xt79w08w9w89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79w08w9w89/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19540422 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1954-04-may22-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1954-04-may22-ec. 1954 2011 true xt79w08w9w89 section xt79w08w9w89 



       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky.

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met at Cumberland State Park Saturday, May 22, 1954, at 4:30
p. m. C. S. T., with the following members present. Guy A. Huguelet, Chair-
man; J. C. Everett, Smith D. Broadbent andElarper Gatton.  Absent: R. P.
Hobson.  President H. L. Donovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with
the Committee.

      A. Approval of Minutes.

      On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the Execu-
tive Committee of April 6, 1954, were approved as published.

      B. Report of the Comptroller.

      The Comptroller made financial report for the fiscal period July 1,
1953, to April 30, 1954, which read as follows:


             UNIVERSITY         '   OF KENTUCKY


                                              May 19, 19 54

Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

My dear Doctor Donovan:

I am submitting herewith the Monthly Report of the Comptroller of
the University of Kentucky for the fiscal period ending April 30, 1954.

A summary of the principal facts in the report is as follows:

          The current general fund expenditures and encum-
          brances for the period totaled $6, 296,987. 42, leav-
          ing an unencumbered balance of $1, 722, 767. 29 of
          the departmental appropriations approved of
          $8, 019, 754. 71. Income realized for this period
          amounted to $7, 425, 865. 63.

          Plant fund actual expenditures including encurn-
          brances outstanding totaled $1, 382, 607. 00, leaving
          an unencumbered balance of $424, 782. 15.  The in-
          come realized for this period amounted to the income
          allocated from the general fund of $188, 897. 00.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Frank D. Peterson


University of Kentucky
As of April 30, 1954

      ASSE TS

Current Funds:
Gene ral:
Cash in Bank
Petty Cash Advs.
State Allotments
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Revolving Funds
  Deferred Chgs.
  Unreal. Income

       Total Gen.

Re stricted:
Cash in Bank
Petty Cash Advs.
Due from General
Inve stments

       Total Restricted
       Total Current

Plant Funds:
Cash in Bank
Revolv. Fumds
Due from Other Govt.
 Unreal. Income

      Total Unexpended

Investment in Plant:
Construction Auth.
Fixed Assets
   Total -Inve s ted
   Total -Plant

Other Funds:
Cash i n Bank
Notes Receiv.
Inve stments
   Total Other Funds
   Total Assets
*Realized in excess of esti:




Colleges         Station           Division       Total

$     9,563, 21 $ 128,492.08  $232,173.11 $   370,228.40
      26,857.36                                    26,857. 36

      68,013.62     6,459.38      116, 571. 57    191,044.57
        422.84     11,232.32      11,727.41       23,382.57
   1,519,247.38   351,054.96                    1,870,302.34
      3,142.64                                     3,142.64
      531,172.86    52,739.00                      583,911.86
      76,212.20                                    76,212.20
      101,144.23*   58,133.30*         100.00*     159,377.53*

$ 2, 133,487.88  491,844.44   $360r 372.09 $ 2,985,704.41

$   937,519.19 $ 1 16,669.28  $130,584.69 $ 1,184,773.16
      4,475.00      1,000. 00      4,800.00       10,275.00
      30, 000.00                                   30, 000.00
    800,266.63     15,000.00      14,948.00      830,214.63

$ 1,772,260.82   132,669.28   $150,332.69 $ 2,055,262.79
$ 3,905,748.70 $ 624,513. 72  $510,704. 78 $ 5,040,967.Z2

$   200,000.00 $                $            $   200,000.00
    577,592.22    109,477.55                     687,069.77

    722,000.00                                   722,000.00
    27,629.00                                    27,629.00

$ 1,527,221.22    109,477.55    $            $ 1,636,698.77

$ 1,432,000.00 $                $             $ 1,432,000.00
29,372,375. 52 3,048,041.31                   32,420,416.83
$30 804, 375. 52 $3, 048, 041. 31  $      $33, 852,4 l6. 83
$32, 331, 596. 74 $3, 157,518. 86  $      $35, 489, 115.60
    Loan           Endowment         Agenc

$     3,220.27 $    3,932.96    $ 63,994.62 $      71,147.85
      16,755.95                                    16,755.95
      75, 500. 00  200, 700. 48   15, 000. 00  Z91, ZO0 48
$    95,476.22   204,633.44   $ 78,994.62 $   379,104.28
                                              $40, 909, 187. 08



University of Kentucky
As of April 30, 1954


Current Funds:
Fetty Cash Liability
Res. for Encumb.:
  Current Year
  Prior Year
  Res. for Inventories
  OtheT Liabilities
  Unapprop. Surplus
  Approp. Bals.

  Total General

Re stric ted:
Outstand. Cks.
Restr. Bals.

   Total Restr.
   Total Current

Plant Funds:
Res. for Encumbrances:
Current Year
Prior Year
Approp. Bals.

   Total Unexpended

Investment in Plant:
Bonds Payable
Due to Other Govt. Units
Net Invested

   Total Invest.
   Total Plant

Other Funds:
Bal. as to Principal
Bal. as to Income

    Total Other Funds
    Total Liabilities



Ag ric ultural

   Collegess        Station          Division        Total

$    30, 000.00 $               $              $    30,000. 00

    251, 111.16     75, 069.83                      3Z6, 180.99
    19, 804. 79     3, 065. 78                      22,870.57
    531, 172.86     52, 739.00                      583,911. 86
    76, 212. 20                                     76,Z12.20
    148,328.63      75,432.87                       223, 761. 50
  1, 076, 858.24   285, 536.96    360, 372.09   1, 722, 767. 29

$ 2,133,487.88  $ 491,844.44    $ 360,372.09  $ 2,985,704.41

$    6,452.74   $                $             $      6,452.74
  1. 765, 808.08   132, 669.28    150,332.69    2,048,810. 05

$ 1, 772, 260. 82  132, 669. 28  $ 150,332..69  2, 055, 262. 79
$ 3,905, 748.70  -$ 624,513. 72  $ 51 0,704. 78  $ 5,040,967.20

$ 1,175,255.88  $                $             $  1,175,255.88
     36, 660. 74                                     36,660. 74
     315,304. 60     109,477. 55                     424,782.15

$ 1,527,221. 22 $   109,477.55   $             $  1,636,698. 77

$ 3,179,500.00   $               $             $ 3,179,500.00
    722,000. 00                                     722, 000.00
 26,902,875. 52   3,048,041.31                   Z9,950,916. 83

 $30,804,375. 52 $3,048,041.31    $             $ 33,852J,416.83
 $32,331, 596. 74$3,157,518.86    $             $ 35,489,115.60

     Loan         Endowment         Agencl
$    6' =,-6. 01 $  201, 616T.4  $             $    268,232.65
     28,860. 21      3,016.80        78,994.62      110,871.63

$    95,476. 22  $ 204,633.44    $   78,994. 62     379,104.28
                                               $_--   40,9187.08

*Negative figure.


        University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
  July 1, 1953 and ended April 30, 1954

            General Fund

E s tinmate

Division of Colleges:
Educational and General:
State Appropriations
Fed. Grants (through the State)
Student Fees
Endowment Income
Sales and Services and Rentals

Auxiliary Enterprises:
Midence Halls

       Total -Colleges

Less-Income Allocated to Plant


Agricultural Experiment Station:
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)
Sales and Services
       Total-Experiment Station

Agricultural Extension Division:
State Appropriations
Federal Grants (direct)
      Total-Agricultural Extension

      Total -General

Plant Fund:
General Income Allocated
Stores Overhead
      Total -Plant

      Combined Total

$3, 141,783.50
   124,879. 10

to Date

$3, 119,890.86
   102, 986.47
     9, 700. 00
     1Z, 785.28


$ 21,892.64
  21, 892.63
  236, 173.64*
      55. 50*

$3, 982, 807. 10  $4, 169,336.25 $186,529. 15*
                    104. 68%

$ 359,132.00    $ 344, 133.18 $ 14,998.82
   198,835. 12     128,449.02   70,386. 10
$ 557, 967. 12  $ 472,582..20 $ 85, 384,92
                     84. 70%
$4,540,774.22   $4,641,918.45 $101, 144.23*
                    102. 23'            '
   188,897.00   $  188,897.00

$4,351,877.22   $4,453,021.45 $101,144.23
                     102. 32o

$ 435,600.00    $ 435,600.00 $
   332,,837.02     332,837.02
   400,860.00       458,993.30    58, 133. 30*
$1, 169, 297.02  $1, 2Z7, 430. 3Z $ 58, 133. 30*
                   -   104. 97%

$ 618,200.00    $ 618,200.00 $
1, 127, 113.86  1, 127,213.86     100. 00*
$1,745,313.86   $1, 745,413.86    1l0.06*
                     100. 01%
$7, 266, 488. 10  $7,425,865.63 $159,377.53*
                     102. 190

$  188,897.00   $  188,897.00 $
    27,629.00                     27,629.00
$ '216,526.00   $  188,897.00   27,629.00
                      87. 24%'
$7,483,014. 10  $7,614,762.63 $131, 748. 53*
                     10.. 76%

* Realized in excess of estimate.



              University of Kentucky
     For the Current Fiscal Period which began
       July 1, 1953 and ended April 30, 1954

                  General Fund


ture s

Enc um-


Division of Colleges:
Adm. and Gen. Expense:
   Gen. Admin. Offices
   Student Welfare
   General Expense


 Instruction and Research:
 College of
   Arts and Sciences
   Agr. and Home Ec.
 Graduate School
 University Research
 University Extension
 Other Activities


Operation and Maintenance
of Physical Plant, etc.
General Appropriation
Special Appropriations
Work in Progress
  General Stores, etc.


Auxiliary Enterprises:
Residence Halls



$ 210, 553. 87  $ 163,820.48   $ 3,638. 72  $  43, 094. 67
    72, 825. 26    59,106.70         661. 68      13,056.88
    165, 630. 04  103, 121. 25    16, 038. 13   46, 470. 66

$ 449,009.17  $ 326,048.43     $ 20, 338.53  $  102, 622.21
                           77. 14o

$1,430,373.80  $1,174,084.69   $ 53,876.51  $ 202,412.60
   359,792.54     270,279.62       11,658.35      77,854.57
   185,949.02     151,376.28       3,415.73      31, 157. 01
   260,600.47     189,943.76       13,008.53      57,648.18
   75, 756. 34    57,541.00       4, 220.86      13,994.48
   329,304.26     253,414.00       9,489.78       66,400.48
   81,428.00      62,909.26       2,175.38       16,343.36
   11,385.36       9,561.81          13.07        1,810.48
   19,987.96       9,478.98       3,121.21        7,387.77
   253,599.43     206,072.81        1,131.67      46,394.95
   128,378.63     109,278.40       3,201.15       15,899.08
   26,640.00      20,869.03          61.75        5, 709.22

$3,163,195.81  $2,514,809.64   $105,373.99  $ 543,012.18
                           82. 835

$ 755 720.00   $ 510,551.85    $ 50,569.56  $  194,598.59
    80, 50Q 00     64,088.52       1]8,323.34      1,911.86*
    25, 000.00     16, 655. 84                     8, 344.16
    55,000.00      58,631.72*                    113,631.72

$ 916,220.00   $ 532,664.49    $ 68,892.90  $ 314,662.61

$ 304,964.39   $ 234,103.67    $ 48,193.15  $  22, 667. 57
   125,488.00      Z3, 281.74      8,312.59       93,893.67

$ 430,452.39   $ 257,385.41    $ 56,505.74  $  116,561.24

$4,958,877.37  $3,630,907.97   $2.51,111 16  $1,076,858.24
                           _78. A28% .  

*Negative Figure.



              University of Kentucky
     For the Current Fiscal Period which began
        July 1, 1953 and ended April 30, 1954

                   General Fund


Expendi -

Encum -
brance s


Agr. Experiment Station:
Animal Husbandry
Animal Pathology
Creamery License
Entomology and Botany
Agr. Economics
Feed and Fertilizer
Home Economics
Publications and Lib.
Public Service Labs.
Regional Research
Robinson Substation
Rural Sociology
Seed Stocks
Black Shank
Farm Maintenance
Social Security
W. Ky. Substation
Robinson Forestry

    Total-Agricultural Ex-
    periment Station

$ 156,547.85
   137,454. 00
   72, 176.00
   51,494. 00
     9 291.00
     67, 749.00
   94, 830. 00
   136, 663. 00
   160, 000. 00
   18, 100.00
   44, 530. 00
   35, 136. 00
   28, 650. 02
   32, 300. 00
   11, 700. 00
   22, 400. 00
   32, 242.00
     7, 000. 00

8, 250. 00

$ 66, 611.60
   104, 397. 56
   41, 203.20
     7, 198.69
   68, 901. 74
   102, 685. 79
   14, 032. 72
   35, 282. 84
   25, 193.64
   24,675. 71
     6, 711.94
     18, 808.29
   24, 875.75
   5, 864. 80
   34, 005.82
   37, 051.88
   39, 873.31

$  7,012.20
   1, 271. 79
     780. 0S
     94. 00


Z, 163. 31
10, 039. 51

27, 806. 98
   553. 50
   845. 10
1, 548.98
    10. 00

    3. 00

4, 863. 17
1, 882. 30

5, 222. 04

82,924. 05
31,784. 65
6, 780. 17
10, 196. 80
2,092. 31
7, 133. 83
15, 888. 75
33,977. 21
3, 513. 78
8,402. 06
6,481. 73
12, 798. 67
7,614. 29
4,988. 06
2, 870. 36
7,363. 25
1, 135. 20
10, 746. 66
   523, 82.
 3,830. 30*
 9,304. 65
 1, 458. 06

     9,340. 00      8,473.00                          867. 00

$1,279,326. 52  $ 918, 719. 73  $ 75,069. 83  $ 285,536.95
                          77. 68%

* Negative Figure.



              University of Kentucky
     For the Current Fiscal Period which began
        July 1, 1953 and ended April 30, 1954

                   General Fund

Depar t,
App rop-.

ture s



Agr. Extension Division:
  Agr. Engineering
  Animal Husbandry
  County Agents
  Farm and Home Conven.
  Home Dem. Agents
  Home Management
  Junior Clubs
  Public Information
  Rural Sociology
  Black Shank
  Social Security
  Adm. Res.

$  41,692. 00
    29,460. 00
    33,651. 69
    24,198. 00
    12, 600. 00
    815,928. 47
    27,349. 00
    1, 500. 00
    10,936. 00
    11, 712. 00
    500.358. 17
    30,484. 00
    18,869. 00
    79,441. 00
    30, 153. 00
    17, 010. 00
    50,991. 08
    5, 685. 00
    32, 727.41

    6, 805. 00

$   30, 771.46
    22, 727. 33
    29,417. 60
    19, 988. 71
    10, 621.95
    658, 754.43
    21, 047. 51
    2, 429. 53
    8, 000. 16
    9,497. 80
  405, 817. 30
    22, 607. 30
    15, 763. 35
    66, 440. 62
    26, 562. 39
    14, 403. 66
    35, 864. 02
    5, 154. 21
    14, 410. 88
       898. 52


$   0,920. 54
    6, 732. 67
    4, 234. 09
    4, 209. 29
    1, 978. 05
    157, 174. 04
    6, 301. 49
      929. 53*
    2,935. 84
    2, 214. 20
    94, 540. 87
    7, 876. 70
    3, 105. 65
    13, 000. 38
    2, 606. 34
    15, 127. 06
       530. 79
    18, 316. 53
       898. 52*
     6, 805. 00

Total-Agricultura~l Ex-
  tension Division

Combined Total

$1, 781,550. 82  $1,421, 178. 73  $             $ _360 372.09
                            79. 775 o  

$8, 019, 754. 71  $5,970,806.43  $ 326, 180. 99 $1, 722, 767. 29
                            7    %..5      ,  . ..o

*Negative Figure.


         University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
   July 1, 1954 and ended April 30, 1954

              Plant Funds

Division of Colleges


Expendi -


Bond Issues

P. W. A. First Bond Issue
P. W. A. Second Bond Issue
Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue
Audit-Coliseum Issue
Lib. & Serv. Bldg. Issue
Stadium Rev. Issue
Rose St. 456--Dornm Issue
Journalism Bldg. Issue
Rose St. 476--Dorm. Issue
Lib. & Service Bldg. Res.
Dorm. Rev. Issue, A--F



Dicker House Annuity
Coliseum Constr.
Norwood Hall--Fire Loss
New Men' s Dorm. Constr.
Serv. Bldg. Constr.
Fine Arts Bldg. Constr.
Journalism Bldg. Constr.
New Sci. Bldg. Constr.
Sprinkler System
Six Small Dorms Constr.
New Women, s Dorm. #5



$   36,401.52
    16, 192.96
    24, 125. 00
    100, 290.43
    45, 311. 77
    22, 381.32
    4,486. 77
    16, 196.25
    4, 13 1. 28
    45, 552. 36

$ 2, 668. 75
  16, 1 10. 09
  3, 652. 50
  58,971. 67
  22, 275. 00
  13, 640. 00
  3, 060. 00


$ 33,732.77
      82. 87
  7, 739. 27
     106. 32
   2, 556. 25
   1,071. 28
   45, 552. 36

    14, 079. 86 24, 022. 50                    , 2,.94Z.64*

$  329,149.52 $186,432. 38      $             $142,717. 14
                        5 6. 647o0

$     230, 68 $                 $             $    230. 68
    30,250. 17                                  30, 250. 17
    15,911. 25                                  15,911. 25
    2, 893. 75      25. 50                      2, 868. 25
    3,697. 19                                   3,697.19
    2, 156. 47                                  2, 156. 47
    7,938.69                                    7,938.69
    3,300.00                                    3,300.00
    4,443.32                                    4,443.32
    29,913.75   15, 767. 56            732.44   13,413.75
 1,262,901. 13                   1, 174,523.44  88. 377.69

$1,363,636.40 $ 15, 793.0 06    $1,175,255.88 $172,587.46
                         87. 34%
$1,692,785.92 $202,225.44       $1, 175, 255. 88 $315,304.60
                        81. 37r/6

* Expenditures and Encumbrances in excess of approp. or negative figure.




         University of Kentucky
For the Current Fiscal Period which began
   July 1, 1953 and ended April 30, 1954

               Plant Funds


Expendi -
ture s

Encun -


Agr. Experiment Station:

  Repairs & New Equip.

  Dairy Heifer Barn-

 Agronomy Greenhouse-


     Combined Total

$ 102, 072. 23 $ 4, 934.90      $            $ 97, 137. 33

     1,031. 00      190.78                        840.22

     11,500.00                                  11,500.00

$ 114,603.23   $ 5,125.68       $            $109,477.55
                            04. 735'o
$1, 807, 389. 15  $207,351.12   1, 175, 255. 88 $424, 782. 15
                            7 6. 5 0 No

OExpenditures and encumbrances in excess of approp. or negative figure.



           University of Kentucky
  For the Current Fiscal Period which began
    July 1, 1953 and ended April 30, 1954

July 1, 1953


Disburse-    Balance
ments        Apr. 30, 1954

Restricted Funds:
Div. of Colleges
Agr. Exp. Station
Agr. Ext. Division


Loan Fund:


Endowment Funds:


Combined Totals

$1, 965, 237. 31  $2, 345, 520. 87  $2,544,950.10 $1, 765,808.08
   109,578.44     189,276.34       166, 185.50   132,669.28
   119,560.28     136,673.75       105,901.34    150,332.69

$2, 194, 376. 03  $2,671,470.96  $2,817, 036.94 $2, 048,810.05

$  66,573.61   $       42.40    $             $   66,616.01
   27,495.78       1,389.62            25.19     28,860.21

$  94,069.39   $    1,432.02    $       25.19 $   95,476.22

$ 201,616.64   $                $             $ 201,616.64
    2,937. 19        204.61            125.00      3,016.80

$ 204,553.83   $      204.61    $       125.00 $ 204,633.44

$   67, 809. 24  $ 471,,023. 16  $ 459,837.78 $  78,994.62

$2, 560, 808.49  $3, 144, 130. 75  $3, 277, 024.91 $2, 427, 9 14. 33



                   University of Kentucky
          For the Current Fiscal Period which began
            July 1, 1953 and ended April 30, 1954

Receipts and Transfers:

General Income
Plant Income
Restricted Receipts
Loan Fund Receipts
Endowment Fund Receipts
Agency Fund Receipts

          Total Receipts

$  7,425,865.63
     188, 897.00
   2, 671, 470. 96
         204. 61
     471, 023. 16

$ 10,758,893.38

Expenditures and Transfers (Including encumbrances):

General Fund Expenditures
Plant Fund Expenditures
Restricted Fund Expenditures
Loan Fund Expenditures
Endowment Fund Expenditures
Agency Fund Expenditures

Total Expenditures

$ 6,296,987.42
   1, 382, 607. 00
   2, 817, 036.94
          25. 19
          125. 00
     459, 837. 78

$ 10,956,619.33



      The Committee being duly advised, upon motion duly made, seconded
and carried, the report was authorized received and made of record.

      C. Budget Changes.

      President Donovan submitted a list of budget changes which had been
recommended for approval. He read the list showing decreases of $2, 084. 02
and increases of $945. 00, making a net decrease in the University budget of
$1, 139. 02. President Donovan recommended that the changes be approved
and authorized.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Executive Committee
concurred in the recommendation of the President.

      D. Approval of Purchases Made by the Comptroller.

                                                 April 15, 19 54

      Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
      University of Kentucky

      My dear President Donovan:

             I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of emergency
      purchases, special purchase orders and departmental purchases
      which have heen made by the purchasing division from January 1,
      1954 through March 31, 1954, yet to be approved by the Board of
      Trustees.  The listing below gives the numbers of the documents
      requesting the purchase or actually issued as purchase orders, which
      documents are made a part of this record and are held in the Office
      of the Comptroller subject to inspection.  The purchases have been
      made on properly drawn documents at the request of the various de-
      partments and have been charged against available funds.

                State requisitions numbered        559 through 861
                Emergencies                        154 through 224
                University D Orders              16545 through 16585
                Special Orders                    1971 through 3105
                Vouchers                             1 through 2594

             The foregoing record of purchases is respectfully submitted
      with the request that they be approved by the Board of Trustees,
      thereby ratifying the action of the Comptroller in making the pur-
                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                    (Signed)       Frank D. Peterson



       The Committee being duly advised, on motion duly made, seconded and

                  State requisitions numbered 559 through  861
                  Emergencies                  154 through 224
                  University D Orders     16545 through 16585
                  Special Orders              1971 through 3105
                  Vouchers                       1 through 2594

were approved, ratified and authorized.

       E. Request of Fayette County Registration and Purgation Board.

       President Donovan stated that he had a request from the Fayette Co. Regis-
tration and Purgation Board for the University to provide two precinct polling
places on the University campus. He read the following letter:

                                                      May 14, 1954

       Dr. Herman L. Donovan
       Pre sident
       University of Kentucky

       Dear Dr. Donovan:

          As the "citizen" member of the Fayette County Registration
       and Purgation Board, I have been requested by the County Judge
       to help find better polling places in our county than many of those
       now used.  Many polling places have been in private garages
       which are dirty, illheated, with poor or no lighting, no sanitary
       facilities for election officers, and often with only a dirt floor.
       The atmosphere of such a place is not conducive either to interest-
       ing the electorate in exercising the civic obligation to vote or to
       inducing respected citizens to serve as election officers.  The
       best type of polling place is, of course, in a school building or
       other public building because the facilities, such as heat, light,
       lavatories for use of election officers, and general cleanliness are
       superior to those in most private businesses or residences avail-
       able for such use, and because the general atmosphere in a school.
       building is more conducive to compliance in full with the election

          The following precincts use garages which do not meet the
       standards for a good polling place: Boliva-, Columbia Avenue, and
       Clifton. The University of Kentucky is located in all three pre-
       cincts. Inasmuch as the County School Board has long permitted
       use of its school buildings for polling places, Superintendent Ridg-
       way is recommending to the Lexington Board of Education the grant-
       ing of our request for use of Henry Clay High School and Russell



     School, and Miss Virginia Hayes is recommending to the Library
     Board the use of the Lexington Public Library, I wish to request
     of you permission for use of three University facilities.

         First is the use of the University Training School gymnasium
     as the polling place for Bolivar Precinct. Dr. Ginger, with whom
     I talked to explore this possibility, felt as I did that this use of the
     Training School would represent a great improvement in voting
     facilities in Bolivar Precinct. The gymnasium can be entered
     directly from Scott Street, and the general school program would
     not be disturbed. Gymnasium classes would be interrupted for
     only one day during the year, namely in November, inasmuch as
     the August primary occurs at a time when the school is not in ses-

         For Columbia Avenue Precinct I should like to request use of
     a room or a corridor in the Fine Arts Building. This would be a
     great improvement over the present garage on Rose Street across
     from the Fine Arts Building.

         For Clifton Precinct which uses a poor garage, the Dairy Products
     Building on Rose Street appears to offer an excellent possibility.

         I can assure you that the Election Commission, the county
     judge, s special committee to find better polling places, and the
     Registration and Purgation Board would all deeply appreciate your
     granting of the request for use of the University facilities as regular
     polling places in the three precincts mentioned.

                                                Sincerely yours,

                                 (Signed)       Gladys M. Kammerer

     Members of the Committee discussed the request and expressed sympa-
thy with the efforts of the Fayette County Registration and Purgation Board
to improve voting places and facilities for people of Lexington and Fayette
County.  They discussed the possible implications of the University making
available facilities for voting stations in elections.

     Members of the Committee recalled former discussions of members of
the Board of Trustees with reference to politics, and the misinterpretation
by the public when one of the county precincts was known as the "Experiment
Station precinct. "

     Members of the Committee,being advised, and the question being thor-
oughly discussed, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried
declined to approve the request.



      F. Purchase of House and Lot at 244 College View.

      President Donovan reported that the Comptroller had recommended the
purchase of a house and lot at 244 College View. The lot is 36 feet wide and
90; feet deep. It is immediately to the rear of the Coliseum.  The residence
is a weatherboard house, consisting of four rooms downstairs, with kitchen,
bath and small porch.  The house has one room in the attic which has been
roughly finished. The house is in pretty good state of repair and is offered
for sale at $7, 500. 00. President Donovan recommended purchase.

     Members of the Committee discussed the location of the property, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, purchase of 244 College View
was authorized at a price of $7, 500, same to be paid from the Haggin Fund.

     G. Purchase of House and Lot at 218 Maxwell Street and House and
Lot at 209 College View.

     President Donovan submitted a plat of these properties which showed
that 218 Maxwell Street has a front footage of 60 feet and a depth of 300 plus
feet, and 209 College View has a front footage of 32-plus feet and a depth of
81 feet, at which point the lot widened to a width of approximately 60feet
for a depth of about 100 additional feet, more or less.

     The Comptroller explained that 218 Maxwell Street has a two-story
brick residence and two small houses on the rear part of the lot.

     The lot at 209 College View has a one-story frame residence on it con-
sisting of seven rooms in a good state of repair.

     The property at 218 Maxwell Street is available at a price of $21, 500.
The property at 209 College View is offered for sale at $11, 000.

     There is some question as to just where the line between these proper-
ties falls, since the owner of 218 Maxwell Street in former years sold to the
owner of 209 College View a part of the back end of the lot.  There are dif-
ferent opinions as to the location of the line fence.

     The Comptroller recommended that these two pieces of property be
purchased simultaneously in order to avoid any question whatsoever as to
the dividing line, since they are both available for sale and the University
desires an entrance on the north side of College View Avenue.

     President Donovan recommended that the properties be purchased with
the hope of developing ahousing court in this area.

     Members of the Committee examined the plat and discussed the location
of both pieces of property and the use the University wished to make of them.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the house and lot at
218 Maxwell Street was authorized purchased at a price of $21, 500, and the
house and lot at 209 College View was authorized purchased at a cost of
$11, 000. These properties are to be paid for from the Haggin Fund.



     H. Sale of 163 Pralltown Lot,

     President Donovan reported that the University had purchased, about a
year ago, a vacant lot at 163 Prall Street for the sum of $800.  At that timle
the Slum Clearance Commission was interested in acquiring the area known
as Pral.town.  The University is now offered for this lot, which is 31 feet
by 100 feet, the sum of $1100, which is a gain of about 27%.  President Don-
ovan and the Comptroller recommended that this lot be sold.