00 [.6_§12.0012.00 17.751 `
1 1 ·
1 1 1 -1 1-1  
.. 8.45 3.33 11.78 0.961l.1713.321 17.6·17668 _- 
_ 8 O0 9.00 0,7_j'10.9l~_§.0O [5.2_§1  
. 1 ' i'
.. 9.34 2.56 11.90 1,0311.251.31 1 16.6317669  
900 10 00 0,7511),9111 00 1 /4.451 . _
.. 14.00 6.88 20.88 1.7512.121   1 20.5317670 LA
20.00 1.5011.82 1 1 16501 vé
  1 16.55 1.28117.83 1   1 1 16.5517671 ·
1 14.00 1 [5.00 1 1 1   /.11,001
1 1
  -   10.13 2.97 13.10 1 1 10.1317672
1 I0.00 I!.00   1 ]0.001
    10.04 2.69 12.73 1 11.141 14 2717673 1
_ 1 110,00 II.00 1l.00 l_§’..]0·
_ 1

a · »
_ .  148 Bz¢ZZez'z`n N0. 95. V
I iii
’ E
' B 1=AcTuRER AND NAME From Whom Obtained.
. :2 E
l » Q ¤ 01* BRAND.
i E Z .
2 ' rn '
: ,____. ___,.;..
’ l .
C. S. Brent, Lexington, Ky. i ,
7665 Brent’s Tob. 8.; Potato Grower  Manufacturer . .........................
i i 7666 Brent’s Raw Bone Meal .....,..... i Manufacturer ..........................
Y   7667 Brent’s Grain Grower ...............   Manufacturer ..........................
l » `
. 786:2 Brent’s Tobacco & Hemp Spec...l Manufacturer ........ . ............... .
I l
2 ~ `The Buckeye Phosphate C0., l
g Columbus, O. l
` 7564 Buckeye Special Blood & Pot- l
ash Mixtuie ....... . ..., . .,..   l Manufacturer ..............., . ......... V
· Q Y
i 7565 Buckeye Wheat Maker.. .....     Manufacturer ........ . ................
, l l
i 7 _ 7566i Extra Super Phosphate .............   Manufacturer   ......................
l r
I _ lThe Chicago Fertilizer Co , Chi-   I
5. l Cage, lu. l V
i. l 7543l Mt. Pleasant Phosphate ...........` Manufacturer ................ . ........
, .' 8253% , R. L. Berkhearl, Big Clifty ........
I   1 1
· . 7544i Bone, Blood & Potash .............. ~ Manufacturer .. ..,....................  V
8254; l W. M l\lcCorn1ick, Falls of
--   ‘ Rough ................. . ............. '
, 7545 Potash Special ...... . ..............,... Manufacturer ..........................
[ ` 8255 ` Bruce & Bright, Danville ......... •
l ' R   _
7546% Standard Truck & 'fob. Fert ..... Manufacturer ...,......................
· 8256i D. W. Myers, llorse Cave .... . ....
‘ l T 
754Ti Chicago Bone Meal ..............,. [ Manufacturer ................... . .....  
8257i l Bruce & Bright, Danville ......... *
»_ -`·• > -7 _‘~.4_: V rn

 Commerczhl Fcrlz`lz`zcrs. 149
 · Phosphoric Acid. 2 as Potash. é
1 6 . 1, 15 A *6; .5 . > 2 11g ‘
246112866  §.812.8
6 Eg gg Q gt; éj .1 Q %".2¤E; ¤g_ Q1. gg
¤¤=1 im Q 5, S3 2 ·°§ .·’£ ii QE @5 Ti & gz \_
··—< Q un :14 <¤ Q 1-1 Z 1*1 IQ mw 94 0 "
` 1 1 1 1  
1 7 82 8.72 11.54 2.8812.882.00 $19.86 7666 :1
'   6.00 3.00 2.473.00 2.00 17.81 " 1T  
1 .
18.80 6.61 1 26.41 136514.431 1 29.96 7666  
1 22.0013.71 4.50 12433  
. . 1 1 .
1 8 42 $.6212.0412 0212461206 19.66 7667 _1..
'   8.00 [0.00 11.6512.002.001  17.35 1
1 12-1
  6.86 0.24 6.60  8.7014.492.40 7 80 29.39 7862
' 1 5 00 14.004.86 10.00 30.00
1 1 1
1   1 : .
1 8.2% 1.981 10.21 10.7010.86 4.87 18.66 7564
" 1 8.00 1 10.8211.004.00 16.06
`   9.92 1.98  11.901 1 1 8.89 17.86 7666  
"   [0.00 Q 1   12.00 14.00 ·
  1 .
1 18.14 2.47 16.61 1 1 18.14 7666
. 1 1
· 1 I.} O0 1 1 1 1 1 I4 OO
· 1 1 1   1 .
    1 1 1 QQ;
. 1 1 8.69 0.981 9.621 1 8.11917618
  1 9 21 242111.631 ' 1 1 9.21182353
1·· 9_gg 1 70 OO 1 1 1 9 Q01  
1 ` 1 1 = 
  10.62 0.819 l1.4S`1.G61?..021 1 2.64 21.11 7644 111;
f 1 7.61 1.781 9.89 `l.2R11_F>513.221 16 90 18254 g'
  S Up 1 [9710 / .2] /.501 2.00 /649 k
8.88 0.741 E1.G21l.(1§.1.251 4.06 19 $11 17646  
  , 1 1 10.91 1.541112.-15111.9211,11U13_63 19.8018255 <
  1 8.00 1 9.0010.82 1 .001 4 00 If 261 _
` 1 1 8.46 1.271 9 7212.71312%.311 4.21 123,95 17546
  · 1 8.86 2.191 ll 114 2.1712 6814.91 1219218256
U. \ 1 8 00 1 Q O0 2../713 .001 4 00 22 2/ 1
° 17.26 6.161 122 41 2.47 8.001 24 31 7547 .
‘‘‘‘ 11 12.36 10.971 128 33 .1,4211.71 20 73 8267
````   120 00 1.65 2.00 16.95

  Y V  _I·i‘ `. L P;
  150 Bullelin N0. 95.
* EC  
2 ?
¤ g FAcTURER AND NAME From Whom Obtained.
1 n Q Z or BRAND.
 z .*2
1 L~__M..;.. ,M.-
I The Chicago Fertilizer C0.
7567 Wheat S ecial .......................... Manufacturer ................... . ......
8258 \V. M. McCormick, Falls of
i Rough ............... . ................
i The Cincinnati Phosphate Co.,
_ Cincinnati, 0.
% 7764 Capital City Superphosphate ...... Manufacturer ..........................
i . 7765 Capital City Wheat Grower ....... Manufacturer ..........................
I 7766 Capital City Grain & Grass Gro