xt78w950k86t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt78w950k86t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-08-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 27, 1997 1997 1997-08-27 2020 true xt78w950k86t section xt78w950k86t      


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‘Az’r Raid ’
[aunt/yes as
Cam's visit

By Price Atkinson

.‘vi'mur Sniff II 'I'Iri‘l‘

Bombs away.

\Vhen the I997 L'K football
season kicks off Satiir lay against
the l.ouis\ille (Iardinals. the
‘vViIdcats plan to have an offensive

It's a major change from the
grind—it—out system favored by
ousted coach Bill (Zurry. First—
year L'Is' head coach Ilal .\Iumine
has installed his passwiriented
style ofoffense. where most ofthe
damage is done via complicated
schemes geared to open up
receivers rather than holes in the

HIf you look at our stats over
the past eight seasons (using this
offense). it's probably mi percent
pass to the run." .\Iuimtic said.

Last year when the (jats went
4-,“. (iurry's teams clearly prew
feared the run over the pass. run-
ning the I~forination and one«
back sets most ofthe time.

guard comes .\Iumme's high—pix»
file passing attack, which utili/es
the quarterback's arm and the
receivers‘ hands to rack tip the
yardage and the points.

Last season at Valdosta ((ia.)
State. .\lumme's team scored 40
or more points in nearly half the
games it played. The BIa/ers
scored ‘3 points in two consecu»
tive games en route to the Divi-
sion ll playoffs.

.\Ieanwhile. L'Is' was enjoying
significantly less offensive success.

(Iurry‘s l‘)‘)(i ground game
managed to score 30 or more
points in just three of its games.

.\Iumme‘s philosophy relies
heavily on the quarterback to eve

attack resembling an I‘i-IS more
than a Sherman tank.

\Vith the changing of the

cute the team's offense. Ile iitir

i Cats' ottense moves tram snore to soar


li/cs tlitee wide receivers. each of
whom is labeled an \ “\” or
/" recencr.

The 'V and /. i‘ctcnel‘s
\\lll line up wide left and right
while the \" receiver acts as a
SltII recei\er .i Hitleulll \\lto
simply lines up .1 few feet behind
the line of scrimmage.

Leading the [K depth chart
at the receiver positions. respct“
tivcly. are junior college transfer
Marvin l.ovc. junior Kevin (Lole
man. and big play senior Isio San—

.llII‘iIUI' halIliack (Ii‘aig Yeast
led the (Iats in receiving last year
with 30 catches for VS yards and


.s‘it‘ FOOTBALL on 15A


C9 IG®3®®®







By Brian Dunn
.l\’\l\f.lllf,\it'1.“i' I‘iiflfi/l'

\s L'K l'iirc \Iarshall (tarry Beach made his
\\.I_\ through the Sigma (hi fraternity house for
the second time in a week. fraternity members fol,
lowed with tools. i

\IIIe of II fraternity houses inspected by
Beach were closed for occupancy last week. and
Beach made rounds to check if the Sigma (ilII
house was ready to be reopened last \Vednesday.

Beach ventured through the house, where
Sigma (Ihi members had been tenaciously work—
ing to repair problems such as poorly placed appli—
ances and non—latching doors.

Although problems still evisted. which frater-
nity members immediately jumped on with their
tools. Beach declared the house ready for occu»
pancy. drawing cheers from eagerly aw aiting
Sigma (Ihi members outside the house

“But it‘s got to stay in this shape." Beach said.

\ceording to guidelines found in the Kens
tucky Building (lode and the Kentucky I'iire Pre—
vention (:(HlL‘. Beach found all but the I‘JI'IIIl louse
and .\Ipha ’I an ()mega houses unsatisfactory for
occupants the week of -\iig. I I. Ilie I I fraternities
that were inspected had rccen ed .i months notice
ofthe inspection.

Inside the Sigma (:lII house. problems includ»

I: PHOTOS By MATT DAMON "W’i' "I" 1 ed remov ed stairwell doors. electrical violations
i; I" THE “TILE (Int/.ttrI/i‘llti/I run/inner rm Nari/J (Jim/pm Hear the Sim/em Center in instill/r1 chi/led timer line It) mill-c i/ir iw/d/I/w/mg ilz'iII/u/v/c In I't'i‘li/cmv and structural pri iIilcms such as beds and shelves
" COUOOUOOOIOI.I......................


UK campus QBIS
another taeelitt

Summer work

spills into fill!

By Gary WuII

.Scmrir Stu/f II 'I'm'r

The sound of thunder was prevalent around
campus even when it wasn‘t raining this summer.
That thunder is actually the sound of bulldozers

The other two phases of the project will occur
on both sides of P( )T: The area around the Admin—
istration Building will he re-landscaped with more
green space because the pavement on both sides has
also deteriorated. (Ilevidence said his department
will eventually continue the development toward
Anderson Hall and in front of Miller I la“.

“\Ve don't know when the second and third
phase will be done because we don't have any money
right now," (Ilevidence said.

Meanwhile, North (iampus residents are one
step closer to enjoying the comfort of air condition-
ing. During the summer. the procurement and con—
struction divisions extended the chilled water line to



[Em lllt-ll at l guest,
student tickets sold out

The new site at Commonwealth Stadium for
ticket distribution was obviously a hit with stu-
dents. Director of \dimnistrative Services Rod—
ney Stiles said. because all available student and
guest tickets for the L'K~l.oiiisville football game
sold out at 3 mi. yesterday.

Tickets for the (Iats‘ new home stand against
l‘ilorida will be a\aiIable at both sites Sept. 3.3.

Tickets will still be $5.

Fond SONIC“ Wins national awards
L'K Food Services received grand prize and
first place awards in a national dining contest in
Buffalo. .\'.\'.. this summer.
The Intermeno restaurant won :irst place in
the 24th Lloyd I5. Ilorton Dining .-\\\ard (:ompe-
tition sponsored by the Natlonal -\ssociation of




and jackhaminers making dents on ”'"IIIW the Administration Building. “'35 completed In Tune. (ZlQVI‘lW‘W 93ml a few {95' (Iollege and University Iiood Services. f
’ The most visible change this fall is the absence A chilled water line makes air conditioning Ihc‘l“ need '” PC added “cm“: 'I '5 “”“TPICICII' “n" Intermezzo “was It‘ood Services‘ first college T
of the fountain in front of Patterson Office Tower. available. (Ilevidence said. The project cost the L'ni- ”ht-(l1 . . . , partnership providing a facility to foster faculty
It and the surrounding asphalt were dug up this versitv $1.2 million. He said this was a step in (‘()n- _ ”"3 Lb llf"’k5“’r'~'“l“l "I" escape renovation student and peer interaction." I’ood Services -;
summer and exchanged for grass and light posts. necting North (Iampus with air conditioning, but th" summer “5 It“ “Ml.“ 8”“ l”"l" ““5 ““PIW‘l l‘” 3‘ Director (Iarol Rain. said. “It works very well for is
‘ Trees will soon fill the green space. the actual connection of the line to the area is a dif- m‘wer 90s interior. . ‘ _ .. the department and the customer." 3:
Director of Procurement and Construction ferent project, which will not be completed this year. I he most obvious change is the different r
Divisions Ken (Ilevidence said the project. which This summer the Virginia Avenue parking lot, entrance, which Wasltltwcd from the end closer to “ISO“. “I‘ll “'3 8100 m
involved tearing up the “hardseape” and replacing it formerly gravel. was paved and striped, a project that ”W SW‘lcm (gmwr "Vim" parking l‘“ “x" I" Th" 9“" . h . ‘ _ ‘ ‘ . H w L’ ,
mm with green space. cost $395,000. cost $785,000. near the old Student (.cntcr. lot 1 c fourth “’2““"m.‘ lyear. ‘K has
Bv last February the area in front of POT had Drivers will be able to identify parking spaces i\Cw‘carpcting. painting and shelves and'the attracted more than u “I" m” "m "1 outstde
comclinto disrepair'and posed safety and legal con- more clearly than last year, before the lot was return of the (ID rack arc-among the renovations rc‘fif‘fi‘lh 32%|“!!ij- l .. 4 I . h
s cerns, he said. striped. said Patrick Kass, assistant director of Park- made to the booksthorc._(.hairs may later be added to 1006 0‘ ff" lull. “I":P ‘1?) “I"? ‘ “”"g }: C
I . (Ilcvidencc said the added green space in front ing and ’l‘rangponmi.m_ It has the same square the trade book section Iorbrowsing. - « isca \car was percent more t an




. of the building will be complete after his department

plants some trees in late October.

He said this was the first stc in a three-step
project to improve the area arount the Administra-
tion Building and POT. The department is waiting
for money for phase two and three and currently has

i: no timetable.

footage but will be more efficient for drivers.

The lot contains 785 spaces for students.

In April the $10.3 million new arking structure
on Limestone Street was opened. at ding 1.000 park-
ing 5 aces to campus, with about 300 for students.

Saving the walkway over Limestone, which con-
nects the parking structure with Patterson Drive.


Store Director Dave Mulbcrger said it cost the
store about $300,000 to make the changes.

Althou h the renovations came out of the book-
storc's pocietbook, that does not translate into
increased book prices. Mulberger said.

“(Stride-tits) can even compare with other book-
stores if they want.” he said.








I‘NSAM. with about half coming frotn federal

Some of the ants were allotted for basic and
applied rescachTwhiIc others were received by
the development office.

(.‘nmprlrdfmm .i‘mfl.~ trrrc repent.





2] Wednesday. August 27, I 997’, Kentucky Kernel Welcome Back Edition


, NW:
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Editorial Editor ..................................... Todd Hub. ‘ ‘
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Sports Editor ...................................... Jay G. Tate I I
Entertainment Fxlitor .................. . ............. Dan O’Neill
Entertainment Editor .............................. OJ. Stapletun
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. The independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
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026 Grehan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
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)Zmrfim copy of the Krmky Kernel irfme.
Extra copies are $1.00 each.







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Represent your class in
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B ll 1





BUZZ we RI’.‘I3

New hospital

meets ‘speciol

needs’ of kids

By Judith Hensley
Staff [Writer

A new $10.6 million facility
will help children heal in a family
environment while looking to the
future of medicine.

The 64,000—square-foot UK
Children’s Hospital, which
opened Saturday, will treat chil-
dren from birth to adolescence.

“\’\’e now have this environ-
ment where children
can get very comfort-
able. less traumatic
care from a team of









Full "IE KIDS A receptionist work: or II)
by more than 70 pediatric specialists, 200

Bright fuchsia, teal and green
accents absent in most hospitals
decorate the admitting desk in the
welcome center.

The admitting process is new.
In the past, children went to their
rooms while parents went to
admission for paper-
work and counseling.

“Now we have an
area where the finan—
cial counseling and

experts that take _ _ ' .
care of the children’s _ the admitun act1v1-
special needs," said I'VedeSlg'ned (165 can all e done
Dr. Vipu] Mankad‘ every room 3-0 l‘lCI'C on the floor 50
professor and chair of that children that the children and
pediatrics at the UK am identifi their parents .are not
College of Medicine. . _ separated,” said Mary
The entrance lead— the” 5.095141 Margaret Colliver,
ing to the ex ress 616- place ” director of public rela—
vator is d)ecorated v tions at the UK Hos-
with dan lin lifc- pita].
sized scufptugres of Margoflmprel Another feature is
children sitting ato UKH . l 171' the height of the
huge round bal s relatiyiitdairfrmr“ desks. They allow the
splashed with bright atient visual access
COIOI‘S- hind the counter.
Elevator doors

open into a world of shapes and
colors. Left of the elevator is the
specially designed welcome cen-
ter; to the right, a land of move—
mcnt and sound contained within
a kinetic art sculpture.


“If you can ima 'ne
yourself as about 3 1/2- to 4&0:
tall or sitting in a very short
wheelchair and coming out to the
front of this counter, it can be
very threatenin , and there is a
lack of really owing what is

B U27 Biff“ PI. “3



goin on,” Colliver said.

Tie lower design of the coun-
ters allows the children to be a
part of what is hap ening.

This facility 0 fers more than
just aesthetic appeal.

Rooms come equip d with the
most modern medica and moni-
toring devices.

There are seven charting areas
for medical reports for the
patient’s medical records in each
of the acute care units. All of the
rooms are marked by distinct

“ 6 designed every room to
look different so that children can
identify their special lace in the
hos ital,” Colliver said?

"Fhe Child-Life Center is a
special program where children
carry on regular play activity.

“It gives control to the chil-
dren; it helps with their normal
growth and development because
that’s interru ted by the hospital—
ization,” Child-Life Coordinator
Judi Martin said. “It allows them
to have some normalcy in their
life and the family to react and
to interact in a normal kind of

A custom security system has
been installed to prevent a child

While you're buried in your books, Buzz Bun RING will keep you In touch. For iust $97.98. you get the pager, and
9 months bl sen/ice. Alter that, it's your beeper and you are on your own. Do your homework, call: 606-278-3393.
Then come see us at Regency Centre on Nicholasville Road behind the new Buckhead Grill, and pick up your baby.

Buzththmc/Regency Centre/171 West ngry Lane, Suite F/606~278-3393

Junml urnsm mum};

2 new UK Children’s Horpitol. The facility opened Saturday and is staffed
pediatric nurse: and more than 100 other rapport personnel.

from getting lost or abducted. A
two- art tracking device monitors
the Igcation of the nursing staff
and the amount of time they
spend in rooms.

One part is a miniature beeper
on a cord that the nurses wear
around their neck. The second
part, which looks like a smoke
detector, is attached to the ceiling.
This device picks up microwaves
from the beeper to pinpoint the
nurse’s location at any time.

“It enables our patients to actu-
ally find us,” nurse Stephanie

Hafig said.

he Intensive Care Unit is
more spacious and like a private

The Nee-natal Unit, which
houses critically ill infants, has
eight areas while isolation rooms
house kids with communicable
diseases such as chicken pox and
several new doctors.

But there is more to the hospi—

“We’re very excited to have
this environment in which the
team can do their job better,”
Mankad said, “but it’s also impor-
tant to recognize that it’s the team
that makes the institution, not just
the brick and mortar.”



‘J '1'.

"(Cs ’3







 Gianni Vsmcs

murderer Harold
became the first
person in 35 years

to be

ltalian fashion designer
Gianni Versace was shot to
death outside his Miami
Beach mansion on the
morning of july H. The
killing precipitated one of
the largest manhunts in FBI
history for Andrew
(Itinanan, the bureau's chief
suspect of that murder and
four others iti Minnesota,
(Ihicago and New Jersey.
After eluding authorities for weeks, (Itinanan
was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot
wound in a houseboat.


The tobacco companies in .lllllt'
entered a deal uith W states to pay
$68.5 billion to settle smoking-
related lawsuits lll ewhange for

Danny left heavy
flooding along the
Gulf Coast,
washing out

roads and


action. .\l.so as part of the deal.
the companies uei‘e limited in
their advertising: ito hilllioards,
no sports sponsorships, no Iiilt‘l‘llL‘i

senior Heather

Hensley, 22,

died of an
cause in her
Ayiesford Place


InJuly, Hong
Kong, formerly
governed by
Great Britain,
was handed over
to China.


\\ iii l)l\l:i \

l t
[hurt lt\ lt>\\ :ltl liilillt

\tatiiltt‘Iti llipi .1. «.tu,..-::til iltt
Ml illl

l]i|l|l4\\t‘\i| |l ._ llllil4\

lit't .i ll‘si

tillt tit- \

from itirther legal

.\ \S \‘s \lartian

i‘t)\‘L‘l'. L".l})il\;llt‘tl

’l iiitotlit
.\l('\t‘ltlli \\.l\

sentenced to «hath

executed in


h} lethal lll]t't"ltill
_lllitt‘ 3 for the \pril

ads. no human or cartoon .ltl icoiis.
That meant the demise oi _loe (Limel

the \iorltl as il
lantlt‘tl till [lie l't‘tl

Kentuckyjuly 1.

hundreds of

and the \lai’llioio \lait,

l‘). 100% lioiitliiitg ol

the \lli‘ctl l’ \liii‘iah

Federal Building iii
()klahoiiia (ill)

‘ homes and hotels. l)l.lllc‘l 'llllV "l l()

l>eeiii .tii

l l\ olleiisiie guard ()mai' Sitiitli u ts
.lti'lilt Ill ill\ shot lit teammateJason \\ .itis
iii Jill}, Smith was released lroiti \l’i.
(‘ltantllci \lcdical (Ieiitei' tuo tlats .Illt'i
the \liiuiliiit! (lit the same date tliiet _\e its
.it‘o. l l\ ionihall player lit-tit |)i(.itiio
\\.is shot mil killed on the Iitilt‘ll oi Iiis
\\ tit'lll‘l'tltl \teiiiic hoitic.



l l\ l).'\l«'t‘ll‘tlll plit
tis ls’oii \lt‘ltt'l :iiiil
llcit-L \ittlevsoit “eic

st-lti itil iii the liisi
ltilllltl til iltt \li \ Ill.lll
li‘_lllilt'. \leicci ioiiis
itiiiiltl l l\ toar’li Rick
l‘lllllll \‘ illl lllt' lit‘\l'ill
( cltits. .illtl \iitleisoii
it ill plat lot the
i 't-telaiitl (anthers.


Sniitli lli ill m itiiiatiis tiitsoltt-tl
(io\, l’atil l’.iiit~ii tttiii the liaiilc uttli
l'l\ o\ei' control ill iis( oiiiitiiiiiitt (lol
lege \t siciit lll' l‘ttllll‘t‘ls\ (.eiieral
\\\t'llllil_\ li.l\\t'il l‘t"iiii.-- itiisistttintlai‘t
education pliii iii \l i'\. it \lllllliL! iii the li
lil— lllL' li . .
under the tunim! oi tlu itt‘\\ l\t‘ll!tltls_\
(:oiitiiiiiiiitt ,ilitl l..i;w. il ( ollcsic \\\
teiti lit I‘mfi.

t'l)ll‘llll'l'l!\ t tilltL‘t‘\ iiiii\liiL1


Relict ca llllillt'

Langston “as South \ias liiretl ,1\

chosen as l'K

policc t hicl‘.

l'ls lias‘kctliall coach
in Mai to replace
Rick l’itiiio. who left
to coach the Boston
(Ieltics‘. Smith had
lieen coach at the
L lli\‘t'l‘tslli' of

Injune, the LR
athletic department
signed to make Nike

its official athletic
apparel supplier for
all sports except
women’s volleyball.
The contract
replaces L7l\"s
Converse deal.

hccoiiiimz the lirsi
l-eiii‘alt‘ police (‘hiel
in kils history 'l'lie
former assistant
chicl replaced
outgoing chief

\rV.l l. .\rl(( loiiias.



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Player #1 - Captain P919512 Player #3 Player #4
Player Name



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Birth Date



Level of Experience:

1) None 6) Adult Rec.

2) Grade School 7) Junior College
3) A.A.U. 8) Major College
4) HSJN. 9) Semi—Pro

5) H.S.Vsrsity l0) Pro

Your signature indexes you have
read the wivet below lld accept
its terms lid oonditioris:



Signature 7 Signature \'H"”‘l'(‘




Signniirroi l‘iiimi m swamp”. ”y [um-a

(iv-[dun il tin-in Ill

Sign“! of Parent or
(Indian if unda ll

(M Jan ifuad- ll

("warm ll m to H



Waiver - Each player. and his/her punt/gunman ifthe player is under I! yeus of age. must read this waiver form Siguanurs t-n llvv' mu m mun i ..., urn-ix o... i- li‘ikwii has re iii
undsrmds lid tides by this information. lime are risks to participants in this totl'nsment Ind related activities l release. wane, tlm imita- .i-iti . v\\t'rillill wit to my sum ”mitts it s \
M mm W.“ charities lid their workers. employees lid directors. from I" action. suits and demands whatsoever "1 law or iii cquth Il"lil.|lltl_ ‘ii\ preshlent next
1'711‘ » » 1 ‘1111 1113111' 1’1 V1113“ ;’111-~"!~1‘1 llllltll'lfill."1\l\11\t‘ltl‘lll 1~\p111'1l 1111/\.1i1lsliel1.1x.1g11111l 1111-1111 1111111111111111'1'gi.11111.111'\.11l lx. spring,
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Presentt rs coupon an ‘1
I Free poster tor tlrst 100 fans! 3
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011 the regular sticker prire 01 24 97 or higher MO P 1
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“‘ "A I The .\larhematies Department needs graders. Grading 1
I I, l-RIFFK pays $241) per semester for 3 hours of grading per week. ,1
SHOE Graders may work up to 18 hours each neck. The 11111 is
I grading homework papers and quizzes {or INA lll‘)

(( Iollege Algebra), MA 123 (Elementary Calculus), or [VIA

I IS ((laleulus l). The only requirement is that you must

iVAi; |

Brand Name 5110?; For Evf'ry Halt: 0f L1fe.

I wm $25,000 (1511 IN 1111
I @EAsl'zlgAND

have completed at least MA 1 13 or its equivalent.

Math Department
713 Patterson Office Tower


(Next to Outbark Steakhouse)


New (irrle 8. Bryan Station Rd 12 . . - 1 .. .
8918181 111 ow Shoe tavnivril 10:11' now through labor Day
4001NKH0MSVHLE RD 606 2990057 I No ouitt‘ii'w mastery to eat“ or W". One entry 091 01211011
606 277 0075 3'19““ P0" SMDPWJ (Wl'll'fi'tuo'll All US 1 1’11’8'18019 eligihle 7‘11” 11111111131 mllhe 11111111911111 WHEN TO APPLY:
507 695 lOW

by 4:00 pm, Thursday, August 28
(The Math Department also maintains a tutor list.)

phane {1'1 Fodav, Seatembe1 '13 ‘99]









For the scoop on Air Raid ’97, See Friday’s

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