xt798s4jn18r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt798s4jn18r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19340302  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  2, 1934 1934 2013 true xt798s4jn18r section xt798s4jn18r Best Copy Available
















Band to Appear


More than 75 Attend Meet
and Enter in Discussion
After Principal Speech

Next Forum Will Be Held
Tuesday; "International
Relations" Is Subject
Mora than 79 students attended
the first student forum and heard
James Shropshire, director of student publication, speak on "Campus
Politics." Dr. Esther Cole, leader
of the group, opened a discussion
following the introduction of the
subject by Mr. Shropshire.
Students suggested that the cleanest way for campus politics to operate would be for a third party composed of students, independent of
their fraternities and sororities, to
meet and select candidates similar
to any third party movement.
It also was suggested that the two
groups now competing against each
other on the campus place more
consideration upon the merit of
their selection for class officers and
other important positions on the


As Feature of
Sunday Vesper

Students to Hear
Dr. H. L. Franklin
Dr. Barry Lee Franklin, 'American
consul in Germany for seven years
and now a graduate student at the
University, will speak from 1:15 to
1:30 p. m. today on "The Nazis and
Germany,'' from the University extension studios of WHAS on the
"Current Topics" program.
Doctor Franklin will address Professor Victor R. Portmann's class
in editing on "Oermany and Austria" between 9 and 10 a. m. Saturday in ttoom SO, McVey ball.

Buckner Addresses
Agriculture Group
Dr. O. Davis Buckner, chemist In
charge of animal nutrition at the
Agricultural Experiment station,
gave an address at the Block and
Bridle club smoker which was held
for Svuaents and faculty of the
College of Agriculture at 7:30 p. m.
Tueoaay at tne Dairy building. Doctor Buckner spoke on his visit to
the Wor.d s Poultry congress which
was held last fall In Rome.
Wane speaking of a short trip to
Pans, Doctor Buckner told of his
visit to the tomb of Pasteur, the
famous worker in preventive medicine. He said that Pasteur did most
of his great work after he had been
afflicted with paralysis.

The University concert band, under the direction of John Lewis,
Jr., will appear as guest artists on
the Vesper program In Memorial
hall at 4 p. m. Sunday,
Features of the program will be
Percy Lewis' cornet rendition of
Herbert Clarke's "Stars In a Velvety Sky," and Smith's "Three
Kings" played by the trumpet trio
composed of Ralph Winfrey, James
Miller, and Percy Lewis.
The Vesper service Sunday marks
the first appearance Of the Concert
band in Memorial hall this season.
They have been rehearsing for the
pas- t- three months and, according
to Prof. Carl Lampert, their program will be made up of a type of
music which everyone can enjoy.
Mr. Lewis came to the University from Winchester and now is assistant Instructor In the Music department. He is the son of John
Lewis, Sr., well known band master, and director of the Ashland
high school band.
The program follows: "Peter

Stephen Collins Foster, composer
of "My Old Kentucky Home," and
many other favorites of Kentuck-- I
lans, will be honored in a series of
13 musical radiocasts from the University of Kentucky extension studios of WHAS, Louisville, the first
of which will be presented today at

Four Years

U-- lll


TILTBY 31 T0 12


Gators Show Little of Flash
Displayed When They
Defeated Cats

Alabama's great quintette flashed
its best form of the tournament to
coast through the Florida 'Gators,
41 to 25, in a comparatively easy
game to win the Southeastern conference basketball
Tuesday night in Atlanta. This
makes the second conference title
In basketball that the Crimson Tide
has annexed In four vers, and together with their football championship of laH fall, it elves "Ole
Alabam" two major titles in the
Southeastern conference.
The game was rather uneventful
with Alabama taking the lead soon
after the game started. Walker and
Connaster showed superb form to
dominate the game and there was
no doubt during the majority of the
contest that the Crimson Tide would
again come out on top. .The Florida
team played a poor bat game type

Mortar Board and O. D. K. will

bold a Joint meeting
in White hall

at 4 p.

m. today

The Social committee of the Y.W.
OA. will meet at 3 p. m., Monday in
the Women's building.
There will be no meeting of the

Wednesday, March 7, nor will there
be another meeting until further
notice Iiom the president.


Lexington chapter, Order of D
Molay, will bold an Initiation at
1:30 pin. today at the Masonic
temple. Members of Delta Kappa
Alpha and Masons are Invited to



Each program will consist of a
running narration of Foster's life
including significant incidents relating to the composition of his
numbers, and music by a string trio,
a soprano trio, and baritone. In the
course of the 13 programs, 40 of
Foster's compositions will be used,
many of which are unfamiliar to
audiences of the present day. Special
arrangements have been prepared
for all those that preserve the original intentions of the composer, but
serve to bring out to the greatest
extent the character of the compositions.

The continuities containing the

narrations have been carefully
checked at Foster hall, research or-

ganization of Joslah K. Lilly, Indianapolis.
The personnel of the 8tephen
of ball, showing only at sporatic Collins Foster broadcasts consists of
type Combs Blanford, narrator; Richard
Intervals the "flash in the pan"
of basketball that gave them a great Allison, baritone; Ruby Dunn, Virupset win over an
ginia Murrell, and Helen Farmer,
Kentucky team which had twice soprano trio; Lee Crook, violin ; Lois
(Continued on Page Four)
Robinson, cello, and Mary Laytham,
Arrangements have- been made at
many points In Kentucky for persons who do not own radios to hear
A set has been
these programs.
Installed in the Browsing room of
the University library for this purpose. At Bards town, the Old Kentucky Home commission will have
Phi Upsilon Omicron Confers reception facilities available In "My
Honorary Membershio up- Old Kentucky Home."



on Dr. Elizabeth Farra,
Missionary to India




An article written by Dean Alvin
E. Evans of the Law school entitled
"Certain Evasive and Protective
Succession to
Devices Affecting
Decedents' Estates" has just appeared In the February Issue of the
Michigan Law Review.
The article deals with the question of whether persons Interested
under a will may refuse to have the
will probated, or may have the will
probated but refuse to follow its
terms, or may legally contract not
to contest a will. These are called
evasive devices by which the desires
of the testator are avoided. The
law also allows the testator certain protective devices one is the
device of contracting with all persons to whom be leaves legacies
that they will not contest the wllL
Another dlvlce Is the disposal of a
gift by the will on condition that
if the beneficiary shall contest the
will be shall lose this particular




Passage by both houses of the
Kentucky Assembly of the Educational Reorganization
bill has
, aroused
the curiosity of the Uni- -;
verslty students and others as how U. K. Freshman Basketball
it will affect the University. The Team Follows in Footsteps
following explanation has been gtv.
of Cats with 21
en by Dr. Leo Chamberlain, mem- -:
ber of the code committee which
drew up the bill, and head of the
Bureau of School Service at the
"Like father, like son.' The Kit"The University of Kentucky only tens
footwill be affected by the creation of steps are fast superiors,in the Cats.
of their
a council on higher education, They have Just completed a success
formed to
the work of
16 victories and no
the four state teachers colleges and ful season with
losses, which
record to
the University. Otherwise, the Un- 21 consecutive raises theirwon. The
iversity will not be affected mathe
terially," said Doctor Chamberlain. Frosh lost their last game toyear,
According to Article II of the Eastern freshman team last
but since have not lost to an outbill, this council on higher education will govern all Institutions of j sider. Yearlings
the unusual
higher learning for white people In record of scoring haveaverage
the state; namely, the University points per game for 16 games. of 50
of Kentucky and the four teachers'
colleges at Richmond, Bowling' garnered a total of 808 points to
adversaries' 339, which gives
Green, Murray, and Morehead. It their
half to
shall consist of the governor of the them a ratio of two and a highest
state, the president of the Univer- one. This is one of the counsity of Kentucky, the dean of the averages in this section of the
College of Education of the Uni- try, and is characteristic of a Kenversity, the presidents of the four tucky team.
In spite of the small number of
teachers' colleges, the superintendent of public instruction, three mem- aspirants that reported for the first
bers of the board of trustees of the practice, Coach Len Miller molded
University, one member of the the men into a combination that
board of regents of each' of the swept through all opposition, which
teachers' colleges, and two lay Included some of the best freshmen,
and high school teams in
members of the newly created state
the state and out.
(Continued on Page Four)
"Primo" Edwards, the big Indiana
center, was the backbone of
the freshman team, playing at the
pivot post He accounted for 315
points, which gave him an average
of 19.7 points per game. He is expected to give Lewis a race for the
center position next year which will
be vacated by DeMoisey.


all-st- ar

H. L.


Situ"The Austrian-Germa- n
ation" Is Topic of Address
Made to Political Science


Dr. Harry Lee Franklin spoke on

"The Austria - German Situation"

before the political science seminar
last night at the home of Dr. Amry
The seminar was
open to senior political science
majors -- aad- graduates students In
political science.
"Ever since the breaking up of
empire, Oerthe Austria-Hungamany has tried to annex Austria,"
Dr. Franklin declared, "but the
Austrian government has been very
clever In keeping the opinion of the
outside world In favor of Austria,
against the attempts of Oermany

Increasing President's Powers
as Settled Policy Is
Topic for Team



Austria Is Reviewed by Franklin

Through the outbreak of civil war
In Vienna on February 12, world
attention was once more focused on
Austria. Up
the tragedy of post-wto that time Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss,
Austria's dlmunltlve chancellor had
succeeded In winning the world's
sympathy (with exception of German Nazis) In his struggle against
such great odds with the Hitlerites
since last summer.
But through the ruthless suppression of Austrian Socialists In Vienna
and elsewhere who were acting in
self defense primarily and resulting
In the loss of more than 1,009 lives
including. In some cases, women and
children, the Dollfuss government
lost at one stroke the
moral support it had previously

Delta Kappa Alpha will hold a
meeting at 7:30 p m. Tuesday In gift.
Dicker hall. All members must atLoss of lives was also accompanied
tend as a change In the constitu- ALPIIA SIGS REPORT
HOUSE THEFT LOSS by wanton destruction of some of
tion will be discussed.
the model municipal apartment
Genera open house will be held
For the second time in less than houses for workers in Vienna, notthis afternoon In the Women's a month the chapter house of the ably the famous Karl Marx Hof,
building, from 4 to . Mrs. Lebus Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity, 314 housing some 2,000 families and conand members of the W S O A. will Transylvania park, was robbed last structed at a cost of over $4,000,000.
be hostesses. All students on the Tuesday night. Approximately MOO Now Socialist families are being
campus are Invited to attend.
In cash and a radio valued at 125.00 ejected from the remalnlnt intac'
apartment houses and replaced by
were taken.
Those losing money were B. Ouy government supporters. These deChi Delta Phi will have a called
meeting at I p. m. today in the Hale, Woodrow Holbrook, and O. R velopments have so embittered the
Women'! building and at 4 p. m. Sproles, and R. Ernest Hatfield, Socialists that, according to recent
press dispatches, many art going
owner of the radio.
Sunday at the Canary Cottage.


Wildcats Select Leaders for
Next Year's Basketball
Team at Dinner


at affair


200 Attend
Banquet for Ropp'g

Jack Tucker and Dave Lawrence,
forwards on this year's Wildcat basketball team, were named
of the Kentucky squad tor
next year at the annual Lexington
Alumni banquet for the basketball
team held last night at the Phoenix
hotel. More than 200 persons were
present to witness the presentation
of letters to 11 varsity r layers and

numerals to 10 freshmer
Letter men are: Capt. John DeMoisey, Garland Lewis, Dave Lawr
ence, Sam Potter, Evan Settle, Her
bert Jerome, Jack Tucker, Berkley

Davis. Milerd Anderson, C. D. Blair,
and BUI Davis. A letter also was
given to Carey Burchett, manager.
George Campbell was named manager for next year.
Freshman numerals were awarded
to Ralph Carlisle, Charles Young,
W. Donahue, Leroy Edwards, James
Goforth, Russell Ellington, Charles
Heinrich, P. Bliss, J. Atkinson, and
Howard Dale.
S. A. "Daddy" Boles made the

presentation of the varsity letters,
and Len Miller, freshman coach.
awarded the numerals. Miss Marguerite McLaughlin presided as
toastmistress for the occasion.
Speeches were made by Pres. Frank
L. McVey, Coach Adolph Rupp, and
retiring captain, John "Frenchy"

V. K. Raw ball Revived
An appropriation of $600 for a
University baseball team was made
yesterday afternoon by the Athletic
council. Lysle Croft will coach the
team which will be the first group
to represent the University In baseball since 1931. Practice will be
held at Eppings Park.

Dr. II. L. Donovan Is
Honored by Group
Dr. H. L. Donovan, recipient ef an
degree of Doctor of Laws
the University last year and
president of Eastern Kentucky State
Teachers college, was elected to the
presidency of the American Association of Teachers Colleges at Its annual meeting' at Cleveland,



The University debating team will
meet the Centre college debaters tonight at 7:30 In McVey hall on the
proposition, resolved: "That the
Powers of the President Should be
Substantially Increased As.
to carry on propaganda to get an- Policy." Marvin 8. Moore. a Settled
With the Nazi revolu- ton, Ky., and Stanley B. Zuckerman,
tion, German propaganda has be- New York, will take the affirmative
come more intense than ever before.
Dolfuss had to choose between the side forUniversity
debaters will en
support of France or Italy, and he gage
the University of Florida, Tues- apparently choose Italy," ne conp.
Iday, March at 7:30 m. in at 7:30
Wednesday, March 7
"Unless solution is found to eco- p.
McVey hall, the University
m. in
nomic problems in the form of a
custom's union, Austria may still go i will engage Davidson college of
to the Nazi side," Doctor Franklin North Carolina in debate here. same
proposition in each class is the
as In the first debate.
Webster Cosse will represent the
CWA Checks Will
University in the annual oratorical
Asbury college,
Be Received Soon contest atnight. His subjectWilmore,
will be
"The Third Way."
Dean of Men T. T. Jones today
announced that the checks from the
Civil Works Administration in pay- Law
ment for services of students workAthletic
ing upon the campus projects are
expected to be sent in the near
future. Dean Jones explained the R e p r e sentative Introduces
delay as being due to the fact that
Joker BiU Petitioning
the projects were under Federal
U. K. "Sports"
supervision which necessitates a
little delay in clearing the State
In line with the resolution passed
Administrators office. Student last week by the House of Represoon as
checks will be distributed as
sentatives asking the University of
the checks are received by Dean Kentucky to resume athletic rela-- !
tions with Centre college, the follqw- I
Joker was introduced In the House
Monday by Henry Ward (D), Pa
ducah. It reads:
Whereas, the University of Ken
tucky is an institution supported by
taxes paid by the citizens of this
Commonwealth; and
Whereas, the citizens of this Com-- (
over to the Nazis in revenge for ence. Both are fundamentally optreatment received, and what Is posed to the parliamentarian or monwealth find that their continued
more deplorable the Impetus for a democratic form of government and life, liberty, and the pursuit of
communistlo movement, previously to Marxian socialism. But the Aus- happiness is contingent upon the
in Vienna or elsewhere trian Fascists, under their leader resumption of athletic relations be- -;
In Austria, has assumed definite Prince Ernst von Starhemberg and tween said University of Kentucky
their representative In the Cabinet, and Centre college; Therefore,
Be It Resolved: That the House of
MaJ. Fey, are for the
Most informed observers of Austrian affairs Incline to the opinion maintenance of Austria's Indepen- I Representatives petition the University of Kentucky to engage In a
that the government's suppression dence at all costs.
On the other hand, the Austrian post -- season basketball game this year
of Austrian Socialists was the
of a pledge given Mussolini Nazis are simply a branch of the with Centre college, and before the
In return for the tatter's support In German Nazi party now In supreme end of the current year that conopposing the country's absorption control In Germany. They desire tests be held in the following sports:
hop scotch. Jacks,
by Nazi Germany, or realization of the union of Austria with Germany
the "Anschluss" as It Is often re- whereby the former would become contract bridge, twenty questions,
virtually a German province. Their walkathon, klssathon, and button,
ferred to.
This, of course, remains Austria's leader Is Alfred Frauenfeld, who co- button, who's got the button;
Be It Further Resolved: That Pres.
outstanding problem and the con- operates closely with Theodor
for Prank L. McVey be asked for a
"Nazi Inspector-Gener- al
cern of all who are vitally Interested
in the maintenance of European Austria" who was expelled last sum- courteous reply to this petition be
peace. Through incurring the en- mer, and now directs his radio and fore any appropriation is made for
mity of the Socialists who were other propaganda attacks on Austria the University of Kentucky;
. And That this petition be printed
from Munich.
ready to defend staunchly the AusPoint number one of Adolf Hitler's and widely circulated in every corntrian Republic against Hitlerite aggression, Doctor Dollfuss has weak- Nazi program calls for the absorp- er of the Commonwealth, shouted
ened his defensive forces Internally tion of Austria (and other areas from the house tops, and broadcast
and thereby played Into the hands where German is rpoken). and since over every radio station In order
of the Nazis who art awaiting ai Nazi Germany Is completely isolated that the citizens of this Commonof
wealth may know that the House
propl'lous moment to attempt tne and economic conditions there came Representatives
a certain amount of discontent.
assumot'on of control
Chancellor Hitler feels that nothing needs of the Commonwealth, and
A distinction should be made beits members recognize the dig-- I
tween Austrian Fascism and the would enhance his political presle that
a Nad victory In Austria. n'ty of this Assembly, and spend
Hitlerite brand rwesented by the t home
But since Great Britain. Prance, their tlm In meeting urgent probAustrian Nazis, although in certain
lems and situations.
(Continued on Page Four)
respects there is not much differ

University Law Head's

Dr. Leo Chamberlain, Member of Committee, Makes



Dr. Elizabeth Farra, medical missionary to India and graduate of
the department of home economics
Henry Gay Annihilates
in 1916, was initiated as an" Alumna
in Second Game
member of Phi Upsilon Omicron,
of 43rd District
national honorary home economics Railroad Rates on Round-Tri- p
- - Journey
sorority, Wednesday night. T-r- -f
Tickets Will Be iSold on
Doctor Farra and the members of
One and One-Thir- d
RENTZ LEADS SCORERS Phi Upsilon Omicron were guests at
the tea given by Mrs. Frank L. McBLE
The 43rd district basketball tour- Vey, Wednesday afternoon, followENTRANTS-ELIGImemUK
nament opened at the Men's gym ing a short talk at 3 p. m. to
yesterday afternoon with University bers of the Social Service commitrailroad fare
high, the hosts, scoring a 31 to 12 tee of the Y. W. C. A. at MaxA one and one-thiDr. Statie Erick-so- n concession on round-tri- p
tickets will
victory over Versailles high school. well place.
entertained with a dinner in be available to all students, members
In the nightcap, the Henry Clay
high school Blue Devils annihilated honor of Doctor Farra at 7 p. m. of the staff, proTessors and teachers
Nicholasvllle high by a score of Wednesday in the University com- attending the University Summer
69 to 6.
session, and dependent members of
Led by Rents, who garnered 11
Doctor Farra spoke at 10 a. m. their families, according to informapoints. University high was never in Tuesday in the Agriculture building tion received recently by the sumdanger after the first quarter. The to members of the foods and nutri- mer session office from the Central
quarter ended with the Kempermen tion class and faculty members of Passenger association. The Southleading 6 to 3. In the second stanza, the College of Agriculture. During eastern Passenger association has
the Purples gradually pulled away her talk the speaker pointed out not released definite information on
from the Versailles quintet, the half that problems of nutrition in India round-tri- p
ending 12 to 5. In the last half the are similar to those in America, in
Ticket sales will begin May 31, and
five seemed to gather mo- spite of the fact that food in this the final return limit will be August
mentum as they scored 19 points part of the world Is quite different 22. Tickets will be good via the
while Versailles was able to make from that used in India. She also same route In both directions.
only seven. As a result of their explained that the Indian people Tickets sold under these reduced
victory the Purples meet Picadome have very little money with which fare arrangements will be good in
in the second round today.
to buy food and that most of the coaches, also in parlor or sleeping
Every Blue Devil on Coach Heber's buying is carried on under the bar- cars upon payments of parlor or
squad saw action against Nicholas-vlll- e ter system.
sleeping cor rate.
and each player scored at least
In order to secure this concession
two points. The Henry Clay quintet
it will be necessary for the person
held Nlcholasvllle scoreless for the
to secure an Identification certificate
entire first half while they uncorked
Theta Sigma Phi, national Jour- from the summer session office,
a barrage of field goals making 16 nalistic sorority, will give a benefit whereupon he surrenders It to his
points in each quarter of the first bridge at 2 p. m. Tuesday, March 6, railroad ticket agent at his home
ticket to
In the Women's building. Refresh- station for a round-tri- p
When the student is
ments will be served, and prizes will Lexington.
be awarded to each table. The ready to return home, all that is
cents per necessary will be for him to present
charge will be twenty-fiv- e
person. All students are invited the return portion of his round-tri- p
and tables may be reserved from ticket for the railroad ticket agent
No charge will be
Michigan Law Review Prints Mary Chick or Willie Hughes Smitf at Lexington. service.
made for this
before Monday.

Dean Evans Writes
Article on Wills


To Bein Today


University Programs to Have
Works of Stephen Collins Foster Featured



Of 13 Programs

Concert Band, Under J. L.
Lewis, to Present Program Victory Is Second Championship Won by Tide in
In Memorial Hall

Von Weber;
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of Schmoll Overture,"
"Stars In a Velvety Sky," Herbert
the Political Science Department, L. Clark, comet solo by Percy Lewwill lead the discussion on internathe
tional relations with an explanation is; Caucasion Sketches, "In Sar- of communism, fascism, nationalism Village." "Procession of the
and socialism as types of govern- dar," Iwanow; "Qunedln,"
ment Tuesday, March 6.
In this next meeting, the group
will discuss the policies of Hitler,
Bandana Sketches, "Chant," and
Mussolini, and the dictators of pres- "Negro Dance,"
White; "Three
ent day Europe together with the Kings," Smith, cornet trio, Ralphs
pos Winfrey, James Miller, Percy Lewis;
relationshln between them, the
sible results of the movements, and ! finale from "Symphony In B Flat,"
their vital policies.
Fanchet; "On. On, U. of K," Lam-per- t.
Members of the committee plan.

ning the forum are Sarah Whitttng-hiMary Carolyn Terrell, Clarence
Moore, Edwin Patterson, Betty
Dimock, Bill Bryant, Virginia Free-ber- g,
Kitty Cooke, Marjorie Wlest.
Lois Neal, Holmes Ellis, Joe Relster,
Lucy Jean Anderson, and Dorothy


Education Bill Will Not
Affect U. K. Materially TUCKER NAMED

in Series

non-existe- nt











Doctor Donovan was elected to the
office without opposition. The association includes in Its- membership
more than 190 colleges of education
of the United States.
The new national president received his Bachelor of Arts degree
from the University, a Master of
Arts degree from Columbia university, and the degree of Doctor of
Philosophy from Peabody college.
He is an honorary member of Phi
Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta PI, and


Phi Beta Kappa.

George Davis, Montioello, has given to the library a poster which
dates back to the presidential cam'
paign of 1856. It announces a ratifi
cation meeting in Scott county on
the Covington pike by the friends
of Buchanan and Breckinridge.



First Telegraphic Match field
by U. K. Girls' Sauad Is
Featured by Close Scoring
by All Groups

The University of California at
Berkley has been announced as winner of the rifle match which was
fired with the University W. A. A..
February 17. The University of
California shot a score of 496 out of
500 while the Kentucky team scored

Scores received on the three
matches, fired during the week of
February 24. were: Kentucky, 471;
University of Oklahoma, 492; University of South Dakota. 494. and
the University of Washington, a
perfect score of 600. Each team in
the tournament fires on its own
range and malls the score to Its
The Kentucky W. A. A. team
which has been shooting only three
wfks, has shown steady Improve-


All girls who are interested In
going to Cincinnati for the W. A. A.
play day on Saturday. March 10. are
aked to notify Miss Avertll or Clara
Margaret Fort before March 3 because arrangements must be made
for transportation. Each girl who
makes the trip will be asked to share
In the expenses and must take her
Following the
own gym uniform.
winter sports session in the afternoon, the University of Cincinnati
Woman's Athletic association wilt
give a dinner for the visiting women.

* Best Co
The. Kentucky Kernel


Ntlonal Ootlrir PrrM Aonui.
bpxlnfion Bord ol Oemmrrr

el th


MJor Colin

repmtntri b A. J Hnrrli mil
CO, 161
4nd St., Nrw York City 'Jl
" Aw
W. Medium m.. Chirm: l
Srtttl; I0 Mapl Av L Antrltv ru







Kj., PortofTIr Ai Second
Clau Mali Mtttrr


here Shall the kernel ali
student8 r touts maintain





Afnfn tutor

Shall the annual Southeastern
conference tournament at Atlanta
be allowed to continue?1 Will It, tf
some attempt to revive Interest In
the affair Is not made, expire gradually by degrees?
These and other question have
been asked often of late by basketball fans and Kports writers throughout the south, but as yet no one
knows what fate awaits future attempts to prolong the yearly exhibition. Prom present indications it

The Woman's 8elf Government
Association Is to be complimented
for the success of the open house
sponsored this semester by them In
Women's building. Mmv mm tnd
women students attend these open
houses which are held from 4 to 6 o'clock every Frjday afternoon. The
students are In this wiv ivn : '
opportunity t meet re o"iple, and
to become better acquainted.
These open houses are for all students who wish to come, no matter
whether they belong to a sorority
' or fraternity.
It might be a gwl
idea to come to one of these open
houses, and see if you do not have
a good time.
Why not leave your studying, and
various other activities for a short
while on Friday afternoons, and
come to the open hmi"e
Women's building? Much enthusiasm has been shown toward them
thus far. They will continue through-u- t

the spring months.
Mrs. Holmes, Miss Blandlng. and
the members of the Woman's Self
Government association are working
together to make these general open
houses a success. We hope that you
will cooperate with them.


Coming as a shock to the world.
appears that, even, though the tour- and yet not so wholly unexpected,
nament is not discontinued entirely, was the conclusion reached last
a change of. location is quite prob- Thursday by members of the German Research Society sitting in
Coach Adolph Rupp voices the Berlin that Christianity was not
sentiments of several southern meant for and does not fit itself
coaches and of a great many basket- - into the scene of German mentality
ball enthusiasts bv declaring a and temperament, that it is a comtournament, as conducted under the pound of inferiority and Jewish
system how used, to be an unfair, philosophy, and therefore should
means of determining rightly a be completely repudiated and in its
championship team. Coach Rupp stead be p'aced the ancient Pagan
believes that a safer and more just Gods of Germany.
way is by making champion the
For us it is more than difficult to
team which has won the largest per- understand how such a substitution
centage of conference games during can be made, but this is due largely
to the fact that it is almost imposthe season.
It Is not Just since the recent sible for us to comprehend the Gerearly elimination of the Wildcats at man type of mind and its workings.
Dr. Robert Brlff ault sums up this
Atlanta that Coach Rupp has advocated the doing away with the tour peculiar composition of the German
nament; he was in favor of such a in one paragraph in his article,
move before Kentucky entered and "Madness in Middle Europe and
won the title last year, and prior to World Peace" appearing in the
the contest this year, which the Big March issue of Scribner's.
"Despite the flights of German
Blue was expected to win again.
The stand taken by our coach has metaphysics, the meticulousness of
been criticised, but nobody can say German science, the emotionalism
that he was prejudiced, or that his I of German muic, the
attitude was one of "sour grapes." "j eff