xt79gh9b8k13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79gh9b8k13/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-11-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1995 1995 1995-11-20 2020 true xt79gh9b8k13 section xt79gh9b8k13  









By Brenna Reilly

.‘ rim I'll/"(17'

Hazing is any situation created
0 l or offcampus with the intent to
l' imiliate new members, said
I‘avid \Vestol, executive director
o'Theta Chi social fraternity.

“People say the definition is too
I 'oad,” \"estol said, “but the deli-
rtion is clear as bell."

About 70 people attended
\Vestol's lecture, “Hazing on
'I rial," yesterday in \Vorsham
'l heater. The meeting, which was
sponsored by the UK greek com-
n unity, was intended inform UK’s
fraternities and sororities about
tl e specifics of hazing.

“About 10 to 15 percent of peo-
p e in organizations are hazers,”
\g‘u’estol said. “Those people prob-
ably aren’t here.”

Westol said that that hazing is
o ten cloaked in secrecy, because if
fiaternities told pled es about the
hizing that goes on t ey wouldn't
g ) through it.

He suggested that fraternities
p it hazing on their brochures and
te ll rushees if they are going to
h ize.

W to] said the reason fraterni-
ti as give for making pledges work
i: that pledges are supposed to




Expert tells (it hazing hazards

work to get into the fraternity.
\Vestol said the correct think-
ing is that members have to work
to stay in the fraternity, and that
pledges and actives should work
together in proportional amounts.
“It is a lazy chapter that relies
on hazing,” Westol said. “It is not
in the ritual that seniors don’t
have to work as hard as pledges."


Although not all hazing is not
life—threatening, all hazing leads to
other hazing and can lead to life—
threatening problems.

Westol told the audience a
story about a hypothetical pled re
in a hypothetical fraternity. T e
story followed a pledge through
the pledging process to Hell \Veek

— “The orgasm of hazing,"


Also the concept of
pledge class unity is a
azing practice, VVest-
01 said.
“How can you cre-


\Vestol said.

Some of the things
the pledge had to do
that are considered
hazing are requiring

ate team if you segre- 1ny fella)" pledges to wear pledge
gate a portion of the m bazmg,yw pins 24 hours a day,
team," Westol said. areacoward cleaning brothers'

“They did not join
each other, they joined


and a bully. ”

rooms and using the
back door.

Another aspect of



Fraternities should Davnl we‘ll" pledgin that is con-
not encourage pledge Tb?” Cl” sidered Eazin are line-
class unity, Westol cxcrutwc d'rm‘” ups in whicE pledges
said, but assimilate have to answer ques-
new members into the tions, are shouted at by
fraternity. actives and have things thrown on

“Pledging is a dying practice,"
Westol said. Fraternities are mov-
ing toward assimilation instead of
pledging, \Vestol said.

“The word pledge used to be a
verb," Westol said. “In today’s fra-
ternity and sorority language,
pledge is a noun."


“If you believe in hazing,“
Westol said. “You are a coward
and a bull '."

W'estol said there have been
two deaths from hazing this fall

“There is no good hazing,"

about fbt’lt‘jllflll‘t‘. See story, page 3.


\\'estol said, “and all hazing leads
to other hazing.

llaxing is not limited to frater-
nities. \\'estol said a sorority was
throw n off campus after the advis-
ers learned of hazing practices.

“Seniors took the pledges in the
basement and made them disrobe
and marked X’s on their bodies
with a felt tip marker on places
where they need to lose weight,"
“extol said.

The instances of hazing that
“'estol described were real things
that happened while he was a
Theta Chi in college.

“This was my pledging, my
rules and my hell week,” “’estol
said. “I was a great hazer."

lnterfiaternity Council presi-
dent Bill Brassine saw \Vestol
speak over the summer and said he
wanted to bring him to UK.

Kappa Sigma social fraternity
President Matt Mauler said he
liked the presentation.

“I'd like to see him at the next
mandatory event like the Step up
Symposium," Mauler said.

The Kappa Sigma fraternity
was suspended from campus for
three years because of hazing vio—
lations. The fraternity is appealin
the ruling by the Dean of Students


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WEATHHT Partly sunny

today, big/J off 5; clear tonight,
' lot: around 30; mostly many

tomorrow, big/J near 45.

FOTIIIIE SHOCK UKt‘oacl) Bill Curry

and bat/c .l loo Williams both have questions


November 20, I 995

.N (.‘Lwifiair 9 Diversion: 4



7 Sport: 2
(.‘romcord 9 Viewpoint O







TAlKING IAll David Westol spoke to Greek organizationsyexterdn about
tbe dangers of basing.

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By Jacob Clabos

Executive Editor



UK kicked off the ninth annual
Circle of Love campaign Friday
with a celebration in the Student



"HPING llAllllls (.'l7antellorfbr the Lexington Campus Elisabet/J Zinser
(above) and otberx lie/pod ltii‘lc ofl‘tbe event by axing band puppets.

Circle at Love opens

llll celebration

can pick up a card detailing a
child’s top three ‘ft choices,
name, age, sex and cfdthing sizes.
Coordinators suggest that partici-
pants purchase at least two of the
gifts on each childs list.

After the gifts are purchased,


“\Ve had a pretty good
turnout," said Monica Mehanna,
who is in charge of name distribu—
tion and gift collection for the
campaign. “\Ve hope to help
between ()50 and 670 children."

Friday’s kickoff was emceed by
UK spokesman Carl Nathe, who
gave a history of the campaign.
Chancellor for the Lexington
Campus Elisabeth Zinser also
attended and performed her own
play with inarionettes.

“She did a really wonderful
job,” Mehanna said.

The names of the children are
received from counselors and
family resource centers in the
Fayette County Schools.

Those who wish to participate


they are turned in at 206 Student
Center on Dec. 4 and 5 and then
distributed to the families.

“It is really good to see the
number of gifts that come in,”
said Barbara Coughlin, co—chair
of the campaign. “It's incredible.”

Participation in the campaign
by students and faculty on campus
has been really high, Mehanna

“A lot of people called in the
week before the kickoff to see if
the could get their names early,"
she said.

\Vini Humphrey, co—chair of
the campaign, said that several
offices plan to get groups of
names to distribute among

See PROGRAM on 6

UK expert aiding
Michigan schools

By Mara Spaldlnu

( mn-ilmri'ng II ’n'm'

Students and faculty at UK are working closely
w ith Michigan State University to desi a new mar-
k :t-based school system for the state 0 Michi n.

Eugenia Toma, director of UK’s Martin Sciaool of
I ublic Policy and Administration, was chosen by the
Michigan Board of Education to be the director of
research for this project.

Toma, who has a bachelor of arts in economics
fi om UK and a doctorate in economics from Virginia

0 C C

Pol echnic Institute, was chosen because they were
loo 'ng for someone with her type of background.
The board of education is interested in structural
reforms as opposed to specific techniques of teach-

Michigan State received a grant for this project
which was then subcontracted to Toma.

The project is titled “A New Framework for Pub—
lic Education in Michigan.”

The team, includin seven students and faculty
members, will be in t e project by evaluating the
effectiveness of ichigan’s current K-12 education
system. Then, they will develop a new model that
allows competition. The goal will be to adopt tech-
niques suitable for both the students and their fami-

“We do not expect it to be similar to KERA,"
Toma said.

For example, programs such as the ungraded pri—

tnary system will not be included.

It will focus more on the aspects of school con~
cerning who is able to make important decisions for
the schools and how the finances for these changes
will be covered.

“In its call for proposals, the Michi an Board of
Education invited innovative changes,” Toma said.

More specific infonnation on the project will be
available in May orJune of 1996.

Toma has been at UK since 1986 and has been the
director of the Martin School since January I995.

The Martin School is a multi-disciplinary pro-
gram that consists of three different 5 of pro-
grams. It offers a master's degree in pu ic adnunis—
tration, a doctorate in public administration and a
master's in health administration.

Earlier this year, it was ranked 27th among 223
public administration graduate programs across the




Shutdown over
alter new agreement

WASHINGTON — The Clinton administra-
tion and Republican congressional leaders ended a
six—day budget standoff Sunday night, sending fed-
eral employees back to work after the White House
committed to speedy negotiations to balance the
budget in seven years.

“Tomorrow the government
will go back to work and now the
debate will begin in earnest." Presi-
dent Clinton said, appearing in the
White House press room shortly
after the deal was announced.

By voice votes, the Senate and
House adopted identical one-day
measures to reopen the govern-
ment. The Senate also approved a
bill funding the government
through Dec. 15 and the House planned to follow
on Monday.

Both sides declared victory —— Republicans
because the deal reflected their seven—year
timetable and Clinton because it spoke of protect~
ing programs he considers important.

lnlant removal iron! mm In ltllllnl

ADDISON, Ill. — Three people were charged
yesterday with killing a pregnant woman and two
of her children, an slicing open the woman’s
womb to remove her infant son, police said.

The infant, named Elijah by relatives, was in n‘nd
with one of the suspects Friday, authorities said.
The child was in good health at a hospital.

Investigators said they did not know who Eli—
jah's father is, and they would not discuss a motive
for the crimes.

Elijah was found hours after Deborah Evans, 28,
and two of her children were found murdered. A
third child, l7-month»old Jordan, was found
unharmed, shaking in a bedroom of the slain
woman’s apartment.

Bosnian talks to anti today

DAYTON, Ohio —~ The Bosnia peace talks will
conclude today with either the initialing of an
accord to end a 43-war month war in the former
Yugoslav republic or with a breakdown in efforts to
settle it, the State Department spokesman said yes-

At least four major issues are settled, The Asso-
ciated Press was told. A draft provides for a collec-
tive presidency, with ethnic groups sharing author-
ity; se station of rival armies with a demilitarized
zone Four kilometers wide; U.S. arming of the
Bosnian arm and the Bosnian Serbs’ retaining
control of rebrenica and Zepa, two Muslim
enclaves seized by the Serbs, US. officials said.





SAN FRANCISCO — Spacey in life. Spacey in

An asteroid has been named for Jerry Garcia,
the Grateful Dead leader who died Aug. 9 at age
53. Two Deadhead astronomers in Arizone began
searching after Garcia's death to honor him.

Fellow astronomer Tom Gehrels offered an
asteroid he found in 1985 but had never named.
The “Garcia” asteroid is 100 miles across and
orbits between Mars and Jupiter.

Compiled firm win "pom.

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2 Monday, November 20, 1995. Kentucky km":

tlll ends exhibition season

By Jason Dattllo
Sports Editor

The Cats' 119-80 win over
Athletes in Action Friday night at
Rupp Arena marked the end of the
exhibition season.

From now on wins and losses
count and the margin for error

If the AIA game is any indica—
tion, the Cats should be ready for
action when the regular season
tips of against Maryland in Fri-
day’s Tip Off Classic in Spring—
field, Mass.

“1 can't wait to get started,”
freshman point guard Wayne
Turner said.

“Exhibition games are fun
but our first three games are going
to be some of the best games in
b 1sketball history. "

UK led \I-A by as many as 28
points in the first half before
increasing its lead in the second

Derek Anderson led the Cats
with 27 points in just over 19 min-
utes while Tony Delk chipped in
1‘) as five Cats reached double fig-

“Overall I was pleased with our
performance,” Pitino said. “The
players are h1'1\ing a lot of fun and
pl tying together.”

The exhibition setting gave
Coach Rick Pitino the chance to
play all the available players on

UK's bench — forward/center
Walter McCarty and guard
Cameron Mills missed the game
due to minor injuries. No \\'iltlc11t
player played more than 35 min-

The game also gave I’itino a
chance to evaluate his team's

Ill no, armors or action so


“(.k Highmark 6- 16 4-4 20 Heidebrecht
0-.31-;2100|ernan3—61-;27 DanielsO-.12-
22; Uszynski2-4 0-04;Jannon4-121210;
Pack 3-3. 56 13; Tumquisl 3-4. 0-0 6; Lewis
0-1. 0-0 ; Scott 3-8. 2-4 9; Sterner 1-3. 0-0 2;
Farkas 26. 2-2 6. Totals 27-72. 18-24 80.

I (110): Walker 6-13. 1-2 14; Mercer 5-10.
0—0 10; Pope 3-6.8-1014;Delk 6-10.4-419;
Anderson 9-10. 5-5 27; Edwards to. 0-0 2;
Prickett 4-4 1-3 9; Sheppard 3-5, 2-3 8; Turner
1-3. 4-5 6; 51395 02. 0-0 0; Simmons 23. 0-0
5; Mohammad 2-5. 12 5. Totals 42-77. 26-34

Halftime: UK 61, AIA 37. Rebounds UK 47 (Ander-
son 7). AIA 38 (Jamton. Scott 6), Three-pant FG
UK 921 (Walker 1-5. Mercer 0-2. Delk 34, Ander-
son 4-4, Edwards 02, Sheppard 01. Epps 0-2. 5071-
mons t-l JAIA 8-25 (Higimark 4-8, Daniels 0t.
Uszynski 0-1. Jarmon 1-6. Pack 26. Scott t-Si.
Assets: UK 25 (Edwards 5) AIA 13 (Uszynski 3).
Blocks: UK 3 (Walker. Pope. Anderson 1) MA 0.
Fouls: AIA 24. UK 18, Technicals: Prickett A:




strengths (fast breaking) and
weaknesses (defensive rebound-

“\Ve are a great fast break
team,” Pitino said. “We change
ends quicker than any team I’ve
ever coached. But when you give
up 19 second shots — 13 or 14 by

halftime — that takes away eight
or nine opportunities that we
could be out on the break.”

UK may have some weakness-
es, but they weren't that evident
to AIA coach Sharm Scheuerman,
whose road-weary team fell to 4—9
on its current tour.

“If there’s a better team in the
country, I‘d like to see it,"
Scheuerman said.

The AI \ coach sees the Cats'
potential as do many of the pre—
season magazines, but Pitino is
not going to allow himself or his
players to get caught up in the

“We could play excellent bas-
ketball and start the season 7—,2 ”
Pitino said. “\Ve re not going to
get too concerned about the

As for being ranked No. 1 in
the AP Poll.

“\Ve don’t deserve to be No.1,"
Pitino said. “VVhat did we do to
deserve to be No.1?

“We 0t knocked out in the
Elite Eig t last year. I think we’re
one of six or seven basketball
teams that could be ranked No.
l,” Pitino said.

“At the end of the year if we’re
a No.1 seed we would certainly
deserve it because we played the
price on the court. But right now
we don’t deserve to be one, two,
three or four because we haven’t
proven anything.”


mun Kerrie/171]]

Ito Hill m0 UK ’5 Tony Delk goes up fi)?‘ a shot against Athlete: in
Action ’1' Mike Sterner in UK ’5 119—80 exhibition victory Friday night.

Anderson near perleet in Gats' exhibition victory over AM

By Brett Dawson

As it happened, Anderson would up

transfer had 7 rebounds, 4 assists and 3

Senior Staff Writer

Derek Anderson intended to pass the
ball, but when an Athletes in Action
defender cut off the lane, Anderson had to
switch hands and flip the pill
tow 11rd the rim

It rolled off harmlesslv, and
\l 1rk Pope battled for the offensive
rebound Anderson didn t know it
was his first missed shot of the pre—

If he had
have taken it.

maybe he wouldn't

“If you guys would ve let me Anderson

know, ' Anderson told reporters of his
streak, “I could've gotten something start-
ed. Maybe you could get a little board (at
the press table) and give me a running


shooting a mere 93. 7 percent from the floor
in two preseason games, finishing 9-for-10
in Friday night 5 119- 80 UK win over AIA.

It’s unusual for a player to hit ()0 percent
of his shots in a two- -game stretch It s not
at all unusual, though, for Anderson
to be the sparkplug for UK, the pre-
season No. 1 team in the nation.

It happens in practice, it’s hap-
pened 1n the preseason, and don t
count against it happening during the
regular season, Anderson s team-
mates say.

“Derek always gets us started,
whether he gets a steal or a dunk or
whatever,” Ron Mercer said. “He
sets the pace and the rest of us just try to
match it.”

Anderson was unmatchable on Friday

steals. He hit all four of his three—point
shots, finishing 7-for-7 in the preseason.

But Anderson’s biggest contribution —
his get- up— and— —go - isn ’t measurable. The
junior said it' s a conscious effort to play like
a madman, in an effort to inspire his team-
mates to do likewise.

“I want to set the pace." he said. “IfI get
a steal, I know Ron or somebody will try to
do the same thing. IfI dunk one, Ron's
going to try to get the next one. ”

Inspiring his teammates a ainst AIA,
though, doesn t require the kintfof play 1t ll
take to do the same against the likes of
Maryland, UK‘s opponent in their season
opener Friday night.

“Not to take anything away from (AIA),
but I’m ready to play against a team with
some talent," Anderson said. “I want to see


Anderson likely will stand around the
center circle when the time comes to tip it
off against the Terrapins. He started in F ri—
day's game and shared point guard duties
with Tony Delk —— a strategy Rick Pitino
plans to stick to —- at least in the early sea-

The UK coach couldn’t be happier with
Anderson’s early—season play, es ecially
with the Louisville native coming 0 fa torn
anterior cruciate ligament not yet two years
ago. The injury is “as close to being healed
as it’s goin to get,” Anderson said.

And as Fong as it sta s that way, Ander-
son will keep doing wfiat he does best —
motivate the players around him.

“Coach uses Derek as an example, and
he tells us to try to be everywhere like he
is,” Antoine Walker said. “But not just any-


Ill takes pair
loom Cool Cats

By 0. Jason Stapleton
Staff Writer

There was standing room
only at the Lexington Ice Cen-
ter Saturday night when the
UK Cool Cats hosted the Indi-
ana Hoosiers.

This is just what UK want-
ed, because on Friday night the
Cats traveled up to Blooming-
ton and were handed a 9-0
shellacking. .

They were hoping to
rebound at home on Saturday
ni ht, but the Hoosiers had

tfier plans in their 5-3 win.

IU came out and pla ed stel-
lar defense, holding the Cool
Cats scoreless for almost the
entire first period. In fact, there
was no scoring at all for the
first 15 minutes of the game.

Then at the 5:13 mark of the
first, IU scored on a sla shot
against freshman goalie ,fiistin
Hosie. IU added another sec—
onds later, jumping out to a 2-0

UK was not going to be
taken that easily at home how-
ever. Still in the first period,
UK wingman Paul Cerabona
brought the Cool Cats back
into the game with a goal at the
3:06 mark.

IU scored once again with
only 1:06 left in the period to
silence the crowd.

Then, at 4:09 in the second
period, the Hoosiers scored yet
another goal, effectively taking
the crowd out of the ame.

“We just weren t etting
shots,” UK Coach Gor Sum-
mers said. “We got away from
our game plan and that hurt

UK team captain and lead-
ing scorer, Chris Boyd sus—
tained a deep knee bruise last
week against Bowling Green
and did not play the first peri-

Coach Summers said it was
his decision not to play Boyd in
the first period.

“I thought it would be best
to rest him the first period
because he didn’t practice
much during the week,” Sum-
mers said.

The Cool Cats next game is
Dec. 1 when Xavier comes to














































update.“ night. Along with 27 points, the Ohio State where we stand against a talented team like body can be like Derek.” town for a pair of games.
-UK Women's Basketball: Kentucky /
invitational. Toledo vs. West Virginia. SQIURDQY H 25 SUNDfly "/26 l
5:00 m/UK vs. UNC-Asheville, 7:00 m;
Lexirliqtom KY P . SPE