xt79s46h495w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79s46h495w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1914-02-06  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 6, 1914 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 6, 1914 1914 1914-02-06 2020 true xt79s46h495w section xt79s46h495w -M.W~.H..Wm~.mm-—v_u~




one ototo University of Ksntucky net in


ion in its room in toe Gymnasium building, Feb.6,

\ u

regular 3

1914, those present being: Professors Boyd, Brown, Brumage,

Carrel, Dantzler, Davis, Freeman, Garnan, Gilbert, Jillisz

Gullion, miss Hamilton, Professor Henley2 Judge Lafferty,

Professors Mathews, ”axson, Melcher, Miller, Hoe, Norwood, Rees,

‘ Rowe; Miss Swssny, Professors Terrell, Terrell, Tigert, Tuthill
and Zenbrod.

In the absence of Pro ident darker, Judge Lafferty presided.


The minutes of the last meeting were read and approvedg
Reports from the various Standing Tomnittess being called
for, Professor gc¥enry Rhoads, Chairman, made the following mo-
tion as a result of a meeting of the Committee on Accredited

Schools from the Association of nentucky Colleyes‘viz.,That grad-

uates of Accredited behools, maintaining the four-year course in


English, five recitations per week, who have completed the entire


course, be given four credits in English instead of three.
This motion ws seconded and unanimously Carried.
Professor C.J. Horwood, Secretary of the Committee on Courses

of Study,nade the following report relative to the arrangement of

names in the catalogue:

Resolved, That the names of the faculty of the State Uni-
ity of Kentucky be arranged in the Satalogus in the order
he date of appointment to the position under which their
‘mes appear. In event that members of the faculty have loft
e Univorsity for a period of service in other institutions
oz equal rank,thisssrvice should so considered as equivalent
to the some length of service in this institution, so for as
determining rank in this University. That the some role should
r be observed in arranging the noses of the Deans, position in the
list being governed

by the date upon which each one was named
as Deane


The Committee then arranged the names of Professors and scans in

ons, as follows:


accordance with the foregoing resolut
JEANS OF COLLEGES: Frederick Paul Anderson, Charles Joseph
t Korwood, Walter Ellsworth Rowe, Arthur LcQuiston Lillsr, William

Thornton Lafferty, Joseph Hoeing Kastle.







q \_1

U "u‘ ’j '_ :1 ‘7 \‘ ' .- i '1 1‘ W " H -. ‘ M ‘
enn“ 0; REM GHnDUAPl oJHuoLt Alexander bt.Clair neckeHZie.
DEAN OF WOMEN: Anna Jackson Hamilton.

- - 7:: - ‘ V‘) L’ r‘ 7" ~ 4 1 r v ‘ l ‘
mumUuRQ Op Tun BAJULFY: Henry btites Barker, President;



I.) \ 1v _ ~ ‘ v' - I w» -
eon Aoeing Kastle, Joseph Jillian Pryor, Harrison German,

1‘ ,:‘.:.‘1 _. A .3 . 7‘ _ , w » ~ ‘ -
ureeericx Paul Anderson, blurence lentworth datnews, Artnur HcQuie-


.on miller, Eerry Lewis Pence, Alexander St.31air ankenzie,
Charles Joseph Iorvood, Alfred Charles Hembrod, Franklin Elliott
Tuttle, Welter Ellsworth Rowe, Leon Kaufman Frankel, William
Thornton Lafferty, firs. Robert Lee Stout, John Julian Tooper,
Ralph Nelson Muxson, George Roberts, Theodore Tolman Jones,

C anville Terrell, Alfred Meredith Peter, Henry Ernest Curtis,

Robert flcDowell Allen, James Oscar LaBach, Joe Derbin Turner,

Edwin Stanton Good, Linwood Arnold Brown, Daniel Joseph Healy,



kcHenry Rhoads, James Thomas Cotton oe, Columbus Rudolph Helcher,

James Edward Tuthill,Robert Craig Terrell,iherles Kerr, Harry




Drawer Euston, Lyman 7hnlkley, William Edwin Freeman, Jenn James

. .. ‘

19ert Joseon uorton Davis, Paul Prentice Boyd, Thomas Ripley


Pryent, Daniel Yoiers Terrell, Allen flyany Gullion, Alpha Brumage,
Fred Nutchler. The matter of arranging the names of the associate
Professors, Assistant Professors; Instructors and Assistants Wes
referred to Registrar Gillie, with instructions to follow the
rule adopted with reference to Professorse

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried to
adopt the report.

The Committee on Discipline next reported that

Mrs. Marshall has expressed a desire to be present when matters

of discioline or questions concerning the boys were brought up

before the faculty.

Lotion was made by Dr. Terrell, seconded by Dr. Knstlc,
that firs. iarshull be invited to come before the faculty when-
ever she desired to make any statement concerning business per-
taining to her york in the dormitories.

The motion was Carried unanimously,

Uhen the question of Entertainments Non-athletic was





Wlmmnnfimiwph- ....... wa-Vw'n

.‘H 11'!)

ught up wDr. Tuthill Statfld that there seemed +0 be +0
I u l u 0

y night neati is during the week, resultino in the students

coming to Classes next day unpreparel.

fiction was made by Dr. Tuthill, seconded and unanimously

carried, that the question of class work incident to the number


0 2’1








L .

night meetings during the week, be referred to the Committee
Student Welfare.
On behalf of the Committee on Student Organizations;
Pryor made a report, which, after some discussion, led to

following motion: That sororities he informed that no


shnan or Sophomore will be permitted to in Sorority

see, and that Juniors and Seniors must get ermission from


been of Women before doing so,
The notion was seconded and unanimously carriede
Professor Liller reported that at a meeting of the faculty

the Callerm of Arts and Science to consider a change to the



or plan, it had been the unanimous verdict that permission
asked of the general faculty to make the change this coming

r. They had discovered, however, that this action ii adopt-

would seriously interfere with certain classes in the Agri-

tural College vRoteny,Stynology. Zoology,etc. - and conse-

ntly would not submit the question without Dr. Kustle's

permissiona Dr. Ksetle asked for time to consider it“




be read by the Secretary of the Faculty, wnich, a


President Barker being absent, he left a resolu ion


fter some
oral discussion and slight amendment, was adopted. It

us as follows:

E IT RESOLVED by the Faculty of the State University’

Lexington, Kentucky, that hereafter it shall be unlawful
for any student to smoke in any of the recitation rooms,
Y.X.C.A. rooms, Armory, Gymnasium, Drawing rooms, hallways,
doorways or laboratories of the University; and that it
shall be the duty of the professors, assistants and instruct-
ors and the Commandant to rigidly enforce this resolution.

For any violation of this resolution, the offender shall
be summoned before the President of the University, the
Commandant and the Dean of the College to which the student









belongs, who shall have power ard authority to inflict such
punishnent as in their opinion the offense warrants.


d coey of this resalution shall be posted on the Bulletin,
announced in Chapel and read by every instructor of the Uni—
ve‘eity in his classroom within ten days hereof, in order that
the student body any 0e notified of this resolution.

On motion, the meeting adjourned.


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