xt79zw18mw5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79zw18mw5w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19910726 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 26, 1991, no. 591 text The Green Bean, July 26, 1991, no. 591 1991 2014 true xt79zw18mw5w section xt79zw18mw5w 999 29 *99* Storms Roll rnto Ho; City
Volume 591 4
...was the headline of the San Antonio Light
Monday morning, June 17, the last day that Lillian
Messner (Ag), Steve Savage (PNM), Ruth Ellen Flint
(PNM) and I (Cataloguing) were in attendance at the
sixth annual North American Serials Interest Group
(NASIG) Conference. We were all out on the Paseo
del Rio (the ;jFliverwaIk;' downtown) Sundafy nxht when
a terrific, win y, rainy e ectric storm erupte . e a
enjoyed the Trinity University campus, a well-known
and well-landscaped Presbyterian school in the
' up-scale midtown area. Plus the tremendous exhibit
• of "Thirty Centuries of Mexican Art" at the San Antonio
/1 4 Museum of Art. Among the topics at the conference:
.‘ _ network-based electronic serials, publishing in the
~·§ European Economic Community, Eastern Europe and
• Latin America, combining check—in and senrice-desk
§¤R"`, staffs, journal marketing, claiming and replacing issues,
5 NOTIS developments, plus a workshop on microfilming
&¢.• (led by Stever) and one on cataloguing journal
  articles and book chapters (led by me).
& 4 -- Bradley Dean Carrington
V  H u 1 c 1 I ‘
  Kiln; jjbrag/° °9¤mg
{ 1~, \
  -- Jill Buckland
,`s by Doris Hargrett Clack. Z693.3 .A88 C58 1990
P 5` / 
  This book brings together the general and specific principles
of authority control in libraries followed by methodical and
  detailed practice procedures which should make it a useful
addition to the cataIoger's bookshelf.
( ; RE I   by Linda Brew MacDonald, 91 ai. Z711.2 .T44 1991
This concerns "the very technologies we teach being used as
  Teaching medlia" - cg -busing technoLogy to teach techndolzgy.
t is a genera y rea a e overview o current issues an t eories
concerning teaching about technology in libraries and guide-
lines for selecting media for instmction, one chapter on each
medium: help screens, online tutorials, videos, CAI, expert
The N€W$l€U€7“ 0fth€ systems (own production), and future technology. In sum, a
U"{l,e,»Siw OfKe"t1lck}; variety of methods for teaching "information Iiteracy," the library
Libraries buzzéphrase for the nineties. There is a bibliography for each
h t .
( C ap Er Continued on Page2 Reading

(Continued from Page 1)  O-   D M W_"_
ear r. l ls:
Qgmmg DSEDSQ Qaxalggimg - E (From Brad Carrington: ”One of Cogzgg Tizgaksoé  gnlmg
Qgj§lQgQr'§ Mgrlggl my students submitted this' nonprofit membership oiganization
. . /t's so curious -- perhaps you'd ' . .
by Rosalind E- Miller and Jane C- like iepneiiei, in whese mein eereege isierenne,
    rev.   _ _ ( ECCBSS to il’1B-WOl’ S |l‘110l’m8ilOf'I
  through a variety of collaborative
2999 ·""9" *999 wineiem, by n,,,,,,,,,,,, eenrlces that promote iii., .i...,i,.,
Originally published in tees asa simplified lylnney, [2nd ee., rev, and QQQQQTQQ '9jfQ[,‘;9,9;;Q;L9j;; *2;,
cataloging manual for smaller libraries, expanded.] Beirut; Faculty h I , Z th , , · ’ f
inieeeelr is new inteneee ter all litrreriens. gf Ans and sciences, ,,;,*;,,9 QQSQQ9 9 '9 9 9 "99 9
Wh."? It 9999 reflect the 1988  R2 Amonoon UnlVo"$nY et Last year, for example, OCLC's
l'oV'$'on$» n nas Solutions te pnaoncal Beirut, 1958. cooperative programs resulted in
problems such as the adaptation of the computerized Shared
prepared copy for local needs and advice 7612 Cggg grid gd_ cataloging of 27.9 million items.
on when to adopt new cataloging rules. the interinstitutional lending of
as well as suggesting simplified formats   4.9 million items, andthe
for complex multimedia itgm5_   addition of 1.9 million bibliographic
_ _ records to the OCLC database,
ex E5- Gralenlll Haney and the werles lereesr computerized
Wlllowdoan Cnanoison library catalog, which now contains
Handy, New York: Karus more than 23 million records.
  Reprint, 1971. (ill.) As a delegate to the OCLC
lnfgrmalign Egigngg; Thg Users Council, your colleague,
B mmm ; E E n ;! E rl 572082 B457 my 15 Ling-yuh (Miko) Pattie, Assistant
_ Director of Technical Services,
    nreyiees valued eeviee ene counsel
Dgggrrlgrljgjlgrl lr1§]l]Lgj[Q -   on cooperative programs involving
  by Leonard L. SL Clair and some 11,000 Ilbrarles in the U.S.
S . B G _ and ln 38 other countries linked by
Alan i Ovgnan foreword OCLC's computerized network.
by Irene S. Farkas—Conn bil o°¤ Y°d€'· l-€‘><*¤9*¤¤· Miko joins se other Users Council
Z673_A623 [:37 1990 KY-Z U¤lV€l'$ltY Pl’€$$ et delegates who are elected to their
Kentucky, 1981 (ill.) positions from our more than 6,000
member institutions. These 60
Focuses on the society‘s activities in all GT5960 .T362 W487; delegates meet three times a year
aspects of information collection, Spec. Blog. Sa222st l¤ dlS¤¤$$ and make ra¢¤nlnlan·
        datlons on iS$UBS Vitai to fUnh'9ring
communication. Begun in response to   999,999 Q° ***9 “’°"9 9 '"*°'"”9?'°"
the need for scientific communication Reggie an na t° °°9n“°""lg futum "brary
. , . costs. ln addition, six members of
In th€   S, the SOCIETY responded to R · .   15 B d f
`der needs throughout the decades by ' Fletchgn Washington S person Oar O
wl _ H ‘ [Sn], 1g83_ Trustees are elected from among
rnrs book ooYo"$ net onlY tne Un' H the Users Council delegates.
expected llnoln9$ et lno 96nY Yoais 572 08 On behalf of OCLC, l would like
but also the later Critical forces that   _ to commend Miko to you and to
shaped its organization.   express my deep appreciation
by Willowdean Chatterson B9 n9' fg n9" }f’°'kb°nh*T (251LC
. sers OUHCI on e a o e
  Sing, Tg`;I1YiiiB Kraus library and edueatlen eenlnillnlty.
  p ‘ ` Her dedicated & important service
  on the Council brings great credit
by Joe Bryson. Z6478_B85 1990 on herself and on the university or
by Albert L. Morse. San Kent¤¢ky· S_ I
· . lncere y,
A standard text whose strong points 5|$nC|SCO` AL MOrS9' 1977' K. Wayne Smith
are human resources and psychology. President & CEO
El`lllV9dl’l by dl3QI’8fTlS and flow Cl"lE'll`iS. ART GN419·3 ·M350 OCLC

 Page 3
The fo//owing is a letter received by The fo/lowing is a letter received by U P D A  
Brad Carrington. Dan Hodge, Architecture Library
Dear Brad: Many thanks, once again, for your
I might not have told you that excellent tour ofthe library for my
today is my last day in the HED 599-022 class this past Friday. Containers for waste ineieneie
cataloging department...or have I? Last year, the students found the to be iecycied have been
When I saw you earlierthis information which you provided Ordered ici. King Ncnh and
morning, I was trying to finish a most beneficial in completing their King South' -i-hey are expected
piece of cataloging, so I didn't research projects, and I have no to enive by the end ci Juiy_
stop to talk with you -- now I wish doubt that this year's group will find
I did. I want to tell you how much it useful as well. I am looking torvvard The hiii details describing the
l've learnt (sic) through the to some excellent papers! I wish project Wiii appear in the next
intemship and you have made that all of our students could Grggnbearl Watch for iii
this valuable experience available benefit from such a tour early
for me. As I have told you before, in their college careers.
everyone in the cataloging Please pass along my thanks
department is just so warm, to all of your staff as well torthelr
friendly and supportive. This assistance to my students and
is one of the most harmonious myself in using the Architecture
departments I have every met. I Library.
am sad that this is the last day
of my LIS 575 even though I Allison Carll White
know l'll get to see more of my Dept. of Human Environment
friends in the cataloging depart-
ment through my part-time work
at Special Collections.
Thank you again, Brad, for
everything you did for me. I
appreciate deeply your
guidance through all stages
of the field experience and   .
the attention and care you've Cami L_ Spence, Editor
g'V€" m°· May Diane Wright, cover design artist
Next Qreen Been Ieeueg:
August 9, 1991
‘ Deegline fer Sgbmieeignez
Friday, August 2, 1991

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