xt795x25bf6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt795x25bf6v/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1987 Volume 11 -- Number 20 athletic publications English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1986-1987) coaches Sutton, Eddie players Bennett, Winston UK vs. LSU (January 18, 1987) assistant athletic directors Ham, Frank DeFilippo, Eugene statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause, "January 24, 1987" text The Cats' Pause, "January 24, 1987" 1987 2012 true xt795x25bf6v section xt795x25bf6v White Lightning Strikes Down UK In K-town.
seventy-five cents per copy fflargaret !. King Library" I
University of Kentuck . , l^Ktafton, Ktntuciry 40506^
The Cats' Pause
spotlighting university of kentucky and southeastern conference'
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PUBLICATION NO. USPS 707340 Published By WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY P.O.Box 7297 Lexington. Kentucky 40522 Second Class Postage Paid at Lexington, Kentucky 40511 and additional Mailing offices
Editor and Publisher
Staff Writer NICK NICHOLAS Staff Writer MIKE ESTEP Staff Writer TODD HALLUM Composition Coordinator WINFRED JENNINGS National Recruiting Columnist BOB GIBBONS Columnist LARRY VAUGHT State Columnist BOB WATKINS National Basketball Columnist LARRY DONALD
Columnist MEL HOLBROOK SEC Columnist STAN TORGERSON Columnist DICKY BEAL Kentucky Basketball Recruiting RICK BOLUS Contributing Columnist
JAMIE VAUGHT Sport Hobby Columnist JACK MAIDEN Business Manager
DONNA COMBS Staff Photographer GARY CROMWELL Staff Photographer CLARENCE MILLER JR. Circulation Coordinator
Published Weekly: Sept. 13-April 11 Monthly: May, June, July, August
Advertising Representative WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY 2625 Regency Road Lexington, Kentucky 40503
Subscription Price $25.00 per year in USA $35.00 per year in Canada Phone:(606)278-3474
Postmaster: Send Address Changes to THE CATS' PAUSE, P.O. Box 7297, Lexington, Kentucky 40522
Former UK Grid Player Arrested On Felony Charge
Former Kentucky Wildcat football player Brian Allen Williams was arrested last December 3 on a felony charge of theft by unlawful taking of $3,900, according to Fayette District Court records. Reportedly, Williams was arrested for trying to steal money from Central Bank & Trust.
He worked at the branch located at Reynolds and Nicholasville Road.
In a story published in last week's Louisville Courier-Journal, Williams was said to have pleaded guilty (Dec. 23) to an amended charge of criminal aternpted theft by unlawful taking.
Williams, a defensive end on the Wildcats' squad from 1982 to 1985, was sentenced to serve five days of a six-month term. According to the paper's reports, his final day in the Fayette Detention Center was last Thursday (Jan. 8).
The former Wildcat under Jerry Claiborne was a member of the all-SEC academic team. He also was an all-state selection from Mid-dlesboro HS.
Agreeing to the reduced charges was the Fayette County prosecutor's office. According to Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney Mike Malone, the office also recommended the sentence after Williams, a teller, paid back Central Bank & Trust Company.
Ex-Wildcat Brian Williams
Kentucky Basketball Stats
At?..... rrt _______\
(thru 10 games)
CHAPMAN, REX 10 10 333 33.3 63 133 47.4 29 60 48.3 14 23 60.9 19 1 .9 14 1 33 20 3 15 169 16.9
DAVENDER, ED 10 10 331 33.1 51 116 44.0 2 23 8.7 46 60 76.7 36 3 6 20 1 32 21 - 17 150 15.0
MILLER, DERRICK 10 203 20.3 31 64 48.4 18 38 47.4 6 13 46.2 36 3 6 15 - 6 15 2 7 86 8.6
LOCK, ROBERT 10 7 229 22.9 34 56 60. 7 - _ 11 25 44.0 55 5 5 32 1 4 14 11 8 79 7.9
MADISON, RICHARD 10 6 330 33.0 29 54 53.7 - 1 19 31 61.3 82 8 2 27 1 19 22 4 4 77 7.7
BLACKMON, JAMES 10 10 270 27.0 27 54 50.0 6 18 33.3 U 23 47.8 27 2 7 32 1 24 13 1 15 71 7.1
THOMAS, IRVING 10 7 222 22.2 23 46 50.0 - - 13 27 48.1 48 4 8 33 2 9 20 3 8 59 5.9
ANDREWS, PAUL 5 61 12.2 2 4 50.0 - - 1 2 50.0 3 6 4 - 2 2 _ 3 5 1.0
SHIGG, TERRY 3 7 2.3 1 4 25.0 3 1 0 2 . 7
JENKINS, CEDRIC 4 7 1.8 - - - - - - _ _ _ I _ _
BRUCE, STEVE 3 7 2.3 - 2 - - 1 - 1 2 7 1 -
TEAM 1 1 1 1 _ _ -
WILDCATS 10 2000 200. 261 533 49.0 55 141 39.0 121 205 59.0 322 32 2 178 7 129 128 24_ 698 69.8
OPPONENTS to 2000 200. 241 539 44.7 29 86 33.7 122 175 69.7 320 32 0 208 9 110 163 17 56 633 63.3
Chapman, Davender Are UK's One-Two Punch; Rookie Duo Of Rex And Derrick Lead Wildcats In Three-Point Shooting ^77/y (do/As'
Will Latest NCAA Changes Have An Effect!
It'll never be the same.
Some college coaches are repeating those words today after the annual NCAA convention delegates made a sweeping number of changes last week in San Diego.
Among other things, the NCAA decided to eliminate the part-time basketball coach, reduce the number of basketball scholarships from 15 to 13, reduce from 30 to 25 the number of football scholarship signees each year and reduced the length of off-campus recruiting periods and abolished all booster contact with recruits.
Everyone agree the decisions are an attempt to reduce athletic costs and/or reduce cheating on the college scene.
Most everyone also agree that the changes will not eliminate cheating and most likely will not achieve their intent.
With that in mind, one has to ask the question, "if it won't cure the ills, why make the changes?"
Let's examine some of the changes.
Eliminating the part-time basketball coaching positionThis move was
made because football supporters noted that basketball teams already have a full-time coach for each five players on a team while the ratio is over 1-9 in football.
The new rule is grossly unfair for schools which do not have a large local population basis. Schools in big cities like Chicago, New York. Los Angeles, etc.. won't suffer as much as schools which must recruit nationally and have small population bases like Auburn, Mississippi State, etc.
Quite frankly, there's no way a team can recruit nationally if it doesn't have at least two recruiters on the road. If the part-time coach is eliminated (and it has been now), then one of the two on-the-road recruiters will now have to remain at home to become more in-vovled in the day-to-day operation.
Reduce by half the length of off-campus recruiting periods for football and basketballThis is a highly debatable issue.
On one hand, the cutback will be a blessing to the thousands of recruits who are hounded almost daily by big-time college recruiters.
And it will certainly save schools lots of money. No doubt about that.
The only problem with this rule change is that some prep seniors who are visited by college coaches will not be visited by the big names in the future.
Many coaches won't have the time to visit with the second-line prospects they've visited in the past. The coaches will continue to concentrate on the blue-chippers and the cutback in the recruiting period will leave some kids feeling they're second class recruits.
Changing the player complimentary ticket policy to allow a player to give away one ticket to anyone the player wishesPrior to the rule change a player could only allow his immediate family or a fellow student to use his four game tickets. If the player had a favorite uncle, or a girlfriend who wasn't a student, they were prohibited from using a player's ticket. All that has changed now with the rule.
The only problem with the new rule is that
it should extend to all four tickets, not just one. C'mon, give the kids a break.
Boosters banned from all contact with recruits, including a ban on even writing a letterThose voting delegates have got to be kidding about this one.
How in the world is anyone going to be able to monitor who writes and signs a letter?
Proponents of the rule admit the rule is unenforceable, but claim the legislation is in the right direction and will discourage booster involvement. If they believe that, I've got some excellent strip mine land that can be had real cheap up in eastern Kentucky.
More next week on other NCAA changes.
The wild, wild Southeastern Conference
race. That's the way it's going to be all season long this winter.
Going into last Saturday's action, Alabama was atop the league standings with a 3-0 season, tied with Florida which enjoyed the same mark. Vanderbilt was third with Auburn and Tennessee tied for third.
In the second division were the likes of Kentucky, Georgia, and LSU along with Ole Miss and Mississippi State.
But the most startling news out of the early conference race has been the ability of teams to win on the road.
Kentucky was beaten the only two times it had played home games (Georgia at Louisville and 'Bama at Rupp).
Georgia has played much the same way and its only win came on the road and two of its three losses have come in Athens.
So Far SEC Race Has Been A Wild Affair
Vanderbilt, which had been one of the early surprises in the SEC, was expected to be virtually unbeatable at home, then promptly was unpet by Tennessee in Nashville and had to fight for its life before overcoming pesky Ole Miss last week in Nashville.
It's certainly to early to predict a winner, but it's not too early to tell Wimp Sanderson what he can do with his wimping about not being very good. Those Crimson Tiders have plenty of firepower and that 14-point loss pinned on UK is evidence enough that the Tide will be in the hunt to the very end.
HITS AND MISSES ... One of the first visitors to the Kentucky team in Knoxville over the weekend was former Wildcat Chris Gettlefinger who played for the 'Cats back in the late seventies. Chris, who now resides in K-town. remains a big Kentucky fan. "I really miss UK," said Chris. "There is only one place in the world to play basketball and that's Kentucky . . . What a year for ex-Wildcat football assistant John Cooper, the man who was a big factor in the 1976 team which defeated North Carolina in the Peach Bowl. After that season, the defensive whiz moved on to Tulsa where he worked wonders and then on to Arizona State where he almost took the Sun Devils to the Rose Bowl in his second year. A last minute field goal prevented that, but Cooper's team enjoyed a banner year this time, including a victory in the Rose Bowl. Cooper was interviewed for the UK job after Fran Curci was fired five years ago, but Kentucky chose Jerry Claiborne, a UK alum who had fashioned several bowl teams at Virginia Tech and Maryland . . . Media types in Atlanta are still buzzing over Louisville coach Howard Schnellenberger's denial that he had approached anyone about any coaching job in recents weeks. One Atlanta newspaper over the weekend noted that Atlanta Falcons top brass was unavailable at the same time that Howard was changing plans in Atlanta last Wednesday. The columnist mused, perhaps it was just coincidential. Media types in both Louisville and Lexington are yet to address the report that Howard was ready to take the Florida State job if Bobby Bowden had been named the Alabama coach. UL officials have suggested that all the uproar over Howard's wandering will actually help the Cards in recruiting because his name has been associated with some big-name situations. Humm . . . Kentucky may have been 1-2 in the SEC race prior to the Tennessee game, but Knoxville sports writers were still predicting a race among Alabama, Florida, Auburn and Kentucky . . . UT officials say they expect to have their 25,000-seat basketball arena completed by November, but the Vols may wait until the beginning of the SEC race in January before they open up the facility . . . When Todd Ziegler announced his intentions to transfer to Western Kentucky University last week, he became the second UK player in the eighties to transfer to the Bowling Green school. Back in 1983, Indiana product Mike Ballenger left Kentucky for WKU. He played there two years before giving up the roundball sport to concentrate on baseball his final year.
1 97/e ' &au&&
Lot tors To Th Editor
Too Much U of L
Dear Sir:
I've enjoyed your magazine greatly over almost the entire time you've been publishing and I wish to renew for another year.
But I don't feel that you are really listening to many readers complaints about columnist Bob Watkins. I, too, feel he is much too pro-U of L in his columns, to the detriment of UK. And UK is what I subscribe fornot U of L. Bluntly speaking, I wish he were replaced by Jim Griesch, whom I did like.
I hate to write this kind of item but I do get kind of "rankled" by Mr. Watkins writings. Frankly, I could do without him.
Marvin R. White Lexington. Kentucky
Eddie's America's Best
Dear Sir:
As two "True Blue Fans" who just happen to live in the heart of ACC country, your publication is like a breath of fresh air when it arrives in our mailbox. After reading the letter in the 12-27-86 issue from Mr. Robert Dishman of Jeffersonville, Ind., titled "Put Up Or Shut Up" we felt compelled to respond.
Well, here it is 6 p.m. on 12-27-86 and in answer to Mr. Dishman, we now know once and for all that UK is the real Kentucky team. We think that today's game proved that
Eddie's No. 1
last year's win at home was not luck, as Mr. Dishman, suggested, but pure talent. After all, today's home court advantage didn't seem to help UL did it. Mr. Sutton certainly did shut up Mr. Crum and Mr. Dishman today. Mr. Crum maybe America's Coach, according to Mr. Dishman, however Eddie Sutton proved today he is America's Best Coach!
Our applause to Coach Sutton and the Wildcats for your impressive win today! We will be "True Blue Fans" forever!
Ray and Pam Hislope Raleigh, N.C.
Searching Tourney Trail For Prospects
Plenty Of Preps Familiar To TCP Readers
Since Thanksgiving I have scouted top high school players and teams in Chicago, Cincinnati. Louisville, Lexington, Ft. Wayne, South Bend, St. Louis and Pine Bluff. After seeing over 50 tournament games, here is my list of top prospects:
LaGrange (III.) Lyons Tournament (Nov. 26-29)
Marcus Liberty 6-8 Sr. Chicago (III.) M.L. King Tony White 6-1 Jr. So. Holland (III.) Thornwood
Eric Anderson 6-9 Jr. Chi. (III.) St. Francis DeSales
Rick Bolus
Cats' Pause Columnist
Jamie Brandon Johnny Selvie
6-3 6-6
Fr. Fr.
Chicago (III.) M.L Chicago (III.) M.L
King King
Naperville (III.) Central Tournament (Nov. 24-29)
Curtis Stuckey 6-0 Sr. Peoria (III.) Manual
Sam Mack 6-5 Sr. Dolton (III.) Thornridge
David Booth 6-5 Jr. Peoria (III.) Manual
Dave Mitidiero 6-7 Sr. Lockport (III.) High
Maurice Hamilton 6-4 Sr. Lockport (III.) High
Mike Clark 6-4 Sr. Dolton (III.) Thornridge
Cincinnati "Blue Chip
Dennis Scott Chris Cochiani Deron Feldhaus Ruye Glass
6-6 6-0 6-7 6-3
Sr. Sr. Sr. Sr.
' Invitational (Dec. 6)
Oakton (Va.) Flint Hill Hialeah (Fla.) Miami Lakes Maysville (Ky.) Mason County Hialeah (Fla.) Miami Lakes
Chip Jones *Dwayne Brown
Sean Sutton
6-1 Jr. Cincinnati (Ohio) Woodward 6-3 Sr. St. Louis (Mo.) Vashon
Pleasure Ridge Park (Ky.) Panther Classic (Dec. 13)
Paintsville (Ky.) High Louisville (Ky.) PRP Springfield (Ky.) Wash. Co. Owensboro (Ky.) Senior Louisville (Ky.) Doss Springfield (Ky.) Wash. Co.
Hyattsville (Md.) DeMatha East St. Louis (III.) Lincoln Venice (111.) High Memphis (Tenn.) Central Hyattsville (Md.) DeMatha St. Louis (Mo.) Vashon
Lexington Thoroughbred Classic (Dec. 20)
Eric Manuel 6-6 Sr. Macon (Ga.) Southwest
John Pelphrey 6-7 Sr.
Desmond Porter 6-3 Sr.
Kevin Ellery 6-5 Sr.
David Hogg 6-3 Sr.
Brandy Monks 6-6 Sr.
*Glen Statesman 6-3 Sr.
St. Louis 7 -Up
Jerrod Mustaf 6-10 Jr.
Laphonso Ellis 6-9 Jr.
Jesse Hall 6-3 Sr
Roland Ware 6-6 Jr.
John Gwynn 6-0 Sr
"Dwayne Brown 6-3 Sr
Jay Edwards 6-5 Sr. Marion (Ind.) High
Lyndon Jones 6-3 Sr. Marion (Ind.) High
Deron Feldhaus 6-7 Sr. Maysville (Ky.) Mason Co.
Sean Sutton 6-2 Sr. Lexington (Ky.) Henry Clay
Daric Keys 6-6 Sr. Marion (Ind.) High
"Prince Stewart 5-11 Sr. Lexington (Ky.) Lafayette
Louisville King of the Bluegrass Tournament (Dec. 26-27)
John Pelphrey Allan Houston Desmond Porter Matt Eitutis Blake Miles
6-7 Sr. Paintsville (Ky.) High
6-4 So. Louisville (Ky.) Ballard
6-3 Sr. Louisville (Ky.) PRP
6-8 Sr. Radcliff (Ky.) North Hardin
6-7 Sr. Tallahasse (Fla.) Maclay
LeRon Ellis
Kevin Ellery 6-5 Sr. Springfield (Ky.) Wash. Co.
Stanley Shelby 6-3 Sr. Radcliff (Ky.) North Hardin
Donald Tivis 5-10 Sr. Paducah (Ky.) Tilghman
Craig Jordan 6-8 Sr. Seattle (Wash.) Garfield
Jeff Quarles 6-2 Sr. Hopkinsville (Ky.) High
Kenny Phelps 6-0 So. Louisville (Ky.) Male
Hillside (III.) Proviso West Tournament (Dec. 26-30)
Marcus Liberty 6-8 Sr. Chicago (III.) M.L. King
Jamie Brandon 6-3 Fr. Chicago (III.) M.L. King
Alonzo Verge 6-0 Jr. Hillside (III.) Proviso West
Pat Tompkins 6-5 Sr. Waukegan (III.) East
Antoine Davidson 6-9 Jr. Chicago (III.) Collins
Emmett Lynch 6-2 Sr. Chicago (III.) M.L. King
Karl Anderson 6-8 Sr. Chicago (III.) M.L. King
Brian Molis 6-4 Sr. Westchester (III.) St. Joseph
Clifford Scales 6-2 Sr. Westchester (III.) St. Joseph
Sherman Holmes 6-4 Jr. Chicago (III.) Phillips
Johnny Selvie 6-6 Fr. Chicago (III.) M.L. King
Semifinals of Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Holiday Tournament (Dec. 26-27)
Chris Lovelace 6-9 Jr. Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Northrop
J.C. Harris 6-8 Jr. Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Northrop
Tommy Smith 6-5 Jr. Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Northside
*Doug Reincke 6-8 So. Ft. Wayne (Ind.) Concordia
Finals of South Bend Holiday Tournament (Dec. 27)
Alphonso Mack 5-9 Jr. South Bend (Ind.) Adams
Tony Wilson 6-2 Sr. South Bend (Ind.) Adams
Herman Smith 6-6 Sr. South Bend (Ind.) LaSalle
*Len Kalber 6-8 Jr. South Bend (Ind.) Adams
Pine Bluff (Ark.) King Cotton Tournament (Dec. 30-Jan. 3)
Dennis Scott 6-7 Sr. Oakton (Va.) Flint Hill
LeRon Ellis 6-11 Sr. Santa Ana (Calif.) Mater Dei
Richard Dumas 6-7 Sr. Tulsa (Okla.) B.T. Washington
Chris Corchiani 6-0 Sr. Hialeah (Fla.) Miami Lakes
John Crotty 6-2 Sr. Lincroft (N.J.) Christian Bros.
Sean Sutton 6-2 Sr. Lexington (Ky.) Henry Clay
Ernest Smith 6-5 Jr. Memphis (Tenn.) Whitehaven
Ruye Glass 6-3 Sr. Hialeah (Fla.) Miami Lakes
Aaron Bain 6-6 So. Oakton (Va.) Flint Hill
Derrick Knowles 6-8 Sr. Hialeah (Fla.) Miami Lakes
Rodney Peel 5-10 Sr. Little Rock (Ark.) Hall
* Top sleeper prospect from each tournament fA& (do/A;' (jBciu&&
Three-Point Shot Hot Topic With Media
Media, Fans Are Crazy About Bonus Baby
When I was a youngster growing up, I was a die-hard fan of the old American Basketball Association. Mainly because I loved the Kentucky Colonels, the red, white and blue "beach" ball and the three-point bombs.
Well, the Colonels are gone. So are the beach balls.
But the three-point field goal is still around. The National Basketball Association started to use it several years ago and finally the three-point shot has reached college basketball from coast to coast for the first time this season. (Of course, some conferences earlier had already employed the three-pointer on an experimental basis.)
^ 1 Jamie Vaught Cats' Pause Columnist
And, today you are fully aware that the new 19-foot, 9-inch three-point goal used in collegiate circles has become one of the hottest topics during morning coffee breaks. The distance of the three-pointer in college is four feet shorter than the line used in the NBA.
Some coaches are crying foul about this new rule.
But the fans and the news media, on the other hand, seem to love
Recently at Louisville's Freedom Hall, where Kentucky faced Georgia. I took an opportunity to find out if the sportscasters and sportswriters who cover the Wildcats on a regular basis really like the three-point downtown bombs.
Nine media representatives who happened to be available were interviewed, and not surprisingly, they all were overwhelmingly
NBA, College Three-Point Distances
in favor of the three-point baskets. But some suggested that the distance be moved back somewhat.
I would have liked to interview more journalists from around the state, but that would be an almost impossible task because of space limitations. So here are the nine responses:
Larry Vaught, sports editor of Danville Advocate-Messenger: " I think the three-point goal is the greatest thing to happen in years. And I hope it comes into the high schools. So, maybe the players will learn to shoot from the outside again instead of just dribble the ball, throw inside and fall back and play defense."
Bob Watkins, sports editor of Elizabethtown News-Enterprise: "I like the three-point shot, too, but it is too cheap at 19-feet, 9-inches. I think it is good to get away from brutal ball like we have been seeing for years from the inside. It (three-pointer) has made the game very exciting."
Oscar Combs, publisher and editor of The Cats' Pause: "1 think the three-point goal is the most innovative change in college basketball since the center jump. I like it. I don't think they should move it back. It has had a great impact but not as much as most people think. The people who watched the Kentucky-Louisville game will say it is too close. But that is one exception.
I think you have to look at the overall percentage over a given period of time, like say, a whole season. I think when you see that, you'll see that the percentage will probably be somewhere around 34-37 (percent). What it does is to bring the defense out and open up the inside game. It's going to create less injuries and it is going to allow the big people to play their game more than they have in the past.
"As far as people saying you don't deserve three points for a two-point shot that is an inch further back, well there may be some validity to that. But I think people are forgetting that the intent of the three-point goal is to make the teams play man-to-man defense.
ttM To Th* Ml tor
Bromley Says It Adds "Excitement"
More important than anything else, it has put finesse back into the game. That is the way the game was meant to be played."
Rob Bromely, sports director for Lexington's WKYT-TV:
"I think it has added a lot of excitement to the college game, And certainly the teams that have the good shooting guards are going to like it a lot more than those who don't. The thing I don't like about it, if I had to put my finger on one thing, it probably takes some of the coaching out of the game. I really hate to see that. But I think it is exciting. It's probably here to stay. They might move it out just a little bit."
Jim Kurk, sports editor of Somerset Commonwealth-Journal: "I think the three-pointer is great. It makes the game more exciting. It gives the team that is behind a better chance to catch up. At first, I thought it was too short, but I have changed my mind. If the line was moved out, I think the teams would be tempted to lay back into the zone. The intent of the rule was to open up the paint area. With the 19-foot, 9-inch line, the team will have to bring defense out or they'll get burned."
John McGill, sports columnist for Lexington Herald-Leaden "I like the three-point play, particularly with Rex Chapman playing the game these days, because it surely makes a lot more exciting games. I do agree that it should probably be moved back a little bit by next year, although I wouldn't move it back much. You don't want to get back to NBA distance, because then it won't be a factor at all. It is nice for it to be a factor. Maybe, it's a little too easy now. But maybe a foot more would be enough."
Dick Gabriel, sports manager of Lexington's WKYT-TV:
"I think it is too short. I don't mind the shot, but I think it is too cheap. It is so short that it has changed the flow of the game, the look of the game, and the feel of the game. I think the ideal length would be maybe 21-feet, 9-inches. The NBA is 23-9. This is 19-9. A good compromise would be 21-9. It would still be a factor, but it wouldn't be as prevalent in the game. It's an exciting play and it should be a part of the game, but not as big a part as now."
Jeff Neal, Sunday sports editor of Somerset Commonwealth-Journal: "I like it so far. It has put the outside player back into the game a little bit more. It's going to help the inside player also, because the defense will not be able to pack it in. I like it (the distance) where it is now."
Gene Abell, sports editor of Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer: "I like the three-point rule as a whole. As far as I can see, it adds excitement to the game and it has opened up the inside some. I "do wish it was about a foot or a foot and a half further back. I think it would be a lot more legitimate. A team that is hit ting 11 out of 17 such as Kentucky did (against Louisville) is somewhat of a farce. But that's to (UK coach Eddie) Sutton's credit that he knew how to take care of it or use the rule to his best advantage. But I do wish it was about 21 feet out. A real shooter would come out then."
UK Fans Have Class
Dear Sir:
In response to Denny Crum's allegation that UK fans were guilty of booing U of L and that U of L fans were not (booing UK), I say HOGWASH!!! Perhaps the fellow from California should have been at this year's Pegasus parade, and perhaps then he would have witnessed the fact that when the U of L players were paraded in front of the gathering, there was plenty of cheering from the U of L fans and some applause from UK fans, while only a few minutes later, he would have witnessed the UK cheerleaders being paraded, accompanied by cheering from the UK fans but also (and herein lies the difference) an unfortunate chorus of boos from the U of L fans.
That is the main difference between the fansclass, Mr. Crum, class!
This attitude is the reason why UK has so many more fans, which has to be considered an accurate measuring stick regarding the success of a program.
While I respect and cheer for the University of Cincinnati program (two NCAA championships), I don't believe theirs has stood the test of time to the same degree as UK's. Get the point, Mr. Crum?
I was raised to love UK like U of L a strong second; however, because of the immature behavior of many of it's fans, I no longer can cheer for the University of Second Street. I refer to them in that manner because they don't represent my hometown, the city that I love as much, if not more, than anyone.
In 1978, (UK's last NCAA championship) their celebration did not include any anti-U of L (or TU) banners or chants. IU conducted themselves in a similar manner at their last championship celebration because both programs show class. On the other hand, Mr. Crum, perhaps you forgot that in 1980, at U of L's celebration, one could hear many chants and see numerous banners saying "Big Blue where are you?" It reads here that that is bush league.
Mr. Crum also suggest that coach Sutton should study recent history. I suggest that Crum should realize that the whole history is more important than a portion of it; and in basketball vernacular, that means tradition. In that regard, I refer Mr. Crum to my earlier thoughts concerning Cincinnati.
Perhaps if Crum thinks that the whole of history is not important, then we can save the taxpayers a lot of money by firing the history teachers in our schools!
Mr. Crum thinks that we shouldn't have "all this verbal sparring" between the two schools. I suggest that while coach Sutton's pride in the most successful basketball program in the history of the game does not make him guilty of verbal sparring. At no time did he speak derogatorily of Crum's program. However, on the other hand, I submit that Crum is indeed guilty of verbal sparring simply from the mere fact that he inaccurately accused coach Sutton of verbal sparring. It was Crum who stated that he wouldn't have a midnight practice because he wanted his players in bed for studies. I wonder if Crum really thinks his players are in bed for studies. I wonder if Crum really thinks his players are in bed at midnight every night. Given the time zones of Alaska and Hawaii, I also wonder if Crum thinks his players were tucked in at midnight. Could it be that he is suffering from that old green-eyed monster?!!! But what would one expect from a person who said that Ricky Gallon was a better player than Mike Phillips and Rick Robey combined?
Thank You,
John P. Colson Louisville. Kentucky When You Order:
You Get
Game Statistics
Complete Wildcat Coverage
In Depth Features
Opponents Comments
35 Issues A Year
Yes, I am subscribing to The Cals' Pause! My check is enclosed, sales tax included
Recruiting Updates
Schedules And TV Times
Letters To The
MAIL TO: THE CATS' PAUSE P.O. Boa 7297 Lexington, KY 40522
But Most Important
You Get
The Bottom Line On UK Basketball Jastuary /7, /?o7
&7i& (Data' &aaA&
Proud Of Kentucky,
If you're proud to live and work in Kentucky, here's vour
J 9 J
chance to show it. In a big way.
Simply pick up your free Kentucky Pride button at your local SuperAmerica store, or at
any participating Ashland service station.
By ciisplaying your button, you'll be showing your pride in all the things that make our state so great. Along with thousands of other Kentuckians who feel the same way, too.
We have a lot to be proud of in Kentucky So, pick up your free button today, plus a copy of Jesse Stuart's poem, "Kentucky Is My Land." But hurry. Supplies are limited.
In Ashland's America, ^am^.
We Care About You Ashland In Everything We Do Fearless Predictions For New Year
UK To Win Hoop Title, FB 'Cats Struggle
Our best crystal ball has been polished and the nicks from last year have been removed. We have, therefore, donned our swami robe with the moon and stars inscribed thereon, place the pointed hat on our head with its mysterious symbols of wisdom, rabbits' feet, horseshoes and crossed fingers in order to see the future and predict 1987. A puff of smoke and here we go:
PREDICTION: There will be a terrific race for second place in the 1987-88 basketball season with Vanderbilt, Florida and LSU the favorites. There will be no race at all for first place. Kentucky can order their championship rings in the fall so they can be
Stan Torgerson Cats' Pause Columnist
presented to the players between halves of the season's final game.
PREDICTION: While the Wildcat basketball team celebrates perhaps its greatest recruiting year ever, football coach Jerry Claiborne will continue his relatively fruitless search for Kentucky athletes who realize it's as much fun to play a game with a pointed ball as it is a round one.
PREDICTION: New Southeastern Conference commissioner Harvey W. Schiller will realize he won't be a serious candidated for the NCAA's top job as long as he says silly things such as his recent statement that there's no cheating in the SEC.
PREDICTION: LSU's Dale Brown will continue to be the SEC's
best recruiter of talented basketball players with problems, and Kentucky's Eddie Sutton will continue to be the league's best recruiter, period.
PREDICTION: The loss of 10 scholarships through NCAA sanctions will not bother the Ole Miss well stockpiled football program at all. while the loss of TV and bowl revenue will cause the Rebels much hurt. Mississippi's athletic department may be the first in the country forced to consider bankruptcy.
PREDICTION: Auburn supporters will take up a collection in 1987 to buy a private telephone line to the school's academic office for coach Pat Dye so that he will know whether or not his players are going to class. When it was recently disclosed that star running back Brent Fullwood stopped attending school in October, Dye said that it was news to him.
PREDICTION: With quarterback Don Smith gone, Rocky Felker will wonder why he took the coaching job at Mississippi State.
PREDICTION: With other SEC teams loading up on talented basketball players, Richard Williams and Ed Murphy will wonder why they took the basketball jobs at Mississippi State and Ole Miss.
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