xt79gh9b8c1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79gh9b8c1s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150506 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 32,  May 6, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 32,  May 6, 1915 1915 2015 true xt79gh9b8c1s section xt79gh9b8c1s O
Issue nllmhéf IIICOITQCT
May 6 should he Vol. 7, no. 32
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ll University of Kentucky
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lllllllll Illl EXEIIIZISES llllllllllll PHIIVES lll “ll|llEE lll Jllllll BUYS illllllllllllllll IIEFEAIS °l1 S lllfllllll III PE
l I l   • •
. , I
All Hill] lll Sll|IllIlS· lll “lA$l I’|lIl|I||l"° IS llllll l|l[lII|S|l|llll’ llllll Elllll AlHlEllS” llllllllllll ll Sllll
. """"" l `i'*' F ""“`- —"_* -—--
6 · ·»»I i
_ "Tap Day" Ceremonies For} Cadets   9 f 8 3 t_ Vlsltmg   Clay Hall Men Unite For' R¤¤¤€t‘S Stack up 3 Pomt to Appygciative (gommdes pl.t_
Honor Soctettes Are Im- | Team m TWO Stmlght Mutual Comfort 111 Hour the Good on the sent Capt. Herbert Gra-
p!‘€SSlV€ and Béillllilflll Games, 7 to 4v 15 to 2 of Bereavement. Home Boys ham Field Glasses
A STRIKING PROGRAM TM K°“‘“°l"’ S‘““’ R°$“'“"”l A unique fraternity has been organ-; wht. the defeat of Kentucky stmt. QFFICERS ARE CHOSEN
,A _ ..—. remped 0V€¥` the T€¤¤€¤¤€€ V°l¤¤·.lzed among the boys of Clay Hall. lst the hands ot Georgetown College ———-
Q? Arbor phy exe;-elses were held by teers Friday and Saturday to the tunel n lg the Lodge of Jlltgd B0yB_ [lll ld tt trsek meet held leet Friday ed The enndel mepeeden of the unt
P the S€“l°r mus °f me unlversny F"` of seven t° tm and mwen m tW°'|°"d‘“" *0 be able l° 59*- imc thm f*`¤l·l the Georgetown track, athletic rela· versity battalion was held Tuesday
l d¤Y m°"¤l“8· Bccomlmnled by wrap Both games were featured by ¤· fellow must D0¤¤€¤8 ¤ lem"` frvml tions were resumed between the two morning on the parade grounds by
A Day" ceremonies tor the two Senior heavy hitting and fast tleldlng ot the all Old gltl ldlolmlng ltlm of the lstt A eedeeee leaemm AIA PA Robinson of the gene"!
  Ae honor Soctetles, stan and Crown and Blue Grass ladB· T€¤¤€¤¤€¤ was °°m‘l that site is to be wedded to anotherl nerore the last event, the relay staff U. S. A. The cadets made a hue
l Lamp md Cm"' lpletely Outcmssed ln both comesw Tllls °l`$““l"·u°“ was lnsmuledl save, the total points were: George- appearance and were commended for
  Holiday was granted to the studentsA Thomas wasA unhltable in the ilrst only ll law weeks ddd and hss tllt,At0wnA f0mA__eteht Amd 0neAhad pomted their good work
l alter 9;30 o’cl0ck, when an athletic game when hits were needed. Mc- large llldmberslllp dl l·0dl.A This ls, KeAmAAAAkyA fUrAyAeAeAAen Amd AAmAAAAAAAAAe Herbert GmhamA of Frmke0rtA •
l rally was held ln chapel. President Clure was the only Volunteer who llllll ll matter of lllllwl-y_ but within AAOAAAHAA and the dnal Score Stood AAAAA eepleln Ol Cempeny ,,BA,, wee preeene
l Barker, Doctor Tlgert and Doctor VN. was able to connect more than once. one week all of the lol". lecelvdd the decided ed a pete Os dem glu". by me men
l L. Anderson spoke on "'I`he Wright, Waters and C. Park were awful ddlctA wlllclt ls the rdddlrdmedt Aavman Hubbard Atkms Amdlm appreciation of me emctem NWA
l Funeral or the Resurrection of right there with the stick, while lol. membership. and lt caused Sdcll AAOWALAAA defeated Gmt;feAdeAAA LAndeAaAAA led
Y the Wildcats-Whlch?" to an enthus- Ashe‘s home run ln the seventh was profound sorrow and prolonged dd, VAAAAAQAA and Sullivan An the CAO Ang IA was arranged to have u epeclel
E t ’ s
l lastic crowd of students, amid cheers one ot the prettiest drlvesAseen 01: lcddtlnudd on pus TWOA) land decAdAAAg event Amer AAA AA9aAAAAbAAeake AA0mpAmy next yen for men who are
and music. lStoll l·leld this season. Turks;   Ang HAAAAAAAA AAA WAAACAA the Blue and employed wld] Oueelde work during
M to gclocla the hattalldn of ca-. Park came acres: dWAth AAth;AA EW       ll-ldts team assumed llle lead, but the arternoon. This company will drill
r "°‘“ °‘°°" “‘ "“’“"° '°“‘ °“ ""’l“"°“ “ ““ mi; ft “ ‘d°hl ’ ll"` were beaten out tt. the mm, bythe at me mum. hoo.
~ campus ln front ot the Admlnlstra-Ascored Tuttle, rgtt an mse on t Amnge and Black AAAAUDBAABA Georgdl The end, Omceee eppoteted for next
, • tion Building, whlle the ten actlveAa threebaggerd to le;. puAttlrt$AA:tatel AAWAA won ddydheee and 0AAeAhad wAyeel, ere; RA FA Albesd major; Cep_
members of Lamp and (ll-OSS tapped m me leudll gmt t Sl: el Caml forty-seven and one-half points, tain W. B. Williams, adjutant; Cap-
‘°“ ’“°" "°‘“ “‘° °‘“'°‘ "‘· '·‘°"°l “°f° “°Y"' “ “"‘°' ° °”""‘ U . .t G. I R . The mm was ..mmd by an mt. on t. J. neymu, qwmmsmr.
crowd gathered to watch the interest-I Fridays Score WM- P A A|lV€¥:Sl Y AAA Hips A€(;€lV€ dent td Sprsgens who bloke llls leg Company   Captain B, Mahoney,
. jng ceremony, and I‘O\1IlaB of B·ppl¤uB€LStat·9_   R H 40 0 g       while running lll Illé ll8.lf·H1ll€ €‘V€ll[· Flrsl Lieutenant     Hatter; Sec.
greeted each Junior as the older menASchrader. ss .. 1 l I 11 0 0 all Oull y g`€I1Cl€S de loss wld be Severely felt by me ddd Lledtedent EA EA Duke; Sen
tgppgd htm with the historic bone. lluttle. lb.   AA 2 2 A 0 0 The AAAAAAAAaA meetmg of the KQAAA llrdllse and Blnttk tesltt geand, W. F. Barnes, J .M. Gibson;
TM °'° L‘"“p ""° C"°" "‘°" "°‘ l“"gm* cf   _ sm cow-ies was the star of the G- L- Dean. D. R. Ellis: coroorsls. H.
J mes Park L nn Evans William J Park 3b 3 3 1 0 1 0 mcky county agents ln cannlng club
° ' y ` I ` '   and home demonstration work was ¤·¤<*·=*¤· w*¤··i¤g mtv stem is which "°*"*"· J· ”· CP"- ”· T- *"°‘°· E· *’·
Tuttle, Herschal Scott, Roy Wallace,A Reed, c ..... 3 0 0 6 1 0l AAAA entered and breakin the Aocal tdelde JA TA Cueldtd JA WA Coopee
held ln the Home Economics De art· g
S. J. Lowry, George Arnold, Francis Waters, 2b   3 0 2 1 1 0 P AA _ , __ ,,
I A lmem Ol, de dntvereie A rtl 2-_tle .;u·k record tor one hundred yards (t0mD8¤Y B. C¤·Dt¤·l¤. C\¤’|‘Y Mil'-
Haynes, Clark Rogers and Gibson Gumber, lt   2 0 0 1 0 0, l 5 P ·¢· Y _ A ` _ A
A ll the H B Wolcott State Agent oe (Continued on page Flv€_) tin, l·lrst Lieutenant, M. (J. Ambergy,
Downing. t F Am C Eelleydtltf .... 2 3 2 3) 3 Eiéome ‘DeAm0tAsAraAA0n·`v0AkA OA BAA _`..*; -.W..?*~——-— Segond Llgutgnts s_ J, Johnson; First
q The new men are. ran ¤ om.; ». BP . l`   lA`AaAAtAAA OAA WAAASAAAAAEAOH D (AA MASS Sergeant, E. L. Frazier; Sergeants, J.
William Clark, Gracean Pedley, Karll'l`homas, p   4 0 0 0 2 2   AA· A AA d Am Ad · E··C , HA dlvemh JA Cl Fuel WA MA JUNBA
Z·—r¢¤¤¤· Henry ¤*¤¤¤w¢"- J- "· —····· '“ °“" ““ ‘ ““ “" ‘ ”“` tt. i. to..m· corporal G. 1.. Jacous
Thompson, Jerrerson Hams, osm- Total ....... as 7 iu 27 s 4 w•¤ll· demonstrators from the “¤¤h·       LA HA Fuque HA CA seeemw H RA
brel McCarty, Herbert Graham and <(7ontlnued on Page Five.) llngwn department- and M"- Lewis B- , _ ,
Ll d M Kee ———••*———- intein-, or the United states Depart- ('r°S°m“"' L S' L°"°°‘ R‘ N‘ 181*
ll midi sel latter the ta plug ex·l Iment of Agriculture, were prominent _ _ hart'
mm a y v Aw [     Iepeeters Ptoceeds of Annual Event Company   Captain, 1.. a. Pey-
erelse, the Senior class marched lo RA ; s A TWAAAAAAQAABAX county ageAAAAs HAOAAA AAAI to be Devoted to it ton; First Lieutenant, H. B. Coinbest;
body l° me l’l““° “°l€°t°d wr plamd QANAANS of the State Amended the meet “ Noble CELISG Second Lieutenant, O. C. walker;
lng the class tree. The Senior girls, t t . I · __   __ L; , _ . . l·‘lrst Sergeants, A. A. Pulllam; Ser-
_ lng, and mgdg brief reports of their lhe lrllls lall-Hellelllc Assoclatlon
wore whlte_ with ribbons in their col l t d d goants T A Powell T T Richards
. lwork. The programs included ad- of State `¤ll\'t*l`Sit>' ai site at ance ` ` ` ’ ` ' ’
org, green and white, and their class Takes Gold Medal lll Sharp AA A ~ _ _ , . __ _ . K. P. Nesblt, H. Parks; Corporals. E.
_ A resseg on bt-egd.mnklng_ ponltry_ tor the benefit ot their Stll0l8lSlll[)
ll0W€l‘,   of the valley. C t tt W    l R· “Ar D `i.D G _
O l bah lf Ol llls Class presldent On QS 1 8 lyeasts, tireless cookers, fruit-raislngltund in Buell Armory, Saturday after-   me' ‘ " ° °ugl°’ M' ‘ Mm-
H a ' Y0l1I`lg' Speakers l l .... tin, O. K. McAdams, M. G. Muller.
and other phases of l1ome demonstra- hooll. April M from J to tr
James Park opened the C6l‘€¤10¤l€¤ -—-—-— L _ . Company "D" Captaln H F Crom-
\\'. E. Draffen of Lawrenceburg a'tion work combined with practical l·la<·h man will be charged no cents · ’ ‘ ‘
with a short speech ot introduction. · · l · ltted Fleet Lleutedem C S Ste
Then Belen ll0elldgA elsss 0l.stdl.A d€_ student in the College of Law, won the experiments ln canning and cooking. mlhlissioh with or Without a partner'.   _ A ' ' '
.\' C T U declamatory contest int \llss \lary E Sweeny Miss Aubyn aud tivkets may be obtained from phen°' bewnd Lleuwnuuh M` M'
llvored his oratlon on Arbor Day ln ···· I ` ‘ ' ' s _ ‘Montgoinery· First Sergeant W P
en lmpresslss msddslt ldd dwelt tlp_ the State University chapel Wednes- Chinn, Mr. 'l‘. ll .Bry·ant, ot State Unl-Aany member ot the Alpha Gamma AAAAA A S AA' t T WAA ' J‘ E'
en the bedellts dt the dst, sud lts day night, April 28, and was award·lverslty, and Dr. Fred Mutchler, of Delta. Alpha Xi Delta. Kappa Kappa \Acf;A'reA ageguseoneer HBO: dor";
eymbdllem tds ltls clsssA llslltddlds llls ed a handsome gold medal. Hls sub-°the Experiment Station, were alsoAGam¤ua. Kappa Uvltu. or Chi Ullltégli tAAAAAAeeArA’ tA0AAp0tAaAs C   Morden L
theme wltll clever slldsldds and lasts ject was "A Prlsoner’s Solll0quy."‘among the speakers on the program.ASororitieH. ,A AA AA` D S T' ' `A S T' d`
_ _, ` ,     . _,..oo,..urner,..rea—
ttertslnlds td the dddssldd lblarlon tonditt, of Marlon, L. U.A The Home lsconomlcs Club or StateA lhis work ot raising a tund eatltAAAAA)AA AAA AAA T0mAAns0nA
mee Chrlstlne Hdpldds resd tlls Woods, ot Pinckard, and J. W. ltudy,lUnlversity served luncheon to thelwar for h<·1ph¤s some slr! through, AA   A A A
eleee prdplldch wlllch wss d dlstldctlot Sturgis, were also contestants. lagents during the entire week. lsvhool was bettull last year by tlleAAAAAAA?A"ll;:::t A;;AAAA;§::::“‘G`l'    
deddrtdre tmm edstdmsry prddld Mrs. 'l‘. J. Shannon, medal contestl On Saturday Mrs. Wolcott an-ltiit‘lS` l’al¤-l|el|¢*lli<‘ Association aud` 'ALA ' AL Att ` ' '
. S·· ‘. . . 1 .
tlddsA owltll tddlldd toward lldtleslsuperintendent of the \V. C. 'l‘. U., had,nouuced the followlng nppolntmentsAltns received thc approval and co-op-A   Smdeigglzr Sud
ddd elldrlty td', sllA·» ltllss lldllltldslcltarge of the contest. Ur. A. S. Mac-lot State University girls to be asslst-leraliou of the faculty and stllllrllts. AAAeAtAAAAe AA AA` AAAUAAAAAAOAA S te Beagle
employed the tdlllles sud tdllldgs dl Kenzlo presided, and made one of hlslant county agents during the lll0ll(lll'l`ll*‘ l|\t‘llllJt‘l`5 of the votthvil arvi A ' `A   ’ ' " A`
AA , A A d UA t A tk l f A] A tu L l B rd tt t Muh l YMAAIM “.AlAAd dud ldd ldelee Addie Hand ——t aptuin and drum major, t.
her t-lassntstes to good advantage ln “ '“‘“"* "" "“ a S' l° mm ‘ H os u' 8 0 ` ll ` l I A I vl·: ltubv· First Lieutenant ’l` C Mc-
compoglng their epltuphs, Marcus U- R€¢lWllW» SUH9 llUlV€l`·llvllbul‘g County; Miss Mnry Burrler Xl llelta. lvdwu " ' ' '
A Ksrl zertdsd reprdsdlttdd tlld t.ldssAslty representative at the KentuckyAto Rot-kcastle County; Miss Katherine l\llllt'llt* Martin und Elsie Speck; ‘
el .ld edd reeelsed tllt, spells lwm tlldl Intercollegiate Prohibition <‘ontest,AMltchell to Logan County; Miss ldliz- liatma llelta. l   +•·•-—; ~
dlAAAAUA_ CAAAAAAA AAA AAA forwsut Amd AAA_AAdteAl.dllsl,lltl,tl tl, sly, lll, lllllll·t,,,l,_ ··wll,, lll,,,lll l.·,,,-lll lo \\'hl[l6y tlounty; Mlm, Lillian Gaines nntl lqttith lieanl \vt·tlnt·stnty, April 2s, Alt-. w, xl,
etleeelt whleh rend wltll sldddrlty sud} Pays the lllll?" llmlah (lault to Lawrence County; Kappa Kappa Gnullnu. Hanna, of lleurral Electrlr Companyg
A nlnslonl lrn rntn was lvou bylxllss Knthloon Snlllvnn to Madison .\uual l.t·\\ls \\'ltitnortli und Murtha spoke to Seniors on "lellectrleal ll·
inspiration. l l K K l A
ld lleltslt dt Sttllt sud llrdwls tlld` Miss Frances tlelsel, Leo J. Sandmanu,lCounty; Mlss Johnnie Cramer to Jet- \'urhoh. Alpha Gatuutu Delta. Aluutinallon," a talk treating on street
slrle. hdddr edl.drltyA lldetdt. AA SAland the quuwtte from the MlngesAferson County; Mlss Linda Purnell to_ l"l`i\l|\'t'$ lielsvl and Nancy |nncs,Alit;ltting in particular, illustrated with
(Continued on Fudd Two) ll,lydllltt,lltlllc gl_lllllllslly_ 1 llpll (’0uuty_ Chi omega. lnutern slides.
` C

 { 1
1 n
• •
2 T H E I D E A
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Go’s Go. 5
“°°° H E OR H EU M H EA RE °"""°" °°
Me At Admission 10c
FIH8T·CLA!0 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. ITAMPER, Jr., Owmr and M•ns •r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. {
» 1 1
y A
isneon osv exsnclszs <»rr1e¢·r¤e 1·r»¤laen¢, Robert Mitchell, FRANK CRUM WINS N|CHOLS ·rAt.•¤¢€¤t¤¤**’ 'md me Kentucky Rum} Credit Associa-
·rh(· at-uw members or Stan and '°w" (that is it °’" get im' in the both made catchy extemporwreous A
*,aduc“h_mchm0nd mom in Clay tion, gave s short talk on rural cred-
T     Crown are: Annabel Gminsef. NM- speeches on the European War. Mr. its
    I alle Wood, Minnie Cramer, Florence H°“‘ Hatter spoke on "The Probable Map • •
      Nushes. l·2lizul><·th Moore. Helen The m°mb°"m° `° °°"n"°d m H°y_¤»t‘ Europe After the \Vnr," and Mr. ————-;——-—;—
\l)eghea, llvssie White and Elsie Han (mh" and °m‘°ugh it is as yet{(`F\llTl on "'l`he Causes of the War."
`Speck very small the officers report tl1at!,l.m_ mm", won by a vom of two to
”*•°•' ‘"*"•'* ""' """•°"‘°"‘ 1 The M members are: Elsie Hel- Mm the *¤°*¤ 0* ******88 me 0* me 0..6. *0** PENS AND PENCU-$»
llpr, Lila Estes, Katherine Mitchell, they are Qxpmung uw number °f1 Professor Noe played some delight- TABLETS AND FINE
•M_— - |Anna Lewis \\'hltw0rth, Margaret ln· brothers to mc!-Bass at s very rapid tul mush- on the grafonola which he STATIONERY
ll ’g(_ls’ Nam me wpodmm Euubem rate within a very short time. arecmtly purchased for me depawx
( I e Farra, hm Darnall and Rebecca ment. JOHN$TON°$ CANDY
I ‘ IS A GROWING BODY; —————••————
L°°°E °F ‘"LTE° °°Y° I N G1rls’ Orgamzatmn Takes   :°?;m§.m§$ggg
'S LATEST *°°U °'T'° gn New Life With the i ·r•-oa ol.¤ ··¤onM·· smosoa O ·
en ······— Class of 1916 l
(Continued from Page One.) ‘"" J
guish that the one who was lust to The only "c°'9d" utemry society in A "near flre," originating ln a
receive his letter, Robert MitCh€l|.]*h° university ls taking hm? and wastebasket under the tlrst floor stair-   &   1
, · ,.1r,, conceived the idea of establish- mighty Smdea this Ymr and is makjway of the Main Building Tuesday suqcgggqp go gggmg g g°_ 51
Arc       ing this great and noble society as sling 8 repuumon that will €° down in night at 7:30 0'clock, caused much   W. Main St. Q
rnonument to his Erie; the annals of college history as one of Xexcnemem on me campul .E·.I. SOUA FOUNTAIN IN TH. ·,
_ The ritual is beautiful and so in- the ¤¤‘€‘¤¤€¤¢ °l'8`¤¤*¤¤U°¤¤ in K€¤·| Evepralmrul George wvaghmgmn CITY. FINE CAN¤Il| ‘
  'F.» _ Isviring and conscling that st once ****'kY $****6 U¤“'°l’¤**Y~ discovered me blaze and mma my -.— ..—;..
.’    <¢_·-·; kg all of the four braced up, dried their The 8°°I€tY has kept wide ¤w¤k¤ help. Two companies of the Lexlng- l
  ¢; C;E§.. "   wars and are now ~‘<~r>‘ ¤tr<>¤z >‘¤¤¤s|**" Y°°' *****1 at the Same *****6 *6* me mn flre department responded quickly
,       ` men. l··¤m¤>¤¤ k¤<>w¤¤W¤¤ ¤¤ €¤¤¤¢<>¤¤¤· MM to Georges mu, and conquered me HAVE YOUR
  1 ()f(;()urge.'l`HE1UEA can’tpubli¤h1“"’€k ¤ '°“¤ °"° *‘°“‘°d ‘““"""““ bl¤¤·>- 1 pl]OtOS
__   · -  `u11¤rmemualmutitcangivetnepre debm WM held ¤¤ the ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤J The firemen rushed qulcmy mw FOR THE KEN
V V { inmble: {Should Amencan women p*m`°mz° ' the smoky building, fetched the burn· MADE :,;,1CKI AN • O
I » "\\'<·, the members of this organiza- \“""`k`““ Styles or Paris modest"' ling wastebasket out on the driveway,
"-` " " ltion, ln order to form and establish The PhU0$°Phi¤¤ snnusl DIGY 18 8l· and subdued the c0¤¤g,gmu0n_ \     ’S  
‘ €· in more constant and affectionate sym-|“'8YS l¤¤k¤¤ f°""*"`d *0 with Zmati The "water brigade" of ()ld Dorml p y '
_ lpathy for the male sperles, and to so- 1 \’l"“’*“"*’· The Phnosophs are also here present, but their aim was qotl   W. ln. st. P.°“1635_x A
’ icure a more constant and abiding love {considered ¤¢rl<>¤¤ contestants mr the ¤o effective as usual. E
2 · [than van be offered and received from **‘*”*“*" ¤>'*’*‘*» and Mich Year hsve —»— -»——;--—»—-;.T....Y..;—- 
. {the fairer sex do Ordain and €Bmb,`held declamatory and essay c0ntests\
` U- ilish this consmuuon-· lm which both histrionic and literary       :
  " l Tm: mma has also obtained pos— t·b*¤¤>’ ¤S di¤¤1¤y<>d- .;_ |
o».=»·,¤ ~   ot me pledge tm.   1 rm- Svviety has been quite named   AND  
--] hereby pledge my word and hon. and honored this spring by being in- .;__
To mspecc the new Sprmg}.,r that l wm aside by me constitution ~‘*¤·=¤ to ¤¤¤<>¢ with bmh the U¤¤¤¤ sunday, May Qth, 1915
Styles in and by-laws of this lodge so long as lland Horsw Munn S°c1€u°S· The ,._.,.___. • •
remain 8. member mmm, never dl-,*'hi¤¤¤<>vM¤¤¤ Mve Mw Med uv ¤¤
Hats H..g...g its   or mg M     at ·»··¤·»·~···»·· mu HUUND TRIP $1. 5 O FHUII LEXIIIBTUII
Q comforts to its enemy; that I shall “'mch is used as an ¤¤¤¢¤¤¥>lv mom- ————-——
  "ever be 8 kind and affectionate The society has been in exlstence SPECIAL TRAINS LEAVE LEXINGTON 7:20 A. M. and 7:25 A.M.
Shirts ,¤mult-r of the members or mes 1¤¤ge,{S*¤·<·<~ 1892- but ¤<>¤k ¤¤ r¤¤<>w¤¤ sc- ——····
Q Ialways exhibiting the love that should I UVHY “'m* the class vf 1916- Ask 'I`ick•t Ag•nt for Partlculan
Neckwear be characteristic or our Hlmnes, the The ¤>r¤gr¤¤¤ iw W¢¤¤•=Sd¤y was   -————
l .. A
’ • i gentle,. sex, l one of infirestcto rllé MtssRTlamp:o:   E H. C. KING. Puff nd Ticket Au"'
Q Order of conducting meetings (ol-lgavea ta On BYB °““g c€· wt .
  t     “ lows; Ia reading from his writings. wl Ent Mun st" L•xln"°n’ Ky'
      I Meeting Called to Orden Ilvilsses Acker and Hodges consumed
l °` <>,,onmg ()dt_».··1~h&; Qld um Oy, the remainder of the evening with 2 " ` " `‘**  "°` ‘ `’’` `* ll " 1- “"`— ' •
· ·· `T. lk I I C bb d ’1 ld
nun umn sum 7 0 g»“"“°· [“ “ °" ’Y “ ° ““ ‘" wmans AM 1 como?
Mad. to Um"` .5 ·•   Reading of minuml descriptions ot his work, some being
  mworts of hogrtfsick brmhers_ given ln Cobb's own language. To
1 Uderred busmesl The el‘fl<·lent officers for this term ,
G·yaVgS’ ( bx ' Reports of Poultry mmm.     *·~¤¤¤·»>·¤- ¤¤¤ M· Mr- LCXll1gtOI1 Dfllg Company
` reports of om Mum commmee. ,··¤*¤= We *’r¤¤*¤<=·¤· *<¤¤¤¤¤¤ W-
I Neyx business. |Smlth; Secretary, Marguerlte|....-.. _________ 
O. Election of new mBmbers_ iS('}lW(·3€I‘i·l§ TDGBBUTBI`, JOSlB Lacerl ¥
h,,,.,,,,,,‘ I Good of the Order-Reading ot let·i H“Y“· F 1
ters from the girls notlfylng us that: '°° ' , A I
The College Fellows Shop they are going to marry. Same let-l [
—-  b d l . ‘
**,:71 tj   i·=*é~1} mj b U The Hom., E .... mm., mu., me to PRINTING   1
I . t C. C mésitezi xsgjjsge (Tzu hm; ui; short business meetlng Monday after- A ° • ·
Xing On igar ° i dl __ ’ ' Inoou at 3:30 ln the Educational Build- { l|\¢0X`l0|'\1·dI· 1
M f Q ' Allis'] th t [ ling. A committee was appointed toe  
snusc ur•r•o "ls s e oss: l
, lttl dldt f th ll-
    llere's to the fellow who has s glrl,\ H_mu nu 8 10 cul aes or B GPC { • • ;
tum of the new offlvers at their next I     t     1
  And has her all alone; 1 "wemlg , g   G
la. WEIT MAIN   For Illally 8 fellow goes Wlth ||ll()[ht*l‘ l _ `  
~_._ wwtwm _ t""°“"" gm Judge Barker-——Mlss Marlo, I hear {
DR, J, D. KISER When he thinks h¤'s zoihs with his you are going to a "Nu¤nery."
uz, nn, nos: me runosv ` <>w¤- Miss M1ch0t—I uaum num any· COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY
·'lc'M-NT I 'l‘he charter members are: (J. F, jlug gbgut QL ¤ · U
0I••••s Ground to Ord•r. I H D S I _ 1 .
u¤¤».u.n¤ sallam,. I ""“°“· ‘ · “'"“· ‘· Ts ““"" "“"| ·’“"¤° B*'*•*"' “• ¤°*°¤ *° ·*°¤· 124-128 North Limestone Lexington, Ky.  
om. vm. mx n••••m• mx ‘***”°" M“°"°"· ·"· ¤¤··~* ·*·¤¤ M ¤¤ to · "¤¤·¤·rv—" , • L
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• · • · • • • • • • • • • • H _ _ lndwartl L. Quarles, secretary of the
O '• Tho Dena Cm fnmmn, wm mw d   course, now classroom work Stat; UHIVOTIIIY Man Takes Soeond Board of Commerce of Loxmgmnl and
Senlorn propose a plcnlc for May a dance at their home, 355 Mmmm ontamount to much. You can come lace In Prohlbltlon Contest mgm G. Holton secretary of the In-
?·"°“hg'¤ i° Ling: lg::$:·;; ::3; Place-, tomorrow evening, with a¢¢¤ll· ;umud;n