xt79057cvg8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79057cvg8g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1994 1994 1994-12-09 2020 true xt79057cvg8g section xt79057cvg8g  






m—w ——-—-—.———«-——~.. .... -'

V . bvnvrnwnmv'flsqu’v um. ‘ya«“o<~.~v









tomorrow. Stories, matehups page 3.


WEITIIHI Rain today, high

in upper 40:; rain tonight, low
in upper 30s; cloudy tomorrow,
high around 40.

8P08T8 The Cats return home to Rupp

Arena and will take on Boston University





December 9, I 994
o (.ldl‘l‘lflt‘dl 9 Divemoni 5
Z N (."omu' 5 Span; 2

(,‘roxre'ord 9 Viewpoint 3






POIiGB arrest SIISIIBCT ill sorority break-ins

Man apprehended
in M1. King Library

By Brenna Reilly
Sniff H "riter
and Stephen Trimhle

Erma/tic Editor

UK police arrested 24—year—old Michael Thomas
yesterday in connection with Sunday‘s break-in at Pi
Beta Phi social sorority house after a Pi Phi member
said she recognized him at Margaret I. King Library

Police are investigating whether Thomas was
involved in a string of sorority break—ins over the past

Thomas, who lives at 351 Kirklevington Drive,
No. 174, was charged with second—degree burglary
and harassment, UK spokesman Ralph Derickson

His bail was set at $7,750 last night, and he was

detained in the Fayette County Detention Center, a

jail official said.

Thomas was identified in the library by Pi Phi

member Gina Casnellie after he allegedly
pinched her as she studied.

“I turned around and saw a man run
behind the bookshelves," Casnellie said.

Casnellie said she then walked around
the shelves and saw Thomas.

She said she thought Thomas “strong-
ly resembled" the man who broke into the
Pi Phi house this weekend. She said she
went back to the table where she was
studying and told a friend.

She and her friend then rushed to the
lobby and asked a front desk clerk to call

“I was scared,” Casnellie said. “I felt
really threatened. He knew I saw him, and
I knew I had to do something."

Mike Lach, associate director of the
library, said UK police responded within

two and half minutes and allowed no one to enter or

leave the library for five to 10 minutes.

Casnellie searched the library with police and

found Thomas on the third floor. She then identified




I was scared. I
felt really
threatened. He
knew I saw
him, and I
knew I had to
do something. ”
Gina Casnellle

Pi Beta Phi



him as the man who pinched her and as the

intruder in the Pi Phi house, Derickson

Casnellie said she recognized Thomas
because she saw him in the stairwell ofthe
Pi Phi house Sunday.

“I was going tip the stairs, and we
passed each other," said Casnellie, a physi
ical therapy senior.

After questioning Thomas in an office
behind the circulation desk yesterday,
police led him out of the library.

Eyewitnesses Ali Akhlaghi and Matt
Usher said police explained to them that
they had arrested a suspect in Sorority
Circle incidents.

jail officials said Thomas will be
arraigned today at 9 a.m.

Derickson said an investigation is con-
tinuing into earlier sorority break-ins, but

no further charges have been filed against Thomas.

UK Police Chief “EH. NIcCoinas was not in his

office to comment on the arrest yesterday, and no
one else in the department would comment.

However, in an interview this summer, McComas
said UK police had missed a chance to catch a suspect
in earlier sorority break—ins during another winding
chase through the library last year.

(Iasnellie said yesterday was the third time she had
seen 'I‘hoiiias. Besides Sunday night's break-in, she
said also had seen him leaving the Alpha Gamma
Delta social sorority house after a September bur~

UK police speculated last year that one man was
responsible for a string of sorority house break—ins
from November through January. The break-ins
continued this semester.

Police said a burglar stole $100 from the Pi Phi
house Sunday night during a break-in around 9 pin.
The burglar apparently entered through an open
window on the first floor.

The Pi Phi burglary was the second break—in
reported at a sorority house this semester. A burglar
also stole $200 from the Alpha Gamma house on

See ARREST on 5

T0 I‘llll TflStBI‘

By Lance Williams
.‘l.\'.\‘ot'iate Editor

The burden of those pre-semester hassles may be
lightened with UK’s invrlvement in a new student
loan program.

The new system, which was implemented by the
US. Department of Education, will cut the number
of steps in the loan process for the students, said Judy
Marshall, financial aid ombudsman.

The current system, which is throu h the Ken-
tucky Higher Education Assistance Aut ority, has a
number of steps before the student can get money
for education.

First they must fill out the necessary forms,
receive notification of amount from state and take
forms to bank and wait for the bank to process the
loan through an outside guaranty agency. Marshall
said the process can take from four to eight weeks.

The new process, called Direct Lending, cuts
banks and lending agencies from the picture because
loans are made directly from the federal government.
By streamlining the process, the time frame for wait-
ing on a loan can be cut to about two or three days.

“Students won't know a lot of what is oing on
behind the scenes," said Marshall, who sai the new
system will put more students’ minds at ease.

Direct Lending also places more control in the
hands ofthe school.

“\Vhen students had to wait on their loans before,
we were helpless as a University because we won’t
have control over the system,” Marshall said.

The new process will begin at UK and nearly
1,800 other schools in fall 1995. Last year, 104
schools took part in the pilot program.

Jack Blanton, UK’s vice chancellor for Adminis—
tration, said there are several reason for using the
new pro ram. The recordkeeping process is much
simpler fiecause funds can be electronically trans-
ferred, rather than mailed, and it should be easier on
the financial aid staffand student applicants, he said.

Another change will affect how the loans can be
paid back. Direct Lending has four payment options,
one of which would be contingent on the student’s
after-graduation income.

Marshall said the new pro am should save time
for staffin the financial aid office and should free up
more time for debt counseling for students.

‘Rather than the bank having the loans, we’ve got
you here. We’ve got a captive audience," she said.

When the plan was first announced, KHEAA offi-
cials said UK students would lose loan money
because of the switch, but Blanton said no money
will be lost in the change.

He said the change was necessary because many
other larger universities applied to the new system to
stay competitive.

Kentucky State University, Morehead State Uni—
versity and Western Kentucky University are the
other three state universities included in the second
year ofthe rogram.

Marshal said information will be sent to students
throughout the spring semester to help them learn
about the new steps.




Christina: Lites



JOSEPH HEY AU Kernel wafl

Some resident: in a campus residence hall derided to make a few change: to the traditional Chriyrmai‘ tree this team".
The fire rode: ended the party, however. and the reridents had to take the tree down.


Registrar Baht leaving "ii alter decade at IIOST

By Cynthia Wan
Staff Writer

University Registrar Randall Dahl is leaving his
post at the end this semester after serving at UK for
almost a decade.

DahI accepted a position as the director of admis-
sions at the University of Alabama. He also will over-
see the registration office and the testing center,
which are branches of the admissions office.

"It’s a good opportunity for professional advance-
ment,” he said.

Since the structure of the institution is different
from that of UK's, Alabama allows a broader possi-
bility for his career development, Dahl said.

He said he enjoyed his time working at
UK. He was especially pleased with some
of the progresses the admissions office
made in services provided for both students
and professors.

“ 'm happy to see the admissions office
is giving more better and higher quality
services,” he said. “It is making important
contributions to the Universi .”

However, there is stil room for
improvement in some areas, he said. And a
stronger computer support is the key.

The degree auditing process also should
be refined.

“Students should be able to tell what

+ ..-.__...... . -




WE really need
a higfinal h
in t e ts"


UK Registrar

degree requirements they need to ful-
fill," he said, “(and) when changing a
major, the should know where they
stand in t at degree —— all over the
com uter.

“ c really need a big final push in
the students’ academic advising sys-

Dahl was nominated by a colleague
at another institution to the Alabama
post. The undergraduate admissions
office will search for someone to fill the
vacancy left by Dahl next semester.
Meanwhile, an actin university regis-



trar will take care oft e job duties.



._..._ .._.. . . T


—-—-- \


Clinton otters
more troops tor Bosnia

WASHINGTON — President Clinton is offer-
ing to send thousands of U.S. combat troops into
Bosnia to help evacuate 24,000 LUV. peacekeepers,
a mission U.S. officials said could put Americans
soldiers in harm’s way for weeks.

Until now, Clinton has steadfastly refused to
insert American troops into the conflict in Bosnia.
Now he has authorized their use to remove the
peacekeepers that may be the only remaining blockA
ade to Serb victory.

Counsel asked ini‘ iii GinflFiCii investigation

“CASHINGTUN a, Taking the lead for his
party, House Democratic “'hip David Bonior
demanded yesterday that an outside counsel be
named to iniestigate an ethics complaint against
incoming Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Bonior, I) .\Iich., said Gingrich “is faced with a
conflict of interest" in a complaint alleging that be
misused liis staffand abused tax laws in preparing
and teaching a college course.

Gingrich, Bonior told a news conference,
“refused to recuse himself from naming members"
of the new (Iongress' ()oiiimittee on Standards of
Official (londuct even though the committee
could be investigating him in the future.

".8. trade policy upheld by President

\K'ASHlNG’lT )N — Signing a pact to slash tar—
iffs around the globe, President Clinton defended
his trade policy yesterday against critics w ho say it
will pit LS. workers against lowwwage employees

“We must never run away from the world," he
declared moments before signing legislation autho»
rizing the United States to join with 123 nations in
the General Agreement on Tariffs and 'l‘rade.

xiiiiiy says less Educated more unhealthy

ATLANTA ~~ Americans who never graduated
from high school are more likely to smoke, live a
sedentary life and be overweight than more educat—
ed people —— no matter what their race, federal
health officials said yesterday.

The report by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention is the first major study of education
on the health of all races in the United States, said
Nora Keenan, an epidemiologist with the center.

It found that the correlation between health and
education _. first noted in whites .__ existed across
the board, Keenan said.

Smoking, excess weight and lack of exercise put
people .it risk for heart disease. stroke. diabetes and
cancer —« which account for about 70 percent of all
deaths in the United States.

Alternate jurors selected in M. trial

LOS ANGELFS —~ A predominantly black and
female anel of 12 alternate jurors was selected yes—
terday iii)!" 0.]. Simpson's murder trial.

Superior Court judge Lance Ito said he would
rule later on whether two of the original 12 jurors
would be removed because of unspecified allega-

tions of misconduct.


CHOIIIII'S can no .8 8' can

NEW YORK — Figure this one out.

“The only thing I can say is that
the governor will tell you w ere the
governor lives, and the overnor is
not going to tell you w ere Mario
Cuomo lives."

That was the word from Cuomo
spokesman David Egner when
asked about a New York Newsday
report that the outgoing governor
and his wife have settled on a three- Cuomo
bedroom a amnent in Manhattan's
expensive Sriitton Place neighborhood.

Compiled 1m .1. wire repay-tr.




2 Friday, [Member 9, l 994. Kmnuky Kmiel

flats to I368 WBSIBI‘II

By Jason Dattilo

.‘li'a’la‘li'lll! Spam I'll/IIIII’

“hen the Lady Kats battle
\A'estern Kentucky, the game
always seems to go down to the
wire. In fact, the past three meet—
ings between the schools have
been decided by five points or less.

Three years ago, L'K downed
the Lady Top )ers in 'overtime
before coming back the next sea—
son to defeat \Vesterii on a half
court shot by Stacey Reed as time

Last season, \Vestern won in
Bowling (ireen 83 A".

“\Vestern is always a big in-
state rivalry for us," said L'K head
coach Sharon Fanning, who has
com iiled a I i record against
\VK '. “\Ve've had some great
games over the vears."

This year \Vestern comes into
.\lemorial (ioliseuni ranked 17th
in the nation and sporting an
impressive 4 () overall record.

()n the other hand, the Lady
Kats will be looking to break a
twwgame losing streak .is they
return Memorial (Ioliseum for the

first time in more than a week.

“I think you can throw out the
records and throw out the statis
tics," said \VKU head coach Paul
Sanderford, whose team returns
five seniors. “It's always been a
tight game in the past. “'e're just
going to come out and play hard."

Recruiting battles between the
two schools are not uncommon
and help add fuel to the series.

In fact, L'K forward Vonda
_lackson orally committed to play
basketball for Sanderford and the
Lady Toppers. However, inst
before the signing deadline,_lack-~
son's father steered the Manch—
ester native toward liamiiiig and
the Lady Kats.

After ilaying in just five games
for the Kats,_lacksoii is averaging
9.8 points per game comingr off
the bench.

“\Ve were really disappointed
to lose Vonda," Sanderford said.
“She is a solid player and seems to
be contribtitin I tip there.”

Along wit Jackson, senior
Karri Koach has contribtited some
much needed scoring this season.
Koach even led the [K in scoring

hristmas coming

s there any better time of the
year than this:
The lights, the packages,
the Boy]. ll
\len (Ihristmas
songs ~~ you just
can't beat it.

OK, so it‘ll be
better when finals
are over. but it's
still pretty cool.

Anyway. being
the yuletide~loving

chap that l am,i BI‘BII
thought that I‘d flawson
make out a little \W,
(ihristmas wish iii/lull
list. Not for me. 1'
mind you, but a

list of the things I think Santa
should hid it in his heart to give
out to other people this year H ‘tis
the season for giving, after all, so

liCFL‘ “C LN):
‘ O


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For Chris \Vebber, his own
NBA franchise, the \Vashington
\Vebbers. (Ihris could he the
coach and star player, and he
Could bringjalen Rose and .luw-an
Howard alontt with him. Next sea~
son, he could draft (yes, he's the
general manager, tooijimmy King
and Ray Jackson and bring in

Steve Fischer as an assistant coach. ,

And if he’s not hap iy with that,
give him a stockintr hi I of coal.

For Bobby linight, two or
three players to ptit on his bench.

For Scotty Thurman, Corliss
\Villiamson, Rodrick Rhodes,
Rasheed Wallace, jerry Stack—
house, Joe Smith, Gaiy Trent,
Rashard Griffith and all those
other super, scintillating and sen~
sational underclassmen around the
nation, the rood sense to come
back to col ege basketball next


1kaawuuumrfinwummy/z ms .Vnpaymnury

flu. MlmnmukflWfi.
r1845 $7th 7mmmmm, ammqumm IMWISIIM m. MWMfiu,brthmmnun/ntlmwzflflmtlomflymmommdtfl W ,
amp“ amry’flmmoamwmflmflm ibumyhfioudmbio-h-i.HthflMmmflamMfiifihflWfirflh
Whlhrwlltmmn! mwmmm Wmtbeampnpn

against lndiana on \Vednesday by
tossing in a career high 16 points.

For the season Koach is averag—
ing 12.2 )oints a contest, second
only to Ail—Southeastern (Ionfer—
ence guard Stacey Reed.

“Karri has been improving sta—
tistically and retting a lot more
confidence in fier scoring ability,“
Fanning said. “I think that's
important because anytime you
establish a strong inside—outside
game it makes it more difficult for
teams to defend you."

The Lady To )pers are led by
forward (iw’en )oyle, who has
fullv recovered from a knee iniury
suffered in the Sun Belt Confer»
ence 'l‘ournaiiient last year.

Doyle, a Louisville native, has
returned to average 16.3 points
per contest to to along with six
rebounds. “K V has two other
players averaging in double figures
this season.

“(iwen is a really agtrressn e,
get—in~her—hands and ta 'e—itrtor
the~basket type of player," l5an~
ning said. “She is the type ofplayv
er who you want to have the ball at
the end ofthe game."

For (ieorgia basketball (Ioach
Hu rh Durham, a good season.
Antfif you can‘t get that, Santa,
grant him good luck in finding a
job next year.

l’or Michael Jordan, a big box
full of basketballs and a )air of
baggy shorts —-— maybe he ll take
the tint.

For 0.]. Simpson ~~ I’m not
even gonna go there.

Since (ieorgetown (loach John
Thompson already «rot Allen
lverson, the point guard he's been
asking for for many a Christmas,
maybe this year he shouldn't get
anything else. I don‘t think he'd

l’or ()hio Liniversity (:oach
Larry Hunter, a whole stocking
full of big—time lob offers this off—
season. )on't worry about this
one too much, Santa. I think it‘ll
pretty intich take care of itself.

Before you need to make a
single payment, ski season will
have passed, the groundhog
will have seen his shadow and
you’ll have consumed your
body’s weight in pepperoni.

We're not just making it easier for you to buy a Macintosh,‘ we‘re making it easier
for you to buy something else you really need -—time Because for a limited °
time. with the Apple Computer Loan and 90-Day Deferred Payment Plan, you can
own a Macintosh personal computer, printer, (ID-ROM drive or other periph~




l‘itli film/Ii

"IF KAIGmml Smrey le
ill'el‘ilgt'i l6 [IN/III“ pr'l‘ game to [will

the Lady Kim.

lianning said her team needs to
improve in the fundamental areas
of the game to beat a team like
\Vestern and compete in the com‘
petitive Sl'ifl. The UK coach
pointed to free4throw shooting
and offensive execution as her
squad’s iiiaior weaknesses.

for sports figures

For college basketball fans
everywhere, a lriinal Four featuring
Arkansas, L‘K, Massachusetts and
North (Iarolina.

lior \Valter
recording contract.

lr‘or Deion Sanders, the revo—
cation of his recording contract.

For the UK basketball team,
niatchin r shoes. (\Vhat's the deal
with all t ose shoes, guys?)

And speaking ofshoes, [K has—
ketball coach Rick Pitino could
use a supply to rival limelda Alar—
cos’. As hard as he stom )s on the
floor, l’itiiio must go tirotigh a
pair everv game.

for l’lorida and its coach, Lon
Krueger, .i littlebit of respect.

For Kansas and its coach, Roy
\Villiams, a whole lot of respect.

McCarty. a

See DAWSON on Next page


K in need of leader

or to get it together and see
what's buppening~ The
Beastie Boys

The UK basketball team might
heed these wise words. They apply
to anythin r and everything.
(“'hich is U ' basketball right?)

Sure, it takes time, but with the
roal in mind (Final
lli‘our), you have to
find the means
smart offense,
tou rh defense).

\ 'ednesday
night against Indi—

ana, the (Eats

showed tough I

defense, little y

organization and a "allllll

be ow average .'l\.\‘l.\‘!lHI{

off-e nse. A [imaging
(iood things [ft/ml”

did happen despite
the had, such as:

VA victory (albeit less—than—

VAn encouraging performance
by \Valter McCarty. (That three
wasn't his bigr rest shot to date, but
close to the LlSL" one.)

VAn encouraging performance
by fret/mm" Antoine \A'alker
(please see Rhodes, Rodrick).

But, inevitably, there was the

Vlndiana‘s resident string bean
Brian livans dunking after the
Hoosiers broke the (Iats’ press.
How degrading. (Hoosier fans,
this one might provide leverage
during squabbles with those loyal
to the house of the Cat.)

VA somewhat ineffective press
that gave IU some easv opportuni—
ties,, btit didn't force many

'Rhodes, Rodrick: The 'mlior
took, according to UK coac Rick
l’itino, “one or two" bad threes. I
counted doiihle that. Rhodes has
talent. He used it in the second
half against UCLA. It’s a funny
thing, isn’t it? It took an iniury to
wake tip the slee )ing fury inside
Rhodes. Too badl it went back to
bed \Vednesday.

VDelk, Tony: Bad night, even
the great ones have 'em. Not
much more to say.

For those interested in rank—
ings, you would be amiss if you


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mmehLJ ‘ ‘bilbr

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”my“ humdihmher I994. fitment-um massmaammuwzmapMMmmW



MMWMhWthfiu ImmMmamthMMMHMW)m mammwmmuuwnw andh
7, ‘ 4 “ ’Monlfly, brim wwwmm,apmm amuwwauammm

Moamwmdtfl firhWflliwmmm,aMer/reri/Hoiom “HM“ “Minukhbflmmi amazwmammpymm

9mm Mmdflwmmk


MWMWW. mmwwi

put the (Eats in the Top 10 the way
they played \N'ednesday. The
“'ildcats need a leader, someone
(anyone?) who can take over a
game a la Detroit Piston and for—
mer Duke star Grant Hill.

Delk? Delk seemed to be a
viable candidate for a while but
has had poor outings. When he is
into the flow of the game, there's
no doubt he’s counted on to carry
UK. But will a frustrated Delk
mean a frustrated team?

Rhodes? See Rhodes, Rodrick

McCarty? He's calm and cool,
will take the big shot (and usually
make it), and he has some experi~
ence. lfhe were a bit more vocal,
he might be the man.

“'alker? Don’t scoff. He's got
the emotion thing down. Better
.shot selection and more moves
like the one late in the IU game,
and he could be top candidate for
the job.

Anthony Epps? It would make
sense, his being the starting point
guard and all. A little more confi-
dence and overall intensity and
he‘s in.

\Vhoever it is, the (Iats need to
find him quickly and start inten—
sive training.

A learned basketballtarian
should realize that, this early in
the season, rankings amount to
Bob Dole's interest in the Smash
ing Pumpkins.

Good thing for UK the only
polls that really matter come at the
end of the year. There's time to
organize. (iet some plays down.
Learn the half—court offense and
perfect the press. Grow up a bit.

I think you'll see a different
team next semester, after Pitino
has unlimited hours to spend
drilling the Cats without those
petty classes to worry about.

To see how far they've come,
watch the Florida game the night
before classes begin again.

The ultimate date in the “Wild-
cat year will be at Arkansas. Play
tough there, you play tough any—
where. As things stand, the VVild—
cats look as if they're still trying to
get it together.
x’lo‘rmmt .\ [nudging Editor '1 :y Halpm ix

dV/Ull77lrllla7ll .rmior.





WMMMmhMM dWWwWdeafirerpfi-flwm.melfr/wW/Mymnamblmwuw W.Mmu
Wbcmflw mmmmyo ImiWWMuWMMhWM, hrulivmluafi IfivnamMeonIyMMw-imumm-Muwu ommmnummmhm
. WWW“ mmhbwhev'm wmymmnwwmnmmmmmywvmm
) 1 / g Q 0



















wk .ssenswnfr'sxg ‘

MR. ,<
u. p," ,_.
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.,. ,, a . m anew-“mm... ..... . ,.,

Wildcats to battle Boston ii. 1,

By Bretl Dawson
Spam I idltm'

You'll have to excuse Boston
University’s basketball players if
they have the slightest case of
stage fright this weekend.

Boston, you see, has played
four games this season, in front of
a total of 11,974 fans. The Terri—
ers (3-1) will see a sea of more
than twice that ruany blue-clad
UK fans when they visit Rupp
Arena on Saturday night for an 8
p.m. game with the seventh-
ranked \Vildcats (3 ~ I ).

I’or UK's players, Boston U.
probably will provide very little
stress. The (Iats, after all, are
coming offa trio of games against
quality opponents, including back—
to~back games with perennial
powers UCLA and Indiana.

For UK's coach. though, the
game will have slightly tnore
meaning. Boston was the first stop
on Rick Pitino's tour of head
coaching jobs. Pitino, in his sixth
season at UK, coached the Terri~
ers to a 91—51 record from 1978 to

Pitino’s concerns, though, are
with his current team, one that
appears on the verge of scraping
its vast potential, according to
Pitino, particularly when you take
into account L’K’s 73-70 win over
Indiana on \Vednesday.



Team statistics

tilt OpponeMs
.442 Field Goal Percentage .428
.762 Free-Throw Percentage .743
.346 Three-Point Percentage .304
89.3 Points Per Game 69.0
38.3 Rebounds Per Game 36.5
14.3 Off. Rebounds Per Game 11.8 '“’
17.8 Assists Per Game 11.0 Wake"
12.0 Turnovers Per Game 24.8

5.6 Blocks Per Game 3.3
13.0 Steals Per Game 4.5

,..._,.. ~m-w-u-M c ._

The \Vildcats put it together
defensively in that effort, holding
forcing Indiana’s ball—control
offense into 24 turnovers.

But even though UK gave the
ball to [U only 13 times on the
game, the Cats have sotne strides
to make offensively, as evidenced
by their 38 per—
cent shooting on
\Vednesday night.

As long as UK
can keep winning
while it waits for
the offense to
come around,
though, Pitino
will be happy.

“\Ve will shoot
better," Pitino said. “What we've
been trying to preach with this
basketball team is to win with your

“inning with defense against
Boston starts with an effort against
()-foot-5 sophomore forward
Tunji Awojobi, the Terriers’ lead-
ing scorer.

Awojobi averages 20.5 points
and 11 rebounds :1 game and has
led Boston in scoring in each ofits
first four games.

But Boston, whose three wins
have come over the likes of Rider,
Army and North Texas, has only



two other players scoring in dou-‘

ble figures.

.. . awn-‘4’. . .—

One of them, David Stiff, a 6-
foot-‘) forward, is the Terriers’

Boston doesn’t resort to firing up
the three—point-


tallest player. "K -« er with regulari—
Among t e 13 30510 tv. When the
players on vs. n "I Terriers fire it
Boston's roster, Tomorrow, 8P-m-y up though they
nonte is listed as a Rupp Arena can knock it
CC" er. down effectively.
,Uk rtebably Boston U. (3-1) Boston has hit
Will be “mired ‘0 Possible Starters: Pts: itch: the 1m. n m-
only one true GSteveEhretsman 8,8 32 her 5f Aime“ as
. , GJames Schwartz 5.0 12 U 5 ‘
ten. er tomorrow, GDavid Wallace 50 1.2 UK (27) in 21
tumor Mark F Tunii Awoiobi 20.5 11.0 f .
Pope. Andre F Dave Shit 12.0 7.5 Wile} attempts.
Riddick is still glgtgm'sbiremginsgtéfi: pggmaia Beg. h [he h (vats,
suffering from -- . U58 elaye m9. - .JO n fennan,l. , t “ugh, avcn‘t
back spasms, and gdbgaegrbnggon. 1.0, Danny Comoo, Kenny been shooting
the 6efoot-9 quite as many of
senior, who UK(3'1) the long bombs
played only one Possible Starters: p“. Rah: as Il'iCii'. coach
nunute against GAnihony Epps 9.3 1.8 would like to
Indiana, roba— GIORY Delk 130 2-3 N '
blv will ti; out CMark Pope 103 8'3 5f:- Ot P“? m
. , , FRodricthodes 12.8 2.3 t C 1mm”
until next 53“?“ FWalter McCarty 13.8 63 game at least.
day’s game With Reserves: Jared Prickett. 9.0 ppg; Andre UK wt ’8
Marshall. Riddick, 2.8. Jeit Sheppard, 7.3;Antoine ‘ . l h ".
Both R‘ d d‘ ‘k Walker. 80, Alien Edwards, 2.0; Cameron Mills threes I" t C a”
l 'L 7.0. Scott Padgett 00; Chris Harrison, 00. against the
and Pope were . Hoosiers but
plagued by knee TV: Chann9127.hve. h d l» " . .
injuries in the a men averag—




. “Our offense will come
around,” Pitino said. “But we've
had the unfortunate situation of
having two centers out for a

Though they lack big men,

ing only 18
attempts a game before “’ednes-
day’s game.

“If we could shoot 23 to 35
threes a game, that would be about
right," Pitino said. “Seventeen is
not enough for us."


Kentucky Ktrm'l, Friday, December 9, l 994 .



JOSEPH HEY AU Krtvrr/ duff

HOME AGAlNflrrt'd I’r‘rt‘lt'ctt run] the UK lw/«ctlwl/ tor/)1 return to Kit/7p

Art'rm tomorrow Night to take on Boston L'II/I'crivrtv. (ill/m time it .8’ pm.






UK’s Tony Delk is in a shooting slump. The junior guard shot 5-tor-19 against Indi-
ana on Wednesday, and his shooting percentage has dropped to 44.9 percent, and

4 he is hitting just 29 percent 01 his three-pointers. Boston's top guard is Tremain

Byrd, who is averaging 13.8 points per game and is 10-ot-18 on threes.


. Boston's top scoring threat is 6-toot~5 swingman Tunji Awojobi, who averages 20.5

points an outing. Awojobi is more a threat near the basket, though, and his size
could give him difficulty against UK swingmen Rodrick Rhodes (6-ioot-7) and

Nine Boston players are average 10 or more minutes per game. Walker and Jeit
Sheppard have given UK solid minutes oil the bench in the past two games, and
former starter Jared Prickett has been moved into a reserve role due to the steady

Rick Pitino began his career as a head coach at Boston, where he was 91-51 in

Antoine Walker (6-ioot-8).

play oi forward Walter McCarty.

1 five seasons. The Terriers’ head coach, Dennis Woiii, is in his first season at

Boston U. UK won the only previous meeting between the two schools, beating
Boston 81-69 in Rupp Arena on Dec. 20, 1986. Pitino also is 1-0 against Boston.
History is on UK’s side — the Cats haven’t lost to a nonoconterence opponent in
Rupp Arena in 21 straight games. Their last such loss was an 85-67 loss to Pitts-

burgh on Nov. 22. 1991.











Team statistics
8“ Opponents
.524 Field Goal Percentage .413
.703 Free-Throw Percentage .743
.404 Three-Point Percentage .297
80.8 Points Per Game 76.0
39.2 Rebounds Per Game 33.5
11.0 Off. Rebounds Per Game 12.5
22.0 Assists Per Game 20.3
18.5 Turnovers Per Game 15.3
6.3 Blocks Per Game 2.5
6.0 Steals Per Game 9.8





Epps deserves big

meat/from Santa
From PAGE 2

For Louisville basketball coach
Denny Crum, a calender. Any
kind will do, just so long as it lets
Denny know that 1995 Is coming
up and that it'll soon be a decade
since his last national title team,
also his last team to make more
than a peep in the NCAA Tourna—
ment. Being the cheery holiday
type I am, I hate be the bearer of
bad tidings, but the game‘s zoom—
ing by you, Denny.



For UK point guard Anthony
E ps, a break from his diet on
(I ristmas day.

Florida State football coach
Bobby Bowden and Alabama
(Ioach Gene Stallings have been
pretty bad lately, so they really
don’t deserve much but a big lump
of coal apiece. Make that two
lumps of coal apiece -— they could
use the math lesson.

For Pittsburgh basketball coach
Ralph Willard, three or four
dynamite recruitin r classes and
the patience to ma 'e it through
this most trying of se