xt79057cvg69 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057cvg69/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1993 1993 1993-02-05 2020 true xt79057cvg69 section xt79057cvg69  





e ntucky Ke mel





Established 1894

University of Kentu‘ckygLflex’ington, Kentucky

State reports revenue receipts up

Increase may mean Ky. can forgo another budget cut


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press

FRANKFURT, Ky. — Unusually
large revenue receipts for January
helped pump up a flagging state
General Fund and buoy hopes the
state may be able to get through the
year without a budget cutback.

According to figures released yes-
terday from the Finance Cabinet,
the General Fund took in $464.4
million in January. a 15.8 percent
increase over the same month a year
ago. The big jump dramatically im-
proved the status of the General
Fund for the year.

Through the first seven months of

deferred rush

By Julie Owens
Staff Writer

A committee of the Interfratemi-
ty (‘ouncil is considering a pltm
that would eliminate fall rush and
replace it with a “deferred rush."
1F(‘ president Michael Wainscott

Under the plan, which still is be-
ing studied by 1F(“s rush revision
committee. incoming freshmen in-
terested in fratemity life would
have to wait until the spring semes-
ter to participate in rush.

Wainscott said considerations for
a deferred rush were brought about
because the number of students
who participate in spring rush has
been declining while a larger num-
ber of students participate in the

“Right now. we are just trying to
figure out what way will be the
most efficient for 17K.“ Wainscott

He also said a deferred-rush.pro-
grant could result in better grade-
point averages for fratemity pledge
classes because freshmen wouldn't
have the distraction of pledging
during their first semester on cam-

“With the deferred rush. people
might have a better chance to get
adapted to school, and maybe that
will (raise) their grades." Wainscott

Sigma Pi president Brian Stewart
said he favored the deferred rush
program because of current prob-
lems with the academic success of
freshman pledge classes.

"lf frestuncn have the time to get
better adjusted to college life. then
they will be more able to handle be-
ing in a fratemity." Stewart said.

He also said Georgetown College
and Miami (Ohio) University have
been successful in adopting de-
ferred-rush programs.

While members of the rush revi—
sion cotnrnittee weigh the benefits
of a deferred rush. one fratemity
president says fall rush has positive
aspects. as well.

“Fall rush gives students an im-



See RUSH, Page 3

the fiscal year. receipts were
$2.510 billion. an increase of 3.3
percent over the previous year.
Through December. the General
Fund had grown only 0.8 percent.
The entire General Fund must
grow by 3.8 percent for the year
and take in $4.524 billion to meet
projections. To make tip the differ-
ence, revenues must grow by 4.3
percent in the remaining five
tnonths of the fiscal year compared
to the same period a year ago.
“That sure looks better," said
Rep. Marshall Long (1)-
Shelbyville). the chairman of the
House Appropriations and Revenue
Committee. “I'd say that's a good


Finance Secretary Pat Mulloy
said January receipts were up be-
cause of an improving economy and
good holiday sales figures. Decem—
ber‘s sales tax receipts in stores are
generally shown in January state
revenue receipts.

The state‘s 6-percent sales tax
brought in $161 million in January,
a 14 percent increase from the pre-
vious year when Kentucky had
barely begun to shake off the effects
of the recession.

Mulloy also credited some unusu-
al items for the improvement. Indi-
vidual income tax receipts. which
had been lagging badly all year.

jumped by 25 percent in Jzutuary.
Mulloy said processing problems
pushed some December collections
into Janiuary.

“We remain cautiously optimistic
that the state's revenue shortfalls
are manageable.“ Mulloy said.

State agencies have been ordered
to hold 2 percent of their budgets
for the year in anticipation of reve-
nue shortfalls.

In addition. Gov. Brcreton Jones
has raised the possibility of holding
tax refunds beyond the June 30 end
of the fiscal year if money is short.

. Increment??? .1971











Civil engineering students junior Mark Dodd and sophomore Shannon Reynolds record
measurements as sophomore David Clark surveys ‘dministration Lawn yesterday.

GPA comparisons

‘ .


sorority Sorority All UK



Fraternity Fraternity All UK All
pledgee activee aorarity ternelee pledge- ecttvee fraternity melee






By Erica Patterson
Staff Writer


The grade-point averages of
UK‘s social sororities increased
slightly for the third consecutive
semester during fall 1992. while
fratcmity grades dropped.

The combined GPA for ac-
tives and pledges at all social so-
rorities was 2.857 during the fall
1992 semester — up from 2.856
in the spring, according to fig-
ures released by the Dean of Stu-
dents' ()ffice.

Additionally. fall sorority
grades topped the averages of
both female students and all stu-
dents at UK last semester. The
female average during the fall
semester was 2.827. while the
all-University average was

The average for active sorority
members was 2.919. while the
figure for sorority pledges was
2.678 — a GPA substantially
higher than the UK freshman fe-
male average 012.474.

The news. however. was not
as good for UK‘s social fraterni-










Clothed in blue jeans and T-ehine. Metallica will take the stage at Rupp
Arena tonight hr some ear-twisting music. Preview. Page 82.

Because of an editor's error, poet Amiri Baraka‘s name was misspelled
in a headline in Wednesday's Kentucky Kernel.

Because of a reporter's error. Brad Shuford's name was misspelled in a
story in yesterday's Kentucky Kernel. Also, Todd Mitchell should have
been identified as 'Native One,‘ and Christine Weaver is co-chairwornan
of the Student Activities Board multicultural committee.

Mostly sunny and mild today; high around 55. Increasing cloudiness late .
tonight; low around 30. Partly cloudy. breezy and colder wuth a
possibility of flurries tomorrow; high between 35 and 40,



Sorority grades rise;
fraternity GPAs slide

TVROIEJOWTOW Kernel Graphics

The combined averages of
pledges and active fratemity
members was 2.595 in the fall.
dropping from 2.622 the previ-
ous semester. Moreover. the
combined average was well be-
low the all-University figure and
lower than the 2.669 GPA set by
all I'K males.

Frateniity pledges also did
worse than their non-greek
counterparts: The average for all
freshmen men was 2.411. while
the pledges canted a GPA of

UK fraternity adviser Ron Lee
said he is disappointed with the
figures — especially those of the
fratemity pledges. He said. how-
ever. that there are “some high-

“Some individual chapters
have made some dramatic im-
provements tandi fewer fra-
tenuties are on social suspension
than in the last five or six semes-
ters." he said.

Beta Theta Pi social fmtemtty
president Dave Solomon said he
is trying to get more active

See GRADES, Page 3



Educator: Diversity
can prevent race riots


By Holly Powell
Contributing Writer


l.os Angeles could see a repeat of
last year‘s race riots if people don‘t
team to communicate with others
from diverse backgrounds. 3 Cali-
fomia educator said last night.

“The LA riots are over. but there
will be others if we don't leam
from our mistakes and teach young
people the importance of diversity."
said Phillip Chino. director of the
Center for Multicultural Education
at (‘alifomia State University.

(‘hinn spoke last night for an
hour to a crowd of about 80 at the
Taylor liducation Building.

Educators have a responsibility to
their students to develop education-
al programs that teach young peo»
ple the importance of being open
and sensitive to different cultures
and ethnic experiences. Chinn said.

“Diversity is here. like it or not.
and we have to look at diversity as
a blessing. not a curse. to see how it
enriches our community." he said.

(‘hinn used the Los Angeles riots
as an example of insensitivity and
lack of communication among the
black community and the Korean
store owners there.

At a time of high unemployment
in south-central Los Angeles. the

See LA , Page 3

Senate unanimously passes ethics-reform bill



By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press


FRANKFURT. Ky. —~ The Sen-
ate unanimously passed an ethics
hill yesterday evening after embrac-
ing a provision to bar legklators
convicted of misusing their office
from receiving govemment pension

Sen. Walter Baker. 3 Glasgow
Republican who has become one of
the General Assembly‘s elder
statesmen. said the legislation
should prove a milestone but also
defended the integrity of the institu-

“We have much greater responsi-
bility. We have much greater con-
stitutional power. We have. on bal-
ance. much more talent" Baker

“And we have. not withstanding

what our crit-
ics would say.
much greater
honesty and

among our

Baker said.

But another
warned of the
danger of
on the topic of
ethics and said legislators should
not forget the reason for the public
sentiment for passage of a code of
conduct for lawmakers.

“While it was the FBI that gave
Kentucky a wake-up call. it is now
the people of Kentucky who have
got the alarm still ringing." said
Sen. Tim Philpot of Lexington.

The passage of a pmviskm to bar




legislators from receiving any gov-
ernment pension if they are con-
victed of a crime involving their
conduct in office reversed a move
from the Senate State Govcmment
(‘ommittec Wednesday night.

Sen. Mike Moloney (l)-
l.exington) said many in the public
were outraged to learn that state of-
ficials convicted of wrongdoing in
office were able to save their gov-
ernment pensions by resigning be-
fore thcy were convicted or plead-
ed guilty.

“We need to send a very. very
strong message." Moloney said.
"You're going to lose what the tax.
payers put in for your future. and
you should.“

The section would let officehold-
ers still retain what they contribut-
ed to their pensions.

Another change adopted by the
Senate demonstrated the apparent

lack of partisanship.

Republicans won a provision that
would allow political campaign
contributions of less than $200 to
be accepted without disclosure of
the identity of the giver. The cur-
rent law is $300. but the committee
recommended a $100 limit.

There was no discussion of the
measure. but it is a Republican pro-

Heavily outnumbered in registra-
tion in most counties. Republicans
have long claimed they have secret
Democratic summers Who contrib-
ute only if their names aren't dis-

the section that qrpcaed ripe for
controversy drew none.

Only Philpot ltd Sen. David Wil-
liams (R-Burkesvillc) complained
at a section that would bar legisla-

See ETHICS. Page 3





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Undeclared freshman Jason McCurry studies outside White Hall Classroom Building between classes yesterday. Recent
warm temperatureswill disappear this weekend. The forecast calls for possible flurries tomorrow.




Feminist perspective searches for definition


By Angela Jones
Senior Staff Writer


()n a conservative campus such
as UK. feminist scholarship easily
could be lost in the shuffle.

And. in a sense. the University's
feminist entity. the Women's Stud-
ies Progrtun. is struggling with the

"We have to identify ourselves as
a group in some way" to have an
impact. said Jo lillen Green Kaiser.
an linglish professor who teaches
courses in the program.

Kaiser has organized a forum to
be held Sunday from 4 to 6 pm. at
the Gaines (‘enter for Humanities
for faculty. staff zmd students who
identify themselves as feminists.
The forum is intended to open dis-
cussion on the progrzun‘s goals.

Operated chiefly by volunteers at

the University with no official
funding, the Women‘s Studies Pro-
gram still is struggling with the ba-
sics — offering classes that focus
on gender issues, Kaiser said.

With the varied perspectives
within feminism. however. the
question of how these classes
should be taught must be decided to
have any impact on their students.
she said.

“The process of what classes
should be taught and who should
teach them are too vague. too
scattered." she said. “Should the
program be an academic one. a so-
cial one or a political one?"

Linda Worley. a Gennan profes-
sor who is teaching a women stud-
ies course this semester. said per-
sonal politics can not be avoided.

"livery professor in every subject
has a stance. There’s always sub-
jectivity." she said.



Continued from Page 1

members to improve their grades
by using study hours and an in-
house tutor. 'Ihe fratemity had the
lowest average for active members.

Erica Murrell, president of Sigma
Gamma Rho social sorority. said
her organization also is taking steps
to improve grade averages with test
files and “study buddies."

Sigma Gamma Rho's combined
GPA of 2.280 was the lowest of all

“We are stressing that more
members take out tnore time to
study." Murrell said.

Alpha Xi Delta had the worst-
perfonning pledge class among so-
rorities. with a GPA of 2.266, but
president Kim Meadors said, “We
are stressing the importance of our

Meadors said that members of
Alpha Xi Delta have mandatory
study hours based on GPA. If a
member falls below the minimum
average. she faces academic proba-
tion and 12 study hours a week.

"With all the activities we‘re in-
volved in. it is a difficult responsi-
bility to balance all that and keep

up our GPA.“ Meadors said.

The figures also showed:

-Alpha Gamma Delta led the so-
rority pledge average with a 2.990
GPA. Delta Delta Delta followed
with a pledge average of 2.938.

~Alpha Delta Pi ranked first for
active members with a GPA of
3.085. Delta Delta Delta followed
with a 3.053 GPA. Sigma Gamma
Rho ranked last with a 2.280 aver-

oDelta Delta Delta had the high-
est combined average. 3.013, and
was followed by a Alpha Delta Pi.
with a combined average of 3.010.
Sigma Gamma Rho earned a 2.280
combined average for last place.

-Phi Kappa Psi had the highest
fraternity pledge average. 2.696.
while Alpha Gamma Rho placed
second at 2.543. Kappa Alpha had
the lowest pledge GPA, 1.986.

-Sigma Pi led the fraternities
with a 2.864 GPA in the category
for active members. it was fol-
lowed by Pi Kappa Alpha with a
2.801 GPA. Beta Theta Pi had the
lowest average of active members.

°Phi Beta Sigma scored the high-
est combined average with a 2.800
GPA. followed by Sigma Pi with a
2.740 GPA. Alpha Phi Alpha had
the lowest combined average.



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Worley said she is aware that
many students may be intimidated
by the assumed feminist perspective
in these courses but does not see be-
ing feminists as a requirement for
her students.

“The last thing I would want is
for a student to feel like he or she
would have to pass some kind of
feminist litmus test." Worley said.
“1 try to tnake that clear frotn the

In the two academic papers Kai-
ser asked Sunday's participants to
read. however, one scholar recog-
nizes that many students new to
feminism are immediately excluded
by its leamed advocates.

"I'm aware of that danger and
emphasire that one of the ground
rules is tolerance of all perspec-
tives." Worley said.

But Kaiser contends that if the
Women‘s Studies Program is going

to teach from a perspective unique
to other UK courses. “some ideas
have to be excluded. whatever they
may be."

“We can't be everything to eve-
rybody." she said.

Parker Benton. an linglish senior
who has taken women's studies
courses. said he has never felt ex-

"I don‘t think certain students are
excluded. They are so apathetic to
other perspectives that they don't
even know about the courses." he

Kaiser stressed that no agenda
has been designed for Sunday‘s for-
um cxcept to discuss the vzu'ying
concems and perspectives that the
feminists present want to raise.

“We have to find a ground of
group unity. whatever that be. to
accomplish anything."

Female judge a finalist
for attorney general post


By John King
Associated Press

WASlllNG’l‘ON — President
(‘linton has nzuTowed his search for
an attomey general to three people
and the leading contender is Kimba
Wood. the female judge who prev
sided over junk-bond financier Mi-
chael Milken's fraud trial. adminis-
tration officials said yesterday.

A decision is expected within
days. they said.

“The president has not yet made
a decision." White House Press
Secretary Dee Dee Myers said. “To
the best of my knowledge. he has
not called and offered anyone the
job. Now. in his heart of heans. he
may have tnade a decision. 1 can‘t
speak to that. But there is nothing
scheduled tomorrow. zutd 1 don't
expect an announcement tomor~

She said the president was await-
ing the outcome of r utine back-
ground checks by the FBI.



Wood is a Democrat but was ap-
pointed to the federal bench in New
York by Republican President Rea-
gan nearly five years ago. ller con—
firmation hearings then were trou-

()thers said to be finalists are
Washington attomey (‘harlcs 1i.(‘.
Ruff and former Virginia Gov. Ge-
rald Baliles. according to two ad-
ministration officials who discussed
the matte on condition of zmonymi-

' Both rated Wood the favorite. cit-
ing a favorable interview with the
president last week. (‘linton's de-
sire to name the first female attor-
ney general and the fact that she al-
ready has been through the Senate
confinnation process.

(‘linton‘s search was forced by
the abrupt withdrawal last month of
his first nominee. (‘onnecticut attor-
ney Zoe Baird. because of intense
criticism of her hiring of illegal ali-
ens. a violation of irntnigrations
laws the attomey general is charged
with enforcing.



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Kentucky Kernel, Friday, February 5, 1903 - A3

RAD program now
offered at University


By Scarlett Conealvi
Contributing Writer

An extensive and innovative rape
prevention class now is being of-
fered by the UK Police Deparunent.

The class. called Rape Aggres-
sion Defense Systems. is pan of a
nationwide program designed only
for women. it teaches realistic self-
defcnse tactics and techniques. as
well as rape awareness and avoid-
ance. said Stephanie Bastin, a crime
prevention specialist with the police

Bastin researched various pro-
grams before deciding that the
RAD program best suited the Uni-
versity. She said it was selected
over other programs because the
tactics taught are both easy and ef-

()ne section of the 12-hour course
focuses on simulation of actual at-
tacks to demonstrate defense skills
that a woman of average strength
can use to evade an attacker. The
course also teaches women to deal
with date rape and attackers who
are under the influence of drugs.

All participants are required to
sign a wavier before beginning the
class because the physical contact
involved in the self-defense compo-
nent usually produces some bruises.

Bastin said.

Instructors and students are pro-
vided with protective gear.

UK‘s instructors for the class, po-
lice officers llolly Davis and Tim
Mallory, recently completed a one-
week training session in Knoxville.
Tenn. They currently are the only
certified RAD instructors in the

Davis said she doesn't think the
UK campus is panicularly unsafe,
but she encourages students to par-
ticipate in the RAD program as a
“preventative measure."

RAD courses. which are free for
UK students, faculty and staff, cur-
rently are offered from 4 to 7 pm.
and 8 to 11 pm. Sessions last three
hours each night and run for four
consecutive nights. Altemate times
may be scheduled for groups.

Some sessions already are full. so
advance registration is recommend-
ed. Bastin said.

UK hopes to make the program
available to the general public by
January 1994.

F or more information or to regis.
ter for a class. call Bastin at 257—



Continued from Page 1

tors who are lawyers from practic-
ing before some state agencies. but
not others. and forbid them from
suing the state.

Philpot. whose Lexington law
practice has gained some notoriety
for his cases against state agencies
turd UK. said the section appeared
targeted at him individually.

Sotne previously controversial
provisions of the bill were accepted
without comment.

Lobbyists will be able to buy
$100 worth of food and drink for a
legislator and spouse during any
year. but must report all such trims-
actions. Senate Majority Floor
Leader David Karem of Louisville
said that will have the practical ef-
fect of ending meals and drinks

from lobbyists.

Legislators would be able to ac-
cept only 35 percent of their total
campaign funds from political ac-
tion committees.

Sen. Tim Shaughnessy (D-
Louisville) won an addition that
would prohibit most political activi-
ty by members of the new Ken-
tucky legislative Ethics Commis-

“It‘s a bill about which all of us
can be proud." Karem said.

Despite his criticism. Philpot vot-
ed for the bill.

“It will send a message that re-
fonn has begun." Philpot said. “If it
sends a message that reform has
ended. I think we'll be making a

After the 3.6-0 vote. the bill goes
to the House. One Senate seat is va-
cant. and Sen. Henry Lackey (D-
llenderson) was absent.



Continued from Page 1

black community resented the Ko-
rean convenience store owners.
(‘hinn said.

The heating of black motorist
Rodney King at the hands of LA
police officers aggravated these
frustrations. and when most of the
officers were acquitted of vinually
every criminal charge. the tension

"After the last verdict. I stood
there stunned." (‘hinn said. “1 even
muttered to myself that all hell was
going to break loose."

He said everyone. not just educa-

tors. should work to prevent events
such as the Los Angeles riots by
supporting more programs in multi-
cultural education.

"When people don‘t care. we
have apathy. and when we have ap-
athy. we don't solve problems." he

To solve these problems. Chinn
said educators have to go and “fight
the cause of education." especially
with elected officials. He said that
today's youth cannot afford teach-
crs who are apathetic to politics.

“liducators have to go out and be
more enthusiastic about multicultu-
ral education and diversity if we
want to go out and make this a bet-
ter world."



Continued from Page 1

mediate chance to get involved in
campus life.“ said Scott Sanders.
president of Alpha Tau Omega.

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Wainscott said the committee has
not yet made a decision to propose
a deferred-rush program to the full

"We don‘t know whether a de-
ferred rush will be beneficial or
not.” Wainscott said.

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Cats prepared
for Vanderbilt

By Lance Williams
Staff Writer





It's been nearly three weeks
since the Wildcats marched into
\ Nashville. Tenn, with the nation‘s
No. 1 ranking held high, only to fly
out of town hours later wondering
what happened.

Since leaving the unfriendly con-
fines of Memorial Gymnasium, UK
. has dispatched five straight South-
é eastern Conference opponents with
g a ferocity heretofore lacking this
‘ season.

Now the No. 2 Wildcats are pre—
paring for the only team to put a
blemish on their once~untarnished
record, a 101-86 blemish to be pre-

The Commodores will have to
play the Cats tomorrow at 3 pm. in
Rupp Arena, where the fans have a
reputation for begin a little loud

In the weeks following the Van-
derbilt loss, Pitino began to wonder
aloud about whether he was push-
ing his system too quickly, but
soon the Wildcats began to play
VHII’] the intensity on both sides of
the ball that allowed Pitino to
praise the L'K team for its unprove-

After beating \lississippi State
Vb? Wednesday night. Pitino was
upset that the team had reverted to
its old style of play.

“I think that we've worked very
hard to become a great basketball
team, and we were reverting (to the
beginning of the season)," Pitino

Vanderbilt and UK currently are
tied for first in the SEC‘s Eastern
Division at 7-l record.

Pitino tried to dismiss the hype
concerning any possible revenge

UK vs. Vanderbilt

No. 2 UK 16-1
No. 11 Vanderbiltt7-3


Whon: Tomorrow, 3 pm.

Whore: Rupp Arena
Lexmgton. Ky.

On the Air: TV—Channel 27
Jefferson Pilot) live
adio—UK Radio
Network-Live wrth
Ralph Hacker and
Dave Baker

About the UK leads this series
Series: 105-35. including
a 56—13 record in

Coaches: UK: Rick Pitino
81-28 at UK
VU: Eddie Fogler.
70-45 at Vanderbilt


that the Wildcats might harbor for

“I don‘t believe in revenge," Piti-
no said. “I don‘t believe in coaching
against another coach. I don’t be-
lieve you can get too up for a team.
but we understand that the fans will
be, certainly. Vanderbilt is just att-
other game to us.

“It means a lot because we‘re
lighting for the number one seed iii
our division."

Pitino noticed that the fans were
getting excited about tomorrow‘s
gttiiic. much too early [or littii. lll

“I think the crowd left their game
at home (for the Mississippi State
game). as well. I think people are
jumping ahead a little bit, and I
think they should enjoy this team,”
Pitino said.

Speaking of enjoying teams. the
Wildcats didn‘t enjoy the Vandy
team that held them to only 41.3
percent shooting from the field and
only 52.6 percent from the free-

Kentucky Kernel sports...





Junior forward Jamal Mashburn puts a shot up in UK’s win
over LSU last Tuesday night at Rupp Arena.

throw line.

l’ittno said after Wednesday
llltlillo gaitic that L'K would
break tIti\\ll the Vanderbilt guiiic
tape and “exploit their weakness-
cs." but it was the (‘otittiiodorcs
\\IlU c\ploitcd \veakttcsscs iii the
last gtfiiitit Junior guard Bill
.\lt( illrty stored 22 points iii the
list gt llllt. including an ll tor-ll
mark from the free-throw line.

In fact. the Commodores had
five players in double figures
against UK.

Despite the big loss in Nash-
thle. the UK players agree that
the game tomorrow night is just
another night.

"It’s a big game, arid no ottc‘s dc-
nying‘ m: it ” point guard 'l‘r; ivis I‘ord
siid. Vc have just not to go out
and play hard and we II It tte to
play better than we played iii Nash»
\ iIIc.“

“I definitely think we are going to
be pumped up.” junior Jamal Mash-
bttrti said. “We come out fired up
front every other team, why ttot this
team. There is really no revenge
factor. We are just going out there
and play hard and take care of bust»

Junior center Rodney
summed it up this way.

"No revenge, just go out and play



Vandy S Kentuckians
outnu'rii’ber Wildcats


points eastw