xt79s46h426m_28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011.dao.xml Freemasons. Lexington Lodge, No. 1 (Lexington, Ky.) 18.2 Cubic Feet 15 boxes, 15 items archival material 2018ms011 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington Lodge no. 1 records Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes text Lexington Lodge no. 1 minutes 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h426m/data/2018ms011/Box_2018ms011_11/Folder_8/Multipage8057.pdf 2000 2000 2000 section false xt79s46h426m_28 xt79s46h426m Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 January 3, 2000 Stated Meeting Gene Young Master Harvey Reynolds Treasurer Tandy Haggard S. Warden Manlus Burton Secretary Thomas Stratton J. Warden Bill Themann S. Steward Jim Lewis S. Deacon Paul Coomer J. Steward David Bradt J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain Wayne Coomer Tiler OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 14 others present. Master welcomed everyone and announced that the new lodge officers for the ensuing year would be installed in their respective offices tonight. WORK: The Master asked if there were no objections he would like to deviate from the normal order of business to begin the installations. There being no objections at 7:45 PM the Installing Officer, Grand Secretary Joseph R. Conway, P.G.M , assisted by D.D.G.M. Charles C. Johnson, District 25 proceeded to install Tandy Haggard as Worshipful Master, Thomas Stratton as Senior Warden, James Lewis as Junior Warden, Harvey Reynolds as Treasurer, David Bradt as Senior Deacon, Bill Themann as Junior Deacon, Paul Coomer as Senior Steward, Gene Young as Tiler and Norm Karam as Chaplain for the year 2000. All officers were installed except the Secretary and the Junior Steward. MINUTES: Since the Secretary was absence due to a death in his family, a motion was made to dispense with the reading of the minutes of December 20'“. Motion was seconded and motion caried. PETITIONS: None COMMITTEES: Brother Stratton reported on the 1999 Bass Tournament to say that a donation had been received in lieu of a $120.00 expense item (Tournament Banner) which resulted in additional Tournament revenues of $120.00. Brother Stratton went on to report that the year 2000 Bass Tournament would be held on April 29th. CORRESPONDENCE: None BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid: Ck. # 2693 P. Coomer — Refreshments (01/03/00) Total 101.90 OLD/NEW BUSINESS: Brother Stratton made a motion to donate $500.00 from the 1999 Bass Tournaments Proceeds to the W.W. II Veteran Monument Fund. Harvey Reynolds amended the motion to make the amount an even $1,000.00. Motion and amendment were seconded and both passed. Brother Reed Harris made a motion to make the donation in honor of Ellis McCullum and all Brothers who served in W.W. II. Motion was seconded and motion passed. Brother John Jacobs made a motion to acknowledge Hiram Lodge No. 4 with a letter for their 200 Anniversary. Motion was seconded and motion carried. GOOD OF THE ORDER: D.D.G.M. Charles Johnson reported that the District meetings will be changed to area meetings and we are in Area 7. The meeting will be May 19th. He also reported that Masonic Day will be in Frankfort on Feb 15‘. VISTORS: There were four (4) visitors present: One from Georgia and three from Kentucky Lodges. SICK and DISTRESS: - Jim McGinley's Aunt passed away — Mason Campbell's Brother-in-Law passed away — Dan Lail is going Blind — Franklin Steward is now in a nursing home CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance. 9:00 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree. Manlus Burton, P.M., Acting Secretary /7 an / Tandy gaggardé 7) Master Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 January 16, 2000 Called Meeting Doyle Rambo A. Master Treasurer Bobby Brown S. Warden Secretary Jim McGinnley J. Warden S. Steward S. Deacon J. Steward J. Deacon Tandy Haggard Chaplain Tiler OPENING: 7:00 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree at Kerr Brothers Funeral Home, 463 East Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky. The Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to confer Masonic Rites upon a departed Brother. The Master then proceeded to confer the last sad Rites, upon Brother Albert M. Walker, who was made a Mason on October 8, 1951 and departed this life on January 12, 2000. 7:15 PM Lodge closed in form on the Master Mason Degree. Mason Campbell, RM: Secretary Doyle Rambo, P.M. A. Master Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 January 17, 2000 Stated Meeting Tandy Haggard Master Harvey Reynolds Treasurer John Jelley S. Warden Mason Campbell Secretary Jim Lewis J. Warden Paul Coomer S. Steward David Bradt S. Deacon J. Steward Bill Themann J. Deacon Norm Karam Chaplain Gene Young, P.M. Tiler OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 10 others present. Master welcomed everyone and announced that a brother would be raised by short form to the sublime degree of a MNI that night. MINUTES: Minutes of December 20, 1999 were read and approved as read. Minutes of January 3, 2000 were read and approved as read. Minutes of January 16, 2000 were read and approved as read. PETITIONS: Petition for Initiation - Eric Scott Wall . Motion was made to receive the petition and appoint an investigating committee. Motion was seconded and motion carried. COMNIITTEES: No reports. CORRESPONDENCE: No correspondence. BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid: Ck. # 2696 P. Coomer - Refreshments (01/17/00) 14.81 Ck. # 2695 J. Lewis - Refreshments (01/17/00) 20.07 Total 34.88 WORK: 8:10 PM Master Tandy Haggard conferred the 1St Section of the MM degree on Brother Charles Daniel McCloud. 8:40 PM lodge was called "at ease" while awaiting Brother McCloud's return to the lodge room. 8:55 PM lodge was called back to order. Acting Master Roy Mays then proceeded to raise Brother Charles Daniel McCloud to the sublime degree of 3 MM by short form. Immediately following the raising Brother Harvey Reynolds presented the MM Charge and Tiler's Oath lectures, at the conclusion of which the newly raised brother made his remarks and the Master recognized the ritualists. Gifts were presented to the newly raised brother and a short intermission was called to allow members on the sidelines to come by and offer their congratulations. 9:10 PM lodge was called back to order. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Master announced that at the next meeting, Feb 7‘“, there would be a M reobligation ceremony and the installation of the secretary. The EA Degree will be held on Feb 21“: Several brothers commented on the improvements that Brother Stratton had made to the lodge's web site. Brother Lewis ask the lodge to send letters of appreciation to the Grand Secretary and the D.D.G.M. for their help with this year's installations. Brother Jelley reported that Brother Stratton was away on business in St. Louis. VISTORS: There were (3) visitors present: All from Kentucky Lodges. SICK and DISTRESS: Walter Johnston has had a mild stroke but seems to be recovering nicely. Roy May's son received a bone marrow transplant at the Mayo Clinic and should be back home soon. Bobby Brown is having some double vision at the moment. Brother Al Walker passed away with cancer. Brother Al Smith, a member in Lawrenceburg, has prostrate cancer. Brother Sam Price, P.M. of Piedmont Lodge 447, Atlanta, GA is 70 yrs old and currently having trouble getting adjusted to some new medication. Franklin Stewart is weak but doing reasonably well. Dan Lail is now 82 and is having trouble with a blood clot t to one of his eyes. CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance. 9:55 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree. “in, /“/ /// V{W¢.. é M///1/‘// / Mason Campbell, P.M., Secretary /Z//~((W ( Tandyyg/gard, ”V Master Lexington Lodge N o. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 Date: February 7, 2000 Stated Meeting Tandy Haggard Master Harvey Reynolds, P.M. Treasurer Tom Stratton S. Warden Mason Campbell, P.M. Secretary Jim Lewis J. Warden Paul Coomer S. Steward David Bradt S. Deacon J. Steward Ray Copenhaver J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain Gene Young, P.M. Tiler OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 13 others present. Master welcomed everyone to lodge that night. MINUTES: Minutes of January 17, 2000 were read and approved as read. PETITIONS: Petition for Initiation - Loran Donahey Floyd . Motion was made to receive the petition and appoint an investigating committee. Motion was seconded and motion carried. COMNIITTEES: Brother Tom Stratton called a volunteer's meeting for the Bass Tournament for Tuesday night, Feburary 8th at 7:00 pm. CORRESPONDENCE: No correspondence. BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid: Ck. # 2698 P. Coomer - Refreshments (02/7/00) Ck. # 2697 Gene Young - Out going Master's Gift Ck. # 2699 Oleika Shrine Circus Program Add Total OLD/NEW BUSINESS: Secretary Mason Campbell reported that he had been contacted by a nephew of Brother Ralph Carter who inquired about the lodge sponsoring a Babe Ruth League Baseball team the "Yankees". Master appointed a committee of Harvey Reynolds, Mason Campbell and John Jelley to review the matter and report back to the lodge with a recommendation. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Master installed the Secretary into office for the ensuing year. Senior Warden Tom Stratton, on behalf of the entire line, presented the Master with a gavel to commentate his upcoming year in office. Master present Junior Past Master Gene Young with his outgoing Master's gift. Brother Bobby Brown offered the lodge an opportunity to purchase a quarter page add in the Oleika Shrine Circus Program at a cost of $65.00 A motion was made and seconded that the add be purchased and motion carried. EA Degree will be held at the next meeting. VISTORS: There were ( 6 ) visitors present: One from Cleveland, Ohio and five from Kentucky Lodges. SICK and DISTRESS: Brother Roy Mays' son is now back from the Mayo Clinic and is doing much better. Brother RC Coomer is in the VA Hospital. Brother Bobby Brown's condition is progressing well and he has a followup scheduled in July. Continue to remember Brother Al Smith who has cancer. Brother Walter Johnston appears to be doing extremely well since his stroke. Brother Samuell's wife fell and broke her arm. WORK: MM Reobligation. CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance. 8:25 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree. *7. . . x' /' 17/5,?)er p x; _'/W/ // Mason Campbell, P.M.,/ Secretary M/‘Z 7,2224% Tmyfl “gard, , / Master fi/g/ / Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 Date: February 21, 2000 Stated Meeting Tandy Haggard Master Harvey Reynolds, P.M. Treasurer Tom Stratton S. Warden Mason Campbell, P.M. Secretary Jim Lewis J. Warden Paul Coomer S. Steward David Bradt S. Deacon J. Steward Bill Themann J. Deacon Norm Karam Chaplain Gene Young, P.M. Tiler OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 9 others present. Master welcomed everyone to lodge that night and announced that two candidates would be receiving the EA Degree. PETITIONS: Petition for Initiation - Eric Scott Wall. Committee reported favorable. Motion was made and seconded to spread the ballot. Eric Scott Wall was then elected to receive the three degrees of Masonry. Petition for Reinstatement - William Ray Neal. Motion was made and seconded to receive the petition and appoint a committee. Motion passed. WORK: The Master asked if there were no objections he would like to deviate from the normal order of business to confer the EA Degree on the two candidates. There being no objections at 7:50 PM lodge was called from Labor on the MM Degree to refreshment preparatory to opening on the EA Degree. 8:00 PM Lodge was opened on the EA Degree and was immediately called “at ease” so that the various ritualists could assume their respective stations. 8:05 PM Lodge was called “to labor” and Acting Master Jim Lewis proceeded to confer the 1St Section of the EA degree on candidates David Wayne Coomer and Eric Scott Wall. 8:45 PM the Lodge was called “at ease”. 8:50 PM the Lodge resumed its work with J. Deacon Bill Themann conferring the 2nd Section of the EA Degree. Master Tandy Haggard then introduced the ritualists to the newly obligated brothers and compliments on the work were voiced by the Master and several of the body. The newly Obligated brothers were then asked if they had any comments to make each mentioned that he enjoyed the experience and was anxious to begin his work on the degree. 9:20 PM the Master Declared the Lodge closed on the EA Degree. 9:21 PM the Lodge was called from Refreshment to Labor on the MM Degree. MINUTES: Minutes of February 7, 2000 were read and approved as read. COMIVIITTEES: The Select Committee on the Bass Tournament asked for prize donations and workers and mentioned that a $300 donation will place a sponsor on the Tournament Banner. The Select Committee on the Babe Ruth Team Donation reported their recommendation of a $50. donation. Some discussion ensured and a motion was made and seconded to donate $50. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE: The Secretary read some of the responses visitors wrote in our Web page guest book. All responses were very favorable. BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid: Ck. # 2702 P. Coomer - Refreshments (02/21/00) 31.56 Ck. # 2701 Gene Young - Flyers for Bass Tournament 93.28 Ck. # 2700 Fed Faulconor - Babe Ruth Baseball Team Donation 50.00 Ck. # 2703 World War II Memorial Fund 1000.00 Total 1174.84 OLD/NEW BUSINESS: No old/new business. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Brother Gahafer reported on the Scottish Rite Breakfast to be held on April 15‘“, 7:30-10:30 AM @ $5.00 Brother Hiles reported on the Webb Commandary Breakfast to be held on March 11th, 6:00-1:00 PM @ $5.00 Lexington Lodge No. 1's Annual Rabbit Fry will be held at our next meeting. Brother Karam reported on the e-mail msg he received from a Brother in Brazil, a direct result of our Lodge's presence on the Web. Brother Milward remarked that more of our younger members might attend lodge if we were as persistent in our invitations as Brother Jim Lewis had been with him. VISTORS: There were (3) visitors present: All from Kentucky Lodges. SICK and DISTRESS: Remember R.C. Coomer who is still in the. VA Hospital Angie Dalton, a friend of Brother Reed Harris' family, passed away CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance. 10:00 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree. .‘ f /i/ ~ ‘ / / ,/,—/ /‘4Zéy2¢'n' V >2r4'7l/z’2 VI“ k Mason Campbell, P.M., Secretary . /~/ , // Tandy Hagg'ard, "r . z / /, Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 Date: March 6, 2000 Stated Meeting Tandy Haggard Master Harvey Reynolds Treasurer Tom Stratton S. Warden Mason Campbell Secretary Jim Lewis J. Warden Paul Coomer S. Steward Ray Copenhaver S. Deacon J. Steward Bill Themann J. Deacon Norm Karam Chaplain Wayne Coomer Tiler OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 11 others present. District Deputy Grand Master, District 25, Charles C. Johnson, making his official visit, was received and invited to the East. MINUTES: Minutes of February 21, 1999 were read and approved as read. PETITIONS: Petition for Initiation - Loran Donahey Floyd. Committee reported favorable. Motion was made and seconded to spread the ballot. Motion passed. Candidate was then elected to receive the degrees of Masonry. Action was taken on behalf of the candidate's petition to Devotion Lodge No. 160. COMMITTEES: Select committee on the Bass Tournament reported that the first (2) tournament entries were in and that the Bass Pro Shop had again, this year, donated $300. in weigh-in bags. Brother Stratton encourages the lodge to continue to seek donations to ensure a successful tournament. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Nolen Lodge No. 806, F. & A. M. announcing that they had placed the name of Brother Percy E. Brown in nomination for the office of Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, F. & A. M. at the 201“ annual communication. Newsletter from Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 14 dated March 2000 Correspondence from William Sheridan Zerman requesting a demit. This brother being current with his lodge dues, demit was granted. BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid: Ck. # 2704 P. Coomer - Refreshments (03/6/00) 60.01 Ck. # 2705 Masonic Temple Association — Year 2000 Assessment 5250.00 Total 5310.01 OLD/NEW BUSINESS: Under New Business - Brother Stratton ask the lodge to consider the possibility of sponsoring other types of spring events such as a family Easter Egg Hunt on the property. Brother Gahafer suggested we should think about including all (4) lodges in the community in such an endeavor. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Brother Stratton mentioned that the lodge Web page had received (2) awards from different Masonic Webmaster groups. Brother Lewis recognized Brother Lepenski for the work he performed on lodge property lighting fixtures, free of charge. The lodge gave Brother Lepenski a hardy round of applause. Brother Lewis reported that the MTA would be meeting Wednesday night and that the city had indicated that they would sue the MTA to determine compensation for a road way easement they are seeking. Brother Johnson reported that the Georgetown Scottish Rite Club is meeting Thursday night at American Legion Post #24 in Georgetown. WORK: No work. VISTORS: There were (6) visitors present: All from Kentucky Lodges. SICK and DISTRESS: Brother Tom McKnight reported that Brother Bob Speaks is having circulary problems with his legs. Denver Peealur is having disc problems. Brother Harvey Reynolds that Brother Franklin Stewart is now eating solid food again and has gained 8 pounds. Brother Bobby Brown reported he is doing fine and will have another checkup next June 1“. Brother Jack Walters is in Samaritan Hospital and is listed as terminal. Roy Mays' son is doing well. Brother Jim Dixon is receiving a third kidney. His wife is his donor. CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance and called upon Brother Charles C. Johnson, District Deputy Grand Master, District 25. Brother Johnson brought greetings from Grand Lodge, and talked about the upcoming change in format from a District meeting to an Area meeting. He reminded everyone of the Area 7 Meeting on Friday, May 19, 2000 at Madison Middle School, near the EKU campus, opening at 6:00 pm. with refreshments and the untiled meeting to follow at 7:00. He stressed that the qualifications for Lodge of Excellency had not changed, however, the Lodge attendance awards would be based on the attendance of the Master and sixteen members. Sign in sheets will be available and will determine the awards. The meeting will last until 9:00 PM and the skit performed at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication that commemorated the 200 Anniversary of the founding of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky would be performed. This completed his report. District Deputy Grand Master’s official visit report is attached to these minutes. 8:45 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree. / 7172......» .1. L7 M Mason Campbell, P.M., Secretary Tandy aglg’érd, / / V / Master (grant: 711(1th of fientunkg, Eli.&AfiH. @ffitfal "lfifstt Kmart , , ‘ - , ‘ , , DDGM, DISTRICT - . O“.—'——/—"+/2;'=1lvisited . ' ' LODGE NUMBER , located in a! .‘ ‘ f .Meeting time: 0? RM. Attendance: Members _5' : Visitors Total ’ Members present (do NOT count VISITORS) By years of service: 60 , 50 , 4O , 25 g , 2 or less Past Masters??? / ; Installed Officers Present: , y y /, WM _; sw_d', JWg, TR _ SEC ', CHAP .9 ,so_, JD;, ss__, JS_ , TILER_ Meetings: Was the Lodge represented at last years District meeting?fjj-=“1'_" Was the attendance award received? Does the Master know that he must attend this years District meeting?T‘-;""_ (Sec. 89(7)) Was Lodge represented at last years Grand Lodge communication? Will Lodge be represented at this years Grand Lodge communication? _ (Sec. 89(6)) . _ 12/31/97_ » ' 12/31/9*_ ' _Gain (Loss) -; s‘ , Date of last Initiation 4 Membership. , ‘ ‘ Last year, how many were initiated? , Passed? -- , Raised? {is Are any taking an active part? _ If so, which parts &/or offices Are all sections of the Degree’s conferred? _— EA tst ' " ' 2nd 3rd . FC _~13t " Staircase/Letter G _' MM » 1st I. Legend in Full Form " What is the Lodge doing for Masonic Renewal? . Does the WM, SW, JW confer the Degrees? r' ‘ If no who confers the EA _ FC _MM _? How many 1 year or longer as an EA FC Does Lodge have an active committee for contacting EA’s and FC’s who have not advanced? ~ ' Number suspended last year M Does the Lodge have an active delinquent member committee? ____ Do they contact members prior to suspension? After suspension? When does the Secretary send clues notices? When are delinquent members suspended? Does the Lodge understand that suspensions can be done only at a Stated Meeting? [fr Community What is Lodge doing to create a positive public perception of Masonry? - Outreach ‘ What is the condition of the building? Outside: Inside: Is there a sign in good condition identifying the Lodge and its meeting times? , ' - louth Support: Does the Lodge sponsor a Youth Organization? _— If so, which? DeMolay Order of Builders Job’s Daughters Rainbow for Girls DISTRIBUTION: Grand Master White, Areas Officer Canary, Lodge Pink, DDGM Golden Rod LODGE NUMBER ' DISTRICT ' VISIT Financial: What is the Financial condition of the Lodge? Good " Break-even Poor What are the Lodge FEES? W - ‘ DUES? 1' ?_' ‘ " (including Grand Lodge assessments) . Does the Lodge have an active budget/finance committee? __ How many have not paid the CURRENT year’s dues? " How many owe for two years? — How many OVER two years? Does the Lodge have a Life Membership plan? _ If so, what is the cost? Is there written proof of liability insurance coverage from all using their property? _._ Is there written proof of fire insurance on the building and contents? ‘ Administration: Officers holding a Grand Lodge proficiency certificate: WM ‘r‘, SW ,JW..‘___ , TR_', SEC_;'_, CHAP_.;I, SD_ , JD;, 88—, J8_ , TILER; Did Lodge receive the Excellence Award last year?-‘-_* Are they working toward it this year? _ Were the By-Laws present, up-to-date, and approved by the Grand Lodge? 3' 34‘" Was a copy of the Constitution present and up—to—date? " Are constitutional changes read to the Lodge and discussed when received? ' , ' Was the Minutes Book present and up-to-date? = " Was the Cash Book present and up—to-date? Were the Treasurer’s records present and up-to-date? . Were the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports audited and made part of the minutes? A, ‘= ' Did the Secretary have a complete set of monthly reports for inspection? . Does the Master and the Secretary understand that Grand Lodge assessments are delinquent September 1 and that the penalty is $1.00 per day until paid?_fi;fl'_ (Sec. 161) Is the Lodge listing in the directory complete and correct? Endowment Does the Lodge have an active committee for the Grand Lodge endowment fund? Fund: Did the Lodge contribute at least $1/member to the G L endowment fund last year? Our Homes: Does the Lodge know the proper procedure for admission to the Homes? Does the Lodge have an active committee for the Masonic Homes of KY? Suggestions: By the Lodge for the betterment of Masonry, our Grand Lodge or this District: Comments: By Lodge: By you: Enclosed with the Area officer’s copy of this report: Future Leaders: Members recommended for Grand Lodge appointment DISTRIBUTION: Grand Master White, Areas Officer Canary, Lodge Pink, DDGM Golden Rod Lexington Lodge N o. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 Date: March 18, 2000 Called Meeting Harvey Reynolds A. Master Treasurer Jim Lewis S. Warden Secretary Tom Sheets J. Warden S. Steward S. Deacon J. Steward J. Deacon Tom Stratton Chaplain Tiler OPENING: 1000 AM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree at Lexington Cemetery, 833 West Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky. The Master announced the purpose of this called meeting was to confer Masonic Rites upon a departed Brother. The Master then proceeded to confer the last sad Rites, upon Brother Robert Tilton, who departed this life on March 8, 2000. 10:31 PM Lodge closed in form on the Master Mason Degree. 7m aa/f/fl// Mason Campbell, P.M: Secretary Harvey R nolds, P.M A. Master Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 Date: March 20, 2000 Stated Meeting Tandy Haggard Master Harvey Reynolds, P.M. Treasurer Tom Stratton S. Warden Mason Campbell, P.M. Secretary Jim Lewis J. Warden Paul Coomer S. Steward David Bradt S. Deacon J. Steward Bill Themann J. Deacon Bill Hiles Chaplain Gene Young, P.M. Tiler OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 10 others present. Master welcomed everyone to lodge that night. MINUTES: Minutes of March 6, 2000 were read and approved as read. PETITIONS: Petition for Reinstatement - William Ray Neal. Committee reported favorable. Motion was made and seconded to spread the ballot. William Ray Neal was then elected for reinstatement in Lexington Lodge No. 1. COMMITTEES: Brother Stratton reported that the Tournament Committee recommends that (2) more banners be made, one in time of the Blue Grass RECC Tournament. He also mentioned that another 1,000 flyers should be purchased and distributed immediately. CORRESPONDENCE: No correspondence. BILLS: The following bills were presented and duly ordered paid: Ck. # 2706 J. Lewis - Refreshments Ck. # 2707 P. Coomer - Refreshments (03/20/00) Total 61.73 OLD/NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS - Brother Lewis reported that the MTA had a called meeting set for Wednesday night to vote on a counter offer by the city of $120,000 for the 3/4 acre of road frontage. The following is a summary of the floor conversation that followed: Brother Jelley said that the property next door sold for $140,000 an acre so in his opinion this was a satisfactory deal. Brother Samuell asked for a comparison between this deal and theirs and Brother Jelley replied that their property already had a business zoning while ours is agricultural. Brother Reynolds said he would like to see us consulting with our lawyer more on this deal than it appears we have been but in lieu of further action on that front be though this deal would be adequate. Brother Brandt asked if the cost of removing/relocating the roadside structures was included in the price and Brother Jelley said the MTA would be absorbing that cost out of the offering. Brother Stratton remarked that this would be a better deal for us than waiting until the State condemned the property to get at it. Brother Hiles reported that the MTA Board had already decided to entertain any offer that exceeded $100,000. Brother Lewis concluded the business by making a motion for a show of support for Lexington Lodge No. 1's MTA representatives to vote in favor of the deal. Motion was seconded and motion passed. A vote of confidence was then taken which resulted in a unanimous vote of support for our MTA representatives to accept the State's offer. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Brother Stratton remarked on the beauty of McKee Lodge No. 144 in London, Ky and highly recommended it as a friendly lodge to visit. Brother Lewis provided an explanation of the difference between a standing committee and a select committee. Master announced that the FC degree would be given at the next meeting. Brother Young volunteered to bring his Turkey Fryer to the next meeting and assist with refreshments for the evening. VISTORS: There were (3) visitors present: All from Kentucky Lodges. SICK and DISTRESS: Brother Espee Headger's wife passed away Brother John Nuss has had some health problems but is now doing much better Brother Samuell's wife is looking for an administrative assistant job with a church Brother J.C. McClain's wife has cancer Brother Lail's eyesight is improving Brother Jack Walters passed away Brother Bob Speaks is at home, his surgery has not yet been scheduled Brother Franklin Stewart has had a setback in his condition. He had a stroke and fell out of bed breaking his hip. He in Room 573 at St. Joseph Hospital WORK: No work. CLOSING: Master recognized the P.M.’s in attendance. 9:00 PM Lodge closed in form, with peace and harmony on the Master Mason Degree. Mason Campbell, P.M., Secretary Lexington Lodge No. 1 F. & A. M., Lexington, Ky. Chartered 1788 Date: April 3,2000 Stated Meeting Tandy Haggard Master Harvey Reynolds Treasurer Thomas Stratton S. Warden Manlus Burton Secretary Jim Lewis J. Warden Paul Coomer S. Steward Bill Themann S. Deacon J. Steward Ray Copenhaver J. Deacon Norm Karam P.M. Chaplain GeneYoung, P.M. Tiler OPENING: 7:30 PM Lodge opened in form on the M. M. Degree with the above Officers and 14 others present. Master welcomed everyone and announced that 2 brothers would be demonstrating proficiency in the EA Degree and receiving the FC Degree that night. WORK: The Master asked if there were no objections he would like to deviate from the normal order of business to begin the EA Degree Proficiency. There being no objections, at 7:45 PM lodge was called from Labor on the MM Degree to refreshment preparatory to opening on the EA Degree. 7:48 PM Lodge was opened on the EA Degree. Brother Ray O’Neal then proceeded to examine David Wayne Coomer and Eric Scott Wall on the EA Degree. Following their presentation a motion was made and seconded that these two brothers be found proficient on the EA Degree. Motion passed. The Master then recognized Brother O’Neal for his excellent work as the EA Lecturer and then asked Brothers Coomer and Wall if they had any comments to make. Each brother expressed his thanks to Brother O’Neal and said they were anxious to continue on to the next degree. 8:05 PM the lodge closed in form on the EA Degree. 8:20 PM lodge opened in form on the FC Degree and was immediately called “at ease” so that the various ritualists could assume their respective stations. 8:30 PM Lodge was called “to labor” and Acting Master Jim Lewis proceeded to confer the 1St Section of the FC degree on candidates David Wayne Coomer and Eric Scott Wall. 9:05 PM the Lodge was called “at ease” so that the lodge room could be prepared for the Staircase Lecture and at 9:14 PM the Lodge resumed its work with Brother Harvey Reynolds presenting the Staircase Lecture followed by Brother Jim Lewis presenting the Letter G Lecture. Master Tandy Haggard then introduced the ritualists to the newly passed brothers and compliments on the work were voiced by the Master and several of the body. The new FC were then asked if they had any comments to make and each expressed thanks to the lodge for their FC experience. 9:45 PM the lodge was closed in form on the FC Degree. 9:50 PM the Lodge was called from Refreshment to Labor on the MM Degree. MINUTES: The minutes of March 20, 2000 were read and approved as read. PETITIONS: No petitions. COMMITTEES: The Bass Tournament committee reported the new banner has been made and that more help will be required for this years tournament than was available last year. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Kassie D. Parrish, Grand Worthy Advisor, Grand Chapter of Kentucky, O.E.S. as for