xt79s46h1r15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h1r15/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1961 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 32, 1961 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 32, 1961 1961 2012 true xt79s46h1r15 section xt79s46h1r15 E1Q{V,,_ 1  T U c   O Arm:] Secretary Banquet Speaker 4
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i   KENTU CKY  ¥ I   I
    Published quarterly by the University ot Kentucky on the campus ot the University ot Lex- _§ 
{ IZ'? ington. Subscriptions to non-members, $5.00. Membership t'I`ypc Al in the Alumni Associa-  .j;=·{
\   tion includes subscription to the Alumnus. Member of National Editorial Association, Kun-  
Q3 tricky Press Association, American Alumni Council.  Q`;
It .·, Ada D. Refbord .... .       .... . . ...... .. .... . . Editor ]5gItIg  
E {Q Helen G. King ......   ......... . .. . . . .. .... . . . Managing Editor  
    Marguerite McLaughlin   ....   . .. . . Associate Editor  
E Q Ken Kuhn ..... ..   ......... .   . .... . ...._..... . . . Sports Editor  
Er   I. » ‘ 'I { I '. » 4,,   _'  
ig   Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Lexington. Ky,. May l, 1952. under the   I II()‘\I ·\ [·I·I III  
gg   HCI of Aug. 24. 1912. Edited by the Alumni Association.  {I
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Ez   lvllI\`(‘l'Sll}' ol Kt·nlu<·I<)‘ ;\lt1imI1_a  Y`? I
§ {QI.; Contents IIUXIIIILIUII, I'{t‘lli\lL‘I·(}'  =‘
    MAY l96l WY   _
Z   \\It· $ll`llIll.{lt‘ and sweat IIlIti'_; I, "¤\
3 ..». · ARMY SECRETARY BANQUET SPEAKER . 4 — . . __ .. ~ _ _ . I.: . ·
_-r_ I Iom trans ol tollt·I;t· stutlit-i _   __
__   FACULTY AWARDS TO PROFESSORS .... 7 WIII, II,,. ,I,·,,,lI;I,.s ,,,,,I ,,.,,,_.,. .   I.
_ ·   . ALUMNI SEMINAR ....................... . ..     . . 8 t·ollt·I1,t· proIt·ssors—tIit·n ue ; wgi
,_   . CENTURY CLUB MEMBERS AND ALUMNI HONOR ROLL l2 i¤·t<> tlw \~‘<>¤‘ll1 ol (llll` L't1IIt’Q· _A » I 
 :;; SPORTS NEWS AND FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 36 t-ation. \\Iorst of all. xw It 5; Q; I 
 {I Q I REUNION PROGRAM ...... . ..........   ....   Buck Cover state and apply our il(`(Illl>lil·`~ ;
    I()l'L’liIl stIaie. .
  Y `*‘_   I I I I Sti . t ie Lvlll\'(‘l`Sll\' t·o1Il1·: -·
 I; if r··- `I Iielp ironi tlie stale eili/I··—
U =I`   . . I I I `  
 { L.; alumni gripe and Igruinlile xxx; I ` `
    V _ _ _ _ _ liear oi tlie l`aiIm·es oII tlit—i1‘.iI:. I
 I —;I;VQ EAECUTIVE C())[)i[]"["]`EE 1Q6()- Gl ]. étegligp \;ll\lI(ll\i,   Bog 113157% :%:16 East _tIw\_ AUP HC\_(_I_ tIlmluIIII—uI _  
  -5 1 ]! __ _ 1 V ·_ ‘ I I· · s I I  
 `   I-· Berkley Davis Prssidem 1850 B<>¤¤i<= Dr. Rjalpli 1. §§Q5tII$Li El0Il i1iI¤iI¤(im5i`;Iiiti)   I·. . I. I . I     .    
jr    Castle Drive, Owensboro, Ky._ Lexington, Ky. tlmniediate Past PresidcntI)I It A IM I MI I II IILIJIIII IIIII If
_  I   l¤¤E§id AKy$¤*h€¤‘l¤¤d» Vice P¥€5¤d€¤t· Bl¤¤m· 5liI|’g\lCl'ltC Mcl§i;gl~iun, 226 E. Maxwell St., they Iiave was olitaiiietl only T  
 .I {IE li¢g$r;’&y;;L‘l;lllllT. · Lmm
'   ‘ ]. Paul Nickcll, 302 Hart Road, Lexington, Ky. llomor L. Baker. 50l South Second, Louis- Irlyl, I.(,.,II/CLI IIYII I Im I Im,.   ‘
I · .. (Term expires 196:3) ville. Ky. ¤Dcceased» rf ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ` I Q   IIN. I
3 if ‘I _ McKay Reed, ]r., 1925  )Drive, Louisville llilary   Boone, 320 Holiday Road, Lcxing- Ihr- riwnrtl to the oiitsl.iii¤1I.I`
Q J 5, 'y. erm expires ‘ ton. 'y. - __ _ ._ , .. _   2.- ` II I ..
.   \ViI¥iam TM. Gcmt, Ivlzizpéigrg Bldg., Owensboro, Dr\‘llarrIl C.l\Denliam, 405 \Vest Second St., IVRRUI ID il DIIIIIII >lllll· III (I5
  Q7; _' y. ( erm expires . aysvi ·, 'y. . _ _ .. · .| 5 . · , ,l
 _ _;   Mrs. l§lamlp§>n   Adams, gld Keen Plactiggtgg Dr. Clenn;`U. Dorroli, BOI Clinton Road, Lex- “ImI`IlsI]ID§' I (II SII`lml`   I]
.» I.;3 sai es i e, exington erm expires lngton. 'y. I . ‘ ‘ - I I, W .
  -‘   \Vwia1n(1El. Black, 3001912.7 I38tli. St., Paducah, I'lL'l`IlIl()lI-4]. Evans, Editor, The Lexington Her- I II lHl_hIQ_¥g;I(I)I;III§ III; III IIII r,. Im I
’     y. r e 'r s L. a t, ex‘n*t0 ,   at ’t* its · :7 . t· it*t·’ Lllll ‘<` · ,
I ; is Smith D.C Elioudiiizrit, ]r., Cadiz, Ky., (Term Gillwrt l(iiit;$iui·Iy, 2IlO Edgewood llond, Fort __ ·   _ Y I _ , I   I" 0
* * I‘ expires 1962) ‘\litt·lu-·ll. Kv. Ulllt ( l·lllI-IV I Nt JIIIIIIIII I .,
      Ritgiiagl gwgooper, Somerset, Ky. (Term cx-   lycConnell, 2106 South lviain, llnp. IIWIII-(I I,) III,. IIIIISIIIINIIIIII III  
. ,_.,` ‘ ' S U. _'. _ , , __ _` I _
  I* Culy A. l-lugiIe£_et, ]r., 14691Léi;..‘$$‘s....,“i§i.mS.iiéid, KI. (mm expires I.`.IIsI0.i. iI.»ItI,·gIII., ity. Bl d A ¤¤< <· l’*"‘ _ my
 ·*  _1 I 96 ) ’iri;i atson, 7; everly v ., sl li cl, Ky. I ' r I _· I ·° `I_ , _
3  c I \V?t,¥€ll uctiipy, Pi(gé{3)ox 548 owcnsimio, icy. iz. o. wais, pi., Pikeville, xy. I `II ` ""l* ‘ " "'II I I P~
· ~·  rm e pres _ _ , , . . I I ‘
;  ,3 Ionic;   Eence, 315 §b61;iI`tl1 St. Louisville, Execvativef Coménittee tgrieeéts sectijnd is/goiidny (Sl(.Nl·.I)) \l.·\lll.\\ I
Q Z"  `·I· y. erm expires nig 1. 0 eac mon , eptem er t rough
{   ’ ‘ Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Hillcnmeycr Nurseries, May. 6:30 p.m., Carnahan House, unless
·.     Lexington, Ky. (Board of Trustees) otherwise specified.
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 _-   The Honorable Elvis   Stahr, jr., 36, Secretary of of Law and the youngest person ni the country tolli.   I"'
V  ‘   [hk) Al'IT]V \\/Ill l`€tlll°]] t() l[h€ CRUT] US UNB 3l'(l for the   lil", (`()ll€ YC. rl-lllilt SQIIIIC \'(‘1ll` Ill(’ \1lll()I` (llllllllllldl (ll   ·;Y ly
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    reunion of his class amd will give the zl(l(l1'€SS M tht! Alllmm IUGYCG chose hlm as one of the l(l outstantling youn!T ,
    Banquet that night. of Am€1'iC&1·
.     A Ciisiiiigiiisiied iiiiimmis Oi the UmY€i`$itY “'lth_ im During the Korean \\'ar, he was a special rissislf ‘
_     lllllStl`lOHS C£l1'€€l', S€Cl`€t£ll'y Stllirlf \V11S l”l2`llTl€(l to th€ (J2ll)1II€lZ S€Cl·ctau·y of thc Al.l“y` {Trunk Paco`   ut thc l>(,m_E; `
p   his l)}’ Pi`€si€i€“i¥ K€“ii€`dY· A iiiitiwf ef H¤¢i ·>· · ·   `lli   ' ·
i   ‘Y‘·]_` brilliant scholar, he earned a Phi Beta Kappa key and Vhifi  iéfiiii `i>ss_¤¤:L'i`¤¢.§l¤i€·2;W V i _ a_
L  . g_ won a Rhodes Scholarship under which he studied for Elgliltlfx ‘l_ il bcnmh M “°°`° l‘m“ Ol O lll l   L  
 I     three years in England. He holds three degrees from 0 I mmgk ·_
l  {   Oxford—bachelor of arts, bachelor of civil law and master A loyal and devoted alumnus of the Universit}. sj Q f
 _ *  fi? of arts. He is a former member of the New York law firm tary Stahr is a member of the Alumni Century Club li . »_
  E.   i of Mudge, Stern, Baldwin and Todd. During \Vorld \Var at the University he was a member of Oiiiicwi   ‘
i    _ · II he served as an Army infantry ollicer. Ka a, meuls leadershi a fraternity, President ol lli<‘i
. ,. ._   _ _ PP I . _ , _
V  a ;*.1=· In 1947, Secretary Stahr returned to his Alma Mater ol 1936, and President of Sigma Chi Fi·aterml}1   _  
 .  V . `_ =; 21S 2111 z1SSOCl3.t€ pl'Of€SSOI' of l€l\V. ONG YCHY l£lt€l'. {lt th€ ID1ll'I`lC(l to tl1€ l;()l`lI]€l' D()l‘Otl1y’ H()\\'l;\l1(l B(’l'l_:· 7 ’· ‘v   _ : . »V___) ` , 1 1
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_     place for the generations still to come.  Ofebggisgixyl
 i 3   , This man held a fierce loyalty to the things he loved and in which   _ Auilmr r
 ` Q}   he believed. Perhaps the fire of love and devotion within him for his  8**
» A   . . .... . . .  ;;- . 11 0
 A     family, his state, his University, his associates and his friends consumed   College ,,, _
      his loyal heart at the end, but what a blaze of light he left as he entered  .“"°;19?7-
i » il f" ’Z .  _y ; 110l wr
;   y · II1l0 l'l'l€ shadows.   J Professor of
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 ` ’  .;_   6 _ THE KENTUCKY ALUMl_

i Ié I I
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  Outstanding teaching and research by University of Research Consultant to the American Ceographical S0- lI
  Kentucky faculty members were recognized at·the Animal ciety and fellow of several learned societies in American
j  llesetIrtIIl (.onference held on the University campus and foreign countries. He has been at UK since 1956.   I
  lllllllls )_.` ~ {   A   I`] , \ M     A ll     Slnltha professor of Ch€YY]1StI°y, I`€C€iV€d the Other _ l
 . Iltcipitnts ti" M .· Q] l- `********   *><*<*·* ***** · “·l* 5 award for research in organic chemistry which led to the
 N; \\‘(}l'€Pil I;lrrIEriiat·ist. I)¤. (. iaIlcs A. l;\alIpiI; }a g{eogIaplier_ pI,I,IICuIIOn OI SIX m,tIcI€S_ I .
  , , . ; a ; a ia ·l ‘1‘|( ’.‘t. r. ; _ `·; · . . . I
I    .1 Cllmmttrigr 1\\"lliL;·'1l*@:it}) *P* ( *‘*’*» lar, Smith ha; paesented a paper before the interna- I Q
 .... ‘ Q ‘ ` ' ` ' ` ti z ·   ' I Y
  ihc awartls were presented by Dr. llalph j. Angelucci,  ;m.:,2;Ig(;;S;hg CIS  afdlfo; tIIl‘€NP§?* bil; years I I I i
  chairman of the Faculty-.~\lumni Awards (Iommittee. F0`u;Id,ltiOn ‘ pme O 6 l a uma Clellcc · I I °
  Dr. Walton. head of the Department of Materia Medica H __   _ _    
  in the College of Pharmacy. was the recipient of the _h sill l_ elllogidel of lll? Pn·D· llnln lnnlana U¤¤*~’¢rS¤t>*  
  distinguished teaching award, the first to be presented at ll   ls stm le, Oll llll_E_ll Lllly Fellnwsnln He nas been `
  the research conferences. Previous awards have been only ?g,.El\ Slllcc l9`a3` lllllllnlllg llle rank nf nlll Professor in , I
  for research or writing. ` Ol' I I I I I
  In reconnnending Dr. \\`alton for the award. Omicron Tlln llllllllfls Wale based nn Cnnnlbnnnns n"€Y the Past I l I `
  Delta Kappa and Mortar Board. UK student leadership lwn l'°als· I I
  SOCl(’ll{‘S. SLll(l ll1(‘ pl1ilI`l11il(.'}' pl`(}fL`$$Ul`   llll UXL`(.’ll(‘lll CX- l  
  ample for students because of his deep moral convictions.   l
  his genuine interest in others. his teaching techniques. his J I
  interest in the promotion of pharmacy. and his ability to *   I I ·
  inspire students.  I ‘   _ I; ‘ II
  Dr. \\`alton named in 1959 as the "\I·1n of the Year ~¤·-` l i  I     · * ill II
  . .. l , ` ` _` _ _ ( ( ria}? I li;   A ll
  lll Plllll°ll12lC}'   lllll l\Cl)l\l(‘l(}' Pl12lI`l11tlL`(’\lllClll :\SS()ClLlll()l].  { ·   l, · ll Il .
 sa was cited especially for his use of visual aids in te·1ching   ‘  -`‘ A if   ` ` A I ¥
  I _ . . . r t . t , ( \ 1   ; I I I I
l  for lllc Ol.glllllZllll()ll (lf lll] llll-()l`I11Lll llll](,'l1(‘()ll $L’]11lllLU` f(1l`  ~ A \ "     * ` I I ~ '
  Students. and for the arranging of educational trips.  s ° I .2* . ,2  s I { l I I ’ I
  DF. Weaver. distinguished professor of bacteriologv.   · li lt` - —   l` l  
ifYr;·.  ' · . . . · s . · I ·
  l€C(°lV€(l il l`€SC;ll`Cl\ 2l\\`i\l'(l l()l' (l(‘\'Cl()1)lI`|g l`ilp](l l(’Cl1l1l(]ll(‘S \· "   { I   I
  for the identification of microorganisms. Use of the method ; I I II ‘ _
 Idtwelopetl by Dr. \\`eaver saves time in arriving at a i I I    
 diagnosis of specific infectious diseases—early detection . '“ I   I  
 methods which would be especially valuable in the case I ~‘ f
  0f biological warfare. I I
  ·Alllll0l` ()l` L'()—illltl]()l` ()ll tlpl)l'()Xll]ltltCl}`   lll`llClll$ lll   I I l I ;
  $C1€l1tlfic publications, Dr. \\`eaver came to the Ulll\'Ol`$ll}` I `   `
  $l10l'll}' after receiving the Pli.D. from Michigan Stale l   l
 ‘A(;0ll€§€ lll 1926. He has held the rank of full professor I I   ~ ~ I
r'E  " I II `
 slllcfi l9Ill· These University of Kentucky professors were honored re- . I II j
  f*l0l1€l Fesearcli award went to ]_)r, Karan, associate ggnrly by {he UK Alumni ASSOCl(IflOIl for Ollwftllidiftg ’ I I I;l E
 Elm) esslll nl l·l‘?nt·l*`**l*l*l'~ f***` ll<*lOol< was the first cultural geography of of Pharmacy, and Dr. lllaltcr T. Smifll, pfO}°€SSOf of Chém- I I II T
  epa P**lJl1Sl1€t »*;‘·— 
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    Our survival in the S Jaee Age, the dilemma and chal- The second svcakcr on the Fridav morning )l'll[Y..'  .
 , p   _ ¤ _ _ . t l
·  L   lenge of this new scientiHc frontier, will be the theme of will he Mr. \1rgil L. Couch. director. Industry Olliu·.'.·‘- I
r  [QZ   the Fourth Annual Alumni Seminar to bc held ]une 2-3. Hee of Civil and Defense Mobilization, Battle Creek. liz: } magllZlll€ art
‘ ·   .? A . . . · . . rv 1 · . . · _ " _
  Bari Distinguished alumni, members of the faculty, and re- He will speak on the sulneet; lhe Non-Xiilitary l)t·lt;·- ; d_U$lY1·il seein
__?    search specialists in the scientific and defense fields will in the Space Age." A graduate of the University in ll   $l$l¤¤€<* to fe
 ·_   discuss the many problems faced by mankind in the Space Mr. Couch has held various administrative positions   . °P*¤tI¤1nv=:» . . . . . · . · — . , . , ~ _ .
I     Z1€l'()l\21LllZ1Clll I`€S€Hl`Ch Und has l)€€li 1IlVIt€d     UI]1tC(l (lollf of lll? b()ClCf}' f()l` P(‘l'S()l]Il(‘l ;\(lf]Hl]lSil'illlllll.   ». Cllhfollllfl. IHS
’ Ig,  ifi . Nations to speak at the UN Conference on New Sources Couch has also served as vice-president ol` the Sot·ivti’Y Silm€ Year.
   gl . 2 of Energy to be held in Home this August. He and his the :\(l\'£llIC(‘lll(‘l\l of Management, ln l§)5l he xx.i>p»_f  j FF0m 19{
Y  A -*  (j()]]']]]']itlQ€€ h{l,\/Q Plill`|l'l€Cl, HI] €XCltil]g pl'()g]`}],1]"| of i[]t€l`QSt p()llltC(l IIS tll(‘ fll`St (l(‘pllf)` L1SSlSt1li]l Ll(lI]]lIllStl`Lll(ll` lll if  » quency ClCCtl`
I  "   to all alumni. Federal Civil Defense Administration and during flirt`?  » §llb€$§ lie bet
3   ;;f€—¥i Colonel ]oseph ]. Huddleston, B7, Industrial College ten years has gained national recognition in the lirltl ll l9¤¤ lie w
' A! ·1"T$ ~ . . · · ·  i ' ,'
F  1* $@3-; of the Armed Forces, Ft. Leslev ]. McNair, \Vashington, civil defense. ·.  p"“U1>les, a
» ** =· `— . ' . . . . . . ~ it  .- ` `,
        C., \Vlll l)€ th€ first $p€2ll(€lA at the Fl`I(lll}’ I'DOl`ll1I]g SCS- ll] lllS Pl'L‘SClli l`)()Slfl()ll HS (ll\'(‘L'[()l' ()i [l)(‘ lIl(lll$llll  I -q_(i?llStl(—$ ilIl(l
’  . .   sion. His subject will be: (The Economics of International fice. he is responsible for assisting, informing, and titty-  ` ,._. L_€l“$i1fute
   sy   Conflict.), In iltlilition to liiS lll1(l€l`g1`2ltlL1z1tC degree, Colonel aging American industry for survival, Primarily lttiilli  JK lfbmlllm M·
 _  ‘_ y _ Huddleston received a Masters degree from the University ellorts, industry in the United States is non- lit‘lll`l_l`i   Sewell illv IR
.  5, ii. in 1940. He formerly served in the Office of the Assistant pared for civil defense than any other- segment Ml?  Q, alltlzhe llleory
 ` ’   ·   , Chief of StaH for Guided Missiles. population. He is the author o[ nnrnerous pamplil¢‘l*·' 1. u O" Ol Th
5 :2: ’   . I  `` .
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L.\1 magazine articles pertannng to intlnstry tlelense antl in» 1i·ayelin5;·\\`aye '1`uhes. Elections. \\`ayes and Messages. L
DK;. (1115111211 security. antl he has proyiiletl lt‘Ll(1(’1`5111l`1 ancl as- antl \1an`s \\·l)1`1(1 oi Sountl. A nieinber of the National
in 1. 51S1l·1Il(‘t* to fetlefatl. state, gmtl local gin e1‘11111e11ts in es. antl p;n·ticn1;n·1y on 11';l\`t‘1111}_{-\\`;l\`t‘ llipon. \\11SL‘O11S11l§ the 11l11\`t‘l`S11}' ot $011111 C&11`O1111l1. the
liliij. tubes: 119 11(‘l'iIl11t' (111`(‘(‘1()1' (I1. e1ect1‘011ie 1`t‘S(‘.11`(’1l in 191321 11111\`(‘1`S11}° ol (rlliicatio ;111t1 NO1`111\\‘t‘s1t‘l`11 1v11i\‘U1'S1f}`. 111
. lielb  . 1I1.1$)po he was inacle tlireetor of 1`(‘St‘tll`(`11-(`U1l11I1111I1L';111t11IS 15:38. 111*. Krogtlalil ioinetl the 1`niyeisity of Kentucky fae-
P1m°11?1<‘$. 11 iieltl inelntling i·ese;n·e1i in i·;n1io_ 1-It-ctionics. nlty and is presently associate professor of iuathematies
{mini acoustlcs iillil Vis