xt798s4jnb99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt798s4jnb99/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1962 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 1, Summer 1962 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 1, Summer 1962 1962 2014 true xt798s4jnb99 section xt798s4jnb99 VOLUME 38 SUMMER, 1962 NUMBER 1
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Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Lexington, Ky. I
Subscription Price $1.00 a Yem-
Edit0r’s Office: \Vend0vc·r, Kentucky I
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926. at the Post Office at Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright, 1962. Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.

" A Baby Welcomes Me Back Anne DeTournay 46
i { A Letter From "Down Under" Lance Townsend, M.D. 57
  Annual Report 2
. ‘ A Before We Step Into the Wings Mary Breckinridge 20
_. F Beyond the Mountains 55
* Cancer Survey Report Noel Smith 53
  Crown A Photograph Inside Back Cover
I Field Notes 59
· Fourth of July, 1962 Contributed 35
  Frontier Graduate School of
Midwifery—Class of 1961 A Photograph 18
  4   Frontier Graduate School of
pe; · Midwifery—Class of 1962 A Photograph 19
_   ‘ In School (Verse) Susan Coolidge 24
g ° J eepers Creepers Patricia Ware 43
_._· i  j More About Dolphins (Illus.) Margaret M. Gage 25
  _.   Old Courier News 37
l I Old Staff News 47
_   I Our Mail Bag 28
    Over the Hills and Far Away Molly Lee 29
I; iv   Whippoorwill Mordaunt Elrington 21
A     A Sad Story of Two Doors The Des Moines Register 27
i i "V An Old Singing Game Hope Muncy 45
if Dickory Dock The Countryman 36
  Fighting Forest Fires Science Digest 56
  Reporting From Washington Frances P. Bolton 52
_  , The Merrill-Palmer Institute Citation 54
  Translocation as a Means of
Preserving Wild Animals Oryx 34
F White Elephant 58

 2 Fnoiwmn Nunsmo snnvxcm
Certified Public Accountant 1
Lezdngton, Ky. ‘ 1
To the Officers and Trustees
Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated
Lexington, Kentucky
Ladies and Gentlemen:
We have examined the balance sheet of the Frontier Nurs-
ing Service, Incorporated, as of April 30, 1962, and the statement
of revenue and expense for the fiscal year then ended. Our
examination was made in accordance with generally accepted
. auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the
. accounting records and such other auditing procedures as We
considered necessary in the circumstances. ,
In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and state-  
ment of revenue and expense present fairly the financial position @1
of the Frontier Nursing Service, Incorporated, at April 30, 1962, J
and the results of its operations for the fiscal year then ended, {
and were prepared in conformity with generally accepted  
accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of `
the preceding year.
A Respectfully submitted,
Certined Public Accountant ,  
i Lexington. Kentucky  
i June First A  
i Nineteen Sixty-two ` 1
1 lz

 QUARTERLY Bunmsriu 3
j of the
{ for the Fiscal Year
May 1, 1961 to April 30, 1962
As has been our custom since we were one year old, we
present our annual report of the fiscal affairs and of the field of
operations of the Frontier Nursing Service to its trustees, mem-
‘ bers, and subscribers.
We have, as in previous years, divided our report into two
sections. One section is about money, and one section about
g Under the heading of Conclusion, we tell something of what
§ the year has meant to us.
~i Our annual audit is so detailed, and therefore so voluminous,
that we do not print it in full. The figures that follow are taken
from the Exhibits and Schedules of the last audit. We have
divided these figures into four categories. The auditor’s own
Balance Sheet is the first category. The second is his list of
;$ Endowments and Reserves. The third category covers all
  Revenue Receipts. The fourth category we have put into two
ii columns——to the left the Expenditures of the last fiscal year
iii taken from the audit, and to the right the Budget accepted by
  our trustees for the current fiscal year, based on last year’s
I Q expenditures.
ll Under a fifth category, called Inventory, we account for all
li our properties. All five categories are given in sequence on the
y X following pages.

As at April 30, 1962 I 
Cash on Hand—Petty Funds ........,..............I.......>.......................... $ 505.00
Cash in Banks: ,
First Security National Bank—General Account .............. 20,722.46  
First Security National Bank-—Social Service and Alpha  
Omicron Pi Account .......... 1,681.77  
First Security National Ba.nk—Staff Payroll Account »... 1,664.27  
First Security National Bank——Frances Bolton li
Building Fund ............r........... 587.89  I
Peoples Bank, Hazard, Ky.—Organization Account ........ 1,799.72  _
Total Cash ..................................i................................................................... $ 26,961.11  
Temporary Loans .......................................................................................................... 250.00 y
U. S. Treasury Bonds (Frances Bolton Building Fund) ................................,... 23,000,00  
Realty, Buildings, Equipment, Livestock .............................................................. 434,394.55 €
Endowment, Memorial, Reserve Fund Investments at  ·
Original Cost, in hands of:  `
First Security National Bank, Lexington, Ky ......,.... 1,332,744.47 .
Liberty National Bank & Trust Co., Louisville, Ky... 85,250.83  
Morgan Guaranty Trust, New York City _.__,.__,__._____...__ 185,000.00 .3
Bankers Trust, New York City ........__............................. 137,496,50  
Total Investments .................................................................____....___.__.. 1,740,491,8()  i
Total Assets ........................................................................................... 2,225,097,46  
Accrued Payroll Taxes Withheld .................................................. 2,019.97  
, Endowment, Memorial, Reserve Funds ......................................... 1,740,491,80  
Total Liabilities ......................... . ...................................,................._... 1,742,511_77 gi
Net Worth .................................................................................................................... 482,585.69  
Net Worth represented by-
· Contributions and Income from Organization I
y to April 30, 1962 ................................................................ 6,160,258.69
I Less:
{ Expenses Paid from Organization to April 30, 1962 ........ 5,677,673.00  
, Net Income—Organization to April 30, 1962 ........................................_......._._._,__ 482,53559 `
  Total Revenue Receipts .................................................................. 6,160,258.69 I
  Total Endowment Receipts .............................. . ............................. 1,740,491.SO `
  Total Monies Collected ..................................................................__....__..____ $7,900,75()_49 _1

{  April 30, 1961 and 1962
 j _ Addilgions _
‘ Designated Funds-meeme Restricted A¤;{,g,3° Dggg Aggg23°
- Joan Glancy Memorial Baby’s Crib ........................ $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00
  Mary Ballard Morton Memorial ............................ 85,250.83 85,250.83
  Jessie Preston Draper Memorial No. 1 .................. 15,000.00 15,000.00
  Jessie Preston Draper Memorial No. 2 .................. 185,000.00 185,000.00
  Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial ............................ 16,000.00 16,000.00
‘  Isabella George Jeffcott Memorial ........................ 2,500.00 2,500.00
 , Bettie Starks Rodes Memorial Baby’s Crib ........ 5,000.00 5,000.00
Q John Price Starks Memorial Baby’s Crib ............ 5,000.00 5,000.00
  Norah Oliver Shoemaker Memorial Baby’s Crib 5,000.00 5,000.00
  Eliza Thackara Memorial ........................................ 2,393.51 $ 142,78* 2,536,29
_~ Children’s Christmas Fund in Memory of
§ Barbara Brown ................................................ 1,000.00 1,000,00
Donald R. McLennan Memorial Bed .................... 12,750.00 12,750.00
 - Louie A. Hall Legacy in Memory of Sophronia
Brooks for a Center and its Endowment ..,... 63,555.91 2,786.02* 66,341.93
 l Margaret A. Pettet Legacy .................................... 1,953.70 1,953,70
F Jane Short Atwood Legacy .................................... 7,500.00 7,500_00
 ° Mrs. John W. Price, Jr., Fund ................................ 10,800.00 10,800_()()
 l Sub-totals ............................................................. $ 423,703.95 $ 2,928.80 $ 426,63275
r Designated Funds-Income Unrestricted
  Marion E. Taylor Memorial .................................... 10,000.00 10,000_00
W7 Fannie Norris Fund .................................................. 10,000.00 10,00000
  Marie L. Willard Legacy ........................................ 3,127.36 3,127_30
  William Nelson Fant, Jr., Memorial ...................... 78,349.52 78,34952
  Mrs. Charles H. Moorman Fund ............................ 1,100.00 1,10000
  Lillian F. Eisaman Legacy ...................................... 5,000.00 5,00000
A Lt. John M. Atherton Memorial ............................ 1,000.00 1,000_00
Mrs. Morris B. Belknap Fund ................................ 26,375.00 20,375,00
1 Elisabeth Ireland Fund ............................................ 22,457,50 22,45750
Elizabeth Agnes Alexander Legacy ...................... 5,000.00 5,00000
, Richard D. McMahon Legacy ................................ 943.23 94303
'> Anonymous—General Endowment ...................... 137,496.50 137,49650
Mrs. W. Rodes Shackelford in Memory of
, her two children ..................................... . .......... 10,000.00 10,00000
` Hattie M. Strong Memorial .................................... 10,000.00 10,000_00
2 Beulah Bruce Brennan Memorial .......................... 2,000.00 2,000_00
Anna Rosina Gooch Memorial ................................ 16,625,00 10,02500
  * Income added to principal.   ' _ , , __

April 30, 1961 and 1962  l
April 30, During April 30 ·
1961 Year 1962 · ‘
Jeannie B. Trull Legacy .......................................... 33,253.33 33,253,33 *,
Elizabeth B. Perkins Legacy .................................. 152,970.44 152,970,44  
Frances Kendall Ross Legacy ........,....................... 17,100.00 17,100,00 f
Elizabeth Sherman Lindsay Memorial ................ 5,000.00 5,000,00  
Helen N. and Beatrice A. Wilson Fund ................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000,00  
Sophia Cogswell Stiger Memorial ............................ 23,401.42 23,401,42 J
Charles N. Kavanaugh, M. D., Memorial .............. 1,000.00 1,000,00 1
Margaret C. Breckinridge Legacy ........................ 3,000.00 3,000,00  
Mary Hallock Armstrong Legacy .......................... 2,000.00 2,000,00 ,
Winifred Irene Leckie Memorial ............................ 1,000.00 1,000,00 .
Lena G. Anderson Legacy ...................................... 7,078.50 7,078,50 ;
Eliza Davitt Hartley Legacy .................................. 150,000.00 150,000,00  
_ Cordie M. Williams Legacy .................................... 250,000.00 208,254.25 458,254,25 ,
i Lisette Hast Legacy .................................................. 10,944.00 10,944,00 i
~ Edward S. Jouett Legacy ........................................ 1,000.00 1,000,00 °
Herman Bowniar Fund ............................................ 1,000.00 1,000,00
, Mrs. Henry James Legacy ........................,............. 5,000.00 5,000,00
Jean Hollins Memorial Fund .........l........................ 5,002,00 5,002,00
Anne Steele Wilson Memorial Fund ...................... 1,460,00 1,460,00
Mary Churchill Humphrey Fund ............................ 1,001,00 1,001,00 _
Sub-totals ............................................................. $1,431,925.75 $223,646.05 $1,655,5*}*1,30
Reserve Accounts: fi
Mrs. Louise D. Crane .....,.................................. 4,000.00 4,000,00
Mrs. Frederic Moseley Sackett ...................... 10,000.00 10,000,00 1
5 Mrs. Eliza A. Browne ...................................... 16,000.00 16,000,00 E'!
Winiield Baird Fund ,,,,____,.,,_,,.,.._.,.,.....,,....,,..... 18,000.00 (6,000,00)°*‘ 12,000,00  
Lillie MeGinnes ............,..................................... 2,500.00 2,500,00  
1 Harriet H. Grier .,.............................................. 5,000.00 5,000,00 ,,
1 Maurice S, Miller .......,,.....,............................... 5,000,00 5,000,00  
Lelia A. Morgan .................,.............................. 5,000.00 5,000,00 Y` 
Eliza Davids ..........,........................................... 6,000.00 6,000,00
, Bertha G. Wood .......A........................................ 12,500.00 12,50000
  Doris A. Farrington .......................................... 4,920,00 4,920,00 ?
1 Mrs. E. A. Codman ............................................ 2,000,00 2,000,00  ._
( TOTALS ............................................... . ....... $1,515,925.75 $224,566.05=¤= $1,740,491,8() F 
  li T0t3.l—Additions for Year (Above) ____________________________________________ $224,566_O5 1
l Add: Transfer Deductiori ___,___,__________ _ _________,______,___________________ _ _______ 6,000.00  
1  ;
i Total CZLS}1 Additions for Year __,_________________________ _ ,________________________ $230,566.05  L

  Statement of Donations and Subscriptions Paid
.. May 1, 1961 to April 30, 1962
` . Be tit d
`l SUMMARY' Contributions Baggaixi 11316:: Totals
  Alpha Omicron Pi ....................................,......................l.., $ 4,357.77 $ 4,357.77
., Baltimore Committee ...,,......,............................................ 813.00 813.00
  Boston Committee ...............l................,...........................». 14,832.35 5,800.00 20,632.35
Q Chicago Committee ............................................................ 15,189,50 15,189.50
li Cincinnati Committee ........................................................ 8,335.50 8,335.50
fl Cleveland Committee ......................................................... 14,388.44 14,388.44
Xl Daughters of Colonial Wars ............................................. 4,325.65 4,325.65
, Detroit Committee ............................................................. 5,939.83 5,939.83
1 Hartford Committee .....,......,............................................. 1,549.50 1,549.50
Kentucky: °*‘
~ Blue Grass Committee ............................................... 6,236.50 6,236.50
, Louisville Committee .............................,................... 5,308.00 5,308.00
l Miscellaneous Kentucky ............................................ 2,833.15 2,833.15
‘ Minneapolis Committee ..................................................... 1,140.50 1,140.50
~ New York Committee ....................l................................... 19,117.48 2,528.40 21,645.88
* Philadelphia Committee ..........................,......................... 5,348.40 2,671.60 8,020.00
* Pittsburgh Committee .,..................................................... 14,019.47 14,019.47
Princeton Committee .................................,....................... 658.50 658.50
Providence Committee ....................................................... 1,565.00 1,565.00
Riverdale Committee ...,..........................,.......................... 1,077.00 1,077.00
Rochester Committee .............................................,,......... 1,933.18 1,933.18
Washington, D.C., Committee ..................................,....... 6,731.20 6,731.20
Miscellaneous ...............................,...................................... 12,928.21 12,928.21
Totals ........,.......,.........._......_....__..................._....._..,...... $148,628.13 $11,000.00 $159,628.13
Less Transferred to Endowment ..............,..,......,.................................................l... . .... 8,462.00
1 $151,166.13
‘*iTotal for Kentucky $14,377.65
’   Fees for Graduate School of Midwifery ......................... 7,941.13
'   Payments from Patients:
v . Income from Nursing Centers ................................. 12,848.78
,  ` Medical and Surgical Fees ........................................ 4,759.91
, j. Hyden Hospital Fees .........,........................................ 11,016.49
i Hospital Clinic Fund and Supplies .......................... 11,136.97 39,762.15
t Y Wendover Post Office ......................................................... 5,229.56
’ Q Income from Investments-—Regular .............................. 84,927.11
’ A Income from Investments——
l , Fra.nces Bolton Nursing Center ............................... 927.81
· , "Wide Neighborhoods’.—Royalties and Local Sales .... 451.29
’ Y  Livestock Sales ................................................................... 687.49
’ Z A. C. Program—U. S. Treasurer ..................................... 269.27
  Expense Reimbursement—Conf1uence Center .............. 812.48
  Miscellaneous ...................................................................... 88.68 141,096.97
 Nv TOTAL—ALL REVENUE RECEIPTS .............. $292,263.10

1961-1962 1962-1963  
(Hyden Hospital, Frontier Graduate School of 1
Midwifery, Wendover, a.nd five Nursing Centers) .
1. Salaries and Wages* ..1............................................................. $111,450.54 $112,500-00  
2. Medical Director and Relief ..............1..................................... 6,666.64 10,000.00 "‘
3. Dispensary Supplies (See Note 1) ........................................ 29,339.77 30,000.00 1
4. Running costs; Food-—-minus board of residents; cows, .
fuel, electricity, laundry, freight and hauling, et cetera .... 36,744.06 36,500.00 , 1
5. Feed and care of 12 horses and mules (See Note 2) .......... 6,297.85 6,500.00 1
6. Jeeps (21), Truck, Station Wagon Ambulance .................... 7,761.29 8,000.00
7. Maintenance of Properties ...................................................... 12,664.81 13,000.00  
TOTAL FIELD EXPENSE .................................................... $210,924.96 $216,500.00  
1. Salaries, Accounting and Auditing, Oiilce Supplies, Post- .
, age, Telephone and Telegraph, Printing, etc ....................... $ 38,871.41 $ 42,600.00 ·
' HI. SOCIAL SECURITY TAX: .......................................................... $ 4,818.96 $ 5,000.00  
  IV. SOCIAL SERVICE: ..................................,..................................... $ 13,641.43 $ 13,600.00 .
1 1. Insurance (Fire $322,500.00 Coverage), Employers Lia- 1
bility, full coverage on truck, 21 jeeps, and station  
  wagon ....................................................... . ................................... $ 7,429.80 $ 8,500.00  
i 2. Quarterly Bulletins (covered by subscriptions) .................. 5,625.03 5,500.00 1
3. Record Department ..........................,..,...............,.,..............,.,. 3,239.00 4,000.00 {J,
4. Miscellaneous Projects such as: Doctors and Nurses for  
study and observation, professional books and magazines 978.29 1,000.00 ij
1 5. Miscellaneous Promotional Expenses beyond the moun- *'-·
tains .......................................................... . .................................... 2,097.58 1,300.00 _
  $ 19,369.70 $ 20,300.00 ·
TOTAL RUNNING EXPENSES ...,............................................ $287,626.46 $298,000.00 »
LIVESTOCK ADDITIONS .............................,.,.................... $ 26,055.09
1 ;—- 1
1 TOTAL .................................................................. . ..,................................. $313,681.55 g
h ' Wages for maintenance charged to Wages Category.
· Note 1: Approximately 1/3 of supplies relayed to Districts. ‘
L Note 2: Four animals belong to FNS employees, who must ride to work. *
I 1

wi (From Exhibit C of the Audit)
 1 1NvEN·roRY
, Our auditors set a value of $434,394.55 on these holdings,
  after adjustments. Among the major holdings are the following:
i Hyden
, A stone Hospital, one wing of which is the Mary Ballard
‘ l Morton Memorial, one wing the Mary Parker Gill Memorial, and
the frame Annex, a Memorial to "Jackie" Rousmaniere; Joy
Q House, home of the Medical Director, a gift of Mrs. Henry B.
  Joy; Aunt Hattie’s Oak Barn, gift of Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong;
Q Mardi Cottage, the Quarters for the Frontier Graduate School of
Midwifery; The Margaret Voorhies Haggin Quarters for Nurses;
I St. Christopher’s Chapel; two water tanks; two employees’ cot-
; tages; and outbuildings such as garages, work shop, pighouses,
forge, pump house, and two fire hose houses.
Three log houses, as follows: the Big House ("in memory of
_ Breckie and Polly"), the Old Cabin and the Ruth Draper Cabin;
_ the Garden House; the Upper and Lower Shelf; the Ham-Way
` Hut; the Couriers’ Log Barn and Aunt Jane’s Barn; numerous
, smaller buildings such as the cow barn, cow hospital barn, mule
  barn, tool house, chicken houses, forge, apple house, pump house,
l; jeep shed, two fire hose houses, two water tanks, and the Pebble
  work shop.
  Georgia Wright Clearing
  A caretaker’s cottage and barn, extensive pasture land for
_ horses and cows; a bull’s barn and stockade; two wells.
Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Nursing Center
i (Beech Fork; Post Office, Asher, Leslie County)
VL Frame building and oak barn; deep well, ptunp house and
water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
. Frances Bolton Nursing Center
é (Possum Bend; Post Office, Confluence, Leslie County)
l Evacuated April 1, 1960, by orders of the Government of the
A United States in behalf of the Buckhorn Dam Reservoir. Relo-
Q cation site not decided on as yet.

Clara Ford Nursing Center E
(Red Bird River; Post Office, Peabody, Clay County)  
Log building and oak barn; fire hose house; walled-in spring; ‘
deep well, pump house and water tank; fenced acreage for pas-  
ture and gardens. _
Caroline Butler Atwood Memorial Nursing Center
(Flat Creek; Post Oiiice, Creekville, Clay County)
Frame building and oak barn; iire hose house; walled-in
spring; deep well, pump house and water tank; fenced acreage  
for pasture and gardens.  
Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial Nursing Center  
(Bullskin Creek; Post Office, Brutus, Clay County)  
p Frame building and oak barn; jeep shed; fire hose house; é
. walled—in spring; water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and ‘
( gardens.  
` Margaret Durbin Harper Memorial Nursing Center _
i (Wolf Creek; Post Office, Big Fork, Leslie County) 3
  Frame building and oak barn; two—jeep garage; deep well »
B and pump; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens. 5
Subsidiary Clinics
Six small clinic buildings on the following streams: Bull I.
Creek, Stinnett (Mary B. Wilieford Memorial), Coon Creek (Coy  
Maggard Memorial) , Mudlick, Leatherwood, and Cutshin. ‘
` Livestock  
  Eleven horses; one mule; one registered Guernsey bull; eight {
cows; four heifers; registered Hampshire brood sow, and four  
, pigs; over two hundred chickens.
i Equipment 3
i Equipment includes: twenty-one jeeps; one Ford station  
  wagon-ambulance; one three-quarter ton truck; tanks; engines;  
( pumps; farm implements; plumbers’ tools; sixty-two pairs of ‘
saddlebags; saddles; bridles; halters; hospital equipment and '
furnishings; dispensary supplies; and household furnishings and _
_ equipment at Hyden, Wendover, and the five outpost centers,  
  variously located in a seven-hundred-square mile area.  

Q .
= The data in this section are supplied by the record depart-
i ment of the Frontier Nursing Service; by records kept on guests
It and volunteer workers; and by the social service department.
  During the first three months of this past fiscal year (May,
  June, and July) the Frontier Nursing Service had no resident
rf Medical Director. Our wonderful Dr. Rogers Beasley had left
cl us for his return to Africa. No one who hasn’t gone through
it can fully understand what it means to handle a hospital and
_i numerous outpost stations without a fulltime physician. Our
  gratitude to the nearest available physicians and surgeons who
ii helped us out is unbounded. In August we were delighted to
welcome Dr. Francis Brewer, and Mrs. Brewer, and are happy
to say that this fine physician and deeply kind man has been our
f Medical Director since then.
J We are grateful in fullest measure to the staff of the Chil-
dren’s Hospital in Cincinnati for the three wonderful pediatric
I. clinics they held in our area during the past fiscal year; and the
1 Children’s Hospital for free care given our children. The annual
Q spring surgical clinic held by Dr. J. B. Holloway and his team,
` which is of the utmost value to us, did not come until May this
1 year and does not come in this year’s accountability.
l We extend our warm thanks to the Kentucky Commission
  for Handicapped Children for free care given the patients we
  refer to them. Our thanks go too, as they do each year, to Dr.
“ H. G. Reineke of Cincinnati who reads Frontier Nursing Service
y x-rays for us as a courtesy; and to Dr. Carl Yaple, pediatrician
c at the Harlan Memorial Hospital, and Dr. David B. Stevens,
  Lexington orthopedic surgeon, for the many clinics they have
Y held at Hyden Hospital. A number of our needy patients have
M received courtesy care from physicians in Louisville, Lexington,
  and Hazard. We want to extend our deep gratitude to Dr. Her-
  man A. Ziel, Jr., a member of our National Medical Council, of
  the Miners’ Hospital in Hazard and to Dr. E. W. Schaeffer of
  the Red Bird Hospital at Beverly for unending courtesy and
g ;

iz FRONTIER NURSING smnvicm i 
kindness to the patients our nurse-midwives have referred to  j
them. To Dr. Ziel we extend special thanks for taking over the  y
lectures to the Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery in the  
absence at any time of our Medical Director. Dr. Ziel gives his 3
services for these lectures and holds them on his free afternoon.  
Our very special thanks go to the Kentucky State Depart- Q
ment of Health for the kindness of its Commissioner, Dr. Russell ·
E. Teague, and the directors of its divisions. Dr. Helen B. Fraser, K
Director of the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, has been ,
especially helpful to us. Our gratitude goes out in fullest measure
to the Kentucky Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Regis-
, tration and its Executive Secretary, Mrs. Marjorie C. Tyler, for 4
  the consideration they have shown our Frontier Nurses. I
Hyden Hospital—with 27 beds and 12 bassinets, 2 incuba-
~ tors—was occupied 6,285 days last year by 1,174 patients with
a daily average of 17.2 patients at a cost per patient day of
4 $14.30. Of the 1,174 patients cared for at the Hospital during
the fiscal year, 235 were sick adults, 493 were obstetrical patients,
. _ 152 were children, and 294 were new born. There were 16 deaths  
  in the Hospital, of which 5 were new born. There was no maternal I
l death. The out-patient department, with the Medical Director’s 4
H clinics, received a total of 11,258 visits. I
3.  I
  In the 12 districts operated by the Service from the Hospital, ·
  Wendover, and five outpost centers, we attended 10,300 people  
4 in 2,232 families. Of these, 4,698 were children, including 2,059 J
babies and toddlers. The district nurses paid 22,716 visits and ·
received 23,903 visits at their nursing centers and at their special j
clinics. Bedside nursing care was given in their homes to 1,246 j 
· sick people of whom 5 died. At the request of the State Board  `
  of Health, the Frontier Nursing Service gave 4,970 inoculations  I
i and vaccines against typhoid, diptheria, smallpox, whooping  
p cough, polio, et cetera, and sent 1,573 specimens for analysis.
i This part of our report has reference to general district  I
I  ‘

g QUARTERLY Runnrrriw is
 Q nursing only and does not include midwifery carried day and
I night by the nurse-midwives along with their district nursing.
  The figures for midwifery are covered under the following
i section.
_ 4.
l Registered Cases
The nurse-midwives and the midwifery students of the
· Frontier Graduate School of Midwifery (under the supervision
of their instructors) attended 334 women in childbirth and gave
. them full prenatal and postpartum care. Of these 334 women,
. 2 were delivered by the Medical Director. There were 332 live
births and 5 stillbirths; 5 deliveries of twins; 263 new cases
= admitted; 401 closed after postpartum care; 2 miscarriages.
‘ There was no maternal death.
` Emergency Cases—Unregistered
‘ In addition to these regular registered maternity cases, the
Medical Director and the nurse-midwives were called in for 36
emergency deliveries, where the mother had not been registered
or given prenatal care, which resulted in 20 live births, 1 still-
_ birth, and 15 emergency miscarriages (10 early, 5 late). There
¤. was no maternal death.
{ Outside-Area Cases
l J There were 135 women from outside our area who were
  carried for prenatal care. Of these, 28 were closed before
 ,_ delivery. Most of our outside-area patients move into one of our
 A districts or our Hospital for delivery. In that case they are
_ transferred to our regular midwifery service. However, the
  nurse-midwives did go outside our area to deliver 17 such
· patients of 17 live babies, with no maternal death.
.  The School admits two classes annually in January and July.
 ‘ Seven registered nurses are taken in each class of six months
 . duration. The forty—fourth class which opened July 1, 1962, is
 i now in attendance. When its work is completed on December 31,
”  the School will have sent 243 nurses, qualiiied as midwives and

 14 Fnommmn NURSING smnvicm  4
in our frontier technique, to render service all over the world. 1
Graduates of the School are in a number of our states, including  1
Alaska; the Philippines, India, Thailand, South Korea, Canada, 4
France, the Middle East, and in parts of Africa and South  M
(Alpha O