xt79057csx5v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057csx5v/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1927 journals kaes_circulars_215 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 215 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 215 1927 2014 true xt79057csx5v section xt79057csx5v l  ‘<>> '
Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
Outlines for Organizing and Conducting
» Junior Agricultural Community Clubs
Q§<>> 6 g?
_ \`\TUO 9
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Lexington, Ky.
October, 1927. ' V
Published in connection with the zigricnltural extension work carried
011 by cooperation of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and distributed in furtlierzamce
0f the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May S, 1914.  _

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  _ CIRCULAR NO. 215
‘ Outlines for Organizing and Conducting
Junior Agricultural Community Clubs
p This material has been prepared to assist Junior Community
Club Leaders in carrying out a definite program. These outlines
. cover the several steps in organizing a Junior Community Club
’ and suggested programs for meetings. The various club events
are also listed with suggested dates and a form on which to build
p a Junior Community Club Program. Outlines for project group
i meetings also are included. Each club should build a dennite
program showing all the activities for the year. This will serve
p as a guide during the year and will furnish a means of checking
C up accomplishments. The programs herein outlined may not be
e  applicable to any particular club in their present form, but it
J is hoped that the leaders may use them as guides in building
programs suited to their needs.

 4 I Kcmfucky Ci2·cuZm· N0. 215 I
A. Required Activities. (These activities mustg '
be carried out by any club desiring to beI  
recognized by the State Club Department.) I
1. Secure enrol1ment—Leaders and Agents. 1 Nov., Dec. and Jan.
2. Organize new club or reorganize oldI V
ones—Leaders and Agents. I Nov., Dec. and Jan.  _
3. Secure a community leader, and aI Nov., Dec. and Jan. I
project leader for each project group, if I I
possible—Agents and Club Members. I  I
4. Build a program of work for the club—I As soon as club is  —
Agent, Leaders and Club Members. I organized.
5 Build a program for each project group. I As soon as club is f
I organized.  4
6. Name club and secure charter. I When club is organ-  »
I ized.
7. Four county conferences of communityI ·
club leaders are recommended, directed I i
by Extension Agent or by Club Special- I I
- ist. I
First; To plan program. I N0v_ to Feb_ `
Second: To give specific instructions I
and encouragement on startingI
projects. I March and April.
Third: To arrange for special and re-I ,
creational activities such as camps,I I
exhibits at fairs and shows, picnics, I ·
parties. I May and June.  ·
Fourth: To check up on results of theI
year’s work. I Oct. and Nov.
8. County conferences of Project Leaders: I
These to be scheduled according to I
projects selected and the visits of spe]
cialist to the county.    .
9. Membership cards issued to each clubI _
member when projects are started. I ·
10. Complete projects and turn in records. I Oct. to Dec. Q'- .

 . O,·gam_zmg and Conducting Junior Agr. Ooommmity Clubs 5
Q Jumon cn.uB Evewrs   SUS/‘i$_;;ED
L B_ Elective Activities. (These are not abso-{
 1 lutely essential to the existence of a. club|
 . but include some of the more attractive and {
entertaining features of the club program.)  
d Jam I 1. Demonstration Teams; {
, (Circular 214; Cir. 181, page 6; Circular { `
d Jan. * 195, page 5.) . {
d Jim · (3,) Community Contest.   April 01* May.
· (b) County Contest. | April or May.
I (c) State Contest (at Junior Week). { June.
lub is 2. Judging Teams: {
Q (a) Livestock. (Cir. 214, Cir. 96.) |
lub is  — (b) Clothing (Cir. 195, pages 5 and 6,{
I Mimeo. sheetf {
organ L (C) Canning. (Cir. 181, pages 7 and 8,{
V Mimeo. sheets.) {
 ‘ 3. Junior Week (Second Week in June, Cir. {
, ` Q 214). {
Q 4. State Livestock Shows and Sales: {
— (a) Baby Beef Show and Sale.   Nov. or Dec.
Q (b) Spring Lamb Show and Sale. { June_
 Y 5. Fairs and Shows: { {
· — (a) Community and County Fairs. (Cir. { {
mi  . 214.) { Fall.
(b) State Fair. (See State Fair Catalog, {
Department W.)- { September.
6. Tours: {
I- The members of a project group visit|
the projects of the group. Other educag{ Any time after
tional tours. { projects are well
. 7. County Junior Club Officers’ Training{ under way.
Conferences: I
The purpose of the conference is to {
I teach the officers the best methods of] As soon as conven-
conducting club meetings and to provide | ient after officers
3 a means for the officers of the club of| have b e e I1
__ ·  ' the county to get acquainted. The pres-] elected.
  ident, vice—president and secretary of|
—- ‘f mwmigi I

 6 Ifcntzocky Circular N0. 215 {
8. Community Project. I P
The community project will be selected I
according to the needs of the community I ` N
Starting a community library or adding I -
books to an existing library, the pur—I . N
chase of a school flag, planting trees or I
flowers on the school or church grounds, I
carrying out a needed health habit are I ° N
suggested. I I
9. Inspection—Club leaders and membersI .
of county steering committee with I ‘
County Agents. I When work is com- -
10. Achievement Exercises. (Cir. 214.) I pleted.
C. Recreational and Social Activities. I I E
1. Junior Club Camp (Cir. 214). LanternI A
slides on camp activities. I July or August.
2. Entertainments to make money .for the I Date selected by
club. I club. —
3. Club parties. (See Extension Agent forI Date selected by ~
plans.) I club.
4. Visiting: I
Clubs may visit each other’s meetings to I Date Selected by I
get acquainted with the types of pro—I C1ub_
grams being used. I
5. "Dad’s meeting. I I
Program aranged to appeal to "DAD."I
Only fathers of club members are in-I Date selected by *
vited.   club.
6. "Mother’s meeting, I  .
Programs arranged to appeal to | Date selected by S
"MOTHER." Only mothers of club mem- I club. R
bers are invited. I A
7. Club games. I
Circular 214. I
Mimeographed Games. I  ’
8. Club yells. I 5
Circular 214.    -
9. Club songs. I  I
Circular 214. I i
Club Song Book. I _{_’__ ` I _

 0,-gaIIi;iIIg aincl C0'/Id’IlICII7’I»§] J Imior Agr. Oamvmzmity Clubs 7
i __.........._.......____ , .....__...... COMMUNITY
_ I I I I I I I
PI‘()j€CtS S€1€Ct€d I --··-·—------- - ···-·--—--—-- I -·----···-·--- I ---·—·--·-·-·· I -—·~·------·-- I
I Number EI1I`0H€d   -------··--——- I ··----------·- I ----·--—-·---- I -----·-------- I ----------·-·- I
1 I I
» NI; Projects Started I .............. . »........... .I ..............   .............. I .............. I
I NI;,_ Projects Comp1etedI .............. . ............. I .............. I .............. I .............. I Date
I I Results I
I I ----------—---·—---------------------------- - ·--------------------------» I ---------·----
  I I I
com- I -·---------—---~———---—-----------—-—---—--- I ----·--—--·- I -----——--------- I ----»---------
___ ............................................ I ............................. I ..............
_ Elective I I
I Activities I ...............v............................ I ....................._....... I ..............
` I I I I
I by  ` I I I I  
 I .....,...................................... I ............_.......,........ I .._...,,_,____
I by ” I ............................................ I ..............,.....,........   ..............
............................................ . ............................ I ..............
  I I I
I II I I ............................................ I ............................. I ..........l...
by ‘ I ............ J ............................... I .........................»... I ..............
by Social and I ____________________________________________ I _____________________________ II ______________
_ Recreational ‘ I I I
Activities I ____________________________________________ I _____________________________ I ______________
I _..__.__,_,,,,__,______,,___,__,_______.._._ I ________..,____..____,__,_.__ I ,,__.____._...
_ I ............................................ I .....,.............,......... I ..............
......................................,..... I ....,........,.....,......i.. I .....»........
, I `. I --------------.---·--------v-----»--»»-·»--- I ---------·------»···-»---—·—- I -------·-—----

 8 Kentucky Circular N0. 215 ,
A. Meeting called to order by County or Home Demonstration ·
Agent. , 4
B, Plans and purposes of Junior Community Club outlined and i
discussed (Extension Agent or Leader).
1. Club work deiined—C1ub work is a part of the Nation’s
agricultural educational system promoted by the U. S, ]
Dept. of Agriculture. The Unive1·sity of Kentucky, l
County governments, County and Home Demonstration `
Agents and local people. There are 620,000 members in
the U. S. and 41,000 clubs. Kentucky has 18,000 mem- Q
bers and 847 clubs.  
2. Purposes of club work. I
(a) Educational——The club members are given the - l
most up—to-date instruction on carrying out their l
(b) Economic—A very large per cent of club members 1
make money. The products made and grown by
club members in 1926 were valued at $325,381. V l
(c) Rec1·ea.tional—Wholesome recreation and self- 5
entert·ainment are taught to the clubs. Games,
hikes, picnics, camps are a part of the program. i 4
C. Inspirational talk given by County or Home Demonstration
Agent or some other interested and informed person (a I
local leader from some other community) on the accomplish- , ]
ments of club members in other communities and possibili- I 4
ties for this club. ]
1. Individual accomplishments and club achievements. J
2. Judging Teams. , J
3. Demonstrations.
4. Community Activities—Beautify school building, plant
trees or flowers on school grounds, start a library, se- · l
cure a flag, etc.  ·
D. Determine members who Want to join club and distribute  
enrollment cards.
E. Elect temporary chairman and secretary.

 0,·g,mtzmg and Conducting Junior Agr. Community Clubs 9
`*- p_ Chairman appoints a committee to nominate officers; Presi-
_ dent, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Song and Yell
ation Leaders. This committee to report at the next meeting.
G, Extension Agent outlines brieily projects which may be
land . taken by the club members and explains need of local com-
munity and project leaders and asks cooperation of club in
.ion’s I securing them. May distribute literature on projects offered.
U. S, i H. Set time for next meeting.
icky, I. Songs: 1. A familiar song. 2. Teach new song. See Club
ation Song Book, “Sing SOHgS,°’ and Kentucky Extension Cir-
irs in cular No. 214.
nem- J. Only those who have enrolled as club members may be al-
. lowed to participate in the social and recreational features
 ` of the program.
the . K. Game: 1. Snatch Ball, Outdoor. 2. You have a Face, Indoor.
their ‘ L. Adjournment.
j Supplies needed for this meeting: Songs and Games, Enroll-
ibers   ment Cards.
H by Q Note ;—This outline is prepared especially for new clubs.
S1, I  _ In reorganizing old clubs the parts of the outline not needed
self- 1 should be omitted.
mcs, i
I (a A. Meeting called to order by the chairman.
lish- B. Song learned at last meeting.
ibut C. Minutes of first meeting read and approved.
_ D. Report of nominating committee and election of officers.
iS· Odicers installed.
E. Members turn in enrollment cards to Secretary who lists
same in Sec1·etary ’s book and turns cards over to the Exten-
limi sion Agent.
3 SC' F. Build program of work for year. The leader or agent ex-
i plains requested activities (page 2). Discuss elective activi-
bum A tics (page 3) and club select those to be undertaken. List
» these on Form No. 1 (page 5), also list on Form No. 1 the
( social and recreational activities selected by the club (pages

 10 Keozizzcky Circiclar N0. 215
4 and 5). One copy of Form No. 1 should be pasted on the
inside back cover of the Secretary ’s Book and a copy given ,
to the Extension Agent. Ii I
G. Name club and make request for charter. (Secretary’s T
Book-sheet between 6 and 7.)
H. Each project group elects from among its members a cap- V
tain who is the most interested member of the group and one
most able to render the greatest help as a Junior Leader.
y Goals may be set by all the project groups on which a check  {
may be made at each monthly meeting. The project captain
reports at each meeting the progress made by his or her ;
group. {
I. County score card explained. (Page 8.) 5
J. Permanent meeting date set.
l K. Assignment of topics for next meeting by president and i
leade1·. (See outline for third meeting, page 9.)  .
L. Yells, led by yell leader. (See Circular 214.) e l
M. The club may bar from participation in recreational activi-
ties of the club all except active menrbers. ]
N. Games; _
Chain Tag—Outdoor.
Letters for VVords—Indoor (Mimeographed).
Supplies needed—Secretary’s Book, Circular 214, Games,  `
Songs and Yells.
Note;——Tl1e organization and program building meetings 1
may be combined in communities where club work is well under-

 0,·ga;;,i,;»i;zg and C0’i7»ClllCt’t7@Q Junior Agr. Coammmify Clubs 11
m the _ 5(;0RE OF .............................. JUNIOR COMMUNITY SCORE
given F0,. __________________..... . ............ Total
Organization- Points Score
mryk Each club member enrolled ..............................l. . ................... 5 ..........
Each project group meeting with adult leader in at-
tendance (not to exceed 12 per year) ............................ 100 ..........
Leap Each community club meeting with adult leader and
gd one less than 75% of members in attendance (not to ex-
_ ceed 12 per yea?) ----..--~----·-.-----------·----»»----»------·----»·------.-----~·-- 150 --·.·---·-
Baden Each community club meeting with adult leader and
clieck - more than 75% of members in attendance (not to ex-
ptain · cced 12 per year) .................................................................. 250 ..........
Y hel Project Work-
Each project completed with complete written record .... 1000 ..........
 t Each club with S0 or more per cent of its members com-
` pleting, additional points .................................................... 2000 ..........
Each member attending Community Achievement Ex—
and ` ercises .................».................................... . .............v................... 10 ..........
· Each member attending County Achievement Exercises 50 ..........
Demonstration and Judging Teams—
__ l Each demonstration team taking part in community
CUVL · contest ........................................................................................ 100 ..........
  Demonstration team representing community in county
contest .i................................................t.t.......t....,...................... 300 ..........
Demonstration team representing county in state con-
test .............................................................................................. 500 ..........
Each member of club taking part in county judging
mes, A contest ,...............,............ . ........................................................ 100 ..........
Each member of judging team representing county in
, state contest ................................................................,........... 200 ...,......
iings Fairs and Shows— Community County
ldcr- Community and County Points Score Points Score
Each club member exhibit-
ing club products ................ 75 ...t...... 100 ..........
Each lst prize won on club
D1`0dUCt .....,............................ 100 .......... 150 ......,...
‘ Each 2nd prize won on club
product __________________________________ 75 __________ 190 __________
Each 3rd prize won on club `  
Dfoduct .................................. 50 ._____,___ 75 __________

 12 Kentucky C1'¢·cula¢· N0. 215
Points Score ]
State Fair-
Each club exhibiting club products .................................. 500 ________ _ _
Each lst prize won on club products ..............,............... 350 ........,_
Each 2nd prize won on club products ............................ 250 ......._,_ i
Each 3rd prize won on club products .............................. 200 .....  
State Livestock Shows and Sales (Points on premiums l
won same as State Fair)- _
Each club exhibiting in Lamb Show and sale .................... 300 ........,_
Each club exhibiting in Baby Beef Show and Sale .......... 300 __________ _ ‘
Junior Week and Camps-
For each club member attending Junior week full time.. 100 ......,... V
For each news article appearing in county or state paper
concerning the work of the club .......................................... 100 __________
Each club member attending camp full time ,,,_...___._,_..,__,__ 100 _v________ i
Each star camper ........................................................................ 250 ,_________
_ Social and Recreational-
Each member attending picnic or tour held by club with ·
% of members in attendance (not to exceed four) .... 25 .......... _ _
Community Work- ]
For each member assisting in beautifying school or ]
church grounds and any other worthy work with at
. least 75% of members working not less than V; day
for each activity ...................................................................... 50 ..........
Financial- i
Each dollar raised for benefit of club .................................... 10 .......... I
I hereby certify on my personal knowledge that these records are
correct. A
........................................................ Approved ........................................................ _
Local Leader County Agent
` l
A. Meeting called to order by President.
B. Songs led by song leader. E
C. Learn club pledge. (See membership card, Circular 214.)
D. Roll call by Secretary. Answered by each member stating _
project selected. »
E. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

 ` O,-gmjigmg and Cciiductirig Jimior Agr. Community Clubs 13
Total F_ Reports of committees.
Score G_ Unfinished business.
H, New business—applicants for membership.
`````"`` ` I, Reports of project captains,
  j_ Build program for each project group—Project leaders and
.....   I Agents. Outlines of work to be done by each project group
are available and should be furnished to the groups before
this meeting by the Extension Agents.
.......... , K, Assignment of topics for next meeting by President and
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ leader. (Sec outline for fourth meeting, page 10,)
· Books—Two or more members, girls and boys, are each as-
‘‘`‘°‘‘°‘° signed a book to read and to report on at the next meet-
__________ ing. For a list of good books for boys and girls see Ken-
..........  , tucky Extension Circular No. 207. Books may be se-
.......... ‘ cured from local library or be borrowed from the Ken-
` tucky Library Commission, Frankfort, Kentucky.
Z L. Remarks by Extension Agent or Local Leader—Record
‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ; books and project bulletins given club members.
3 M. Yells (Circular 214).
Z N. Recreation—Games: 1. Dodge Ball—Outd0or (Cir. 214).
  Riddles—Indoor (Mimeo.).
.......... . Supplies need by club: Record books, project bulletins,
l books to be read for next meeting and outlines.
.......... O. Adjournment.
5 BIB i
......... ONE HOUR)
- A. Meeting called to order by President.
I B. Songs.
ME' C. Club emblem:
_ President: "We will now review the club emblem. What
do the four H’s represent?"
Club answers in concert: "They represent the equal train-
4-) A _ ing of Head, Heart, Hands and Health."
ting A President: "For what is the head trained?"
Club: "To think, plan and reason/’
. President: "For what is the heart trained?"

 ‘ 14 Kentucky Circrzzlar N0. 215 ·
Club: "To be kind, true and sympathetic."
President: "For what are the hands trained?"
Club: "To be useful, serviceable and skillful/’
President: "For what do we maintain and improve our  .
health?" -
Club: "To resist disease, to make for efficiency and to eu-  
joy life."
D. Roll call by Seeretary——Answered by naming most beauti- i
ful bird of the community.
E. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.  A
F. Reports of committees—Reports of project captains. V
G. Unfinished business.  
H. New business—Appoint needed committees—Applieants A ti
for membership.  A
I. Project topic or topics assigned (See note, bottom of this  i
. page). A
J . Topic—Books: Report on assignment of previous meeting. i
General discussion on books and reading. li
K. Report and discussion of community project undertaken.   ?
L. Remarks by leader and agent.  . ,
V M. Assignment of topics for next meeting. (See outline for V
next meeting, page 11.) Supplies distributed, Cir. 193. Pigs, 4
Ci1·. 181, 193, 214, 142 and 149. 1 i
N. Recreation—Games: Have you seen my sheep, Cir. 214.
Untwist words into names of trees. (Mimeo. Games.) i
O. Yells. A
P. Adjournment.
Note :—If active local project leaders have been secured for l
each group the project instruction may be omitted from the
general meeting. The project instruction may be given by the *
project leaders at the monthly meeting where time is allowed
for each leader to meet his or her group separately. This method
is followed largely in consolidated schools where it is difficult .| .
for the boys and girls to meet at other times because of the J  I
great distance to travel. · '
Project groups may hold meetings with their leaders at fi  
diiferent time from the Junior Community Club meets. This .

 0}'gt1’lHiE’t’I2g and Conductting J tumor Agn Community Clubs 15
' method is desirable but more difficult to handle than the first
2 method except with clothing and canning groups which almost
J of necessity have to hold meetings separately because of the time
we our required for this work. If project leaders can not be secured
each project group should have an opportunity to receive in-
to en- i struction and take part in discussion of its project at some com-
 ' munity meeting. The projects that start first should be assigned
Ieauti- Y first.
is A. Meeting called to order by President.
I B. Club songs—song leader.
iciiiiis C, Repeat club pledge—Led by President.
V D. Roll call by Secretary.
f iiiis  D E, Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
j  i F. Unfinished business.
€iiii€·   G. New business—Proposals for membership.
· H. Reports of project captains.
Yiiiisii V  _ I. Project topic assigned to meet needs of club.
  J. Demonstration `Teams—Circular 214; Circular 195, page
s isi  - 5; Circular 142 ; Circula1· 181, page 6; Ci1·cular 149.
Pies.   K. Remarks by leader and agent.
V L. Asignment of topics for next meeting.( See outline for next
2ii· . meeting, page 12.)
Y M. Club yells.
Supplies distributed—Outline study of birds. Games. Cir.
d for N. Recreation;
I the New game—Catch the Handkerchief.
z the O. Adjournment.
imiii A- Meeting called to order by President.
i Tim · B. Club songs—Led by song leader.
P C. Repeat club pledge.
at 2 D. Roll call by Secretary.
This E. Unfinished business.

 16 Kentucky Circular N0. .215  _
F. New business—Applicants for membership. i
G. Reports of project captains—Record Books. ‘
H. Project topic assigned to meet needs of club.
Community topic—Birds. Bulletin Dept. of University by L
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. I
1. Economic Importance of Birds—Pages 8, 9 and 10.  I
2. Disappearance of our Native Birds—Pages 15 and
16.  .
3. Causes for decrease of our birds—Pages 17, 18 and
19. I
4. Care of Birds—Pages 32, 33 and 34. =
5. Make a list of all the varieties of birds of the com-  .
munity with which the members are familiar,  
I. Assignment of topic for next meeting. (See outline for next I
meeting, page 13.) f
‘ J. Remarks by Extension Agent and Leader.  I
K. Club yells—Iied by yell leader. .   
Supplies.  1
L. Rcereation. I
New game—Prisoners’ Base (Circular No. 214.) _
I M. Adjournment. I
A. Meeting called to order by president.
B. Club yells—Led by yell leader.
C. Club songs—Led by song leader. _
D. Repeat club pledge.
E. Roll call by secretary—Answered by a one sentence rep01‘t I
of project work done, to date.
F. Admit new members—Last date for new members to join. i
G. Unfinished business.
H. New business. 1
I. Report of project captains. Record books—Captains see .
that all record books are up-to-date. 2
J. Project topic assigned to meet needs of club.  V I
K. JUNIOR WEEK—1. Circular 214. 2. Elect delegate and V. 
make plans for paying expenses of same.  ` I

 J Organizing and Conducting Junior Agn. Community Clubs 17
L. Remarks by agent or leader—Membership cards promised
for next meeting to all those who have projects started.
M, Assignment of topics for next meeting. Judging Teams,
sity by . Camps (see outline for next meeting). Supplies, Circulars
214, 181, 195.
and 10. N, Recreation—NeW Game, Sore-Spot Tag, Circular 214.
15 and A ()_ Adjournment.
  A. Meeting called to order by the president.
,6 com i B. Club songs.
ar, C. Club yells.
O1. Hm ’ D. Roll call by secretary—(Original answer.)
E E. Unfinished business.
J F. New business.
A J  G. Report of project captains.
l  ’ H. Topics: 1. Judging Teams——A. Livestock, Circular 214.
 · State Fair Catalog, Dept. W. B. Clothing, Cir. 195, pages
  5 and 6, Mimeo. C. Canning, Circular 181, pages 7 and 8,
t Mimeo. 2. Club Camp, Circular 214.
  I. Remarks by Extension Agent and leader. Membership cards
UR) _ awarded to those who have started projects. They should
 _ be impressed with the fact that they are now full—tledged
members of the club and may wear the club emblem 4-H
I pm. ‘
 — J. Plan program for next meeting, July—See suggestions for
report » July.
K. Recreation.
join. L. Adjournment.
Supplies—Membership Cards.
ip Some time during July, a picnic should be planned and this
. monthly meeting may be held at the same time.
e and A good subject for discussion is exhibits, Circular 214, Ken-
Q tucky State Fair catalog, Department VV.

 18 Kentucky C’[7`CflLZ(l7` N0. 215 —
The club may decide on the kind and number of exhibits ·i
— to be made at the community, county and state fairs.
Recreational—This arranged to suit the mood of the club,
Adjournment. ,
The subject for August may be Achievement Exercises, Cir- V
cular 214.
Record books are brought to this meeting and posted to date. ·
Definite plans made to send exhibits to the State Fai1·.  -
SEPTEMBER MEETING is usually omitted because of the  i
State Fair, the opening of schools, etc. ·
I A. This should be a check-up meeting. Q
B. Final reports of project captains on all projects completed. i
C. Reports of leaders.
Record books turned in on all projects iinished. General 2
V reports and check-up on accomplishments of club using
plan of work, Form 1, page 5, formulated at thc beginning
of year and a copy of which is to be pasted in Secretary’s Book.  n
ercises. .