xt79057csq4z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057csq4z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19860919 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, September 19, 1986, no. 488 text The Green Bean, September 19, 1986, no. 488 1986 2014 true xt79057csq4z section xt79057csq4z I IHUVERSHT OF KENTUCKYIJBRARES’NEWBLETTER
L .
` `
No. 488 September 19, 1986 r
September 19 Two Millionth volume Celebration.
September 20-27 Banned Books Week.
September 21 H. G. Wells, 1866~1946. Br. ren author.
September 22 Autumnal Equinox. First Day of Autumn, p
September 23 william McGuffrey, 1800~1873. American
Educator and Author of the McGuf§rey
Readers. p
September 24 F. Scott Fitzgerald, 1986—1940.
` American Novelist.
' September 25 First American Newspaper Published in
1690 by Benjamin Harris in Boston,
entitled publick_gpcurrences Both
Foreign and ____ Dgmestick. I Vp
September 25 LS/2000 Stress Test. W
September 26 King Library Faculty Meeting.
. October 2 Charlie Brown and Snoopy, arguably the
most popular comic strip characters in
the world, first published in 195*. The
comic strip is published in 2000
newspapers, and is translated into 23
I languages in 55 countria;.
I Qciggbgf 3 Gallery   §§4:.t_i’I·‘[¤a}‘.2"1; €Jr.;T,€;=`i. . A
_ Next Green Bean: Friday, October 17, 1986.
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, October 10, 1986-
;   I I   EE. E3-] ·-~   i   _‘ Q I_.’_:,=.*   In S:i.].;!, ~r-.,,I',, _
Printer — Cecil Madison. i M


As you can see from the calendar, the week of September 20-
‘ 27, 1986 is Banned Books Week. Its purpose is to bring the
attention of the general public to the dangers of censorship and
` the importance of the freedom to read. In light of recent
events, such as the banning of William Faulkner's, As I Lay
Dying, in a Kentucky School System, we are reminded—that
censorship is alive and well in the 1980s.
Human Resources Development is planning a new employee
training session this fall called "Operation Read at UK". The
program will provide free training for UK (Lexington Campus)
employees who wish to improve their basic reading skills. HRD
needs volunteers to be reading tutors. No special tra? ing or
special education is necessary, only a willingness to help I
others. All tutors will be fully trained by Operation Read
instructors, free of charge. For more info call Human Resources ~
Development at 257-1851.
The Central Kentucky Blood Center begins its fall blood
drives at the Agricultural Science Center on September 25 and 30.
Call CKBC at 255-8787 for more details. Give the gift of life.
Give blood.
Dr. and Mrs. Singletary will be sponsoring their annual
reception at Spindletop on Tuesday, October 14, from 7:30 - 9:00
pm. All faculty and administrative staff are welcome to attend.
If your terminal seems "frozen" or "locked up," check the
**DO NOT turn off the NIU power unless you have been instructed
to do so. Under normal conditions, the NIU box should stay
on at all times. The NIU is the Network Interface Unit that
» controls communication with UK's new communications network,
the Ungermann Bass Network.
**Are all the connections tight—fitting? Check the keyboard
connections, cables to barcode_ readers and cables from the
computer to the NIU.
**Is your barcode reader turned on? Even if it is not in use,
_ the barcode reader should be on.
· **The  or  key should be down.
If these conditions are all met and you still have no
response, try this sequence:
 with Q, then  -- where  is the Control Key

Q_ and  is a Carriage Return. A
l L If that doesn't work, try turning off your terminal, and then
[ _ turn it on again. Now hit the  and see if you get a
I response. -
`S If you still have no response and this is a TV955 terminal
y that is giving you fits, try this sequence:
Q  with , then  with Q, then .
[ If none of the above have helped free the terminal, call Tari
Q Keller at 257-2643. You may have a "Hung Job" which she will
Q have to go to the Computing Center to "kill." when you call, be
Q sure to leave your terminal port number or its exact location.
; At closing time each night, you should make sure all your
g terminals have been logged off (/EXIT ) and turnr» off.
g Thanks for your cooperation. (Submitted by Tari Keller.) .
I Librar Committee
j Roger B. Anderson, Chair, '88 ‘
l Leo Demski, '89
Jeffrey A. Born, '89
Joyce E. Bowlyow, '89
Robert Noble, '87 I
William Chabliss, '87 (non-Senator) ,
Linda Worley, '87 (non-Senator)
‘ Paul Willis, ex—officio
Two Library faculty were named to Senate Committees:
Judy Wiza, '88 -——————— Academic Programs
Toni Powell, '87 ——————— Institutional Finances and Resources
Allocation `
The Director's Office received copies of the following thank- i
you letters: I
Cecil Madison 2
127 King Library N. *
0029 {
Dear Cecil, . E
I would like to thank you for doing the name tags and place cards
for the President's luncheon. We (or I should say You) got a lot
. of compliments. Thanks for taking the time to do them so Q
_ quickly; I know I hit you at a busy time. ,
I Sincerely, g
Faith Harders _ A E

‘ August 12, 1986
~ To Paul Willis,
` If it weren't for Patty Powel1's many services to me during
my several research projects, the off-campus MSW program would
have been so much more burdensome. She has saved me hours of
valuable library time and given excellent references and
material. I genuinely feel this to be the biggest help I've had I
in this program and appreciate it more than I can say. i
I've thanked Patty personally but feel her extra efforts on W
behalf of off—campus students should be called to the attention l
of her supervisors, too. I feel the program is complimented by
this personal effort.
Geraldine Elliott
MSW Program
****************************************x*w*******************»* _
August 12, 1986
Dear Bill Marshall:
I just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how much I ,
» appreciated all the help you gave me last week when I was
researching Randall Lee Gibson. Your entire establishment was
perfect. Of all the places I have been doing research (and that
is all over the South at one time or another), you have the most
convenient facilities and the most helpful staff of all. I
thoroughly enjoyed doing research there and look forward to
returning. There are still some papers there that I feel we must
go through before we finish our research on Gibson.
I have written to Mrs. Pettit and asked her to keep me in
mind if she located the letters she has at her apartment
pertaining to the Gibson family. I encouraged her to give them
to you so that they will be properly cared for. If you don't
hear from her I wish you would call and encourage her to go
through her things while she is still able.
Again, I want to thank you for making my work in Lexington so
pleasant. Give my regards to Ms. McCann——she was especially
patient and helpful.
Ann McLaurin, Ph.D.
. ` Professor of History
and Chairman of the
_ History and Political
Science Department
Shreveport, La. 71115

Bill also received similarly laudatory notes from Gaines M.
Foster, also at LSU, and two members of the Grant County
‘ Historical Society, Mrs. Helen Webb and Ms. Betty B. Risen.
Six programs, sponsored by the Management Center of the
College of Business and Economics, will be offered this fall. UK
employees can attend these seminars at a discount of 50%. For a
copy of the program description call 257-8746 or Kerry Kresse at ‘
257-5954. Please note that the prices listed below do not
reflect the discount. `
**Sharpen1ng Your Managerial/Supervisory Skills
October 1, 1986 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Carnahan House
**Accounting for Non-Accountants P
October 8-9, 1986 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Hyatt Regency Lexington
**Wr1t1ng That Gets Things Done
L October 9-10, 1986 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Hyatt Regency Lexington
**E1nancial Statement Analysis
October 15-15, 1986 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Hyatt Regency Lexington
**Deal1ng with Problems and the People Who Create Them
November 18-19, 1986 9:00 am — 4:30 pm
Hyatt Regency Lexington
**Management Skills for Productivity
November 5,6 & 7, 1986
Patterson Office Tower, UK
The summer issue of The Kentucky Review has now been
published. Much hard work by the members of The Kentucky Review
committee went into this issue. Contributors include James D.
Birchfield, head of Collection Development at King Library, who
has written an illustrated account of the life and works of
Lexington-born artist Thomas S. Noble. This issue also contains
` an essay entitled "In Search of Charles Lamb" by the late W. Hugh
Peal, Library benefactor and a distinguished collector of Lamb
books and manuscripts; an account written by John Clubbe of a
19th century pencil drawing of Daniel Boone; and a discussion of
the Beowulf manuscript by Kevin S. Kiernan. Spanish archival
documents Held by Special Collections of Margaret I. King Library

 . -5-
are featured in a Library Note by John Lihani. Regular features
include notable acquisitions of the Library and an account of the
° activities of the Library Associates. Work on the fall/winter
issue of the The Kentuck Review is well under way. Planned .
articles include a contribution by noted architectural historian
Clay Lancaster, an essay on popular culture by Kentucky poet Jim
wayne Miller, and a critique of Elizabeth Madox Robert's short
fiction by Bellarmine College professor wade Hall. Library staff
are encouraged to recommend the Review as a forum for scholarship
or to consider contributing to the Review themselves. Anyone who
is interested in submitting to the Review may contact editor
James D. Birchfield (257~8408). Anyone who wishes to become a
member of the Library Associates should contact Mrs. Paula Pope,
Executive Secretary (257-9401). (Submitted by Mary Vass)
The Assocation for Library and Information Science Education
has announced the deadline for their research grants. Grants are
available in the following research areas: ~
I) Research Grant Awards
Awarded to proposals concerning any issue of library and
information science education. Deadline: October 1,
2) Research Paper_Competitign
Any topic relevant to library and information science.
Deadline October 1, 1986.
3) Doctoral Student's Dissertation Competition
Up to two outstanding dissertations will be selected.
Deadline: October 1, 1986.
In order to be eligible for the grants, you must be a personal
ALISE member. For a copy of the brochure call Kerry Kresse at
The M.I. King library and University Extension joined forces
in 1979 in order to provide off~campus students and faculty with
ready access to the same library services available to those on
campus. As a result a librarian was employed half—time to serve
the off-campus program. This became a full—time position in
_ August of 1982, and duties now include service to many
evening/weekend students, and independent study students, too.
The Extension Librarian serves U.E. (University Extension
undergraduates, graduate students (in the College of Social Work,
Mining Engineering, Education, and Library and Information
Science) and teaching faculty in many places, including Ashland,
Frankfort, Fort Knox, Highland Heights, London, Murray, -

Owensboro, Paduoah Princeton, Prestonsburg, Springfield, the
Bluegrass Army Depot, and downtown Lexington (in the "Downtown-
1 at—Noon" program.) `
The Extension Librarian and 2 students workers provide such
t services as assisting faculty in locating and ordering
. audiovisual aids and textbooks, delivering library reserve
materials to class sites, providing reference/research assistance
to students (including computerized literature searching sending
library materials to student's home or office, etc.)
In FY l985—86 the Extension Librarian answered 182 reference
questions for U,E., performed 122 computerized literature
searches, sent 2,634 books, documents, audiovisuals or
photocopied artioles, ordered 107 textbooks for off—campus
classrooms, and provided 30 instructional sessions.
MEET KENCLIP (by Janet (;Il1lSiTl£il`l)
If you_have ever awakened in the night to nagging thoughts of
"who is Ken Clip? I they I know all the men in the Reference
Department and there isnit a Ken»“ I can put your mind to rest,
KENCLIP is a "what" not a “who" and yours truly, Janet Chisman,
is the KENCLlE Librarian The KENCLIP (KENtucky Cooperative
Library Information Project) is a program of the Kentucky
Department for Libraries and Archives that began in 1973 as a
means to provide interlibrary loan and reference service to
Kentucky‘s oounty/public libraries. Yearly grants are awarded to
four university libraries (EKU, WKU, U of L, and UK) which serve
as resource libraries to the public libraries and house a KENCLIP
Office. I have been the KENCLIP Librarian at UK since Oct. 1983,
when I joined KDLA.
MEET INTERLlhQARX LOAN (by Roxanne Jones)
Today,”no libraries can be self~sufficient in meeting the
information needs of their patrons, Many schemes have evolved to
facilitate resource sharing, thereby expanding the information
pool available to any given library. Interlibrary loan is one of
these resource sharing methods.
Interlibraiy Loan has two aotivities —~ borrowing and
lending. On the borrowing side we attempt to borrow or obtain
copies of library materials not found in our local collection on
behalf of our faculty, staff, and graduate students engaged in
scholarly or researchi on the lending side, we lend or provide
copies of our library materials at the request of other
libraries. The Interlibrary Loan Department has expanded the
resources available to our patrons_from local resources to state,
national and e `..r an international souroes. We in turn have
provided our resources a·i1 to patrons outside our immediate area.
There are three full time staff members in the interlibrary
loan unite someone Jones is the head of the unit, Jennifer Geran
oversees the boi owing activities and Carolyn Blondell oversees
the lending aotiwltiest ILL also has an average of 40 hours/week
of student help; In isha/86, this unit handled 21,455 borrowing
and lending reo~ests. The University of Kentucky is a net lender
(i.e. we loop more {nan we borrow.), we handled 5,948 requests
from our patrons ami ;ei;.ei=·ec1 lE:,§>O‘7 requests from other V

 . I
libraries. These figures apply to King Library and nine Branch
Libraries. The Law, Agriculture and Medical Center Libraries
. have individual interlibrary loan units.
‘ ILL is a very busy unit which sometimes seems more chaotic
than controlled. However, there is usually a method to our
madness and if anyone is interested in a more indepth look at
interlibrary loans, we are always glad to explain our policies
and procedures, and demonstrate the OCLC ILL subsystem and micro
Assistant Director for Administrative Services. Univer ity of
Georgia. Salary: $40,000 minimum. Deadline: October 31, 1986.
Music Cataloger. Indiana University. Salary: $19,500 minimum.
Deadline: October 25, 1986. ·
Cataloger, Rare books. Princeton University. Salary: variable.
Deadline: September 30, 1986.
° Rare books Conservator. Princeton University. Salary: variable. '
Deadline: November 19, 1986.
Cataloger, European Languages. Princeton University. Salary:
variable. Deadline: October 10, 1986.
Adult Education Manuscripts Librarian. Syracuse University.
Salary: variable. Deadline: October 10, 1986.
Business Reference Librarian. University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Salary: $18,500 minimum. Deadline: November 1,
1986. .
V Director of University Libraries. Cleveland State University.
Salary: $57,000. Deadline: October 10, 1986.
Assistant Archivist. Ohio State University. Salary: $17,040-
$25,920. Deadline: November 14, 1986.
Chinese Studies Librarian. Ohio State University. Salary: l
$20,040-$27,000. Deadline: November 15, 1986.

Head, Veterinary Medicine Library. Ohio State University.
* Salary: $23,040-$26,400. Deadline: November 1, 1986.
` Humanities Librarian. Wittenberg University. Salary: variable.
Deadline: October 6, 1986.
- Social Sciences Librarian. Wittenberg University. Salary:
variable. Deadline: October 6, 1986.
Head, Library Systems. University of Oregon. Salary: $30,000-
$35,000. Deadline: October 27, 1986.
Chief, Humanities and Social Sciences Department. Pennsylvania I _
State University. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Deadline: October
15. 1986.
Head, Acquisitions. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
_ University. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline: October 15,
- Manuscripts Curator. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State ,
University. Salary: $18,700 minimum. Deadline: October 10,
Head, User Services Department. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline: ‘
October 15, 1986.
Head, Cataloging Department. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University. Salary: variable. Deadline: October 3, 1986.