xt79kd1qjm3k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79kd1qjm3k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199203 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1992 text GLSO News, March 1992 1992 2019 true xt79kd1qjm3k section xt79kd1qjm3k Free at Selected. Business Locations
Home Dehveryat$5perYear
uxmc-ron an/usnmu snvxcn ORGANIZATIOI, v.0. pox 11411, LIXIIGI'OI, n «0515

Religion and the transcendent are a part of gay life that one can't
ignore. Even gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals who aren't interested in
the spiritual dimension of life must address the reality that much of
organized religion condemns their sexual practices and that some
religious people will persecute them for those practices or even for
acknowledging their sexual orientation.

Moreover, a good number of gay E
min and lesbians have pointed out {5.3—}

t at in many cultures gay eo le £1.73" gal—£5 ‘3 _.

have been recognized as sfiamgns E 25:53; i

and seers. These people have been E a h" E

given respected places in their if g '.=:_
communities. The Radical Fairies —1‘-—:_E_- E"

and other groups claim that being :—: fi—E—w

gay is primarily a difference of g f -1- __T_
spiritua outlook. '~__ —_ :F g g‘ jéééfir-ee;

And finally, many gay men, =~____i::j" j. g -1 3:
lesbians and isexual people are ‘_’:;s&=~gr'§§ £3; 7::
serious and active adherents of _ "I * 5% 2' —-
many different religions. In this = g‘ “,EEILA“
issue of the News we examine the g; g {3. jg:
role of spirituality and religion u- _ 7:
in the lives of gay men, lesbians, E
and bisexuals in the Bluegrass.


By Craig Clare

Unitarian Universalism is one of religion's best kept secrets. Polls
indicate that 55 to 60 percent of Americans have never heard of
Unitarian Universalism. The Unitarian Universalism Association has
192,000 members on the rolls, but surveys have indicated that as many as
500,000 Americans identify themselves as "UU's".

Where did these UU's come from and why should we as lesbians and gay
men be concerned? Unitarians, who believed in the unity of God, and
Universalists, who believed in universal salvation for all people,
appeared in North America in the 1700's. Universalists were among the
first "evangelists," preaching the doctrine of "salvation for all" and
denouncing the concept of hell. Unitarians evolved from the
Congregational Churches and were known primarily as intellectuals and
social reformers who rejected the prevailing Christian doctrine of the
Trinity. Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Margaret Fuller, Susan B.
Anthony, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Albert Schweitzer were all Unitarians
or Universalists. The two separate denominations merged in 1961 as the

Where do gay men and lesbians fit in the UUA? The denomination has a
long history of support for lesbians, gay men, and Continued: page 5

A word from the editor
eWS By Chuck Smith
, . Gay men and lesbians and their
Published monthly by the Lexmgton interest in spiritualitg and
- - . . reli ion is a touchy su ject.
Gay/Lash)“ SemceS Organization Someg have completely dismissed
P.0. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 these things as something ,Of no
—— importance. Others have rejected
. or anized reli ion, yet are active
Chum: Smith.ed1tor ing the purs?1it of spiritual
Craig Clare, president. G180 Board values. And still others make the
claim_ that_ being _gay .has an
Mailing: Lee. Folding and stuffing: Lee. essential .SPlrltual dimemuon'
_ , Some time ago, I met a man who
Laurie. Mark. Steve. and VIHY- had just come from The Bar. He
_____ told me that he was Suite
embarrassed because he ha run
into a member of his ihurch there.
, His reaction can e seen as
5221;35:3531d2n: Peiéourtolumn amusing, but it is also saddening.
wp01nts of
interest to lesbians in the I propose that a great deal Of
Bluegrass is roduced b good would come not .only from gay
Esmeralda Collectgve Y men, lesbians, and bisexual people
‘ coming out in the religious groups
—‘ they belong to, but also from
. p ‘ _ their coming out as religious and
Vim or opinions expressed in GLSO News spiritual people in the gay
are those of the authors and don't community. This issue Of the GLSO
necessarily represent those Of the GLSO News provides information to those
Board of Directors. Submissions are With a spiritual yearning. It
welcome. All submissions become the shows there is a diversity of
property of 61.50 and must indicate full spiritual opportunities for gay
name and address of the author. The people in Lexington and the
staff reserves the right to edit potential for more.
submissions and ads to meet publishing EDITOR NEEDED
"q“i“"“t" “ “11 “ th‘ right W This summer I will be moving to
reject any submission. Placement of a new job outside of Kentucky, SO
advertising in the 61.50 News does not the GLSO News needs a new editor.
denote a person's sexual orientation nor Over the past few months the
a business's custcner preference. . number of people helping with the
newsletter has grown and more
adxertiiingd has been sgld. This
ma es t e emands o e itin ar
Ideally, the new editor will
Many readers returned the survey work with me for the next few
form in the last GLSO News, and months and then take over the NEWS
they are being tabulated. You may in June. This will provide him or
be included in the survey by her with the opportunity to learn
returning a form to P. 0. Box the ropes before taking over.
4183, Lexington, KY 40544, before Anyone interested in serving as
March 14. Results of the surve the editor or helping with the
will be published in the ApriX paper may call Chuck at 275—2089
issue of the GLSO News. or Craig at 266—8887.


By Larry Stanley

The Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S (Circle of Leathermen Together) celebrated
its second anniversary with a series of events in January. A second
anniversary Bar Nicght was held January 17, at Crossings, the club's home
bar. A banquet an awards ceremony was held January 26, at the Harley
Hotel in Lexington.

The group is made up of Central
Kentucky men who share a common HEAVYSET GAYMENMEETIN MAY
interest in the levi/leather
lifestyle. The club has emerged as Heavyset ga men and their
an active community service admirers wilI gather at a
organization addressing needs in convention of the Affiliated
both the gay and straight Bigmen's Clubs in Las Vegas, May
communities. 15 - 17. The meeting is being

Although for many the term hosted by Girth and Mirth of San
"levi/leather lifestyle" may Diego, California.
conjure up an image of " ikers and Registration for the conference
heavy—duty dungeon sex," this is $45. The fee includes an active
image is stereotypical and hospitality suite during the
generally inaccurate. For those convention and a welcome party
interested in this lifestyle, the Friday night. Also included are a
wearing of leather carries luncheon buffet on Saturday,
connotations of power, strength, continental breakfasts on Saturday
masculinity, fellowship, and male and Sunday, snacks, free drawings,
bonding, as well as sexual souvenirs and the opportunity to
preferences. meet "tons" of hot men.

The presence of a men's gay bar For more information or to
like Crossings has encouraged the register, call Girth and Mirth of
"coming out" of many leathermen san Diego on their 24 hour
who have not been comfortable with info-line: (619) 436—6939, or
the "preppie and sweater" male gay write P.O. Box 86822, San Diego,
image usually associated with CA 92138—6822.


Since the formation of C.O.L.T.S
its members have conducted a food TRULL&HIGBIE IN CONCERT
drive for God's Pantry, provided a
decorated Christmas tree for a Teresa Trull and Barbara Higbie
Lexington hospital, and conducted bring their reunion tour concert
funds raisers for GLSO's Gay Pride to Memorial Hall on the campus of
Committee, the Name Project of the University of Kentucky, on
Kentucky, and AIDS Volunteers of March 13, at 8:30 p.m. Ticket can
Cincinnati. Currently the group be purchased in advance for $13 at
has adopted a 3.1 mile section of Sqecial Media, 371 South Limestone
the old Frankfort Pike from New Street. Tickets at the door are
Circle Road to near the Headley- $14.

Whitley Museum under the state's

Adopt—A—Highway program. The club ——————'
collected over 30 bags of litter CLASSIFIEDADS

the first two "nippy" Saturdays of

January to kick off the groject.

The C.O.L.T.S hoste a newly Needed:areally cool roommate to share
formed levi/leather club, The a2BR apartment in UK area. Male or
Tri-state Wolf Pack, from the female, Idon't care. Call Rob at
Continued on page 8) 254'5326.


 The key to HIV
Prevention is
Spread Facts,
not HIV.

For more information, call your

local health department or the

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
4 - GLSO/MarCh


New Jersey became the fifth This effort by Traditional Values
state to make a statute prohibit- Coalition is seen as a test
ing discrimination based on sexual campaign. If it is successful, a
orientation a part of its laws. 0n future national attempt to limit
January 22, Gov. Florio signed the gay rights can be expected.
act 0 the state legislature into

New Jersey joins the states of
Hawaii, Wisconsin, Connecticut and _ ' _

Massachusetts in providing such Alrllne'l‘lckets"Cruises--Tours
protection in their laws.

However the right—wing interest
group Traditional Values Coalition PEGASUS TRAVEL INC.
has established a campaign to
amend the constitutions in Oregon _ .
and Colorado to prohibit those GLSODonatlonWIthEachPurchase
states and their political
subdivisions from enacting any law 2040 Idle Hour Center
or policy providing gay men, RichmondRoad,Lexington,KY40502
lesbians or bisexuals with
protected status or a basis for 800228-4337 606 268-4337
claims of discrimination.


 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday D I R E C T 0 R Y
g 3 4 5 6 2? GLSOGayline.................231-0335
12pm GLUE lunch social 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. 7pm gay men’s spirit. grp. am HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. .
5:30pm GLSO phoneline 8pm Pride Week Comm. 7:30 Lex. Mens Chorus 8pm gay/lesbian AA 9am Front Runners $138 11312353 8:352) - - . - - - - - ~ - - - agggggg
7 mung b. Al An 7‘30!“ GLUE mung GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) .' .' .' .' 3266-9175
F“ gay/1°.“ ““1 ‘ .°“ GLSO P oneline (Tony) . . . . . . . . . . 266-9175
8451M Rmnbow bowling GLSO Commg Out Grou (Mary) . .266-5904
league (Steve? . . . . . . .. 233-1782
~. 2 Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S (Mark) . . . . . . 233-7266
§. 10 11 12 13 fig‘ RamowBowlingLe e.........267—2127
2‘9?“ . _ . ‘ = Tri-state Gay Rodeo Err-y) . . . . . . .233-7 266
4pm gay/lwblafl AA 12pm GLUE lunch social 7pm NAMES project pm HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. 8pm gaY/lwblan AA am HIV +/A]DS supp. gip. NAMES Project Kentucky (Katie) . 223-3855
Tri-state Gay Rodeo Asso. 7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon meeting 7pm NAMES panel 8:30pm Trull & Higbie 9am Front Runners %esbiankfi’ot §Ckf . . . (1.). bb . j . . . . . Egg-32%?
8:45R2ibo bol' 8 asb' AA maid cert smere a's arour e ie..... -
leagnle1 W w mg pm gay/l mn 7:30pm I(lirgLUE social con Front Runners/running club (Dan) . 254-6850
7:30 Lex. Mens Chorus UK Gay/Lesbian Students (Keith) . 266-3934
Lexington Men's Chorus (Shelby) . .231-0090
. 1 2: Gay/LesbianAA (Dave) . . . . . . . . . . . 277-9522
, . .; Gay/Lesbian Al-Anon (Robert) . . . . 2930516
2pm lesbian potluck 12pm GLUE lunch social 8pm gay/lesbian AA pm HIV+IAIDS supp. gip. 7pm gay men’s spin't. grp. am HIV+IAIDS supp. grp. RELIGIOUS GROUPS
4pm gay/lesbian AA 7pm gay/lesbian Al-Anon 8pm Pride Week comm. 7:30pm GLUE meeting 8pm gay/lesbian AA 9am Front Runnels Di 'ty' Catholic (Don) 299_ 4 4 5 8
1245 Rainbow bowling 730121 Men-2011228 22992113222203 Ingwéave: Unitarian (cs-n ')'.'.'.'.'. 277-4384
league wlebmuon Gay Mens Spiritual Group (gteve). 233-1782
AIDS Information & Services
Kentucky AIDS Hotline. . . . . 800 645-2437
92°22. fin 5:2. ; AVOL (info. & services) . . . . . . . . . . . 254-2865
22 24 25 26 27 22 12222me
2222 2.22- (AVOL)....................254-2865
4pm gay/lesbian AA 12pm GLUE lunch social 7:30 GLSO board meeting pm HIV+/AIDS supp. grp. 7pm Dignity meeting am HIV+/AIDS supp. grp.
7 [lesbian Al-Anon 8 flwbian AA 7:30 GLUE social Awbian AA 9am Front Runners Ano ous AIDS Testin
pm gay ' pm gay 8pm gay Lexington-F3111 ette Count g 288-2437
8.412%ng bowling 7-30 122- Mm Chorus 9 pm C.O.L.T.S Madison enmity. . . . . . . .?.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' '623-7312
JessamineCounty................ 885-4149
Woodford County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .837-4541
-:-:-:‘:~:»:-:~:-:2:~:~:~:-:>:~:-:-:-:-:-z~:~:o:-:-:>:-:-:-:;:;:;::1;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; ;:;:;155;:3:;:;:;:::;::1;:;:;:;z;:;::1;2;z;:7:;:;:5;:5;:;:;:;:;:;:553:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; LouiSVi-ue & Jefferson count
322 31 ““7”" A?" ”” Gay/lesbian Information Line. - - y 589-3316
- 2:2 I‘m“ lllllflflfl
42212222221222 12222112222222 Eflflfifllfl Eli-BEEN National Gay/Lesbian ensisune
g2; gflgmfiflfim HEEIIIIEIEEEIIE [gamma-m (800) 347-4283
: n W w In
league g [El-[BEES] [HEM
NEE?- Lexingtm‘ Gag/$33231 Infm‘matim‘
6 ' GLSO/March GLSO/March - 7

By Don Reichart
Dignity is an organization of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals, who
are Catholic. It provides these people an environment of support and
encouragement in a Catholic context. The grou also challenges the
Catholic Church to re-examine its understanding 0? sexual orientation.
Dignitg in Lexington welcomes
people rom various faiths and UNITARIANUNIVERSALISM
beliefs. In fact most of the PROVIDESANALTERNATIVE
participants aren't Catholics.
The groupl meets the 4th Friday Continued from page 1
of the mont in the home of one of bisexuals. The 1970 UU's annual
the members. The General Assembly called for an end
celebration of the "-1 to discrimination against gay and
Mass is lead by a 6}? lesbians people; in 1973, the
local priest, who 2, denomination established an office
also leads the group of Lesbian and Gay Concerns; in
in abrief discussion. a‘ 1980, we called for an end to
Participants voice any concerns, discrimination against gay and
hopes, or needs they might 'have lesbian UUA ministers; in 1984, we
and these are prayed for during he recognized gay and lesbian
Mass. services of union; and in 1987, we
After the meeting, either a pot called for full legal recognition
luck dinner is served or we all go of lesbian and gay relationships
out for a dinner. If you are and an end to all sodomy laws.
interested in joining us, please The UU Church of Lexington has
call Don at 299—4458 for details. actively pursued the goals of our
denomination with regard to gay
and lesbian issues. Interweave, an
ARTIST'SPHOTOSANDPOEMS affiliate of the Unitarian
FOCUS ON DEATH OFAFRIEND Universalists for Lesbian and Gay
Concerns (UULGC) provides support
A close friend of Lexington and social actiVities for gays,
artist Louis Zoellar Bickett died lesbians, and bisexual members.
of AIDS last November. Bickett The Lexin ton UU church has fully
made poems from his interviews integrateg lesbians, gay men and
with his friend during his bisexuals in all areas of church
illness. That work, along with life. In 1989, Lexington hosted
slides he took of his friend in the annual convocation of UULGC,
the hospital two weeks before he bringing 150 UU's to Lexington.
died, will be shown in an In our churches we have the
installation format at the accumulated wisdom of humankind,
University of Kentucky Rasdell reason, intuition, UU religious
Gallery, in the 01 Student tradition, and the life-truths of
Center, Mar. 26—-April 22. all our members. If you are
The show opens with a reception seeking a place where minds are
at the gallery from 5—8 p.m., Mar. free and the issues of our lives
26. and times are examined critically
"This is going to be a very and hopefully, perhaps you belong
provocative and emotional show of in a Unitarian Universalist
work depicting my views of a congregation. The Lexington UU
friend in his final days of Church meets Sundays at 10:45 a.m.
illness, and the strength with For more information about
which he met his end," Bickett Interweave or the church call
said. Craig Clere, 266-8887.

By Mary S. Crone

Beginning in the 1970's, there has been a growing interest in and
exploration of Earth and Goddess oriented religions. Lesbians are
involved in the study and practice of Wicca, western European pagan
traditions, Afrocentric spiritualities, various Native American
traditions, and New Age philosophies.

Common to most of these
spiritualities is a belief in the GAYMEN'S GROUP INVESTIGATES
Earth and in all the creatures and CHRISTIAN SPIRITUAL GROWTH
peoples of the Earth as being
sacred. of particular appeal to us By Steven Buck
as wimmin and as lesbians is the In early February, 13 gay men
emphasis on the Goddess as the gathered to express their faith in
creative female force in the God. They gathered in diversity.
universe and the discovery of the One a is Pentecostal. One is a
Goddess within ourselves. Disciple of Christ. Three are

I am particularly drawn to the Southern Baptist. Three are
practice of pagan spirituality Episcopalian. Three are Catholics.
from my Western European ancestry. others are not affiliated with any
It is not easy to learn about this church. Two of the men have AIDS.
heritage because of the efforts to Three want to affirm their
destroy it, exemplified by the relationshifis with long-time
witch unts of "The Burning Times" companions. T eir faith is the one
(apfiroximately late 15th to early thing they have in common. All are
l7t Century). Estimates of the seeking others who will affirm
number of people (mostly wimmin) their relationship with God.
tortured and murdered during this This group, the Gay Men's
time range form a few hundred s iritual Group was envisioned
thousand to nine million. Goddess wgen three men met by chance at a
worship was repressed, but She has summer party. They found them—
been waiting in our collective selves discussing their faith and
unconscious for us to return to activities within their respective
Her. churches. During the course of

There are present day sources of their discussion, they realized
information and inspiration. I the need for the dialogue to
have enjoyed reading and learning continue.
from Diane Mariechild, Starhawk, The three discovered that they
and Z. Budapest all of whom write were not alone. They found that
from a feminist viewpoint. We can there were other gay men who were
also learn about our spirituality active in their churches, but
by looking inward. still had the need to affirm and

In our patriarchial culture, we share those activities with other
are taught to develop our logical gay men. The three grew to five
minds and to look outside and the five have evolved into the
ourselves for the "The Truth;" initial core of the group. There
reasoning is seen as the way to are over forty names on our
learn and to know. We are more mailing list. All are individuals
than our logical minds, and reason who have expressed an interest in
is but one of our abilities. spirituality.
Goddess spirituality teaches The five continued to meet on a
various ways to connect with our regular basis during the
internal sources of wisdom. We can fall/winter of 1991. There were
begin again to pay attention to only two or three of us at
our intuitions, Continued on page 10 meetings several Continued on page 10


By Pamla Wood
After planning for several seasons and renovating for months, the New
Morning Coffeehouse and Community Peace Center will open its doors the
first week of March. The opening events have been dubbed a "wake up
call" and will take place at the coffeehouse, 504 Euclid Avenue.
New Morning offers a place to
meet, to talk, laugh, argue, and GAYMEN'S SPIRITUAL GROUP
generally "hang out." If a few
more volunteers sign up, the doors Continued from page 9
will be open from 7 a.m. until 11 times, but it was decided to
p.m. (1 a.m. on weekends). preserve (Remember: "Where two or
Opening events start at 7:30 three are gathered . . ."). In
p.m. March 5 with a conscientious January, it was decided to
objector and attorney speaking publicize the group in the GLSO
about the Gulf War and the News and develop a calendar of
military. A full day is planned events for 1992. The response from
for March 7: Fun for Kids, 10 a.m. the gay community has increased
till noon, a speak out on women's the group size to 13. The potluck
issues, 7:30 p.m., and Paranoix on February 7th was a great start
shadow puppet theater at 9 p.m. for GMSG in 1992. Dedication to
Readings and music are at 7:30 the group is evident in that we
p.m. March 8. For more infor— have scheduled a meeting place in
mation call Pamla at 277—7611. individual homes through May 15,
In February, GMSG began a two—
friendship." The text for the
Continued from page 9 discussion is S iritual Friendship
our dreams, and to our spiritual written by Aefred of Rievauix.
insight. One of the ways inward is Aelred was a 12th Century monk. As
ritual. Through ritual we can humanist and Christian monk, he
connect with the Goddess within, advocated friendship on both the
we can dream the dream forward. natural and supernatural planes.
Athena Productions and a group He saw the mark of friendship to
of wimmin from diverse spiritua be frankness, not flattery;
traditions are organizing a sgring generosity; not gain, patience in
equinox celebration. Schedule for correction, and constancy in
Frida , March 20 at the Unitarian affection.
ChurcK, it will be free and open Aelred suggests that ". . . a
to the community. Those on the friend is called a guardian of
Athena mailing list will receive a love or, as some would have it, a
reminder with specifics. guardian of the spirit itself" (fi.
We hope to have crafts for sale, 55). Reflecting on I John 4:16, e
workshops, an area for individual writes: "He that abides in friend-
meditation or ritual, and a ship, abides in God, and God in
planned group celebration for him" (p. 66).
everyone who wishes to I received a note from two
participate. We hope to bring our individuals that have been reading
community together to celebrate Spiritual Friendship. They shared,
female spirituality. "It reads as though it were
If you have art work to display written in our own time . . . I
or sell, or would like additional found it difficult at times
information, please Linda at placing it in the 12th Century. So
266-9748 or Phyllis at 272-11’V’. many of the Continued on page 12

 ’ are in the closet about e'
flsmerelda S Parlor sexuality. th 1r
-\.(\ "The issue of sex with men is
gr“\ another——perhaps the ultimate--
‘.- taboo. Women who have occasional
M or even ongoing sexual relations
‘ with men continue to identify as
. . lesbians. The label of bisexual is
HIV Protection for Lesbians not easily embraced or accepted,
. . and many lesbians identify as
B?! Debbie Currie lesbian for political and social
The fo lowing excerpts are from reasons, not strictly on a basis
the On Our Backs article that I of occasional sexual behavior.
mentioned in the January, 1991 "A large percentage of women
Newsletter ("A Decade of Denial: working in the sex industry have
Lesbians and HIV," by Risa sexual relations with women. Many
Denenberg. July/August 1991). All lesbians have a history- of working
I have to say is that if you think in the sex industry, a though some
lesbians are not at risk for may not talk about it. Sex work is
contracting HIV, please read on. another closeted activity that
"Lesbians have been told they're much of the lesbian community
a low risk group, yet defining refuses to talk about.
risk in terms of groups rather "Getting pregnant often
than behavior is fatal. This has involves risk—taking behaviors . .
lulled us into a false sense of . . HIV transmission has been
security and contributed to our documented through both donor
denial that we are at risk for banks and informal donor trans-
HIV. mission . . . . A man could agree
"Radical lesbian feminist to HIV testing prior to
politics has contributed to intercourse or donating sperm, but
lesbian denial by protracting the it may take up to six months after
theoretical debate over issues exposure to HIV before the
such as pornography, penetration, identifying antibodies show up in
S/M, and bisexuality. . . . By the blood test.
pushing a "correct" behavior line, "There are many other ways
the real experience of lesbians lesbians might become infected
are discounted. If we set rules with HIV. Lesbians are raped and
based on a value-judgment system received blood transfusions prior
instead of a real system of risk to the institution of screening of
reduction, we are saying that the blood supply in 1985. In non-
women who don't follow the rules professional settings lesbians
deserve to die. might share needles for piercing
"For lesbians, the single ears, noses, nipples, labia; or
greatest means of acquiring HIV is for homemade tattoos. Lesbians are
intravenous drug use. . . . health care workers who may be at
Unfortunately, the stigma of drug risk on the job. clearly we are at
use often separates women who risk as both women and lesbians,
shoot drugs from women who do not. and we need to come out of the
In terms of sexual identification, closet about it."
women who strongly identify with
the lesbian community are more
likely to hide their drug use from For Information About HIV Risks
their sisters, while women who CallAVOL: 254-2865
can't easily hide their drug use

8 Chuck Smith
Two of the founders of Exodus, a Christian group that seeks to use
religion to "cure“ gay people, announced that they were gay and had come
to accept their sexual orientation. Gary Cooper and Mike Bussee worked
with Exodus for five years and then fell in love with each other. They
then withdrew into their private lives as a gay couple.
They left the church and for
year they ignored their religious GAY MEN'S SPIRITUAL GROUP
feelings. They wouldn't read their Continued from page 9
Bibles and couldn't see how being observations were appropriate to a
gay and Christians could be relationship."
compatible. The discussion on spiritual
Then, in the summer of 1991, friendship will conclude on March
Gary and Mike came out as gay 20. The next meeting of GMSG will
Christian men. They began to work be a potluck, hosted by Jeff,
as hard to assist gay people Friday, March 6.
accept and love themselves before Through our discussions and
God as they had previously worked potlucks we are able to experience
in Exodus to teach gay men and the uniqueness and diversity
lesbians hate themselves. within the gay community. Your
They first presented themselves attendance at these gatherings
as openly gay, Christian lovers at would add yet another plane of
a regional meeting of Evangelicals » uniqueness and diversity.
Concerned in San Francisco. This "Diversity," as the song goes,
was followed by interviews on "The "makes us strong. " Help
Joan Rivers Show" and many other strengthen GMSG. Help affirm
TV and radio programs. They also yourself. We hope to see you at a
gave workshops for many gay GMSG gathering soon.
Christian groups.
In July, 1991, Gary and Mike
were joined in a holy union at the ‘
general conference of the MCC.
Gary, who was suffering from AIDS, Athena Productions
was confined to a wheelchair. &UK Women's Studies
Gary died September 30, 1991.
But Mike bussee plans to continue present
to battle the anguish the many
Christian Churches put gay people TRULL&HIGBIE REUNION TOUR
through. He says he will bring the
healing and good news of self Teresa’l‘rull and Barbara Higbie
esteem and hope in Christ to’ those
in the gay community. in concert
Information for this article
came from the October 10 issue of Friday, March 13, 8:30 [3.111.
the San Francisco Sentinel. UKM . 1H 11
Continued from page 9 TICKETS:
greater Cincinnati area for their $13.00 advance purchase
irst out of town bar night, Feb. Sqecial Media
29. For more information about
C.0.L.T.S, contact Mark Cross at $14.003tthedoor