xt79s46h426m_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge. no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge. no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_09/Folder_8_10/Multipage3793.pdf 1953-1955 1955 1953-1955 section false xt79s46h426m_14 xt79s46h426m 3&2 LEXINGTON LOQGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON. KY. @g



W. Master Treasurer
Senior Warden Secretary
Junior Warden _____ PE‘Z'JLEFEY __________________ Senior Steward

Senior Deacon ___________________________________ Junior Steward

-7___§1§¥3¥§L§1.§91 __________________________ Tiler

Junior Deacon


Lodge Opened in form on Master Masons Degree at 7:30 P. M.
and 45 others present.

Minutes of December 27, 1952 were read and approved.

Brofi. L. N. Leonard asked concerning the one member that

was expelled as shown in the secretary's report. Brother
Harry Couch eXplained that this member was realy not a member
at all, but that he had petitioned this lodge and was
received but it was found out that he had also petitioned
lanother lodge. So with the approval of Grand Lodge he was

Brother Harry Couch stated that Brother Chester Woodall had
gone home from the hOSpital and was able to see company
now, and that Arthur A. Tuttle had gone to the Good
Samaritan Hospital for observation.

Sick and Distressed

Good of The Order Master Sims reported that in the cash and check given

to them by Mr. O. F. Orr when the audit of the books was
made that there was an$10.00 error in the cash and that he
had taken the matter up with Mr. Orr and Mr. Orr had
given him a written statement as to cash being short this
amount, and that the hotel would be $h91.50 and not

$501.50 as reported.

8:00 P. M. Lodge called from labor to refreshments on
Master Masons Degree preparatory to opening on Enter
Bpprentice Degree. Opened on Enter Apprentice Degree,
whereupon ten (10) Enter Apprentice were found to be in

E. A. Examined
Rey F. Adams
Stanley G. Adams

Raymond W. Arnold
Daniel Irvin Batten
Frank C. Byers
William H. Brewer
Robert C. Richards
Kelly Graves Rogers
Robert C. Sewell
James wm. Smith


waiting were admitted and examined. except, on motion made
by Frank Sparks, duly seconded by L. N. Leonard that if
Howard Long could vouch for the oanidates, examination
after grips be diSpensed with. Motion carried and Howard
Long vouched for the canidates. Those Entered Apprentice
found to be proficient were as follows:

Roy F. Adams

Stanley G. Adams

Raymond W. Arnold

Daniel Irvin Batten

Frank C. Byers

William H. Brewer

Robert C. Richards

Kelly Graves Rogers

Robert C. Sewell

Jamesjwm. Smith


 Petitions Received

Frank Bennett, Jr.

James Gerkins

Otis B. Hagar

William Price Hiles
Elbert Glenn Riggs
George Washington Taylor
J. William Weaver

Elected E. A.
James Lancaster Barlow


stated Meeting, January 5, 1953 ~ Page 2

All of the canidated were congratulated by Master Sims on
their examination and they were asked if any wished to say
any thing to the Lodge. None did. However,Brother George
Stewart asked James Wm. Smith to stand to be recognized.

8:30 P. M. Closed on Enter Apprentice Degree, called from
refreshments to labor on the Master Masons Degree.

Secretary read the following petitions which were duly
ordered received and committees appointed.

Frank Bennett, Jr.

James Gerkins

Otis B. Eager

William Price Hiles

Elbert Glenn Riggs

George washington Taylor

L. William Weaver

Secretary reported for committee on petdan of James
Lancaster Barlow as favorable. Committee discharged)ballots
were spread and elected.

Secretary read a letter from The Old Masons Home thanking
the Lodge for the $25.00 sent to them for Christmas.
A note from Dr. Charles Lynn Pyatt thanking the Lodge also
for the flowers sent him when he was in the hosPital.

M. 3. Whitton announced that Webb Commandry No. 1 would
confer the Red Cross and Malta Degrees on Jan. 6, 1953.

Harry Couch stated that there was to much delay in the time
that it took a petition to go through the work and that

he felt that the secretary could improve on this in the
future. He suggested that an effort be made to contact the
committees to see why they had not reported and if they
had a good reason for not reporting then a new committee
be appointed.

After much discussion on this, a motion by Robert J. Turley. Jr.
duly seconded by L. N. Leonard that all committees be

given 20 days to report and if at the end of this period

no report was given then a new committee be appointed..
Again after much discusson Brother Turley Was asked to amend
this motion to 10 days, which he did with the consent of

L. N. Leonard who seconded the motion. A vote was taken on
the amendment : result 31 for-l7 opposed. A vote was then
taken on the motion; result 29 for - 16 opposed. Motion
carried. Secretary was instructed to have a stamp made and
all committee reports to be stamped to be returned within
10 days.

Brother L. N. Leonard o grad his help to the secretary
on making the appointdfior the committees.

Brother Cecil Hardwick stated that although the motion had
carried, it looked to him that it would encrease the Work of
the secretary and would be more cost to the dege for


 Bills ordered paid

Stated Meeting, January 5. 1953 - Page 3

Brother Harry Couch asked what had become of the loud Speaker
purchased by the Lodge some time ago. Master Sims stated
that we were not using it now, that he felt that in the
winter time and no fans going that we Iere all able to hear
with out it. However, we would start using it the next

Secretary reported that Brother Ben F. Crimn was deceaSed as
of May 17, 1952, and that the lodge had no record of this.
After some discussion it was agreed that a small foot note
be made at the bottom of the minutes as of Dec. 27. 1952.

Secretary read the following bill, which was duly approved
and ordered paid.

Union Transfer and Storage Co. $11.59

Master Sims made the following announcements and suggestions
for this year:

Any materials that was borrowed in connection with any work
or reports of recent weeks please return them to the

BLOOD EiNK~- It is may earnest desire to see a reserve in

our blood bank to take care of normal demands at least Of?
our brothers. This can be done only if thebrothers work with
the Chairman of the Blood Bank and when a promise is made,
fquill that promise as quickly as possible. A discussion
was held on this and it was agreed that it would take at
least 50 doners to take care of the year 1953.

My policy for a time at least, unless a better policy
apprears, will be to have work on the third Monday and only
business and examinations on the first Monday. It has worked
very fine for a number of years and the Wardens certainly
know when their time comes to confer a degree.

On the night of my installation, I did not announce any

policy or plan for the coming year. I have oneproject that I
would like to see completed this year, however, I will announde
it at a filater date.

It is my sincere hope that all of the men we raise to

the sublime degree of a Master Mason will be worthy of that
honor and will make Lexington Lodge No. 1 active and

and interested members.

I appreciate kindness shown to me by the members of the
committees by accepting to serve on them. I consider it a
privilege to work with these committees and I assure you
that I am grategul to you for all the time you will spend
in dding the Work that falls to you.

Last but not least, may I again thank you for the

confidence and trust you have in me by placing me in the East
to serve you and through you Lexington Lodge No. 1 for the
coming year. I consider it the highest honor ever

accorded me and I assure you that I will give my time as it is


 Stated Meeting, January 5, 1953 - Page 4

needed and when I make a mistake, which I know I will, I
promise it will be an honest one and I will gladly aGCept your

we can only make the lodge as good as your support, so
I resPectfully solicit your support and encourgement both in
attendance and work when it is assigned to you.

It is my desire and hope that at the end of my tenure in
office you can say, PEAGE AND HARMONY HAS BEEN the

chief strength and support of my lodge and it has
prospered this year. May we not forget the first 1eSSOn we

THE BLESSINGS 0F DIETY—-so in the new year that is Just starti-v

Brother M. 5. Whitton asked if there was any thing new in
regard to the shortage of our past secretary. Nothing was
reported. However, Brother Whitton stated that he had heard
that he had had his home appraised for a loan. Brother
Turley was instructed to watch the records as to a loan on
his house and if he had made one to report it to the


10:00 P. M. There being no father business, Lodge closed
in_anple form. /7

\_ gég/Ki.fjs\ ' VLZZéZwQL f

/%§¢Hf Sims, Master Wilburn House, secretary





'MEETTNG— DATE MWH§§99@2X_}22HZQ§§ ______________

W. Master Treasurer

Senior Warden Secretary

Junior Warden __-_____R§P_1__g_11€'yl ______________

Chester Meyer 0tho F. Ward

____________________________________ Senior Deacon

Senior Steward

Junior Steward

____'___139_‘9e_1:§_211r_1_9§3_£3». _____

Junior Deacon


Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree at 7330 P. M.
with 50 others present.

Minutes of January 5, 1953 Were read and approved.

Master Sims announced to the craft that the work for the
evening would be conferring the Fellow Craft Degree and
an examination on two Fellow Crafts.

M. S. Whitton reported that Brother Harry Couch was in the
hospital and had had an operation.

Sick and Distressed
Frank Sparks reported that L. L. Perkins was also on the
sick lista

Secretary read the folhdwing netitions which were duly
ordered received and committees appointed:

Petitions received John Tyree Danton, Jr»
John Tyree Danton, Jr. John Estill Hawkins
John Estill Hawkins Charles Carlyle Price
Charles Carlyle Price Thomas Gibson Tandy
Thomas Gibson Tandy Eugene H. Venters
Eugene Hg Venters Ethan Allen Whicker
Ethan Allen Whicker

Secretary reported for the committees on the folllwing, to
be elected for the Fellow Craft and Master Masons Degrees.
Ballots were spread and elected:

Electer F. C. and M. M.
Roy F. Adams Roy F. Adams

Stanley G. Adams Stanley Adams

Raymond W. Arnold Raymond W. Arnold
Daniel E. Batten Daniel E. Batten
William H. Brewer William H. Brewer
Robert Carl Richards Robert Carl Richards
Frank Christopher Byers Frank Christopher Byers
Kelley G. Rogers Kelley G. Rogers

Robert Campbell Sewell Robert Campbell Sewell

Master Sims announced that there would be 3 called meeting
on Thursday, January 29, 1952 for the purpose of conferring
the Master Masons Degree.

Brother Robert Turley asked that a meeting of the craft team
he called for Monday, January 26, 1952 at 7:30 P. M.




Fellow Craft Conferred
Roy Francis Adams
Stanley Green Adams
Raymond William Arnold
Daniel Ervin Batten
William Hague Brewer
Robert Carl Richards
Frank Christopher Byers
Kelley Graves Rogers
Robert Campbell Sewell
James William Smith for #

Fellow Craft Examined
Ralph Walter Bushlen
James Edward Williams


Stated Meeting January 19, 1953 Page 2

8:05 P. M. Called from labor to refreshments preparatory

to opening on the Fellhw Craft Degree. Opened on Fellow Craft
Degree. With M. S. Whitton in the East the craft proceded

to confer the Fellow Craft Degree on(lo) ten Enter Apprentice
previously qualified and found to be in waiting as follows:

Roy Francis Adams
Stanley Green Adams
Raymond William Arnold
Daniel Ervin Batten
William Rogue Brewer
Robert Carl Richards
Frank Christopher Byers
Kelley Graves Rogers
Robert Campbell Sewell
852 James William Smith, for Halfway Lodge # 852

Following the first section, J. H. Sims returned to the East.

TWO (2) Fellow Crafts were thenadmitted and examined. On
motion by W. E. Lander, seconded by M. S. Whittcn, that if
Howard Long could vouch for the proficiency of the
candidates, that examination after grips be dispensed with.
Motion carries and Howard Long vouched for their
proficiency. The following were found to be proficient:

Ralph Walter Bushlen
James Edward Williams

The second section of the degree was then given by
Chester Meyer.

The canidates were then seated in the North and asked if
they wished to say any thing. No cements.

10:00 P. M. Closed on Fellow Craft Degree. Called from
refreshments to labor on Master Masons Degree.

Secretary read a letter from Humphrey D. Harrod, Secretary
of Hiram Lodge # b, Frankfort, Ky. in regard to a waver of
Jurisdiction for Emery Overly Smith, which was asked for
in April, 1952. He stated that after having written the
secretary the second time and still hearing nothing that
they wished to with draw this request onthis waver.

Secretary read a letter from Fred L. Ballou, Secretary of
Richmond Lodge # 25, Richmond, Ky. stating that they had
conferred the Master Mason Degree on Brother Jack Daniel,
on December 18, 1952, as per our request.

Visiting Brothers ware then asked to introduce them selves.

Master Sims reported on the progress made on the shortage

of our past secretary, W. W. Thorp. A meeting was held

of the officers and the following dedision was made. To
ask Brother Thorp to give the Lodge a note, with interest

at six percent, secured by a second mortgage on his
property. This he did and Master Sims read this note to the


 Stated Meeting January 19, 1953 Page 3

Bills presented Secretary presented the following hills, which were approved
and ordered paid.

Clinton K. Hoffman $ ..3
J. Porter Land, 01k. Fayette County .0
Rosenbergs .5
AddressographuMultigraph Corp. 1.h8
Transylvania Printing Co. 44-55
Hurst Printing Co. 23.75
Wilburn House-Cards and Stamps #0.00
H. Lauber and Co. l§9.19

10:15 Lodge closed in ample form.

a: ‘ l ' e um”, Mme

f;;§£ 81mg: Master Wilburn House, Secretary


 3%? LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON. KY. fig


___________ Called“ MEETING

Otho Ward

______________ Junior Deacon


___________________________________ Senior Steward

______________ Senior Deacon ._________________-_-_--__-_-_______ Junior Steward

Henry Elam



Ralph Walter Buschlen
Lionel Craig Gordon
Clarence Baber Hall
William Gayle Hiles
Coleman Preston Judy
Arno Zenna Looney
Stanley Hollawan Preston
Glen Downing Thompson
James Edward Williams


Lodge opened in form at §t15 P. MINand 25 others préééfii."

Master Sims announced the the purpose of this meeting was to
confer the Master Mason's Degree upon nine (9) Fellow Crafts
previously qualified and now in waiting. The candidates

were then prepared, admitted, and the first section was conferred
by Master Sims in the East and M. S. Whitton in the West.

After a brief at ease, the lodge was called to order and

proceeded to raise in short form the newlyeobligated brothers

as follows:
Ralph Walter Buschlen raised by Cecil Hardwick, P. M.<;a_é$
James Edward Williams raised. by Cecil Hardwick, P. Mk: ,8; ‘9
Lionel Craig Gordon raised by M. S. Whitton S. W. \Sfls§4$'§'
Arno Zenna Looney raised by Harry Couch, P. Maé>Q§ {-tt
Clarence Baber Hall raised by C. K. Hoffman, P. M. “3" a?
William Gayle Hiles raised by L. N. Leonard. P. M. is“
Stanley Holloway Preston raised by Chester Meyer, S. D.
Coleman Preston Judy raised by J. H. Sims, Master

6:35 P. M. At ease. Craft then enjoyed an excellent buffet
luncheon served by our committee to approximately 150
members and guest present by this time.

7:30 P. M. Called to order. With 0. K. Hoffman in the East,
M. S. Whitton in the West, assisted by our degree team, the
craft preceeded to raiSe Glen Downing Thompson with full

The newly—made Master Masons were then presented with a book,
History of Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., by J. Winston
Coleman, and were seated in the North, where they were asked
to comment on the work,. No oommonts.

Master Sims expressed his thanksand appreciation to the craft
for their attendance and he asked the lodge to give the

degree team a round of applause for their excellent proformance
in the work. This was done and Brother Robert Turley asked

the newlyemade brothers to become one of this degree team.

He parised the members of the team and stated that he hished

to get at least three members for each position on the team,

Master Sims also expessed his thanks to the kitchen committee,
for the luncheon“ and also asked the newly-made Master Masons


 Called Meeting January 29, 1953 Page 2

if they could help with the Blood Bank.

Vistors were asked to stand and entroduce themselves. There
were nine visitors who did this and they all commented on

the excellent work they had seen put on, both by the Officers
and the degree team.

M. S. Whitton explained the tilers oath to the newlyhmade

9350 P. M. Lodge elosed in form.


Wilburn House, Secretary





Dues collected: .

1951 26.00

1952 187.90

1953 .3123219Q

Less dues remitted ____§Z;Zi 3,583.15
Fees collected 800.00
Supplies sold 8.00
Return checks collected 35.00
Carry over from former Secretary, W. W. Thorp, collected 4 142.09

Bank balance as of January 1, 1953 5,012.22


January 5 Union Transfer and Storage Co. Moving office a“-
equipment 11.59
6 Return check - Hider 35.00
12 ' “ " Fugette 21.25
19 E. Lauber and Co. Coffee urn 120.19
19 Hurst Printing Co. Ptg. and supplies 23.75
19 Masonic Home School Add in pgper 15.00
19 Wilburn House Stamps and cards 40.00
19 Clinton K. Hoffman Telephone call 2.36
19 J. Porter Land Redording Mtg. 3.00
19 Walk Easy Shoe Store Shoes for Ward
Mrs. Brown 11.95
19 Rosenbergs 3111 Fold” . 7.50
19 Addressograph Co. Add.lߣdoe'930" 1.48
19 Transylvania Ptg. Office supplies
and printing 44.55
22 Lander Lee Perkins Aid for Distressed 50.09

Bank balance as per bank statement January 31, 1952 10,445.02
Less checks outstanding:
No. 1334 6.75
1391 1,200.00
1414 4.50
1422 15.00

1427 11.25 1,238.29 2,202.82
9959 'M


 3%: LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON. KY. fig



W. Master Treasurer

Senior Warden Secretary

_________ q 1_l_e_§_t_€:I: - MEYEE _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ Junior Warden Senior Steward
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ £9319. ii _ Egg-93:1 l 3]: $3. _ _ _ Senior Deacon ___________________________________ Junior Steward

ll-_____g§'}1;1__93é§: _______________ Junior Deacon Henry blam


Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree at 7:30 P. M.
with 36 others present.

Minutes of January 19, 1953 and January 29, 1953 were read
and approved, with one correction, that Arno Z. Looney Was
raised by his father. A. Z. Looney and assisted by Harry

Secretary read the following petitions which were duly
Petitions Received ordered received and committees appointed:

Francis Estes Bowman Francis Estes Bowman

George Matthew Kilgus George Matthew Kilgus

William F. H. Porter William Franklin Heathman Porter
Howard Gualt Underwood Howard Gualt Underwood

Secretary reported for the committees on the following, to be
elected for all degrees. Ballots were spread with the
following results:

Initiation Elected Initiation elected:

Ray Thomas Acke Ray Thomas Ackc

Frank Bennett, Jr. Frank Bennett, Jr,

Byron Edwin Cracraft Byron Edwin Cracraft

Lexis Graham Evans Lewis Graham Evans

Frank Van Hagg Firestine, Frank Van Hagg Firestine, Jr.

Raymond Chilton Guy Raymond Chilton Guy

William Price Hiles William Price Hiles

Dale Holbrook Dale Holbrook

Herbert Davis Sledd Herbert Davis Sledd

Eddie Cleveland Sparkman Eddie Cleveland Sparkman

George Washington Taylor George Washington Taylor

Lazelle William Weaver Lazelle William Weaver

Ethan Allen Whicker Ethan Allen Whicker

Initiation Rejected, Initiation Rejected:
James Gerkins James Gerkins

Affiliation Affiliation Elected subject to proper demit:
George Manuel Kisner George Manuel Kisner
William Green Walker William Green Walker

Master Sims asked Brother Lawrence Cropper, Master of
Devotion Lodge No. 160 3‘ & A. M. to stand and be recognized.



 Committees report

Sick and distressed

Bills presented

New Business

Good of the Order


Stated Meeting February 2, 1953 Page 2

Master asked all visitors to stand and introduced them selves.
Only one visitor.

Master asked all committees if they had a report to make.
None reported.

Ed. Pogue reported in room, 262, Good Samaritan Hospital for
an operation. R. J. Kyker, has had an operation and in

Good Samaritan Hospital. D. H. (Pat) Lloyd in room 256,

Good Samaritan. Also Master Sims reported that he had visited
Brother Pogue and Lloyd and also visited Brother George
Groghagen, who lives at Lawrenceburg, Ky. and is a member of

‘Bardstown Lodge. Brother Lloyd condition is very good and

he will be able to go home soon.

Secretary read the following hills, which were duly a proved
and ordered paid.

Thompson Mimeograph Shop 1.84

Secretary reported that we had had an expenditure of $50.00
on January 21. 1953 for relief to Lander Lee Perkins, a
Mason for twenty-seven years. Master Sims stated that he and
Brother Whitton had been asked to help Brother Perkins and
after investigation they had found that it was a very worthy
cause. Brother Perkins Was ill, had a family, and from all
reports had a cancer, and he needed the money to get to
Louisville, to the hospital. Ma.ster Sims also re}:orted

tl:at Brother Perkins had c lled him up and asked him to report
to the lodge how no ch help this had been and tha.t he did very
much appreciate it. A motion by A. D. Langford, seconded by
Robert Turley, Jr. tha.t said $50. 00 be approved by the Lodge.
Mot ion carried.

Brother M. S. Whitton stated to the lodge as to a new system

for the distribution of the lodge monies. He suggested that

a voucher be used and when approved by the lodge for payh

ment, be signed by the secretary and g1. yen to the treasurer.

The treasurer would issue the checks and same woul d be signed

by the treasurer and Master. After some discussion, a motion

by Robert Turley, Jr, seconded by Harry Coddh the Master was asked
appoint a committee to meet with the finance committee to

discuss this some more. Master Sims appointed Elwood Farra,
Chester Meyer and Roberg Turley, Jr. on this committee.

Brother Lawrence Cropper, Master of Devotion Lodge No. 160,
asked if any one knew how his son could receive his work in
Germany. No one knew what to tell him except that Harry
Couch stated that he understood that all Masonic Work done
In Germany was in very close secret.

Secretary read the following letters to the Lodge:

A letter from Willard Hami ton Superintendent of Masonm Home
thanking the Lodge for Christmas Donation. 5'

A latte: from Masonm Home High School thank‘ the lodge for
their ad in"rhe Light" of 195 .

A letter from A. D. Flower s for the billfold that Was given him
for worn done on the type writer of Mrs. Brown, our ward at the



Stated Meeting February 2, 1953 Page J

A letter from Dave Jackson Lodge No. 731, F. & A. M. stating
that they had conferred the Fellow Craft Degree on James
Daniel oniJanuar3324, 1953 and that he was exgected to

be raised on February 28, 1953.

A letter from A. E. Orton, Grand Secretary, asking that we

confer the Felllw Craft and Master Mason Degrees upon

Raymond Merton Arnold, 64h Maxwelton Court, Lexington, Ky.

as a courtesy to Kemper Lodge No. 64, Falls Church Virginia.
Secretarv was instructed to write this lodge and Mr. A: nold,

as this letter was received on November 2%, 1952, and if they
still wanted us to confer these degrees we would be glad to do so.

A letter from Bowling Green Lodge No. »73 F. and A. M. asking
a waivei of Jurisdiction on John Logan Lenders who gives his
address as Box 1517 Le; ington, Ky, and a salesman for

Beaver Dam, Wis. concern. Secretary was asked to appoint a
committee_on Mr. Landers for investigation.

Brother Harry Couch stated that he had had a letter from
our Past Grand Master on a committee report and Brother
Lewis said that he hoped to visit Lexington Lodge No. 1 in the
neaz future and t? at he appreciated his membership on our Lodge.

Brothel A. D. Langford asked, in as much as he was on the!
Masonic Temple Association committee, if the rent was not

due from Lexington Lodge No. 1. After some discussion , the
secretary was instructed to check the minutes and see if

this had not ween appr0v’ed before and that he send the
Masonic Temple Association a check for all past rent and rent

f0? 1953.

Brother Early Couch a.sked the Lodge as to whya ' bill the
balance of ins‘"auce received from the estate of Mrs. Mary
Dicker, had hot been paid. Secretary reported that the check
would be sent this week and that we holding it to check on
her records to see if the $394.0? was the correct amount.

Brother M S. Whitton commended the New-1y Raised Brothers of
Jannary 29, 1953 ex: their attendance. They were asked to
stand and six we: 8 found to be present out of nine raised.

Brother Harry Couch asked again about the loud speaker, and

Why we were not using it. Again after some discussion a promise
was made to use it the next meetiir. However, Secretary asked
that Brother Couch be appointed as a committe of one to see that
it was in good working order. This was done.

fiecrétary.pres§ntsd three requests for demits, which are as

H. L. Eifler hLX‘JAA»U:L

m. _ .i__.i..__a .___,Rel.d,a._:_n._m110 t t
Curtis L. Willmot‘

As there was no objection to these request, secretary was
instructed to issue the demits if their current dues were paid.
However Robert J. iurley, J1 made a motion, seconded by

Harry Couch, that Brother Willmott was in a very bad state of
mind, and had had a nervious breakdown, that his 1953 dues card


 Stated Meeting February 2, 1953 Page 4

be given to him and the demit issued. Motion Carried.

Master Sims announced that one our former wards, Mrs. Minnie
Taylor Johnson Scott, widow of Guy Johnson, a member of this
Lodge at his death, had died at the Widows and Orphan Home
on January 27. 1953 and the funeral was held at Kerr Brothers,
January 29, 1953 with burial in Lexington Cemetery; Mrs.
Scott left the home and married Mr. Scott, who was a member
of J, Speed Smith Lodge No. 298, Willishurg, Ky. At his
death she returned to the home. Although not our ward now,
we were asked to take care of her burial eXpenses. and our
officers felt that we were moral obligated to do so. The
expenses were between $90.00 and $100.00 over and above
the $150.00 advanced by the Grand Lodge for this. The
Master of J. Speed Smith Lodge was called and asked if they
could share part of the expenses.

9:#o P. M. There being no futher business, lodge closed
1e form.,/::>

Sims, Mastef\\x Wilburn House, Secretary




 3&7 LEXINGTON LODGE No. 1, F. 8: A. M., LEXINGTON, KY. 3%

________ 1: F§9K_§Pla:€it_§___u__nl Junior Warden

Btho ward


MEETING DATE _____ 3§PFE€LFJZJ§LA953 ____________

W. Master Treasurer

Senior Warden Secretary

Senior Steward

Senior Deacon ___________________________________ Junior Steward

_____ Eggx_§1:flu_--__-_-____-_-_-_______ Tiler

Junior Deacon


Petitions Received
William August Armstrong
Dwight Dayton Butcher
Gordon Alfred Gienow
Vernol Alfred Jasper

Sick and Distressed

E3 A, Conferred

Ray Thomas Acke

James Lancaster Barlow
Frank Bennett, Jr.
Byron Edwin Gracraft
David Thomas Doyle
Lewis Graham Evans
Frank Van Hagg Firestine. J


Lodge opened in form on Master Masons Degree at 7:30 P. M
with 50 others present.

Minutes of February 2, 1953 were read and approved.

Secretary read the following petitions which were duly ordered
received and committees appointed:

William Augustus Armstrong
Dwight Dayton Butcher
Gordon Alfred Gisnow
Fernol Alfred Jasper

Motion made and duly seconded that after sick and distressed,
that due to work for the night, all business be dispensed
with. Motion carried.

Harry Couch reported that Brother Ed Pogue was home from the
hospital and would be able to go back to work soon

Master Sims reported the following sick: Chester Meyer,
George Stewart and Clint Hoffman home with the flu.

Wilburn House reported that W. M. Bolin was sick in Florida.

Master Sims reported that one of our Wards at the Masonic
Widows and Orphan Home had died on February 1a, 1952, Mrs.
Sallie Little, widow of George E. Little, and asked all who
could attend the funeral at Kerr Brothers at 10:00 A. M.
Wednesday, February 18, 1952. do 80-

8:10 P. M. Lodge called from labor to refreshments on Master
Masons Degree preparatory to opening on the Enter Apprentice
Degree. Opened on Enter Apprentice with Frank Sparks in the
East, the Craft roceeded to confer Enter Apprentice Degree on
sixteen (16) can dates previously qualified and found to be in
waiting as follows:

Ray Ihomas Acks

James Lancaster Barlow
Frank Bennett. Jr.

Byron Edwin Cracraft

David Thomas Doyle

Lewis Graham Evans

Frank Van Hagg Firstine, Jr.


 E. A. Conferred

Raymond Chilton Guy
William Price Hiles
Morris Alton Jones
Allen Russell Powell
Herbert Davis Sledd
Eddie Cleveland Sparkman
Paul Redford Stigall
George Washington Taylor
Than Allen Whicker

Enter Apprentice Examined
William Elwood Farra

Charles Edwin Holland
Delmar David Penny

Stated Meeting Iebruary 16, 1953

Raymond Chilton Guy
William Price Hiles
Morris AltOn Jones
Allen Russell Powell
Herbert Davis Sledd
Eddie Cleveland Sparkman
Paul Redford stigall
George Washington Taylor
Ethan lllen Whisker

Following the First Section Master J. H. Sims returned to
the East.

Eight (8) Enter Apprentice were then admitted and examined.
Dn motion by Cecil Hardwick, seconded by M. 5. Whiton. that
if Brother Howard Long could vouch for the proficiency of the
candidates, that examination after grips be dispensed with.
Motion carried and Brother Long could vouch for their
proficiency. lbs following were found to be proficient:

William Elwood Farra
Charles Edwin Holland
Delmar David Penny

Haldon Resell Pinkston, Jr. Haldon Resell Pdnkston, Jr.

Richard Sylvester Rhoads
Robert Ab Sparks

Claude Howard Sullivan
Kyle Wright

Electer F. C. and M. M.
James Hereddth Daniel

Richard Sylvester Rhoade
Robert Ab Sparks
Claude Howard Sullivan

Kyle Wright

The second section of the degree was then given by Paul
Gray, and a very excellent work was done both by Erank Sparks
on the first section and Paul Gray on the second section.

The candidates were then asked to stand in the East and the
Craft came forward and congratulated them.

10:10 P. M. Closed on Enter ApprentiCe Degree. Called from
refreshments to labor on Master Masons Degree.

Secretary reported for the committees on petition of James
Meredith Daniel. Brother Daniel was getting his Fellow Craft
and Master Meson Degree at Livingston Lodge No. 731. but he
had never been elected on these degrees. Ballots were spread.
and he was elected.

Visitors were asked to stand and introduce them selves. Only
one visitor present.

10:40 P. M. Lodge closed in ample form.


J. H. Sims, Master Wilburn House, Sedretary





‘ .Dues collected:

1950 6.50

1951 ‘ 13.00

1952 128.70

1953 1.200.00

1.3148020 '

Less dues remitted ___L2§_._Q_Q 1,220.20
Fees Collected £10.00
Return check collected - Fugette 21.25
Check No. 1331+ - issued as dues demitted for Chaplin-

return to Lodge
Carry ofer from former Secretary, W. W. ‘Baorp,
return check-R. L. Shannon

Bank balance as of February 1. 1953


February 5 Masonic Temple Assoc. Rent three years
No. 1435 through 1953 1,800.00
5 Frank heifel Buffet Luncheon 81.50
5 Masonic Widows and Orphan Balance of insurance
Home Mrs. Mary Dickers 390.07
5 James Gerkins Fees returned 35.00
5 Thompson Addressograph Plates 1.84

Bank balance as per bank sta