xt79cn6z072w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79cn6z072w/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. FW 3.7: 1/7 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 22, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing September 22, 1939 1939 2019 true xt79cn6z072w section xt79cn6z072w . . _ _ g ’ ,1
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Vol.1, No.7 Federal Works Agency, U. S. Housing Authority—Nathan Straus, Administrator September 22, 1939

‘ l Slum Clearance Dramati e in ' ’
Hartford 3 Months Z d Movne -
Ah ow vai a e to oca ut orities
ead of Schedule N A 1 H L l A h
The Housing Authority of Hart— ,/ ;'§;_ ”WW“ Public housing in this country has
ford, Conn., is 3 months ahead of the fléw/eg, _ , V , its first motion picture. In “Housing
customary development schedule on .Kéem‘: f; _, I. j in Our Time,” a 20-minute sound film,
its first project. Although President ,, flier“); W}; t the United States Housing Authority
Roosevelt only approved the loan con— “a v]; ’ It”)? brings to the screen both the harsh
tract on September 13, architectural (W ”if? ~“ it ,5!” ’ g reality of the slum and the proof that
plans are nearly completed and the '_ V ' .- ‘ it can be removed. The film is atrue
Hartford authority expects to adver— '1 ya a.‘ Q .. 4% story with a happy ending.
tise construction bids early in October. L 23% ; “Housing in Our Time” is a strictly
This savmg 1n the customary 3- , “w" M documentary film, Wthh means that
month lag between Presidential ap— .. “ ,, -wwmmewfggi it deals with nothing but facts. The
. proval of a loan contract and bid ad- Sleeping Under Handicaps. scene from “Housing ruthless eye of the camera roves over
vertising was made possible by the in our'rime," (Photo by Harold Mccmkm) the land to dispel the comforting
initiative of the Hartford authority myth that the slum exists only in the
and its architect. Confident, because Charleston and Augusta big city. It explores the repulsive
of close cooperation between the local shacks of the small town as well as
housing authority and the USHA, Announce Rent Schedule the dark alleys under the shadow of
that the 146-unit project, costing an the Nation’s Capitol. It finds in
estimated $636,000, would be ap- Two more American cities ad- rural shelters no less misery than in
proved, the architect proceeded 0n vanced to the front line of the slum the tenements of New York 01' in the
his own responsibility With plans as clearance and low-rent housing move- miners’ hUtS 0f Pittsburgh.
early as last June. ment when Charleston, s_ C., and However, it is through its record-
N ow the Hartford authority is giv- Augusta, Ga., established rent sched- ing 0f the grim details 0f the every—
ing further evidence of dispatch in ules for three projects soon to be day life Of a low—income family in
getting on with its low—rent housing opened. As was the case with the Jacksonville, Fla': that the film makes
program. Even before advertising first five USHA—aided projects opened real the nature 0f the struggle that
for bids on this first project, the au- July 4, rents will be the lowest ever (See SLUM CLEARANCE Movm on p. 3)
thority has taken initial steps toward achieved for decent modern housing Young America “At Home." Scene from “Housing in
construction of a second project of in the respective communities, and Our Time.” (photo by Harold McCracken.)
approximately 250 units will actually be lower than prevailing W M
slum rents. 4., g 4'
SLUMS COST YOU MONEY! Harlem Average shelter rent for the 266- “he?" mi,
Housinlg, August 1f93§ass£ta§fsrfh£t unit Robert Mills Manor Project in ' : ~5¢
whgrescggrfdfiityoservices presuem: Charleston W111 be $12.26. The 168— y .. w" ._ .e%,%%
ably continue and are paid for out “mt Sunset Homes P1103965 for Ne- . ‘ it?“ ' _ ' ,"’%f
of taxes, 2,564 lotS, out of a total groes in Augusta will have an aver- g»? tar; ' .V ”Ni“ "
7,996, were in arrears 3 or more age shelter rent of $8.99, while the a;®%fi& 13p
. years on taxpayments in 1985, and comparable figure for Olmsted Homes ‘W.,ajiz}r gs“ 4‘11“..ng
3215: Ipropertles were liable to tax (167 units), Augusta’s white project, w! :54: 1»
W111 be $10.35. ewmww ”m

 America’s Need for Public Housmg Greater Cooperatlon of Tenants l
Because of World Cums Held Vltal Factor 1
By Harold s. Buttenheim, President, Citizens’ Housing Council of New York, Inc. In Management . . ‘
Up to the present, management of
The outbreak of war in Europe free institutions. And our most bur- private rental properties has been
forces reconsideration of civic pro- densome public costs are those result- treated as primarily a task of collect-
grams in America. From many ing from idle manpower, idle machin- ing rents and, secondly, of safeguard—
sources we may expect clamor for a cry, and idle land. The result we 0.3.11 ing property. Management of public
moratorium 011 all DUbliC Spending least 2%de is that offaihng to bmld housing projects, however, calls not
for “nonessentials.” But sane coun— and maintain the v1rile c1t1zensh1p only for good business judgment but
sels Will accept as essential—and as and the good hfe that our abundant for wise and tactful guidance in coop-
even more important than hereto- resources make poss1ble. erativeliving.
fore—the banishing 0f unemploy— The call 0f service in the United Several years of experience in the
ment in the United States and the States today is not to works 0f de— operation of PWA Housing Division
most speedy possible provision, by struction, but to constructive activi- projects have both clarified the na—
private and public effort combined, of ties that will achieve and safeguard ture of such duties and furnished ex—
decent housing and living conditions SUCh standards Of living as Win re- amples of successful solutions to com-
for all our people. Thus can we best move all danger of a SOCial or 900' munity problems. Defacement of
demonstrate to the world the efficient nomic revolution. The call 3150 is walls in hallways, basements, and
functioning 0f democracy. for patriotism that Will not succumb dwelling entrances, for example, is 21
During the World War of 1914—18, to shortsighted profiteeringin rents, typical if minor problem.
industrial pI'OdLIClLlOIl and military CommOd-ity prices,construct10n COStS’ Noted below are only two of the
and naval preparedness in the United 01‘ land speculation. methods of approach which have
States were handicapped by lack of Even “business as usual” at normal been attempted in solving this prob—
adequate housing for workers in fac- price levels is no adequate slogan for 1em, In the first instance the project
tories andshipyards. Feverishefforts the present crisis. “Jobs for all and manager called together a group of
to meet this need were begun, but so slums for none” would be a challenge boys aged 14 to 16, living in the proj—
late were these Government housing more in line with the needs and op- ect dwellings. He explained the . .
projects undertaken that the war portunities of these times that try problem to them, and asked if they
ended before most of them were even men’s souls. were willing to help. Flattered by ,
ready £01“ 000113311037- They have To help the Nation’s metropolis to the prospect of responsibility and by
proved, however, to be among the do its part in building the kind of the manager’s trust in them, they
flew socially Valuable assets left by community that other cities and na— readily agreed. He then assigned
the war years. tions will wish to emulate, is an obli- two boys to police each hallway, re-
Whatever may be the present dan- gation that the Citizens’ Housing port twice daily on any violations of
gers to the United States from Council must meet in the months house rules, and assist the younger
abroad, a major peril at home is the ahead. The movement for better children in keeping the walls clean
fertile soil of our city slums for the housing and neighborhood conditions and the floors free from paper and
propagation of ideas hostile to our must go forward. refuse. The boys organized them—
. selves into a commission, held elec-
Detroit Children’s Plea for Play Space Granted tions, and took great interest in
cooperating with the manager. This
The needs of children for space to the project’s newspaper justifies the method proved highly successful.
play and for conditions favorable to Administrator’s action and explains, In the second instance the manage—
their play are recognized by exten— with an eloquence of its own, the posi- ment posted signs on the walls and
sive changes now being prepared in tion of the children. published in the tenant newspaper a
the layout of open space at the Park- To the Editor: list of “DON’TS.”—“Do not write or
side project, built by the PWA Hous— “We little kids have been told not to go to draw pictures on the entrance walls
ing Division, in Detroit.- . 3:: gaittljegfuggtvfitmgh:gsigiglgtéiosgfi or in the basements. The deface-
The Changes W111 prov1de a wading play in the playground because we get our ment of walls and landings is prohib-
p001 and an increased amount of rec- faces-and knees skinned and our mommies ited by the management.”
reation space. They were suggested igiblltledvgfi Ezfiigpgsylak 31111: grjslélfnvig This method aroused resentment
some time ago by Administrator can»; even have our toys because We might among the tenants, contributed to
Straus after a visit to the project. 1053” them - - . so what can we little guys the popular misconception that public . .
A letter from the Parksider Lone do' THE P ARKSIDER LONE housing means regimentation, and
Ranger Safety Club to the editor of RANGER SAFETY CLUB. failed to accomplish its purpose.

 ‘ ,,
. ,, /:/_;,/j/
“V a: as. ’31: a . , ' WPA Survey "I St- LOUIS
WM 5;. gr is? , it. , , to Guide City s Plans
. . 6"“. ’ ; W; . » ‘ . :3 for P ubllc Housmg
i _ 5 Li}: 4,"; in? . ‘ . ,r "1 Planning for low-rent housing
A i, if: r " a ’ ' ‘ I ,3 fig 3:, , ' , 5 projects must be based on complete
: 5 :5 z: . 7’“ , 317‘? _ data concerning local housing needs
~ . '2 I . 5g: “”8 and conditions. In recognition of
i. ‘ j. I , f Y 5 ”mi ' . '“t ‘1 this fact, the newly formed St. Louis
E , . a 5,: , ’ ' t ; ‘ ‘* Housing Authority took immediate
.. .. £3: “ ' a " ‘2, _ h f ’ ' steps to obtain WPA funds for a Low
1 . . l i - . ° 4 Income Housing Area Survey.
r > 7 _; {m . it}: z ,, , ’ .a
s .Iy . ....~.:, 2' :: 2' r f , , j Recent approval of the survey by
Rigfaig‘abfi‘i‘ «5e " if ‘1 , . ‘ ‘ , 3;: i .. . 7 7 the Washington office of WPA has
Visage jé‘jii‘ i; ‘1' , '1 . 7:. ,1 r’, ‘ . released $342,545 of WPA funds for
%7fi?f::g:§§%v " - '- , ' g the purpose, to which will be added
7 _ ,1 ‘ . . _ ZV' . i iii: E: ,5 . ' $19,300 as the city’s contribution. It
, 1:": 5: ' ’ g . was announced that 777 security
The Family Bathroom. Scene from “Housing in Our Time.” (Photo by Harold McCracken.) wage workers W0l11d be employed for
. _ ' . 6 months collecting information on
Slum Clearance Mov1e Pittsburgh Prowdes Guides to rental values, types of construction,
(Continued from p. 1) Conduct Tours of Sites density of population, and family
millions of Americans must carry on - income.
to maintain self—respect and create Aware that lt-S spectacular feat 9f Des1gned to “supplement the Real
_ , leveling hilltops is the biggest show in . .- . -_
a home m slum dwellin s These _ _ , Propeity Survey by secuiiiig addi
, , g. , , the City, the Housmg Authority of the tional data on com osition income
scenes give the picture distinction C‘t of Pittsbur h ha in titutel a , p ’ ’
and demonstrate the irresistible ne— 1y g S s C- and expenditures for household fa-
_ , , series of conducted tours of the Sites - ~ . - - - -
cess1t for ublic housm , _ Cilities, of families eligible for low
y p g. Of the USHA—aided proiects. rent housing” Low Income Housing
. . The second half of the film tells in , - , - ’
pictures and words that all can un— Undei guidance Of tiained em- Area Surveys are already under way
: derstand how a local housing 3:1“;th ployees, three to f0111' groups, averag— in various cities throughout the
ity functions in cooperation with the 1n8‘ about 15 persons. each, are daily country. In each of these cities the
USH A. The film follows a project conducted over the SlteS- The tours extent of substandard housing has al-
from the granting of a loan by the begin Wlth e brlef explanation 0f the ready been established by a previous
USH A, through demolition and con- public housnig program by the guide Real Property Inventory or Survey.
struction, to occupancy. It analyzes and answers to questions by the V18- In Cities “7th have fewer than
the benefits of public housing to labor, itors. The grow? ls then conducted 20:000 substandard dwellings, the
to industry, and to the taxpayer. over the three SlteS and ShOWh the entire number will be enumerated.
Few Americans understand public work of grading, demolition, and con- In larger cities a sampling process
housing—why it is, what it is, and struction, The tours have become will be used, with 10,000 schedules
how it works. This lack of public popular m 131“pr rgih and frequent set as the minimum.
d t d' - th t - requests are receive from CiVic, la— .
:blstZIcSleailn 1;: $2,511 (if $221 $5533: bor, church, and other organizations. Jewxsh War Veterans Urge
authorities. “Housing in Our Time” - - - - USHA Program EXteHSion
should help them to clear away that Foreign Housmg Studies Available The National Jewish War Veter—
obstacle. The film is suitable for Sponsored by the New York City ans’ Association, at their National
showing to every type of audience. Housing Authority, a. DIVISIOH 0f Convention in Miami, Fla, Septem-
The Informational Service Divi— Foreign Housmg StUdleS has-been ber 6, passed a resolution favoring
sion of the USHA, under whose direc— created by the WPA for the Clty 0f the extension of the public housing
tion the film was made by Courier New York Thisproiect has already program and commending the admin-
Productions, Inc., of New York, 13111311?th 8 StUdleS 1n the field 0f istration of the Wagner-Steagall Act
plans to have 16-millimeter prints housing, and has announced forth— by the United States Housing Au-
made available for purchase by local 00m1ng publication 0f 13 more. thority. Similar resolutions have been
. . authorities and any others who want Local authorities and others may passed by the American Legion De-
them. The , cost of a 16—millimeter obtain free copies of these reports by partments of Massachusetts, Connec—
print, including reel and fiber case, applying directly to the Division, 1780 ticut, West Virginia, and the District
will be about $17. Broadway, New York City. of Columbia.
" ’ ’

 I - - F ed ral W lf (1 - -
Current Housmg Literature e . e are. an Construction Bids
Housmg AgenCIes

‘ _ . . . , n inn- 3 c o

31:59 333::in Housmg Action Committee, Cooperatlng Midnight?“ ‘Projectnumber‘ be, of, bid .
, . ‘ units opening

1) b d't' «' I) :1 i 3' - - - - - _..._. _
$523313?“{213°{i12i‘13‘..iiivnii‘iioi..‘”622533.; $1.11??? Pubhc housmg Wlll ass1st 1n the ,
spot maps, and illustrations. solution of many public welfare prob- BID OPENINGS DEFINITELY SCHEDULED

a . . _ , l J ,-- - _{
LAND, MATERIALS, AND LABOR COSTS, Na— lems. . Ceitalnly, local housmg 'au 8?QE]§L§51NOE5"”W”I §§1%‘3;:3~~: 33.? 1333-33
tional Resources Committee, Housing Mono— thOl‘ltleS need the understanding, goiumhiafsp. C.L"IT.I1 a02—1_-_::I 23o $18—38

.. w .- ( . l) . —4—1—R___,. 360 1 H
glaDh 562165 N0~ 3; 193J:_101 PD- ' support, and adv1ce of welfare Hg§iiilblfr},piwPX_s—1___.__,_ 200 Hts-39
.A technical renortbn location factors, Site plan— .

{léigéoit'laliifli°‘ifeiiiisf‘lgfu‘i‘ifit? mes"??- wit. ‘5‘- OffiCIaIS- I AM] 0°" 03‘"-v-- CAM-M 3°“ ”22:23
' ‘»‘.( u nr'r z s. nuns-'r‘s, . . ‘. __ _
maps, and plans. In order that welfare and housmg ttggfifi‘lfllflfififjjjj;:j R‘fiiififljjjj: 138 k 5_39

- - - Poo 'a, n1 ILI.—3—i—R____ 400 MHz—39
LOW RENTS FOR HOUSING IN GOVERNMENT omcmls mlght find their grounds 0f Pectin,Ill___~_,____,_____ ILL—3—2______- 606 1Ha39
PROJECTS, by Edward Roberts Moore, common interest, a JOint conference PethAmhoy, N.JW NJ_G_1____,_,-‘ 253 9—25—39
America, August 26, 1939, pp. 460—462. h ld - Cl - a 1 t M d ‘ Roading,Pn____________ Pix—94....-.” 400 10— 0—39

Discusses rents and distribution of dwelling: units by Was 6 1n llcabo as ay un 81 Wilmington, N- C——-»-~» NC‘1‘1-—-~-~‘ 215 9‘29‘39
family size in New York City‘s USHA-aided projects. the auspices Of the American Public ._.———_____
HOUSING AND HOMES, The Index, Autumn Welfare Association and N AHO. At ’l‘ENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF Bin OPENiNGsl
1939, pp. 41~46. - - - . _

Reviews problems of providing shelter by both thls Ineetlng 1t becanle appa}ent that ggfignfi¥33§5”"”““"i higléls'f‘zdgl-mi 3;? Eggggg
public and private enterprise. further Study Of the SlleGCt was Corpiis Chris-ti:_’l_‘_eic__:::;‘ ’1‘EX—8~2—R::i 198 10-26%39
85:11:01;aggriisnfiggmiiwissiilv’MFIiFiTHiggIé' needed. 83$??iifiifftififjii::: $335313“: i3? $33—33
l \i . 8 1'0] 1C . . a ' '

Mimeographed, 86 pp, , ’ At the iequest 0f the 3001a] SQCUI- ¥Iolyoke,MIzéss__,__..____ kiifiissisi—Iun 1% £33.38

Recordsllletroit's hpreseiit dmdl futurfnhousinttz‘l pro- lty Board, the USHA has loaned a fiiii3§§331K§:::;::: KY:::2::::_ 206 10—23—39
"1 , "t 2 i', ’ i 't‘, l c ‘. tht, . x 1‘ ‘ __ ._‘
21"" ””R ” ” r 1”“ ”0‘” staff member of the Management Re— tfdfillti‘fiiiggiii:::::::: iii‘ssssifi:::: 538 $33