xt7b2r3nx30z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b2r3nx30z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19750829 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 29, 1975 text The Green Bean, August 29, 1975 1975 2014 true xt7b2r3nx30z section xt7b2r3nx30z §·"·i:4 ,/`,»`.·?Yl 1/ MEEIINQS EEEEEHIE Egg 1975-76 T H E Regular meeting times for Library b GSR E E N Faculty and Administrative Council E during the coming year will be: B E A N Q;2}§A§;¤€Q°"§T§6 iift g;§;§y°f umvsnsrrv OF Ksmucxv y¤.1BRAR1Es ' ° ` " ' NEWSLETTER 8/29/75 ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL, third Wednesday of each month, 8:30 a.m., Gallery. " §LLA&E§ Library staff members who will be taking a class this fall should send a note to that effect to the Director's Office (Faith Harders). Supervisor's approval should be on the note. Travel support for attendance at KLA this fall will be approved on the basis given below. The library will reimburse those who receive travel support to attend as follows: 1. Registration fee. 2. Travel for "car pool" drivers limited to $10.00 total. 3. Meals. 4. Lodging only if involved in the program. Those who have not submitted KLA requests to the Director's Office should do so before September l5, 1975. Requests from support staff members must be approved by the unit head and should be given to them. KLA Preconference requests should be submitted separately. P.w. . The Director's Office has a flyer issued by the Training Office in U.K. Personnel listing classes offered by different agencies in the Lexington area and information about them. See Faith Harders in the Director's Office or call U.K. Training Office (7-1851). LNIEBMS. · The library science interns for the coming year and their assignments are: Terry Howell — Acquisitions Charles Timberlake - Instructional Services Nancy McKenney · Music Reba Pennell - Reference -2 .___ Travel requests received to date have been processed for preliminary approval. Individual members of the Library Faculty have been notified of their allocation. ~Travel approval has been given to one request per person on a general .80% reimbursement basis. An exception is made for program participants or where an individual is sent as a library representative (e.g. to Solinet membership meetings). This will allow a limited amount of funds to be held in reserve for unanticipated trips. This is especially important in view of Solinet and other meetings where li- brary representation is essential. Funds in reserve will be reviewed n periodically. Please make any request for travel as early as possible. Requests for travel from non-library faculty members could not general- ly be approved. An exception was made only where a library technician is the only person on the staff functioning in a particular area and the work is of a semi-professional nature. Requests to attend KLA I from support staff will be considered as discussed elsewhere in the Green Bean. _ _ · ‘ Edward O'Hara will be joining the staff September 2, 1975 as head of collection development. He holds an M.A. in history from New York University and an M.L.S. from Rutgers and has had both business and library experience. Prior to coming to Kentucky, he was librarian/ bibliographer in charge of collection development for history and the social sciences at Boston University. Mr. O'Hara‘s office will be on the third floor of King North: please stop by during the next few weeks to introduce yourse1f.» Opening: LT III, Engineering Library, open September l2. Head Librarian, Institute for Sex Research, Indiana University, Bloomington. Salary: $11,000 - $12,000 Curator of E.A. Mcllhenny Natural History Collection, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. Salary: $10,000 minimum Collections Development Librarian, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nol09Y» Cambridge. Salary: $15,000 Administrative Analyst, University of California, Berkeley. Salary: Around $18,000 Media Librarian, Indiana University, Bloomington. Salary: Up to $11,000