xt79kd1qjr3s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79kd1qjr3s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1983 1983 1983-03-10 2020 true xt79kd1qjr3s section xt79kd1qjr3s | a 1 v ' ' - . . . 3 - . . , .,. . '5' ~
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KENTUCKY _ . . .
2 Ease: ' \«r'irfw a}... Mom-«m
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/ ' . . . {04,0 ,* A: spring break approaches. Olf'tn. ru-
3 (\k\v.f_ at ”.1 f. E \h‘7 orvatiom and rental can or. becoming
:' ”‘71?“ a6“ ‘ ~\ ‘ Marco. For a look at the bostc require»
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! .-‘__\‘ . M ,l ‘1“. portation to Florida so. pogo3
' _ . i.
Vol. LXXXV, No. l31 Thursday, March l0, I983 An independent student newspaper Universny of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky
Proposed U S b d ' ' '
. . u get wou urt financial and In le sa s
being funded for student aid. but or she must provide either $800 or «to haven‘t taken into account that any Reagan 5 other proposals include ”-5 Work Study program It would
By JOHN \‘0SKl'lll. they'd make drastic changes in the percent of their tuition expenses family contribution toward the cost the elimination of federal funds for costus 350.000 to get that "

Staff Writer programs and the configurations of themselves. whichever is larger. he willbesubtracted from the grant State Student Incentive Grants and lngle and. however m. thinks ”-5
the distribution of those dollarsw he said. "But a student at Harvard or Supplemental Educational Upportu- highlv unlikely that the president's
said, Money received through federal Yale. or any other highcost institu- nity Grants. Inglesaid proposals will be accepted by Hm

lngle said those changes would se- student loans or work study would tion can provide the 40 percent. get There would 315“ be no new Mgr gress without any changes '
X l’rt‘SIdt‘nl Reagan's PWWN‘d “8 verely limit the financial aid avail» be applicable in this case. lngle help from his or her family and still al money put info National Direct ., i
‘ cal 1984 budget calls for several able at state universities and com- said. have enough leeway for the full $3.2 Student Loans. he 53m], 3% students ‘ H ”‘95“ ”0905315 P355 through
. maior changes In financial-aid munity colleges One such change is Money for the new grant would be 000selfAhelp grant." hesaid. repay their old loans. the collections ( ”“92”“ as they ”9» 1‘ “WM mean
I awards to college students. said the proposed restructuring of the raised from $2.4 billion to $2.7 billion “Students at higher-cost schools canstill beused to make new loans b‘g ”WM“ for financial aid at ”<-
James lngle. former l'K financial l’e|l(lrant.he said ~ an increase of $300 million. The will get larger grants. More federal “They would increase the (‘ollege lngle 5““ ”hr“ "1 a“- ”11‘ Pt‘“
aid director "Right now the Pell Grant is de- maximum possible grant would be money Will be drawn to those Work study program from $551: m”. "mm" “WM “0‘ M“ ”WW. 11> the}
Th” l‘mVi‘l‘Slly‘S financial aid Pr” signed and targeted at the most raised from $1.80) to $3.000. “But the schools." lngle said "The analySis lion to about $850 million." lngle have be?" m the W.“- a“ m“ build
gram will "be hurt Without ques» needy." lngle said. "You might say benefit on that would primarily go to that some people have made is that said. “And that goes back to your ing bl‘x‘ks ,“l ”l" “Harlot?“ aid “W
tioii” if the proposed changes are it is designed to provide a floor of students at a highcost institution." even though more dollars are being self-help concept again But one-fac- the "“9"." 5" naturally VH‘ '1 have to
acceptedbyt‘ongress.hesaid gift assistance tothetruly needy." hesaid. spent in the program. fewer stu- for that l immediately “a. m It ,5 turn toother an?»
lngle served as financial aid direc- President Reagan has proposed 'Say it costs a student $2.000 to at- dents are being assisted." that it's gomg to be more costly to But all of them would have been
" tor for It; years before taking the po- turning the Pell Grants into self-help tend college.” lngle said. "If the stu- The National Association of Stu the institution.“ ‘ relatively reduced. he said. with the
sition as assistant to the Vice chanA grants. and lngle said that “kind of dent produces 40 percent of the cost dent Financial Administrators pro In College Work Study. the ”bum exception of Work Study "However.
cellor for student affairs reverses the philosophy behind in order to qualify for the grant. jected in their last newsletter that fion must contribute one dollar for the more Work Study funds we get
Reagan's proposals would "contin them ” that's already $800 the number of total recipients of the every four dollars mm the federal the more N. ourselves have I“ pay-
ue to fund essentially the same Before a student could be eligible “That leaves a maXimum possible grants will decline by about «tooooo government~ he said "Say the [hi I don‘t know what the. “New“
amount of money as is currently for the proposed self-help grant. he self-help grant of $1.200. And we still if Reagan's proposalsareaccepted versity could get 32ml”, more for would doin that situation . .
l H I I
‘ Freed from le cast Bowre says West sewing as donor rather than recipient
' ' ' 7/ f Ea t | l d' d t ' t '
rehabilitation WI be strenuous 0 s ern va ues, n Ian 8 uca 0r mam alns
. fly on .\Il-3TZ(tI-IR Byl.l.\‘lS.KA[)AB;\ ,3 311:3”,,’\‘\’.r:;;dn“"::“:"“ ‘32:" ”1‘“ l""
~ .~ . - t . . {:V ' ’ t e \ “(‘1 us out
.-\ss.stant Sports laditor SpeCialProJects Editor I, y ”do the mm“ for financial rca
2 , . ‘ sons
2. i .- ' Sex discrimination does not exist

'l‘ht‘ cast may be gone from his ' ‘ Although the East has accepted a ,. iri‘the lndian work force shi- \iUlV
troubled left leg. but Sam Bowie «”3? some Western values ._ legal. edu» ‘ , " ‘ 3 ”w"- "I“, mm," "‘9“ ”1“" ,‘wmw‘
realizes the recovery has ,iust E "3' ; cational and political systems the V . --....:=‘-, m ‘mll‘ffn‘m' WWW” m“ inf" ‘-‘ l"
begun ‘ _ West has falled to reCiprocate , -- LaUst tit" number of edutaied men

The T 1 All .-\.merican received a 3“. F‘ according to lndian educator Karabi "‘ ”1”” ‘h“” m“ number "’ “‘1“
clean bill of health from Dr R .-\ '- .. . .. Sen. who spoke yesterday afternoon 2. . catcd “”mm '
(‘alandruccio who examined "" ‘= as part of Women‘s History Week _, \ . , 1’ ‘~‘ 1” m“ mmolhih “”mt‘” >1”
Bowie 'l‘ucsday at “0"”)th _. . "There has been no large-scale ex- V '5. ‘ ,. feral] th"hard“h‘p"~ ”“05“”:
('amptwllt‘finic ,vi; :1 ' ,1 change of culture that can be de- 2‘ .3; 3 )d‘”) ”Ilrll’u‘f'd‘m” “1’ lm‘ ”{rlmh

Bowie is obvmiisly happ) with . 3V _. scribed as fruitful in any meaningful » "3‘ (.hukg‘mfl >.‘:1l‘nl Sh“: ({“l'jllwlllttt
the Eorahcad. but he remains ('zill' 1” 1‘ ‘ I. “'35? except economical." said Sen. '- , ‘ \K H I.“ (H m ( ”Hen S 2‘
tiousonhisrchabilitation (“half Ol ”19 PhllOSOPh." department -‘ “‘ tor “Emit? , , _, ,

"It feels a lot better with the t . ,1 at the L‘niversity of Burdwan. West KARABI SEN full: 1‘: Eg:f(;r:l,jx,\:r;l?:::t ii,irr1.],:d5m,:(rfl
cast off. but the knee and ankle ' .. ya ”W” )2/ ‘ Bengallndia ”10th lndian m“ through and (fence - . i i l -
are Still. ”1011‘ 5 lift llt‘Vllhllly lll V 'R‘VA’ «-~.;y,j¢",:y':v"WI/Af/f _r’ ....:\ ‘-——————— through ’ lltll‘lnL’ 3m llllt‘f‘\’lt‘\\ \londa} \ht‘

’ them. . he said ""1”” rehabilita I. , ”WW / fl» , Tracing the philosophical and his said "Just as national freedom \K’dx
“ “.0” I H be doing flexibility ('M‘I‘ ii - ,, my “ran as». ‘W ' WOMEN s torical aspects or Hindu iiiarr‘iaei- won. sll‘tlulliillt'ttljsn tv-m-doii‘. for
“5““ t” get "“‘m'm‘m m the ., " .. . . “W N HISTORY Sen talked about brides .is the till women was won .
‘ ankle and knee area ' .: y-ru’ 3,43%" ' ' WEEK (lt‘rpmllt‘tfl‘d P Also .\en said Indira tiaiidh: liidi '

n“ 5 ”MW painful without the I. i M W I Although ”1W1“ ”lilrl'ids’t' \“\\> as lirimc minister ’has habituated
”N because the “N “”5 a sup ‘ M ~ ’ . ' m——‘—' call for friendship and equality be people to firiniinunc't‘ m .i
port “.“d walking 0” my own I . . \ , Western merchants qu1ckly con2 tween husband and \Hlt‘. iii actuali woman I
hurts 8/. ”gm; “ ' .2 . a: quered the East and established ty. "iiioiherhmxi is treated as tiaiidhi who sen said could not

Whirlpool treatments two I” % ". , themselves iii the “role of donor. minor it has no economic impor mind being a tcminisi. has pro
three times a d”), and “'1ka x3 3 and not donor and receiver." she tanceattachedtoit.’ shesaid posed legislation to reduce icmaic
exercises are two pl’OSt'l‘llX'd ‘ j: 1 said in her speech titled "l'nited Traditional marriagc has strayed hardships
treatments h" has “5“" 1“ “V“ “4‘ W." ' ’ States and lndia' Philosophical Pcr- from its ideal. creatini.i a closed son is the .iiiihor of tour litniks in
”("0505 “‘"h m“““""° “'"h m" spectives on Social Issues (‘oncernr marriage with too mam iiiiiieces eluding [iimvitimit a who. r. in:
traineror manager ._ ing Women." Sen presented two pa- sary restrictions on iiidi\iriiial the l’l‘:l'i\’li{‘i!‘t i- s‘pmvcoov and

"hverything looks good. .543”! pers before a group of fit people in growtliTSensi-iid E'ii'iics and New _\‘j;j";'1i.i"t. A
head coach JO” H Hall ”“9“: theStudent (‘enter Addition She attributed the dispariix he summit Bu,“ m rah”. um; ppm
pleased mm the progress and . . The Western mind has been closed tween ideal and realm to the 4)ptt\_ and is in the process oi com
With the {€101 that Sam 08'] begin to the “inferior" East. Sen said “If Buddhist belief in ascetism. or the pleting a fifth Her areas of special:
rehabilitation immediately the modern white man can under- renunciation of all passions. which zatioii include ethics applied ethics

In February 1982- Bowie (19“de stand the minds of his forefathers. reduced womeniosy nihtilsoism m criminologx and ““0th ,Mm
he WOUId 5" out the entire year as , . s... 3' ? he can pretty W9“ understand us An alternatnc. she said. l\ the (tentsandimmen studies
a red-shirt after an intenswe “pro- fifgizfigmfréfi ilndiansi too." "open marriage. which cncour She is also studnng the condition
gram 0f running and “'t‘lghlhllmg ”fl" ‘2‘ 'V V .. The West. with its emphasis on the ages the need and right of each part- oi women in aboriginal tribes on is
émd it 5'th 5m“ lll‘ilt'llk'mtl \V‘th _ , ' I ' 1' H I 'I" ~, individual. could learn selflessiiess her to developthe seliand grow landsin the Bay oi Bengal I
the team ““5 5'9”- h" sees no " ' I V I from India.shesaid In this system. the values dcsira l-Iileen Bennet. a professor oi phi
“5hl’i"‘k“”l““""”" . . 3 "The readiness to undergo self blefor women are also desirable [or losophi brought Sen io lK along

"I.“ 1’“ ROME through “'h‘fh'h' . l sacrifice for the happiness of anothr meii.she said with the sponsors oi the week l n:
. ‘ “m0“ “5 slowly “5 ”MIN“ he i er indivrdual is our primary charac- During the question and answer \(‘l‘Sll} Extension and continuing
l 5““ “There 5 "" 4“" date for me : . ' ' , teristic.” she said “Self-denial per period. Sen said the poor economx in Education for Women
' to come back. now that I won't be ; i .
' back this season “ ' \
. Bowie concedes the most diffi i n a I
‘ “ cult obstacle he will have to o\ er» _ - . V Burford says IBSIgnatlon for EPA s gOOd
' come is not physical. but psycho * "' g
log-ltbtitlt-Suuliy l have a clean hill 2, E ' i WhSHINGTON IAPi .. Anne was in the best interests of the EPA i-Il’A's Sf t‘» billion superfund to clean
3 “t health. h0 mm ”(MPHW N, ' ~~ . . 2 l Mchill Burford resrgned yesterday andvin the president sinterest. up luluil‘diiius waste dump MR5 and
said his ”HUT." has "enabled me to \ a, Q? i as chief of the embattled hm‘iron- After that announcement of the re- charges that it had been mishandlmf .
} look back at life from a different A I” ( ; We}; 2, mental Protection‘ Agency. and lease of documents. Larry Speakes. and manipulated for politicai rca
g perspective 1-“. hm.” m U“. “mt. l 3W W3. gig , -. i PresidentuReagan‘said the resigna- a‘ “bite House )s‘ptlkt’sflitill. was sons- 3 .
i light all my life and cvcrytliiiig‘s l ., ’ "-' f M. ,. My“ / 7 tion was an occasion of sorrow for asked whether tresident Reagan burford. ‘.~\nnc oorsuch before her
5: t'omt't'étSllV for "11‘ t ‘ ,. 3.9;; . 3 3 ”f3“, ”53“ still. has full confidence in the ad marriage Feb 20. was cited for con
L “Now '7“, had ”u. l)pp0l'lullll_\ ; ”Vi: ‘ $~¢2W . .. x , i The announcement came shortly fnlmslfialilrxtlf‘lht‘ EPA‘ and he re tempt of congress last Dec to after
to look on from a coaching stand “f ,1... '35,.3W’.“ .. 5% ' "~ «W 1’ after the White House said it was re plied 'lAl swaitand‘se‘t - ‘ she refused. under orders from the
' point I‘m still progressmg and It, a; .. “it ”r . W5 *2; leasmg to Congress documents it Reagan hadtsprtsscd confidence president. to pronde a House sub
learning from a coaching stand l’ . Q . M.;{a;~~3?;:n‘-é: . I ‘., J had refused to turn over earlier m in theadministrator as recently as committee with documents on the
point ‘ vejfiin‘y'a ‘ ”,3 congressional investigations of the “WM.“ . ._ superfund

"The game of basketball Is like 3 a...” " ' ~ . . . agency Burford‘s WMWHNMH “film‘s lhrt‘t‘ President Reagan claimed exec
anyihing else ()nce vou have if " ’ . .. . " '“w'. months of turbulent relations beteen utive privilege and the Justice he
you my”. “N. H ”38 like riding ....-.....W . y . . A close friend of Burford. Freda the H‘A. tongress. the Justice lie partn‘ient him suit on fun Bur»
i. m“, ~ SAM .0th J.D.VANNOO$|/Kevoelfimlf l’oundstone. said the EPA chief quit partrneiit and the \\ hitelloiise ford‘s behalf to block the contempt

because she "felt her resrgnation Al the heart of the matter was the citation, but lost in court
. .3 .‘ 3 ,. : ‘ ~ ‘ .' 3 2‘1! ‘-. 4. . . ‘ _ _ «‘Eemi‘flxsw .: 32 f f . ,
‘ .. ‘ TEN? ’ ‘ 4 5" ”M 7- I"- W‘ in new . "It em . Donny said he do not know we», at... work on the
- ~ * . ”0“” 2 . .2 .. - * - . wast“ i ‘ . ~
- . . .. 1-: .a-A.s.--;~.mcs..... mffi-s‘zu . .. 2 .«. s; .. . .. . .. - .. . ~~ : ~. . «2 . . . a; » .._.....s 2‘ m..- ._...s. . . . .~
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Illl Moldon Andi-n 0mm John Orlllln MI‘OV Pinon“! Hal 8. [adob- J.D. Vonuoooo Don Cll’lovd
(duo: m (rout Vows lditui Am tdnoi spam (duo: Swianiomn (duo: Phoiotdom Glupmuiditor
P E RS AS ION Juno. '4..." ”owl. labor. 'rko hlloo Illl I. Wldonor M. M Moll" loohlo Mllllon Ion Von Nook (lulu Ash
l ' Moviugmgldi'ol “Monomer” AII-stanm'tfidito' Au-I'oMSporfIEdi'oI Spatiall’loiofliAtllilO'" (ht-lpl‘ulogluphli ‘-"lvl)1‘\hllt"
Violation of student's ri hts Tmm‘i‘i‘mmsz‘: ' DON‘T GET om— 0.: We. list
9 soc/mm 7-5 W/S DORM, FREAK— Us Ra; 2AA *
_ 7 con/awry. 6075 MIGHT HAVE SUMTHIM’ i
not covered by dorm policy. as. « mo ABOUT I-r/ ..
7 l l y 7 ilk-'31:; !
,r , I __._5 _ mm l . '
In this day and time. it seems impossible Pond is concerned about the happiness of l 67% 4_ g, 3:? , :2
that a student‘s civil rights have been vio- both the harassed student and the students 1” Z ; 3/5; .4??? " /. . ' \ c .
lated at t'K. But. the handling of a recent committing the actions“? It seems more con- curiae—Gr .1: // 7 'f: ‘.’:f.. ””3446 .l:_ I!
harassment problem in a freshman resi- cern should be shown for the student who RESIDENCE: 4R1 // Q Pity k‘ 7/. 1‘5““; l
dence hall demonstrated that civil rights hasn't done anything wrong and whose life is HALL. ,, was. " Kllu’lgl... / y a. ,g. . o) - @ [Zap-l-
might apply only to those who do not chose being made miserable byafew others. I'M/15.57713”. “mfigtgfig "g - 77%;:‘w “a“ t" .' 41‘ !
"alternative lifestyles " The problem centers around the fact that. . PPE'GY: Zhfit‘jfifisfia ; 7% , 4.1:» y 1; '-
lfi ’l‘uesday's Kernel. it was reported that according to Bob Clay, north campus area . :3 “{i é‘w , Z3: i
a student suspected of' being a homosex- coordinator. the procedure used to deal with . ‘hfifilgfifii 1 L ‘ El"! .‘ ‘ é FF“, l
ual by other residence hall students re- the harassment of homosexuals w either ad- @339 ""’“" =f' "‘ l
ported that he had been harassed. mitted or alleged — by other residence hall ._, figmfltf .: , .,, ; 31$
l'nf'ortunately. the only solution offered to students falls into one of three categories: “3““; , f 7” — A l i
correct the situtation was to move the stu “Those required by law. those dealing with ‘ git e. "l ~ 3 c , V1,; ,2, __' l,
dent to another residence hall and hope that safety regulations and those necessary to ac- eggs“. "fill!“ , 7‘ \ ‘1 , {fa-a. i
the harassment would stop And. according commodate groupliving." ”‘9’? q / 1%,; ‘ ' 1 4/1. ,w‘ l.
to the student. the harassment followed him “We don‘t train our resident advisers to Let? ‘47". M llvllii‘,‘ \ . / fly flfl/fffj/ 1%.. l
to hisnew “home “ handle the problem of homosexuality.“ . muff: ’“ + l l 7N0 / ‘///7 /fl/% 7//'// - :1? 4
The various forms of harassment. accords Smith said. "Rather we teach them to han- i a? it“ "it ' iii-i ,t N // ff / .«/// . ’ ‘=—\ 7 Bi. .. 4
mg to the student. have included threats. ac- dle roommate conflict." gag. 35%; dig; I‘ll?- lll/ / f/ 7/ ' wh/ - \ § -_ l
tual \'lttlc‘llt't‘. obscene telephone calls. Homosexuality is not the “problem" in fiéfilfiéfigvfi l (7 77/ , : E 1.
searches of his room and firecrackers this case. But rather. the “problem" centers atafd‘g; t ( ////// / i ‘ g -“ .
thrown at him around the harassment and how it should be I all: ' W/ “ :7 plane...“ ‘
Jim Smith. south campus area coordina- treated. digit; ‘2. " . ~43:
tor. said only so much could be done about A person is being wrongly punished for the ”:‘ A’*~‘-’:=:z:«-3.i~g.=.—-- ;’ 3:"
this situation "We cannot change the atti- ignorance and cruelty of his fellow residents. :93!” ‘ L '33?.;‘.. -,
tudes of' dorm residents. If students decide to And the people that are supposed to be in . ‘li‘illv‘lfir ‘” :3.”
turn to a different lifestyle. they have to charge are. by their silence and inability to ngma-c lfllll‘fi‘thfi‘ "I 4
learn todeal with the consequences " deal with those causing harassment by tak- * “"‘l“"""“"l" ’5 ' ‘ '
Why should the person being harassed ing action against the perpetrators. are 7 in
have to "deal with the consequences“ when asense—allowing the problem to continue. another minority were being harassed. rights ofothers l
he has done now rong" The excuse that harassment of a person would actions have been taken sooner? And. ' . 3
According to the article. Rosemary Pond. because of their sexual preferences is a rare wouldthose actions be anystricter‘? The University has an obligation to main- -
assistant dean of students for residence hall occurrence. and. therefore. one that can be Harassment of anyone is — of course ~ tain the rights of students in the reSidence
life. said when the problem occurs. it is ditfi- overlooked until that student no longer lives wrong and unjust. Residence hall staff mem- halls. If ensuring this right means stronger
cult to find a solution in which all sides re» inaresidence hall.isapoor one. bers should take strong actions against the —— and stricter 7 codes of residence hall con- E
main happy One would have to question if a member of people who persist in violating the civil duct,so belt. 1 :
Public-In terest law faces papulam‘y surge In American
l'utiln “in“... M“. . 1.x“; neorgetown. tieorgc \Nas‘hington It was a regular lttllfi mm”,- for it“. commigsmn and federal agency llrinan. now a law professor at power plant construction oi worker :
\mer'ca "'gtz‘ or i"; and t’atholii universities. among publicly'niinded civil rights offices \Vith public funds Georgetown l'nlversny "'l‘here coniix‘nsation issues l,oi-..l attention
\‘ ill\' .‘m’ui .: rung. :izigti‘ others lll \\astiington had invited To the program had also come uncertain. most private groups have aren't many bleeding hearts in my to certain common crises are likely i
seen. .:i It i. r finnaut lieagar: Hm seieral do/en public interest ' of more than a hundred undergrad been trying to hold on with static classes ..but the interest is no less to encourage sllt‘ll legal enterprises l
led a tistai .erlti H‘s-theory ail-nit uces and organi/ations to make a uates. law students and unemployed numbersot employees intensethanitoncewas."hesaid acrOssthel's ,
ifiilllhl 'tiosc gr Hips ‘fia‘ 'gti' iitl pzfcfi lawyers Many of the curious went It the turnout on both sides of the Meanwhile. public-interest law is This isn't to suggest that a boom ' '
‘fietmorand'tiegumeiiess away (ilsélpptlllllt‘d \Vliilc iobs were display tables at last week's fair no longer a field for the starryvey‘ed in public-interest law is imminent g
\leatiwtiia “an sue sazares available. most were for second or provided ample reason for optir and inexperienced Never hesitant to press its advan ‘
-.-r-n: haze frowned n liiith‘tf . third-year law students Nonprofit nusm. students. for example. have If staffs seem squeezed. they're tage. the Hffice of Mai-iiigeinent and 3
uviipasswiai'v 'v‘l‘lt‘llt ins among m2. GLEN groups offered little or nothing iii not entirely given up on public-inter still more sophisticated than before. Budget is preparing to reintroduce l
“riciisands -~ \:r.er: an ..i.\ st tiooi ll ' I . and the way of competitive salaries. law est work A recent visit by the three a helpful development given the in legislation that would limit awards :
graduates graduates interested in iwrmanent tor of the Massachusetts Public ln- creasmgly complicated nature of for attorney s fees in suits brought .
l’rtl' MN? “New. Ma- 31L WW fig SHEARER positions seemed out of luck en terest Group attracted a surprising public issues. "At least in the envi- against federal. state and local gov
'n-s sitiL‘t'l‘. .i hr: tut tater-rs .I; ‘ tirely ff) students at the l'niversity ol ronmental area. public-interest law- ernments. discouraging private 1
’P-ti'vid :‘eres‘ am as‘ week ‘fiex Hf course. Reagan led cutbacks in North(‘arolina law school. yers are more powerful and better firms from taking on such cases .r\t ‘,
Ilfi't‘w‘. , the i» ‘- zen-snare two key areas. government _|i)l).\ and The lawyer glut has forced many skilled than ever.“ said Jonathan the same time. the Jury is sllll out l
Niel-'1'“'Yi'fis'~"i'~ii‘~~=ft"”"'V'- federal grants to [)llltllt‘riHlUX'iH'} to expand their career alternatives Lasch. leading attorney with the on whether bar assix-iations will l
\l’i‘l' .1 s .i"'l l \li'!\t"l‘lt‘ll’ so: \ siimrisiiigly large contingent organizations. have reduced oppor across the board. in fact. public-in- Naturalliesources Defense council meet “'t‘ll'pllllllt'l/(‘ti commitments
it! ':.~ l'lifi i :1'e'w-s' wanna; from lteagaii s noimefiyisi .lu.\l1('(' tunities for high minded lawyers and terest groups reported a deluge of Increased technical sophistication. ltlln('r(‘a.\'t‘lht’ll‘pl‘flrlttlllttwfil‘k
:..'_-. ‘llt' .i: s w :* muons l)t'pill"lllt'lll and a slew of agents lawstudents resumes from highly-qualified appli~ moreover. has spawned a commu-
lnlt'i-l 3l‘-"'lf'\‘ MUN .m. ’m wt fl‘ltlll environmental and civil rights Emasculation of the legal Serv cams: nity of independent specialists Mruw'elf (lien and (oily s‘tiwoym
'tie .\ l" .: ,1 . ;.i ti .o w di‘iiups nail ct‘imtlt'tl on a rainy day ices t‘orp is symbolic of retrencli ('linical law courses are thriving. Firms have sprung up simply to liti- me Pulitzer Pttre \k‘ltltlltlx' notional
iii-"et‘wtf .is 1:. sun ‘tttti a downtown student union hall ment at Justice the l’ederal Trade too. pointed out former Rep Robert gate complaints about nuclear columnists .
__._____._"_———_—————_—__________—____ ANNEIIDQ
cki'li'blll; problemI How many‘ [Naiple “illicit If H ‘ ”‘1 l h YOU’VE aEN
row swnr sin ~ . "s is; s;' \, .. -;r
Prone prOblem prone intronlt of le}l\_l“t r U” A) ing atiout ‘prosllratii cancer):ll'liislliiis ‘- 1/
W- caii util\ \it‘» thank you for to be listed among such current is WORKING Tm Q ’
i ll" 'i-t'” ' Vol ’ Wt ML 'tw 3-: off this scourge of sues as endangered feces. ‘our ’
W l ,.3 .Hl 'H w 13’1”" film I." ”“ml‘m” diminishing natural racehourses HARD {if
"7‘tl'illls"""'1Y"‘ li'“ ‘ "V‘- " "’ \\.- I." glad ‘o tiear that the [K andthe 'deattx'nalty
ll -\ i‘ “I“ = t"“‘l|"i’ l"3'=‘l=‘l“»' All in". islltil'.il\lllL’lhl.\i\l’lL’(lll\\ll [low can l keep from getting this no. i ,
"ll‘ ‘t. i‘ \.. .-: i f '.l\ Home .i mi dreaded disease‘ lto l have to sleep
""' ‘l 'i' ‘3 ' "’ ‘\ Mary (' Linton sitting upstanding upor what"
I" "i *3 '-'-d' ‘t.. “"li'fl‘ Labtechnician The article mentioned having your J
WI" ‘4' ‘l"""“ " "' ' l'enteronAging prostrate surgically removed is
‘ldl ‘ t" ”31‘ ‘W' 7 'f" 'TM' this painful" Does this mean that l
’l=t'\ W317“? ' 't"??‘ ii'lk 'i ' "‘t" S l . note One or the den will never be able to lie dowti again"
'nism' I'lllll is'i.i'n ”outta. . - iii-tutor s gives for prov That does bother me a bit since I M u (L. c) -
‘ .lus' .::..igiiii- .ll. ‘emw ni‘ ~ lying on the ground. tare have found myself lll a prostrate po . i r. *O \
mil-E WW "1 'li' .. ”a; ”"l ’ . '-z:'it liw reol question is sition on many Ut'til\lflll.\ after hay . h . C ’ /
lu‘v'l ' or» hand will fw-e/ ’~ ' ‘ri l! .i or 'w average Ameritun ing read some of the most interest l \ 6 i, I . -
w'lo-t . ' l'. .xltlltlt‘.’ ‘l..i‘ "i ' t ‘i'o'.'sltltl while lying on his ingarticlesinllieKef‘iii-l i l " ‘ filth . . i
"”51"" -' ill“ 74"" 'i" 'l“ “’ “ = ' '. . lam standing here. eagerly await ”-lL“ \ l‘ ' 3 ‘
"i‘ 1““ " WW"? “W“ ing any news of a cure for this s M f ‘ \ . . . ‘
1“,“, t\.v.v ‘1ii,.y,.,i i.‘,. , . V H V ‘ I ‘
will, a . .f,‘,',,".,{_. it”; 1 MM: dreaded disease prostiatecancel *;\ :~. A ’(‘\\ . . ‘t
i'itlll' t, «all ".It l. i1.:. ‘1 ‘i'i'il '.» Never mind ‘is “t“; "I _ s.’ :9
hand: at.“ mm york”: .m- gm liougltyrum ‘\\‘ r“ l" I ‘ J ' .: ‘ i
5"” ' ' i ' ‘ll” Researchanalysis rm ‘ ‘ l ’6 ‘ l l‘ , :.
\oii ll'll ' ui‘il. 'illl. -'..i.g ail-mu: .. ‘ ('enteronAgmg I ’I/\ 3’ \’ l ‘. / lj _
it. .‘ .3 “’i‘~‘:‘“‘{i‘;l”ii'i:‘2’2 \ K i . ’ l Hl ' i ‘li as s \ /— »
. .o.o s. ‘ 2 s i ' ' f ' an' o z .‘ "‘ '
\l’i l oil; iil‘il‘. 'tisnk 'ti.i' ‘tie in program to study prostrate can l,£lltl(t(‘hnl(‘lilllsl I Ill 5“,”, l i ’1?
l sl‘l '~\ll‘ illti'l‘Tl-lllt 'o this already (er which appeared in the March 7 l‘enteron Aging I, \\“£PA 2/], '/:;:\\§ 4
. ' b o. r . \
rl , z
. macaw
Letters policy
noon COUNTY by Berke Breathed .
Readers are encouraged to submit their classification: or connection with UK. In- SflNKLRTZOlAW Wee: magmwoume m
letters and opinions to the Kernel. dividuols submitting commonts in person gag/3’ I'M WFEV rum NEWT’ m ,
Persons submitting letters and opinions should bringo UK ID or driver's license. . WWI WWW: MTHREE / W
sh0u|d address their comments to the ad . . / ‘ WRmNG .B,0’.WKW WY]
. . . letters should be limitod to 350 words (no. ' . j
llOl’lal editor at tho Kornol, Ill Journov or loss Opinions should be 850 words or i / l \
lism Building, loxington. Ky. 40506-0042. loss ' a» \ I i
All moloriol sent lor considoration ' . )1" ’2‘ ",4 i -
must be typewritten and double spaced. Editors rosorvo the right to edit for cor- ’l ; I \"‘/ s § ‘li “A ~ §v§.. (,
Writers must include thoir names, ad- roct Ipolling, grammar, clarify and to I C ’3’ i ‘ "‘l ' ‘ I . . / ‘ :
drones, tolophono numbers and major: oliminotolibolous motorial. " “\.’d¢' \vai \¢__., \L 3}
~ .
”r ' .
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 I t‘ ‘ ~ . . , . . . - . _ . - .v In. ‘ ~
i l . .
- I . WEKEMYKEMEL "nasty, m 10, im-J
> _ fl _ - a ' ' 0
Auto rentals, airline leCGS vary .,.... m n‘ 1 .,
‘ V. . 7‘. 41,4 .3 (n . ' t
w uire the highest deposiL $350 1 l__ , g 2‘ V ._.; (r: P
By MICHELEERB q . "m“ - 4 . . ~3l _ ' vi}: \/‘\. {5 -
Senior Staff Writer Paul Miller Ford and Conrad Chevrolet are offering , ' ’i ‘ - I ” " l?‘ M i ‘
special rates for spring—break renters “This year is the ’ . 4 l W [20
____._ - _.--.-....__._ _-_ A... .c . -.-. ”a“... A- first year Conrad (‘hevrolet has done the spring break 4 ".- ‘ /" ~ 4/0 **""—“-‘“—‘ '"
‘ special. i just graduated. so l'm excited about renting ‘ c ‘ r , a I4
. Whether flying or driving to spring-break destina- to students. 1 know a lot of students need to be able to - — ’ \ ' ?~§
tions. transportation arrangements should be close to rent cars."Donoho \‘dld. - D 5/‘% Q . l \ /
completion. " " ' [233‘ \
‘ But. if plans haven't been made, beware. Airline tick- At Sears students Will be charged $21. the weekend S C'— (‘1.{67 y»- ! . ‘
ets are expengive and almost impossible to come by at rate. for extra days. instead of $42. which is the regular ' ‘ ’y/ '
: this late date, and some car-rental dealers are expect- extraday price, Mark Smith. Sear‘s car rental man» , ‘ “a. » -.’ “
ing to empty theirlotsof choice models ager.said Rafa: Y5 “Add” DAVIDMIICI/Komotsmtt
Delta Airlines is the only airline that flies directly
from Lexington to Florida Regular round»trip coach “m_"“'"““°cw"°m
f4 offered reduced rates for some flights through the A"
:1; "Simple Saver" plan.
ti. Barring last