xt79p843v45t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79p843v45t/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1971 bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky Teacher Education and Certification 1971 Edition" text 
volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "Kentucky Teacher Education and Certification 1971 Edition" 1971 1971 2022 true xt79p843v45t section xt79p843v45t  Drii‘ating paid ifmm slate $1de


1971 Edition

Division of Teacher Education and Certification)
Bureau of Instruction
Department of Education

Published By
Wendell P. Butler
Superintendent of Public Instruction



The Kentucky guidelines for teacher education and certification are
intended to promote effective and efficient instruction through the
professional competency of the teacher.

It is important that the guidelines and regulations be kept up to
date in order to facilitate rather than to impede sound instructional
practices and procedures. Thus while this bulletin summarizes the
regulatory guidelines for teacher education and certification for 1971
it may also serve as a basis for studying needed changes for the future.

Wendell P. Butler
Superintendent of Public Instruction



The official regulations of the Kentucky State Board of Education are
published by the Legislative Research Commission in the form of a
handbook called Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service. The
distribution of the handbook is necessarily quite limited. The purpose
of this Educational Bulletin is to give wider distribution of the regu-
lations of the State Board of Education which relate to teacher educa—
tion and certification.

This publication includes the regulations adopted by the State
Board of Education through March, 1971. For the most part the
statutes and regulations pertaining to teacher education and certifica-
tion are presented without further explanation or comment. Through-
out this Educational Bulletin the numerical references to the Kentucky
Revised Statutes and to the State Board of Education regulations have
been included as a part of the sub—titles. Occasionally explanatory
material has been inserted within boxes in order to give further clarity
to the actual regulations.

It should be noted that while the regulations for teacher education
and certification are legally adopted by the Kentucky State Board of
Education the decision making process which precedes this adoption
is designed to insure a broad base of participation. The Kentucky
Council on Public Higher Education has the legal responsibility for
prescribing curricula for teacher education and for making recom—
mendations to the State Board of Education for adoption. The Council
has created an Advisory Committee on Teacher Education which takes
the initiative for studying matters relating to teacher education and
certification and for presenting proposals for the consideration of
the Council.

The Advisory Committee on Teacher Education is made up of
members from the state colleges and universities, from the private
colleges, from the teaching profession at large, and from the State
Department of Education. Appropriate sub-committees are established
from time to time to give intensive study to particular problems.
Additional persons are added as members of the sub-committees as
needed in order to provide appropriate representation and competence
for the area to be studied. In practice the Advisory Committee on
Teacher Education gives earnest consideration to any written proposal
or request submitted to it by an individual or by an organized group.

Within the Kentucky State Department of Education the Division
of Teacher Education and Certification has been assigned the respon—





sibih'ty for administering the regulations, procedures, and policies ']
relating to teacher education and certification.

Sidney Simandle, Director
Division of Teacher Education and Certification
Bureau of Instruction ]


DOUG?» g


 i policies Table of Contents
Foreword ______________________________________________________ iii

Preface ______________________________________________________ \'

I Selected Statutory Provisions Relating to

Teacher Education and Certification 1

A. Certification Required of School Employees _______________ 1
B. Authority for the Issuance, Revocation, and Suspension

of Teacher Certification _______________________________ 1

C. Council on Public Higher Education ______________________ 3

D. Ranking of Teacher Qualifications ________________________ 5

IL Teacher Certification Procedures 7

A. Applications for Teacher Certification _____________________ A
B. Recognition of Teacher Preparation Completed in Out-

of~State Institutions __________________________________ 8
C. Certification Review Committee __________________________ .9
D. Plan for Releasing Teaching Certificates at Time of

Graduation __________________________________________ 9
E. Certificate for Teaching in Non-Tax Supported Schools ______ 10
F. Adjustment Period for Kentucky Teacher Education

Graduates ___________________________________________ 10
G. Certification of Teachers Prepared More Than Ten Years

Before Making Application ____________________________ 11
H. Teaching Experience ___________________________________ 12
1. Experience in Armed Forces _____________________________ 12
J. Reinstatement of Certificates ____________________________ 12
K. Authorization for Ten Year Renewal Period ________________ 13
L. Certificate Suspension for Violation of Contract ____________ 13
M. Personnel Qualifications for New School Positions __________ 14

HI Procedures for Approval of Teacher

‘ Education Programs 15
A. Filing Curricula _______________________________________ 15
B. Evaluation of Teacher Education Institutions ______________ 15
C. Standards for Courses in Professional Education ___________ 16
D. Standards for Professional Laboratory Experiences _________ 17





E. Commissions for Supervising Teachers ____________________ 20
F. Graduate Study ________________________________________ 22
G. Correspondence and Extension ___________________________ 22
H. Guidelines for the General Education Component In-
cluded in the Programs of Preparation for Teachers _____ 26
IV Ranking of Teacher Qualifications Under the
' Foundation Law 29
A. General Ranking Procedures _____________________________ 29
B. Salary Scheduling and Ranking of Teachers for Founda-
tion Program Calculation ______________________________ 29
C. Fifth Year Program for Renewal of Provisional Teaching
Certificates _________________________________________ 30
D. Guidelines for a Bank 1 Classification Under the Foun-
dation Law __________________________________________ 31
E. Ranking Qualifications of Librarians ______________________ 82
F. Ranking of Vocational Trade Instructors ___________________ 32
G. Ranking of Teachers of Vocational Distributive Edu-
cation ______________________________________________ 38
V Kindergarten School—Preparation-
' Certification Guidelines
Kindergarten School Certification ________________________ 34
VI Elementary School—Preparation-
' Certification Guidelines 37
A. Provisional Elementary Certificate _______________________ 37
B. Provisional Elementary Certificate with Professional
Commitment ________________________________________ 41
C. Standard Elementary Certificate _________________________ 42
VII Junior High School (Middle School)—
‘Preparation-Certification Guidelines 45
A. Basic Beliefs Regarding the Preparation of Teachers for
Junior High School Age Children _______________________ 45
B. The Curriculum for Junior High School Teachers __________ 46
C. Teaching Majors, Semi-Majors, and Minors Approved for

Junior High School Teachers ___________________________



 20 D. Validity, Renewal, and Effective Dates ___________________ 50

22 E. Standard Junior High School Certificate ___________________ 50
VIII High School—Preparation-Certification
26 ' Guidelines 53
A. Provisional High School Certificate—Issuance and Renewal- 53
B. Curriculum Guidelines for the Provisional High School
29 Certificate __________________________________________ 53
C. Specialization for the Provisional High School Certifi-
29 cate: Areas of Concentration _________________________ 56
D. Specialization for Provisional High School Certificate:
29 Teaching Majors ____________________________________ 58
E. Specialization for Provisional High School Certificate:
30 Teaching Minors ____________________________________ 60
F. Provisional High School Certificate with Professional
31 Commitment ________________________________________ 61
32 G. Curriculum Guidelines for Provisional High School Cer-
32 tificate for Vocational Agriculture _____________________ 68
H. Curriculum Guidelines for the Provisional High School
33 Certificate for Vocational Home Economics ____________ 64
I. Curriculum Guidelines for the Provisional High School
Certificate for Vocational Industrial and Technical
Education ___________________________________________ 66
]. Standard High School Certificate _______________________ 66
IX Extending the Validity of Elementary and High
' School Certificates 69
37 A. Endorsement of Elementary School Certificate for the
37 High School Level ____________________________________ 69
B. Endorsement of High School Certificates for the Elemen-
41 tary School Level _____________________________________ 69
42 C. Extended Validity of High School Teaching Certificates
for Experimental Programs in Elementary Schools ________ 71
X School Librarian—Preparation-Certification
45 ' Guidelines 73
A. Certification for Elementary School Librarians _____________ 73
45 B. Certification for High School Librarians ___________________ 74
46 C. Standard Certificate for School Librarianship ______________ 75

47 . Recruitment Plan for School Librarians ___________________ 77




XI Teachers for Exceptional Children— XV
' Preparation-Certification Guidelines 79
A. General Information ____________________________________ 79 A
B. Teachers for the Educable Mentally Retarded ______________ 80 B'
C. Teachers for the Trainable Mentally Retarded _____________ 81 C-
D. Teachers for the Orthopedically Handicapped _____________ 81
E. Teachers for the Partially Seeing _________________________ 82 .
F. Teachers for the Blind ___________________________________ 83 XV
C. Teachers for the Hard of Hearing ________________________ 84
H. Teachers for the Deaf____________-_____; ________________ 84 A-
I. Teachers for the Neurologically Impaired _________________ 85
J. Teachers for the Emotionally Disturbed ___________________ 85 B”
K. Teachers for Speech and Hearing _________________________ 86 1C).
L. Provisional Certification for Special Education _____________ 87 '
M. Standard Certification for Special Education _______________ 87 E
N. Plan for Recruitment of Special Education Teachers ________ 88 G'
0. Miscellaneous Provisions in Special Education _____________ 88 H.
P. Certification for the Supervision of Special Education _______ 89 '
XII Guidance Counselor—Preparation-Certification
Guidehnes 91
Position Statement—July 26,1968 _________________________ 91
Differentiation for Elementary and Secondary School
Levels ______________________________________________ 91 XV
A. Guidelines for Provisional and Standard Certification ________ 92
B. Renewal Provisions for Certification Issued Prior to
September 1, 1970 ____________________________________ 94
XIII School.Psychometrist~Preparation-Certification
Gmdehnes 95
School Psychometrist Certification ________________________ 95
XIV School-Social Worker—Preparation-Certification
' Gmdellnes 97
A. Curriculum for the Preparation-Certification of School
Social Worker _______________________________________ 97
B. Provisional Certification for the School Social Worker ________ 98
C. Provisional Certification for the School Social Worker
with a Professional Commitment _______________________ 99














Rehabilitation Counselors—

XV' Preparation-Certification Guidelines 101
A. Standard Certification for Rehabilitation Counselors ________ 101
B. Provisional Certification for Rehabilitation Counselors ....... 102
C. Effective Date _________________________________________ 102

School Administration and Supervision— 103

XVI. Preparation-Certification Guidelines for Principals,
Supervisors, Directors of Pupil Personnel, Superintendents

A. The Professional Certificate for School Administration

and Supervision ______________________________________ 103
B. The Elementary School Principal _________________________ 104
C. The Secondary School Principal __________________________ 105
D. Supervisor of Instruction ________________________________ 106
E. The Director of Pupil Personnel __________________________ 108
F. The School Superintendent ______________________________ 110
G. Internship Plan for the Position of Assistant Principal ________ 111
H. Internship Plan for the Position of Assistant Superin-

tendent _____________________________________________ 112

I. Adjustment Provrsions Relating to Previous Preparation-
Certification Programs for Principals, Supervisors, and
School Leaders ______________________________________ 112

XVII School Business Administrators—
Preparation-Certification Guidelines 115

School Business Administrator Certification ________________ 115

Vocational Education—
XVIII' Preparation-Certification Guidelines

Vocational Education Certification _______________________ 117

XIX. Emergency Certification Regulations
Emergency Certificate Regulations _______________________ 125




160.350 Superintendent of Schools; Appointment; Term; Salary;
Vacancy; Qualifications; Removal. (Excerpt) . . . Before any super-
intendent assumes his duties he shall present to the board of educa-
tion that elected him a statement signed by the Superintendent of
Public Instruction that he has been duly issued a certificate of ad-
ministration and supervision issued in accordance with the provi-
sions of law and which qualifies him to hold the position to which he
has been elected, and he shall hold such certificate throughout the
period of his employment. . . .

161.020 [4502—6; 4502-10; 4502-11; 4503-2] Certificates Required
of School Employees; to be Filed; Validity of Certificates Issued
Under Former Law. (I) No person shall be eligible to hold the
position of superintendent, principal, teacher, supervisor, attendance
officer, or other public school position for which certificates may be
issued, or receive salary for services rendered in such position, un-
less he holds a certificate of legal qualifications for such position.

(2) No person shall enter upon the duties of a posit-ion requir-
ing certification qualifications until his certificate has been filed or
credentials registered with the board of education employing him.

(3) The validity of any certificate or license in force on June
14, 1934, is not impaired by the provisions of KRS 161.020 to 161.130,
and such certificate or license shall be reissued or renewed in ac-
cordance with the terms of the law applying at the date of issue.


161.080 [4502-1] Certification Authority. (1) The Certification
of all superintendents, principals, teachers, supervisors, attendance
officers and other administrative, supervisory or instructional em-
ployees is vested in the State Board of Education. All certificates
issued under KRS 161.010 to 161.120 shall be issued in accordance
with the published rules and regulations of the State Board of Edu-
cation through the Superintendent of Public Instruction. In the case



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of non—tax supported schools, standards for teacher certification shall
provide for the certification without further educational requirements
of any administrator, supervisor, or teacher who has attended, and
received a bachelor’s degree from, a college or university accredited
by a national or regional association in the United States, or who,
at the discretion of the State Board of Education has the equivalent
degree from a foreign college or university of comparable standing.

(2) Certificates shall be issued, reissued and renewed to per-
sons who have completed, at the state universities of Kentucky,
at Kentucky State College or at the College of Education of the
University of Kentucky, the curricula prescribed by the Council on
Public Higher Education and approved by the State Board of Edu-
cation for the certificates.

(3) The State Board of Education shall approve the curricula
of any standard college or university, or of any department thereof
for the training of teachers, when the curricula comply with the
rules and regulations of the State Board of Education and are
equivalent to any or all the curricula prescribed for the state insti-
tutions for the issuance of certificates to students of the state insti—
tutions and when the institution has otherwise met the terms and
conditions provided in KBS 161.010 to 161.120. Any student of such
institution who has completed any of these curricula or the equiva-
lent thereof, as approved by the State Board of Education, and who
in addition thereto has completed the prescribed requirements for
the issuance of certificates for teaching to students of the state in-
stitutions may, by the State Board of Education, be granted a cer-
tificate for teaching of the same validity and tenure as certificates
issued to students completing like requirements in the state institu-

161.040 General Qualifications for Certificates. — No person
shall receive or hold any certificate who does not present evidence
of good moral character and who is under eighteen (18) years of age.

161.100 [4502-5] Emergency Certificates. — When a district
board of education satisfies the State Board of Education that it is
impossible to secure qualified teachers for a position in a school
under the control of the district board, the State Board of Education
may, on approval of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, issue
emergency certificates to persons who meet the qualifications deter-
mined by the State Board of Education for emergency certificates.
An emergency certificate shall be valid only for the specific job for
which issued and for the current school term. The State Board of

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Education may require the passing of a written examination before
an emergency certificate is issued. The examination shall be pre-
pared and administered and the papers graded in the State Depart—
ment of Education under the direction of the Superintendent of
Public Instruction, in accordance with rules and regulations ap-
proved by the State Board of Education.

161.120 [4502-9] Revocation of Certificates. — Any certificate
issued under KRS 161.010 to 161.110, or any certificate or license
issued under any previous law to superintendents, principals, teach-
ers, supervisors, attendance officers or other administrative, super-
visory or instructional employees may be revoked by the State Board
of Education, on the written recommendation of the Superintendent
of Public Instruction, for immorality, misconduct in office, incom-
petency or willful neglect of duty. Before the certificate is revoked
the defendant shall be given a copy of the charges against him and
an opportunity, upon not less than ten days’ notice, to be heard in
person or by counsel.

Additional grounds for revocation of certificates, KRS 158.990, 159.990,

Removal of school employees, KRS 156.110.

Suspension of certificates in case of breach of contract by teachers, KRS

161.780 Termination of Contract by Teacher or Superintendent.
No teacher or superintendent shall be permitted to terminate his
contract within thirty days prior to the beginning of his school term
without the consent of the board; any such teacher or superintendent
shall be permitted to terminate his contract at any other time when
schools are not in session by giving five days’ written notice to the
employing board of education. Upon complaint by the employing
board to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and after
investigation by him, the certificate of a teacher or superintendent
terminating his contract in any other manner than provided in this

section may be suspended for not more than one year (1942, c. 113,
§ 7; 1944, c. 98).


164.010 Council on Public Higher Education; Membership. There
shall be a Council on Public Higher Education in Kentucky, to be
composed of nine lay members appointed by the Covemor and of
the president or chief executive officer of each four—year state in-
Stitution of higher education in the state. The nine lay members




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shall constitute the voting membership of the Council. They shall
be appointed for regular terms of four years, with the initial ap-
pointrnent of two members for one year, three-members for two
years, two members for three years and the remaining two members
for four years. Any person holding either an elective or appointive
state office or who is a member of the governing board of any state
or private college or university in Kentucky shall be ineligible for
membership or appointment on the Council during his membership
or term of office. When the Council meets to consider Curricula for
teacher education, three persons who are from accredited institutions
of higher learning, and who have been appointed by the Executive
Committee of the Kentucky Association of Colleges, Secondary and
Elementary Schools, shall be invited to meet with the Council in an
advisory capacity.

164.020 Powers and Duties of the Council. The Council on
Public Higher Education in Kentucky shall:

(1) Engage in analyses and research to determine the overall
needs of higher education in the Commonwealth.

(2) Develop and transmit to the Governor comprehensive plans
for public higher education which meet the needs of the Common-
wealth. The plans so developed shall conform to the respective
functions and duties of the state colleges and universities, the com-
munity colleges, and the University of Kentucky as provided by

(3) Determine the amount of entrance or registration fees or both
and approve the qualifications for admission to the public institu-
tions of higher education. In determining the entrance and regis-
tration fees for non-Kentucky residents, the Council shall consider
the fees required of Kentucky students by institutions in adjoining
states, the resident fees charged by other states, the total actual per
student cost of training in the institutions for which the fees are
being determined, and the ratios of Kentucky students to non-
Kentucky students comprising the enrollments of the respective

(4) Consider the requirements and review the budget requests
of the institutions of public higher education as to their appropriate
level of support considering the functions of the institutions and
the anticipated available resources for higher education. The indi-
\idual institutions’ budget requests, including tuition and reg-
istration fee schedules for all categories of students, along with
Council recommendations, shall be submitted to the Governor through











the Department of Finance not later than November 15 of each
odd numbered year.

(5) Require reports from the executive officer of each institution
it deems necessary for the effectual performance of its duties.

(6) Publish annually a report of the educational and financial
affairs of the institutions and disseminate other information relating
to higher education.

(7) Approve all new professional schools and review and make
recormnendations to the Governor regarding proposed new com-
munity colleges and four-year colleges.

(8) Prescribe the curricula for teacher education.

(9) Elect a chairman annually from the voting membership. The
Council shall appoint an executive director and such staff as may be
necessary; and their salaries shall be determined in the same man-
ner as other state employes.

(10) Shall constitute the representative agency of the Common-
wealth in all matters of higher education of a general and state-
wide nature which are not otherwise delegated to one or more in-
stitutions of higher learning. Such responsibility may be exercised
through appropriate contractual relationships with individuals or
agencies located within or without the Commonwealth. The au-
thority includes but is not limited to contractual arrangements for
programs of research, specialized training, and cultural enrichment.


157.390 Classification of Teachers; procedure for determination
of amounts for teachers salaries, and other expenses. (1) (a) The
Superintendent of Public Instruction, under regulations of the State
Board of Education, shall classify teachers in rank as follows:

Bank I These holding regular certificates and who have a mas-
ter’s degree and who have earned thirty semester hours
of additional approved graduate work, and those teachers
who, as of September 1, 1962, were included in Bank I,
having earned twenty-four semester hours of additional
approved graduate work.

Rank II Those holding regular certificates and who have a mas-
ter’s degree or its equivalent.

Rank 111 Those holding regular certificates and who have an ap-
proved four-year college degree or the equivalent.

Rank IV Those holding certificates and who have ninety-six to






one hundred and twenty—eight semester hours of approved
college training or the equivalent; provided, however,
that persons holding emergency certificates shall not be
classified higher than this rank for calculation of the
amount to be included in the foundation program.

Those holding certificates and who have sixty-four to
ninety-five semester hours of approved college training
or the equivalent.

Those holding certificates and who have thirty-two to
sixtyathree semester hours of approved college training or
the equivalent; provided, however, that effective July 1,
1965, no teacher in Bank VI shall be included in calcu—
lating the amount to be included in the foundation pro

Those holding certificates and who have fewer than
thirty-two semester hours of approved college training.
or the equivalent; provided, however, that effective July 1,
1964, no teacher in Rank VII shall be included in calcu-
lating the amount to be included in the foundation pro-

(b) In determining ranks, the Superintendent of Pub-
lic Instruction, under regulations of the State Board of
Education, shall classify teachers who hold valid cer-
tificates in the respective ranks according to approved
college semester hours of credit. The Superintendent of
Public Instruction, in defining preparation for certain
types of vocational teachers as equivalent to college train-
ing, shall give consideration to apprenticeship training
and industrial experience.


. 'l





42.005, 43.030



Application for teacher certification shall be made on official
forms prepared by the Department of Education. Application
for teacher certification shall be supplemented by official
transcripts showing all college credits necessary for the re-
quested certification.

All certificates shall be issued as of July 1 of the first school
year for which the certificates are initially valid provided
requirements have been completed by September 1 of the first
year of the validity period and shall expire on June 30 of the
year in which the validity period ends. If requirements for a
certificate are completed after September 1 of the school year
for which the certificate is to be initially valid, the certificate
shall be issued as of the date the requirements were completed
and shall expire on June 30 of the year in which the validity
period ends.

Any certificate for teaching or for holding an administrative
position which expires on June 30 of any year may be renewed
provided renewal requirements have been completed and
filed with the Superintendent of Public Instruction before
September 1 of the year in which the certificate expires;
provided further that the certificate shall be renewed as of
July 1 of the year in which it expires.

A college graduate shall be defined as a person who has been
certified by the registrar of an accredited four-year college
as having completed all the requirements for the baccalaureate
degree in that institution. Such certification shall be accom-
panied by a statement that the degree has been or will be
conferred at the next commencement exercise and also a state-
ment of the date upon which the degree has been or will be



42.005 -

1. A certificate may be issued to a person educated in an accred-
ited institution outside of Kentucky when he has completed 1
a curriculum substantially equivalent to the curriculum re-
quired for the issuance of the certificate applied for and has
completed all general requirements for certificates in Ken-



Please refer also to the “recency of credit” provision which
is described in item G, SBE 42.830.

A basic concept with respect to out of state preparation is C. ‘
. . a curriculum substantially equivalent . . An applicant for
certification as a high school principal, for example, must show
the completion of a preparation program which is both equal
in length to the Kentucky programs and which is “substantially
equivalent.” Thus an applicant prepared in another state for
principalship who presents only the master’s degree and evi-
dence of certification in the other state would not be eligible
for Kentucky certification as a high school principal since the
Kentucky guidelines call for a master’s degree plus 15 semester
hours of additional graduate study. Likewise an applicant pre-
senting preparation totaling a master’s degree plus 15 semester
hours of graduate study (or more) would not be eligible for cer-
? tification as a high school principal unless the program was
specifically designed by his college or university for preparation
as a high school principal.

The certificate applications for the positions in administra-
tion and supervision should be routed through the institution
where the graduate study was completed; the college or uni-
versity officials will indicate on the application form the specific
curriculum pursued at the institution and will indicate the type
of certification which would be issued in the respective state; D
upon receipt of this information on the application form along .
with the official transcipts of credits the Division of Teacher
Education and Certification will then determine the eligibility
for Kentucky certification.






2. In the transfer of credits from an out-of—state college, a defi-
ciency of not more than ten per cent may be permitted except
in supervised teaching, or its equivalent, in the issuance of
a certificate. In issuing a certificate on deficiency, no entire
subject area should be eliminated.

3. A person who is qualified for a certificate in another state
based on a four year curriculum completed in a college ac-
credited by a national or a regional accrediting agency may
be issued a comparable certificate in Kentucky, provided that
the decision relative to additional work to be taken to satisfy