xt79zw18pm4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt79zw18pm4x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-02-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1983 1983 1983-02-09 2020 true xt79zw18pm4x section xt79zw18pm4x J I . . . ,
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’ ‘ must. 11 .'
; V Member: of Phi Upsilon Omicron, o
home economics honorary-fraternity,
are spending their time to help returb~ ‘
____~_.__..... _ lit l “it "1. Hospital Hospitality House on .__._._.___
l I l Limestone Si. Seepoges.
VI 1
Vol. LXXXV, No. llOWednesdoy, February 9, I983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
3 Israeli report bl m Sh '
________ aninvitation t0 tragedy: . meeting With Begin. that the prime that Begin would be returned to “Many Israeli citizens were ter- Olson said he thinks Reagan will
FromAPand staffdispatches Hundreds of Palestimans were minister would not demand Sharon’s power by his supporters, who have ribly upset and outraged at this use the report to increase pressure
, subsequently .slain by the mili- resignation. never understood why Israel should massacre," DaVis said. noting that on Israel to negotiate with Lebanon.
_ ___, _._____ tiamen. An offlCIal Lebanese IHVCSti- “It's hard for him to do such a be blamed for a massacre of Arabs Begin was pressured to set up the Yasser Arafat, chairman of the
_ . . . _ gation has yet to bring any of the thing," Shapira told reporters. by Arabs. independent commission that stud- Palestine Liberation Organization
. JERUSALEM — An Israeli JudlClal killers tOJustice'. “Anyone who knows the prime min- UK History professor Robert ied the incident. said in Jordan today that the investi:
“’ commission on the Beirut massacre "‘No prophetic powers were re- ister knows he is a noble man, and Olson, a Middle East specialist, esti- Because Begin was reluctant to gatory panel produced "important
called for the ouster of Defense Min- quired to know that concrete danger herespects‘Arik‘iSharom." mated that about 70430 percent of appoint the commission, he said decisions,“ but that it should have
ister Ariel Sharon yesterday, accus- of acts of slaughter eXisted,” read The commission‘s recommenda- the Israeli public still supports some Israeli citizens will not support included a "decisive condemnation"
ing him of “blunders“ that set the thecommissmn report. . . tions are not legally binding, but Begin. And, he said, that support him. of the Begin government.
stage for the slaughter of Palestin— It also called for the resignation of they carry such moral weight that has increased since Begin's election However, he said, “Israelis have In Beirut's Sabra and Chatilla ref~
ians. the head of Israel's military intelli- no government concerned for its in 1977. had a tendency '0 rally behind the ugee Camps SUFVWOFS 0f the Sept.
The panel‘s explosive report, gence and condemned the miltary image can ignore them. “I think it would be exaggerating government in worse situations than 1618 massacre were bitter
which also rebuked Prime Minister chief. of staff. It accused Begin of Two parties in Begin‘s coalition things to say that this report will this." “Sharon deserves to be executed
Menachem Begin, rocked Israel‘s showmg “indifference" to the threat that previously opposed early elec» change Israeli opinion drastically,“ And Olson said that, even if Begin because he was responsible to pro-
political structure and touched off of a massacre in Beirut, but recom- tions are now willing to go to the Olson said. “I personally doubt that calls for a general election, there is tect the “V85 0f the ClVlllan People."
speculation about early elections at mended noaction against him. polls if Begin so wishes, their this report is going to have any dra- no other party strong enough to OUSt said one Palestinian in a typical
a time when US. pressure is mount- _ P0lltlcal uncertainty threatened to spokesmen said. They were the Na- matic affect on internal Israeli poli- him. The Labor, led by Simon comment.
ing for new Israeli concessions to- linger for days here as the Cabinet tional Religious Party and TAMI, an tics, even if Sharon resigns...ln fact, Peres, is only one of several compet- In the streets of Israel‘s cities,
wardaMiddle East peace. grappled With the devastating re- ethnic party of North African Jews. if Sharon resigns, it would defuse ing par “‘5 and “doesn‘t have much people reacted With the divided feel-
Begin and his Cabinet met for. two port. _ The small Moscow-aligned Com- this whole situation anyway. of a chance," he said. ings that have typified Israelis since
hours yesterday Without a deciSion Israel radio broadcast reports that munist Party, meanwhile, proposed “1 think it‘s important to realize In Washington. the White House their country launched the invasion
on Sharon‘s status, and scheduled Sharon was refusmg to quit or ac- a parliamentary noconfidence mo— that this massacre is more outra- had no comment on the commission of Lebanon last June 6 Some called
another meeting for today. _ . cept an alternative Cabinet post. But tion, tobedebated next week. geous to Americans than it is to the report, Wthh it described as an in- it an injustice to Sharon. but others
The three-man commisswn of in- a Cabinet source said almost all the The opposition Labor Party called Israelis.“ ternal matter. Yesterday. President took pride in the report as a sign of
quiry said Israeli leaders should 20 ministers, including Sharon, fa- for the resignation of the entire Vincent Davis, director of UK's Reagan used some Of his toughest the vitalitvofIsraelidemocracv.
have foreseen that allowmg Iueb- vored endorsmg the findings. ‘ Begin government but said nothing Patterson School of Diplomacy, howd language yet With Israel. saying it The commission of inquiry"—— Su~
anese militiamen into two Beirut The chairman of Begin‘s ruling co- about early elections. Despite the ever, said he is not so sure Israelis W35 unnecessarily delaying the With- preme Court judges Yitzhak Kahan
refugee camps last September was alition, Avraham Shapira, said after commission report, Laborites fear willsupportBegin‘s government. drawalofitstroops from Lebanon. and Aharon Barak and a former
See “POI! pogeb
Radiation researchers University rul
seek additional funding oh'bti d l
for graduate program \ "t fl, "9 orm $3.83
in nuclear pharmacy * 98 . ”Pent exercise,
1, two incidents recently
Senior Staff Writer . '* —————-—-———
.. .. ..,._-__..c..,-wifi_._ SeniorStaff Writer

. The laboratory is dotted with red ‘ ” ‘ ’¥ """““"""’ “W " ' r W

. and yellow stickers warning. "Cau— f ", ' ' '
tion . . Radioactive Materials." But - . ' Solic1tation ”f magazines . Find
two men in an adjacent office are , , ‘ other mail-order goods is prohibited
more concerned with appropriations " . ' , , , ’ ' , "r, ’ ,1 3' f‘fiw m the LniverSit'y 5- restdence halls.
than radiations. 2 . . , ”i?“ .. .' . Despite the regulations. however. v1~
. .,, , , ,, “if; ‘ ’ . ' w a . ~ . ' g?“ ' x ‘ olations occuralmost every year.

George Digenis. professor of phar- ’ . . , . ' 2 d, 51,,“ . 2 Mt ' .. . , . . .
macy. and Mike Jay, assistant pro- , -' " "Gigi; nigdlgirb 13:“. sugffifi
fessor of medicinal chemistry. teach . ' cam us area. coordinator. said
and research in the University‘s nu- , 'j , “UsSallv we just ”or,“ the
Sififiriii'iai?$§ii§£‘li‘3d"ii§; Salli; , ' ”ifs?“ “"1” ‘hegjgufamhm
> . _ . _ , . i as tem to cave. re y we ave
Liigfiii‘l‘tid’idi‘if'ea' mam” . ,, “ mallmmpus PM”

' Nuclear pharmacy is concerned Clay said he doubts the legitimacy
with the use of radioactive sub- , Of pcl-IopIe who enter remdence halls
stances to trace the flow of bodily . ., ' .. ,. i ,, ' ' . a [0.5.8 ' ..
fluids and identify obstructiom. A -1, If ‘ . ,1, » . ' ”5% :tligggts .TUSI be careful. h be
familiar use is in radium enemas. . Mm “‘6’ fitter; 511; lsai ll' edsa esmen are "Qt t er:
After administering the fluid, doc- . HIM We!” . , ., .41., .4 g tfiga .\ an at: nml~g0¥1l§ throufi'

‘ tors examine a patient with a flou- def” ‘ ¥ ' ‘ ' '~ &“ mzkegrgipeerwoirfxantfoisii wheltsheiret‘iaiei~

g roscopetoupot intestinalblockage. , ,5, .. “ ‘ ., ' " d? are legitimate .

i, Lfnless ',‘K‘s program receives ad- g" . . ” 3 ‘ .-:""‘d"" . . “I really think students ought to

i‘ ditional money for expansion begin- y»: ~ in a. i _, _ a H i think ““09 about buying from these

5 ning in fiscal 1984. however. it may I V I H " ... I s ' outfits that come here." Rosemary
not continue to be a competitor, Di~ ' "‘" “""‘°""°’““ 5 °“ Pond. assomate dean of students for
dented. Sculpture keeper dddddddd dad ddd. ddd --.~dddd- d

these outfits are flybydnights out to
The nuclear pharmacy program Pom Hayden. accounting |Ufll0f, flipped through a visitor register is an attendant. There is currently a sculpture exhibit featuring makeaquick hUCk "

.. already receives a portion 0t th? aP' yesterday of the Rosdoll Gallery in the student center where she three artists in the gallery. The 501‘9‘131‘0“ 0f goods “mom

I proxnmately $4 million appropriated ____________.__________________________ See ”moan"! 0 $6
to the College of Pharmacy for the p 9
1982—1984 biennium. but the amount
0t thift hhalfilsdumlefirihpag‘l‘i‘k Deli WEDNESDAY The legislature's Personal Service Contract Re- the world, movmg to avert a DepreSSion-style glob-

' :‘igrgfgggfiédean 0 e 0 ege 0 view Subcommittee yesterday rejected the proposed cl slide, are gathering here to forge an expanded
"To trv ‘to identify how much is From Amtodprmrm dollor-o-yeor contract with Loy Weston to set up the lending program to stave off defaults by developing
going to nuclear pharmacy is diffi- Jopon office. Weston. chairman of Kentucky Fried nations.
cult," he said, because nuclear . . . Chicken Japan, had agreed to work for the state for Private bonkers from New York to Tokyo ore
Brill?afidtfrlafiflfiageahldterrs‘gsrufig State "at quahf'ed for DWI an. 0 year after negotiations with Brown, who had orig. likely to breathe o collective Sigh of relief on Frr _
programs. g g inolly hired Weston when Brown headed Kentucky day, when the governing board of the International
Whatever the amount, the pro FRANKFORT —- Kentucky meets only one of four Fried Chicken. Monetary Fund likely Wt“ b°°5t general 'ehd'hg '9’
gram needs more. basic requirements to qualify for federal aid to fight sources by about 50 percent and nearly triple a spe
In its most recent five-year budget drunken driving, Joe Ann O'Horo, director of high - ciol fund maintained by the lo richest notions
planlid thed Udh‘ifbsiiti $37,319; A; way safety standards for the state, told a task force State Dept. reports on "ghts The twin actions. informally sanctioned ot pre-
:guixionf‘: the liliH-fmfsi biennium to on the subiecfyesferdoy. vious sessnons would pump about $28 billion of
expand nuclear pharmacy's bacca- O'Hara said Kentucky qualifies in the require- WASHINGTON — The State Department said yes» ‘hord' currencies into the Nonation lending ogen
laurate. professional and doctoral mom for increased enforcement against drunken terdoy POllthOl repression around the World contln- cy's loan pool for assisting troubled (cuntries With
program‘s, driving, but the state locks qualification in three ued on 0 broad scale in 1982, with a number of out such action there is a fear of defaults by debtor
This figure. however, was lower other areas '0 apply for $761,000 in annual federal nondemocratic governments — both friendly and countries and the collapse of m0|0r banks and the
than the nuclear pharmacy pro ‘d All h ld . l . l . nf . dl "MI den in the s” ndomen- . If 1
gram‘s original projection of $160; or . f ree steps wou reqmre egis otion. u rien y — rou y y 9 mo u internationo monoo system
000 for the 1982-1984 biennium and Kentucky does not meet the federal requirement tOl humonfreedoms. The tWO‘dGV meeting Of the 'MF 5 ”"6”“ Com
$13500 for the 1984-1986 biennium, for prompt suspension of a driver's license for at At one extreme the departments annual report mittee begins Thursday Estimates put the total for
Deluca said. ‘ . least 90 days for the first offense and one year for found that democratic C05"! R560 "remains one 0t eign debts of non-OPEC deve'OP'nQ “Otlons 0' 5550
' thThi’liJK MedichHCenter, 0‘ Wh'cth a repeater. The state also lacks a law requiring a the most committEd nations in protecting human billion, wuth nearly half that owed to private bank
hoi'evefrldiglgtyed theengefn-llsm: fight; 48-hour'ioil sentence or community service, with no rights" while at the other, communist North Korea ers.
from the five.year plan and revised suspensnon or probation allowed. And it has no law '5 one Of the m0“ h'Qh'V regimented 0nd C0”
the 1984-1986 projection to $35,900. “I under which a breath test with a score of one-tenth trolled countries in the world.
think [the Medical Center) wanted of 1 percent or more means the driver was drunk And the Soviet Union it said, "continues to foil
to put ""019” Pharmafiy m at some and allows no rebuttal. Kentucky permits the occus- for short 0t accepted international 5'0“,”de 95‘“ ‘
pomt. but not in the 82434 biennid ' f 2' t'—d' 'd "Ham 0, n.
um .. DeLuca said. ed to try to rebut the proof. 0 "‘9' 5 0h ' '55' e P 9 WEATHER
The new estimate was placed on a A Lhe‘ report also sriticired' Israel‘s treatment 0‘:
priority list for expansion within the BI’OWH mmitt '0 5 'h t e OCCUF"e '°""°"95‘ ‘5 issue ““159
Medical Center and submitted totlie defies SUbCO 00 the most significant human rights problems for Is»
University administration. Nuclear reel in 1982."
mjrnxfii"Snst’tgfallljfizggélsmh 0" FIANK'OIY — Gov. John Y. Brown said yesterday On El Salvador the report said there were signs
Th; 33539,“) projec‘hori for-lm-lm h. W’ll 9° ahead 'W'th plans ’0' 09.9" o'Kentucky of improvement throughout the year despite inci- 'mY “‘00“ 5. c0""‘0'1'MY cloudy, Ill"!
half the amount Digenis said nu- promotional office lndokyo despite its rejection by dents of "political assassinations killings of (mi. high: In the low ‘0'.
clear pharmacy warrants ._ will be a legislative subcommittee. ions, disoppeorances and torture." Cloud! ere expected tonight with n 20 per-
revised in the near future to a final "We are going on with our plan," Brown said. cent chance of reln or snow and lows In the low
hUd89t "‘QUQSt for additional state "It's ludicrous when you can get o top executive in to mld 30s.
mofiiyifii'féfli probably more Japan at no cost to help sell our farm products. our IMF meets on WOf'd fiMMIa' CItOII Tomorrow, too, should be cloudy. wlth e
than 335.900. he said. will accompa- cool and our bourbon in a market that has the vital- ‘ . . chance of reln or snow end high: In the upper
ny the (‘ollege of Pharmacy‘s total "y 0} Japan 5_ WASHINGTON — Finance rninisters from around 30..
5.. “pinion. page 6 __._—..___
. . 1 l - . ' ~ "' ""“"""""’_—_"“

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Editor m-Ch-ot New: Editor Arts Editor Spam “no: Spatial Propu- (duo: Photo Edna: Graph“: (duo:
. PBRSIJASION ................ ................ W WW ............. W... ,
Managingiduoi Edi'o'iolfd-iov Au-uomAmid-w AumomSpomEd-tov SWKIIPIOIKHAIIIIVOHI Cnigirtioioqmphov Copy Dash“ i-t ;
-—.—._. mmfiivA4~ >7» :
Dormitory resndence ec me Now wows/fl? — e v :
COULD me PR05L£M *2. ”m V‘ ~s . ‘s
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”00 . 1 \\ ~‘ o \ \Wwi \
We" / it fly ‘ ,. i.“ no it it
. , , . ‘ \ 1 w ' .l‘ ., \ r
Residence hall occupancy is dropping. Its face at the start of thenext academic year. >. ( \l , :4 it“ \\\\ .\\\‘ti\‘ 7, .
. . - ' - ' ‘ ' ‘ ' i 1‘ ' "
Just a little each year. but small things add Why are occupancy rates dropping? Peo- fj- “\\.~,’ ’, , , . l"\.\ ‘
up. ple obViously want to live in reSidence halls, ‘ / l» will» i, ’ . I. . 31 ll \\ \
Jean Lindley, director of housing. said stu- despite oppresswe rules and cramped condi- ‘ ,. 5-1. ~33. * fi
dent population in the residence halls tions. But. if rates take another 8 percent 1. f I " 4 . ..' .2 \
dropped 3to4percent this semester. Jump. how many folks Will be able to afford ”ass/'41:? r . ,4 . \ I“, z k” 1. .0: 9
Why"? them?. ,,//”1¢/¢/ -, " . ' " , .' ,, .' ' .\,‘.\‘:' -
“We always try and talk to people when It might not be not Just a matter ofOthe ail/@Wf’jfl . -'s. ,3 %// '3 . '. _ , ‘ )
they‘re leaving UK. and quite a few have general bad shape of the economy; it might ”gég’fZ/IW . ‘ ‘ I ‘ 4' ' 4!, ,' .
told me the reason they‘re leaving is due to be that paying $1.118 a year for Just a.r00m fl//{%{A /, , f 7/ , k ”’ W/IW/Wk/ / 0/} 1
lack of money." Bob clay, north campus f usually cramped and sometimes nOISy — //////”/fl////'/;j//M'NMW/ t’ n, 0/?“ [gig-.gggfiu l
area coordinator. said. 15“ ‘3 800d deals . ,, WWI/WV/" t . 'is‘ "' i
"We do have more openings than what you About $140 a mom“ and reamed Purthase ‘ gs i i
could call 'normal.‘ and I‘d have to say it is of the two-meals fiveoayS-a-weeis plan is re- . . g g 7 {f 2‘ § é; .. tut.
largely due to the economy." Jim Smith. quired to live in a UniverSity reSidence hall. ..- . hit .915"; ~ _ ifi-.n1’*§>;
. . . . . gage-2:212: , zit-coat?“ -- , fist-gag 5m: . :‘“-~:s:;.;=">*-"s "reatiisfes‘sgzli- 15,-" ‘ 4? strain-i;
south campus area coordinators said A.‘ “mm” that 5 $1048 a year — a “09' g' .s it .~. ~ “ , .
Perhaps it is the economy. In 1980. reSi- ping $256a month. ,l“? 3i egg i g ‘ ' W a; 1
i ' ' - ”3:53:3- ‘ 7. '2‘5‘52iJ-5 u. . .~ !- . .. ‘ 1;? 1&3}
denfe ”51,1 7h§7liismg IC'OStSt ”if 93:32:53; Perhaps "‘9 Percentage 0‘ S‘Udems ““3 ' g4~ ”t '
lenient?! t‘ appl;can Sentr‘ ihe ‘hgrta é the residence halls are moving off-campus, . “ siz'g‘gggéggif‘t“ei‘”«