xt7b2r3nzr1j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b2r3nzr1j/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project University of Texas. Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1940 21 leaves: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.172 books English San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Indexing and Inventory Program This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Morris County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 172, Morris County, Jan. 7, 1876 - Mar. 27, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas, no. 172, Morris County, Jan. 7, 1876 - Mar. 27, 1939 1940 1940 2019 true xt7b2r3nzr1j section xt7b2r3nzr1j I . , IIIIIIUIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII /
filed in
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No. 172


January 7, 1876 — March 27, 1959
Prepared by
The Texas State-wide Records Project
‘ Division of Professional and Service Projects
Work Projects Administration
' Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences
The University of Texas, Official Sponsor
. San Antonio, Texas
State—wide Records Project
October 1940

 :75.“ '; .

The publication herewith presented, an index to the probate cases
filed in Morris County, Texas, is No. 172 of the Texas series of counties.
The publication is intended to meet the requirements of day—to—day usage
by the officials of the county, attorneys, businessmen, and other citizens
who have occasion to consult probate case records for the proper conduct
of their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and geneal-
ogists to obtain references to unpublished source material.

The names of the deceased persons, minors, and other principals are
arranged alphabetically, with reference to filing date of the case and
the case number. Differentiation between probate cases assigned duplicate
numbers is accomplished by the addition of a letter following the case
nnnmer. The prefix "L" was sometimes used by the clerk to denote lunacy
cases. Case numbers preceded by "0" were assigned to previously unnumbered
cases. The following numbers in series 1-854 were not used as case num—
bers: 52, 54, 78, 146, 168, 191, 550, 585, 425, 427, 441, 448, 459, 462,
465, 480—485, 487—489, 491, 493, 504,,505, 509, 514, 554, 555, 548—557,
566, 567, 574, 599, 600, 610, 659, 755, 760, 761, 768.

In Morris County all probate records are in the custody of the county
clerk. Case papers_are filed in numerical sequence in plainly marked

_ steel file drawers in the vault adjacent to the county clerk's office on
' the first floor of the courthouse.

Since the transfer of territory from one county to another has affect-
ed probate jurisdiction and has determined the county in which the probate
case should have been filed, a map and table of territoria1.changes are

,inCluded herein., Notations concerning present location and availability
of records pertinent to Morris County follow:. a p .
Bowie County, Boston, records destroyed by fire, 1889
' Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches, all records extant
' _Red River County, Clarksville, all records extant
Titus County, Mount Pleasant,-records destroyed by.fire, 1895

 . -? .7 .4)”
g ' Legend
2:1 GD Area in Municipality of Naeogdoches to 11/11/1855
‘1 " " " " and County of Red River from 11/11/1855 (1) " 1/28/1841
g " " Paschal County (judicial) " 1/28/1841 (2) " 1842
% " " Red River County " 1842 (5) " 5/11/1846
2 " " Titus County, " 5/11/1846 (4) " 1/22/1869
2 " " Latimer County " 1/22/1869 (5) " 15/ 8/1875
,‘ " " Morris County“ " 5/ 8/1875 (6) ‘" .. date
(19 Area in Municipality of Nacogdoches to 11/11/1855
1 " " " and County of Red River from 11/11/1855 (1) " 12/17/1840
4 " " Bowie County . " 12/17/1840 (7) " 1/28/1841
2 , " " Paschal County (judicial) . ", 1/28/1841 (2) v 1842
3 H " Bowie County , ,. , " V 1842 (5) " 5/11/1846
1 " " Titus County . " 5/11/1846 (4) " 1/22/1869
1 " " Lutimsr County " 1/22/1869 (5) " 5/ 8/1875
1 " " Morris County " 5/ 8/1875 (6) " date
1 . 1
(l) H. RN. Carmel, 313 Laws _o_i: Texas, I, 552. 1
- (2) _I_b_i_o_1_., II, 520. > . 1
(5) Acts attempting; to create "judicial" counties were held unconstitu— 1
1 - tional. Stockton v. Montgomery (Jan. term 1842), James Wilmer D81- 1
' : lam (compiler), goings oi: the Supreme 92133 9;; Texas from 1840 to
12184-4 4.1124233.) p. 475. Therefore, the area remained in the origi— 1
L 1181 county.
t (4) Gammel, Laws 93,222gg,'11,'1504. : - - v 1 ' 1
fl (5) Ibid., V1, 122. Iatimer County was created by declaration of the .
1 Constitutional: Convention of 1868—69. It is assumed that the county 1
1 was never organized because: 1) The Constitutional Convention of
1 1875 did not see fit'to recognize it; and 2) In the same year, the
Legislature created Morris County out of Titus, ever part of the
1 same territory Latimeriwould have occupied. ,_' ,
(fl (6) Gammel, Laws _o_1"_ Texas, VIII, 469.
1 (7) 1515., 11, 561.
1« ,

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 rs - ‘
Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No.
.. A .-
Akin, John F. and Nina, minors Oct. 6, 1897 195
Alcxanderia, Henry, deceased March 2, 1917. 479(A)
Aleanderia, Henry, deceased Aug. 25, 1917 479(8)
Andersen, Florence Domby, minor April 14, 1891 135
Archer, Eunice, NCM June 3, 1931 754
Arnett, Addie August, Jessey Wesley '
and Tular Lee, minors Aug. 28, 1897 194
Atchinsen, archic, Charles W., Fannie
8., Mary 3., Samuel H. and Thomas
J., minors May 13, 1876 2
_ B _
Bailey, Sarah, deceased Sept. 10, 1895 174
Baker, Aubra, Blanch, Emma, Lena,
Marry and Ollie, minors Feb. 16, 1889 117,119
Baker, Aubra, Blanch, Emma, Lena
Mary and Ollie, minors March 14, 1889 119,117
Baker, Frank Wesley, NCM Nov. 29, 1901 252
. Baker, Mrs. Paddle D., deceased Jan. 30, 1884 64
. Baker, J. 5., MGM Nov. 9, 1923 623
Baker, James Eugene, deceased Dec. 13, 1938 854
Baker, Melissa, deceased March 17, 1938 850
Baker, 0. H. P., deceased June 19, 1888 106
Belch, Mrs. Ann, deceased May 15, 1937 838
Ball, T. G., deceased ' March 1, 1935 809
Barrier, amendy M., deceased March 25, 1884 66
Bass, Altie Marie, epileptic Nov. 30, 1929 722
- Bassctt, Daisy, Ira and Louie, minors Jan. 24, 1912 404
Bessctt, Lucy Jane, deceased Jan. 11, 1902 254
Baxlcy, Billy, Ida Lee, Johnny and
Ruby, minors Jan. 9, 1918 503
Baxley, John C., deceased 9 June 14, 1897 192
Beasley, George ho, deceased Feb. 12, 1881 31
Beasley, William Hillmann, epileptic Feb. 6, 1909 357
Beardon, Amanda, NCM ' Feb. 7, 1912 L 402
Beardon, Mrs. Vine, NCM June 20, 1892 148,149
Bedford, Mrs. Annie 0., deceased Jan. 25, 1887 91
Bell, W. J., NCM March 17, 1899 212
Barry, James W., deceased April 26, 1930 731
Bicknell,5rthur,lrcnc and N0re,minors April 26, 1880 23,25
' Bickncll,Arthur,Jene and Nore,minors Sept. 6, 1884 71
Bicknell, L. L., minor Oct. 11, 1884 72
Bicknell, Lafayette, minor dpril 26, 1880 22
Birdsong, Gabrella, deceased Dec. 18, 1882 46
Blackburn, Mrs. Dcel, NCM March 31, 1936 824

 = 2
E289 of Qegg§§2§,_fliggg_g£_gonatic ___*Qgte Filed Case No.
Blankenship, Ernest eugene, epileptic March 27, 1934 798
Blanton, Sam, NGM May 3, 1919 516
Blanton, Samuel, NCM June, 3, 1880 24
Blevins, John Wesley, deceased Aug. 26, 1916 470(A)
Bolin, J. W., deceased Oct. 22, 1907 326
Bond,Annie Lou and John Mathews,minors Oct. 25, 1929 720
Boozer, I. P., deceased " March 27, 1939 857
Boozier, G. 9., deceased May 21, 1927 684
BOWGH, Richard, deceased Sept. 10, 1921 587
Boyd, Amanda F., NCM March 12, 1914 433
Boyd, Gladys Juanita, James Derald

and Una Mae, miners Jan. 17, 1917 478
Boyd, 0. P., deceased fipril 6, 1910 375
Bradfield, Helen, James Robert and

Virginia, minors July 16, 1927 686
Eradiiold, J., deceased July 16, 1927 685
Bradfield,J:mes Y.Jr. and Woodio,minors Oct. 23, 1903 281
Bradfield,James Y-Jr. and Woodie,minors Aug. 16, 1909 296
Bradfield, Joe Y., deceased July 10, 1903 280
Bradfield, Mrs. Lou, deceased Sept. 12, 1917 495
Eratton, Jessie, NCM March 5, 1888 102
Brown, Alice, Ellen, Georgia and .

Ida, minors Sept. 20, 1879 16

‘ Brown, Andy, Berry, Charlie and
0mm, minors July 2, 1913 416
Brown, Willie K., NCM April 24, 1930 730
- Brunette, George 4., deceased Dec. 3, 1918 520
Bush, Isiah, deceased Sept. 26, 1924 642
butler, J. P., deceased May 4, 1903 273
- c _
Caldwell, J. 8., deceased Dec. 8, 1936 , 835
Galloway, Enoch, NCM June 13, 1894 163(B)
Galloway, J. 1., minor July 23, 1891 140
Galloway, W. G., deceased Dec. 10, 1888 109
' Camp, Paul, NCM Nov. 16, 1935 820
Campbell, P.'Y., deceased Oct. 7, 1920 569
Campbell, Sara Lee; Tigert, minors Oct. 20, 1913 424
Cannon, Cdlie Faye, minor Feb. 22, 1923 607
Garter, Albert, NCM Nov. 19, 1894. 164
Carter, Dan, NCM . . . Sept. 15, 1929 717
Carter, Den, NCM April 4, 1923 614
Carter, Louis 5., deceased Jon. 4, 1926 657(3)
Cason, Billie, minor April 7, 1928 697
Queen, J. M., deceased Sept. 14, 1927 690
Cason, John and Leo, miners July 3, 1878 11
Ceson, John M., deceased April 14, 1927 683
' Cason, J. W., deceased Doc. 17, 1877 9
Coach, John W., deceased June 9, 1925 649 ‘
Cason, Mary John, minor March 13, 1930 726
Cason, W. M., deceased Jam. 3, 1888 96

11121112c1s111110r110r 1411911-...__.__D_a__t..o.___Fi_1_e.d____________c_a.so 112.: '
Ceson, Washington, minor July 3, 1878 12
Ceson, Washington, miner June 9, 1884 68
Casen, Washintqn,' minor June 18, 1888 105
Chaddick, Charles, George and
Jim, miners March 4, 1599 210,279
Chaddick, G. M., deceased Aug. 31, 1921 586
‘ Chaddick, George 0., minor Oct. 17, 1903 279,210
Chambers, G. 0., deceased Feb. 25, 1897 186
Chambers, G. Go, deceased Rug. 17, 1932 775
Chambers, Mrs. Sallie P., deceased April 21, 1917 470(5)
Chmxbers, John G. Sr., deceasud Sept. 23, 1854 73
Cherlten, John, NCM July 1, 1901 243
Chestein, D. 3., deceased Nov. 16, 1904 290,292
Chestein, D. 3., deceased Dec. 13, 1904 292,290
Gheethan, Alice, Buford, Christine and
Glynn, minors Jan. 19, 1919 524
Cheetham,31ico,Buford,0hristino,01mne, ‘
Grace,Reymond and Virgil, minors March 22, 1910 374
Cheatham, Laura Jane, deceased Rug. 7, 1893 158
Chism, Lethe, Pink and Sam Lee, minors July 23, 1901 247,231
Chism, Lethe, Sam Lee and Wilburn
Pink, minors April 11, 1901 231,247
‘ Cherry, J. L., miner May 10, 1809 120
Cherry, Jim Coffey and John, minors ' Jen. is, 1901 232
Cherry, Eartha Genera, deceased Jan. 5, 1916 455
. Cherry, Nancy P., deceased Jan. 16, 1882 42
_ Clark, Claire, Driskel, Jendins and
Nine, minors April 13, 1928 694
Clark, Henry Hemcr, deceased Sept. 19, 1936 :31
Clerk, Jeff, NCO Oct. 10, 1903 278
‘ Clark, Thomas Jefferson, NCM Dec. 20, 1892 152
Cline, Frank I, and Ode H., minors Nov. 2, 1921 590
, Cloniger, Eattie Bell, NCM June 17, 1913 L 415
Coffey, Frinton, deceased May 2, 1834 67
Coffey, D. 9., NCM - March 31, 1936 825
Coffey, J. M., deceased April 23, 1934 799
Coffey, J. 9., deceased Sept. 27, 1933 709
Coffey, James 9., Robert M. and
William 3., minors Oct. 14, 1590 129
Coffey, Lizzie, deceased June 39, 1905 290
Coffey, Mary Ann, deceased Rug. 27, 12:96 207,208
I Coffey, nary Ann, deceased Sept. 23, 1898 202,207
~ Coffey, Mary M., deceased Oct. 16, 1929 719
, Coffey, Hilton, deceased May 27, 1915 449 ,
Coffey, Monticue, minor Oct. 16, 1911 397
Coffey, Nora, deceased Oct. 22, 1902 264
Coffey, R. M., deceased March 3, 1927 681
I ’ Coffey, Venede, minor Nov. 14, 1905 301
' Coffey, W. 3., deceased Karch 11, 1930 849
‘ Cole, Ethel, NCM Jan. 13, 1902 255 _
i 0010, Ethel, NCM Nov. 22, 1906 307
Collins, Angilina and Grant, deceased Doc. 16, 1920 573

 . , 8'1:
, 4
Efligfl&sfigwm&1&lfi___fl_l13933.3;9_C.__W_C.m9 NO.
V Collins, Boetric: and Clurin, minors June 17, 1914 135
Collins, Leatrico and Clurin, minors Sept. 12, 191% 440
Collins, Eodferd, NCM April 12, 1897 169,201(A)
Collins, Zedferd, Nell March 15, 1696 201(6) ,
Celllns, C. T., deceased March 30, 1907 312 '
Collins, Clyde and Lonnie, minors March 29, 1907 313
Collins, Stephens, deceased Oct. 26, 1891 02
Conly, Dollie,Ettio and George,minors ‘ April 3, 1902 257
Cenly, T. R., deceased Feb. 9, 1537 92
‘ Conner, Mrs. E. 6., deceased Jan. 14, 1897 1:4
Connor, Mrs. E. J., deceased Aug. 4, 1908 344
Connor, J. M., deceased May 6, 1937 337 _
Connor, R. H., NCM Sept. 25, 1909 36%
Connor, Hrs, S‘phrenie,-deceesed Dec. 8, 1919 560
Conner, T. 0., deceased Oct. 4, 1693 159
Connor, William Monroe, deceased Sept. 13, 1902 260,261
Connor, William Honroe, deceased Sept. 27, 1902 i261,260
Cooper, Frank, Lemon and Minnie,minors Oct. 2, 1882 45,59
CooPer,Frenklin,Lemen and Minnie,minors July 5, 1633 59,45
Cepeller, Lizzie, deceased April 1, 1930 728
Cousey, Adeline, deceeSed March 3, 1697 165
Cox, George, Jones, Jeff L., Johnnie
end Lizzie, minors Dec. 7, 1381 40
Cox, Georgie Lee, James, Jeff L.,
' Johnnie and Lizzie, minors Jan. 23, 1038 101
. Cressland, Charles, minor aug. 22, 1910 300
' Crossland, Marvin Richard, miner Sept. 3, 1910 341
'Crowdor, Beatrice, NCM April 22, 1935 312
Crowder, Hollis and Reyfield, minors fipril 12, 1931 753
Crowder, Lillie; Themes, miners June 27, 1913 119
Croweor, Nollie, deceased May 3, 1932 771
Crump, h. 6., deceased Nov. 20, 1931 762(8)
Curry, Bernnie, Charlie, Paulinne and _
' Willie, miners Jan. 3, 1917 474
Curry, Bertha, ioceesed Harch 31, 1919 529(3)
Curry,Derethy§Taylor,Semmie,miners May 19, 1919 530(3)
Curry, Mary E., deceased Nov. 25, 1912 413
_ D -
Daniels, Avver, Grover, Melvor and ,
Tullio; Freeman, Clarence, minors Hey 21, 1910 377 ,
Daniels, Laura Jane, deceased; vaer,
Grover, Mnlvar and Tullia, miners Nov. 22, 1909 369(A)
Daniels, Earths, mintr April 30, 1883 55
Derby, James and W. F., minors Jan. 1, 1378 10
' Deughtery, Monk and Wife, deceased april 21, 1903 272
Deughtory, Monk and wife, deceased July 22, 1905 300
" Davis, Charley, George, Mary and
, halter, minors Jen. 19: 1903 271
Davis, Cloysa and Floye E., minors March 99 1917 *90
Davis, Clyde, Howard and Newol, miners Jan. 12, 1923 601

 ’ 5
11s12122.129.6193.:s9§~1_lli.s9£__9r11xnniinmmm__.Pnt_.0...F...i.l_0___d .__._.____.__§_C:s_0 110.;
Drvis, J. 3., deceased Feb. 5, 1931 739
Davis, Jilos D. and Mahala, deceased May 7, 1923 617
Davis, Mary Edna, deceased Jul. 19, 1912 2102(5)

' Davis, Royce Lee, miner Feb. 9, 1914 429(3)
Day, Cleo, J. D. and Newt, miners Feb. 159 1920 55,5
Dey,Glee,J.D.,Leld and fint¢,miners Oct. 22, 1917 493
Danton, Henry, minor Dec. 18, 1888 111
Beaten, I. 5., deceased Dec. 1, 1:30 29
DeFord, Nelen 3., deceased May 25, 1923 618
Dennis, Janos H., deceased Feb. 20, 1922 583
Dennis, James H., deceased April 6, 1922 593
Dickson, Sylviste, NCM Dec. 30, 1907 330
Dixon, Mattie, NCM Sept. 19, 1935 813
Docknry, L. P., deceased Doc. 19, 1582 47
Donaldson, John and Lou, miners Jan. 14, 1884 63
30559 OSCurg NON June 25, 1917 L 473
Dunlap, Gilbert, minor July 6, 1906 303(D)
Dyer, Addie Irene, Dulcie, Janos and

Mary, miners Aug. 25, 1914 _ 437

‘ Dyer,nddic L.,Beatrice,3u1ah,Dulcie,

Jim L. and nary R., minors hug. 26, 1916 469
Dyer, Leetrice, eartha and

Beulah, miners Dec. 16, 1917 507
Dyer, Dulcy, Jimmie L. and

Mary, minors Jan. 6, 1919 523

. _ E - ’
Easloy, Felix Jr., minor May 9, 1911 390
Eaton, Juhn N. and Will A., minors nug. 5, 1901 249
Edney,n.D.,Cornelius and ESque,miners Jan. 13, 1927 679
Edney,A.D.,Ccrnelius and ESque,miners Nov. 6, 1937 844
Edward, Chancelor and Mary

Francis, miners Sept. 18, 1914 443
Edward, Mrs. Mattie, NCM Oct. 11, 1920 570
Edwards, Chancelor and Mary

Francis, minors July 1, 1919 536
Elliot, Bessie Brown and Mary, minors Dec. 13, 1880 28
Ellis, Ada Judson, Frona Alice, Joseph

‘ A. and Ore L., minors March 85 1892 146
Ellis, Jeseph, Luke and Sophrine,minors Feb. 11, 1890 124
Ellis, Sallie 13., deceased Feb. 3, 1915 438(3)
Ellis, Johnnie and Willie, minors Sept. 4, 1902 259
Ellis, W. M., deceased Aug. 29, 1895 172,146
Evans, A. H., deceased . Oct. 4, 1900 228
Evans, Eddie; Henderson, miners July 23, 1929 715
Evans, Edna H., Eugene, Josie L.,

Mannie E. and Nora M., minors Jun. 16, 1900 220
Everett, James M., deceased March 30, 1939 858
Everett, Lewis, deceased Sept. 14, 1599 317

, Everett, Lewis, NCM May 4, 1926 655
swing, sill, NCM Sept. 20, 1916 L 4720.)

! - e
N5i£9£§.129£Q§:.§29.2.11L1.119{193.991.15.119._,_____.,Q§l§{-§j;l.°md 1____MG_I18.9;_N£:.
‘ Ferghar, William D. R., minor ‘ Aug. 23, 1877 6
, Farrell, Almeida, minor Jan. 25, 1902 256
Farrier, H. M., deceased July 26, 1926 668
Farrier. 5- B" tuberoular April 21, 1928 700
Farrier, Janos C., minor Oct. 12, 1901 250
. Farrier. John .13., deceased Nov. 26, 1928 704-
Farrier, Mrs. Lure H., deceased Oct. 8, 1924 641
, Fielder, Cecil, Cyrus and Lillie
Dora, minors July 23, 1925 654
Fielder, Russian Beaugerd, deceased April 3, 1909 359
Flatt, Mrs. Beckie, NCM Feb. 9, 1909 358
Flatt, Juhn, NGM Feb. 18, 1905 335
Fleming, Charley Jr., Ella Mae, Leo,
, T. c. and Vera, minors Dec. 13, 1917 497(3)
Fleming, Squire, deceased Jan. 8, 1098 197,198
Fleming, Squire, deceased Jan. 8, 1698 193,197
Flemings, Leo and T. 0., minors Aug. 29, 1925 655
; Flemistor, Earnest T., deceased Dec. 22, 1923 706
Flemistcr, Mrs. Mevcl K., deceased Feb. 5, 1908 391
Flemistcr, Ruth, NCM Oct. 16, 1920 571
‘ Fletcher, Eduard, Leon and Lucille,
miners Dec. 31, 1930 736
Fletcher, Mntthcy, NCM Jan. 22, 1931 736
Flinn, M. A., deceased Aug. 4, 1:98 203
Floyd, Ethel, Huey, Louise, Vivienne .
, and Keeley, minors Nov. 22, 1917 502 .
- Fomby, Abrehgm Brinklin Cornelius and
' \ Mary Jlizeboth, minors March 9, 1533 57,34 1
Fomby, Abraham B. C., fidora end - V
, ‘ Elizabeth, minors Sept. 7, 1881 34,57 '
‘ Femby, Abraham Cornelius and Elizabeth
Brinklin, miners dug. 26, 1361 35 ‘
Foster, George, NCM Feb. 13, 1383 50 ‘
‘ May, Minola and Newt. E., minors May 17, 1920 545
Franklin, Bertha, NCM June 15, 1935 515
Franklin, Louis, NCM July 7, 1935 616 ‘
Frazier, Pearl, NCM Sept. 5, 1922 L 596(B) 1
Freeman,Alvie,Cecil and Lleyd,minors Aug. 31, 1911 396
Freeman, Clarence, miner May 27, 1916 ' 369(3) ;
Freeman,01hrgnccg see Daniels,
minors , ‘ May 21, 1910 377
‘ Freeman, Dovio, nlizebeth, James and
William, miners Feb. 11, 1929 708
, Freeman, Jimmie, Mack, Mnric and A a
" Vivian, miners April 12, 19;» 71:
, ; Freeman, John P., deceased Jan. 2, 1833 “go
Freeman, Vorgio, deceased Jan. 11, 1911 005
3 French, Claud and Robert Lee, miners Feb. 17, 1931 74?
‘ French, Mrs. Lillie, deceased Jan. 289 1921 J79 ,
E French, Robert Lee, minor Sept. 27. 1?33 778
Friday, Burn and Mary, miners Aug. 17, 1913 517(A) ‘

f 7
: 9.021122922211111L0L91-L111110.____Lu Filed 09-80 No-
. f Galloway, Austin, Lawrence, Leta and
' Thurnan, minors April 26, 1907 319
‘ Galloway, Austin, Lawrence, Leta and
Thur an, minors April 8, 1910 376
. Galloway, Austin and Thurnan, minors Sept. 17, 1911 444
Gallaway, Christine, Iva, Janos ‘
Alford and Myrtis, minors March 24, 1920 559
‘ Galloway, Lawrence and Leta, minors Oct. 13, 1919 471(0)
‘ Gallauay, Leta, minor Sept. 10, 1914 439
‘ Galloway, Mattie, deceased Oct. 8, 1906 346
. Galloway, Mrs. Mollie Ida, deceased Jun. 14, 1907 310
Gallaway, Mollie, deceased Aug. 6, 1913 513
Galloway, Miss N. 3., ROM Oct. 2, 1909 365
.' Gnllcupo, Bell, Ida, Lizzie, Nottic,
01c. and Velmcr, minors July 3, 1901 240
. ’ Galloway, Arthur B. and Marvin,
minors Doc. 16, 1093 161
Gallotay, W. J., deceased Nov. 29, 1893 160 ,
Gnlston, Snernan, minor Feb- 20, 1697 183
Garrett, Bonnie and Jim, minors Feb. 17, 1927 660
, Gary, Mary, minor March 9, 1697 157
‘ Gountt, Boyd and Lloyd, minors Oct. 0, 1910 521(A)
Gauntt, J. 0., NCH . April 6, 1926 662 1
Gauntt, J. 0., deceased April 109 1928 690
Gerbnnty, Patrice, NCM March 27, 1913 L 416
Gibson, Robert J., NCM April 7, 1924 627 ‘
c , -Gilcs, G. P., 19011 Dec. 19, 1901 253 1
Gilliam, J. D. and Joe, deceased June 11, 1921 581 ‘
. Gilmore, H. D. L., deceased March 30, 1923 612 i
Gilstrap, Lou, NCM , Aug. 10, 1931 757 3
1 Gilstrap, Olin J., minor Dec. 29, 1&79 18 .
Gilstrap, Mrs. Viola, NOE Juno 5, 1917 L 492
Gilstrap, Wyley, minor Larch 22, 1899 160 1
6125s, Mrs. C. 8., deceased June 5, 1916 464
Glass, Lolic., deceased bep‘t. 29, 1910 332(1)
Glass, Mrs. M. C. see Guess, deceased May 15, 1935 814
Glover, Dennie, deceased Nov. 14, 1902 265 1
‘ Glover, Nettie, N01; March 10, 1-901 236 \
Godbolt, Levi, deceased Nov. 23, 1937 045 ;
Godscy, J. W., deceased Sept. 17, 1912 411 1
Grab, Audry and Indiana, minors Aug. 14, 1908 345
~ Gray, Sandy, deceased July 6, 1933 706
~.- Green, Della, MGM June 25, 1917 L 474 ,
‘ Green, J. “1., 2101-5 Feb. 27, 1.196 .10
‘ Grindel, Sara E., deceased Jan- 59 1914 430 .
Guess, Mrs. M. C. sao’Gloss, deceased May 15: 1935 91?
Guess, T. J., deceased flay 15, 1914 409
Guffcy, Emma, Opal and Valle ,
, Mac, minors Jan. 309 1923 605 ,
9 Gunn, Alice and Dulane2 minors DOC- 229 1937 846 '1
Gunn, W. H., NCM May 8, 1931 751
Gurley, Mrs. énn Narcissa, NCM Oct. 23, 1080 . 26
i .

g 8
; dainfldlecleew‘e112192.192111181119111. . Dr. 12.311195m______ Case N ‘
i .__
: Haggard, Howard and J. W., miners Oct. 25, 1934 804
5 Hell, Mrs. C. G., NOB Sept. 17, 1917 486
3 Hell, Charles Williad, NCM Oct. 20, 1903 282
‘ Hanks, Thomas, NCM Kay 23, 1932 772
‘ Henson, Eva Adell, epileptic June 3, 1932 774
g Hargett, 11. 13., deceased July 20, 1515 ' 452(5)
, Hargett, Dick, Frank, Jake, Mannie end
‘ I'Jattie, minors Jug. 1, 1915 3153(5) ‘
; Hargott, Hrs. Georgia, NCM Earch 26, 1923 611
1 Hargett, Georgia, MGM July 5, 1929 713
‘ Hargett, J. E., deceased Jan. 7, 1927 678
3 Harkey, Mrs. Rhoda; Powell, J. R. and
‘ P. E., deceased May 26, 1926 666
Harrell, Artie.Ray, Floyd and 1
Roy, minors Oct. 25, 1917 499
Harrell, Artie Ray and Roy, minors April 1, 1919 531
3 Harris, Jessie, deceased Oct. 26, 1928 703
1 Harris, Jessie L., minor Sept. 30, 1881 36
Harrison, Raymond, minor ‘ Oct. 20, 1911 398
Hart, Annie, NCM May 14, 1895 169
Hart, G. D., deceased Feb. 23, 1921 577
' Hart, Mrs. H. M., deceased i,pt. 16, 1927 589
Hart, J. 5., deceased Aug. 7, 1895 171 ‘
v Hart, Lula, deceased July 20, 1911 392
Hart, T. E., minor Nov. 28, 1890 131
Harvey, Beebe, deceased Feb. 2, 1883 86(5) "
-Hervey, Bessie, Hinton and Ruth, minors July 21, 1906 305
7 Harvey, Elenor, John, Pat and 1
Susan, minors Oct. 4, 1887 88(B) ;
, Hervey, Winferd see Terrell .
‘ minors et :1 Oct. 10, 1903 277 )
Hersell, J. F., NCM July 30, 1921 584
' Hess, John Luther, NCM Sept. 6, 1919 L 537
. Hess, W. H., NCM July 16, 1929 714
Hayes, Bush, Jack, Jennie and
Net, minors July 11, 1904 288 .
Hayes, George W., deceased April 8, 1896 178 ‘
. Heygood, Beulah, NCM April 24, 1929 729
Haygood, Mattie, NCM Nov. 4, 1920 L 572 1
Hazel, Leander, NCM March 12, 1935 810
Heard, J. 0., deceased , Oct. 1, 1913 421(5) ‘
Heard, J. T., deceased April 4, 1912 403
Heard, Joe 3., deceased Jan. 1, 1920 04
Hodick, Alfred and Herbert, minors March 5, 1914 432
‘ Henderson, Hrs. Abbie, NCM Sept. 27, 1919 522
Henderson, Bunyan M., minor Jan. 24, 1910 372 ‘
Henderson, Cinda, Lizzie, Minnie
and Tommie, minors dug. 20, 1910 379 ;
” Henderson, Fred, deceased Oct. 9, 1937 843 :
1 Henderson, Mrs. Georgie, deceased Oct. 25, 1926 673 ,
; henderson, Humphrey G., deceased June 18, 1917 492(A) 7
Henderson, J. G., deceased Juno 2, 1904 287

. .
1 9
3 Name of Deceased, Minor or Lunatic Date Filed Case No.
E Henderson, James Mildred and John
E Hugh, minors Oct. 24, 1924 643
Eenderson, R. H. and R. J.; Evans,
‘ Eadie, minors July 239 1929 715
Henderson, Rebecca, deceased April 18, 1916 460
‘ Hervey, Martha, deceased Aug. 22, 1898 205
Hervey, Willie, minor Aug. 22, 1898 206
Hess,Edd Conly and Sarah Ann,minors Dec. 10, 1925 656
Higgins, Guss, epileptic Nov. 12, 1926 675
Hill, Cester, Dorothy Mae, Elbert, ‘
James E. and Rosie, minors Dec. 4, 1935 821
Hill, Charlie, MON 817
Hill, Dorothy one Tom, minors Oct. 16, 1934 802
Hill, Shade, NCM Aug. 28, 1919 L 520(8) 1
Hill, n. 5., Non Juno 2, 1921 580 3
1 Hilton, surroll, non Feb. 18, 1932 767 f
‘ Hines, Howard Holsten and Marshall
Evens, minorsu July 24, 1883 61
Hinnant, B. 0., deceased aug. 2?, 1883 62
Hinnent, Betty, Jefferson and
Robin, miners opril 26, 1892 147 1
Hinnent, Betty, Billy, Jefferson,
Myrtle and Robbin, minors April 19, 1890 125 i
Hinnent, Betty Ward, Boyington
Claudo,Jofferson Herman, Josie,
Myrtle and Robin Ruff, minors march 15, 1886 81 -
,Hinnant, Robin R., miner Sept. 6, 1899 217 ‘
Holland, Alice, deceased Jan. 9, 1909 332 1
Hood, Dora, Ell, Ellis, Joe, Lottie, i
Louis,March, Nancy, Ninna and 1
Tom, minors July 21, 1913 421(A) l
Hooper, E. 3., deceased hpril 18, 1924 632 t
H.696r, William Turner, minor April 18, 1924 631 l
HOWell, Abb., Arthur, Frank and ‘
Ollie, miners May 6, 1905 299 . i
Howell, albert and Frank, minors Sept. 11, 1915 452(8) j
Howell, Mrs. Thelma, deceased July 17, 1930 733 4
and Nathan, minors Aug. 26, 1916 468(6) }
- Huff, Joseph R., nary G., and §
Sara, miners Jan. 159 1882 41 t
Hunter, Jessie, accessed upril l, 1318 508
Hunter, Mary Ann, deceased Aug. 23, 1932 776 ,
Hussey, Kate, deceased Equ'l'a- 27: 1911 395
_ I - 1
Ingram, Billie, Daniel, Devifl and
Semis, minors April 30, 1883 56,30 ,
Ingram, J. F., deceased FOb- 11: 1381 30
Irvin, Daniel H., deceased ' Nov. 8, 1909 368
Irvin, Josephine, deceased March 13, 1900 221 _

. ' 10
‘ game qfiwgggggsgg, Ming; or Lunatic _~_ Date Filed Case No.
Irvin, Mrs. M. E., NCM April 22, 1883 51
Irvin, Mrs. M. E., non Feb. 18, 1889 118
_ J -
Jamison, Verse Lincon, minor July 30, 1924 638
Jerrell, Green and Nancy, deceased Feb. 21, 1924 626
Jerrell,Greon B.and Mrs.Nancy,deceesed Jan. 8, 1924 625
Jenkins, Charles, Kittie Bell and
Robert, minors Jan. 5, 1888 100
Jenkins, J. C., deceased Dec. 17, 1931 763
‘ Jenkins, Kittie, deceased Jan. 4, 1888 99‘
Jenkins, Lennie, minor Oct. 25, 1934 803
Jenkins, Lonnie, minor Feb. 2, 1936 823
Joters, James E., minor June 29, 1883 58 ‘
Johnson, Dugan, N611 . Nov. 3, 1933 791 T
v Johnson, Ere, NCM March 23, 1932 769
, Johnson, Mrs. Eula, NCM Dec. 2, 1890 132
Johnson, John L., MGM , April 8, 1886 8183,103,113
Johnson, John L., NON April 10, 1886 83,82
Johnson, John L., NCM April 7, 1888 103,82 ‘
- Johnson, John L., NCM Jan. 22, 1889 113,82
" Johnson, John 8., NCM Oct. 25, 1881 65 j
- Johnson, Nellie, deceased Sept. 8, 1911 394 1
Johnson, Nora Lee, NCM Jan. 9, 1896 177‘ ‘
Johnson, Victoria, deceased Dec. 17, 1916 473 x
_ . Jolley, J. L., NCM Jan. 25, 1889 115
' Jolly, Hobson, epileptic Sept. 9, 1925 660
Jones, Boston and mnurice, miners Feb. 15, 1910 373 ‘
Jones, Dick, minor ‘. ' July 30, 1896 180 7;;
Jones, Mrs. Hassie V., deceased April 11, 1919 532 1
Jones, Edwin C. (Leland), James L. 1
” (Jack), Sallie P. (Sara), Thomas 1
> P. and Whltcr A., minors July 15, 1895 170 1
Jones, M. 8., NCM April 28, 1922 594 ;
Jones, Hillard, NCM July 9, 1921 583 f
Jones,Jemos L.nnd Welter A.,minors May 12, 1900 03 §
Jones, John Tom, deceased March 24, 1903 267,269 3
. Jones, John Tom, deceased March 24, 1903 269,267 [
Jones, Josie, NCM April 22, 1914 L 434 g
'7 Jones, Sure Emogone, miner Feb. 2, 1932 766 j
Jones, Simon, deceased April 27, 1912 407 '
' ' Jones, Taylor, NCM Aug. 10, 1899 216 ‘
‘ Jenothnn, nay, NCM Feb. 3, 1934 794 i
_ K - i
Kelley,Francis,0ra and Rebecca,minors March 6, 1916 458 f
Kelly, Floyd, non Juno 4, 1933 786
Kennedy, Bernard and Mary, miners May 8, 1924 634 g
.. 7 Key,Bertus,John,Lcla B.,R.H. and _ L
*1 Willard,minors; R. H., deceased July 16, 1901 246 5
‘ 1

g 1
E 11
' 5 §2@2_2§_29&22221112222;21;£2§21121.__,__.1£§£LEEA££L____ .1 Case No-
: Key, Francis Scott, minor Feb. 14, 1919 525 j
3 Keys, Janie, deceased Sept. 2, 1914 430(1) 1
3 Knoiff,Edgnr,Hicks and Virginia,minors Sept. 11, 1917 494 J
Knight, Gladys Boll, NCM March 18, 1931 75:9
. 1 ; Knight, Mollie, deceased March 21, 1935 311 3
, ; - L - E
‘ . Lackey, William, deceased Sept. 16, 1003 275 j
. 1 Landtrip, Lilly, Rufus ani T0mmic,minors Oct. 18, 1920 572 1
Lasater, LTS. J. D., NCM April 25’ 1926 554 ‘
, LawhOrn, Noah, minor July 28, 1698 202 1
Lawson, Carrie, deceased April 24, 1917 é7l(B) W
‘ Leach, Francis, minor Oct. 17, 1927 693 i
1 Learss, Ellen, Flora Georgia and 1
. Lula, minors Oct. 22, 1231 33 1
Learas, Matilda Jane, deceased Nov. 8, 1001 37 S
L00, Amos, deceased Sept. 15, 1909 363 1
L03, Ella, NCLE April 16, 1'326 663 if
. Lee, Ella, NCH April 3, 1936 705 . 1
Lee, fimnalinc, NCM Oct. 6, 1933 790 ;
Leeves, A. J., gscoasod Sept. 27, 1926 671 3
L03ves,‘flrfihur, Bulah, Dovio and P
. chrys Mobiniol, Ray, mincrs May 7, 1897 190 E
Leevee, Aliga, Guy, Lirl, Odie, 1
:4 I Ravil and Vcrgil, minors July 8, 1901 214 Q
~ vLoovos, Walter, NCM Nov. 13, 1933 792 l
Legg, Dorothy, minor gay 20, 191; 511 1
~ . Logg, Dorothy, minor Juno 10, 1925 652 1
V Logg, Dorothy, minor Doc. 4, 1929 723 f
V ~ ‘ ’ Legg, W. M., flccaosod Jan. 10, 1900 210,223,241 1
’ Lagg, w. 2., deceased- July 20, 1900 223,218 1
Logg, w. r., dccoasod Aug. 21, 1900 2&l,218 l
. Lewis, Andruw, Becky, Ella, Goorgo 1
and Jim, minors Oct. 14, 1908 348 F
Lowis, Anna, dccoascd Aug- 10, 1913 510,544 1
Lewis, Ben, d000ascd Jan. 26, 1938 845 1
Lewis, Beulah, Jodcll, Margaret 1
and Sybil, minors April 28: 1938 851 1
Loris, Doroihy and Georgia, minors Jan. 16, 1925 646 E
Lewis, Emma and James Ellis, minors July 20, 1897 193 1
Lowis, J. W., dccoased MCTCh 30: 1923 613 a
Lewis, John, deceased June 27: 1923 621 1
Lewis, Margarot Y., docoasod Augo 26, 1555 87 ‘
Lewis, Mollie, deceased SOPt- 239 1888 108 l
Lilloy, J. 0., NGM Aug- 17, 1931 758 1
Lindsey,hnita,01ydo and Eunico,minors Dec. 23, 1913 426 g
.' , Lindsey, Marcus, minor June 14: 1923 V 619 Q
,1 1 Lindsay, Marcus, minor Jan. 7: 1925 644(3) 1
~« 7 Lindsey, w. 2., deceased Sept- 27, 1924 640 a
”‘ Linwood, Luke, deceased 50Pt° 159 1919 541 g
Littlofiold, Grady and Ira, minors March 8, 1919 528 1

12 ‘
J flgmg_9§_2§ceasgd,ufiingr_or 1355312 _Qgte Filed Case No. J
. J Legan, Etta, minor Nov. 20, 1891 142,143,144 g
J Logan, Etta, minor Nov. 23, 1891 143,142 J
J Logan, Etta, minor Jan. 7, 1892 144,142 J
J Loggn, J. F., deceased May 4, 1005 74(A) t
. J Long, D. F., deceased May 25, 1885 74(B) J
J Lovelady, L. J., deceased Feb. 23, 1923 608 g
. J ‘Lowe, Leora, NCM July 15, 1888 107 J
; - M,- J
% Malone, Boll, NCM April 5, 1916 457,951(A) J
J Malone, Mrs. Bell, NCM Jan. 20, 1923 602,509 . J
: Malone, Mrs. Bell, NCM March 2, 1923 609,602 J
3 Malone, Bell, NCM May 5, 1916 461 J
, Malone, Mrs. J. 3., men Dec. 31, 1609 370 J
1 Malone, Mrs. J. 3., men Jun. 15, 1912 399 J
. Malone, Mrs. J. 3., N09 May 6, 1915 451(A),457 J
' Mars, Ann Fredenie, Carrie Ozelln, J
John Benjamin, Minnie Leela and J
I Thomas Claudius, miners May 30, 1&33 60 J
’ Mars, Fredenia dnn, deceased Jan. 30, 1883 52 J
1 Mars, Nathan 3., deceased July 8, 1916 $67 J
J Mars, Nathan Gilbert, minor Sept. 4, 1916 471(5) J
' Martin, Chesley, minor Dec. 23, 1890 134
1 Martin, Biggie, deceased; Fay, . J
' Folece and Joseph, miners Feb. 28, 1914 931 J
‘ Martin,Wi11ie§Richeson, Elsie,miners June 30, 1909 362 J
3 Mason, Bonnie, Jewatt, Juan, J 1
‘ ' Lucille, Ludy and Paul, minors Sept. 30, 1919 542(9) J
. MatheWs, Clurin and May Dell, miners Jan. 8, 1850 19 J
g Mathews, J. H., dcconscd April 6, 1923 615 J
Mathews, Louis, minor Dec. 12, 1904 291 J
Mathews, Oliver A., deceased March 5, 1879 13 J
Mathews, Thelma, minor Aug. 20, 1914 $36 3
hathews,ha1ter James and Willie,minors Jan. 8, 1880 20 J
May, Nancy 0., docenscd April 11, 1907 315 J
McCoy, Lem, NCM Sept. 16, 1876 4 l
McDaniel,Catherine and Edna,miners Aug. 18, 1931 759 J
McDaniel, Ellen, deceased Nov. 10, 1876 5 J
' McDaniel, J. r. and T. 9., minors May 15, 1391 138 J
McDaniel, Marcus W., deceased; J
Buster 1nd Myrtle, miners July 20, 1904 289 J
J McDaniel, Ray; Leeves, minors May 7, 1897 190 J
‘ McDonald, Mrs. Effie, deceased Jan. 23, 1929 603 j
McDonald, Mrs. Judith Francis,deceesed Aug. 2