xt7b5m62824j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b5m62824j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1986 1986 1986-10-07 2020 true xt7b5m62824j section xt7b5m62824j t l i
I Vot. XCS, No. a University of Kentuckyyuxmgton. Kentucky Independent since "71 TM: W 7: l9“ .
O "‘___ o
Ire epal tillellt 0 OkS “There’salot more [J 1" U 0f L SCCklng
work involved to 2
answeringanalarm transplant program -' =
for false alarm s ources ' -'
th . ’ . . . ' ' , 1 .
Vere .[t 5300“” LOUISVILLE: rAPi — Surgical come a clinical reality. but some. . ‘ ,
' . . Situation in many teams ‘l‘l‘ L'K and the University of where along the line there will be a 2 ' ‘ .
' ,, Louisvi e are taking tentative steps breakthrough. and frankly. 1 want to 2 .3 , ' -'. ' .
v Of flClalS try to cut down on mallce alarms ways. motoring not]... tampon..- b..m.i.gmundiim.~ , . - ., ,, . r
. Wally Skiba. lhfiflehospltatls I ll . bl VGray believes heart-lung trail.» , q"
if) KARI-3N PHILLIPS ”The University needs to PUsh a Whatever the numbers may be. Human Resource Services '6 Opera ""1 "‘“ . W“ “W“ " 9'3"“ “‘“ "9mm” “3"“ "'r 5"“ "‘“ " . ‘r ' ,
StaffWriter Program that encourages the Slll' most false alarms are limited to only at a few major medical-re- cause the “limb” 0‘ palmmM13mg ‘ r .' ‘
dents not to tamper with the fire de- three or four buildings on campus __ search centers. with fewer than 60 of from lung diseases is much smaller _ ' . - . ' , .
A recent increase in the numberVoi tection systems.“ he said. “I'm sure and the causes are equally limited, tion." he said “l think a large ma- “.16 procedures being completed than those “‘1“ d“ m‘m hum “L‘- . -- ' ' ' .
- false fire alarms has sparked an in- if the students made up their minds. said Paul Harrison. L'K police chief. joritv lS tampering.“ worldwide , ease I -' ' ‘ 1'
.‘ vestlgation by the Lexington Fire the malicious false alarms would “Most false alarms are mechani- ‘ 1‘ “I“ probably be at 1835‘ a 2‘83" Doctors hm“ ”mun“ “‘ ”m" lung I . 2 . ‘.
. Department into the source stop." cal. few are accidents and some are Purposefully activating a false before a heun‘ly‘g transplant .‘5 dlseas“ pawn“ “r mm“ “‘h“ ‘luum‘ .' 7 I ‘ 2 ‘
From January to September of "You may think that‘s had.” said pulled by someone being mischie— fire alarm on campus is largelv performed “‘ 4““15“.H“5p‘““ or M“ for hum ‘r‘m‘pl‘mb “m ‘wmm I ' ' V 7 ‘ " “
i 19%. the number of malice fire Garry Beach. director of the office vous.”Harrison said. done by students. Harrison said. The ‘31” Ch‘lhdren‘ HOSp‘Edl. 1‘,‘ “on“ have them Decay” 0‘ “m“ pmh‘ ' ‘ ".“‘ I ‘
i alarms was 19 and the number of of fire and accident prevention. The increase in mechanical prob. rash of alarms during finals week is H le. alt ough both ha“ approval lems. sa‘d Dr “d‘wm Md“. Chlef ,' 9' 7 '
. mechanical was 66- By 19862 from ”But when you take thousands 0f lems stems from the number of fire “an easy access for creating an in- from statlehealth planners. . . ofheartandlung surgeryat L“ l 2 - ‘
I January to September. malice fire smoke detectors and fire alarms and detection systems being installed. lerI‘Uption"hesaid, ()fflCia s have also approved Va [know at) percentmortality looks . ,. 1 ‘ . .
.' alarms reached 26. while there were 10 to 12 thousand people going In anti Skiba said. - heart-lung program for LK s Medl~ high. bill it is better than the alter» V ‘V ‘ . . 2H
95 alarms resulting from a mechani- out.it's not so bad." "I think there‘s been an increase The finals week false alarm phe- VCal tenter. which has yet to perform native of certain death. Todd said . ' . ‘ 1 I, '.i'
' cal defect inthe alarm. However. the numbers are exces- because more smoke detectors have nomenon m0stly occurs because "5 firstheartVtransplant ()ne 0‘ U“ ‘ pawn“ “h" “Tm-"d ' _ ‘ 2 . . 5
. There has been a drastic increase 5.“er McDaniel said."t‘lose to 90 per- been installed for safetv regula» "someone hasn't studied and thinks While healt transplants have be- a heart-lung transplant at Johns 3 _ ~ . _ .- - 2,
‘ lll the number of false alarms on cent of our activity on campus is W. tlons.” he said. “The more you its .2.‘ great way to interrupt the come commonplaceV. lung trans» Hopkins illustrated the problems a.» . ~ . . '-
' campus over the past three years. spOnding toa false fire alarm. There have. the more mechanical prob- ‘95" Beach said. plants are relative._v "8.“ Lung soc1ated “Em suchtransplams . “ . 3 I ‘ 2,:
' said Earl R. McDaniel. chief of the has been a drastic increase over the lemsthat will result.“ Th 2 - ' transplants have been performed m Janice (rawford 0‘ “ hme‘ (”un' . ~ ' ' 2
. . .. e consequences or false hm the last five vears and mu hlv 50 t' 26 H d lmOs' 'e2 t ths ‘ 2 2‘
: Lexington Fire Department. past threeyears. Construction and cigarette smoke alarms are more than just a loss of t t ~ ’ ‘.‘ f th g '~ - "' ' ‘ e f“ “ b w“ ”."n . -‘ ‘ '. ' . ' » 2
And in response to this. the Lex— The Lexington Fire Department are two main causes of smoke detec- production‘ Skiba said "There's a perceri .0 9" percent .0 . e reClpi- after 1““ “pem‘l‘m hu.‘ “W“ "“n ‘1 ‘i ' " 2
. ”‘3th Fayette (‘ounty Fl"? Depart responds to every fire alarm on [K tors lulst‘l." being set off. Beach lot more work involved to answering en“,h‘-““ died “1mm d year Of the when her Md} “1°C“, m“ 'i‘m‘" ’ .-‘ " V
‘ lilt-nt has begun an investigation “to campus. he said. "At least two sta said an alarm than just driving Over Operation . . .. lungs . ' . - » ' ~ 2
fiild out what‘s causmg all the mal- trons send out six to seven trucks for A big problem is students. while in there." he said. ”"5 a costly situa- Doctors find ltVVmore difficult ‘9 She was born mm a lhv‘m ”we“ 3 . , . 2‘ .
. functions.“ he said. The investiga- every fire alarm activated.“ he the lobbv or waiting for an elevator tionin manvwavs .. - detect a patients rejection of a that increased the bloot. pl‘t‘>\urt‘ in -. ' . . _
tion is expected to be completed in said or Just sitting in the halls “unkno - donor lung than rejection of a tram- her lungs. damaging blood vessels . . _ _ .
fivetosix months. Wally Skiba. director for L'K ulnglv blowing cigarette smoke into Financial costs. pOSSibilitLV of acc1- planted heart Many medical cen- and decreasmg the” am”) 10 ab- ‘ ~ - - ‘.‘ ‘
The number of false alarms could Human Resource 59”..ch said. the detectors.”hesaid. dents. loss of response time to real “3’5 “9“ transplant both organs. sorb oxygen ‘. . .3 - V
be decreased if the University Vmuld “There are more false fire alarms McDaniel said that vandalism ls alarms and apathy toward fire even if the heart 15 relatively She was 80099“?de 3 PWSpeChVe , . _, - _
see it as the serious situation that it than we‘d like to have. but not an the cause “f many fire alarms alarms are just a few of the prob- heal‘h‘la G th L' , t donor pattienit lndlBl'H. bil‘lhlllltigk two - ‘~ . ‘
..Nl'D' l.‘ald t.” .. ._ - ‘ - - . ,_ . , . ,, r 'man ray. e mVEFSl} years 0 ”K a onor le er re- . ' -
l\ t anle s excessiieamoun “i dont think its all malfunc 56L ALARMS. Page L of Louisville surgeon who performed covery was good. the problems doc- « . . 2 2
. _ ' "" _———_—'— the state‘s first heart transplant at tors had in detecting rejection of the ' . ~.
. . Jewish. said the hospital that car- lungs eventually led to her death. ‘ . .
- * ries out the first heart-lung trans- according to the Johns Hopkins .
. » ’ .; plant in the region could benefit medicalteam ‘ V ’
:3 ' from publicity. Another problem is finding donor . 1
2 1" ~ But he says the operation Wlll lungs. which can easily be damaged ' '
. .- I. V have to be approved by review ifdeprlved ofblood very long. 2 . -
A .3 , “3:” . boards at the schools and hospitals ‘ . .
"I. _ . w a lo?! 3;; , , .' . . to make sure patients understand Researchers at Pittsburgh and [K
r, , Q, ”as: ‘ .. .. 2. I ,n» 2.” the risks. are experimenting with a machine ‘ - .
y. c- 6?” “a . . .3 5,“; ‘ (“Tipsy-1%..» j}; c2 L: sf; .. "The results could really be dis- that keeps fluids. moving through the I .
_‘ ,3 V. j ' .. fl’. . ‘ . ' ”‘3‘“ ‘2. “"21. 2.52.}...firiw'g; mal. and what kind of publiClty heart and lungs. possibly allowing . ‘
fig - ' 2‘ 5‘2 "‘ a: L”, ’ ' , 93‘ .3 would that be?" Gray said. ”This is them to function outside the body for . _
“ ‘ “ g" u)“ ‘ Q. “ ‘ {:.g g. L ' ' still highly experimental. I expect it as long as 24 hours Todd said L'K's . 2
. 2’ 32 ii® 2 x ‘V i... will be at least five years before research has been confined to ani- ‘ ~ " « ,
’ '2'. “2“ ‘ ' . r ' heart-lung transplantation will be mals . , -‘
2 .e‘: - f -. _ . . ,
re .< . . .. 2 UK (1 b t t m f ll ' ' 1'
Vii V _ ‘ ‘ ,. 3:; H :«LQ;’§.".-w -- V . . f. l _ I V' V.
. in quarter ma round , . .
‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ “2&2 ~13 . . "‘2 ‘35 0 ' I I ‘
~ , i . at V anderbllt tourney . . . ,
3'“; . up?“ ‘= ; . 3 -‘: “ 4,,- :j:= ‘ ‘ . ' I ‘ , . .~
xi. “2‘ 7 if.» . ‘ " ‘ B)(‘..\.lil'.\.\’l-ZBti.\'ll-‘I'ZR Wlnnlng the thrtedav tournament - . . 3 .
:4- 3*“ ”3‘1“ a, stilts. , .- W? 2 2 Staff “I‘llt‘l‘ which had 75 debate teams from .. 2 . - .. . .
“ . ‘ ‘ ' “Q? “‘ ‘2 .~ ‘ ‘3‘ “£1. h‘.fi.§““‘“ . , i , ‘ <- s ' ' ‘ = ‘ ' j ‘
2v ft“ , . . .. _ 2 ’ “2 f; it!“ ‘ « The L'K debate team of Eric hup- m0” ‘than .3“ “h",‘m' ELSE“ the . ' ' ,‘_,
z, ., L ‘ N ‘2 . ’ .. ' ’ ferberg and Scott Hodges bowed out cotlntl) debating Vie ties om: of f . . .
i V ngfl 22’2" ”a: _ . . “1‘77: to Northwestern in the quarterfinals ‘prm “n" “l“ Wm“ hupft r “g j 'V ‘ . V ‘
tfl‘u *‘*““*§“3§s a» "f: ’ ' of the Vanderbilt Invitational De- *‘l‘f‘ .. .. h . -l ’l'h . . .2 . ‘: 3 ' - -
2 to _",2;_ 2313‘: .2 ‘.i’5‘i~"‘:;-;ii d ‘l“" j ‘QfiH‘fl. a . ' bate Tournament last weekend. [”m‘"[”“ m“ 1“ "mluf‘ T “I: ‘ . . ‘ ' -‘
_ . .‘ ~ 3* as? 3. ~ ~ b 2' ‘§ ‘ "‘ "‘_ ‘2‘2 w, «- .‘ ‘ ‘ Going into the tournament. Kup- oughbred “QUIT“ Rom” 1“ “‘1‘ 0U“ ' . ' . y - .' . »
~ ,.t. ’5‘ at» , s. ~ . M L t. . w .. ~ , 3 M1»: ' :2" . , , , nament at (alntlhall House “Ill get .. _- . . .. .2
. tr 4' W- .. a... __ “a. are it .- 5st . r , .. a... . . -. .. p ,. ferberg and Hodges were among the _ . . .. , . . .1 . 3 .
,t‘ (my! . g... .25“ . . . .» 3 Jam. > . Vim V, {-5 . . . . , under via} “1”] the [h lntclcolle- .’ , . , - -,
. . V. 1 e . ‘. L. , “fight, .( , ‘- . , V. .. f . .. we!” _ 2.: .. favorites toclaimflrst place. -t x I”). w Pro mm wrung m lb. , - . . . ,
x m ; . V f , 1o ‘3’. . . . we. ’ After accumulating a 7-1 preclim- gall“; “ g ’ ‘ . -. . . : ,‘ .
. ‘ ' ' , ‘ ' " 2‘ _V ination slate. the debate duo entered 2‘ ;.- _ . , W _ .v - . . ' L:
‘ ‘1‘ ~ 'i 2 . ’ the elimination rounds heating “”9“!“ h‘ '1):‘i‘lj:_‘V:"'V.”t‘;_ 3):: . . 2. ;
, .\ . . teams from tihio State L‘ant‘l'Sll} roun’t1 “Mt“ isVL bn‘if‘st willow dc- . _ y __ . . "I
.2 .. 2 2. 'f‘ . '. ; ' . f - and Dartmouth College before losing I" ‘_ “ na ‘Ont‘héf‘l‘heutiek ‘L ‘ . ‘2 I
2 . “ 't- - ,- - 2 ’2’ '- I ’ - , ‘ a . t0 Northwestern L‘nlversity. "‘1‘ mm“"”“"‘ ' , “2 . . V . ‘I
anal-murmur.» “It was a good tournament tfor in addition to l‘K. Pitl‘llt'lpa'"S ' ' ' .'
usi. but not a great one." said Kup- will lllt'ltltlt' t'lL‘th other top «leliutc . . . . , l
H hen puSh comes to Shove ferberg. a political science senior teamsfromaroundthenation . .- .
‘ ' ' ' 2 "We just weren't in the round. “9 Two days later. l'K will host .ln- ' ' J 1‘, ‘ .
_~i Joe Butler (for right), on engineering sophomore. Lane Suarez, Paige Powlok stretch out before a cross country team workout were kind of tired after three days other major debate tiiiirrhinienr the ' ' ‘ ‘
a fashion merchandising junior, an unidentified person and at the par course yesterday. ofdebating."V Henry flu} Debates “1”] Patterson 3 . ‘. ‘ 2» - '
Dartmouths top team ended up onceagain serxing as director ' _ ,' ' _' 7 2-
Mountalns r to WBKY 0 beyond oal set - ' »
. . . . . . .
01' annual lecture "'°' °""'" "”""'..~‘"”" for annual fund-ralsm dl'l V e ‘ ’ 2 ”
osting views on tho t of V . .V .‘ -:
. Krn dd t‘ hd f womontodoy.Foromtow .L
a a name IS in ms 6 1‘0 r no DWIMJ’ 5. - . 9 - - - - .
g p €550 .°°' Universny 5 public radio station receives more than $22,000
's bonkers-ll noun has . ‘ .
B) BOBBIWOLOCH both developed and underdeveloped UK| n on in m PW , d . t . t k 0 r t.“g . .
Staff Writer countries“ with a special emphasis 9"“ 1n seven- a cam 31 n 0 false mone O 66 e a l
on the Himalaya mountains. a re- ”0’0" proctlco. So. y p g y p p ' ‘
Half of the world‘s population de- gion in which he has studied exten- spouts. P0908. By(‘.A. Dl'ANE BONIFER paigni went well." said Don Wheel— with more than one public radio sta- .
pends on the mountains. according sively. Staff Writer er. WBKYgeneralmanager. tion So far. Wheeler said the fman- .V
to Pradyumna “Paul" Karan. a UK A discussion on what can be done . ,_ , . _ Wheeler was uncertain yesterday Clal support WBKY has received V
geography professor. _ . about the problems. including flood- . .. - -- Around the Lexington area. many of the total amount because the sta- from the area. in spite of the compe ~
Karan. who was named distin- ing. erosion and overpopulation. will . of the FM radio dials are on $13.1. tion was still receiving money tition from \fl-IKI‘ in Richmond. has .
gUlShEh professor oll the Colllegf of follow the lecture. Karan said. " " 94.5 and 100 —- all big commercial through the mail that was never gone very well 2
Arts ~Sciences. Wl SW9 a ecure . .. . radiosations. pledgedduringthecampaign In Louisville three public radio .
tilled. "(‘rlSiS in the Mountains: . K5239 :a‘dt 2“]‘5‘g‘p‘filigng‘h‘2nf‘1m. Today will 5. MW WM" But one signal on the dial is a Wheeler said he expects another stations compete for the fund-raising
.\lan VS 3‘33""?- . m d f": 33:: lizon .Y‘hgs also ch- high: from 65 to 70. TM little different from the other ones — $1000 to come through the mail. dollar ‘
A ””39 Pa" “the WPUla‘w“ de' "123 (3b. a ‘ will in door and cool with WBKY-FM. 91.3. UK‘s public radio which would put the total amount of Stations WFPK and win. both
pends on mountains for things such a pr ems. lows in m. m ‘0 '0'" station. _ money raisedat morethan 523.500. affiliated With the Louisville Free
as hydroelectric ”we“, Karan said. .1 have been interested ‘n moun- wt“ Ii. Unlike commercial radio stations. Although the radio station receiv- Public Library. run their fund-rais-
and 10 percent live In mountain ta' f be f '.. K3 ‘°‘- IN “N . which rely on the advertising dollar. es some money from the University. ”mg drives Within three ‘0 four days
areas. _ '25 or da "$11. r o ytetars. bl ran with Malntn'hm- WBKY and other public radio sta- it still requires additional money to of each other during November. said
Karan, who received the highest sa‘lth‘tlai: “1V llsctiiss t e pro ems tions in the state depend solely on remain inoperatlon. Gerry Weston. an official mm the
recognition Offered by the COWS}? w1 .. m m re a ‘0" 0 my experi- h' ll . 't nd contributions and financial grants to Most of the money received during stations.
for the 319844335 academic year. WI" 9"“ 'Snf9.§‘;‘§.“‘is aflif. 8" e "5° remain in operation And usually. fall fund raising is med to pay for in addition to listener support. the
give his distingmshed professor Karan was selected for the distin— miin‘ n ltliaof‘hir "2 chose fallmeansfund-raisingtime. the services of American Public statiom' other sources of revenue
speech in the Recital Hall of the UK guished professor award on the _ 0‘,” 8 di [,5 °t° :33“? . d Last Friday. WBKY-FM wrapped Radio and National Public Radio, have been corporation support along
(‘enter for the ANS alBtOhlShL basis Of a faculty vote. teaching per. h‘m ‘5 a {13:9 IMO“! salk up its seven-day fall fund-raising which have skyrocketed over the with money provided by the bouts
His lecture was delayeda yeaerVe- formance. scholarship and service Karan- aha?“ du' Drum; W°r campaign. surpassing its goal of last few years.Wheelersaid. ville Free Public Library and the
cause 1:3’3“ 5993;339:515 ‘: “3): to the University. He has been :‘osate‘ret‘his fall ""8 5 rec se- $20.00tibymore than $2.000. "They're (NPR a. APR) close to Corporationof Public Broadcasting.
ing pro essor at ns t u e or granted one semester's research 2 . . pricing themselm out of the mar- . _ -
Study of Languages and Cultures of leave. said John E. Christopher, as‘ Born in Gaya. ",di Karen re- Se'l‘ltlemcatmpalsnbvzthlghiiagngm hot and we are 80“! to be forced to “and raising for the Louisville Ii.
ASIa and Africa at the Universny of sociate dean of advanced studies in ceived two deng in ",di 3 ba— mifor inc 0‘13" - ‘WBKY relies choose one (if it comm”. m. brary stations is a little new.
TOKYO theCollegeofAmakiencos cehlor‘s degree from Patna Univer- ont‘o remainmi‘n msnmmcteison «said. according ‘0 Weston. ”WWI”.
Karan said he will “talk about sity and a master‘s in sqosrawy . ' The Lexirgton are. mrhet is one
problems with mountain areas in “The fact lhfll he was elected by from Banaras Hindu Umm“! “I think it (the fund-raisim cam- of 20 radio market: in tin emu-y SeeWIlY.Pt¢¢2

 . . ~ ‘2 2 I ' ) .
' ; ~ 2 - KENTUCKYKERNEL TM” Octal”! 7, 1m
. 1- State troops destroy Mg ’Alarms
. .‘2. . are criminals. They W'muwtrmnpagcnm
‘22- ‘i I . . . take an Opport unity IO lems t'K officials 5&1) they face be "At Cornell Umversity a .fire an emergency, you‘re heightening
‘1 ‘ . ‘ le S O marl u a a k - k cause of false alarms alarm was pulled six or seven times 1h?" POSSlblllly OI an acctdent, he
.‘ ma k6? QUlC ' easy The financial burden ut respond in one night and telfle 23x: lime the said.
‘2. a: " ‘ ', ' n to an alarm falls on the taxpay tire department r us 0 answer _ _ _
3. - 1 in i ll Hut-snort}; put 60 guardsmen 01 active duty tor bx“ M l , C0 _ ‘ 1': "It‘s very costly 10 [hp uixpay it_" Harrison said. “That time they When‘a .maliCious alarm 18 acti-
‘ i 2.3 ~ 2‘- ‘ ‘ ‘ “ “""" WV” {he one‘da} “Ulw‘v‘flw' "1W” “m" ’0‘ ' ‘ artha Aime “ms ers.“ Beach said "They pay for the didn‘t answer it. there was an actual vated. finding the yandal isn“almost
2‘ . I} ‘2 ,_ . .2 . Weep _ maintenance, gasoline and depreciir fire and l6students burned up" ‘ ab”)? 8 no-wm Situation, McDa-
' 2’... f " “M" l“ , ‘Nall‘mal u“, , , “H w ,r. m“. . tion of the vehicles used in an- “It definitely creates a negative nielsald.
‘3'. iii. lsnwt .i'lil hentuck) state Po '1. dfig‘f‘ln: SIN" ‘Hjlgmkm {U 11 was the first time Kentucky snoring the alarm and are Paying attitude." Beach said. “The [-9.5].
3212111" I. “”0er ‘3‘”:“3’ “ daylong and ”d. L r . I} 4: l . 5. “Elk ‘ ”mm Ub‘t‘d guardsmen 1“ direct S“990*"t 0f tor that time when it could be used dence halls are great about getting However, when the vandal is
32'; ‘ ‘ ‘ " “'2‘ 2“? 2‘ "1W testerda) ‘0 ma ‘4 a qt“: ’ ‘v‘hf‘ I m -h “at“ Wm" 1“ marijuana eradica on more productive matters " out. but Patterson Office Tower and found. he is not merely slapped on
-i'-,\'-_ ; '1‘: 2 *3 “"1“ ”W'Umna "092‘ 3‘ ”Md ‘11 d ”U“ “"‘“"f“‘ ‘l “ ‘ non. t‘ollins and the other officials with the large number of tire the Chemistry-Physics buildings the hand. Harrison said. “It is a
f2 2:251"; ' I" “A \1 I!“ “me She ammuntf‘lli ”Q: ,lilj,l.‘1'\,.“ml if]? 2‘2““ Th" Guards involvement had alarms that happen on campus. don‘t." ' class ‘A' misdemeanor,“ he said,
(:19. 21123;; «2 . 222w iimw reported spotting him; .(Ien2 bl 1“ . 5 ..;...i.\.1 $2115.; til “W” “mm’d ‘0 reporting marijuana many people assume that it‘s talse False alarms also endanger the "they can be arrested and then it's
I;‘.2~‘~ . . . J fmio m .31. Chumlug :11“) U"‘””"‘"” '2“ ‘ L‘ ' ‘ iiclds spotted during traimng mIS2 and don‘t leave the building. llarri- iirefighters. Skiba said. "Whenever up to the judge to decide what hap-
21.2 . .2 mm Meid ot' about 1 ’ ‘10”2‘ sonsaid )‘ou‘re asking peOple to respond ‘0 Pens"
":f. 2:15:32” u _._i“‘\ ilf'i".i.~ \tltl Troopers They said ht’llt'2‘ltlt‘l" \ A“ .\ ”131‘ _
tall; 2:53. :21...‘i, «can Lminerging on three unarmed gun: .isinen and tvto t‘ollins said she believed the series .
_:."";‘_“‘.22l“"‘i=l“i . 2 22.22 .2 ' 2- ' .rzopping and burn armed troopers “pow “ere Il,\ ot raids \\ as the ”largest 0t its kind
.ii‘i’» in“: _ 2 I ~ .1“ 2. \U‘ultl continue patched to each oi 'lie in Sate police ever conducted in this country ( Ulllttliic‘d [mm page Um
.l‘I..‘3~’-.‘2',“I'"~,‘2,C- 2 . 2 ”t . .s 2 \iu posts in the >l.ilt' tilllt‘l hencopieis . 1
I’rc‘, : .. ,. ., . “00d b) ”.1 Bmwilg will”: “‘5‘.“ “EMS, My]? 2:}: lzllls(lndfl:er:t:i(le the response from the I.t\lll\\'lllt‘ 'l‘he L'niversity of Louisville's 102 announcements 8M mail cam-
(‘14:?9‘; all”: . , inisestravt. com- head and I‘Tllllklttl. .2 .gaw .ir .iou daic mat ”u‘tedll l hiillion lants community has been goodhe said yt-girold radio station. \l'l'tlL, does paigns,
.1 T‘:“It“ 1 2,. 21 ’22. ~:.:te police special l)l(’. but Hakestr...i 1.. .2 ::.i:ie has am an es ima ed m ., P Fl not conduct a formal 0n-the~air fund.
11214.7? 12:4“ ' 22 ' ' - ' ' “id 2‘ “RTE “"P’Jrlfil ha“) been (“firm t s “a!“ ‘ 7 raising campaign as its colleagues Th‘N‘ ”WW" “'9'“ good enough to
9‘5”: 12.5%.? ' 22 ' ' 2 22' "Lite ot the mart ‘ ‘ l11“5>*‘1‘l , do save the station from the verge of
”523'; 2.".2‘3221; _ .1 1 . ”I ._ ,1 \J‘tmliion The helicopter\ lit“.\ a: Low to \(lll \\eston acknowledged that the bunkruptm and get it back on its
UN; feet above ground .. T‘,~l'\_\ pince- llickman Count), on the Mississ1p~ market iii the Louisville area is _ ' . feel according to Jay Landers
“"t::?"‘ Z .. .. \ . \utn'l'nht‘d lht‘ TLlltlb‘ dtll‘t‘. accordlng 1.x gridt‘dnl‘dt‘t‘. .illtl pl Rl\'t’l‘ lll western KQIIIUCIQ'. 3p“ tough Wllh [hl‘t‘t’ pUblH‘ l‘atllt) ’[d' , Because Of tinanCial Straits It ran “'l'llL \l’llltlll manager . L ‘
.125" .. 2 '21 ”22m: to find more. troopers The mini tron: the rotors parentl)‘ yielded the largest single tions in the City. but he added that intoa few years ago'after UUL‘GI ‘ ‘
5""s‘ifitfilxz‘ll. laxne t‘ollim‘ said causes the silver} lllltlt‘l‘fida‘ «it mar tind 10.000 to 15.000 plants grow the Louisville community has "defi- me (i m in“. m WLOL .. h) 12- 1 h ‘ . h"
.‘_;‘.‘...;".§7_’-1‘.2'1“ . . _. .~ _._ I nuana leaves to lll'li ’ll‘ It‘2i'l‘ttl‘illg ing among sugar cane. according to nnely been out oi the ordinary" in mo 12 111:2 01! half CI “8.5““, fu'c- TR (tats ktnpug . nipneiy in t is
€,§‘2"1';'}_’,_,5.E 2 2. 2w lit'ltl we thought sunlight and making them. t'it\:~ to the state police commander at the response to appeals tor tinancial (15- mg The station to raise money Ell?“ f’. "“p ever) ”(2‘ going.
’fll'l 2 \ '2 ' \ilt‘. i'ollins, \\ ho spot. guardsnien .iix: Irocpvh will scene >l>lclIICC tr: ‘ A.“ 131- :2e2a-th0ns. Prerecorded nuts ”‘1"
t 'x If; 3."...11
4.25.2"; 91:1, . .. ,. .-WW.W W__ .- W- . . -
i353}? .. 7 j ; ‘2‘, .
. M FOOD‘I'OUN “‘5 YOU THE ”H'MATEIMAN 0" ”“2 (mutt _» . UK COUNSELING AND resrmo
’ {it}; II 502 prove 'I- ‘ RN \ K ,i/ 30] Frozee Holl
"..'-';'.':-'.‘-_;'{.’,- P'm’" /’.‘ ' of 257-870]
.5 » {opt-2.- (,0, seam”, we” and “We", Wm, validLD.) . Enter the Ultimate Man of UK contest. lst prize . I) , f: READING To REMEMBER
1 I . , $50 8. plaque, 2nd prize $25. Entry forms available [}>/ Oct. 13 8. 15, Mon. 8. Wed., 3-4 p.m., CB 235
2'..';:fcgi;2,a'.«'ig.i y 1 - 4 1 , _ _ - /
35-3'37’27’2133‘ :“W‘i,” 71:; 8.03.3823, “2:35;"! Tllflkétlfig'fi' at K I, K Tower, Holmes. and Hoggm Desks. 5» MOTIVATION, LEARNING 8- SUCCESS
*3 -"-":'-"'212i=‘ 1‘31 ““11"; " ' ii» 2 h r ll-l2 m. sc H7
I .. , a» t e ,1 n. 2v Proceeds go to the Unned Way Oct. l4 8. 16, Tues. 8. T u s., p. ,
“5222‘ 4’ TUESD‘Y'THURSDAY ‘ Register and pay 9331mm SlO enrollment tee Ior all classes in Rm 201 Frozee
i.)f2'..’2;:.;.2‘; Oct 7. 8200 p.m.. Oct. 5. 5:30 p.m. a. 9:00 p.m., Oct. 9. 8:00 p.m. 1-1.1.1...WWWWWWW..- WW . W_W_._.... . W ,, HO”
1L . ——---~~2~-~-2-—-—-——-———*————*~7_—~————-————2—-———
-.-‘I',.v_ $1311! ::' HS’ MAIN at 254-6010
.. "jill' ‘.: s ~..v to m. lontucliy Tho-no .
opens FRIDAY!
121:,711’; \2“, 9'" Grid Recent
,g: - 1“, -'J, Mo» 295
I, an. 2: S 'I .00
.37."; SEATS Why pay more!
2 i ', m5 BEST FOR LESS!
"'I-ifjr _:’ ill-fig! - - -
‘.._::.§:"f;1"31‘:: - -
ff: 21-251?) Oct.7-‘I ‘I
.: 4.; "{:1;-I:"’rp3 - a
1. .
...' :r>";j~£f,.-f.2
13.53:, .ms GRADUArg
71-2-23; 2-5.:
" TAPS '3
2'21” u;
“ i2 .3. 315;.7‘ ! I D
'2 "- 2.55.72"-'2ft '
H 1.3": $ ;,2,__ f; ‘ - -
"Gr-r {Ti-'2! antuion $1 95
’2 2 ~ 1...... Into I .
.11; :I“§)£‘- ‘ - ..i T57 T787 -
You don t have to wear one of
‘ _ 1;. these to get a lob in Kentucky. But
1.27.2 LSAT ; thousands of employ ers through-
fI-i~t-.-"-,.2‘>itl‘f ”225:1 . 22 , ' ' 1 '
. Czosses for Dec. Exam £2; 222 2. out the state Will be more inclined
2113.11.12; . 132:: _ . Y . V , Y ,
:s‘:.*2_ir::_§.2;;12;. beg‘” 0" l l . 2‘ to hire \ ou if V ou \ e graduated fron
‘ 1 . ‘ ' '
12.2162.- l 1 . high school.
53":?‘2"‘2;.'."2""7'2t3 GMAT 1'- 2V} ' 2‘" A high school diploma tells em-
2"':"\~‘;.; f; 1‘: .2 ; ., EM... _ ‘ ‘ ’ .
~3g5;12t41:.-;',;; Classes for Jon. Exam 2 ....1 2;2_~ ployers you ve mastered the deIC
{TEX-72.121321 “9”" O" 7" . . ' . 2 skills you need to do your best on
2-;?$.12'..,2‘f-.=.;':;: I grf . a- 1, . . . . . ,
x ”dim...” 5;... ,6 «as the ]()b. Like reading, vmting and
."".il’_I"’..'.:|.; ‘ I . " 1 I I ' \ ~
g. {go-2,12; 7‘34”;;’;?;‘1“‘2 '2'“ 2 , , mathematics.
11‘2‘2 ‘:",-_.’ 3'21.“ i .,, _ 2* . ‘ ‘ ‘ 9
21:522.“.2231‘3233 1; '5’ It also says vou re the sort of per-
"22 ’ I-"l'l 2 2 1 2. 4 4 KA _ - , . .‘" son who finishes what they start.
‘. (Kg-I," 1?sz 2 '2 ”-22 we.” mom: '-ENTER1".1 t 3": .. .2 .
i 2: was leading . . " No matter how tough the some
’21-..éniw1j’ «st prep organization 1 § . ,_ gets along the way. And that s the
5231-22.: 3.3 211 ‘1 . * kind of person emplm ers are at
H I':'Ii.l',":~“. z,” 1. c; ' ‘ ., ' H . . ‘ ‘ I v
at 32 2 . ger to hire in Kentucky today.
li‘cli’zj T 5 , / ’ ' ‘~ :1; . 2 SO IfVOU re In bChOOi, Std} there.
3.51."? Ti '.'2.'.':,' V . 1 ‘ 3‘: 1* 1 ’ 1'
4.3.: .‘gar z; i .1- ‘ \S 2 If you V e dropped out, find out ho
$55!? "3.13522 .7 ‘. ._,. .:., . 3. .‘1 1 4 . . ‘ . ‘ ‘
p13;,2:.12__3;:_ N 1‘ _ . 12 2 ~ .. \«t. ‘._ easy it is to get your high school
if"; ""1 ‘ ."r .‘ v y 7. ‘ i I ° ' , ' ,
1-2;. . A11. 1 . - e. . § 2 p. equivalency diploma (GED).
4'“- "3' '5" ' C’ ‘ ' i . , 1 S1. ' .
m :2 . . 1 -
,, ’\-<, it, # 2 t‘l _ Contact YbeKemucleythemcy
I2.'I.'.5.2.2‘2_'-’e ‘“ 2. .... ' * , . f g. ’I 2 - 2‘
Use me ~. 2 ~ _ . 12 .2 . Commmzon, 924 Capztol Plaza
I"; _, ’2: I ‘1 3 . _ ,1 5. _. ; s" ., ; ‘: > 1 '2. .1 r ‘
1'47}? 11,-; Kentucky Kernel's ,_ 2 ‘ . “f. . » Tower; Frankfort [0 40601. 07: cal
r Ads °‘ . 2 2' ': 2 1-800-654-7323.
lam”. 1.. ': -._ I --. I . ' 1 5' 2: . w v .
~.2,--,r,"-. f ’0 Shop ~ 2 1w 2 q ; i2 2; Sitre, vou ll probably feel a little
2. 5."- ' be ore runnin ‘ 2 _ _ , . ', 1,
22'2”“, H 0 er ,0 n? 2 “a? . ». 2 -. 1i . funny in a cap and gown. But to
1'2. '1', 0 V W - ’ 1 2" " ' . '2 1 ‘ v
.2 '2 -, , t; W ‘ .2 thousands of employers, you ll loo
, j2 "if '2 “I“ , .232 1 . 22 great With a high school diploma
’Q‘J, T . " ' in your hand.
”:,.',,. Use the , , .. .;:" .- - ‘
: _, , Kentudijeme' s .. . _~ 1 1 . ~ .2 1 - 2 . INASHIAVDi‘S AMERICA. fl.
V S = ' 7* '- ' ' T v 2 WECAREABOUTYOU Ash an
I to shop 2'! ' , , W; . £2.22 I 2 g j IV 0
2 ' , before running ' " 2 ' . 2 22:2 2. 2f - ,f . g ' 2 EVERYTHING WE DO -
I . " '. all over town! - _1 j ' 1. V“ L "‘ g 2
. , g six, ;~. fr“ ‘1’ 2 .1 ‘ l: ‘1 y mumsmcn g,

 l ( I .
' t
. KENTUCKYKEIMIEL rand-y. October 7, 1m . '
o ' .
O O .
i i . ,
Prich ard Committee Unfortunately. Law enforcement authorities
. Kentucky 15 not in a 1
‘, , - 9 0 O 1
Bl ed Idea faCtOIy Vacuumwmleweve l'ald extremist’s head uarte S ' “
been Spending a lot of q r 11'
0 ° .
0 time and effort in the F d - _ . ,
E e era a I - ~ ' d' . - . .
0r hlgher Educatlon last few years, other lgr nd Jury hands up “7 count m lament 333m“ ' .-
states have been doing L ndon LaR . . - . . ‘
,. OUchc so 2 2 .2 1.2 . --. :-
LEXINGTON (API »» The most clude tougher adniisslons standards the gamething ” y pporlt'rS In d‘neged Credlt Ldrd SLdm ' I 2
lasting legacy of a report on ways to at the eight state Ulll\(‘l\lllt’.\. hasn- T , 1 B VHI l . . -1 4
Improve hlgher education In Ken. college preparatory curriculum In Wade Moun‘l‘ Al“ II«I.I.'I\I.‘)I .‘l. H l‘.l.( H I Mil/Ii-li I... ~ .rti. pin.” Lnuttnur. 31.11”“an 1!. “‘ntmhg'iil. 'lo 5h ’ 1 - 1 ' .
lucky. Issued five years ago this high schools and more serntnn ol committee chairman 1 T1 “‘1 111 “1% (”11- 1 111.1. .T1111W‘11T 11ml M11111“ ”1111111 1W“ 1'11““111‘ 1"” " 11“ 1 1~ : '1’”
week. may be its role as an idea fac- degree programs I . .. . . . . 11’: '1 1 ”1‘“ ' '11 111” “mm“: “”‘1‘ V“ "I "ohm" l!.-Hi 'qu x .1 Ii '. ' .. . ‘ - 3
tory. But some other suggestions met _ . 11111111.?!” 1111' \11 111mm" 11""1 111 111; 111111 11 (1111“: 'n.- '1.) L11” 51"" l"‘“‘"“"' “I" “II” .r. r 2 ”2'11 117' 1"- ‘1,
Some of the recommendations of With opposition. mm no {lt'lltlll llt‘lllfl, . . ant Itxal law enlorcenienl .nittuu. or, 2n. .w' L .-,.Iu..22 lullom .m- ~. gum 3 I”. 'm '.o".‘.tl.'p<_ . v.2 II .v_.- 2’1 . ' ‘. i,‘.1
"In Pursuit of Excellence," have taken “l nlortunately. Kentucky is not in “9" ”mm m“ h“it‘l‘ll‘itl‘lt‘f‘ "t lI'II‘ ' “‘-' l"""~2"“‘ -I-'|'1 22I422I../..H.ori.~ Jr; The New whore .,- 2.-. '1' , 1 . ' .‘ .‘1
been carried Out Others are still The committee also '1“‘1"”1”H‘nde(l ., vacuum. he said “While we've l(:il extremist l.§.ndor. lull; r. "..:r o.... ... ..Izti....;2..g ,., H 2.41 l‘tl‘uwl' 2. I .III. .- x ‘. ..,' 7
bein debated The re t we test I.» 1 « ‘ . i . . _ . . been spending a lot of time and ef .usterda} “5 *‘Vt‘ri'l lul’I‘I'It‘ln‘ 4» ‘- “"1”“ "’ ‘l""\"\2\““I-I-’2 \I‘I‘I‘. m 5.... '_I'.-t'.-t' . . .' ' . :'- '
pOr “a- t a) s lit}, a hind t tl tttillltllllt is ,( "t . . ll I . .. . t . . .
work of the Prichard Committee on ('t'llont't’. closing. Ulit' Hf lllt' stillUS fort 1n the last few. years. Oll'K‘r hIXIld es Vie“ llltllt’tt-(l ll. .lll ”new”; . . .o, “Ive. A i. 1.”. 21“} hot K111,“ “an“ .-t'[p- :‘2-4 ,I. 211.11 1/1. , :rI...
Academic Excellence. appointed by three Ian schools. husim.I teacher suites have been domg the same naIionuide “r“‘l" WM t'II'l "*"”"" l""""“‘"“‘ “2" TI“\'2‘-"“1d?2 2‘“ y 2 ..-.~'*’
the state Council on Higher Educa- pa) on ix-rl'orniance .ind plluslllfi out thing And ”WU“ 0‘ {hem have made “fig? l 1‘ 1 11'11‘11111 11’1““ .11.»! ”alum \ lie-”I” '2" 'I ‘ ' ‘? '-' 1 . 2- "1 1‘1
tionin1979 tax support tor college athletics The a 13‘ more progress. W .lh1 l f lumrwy ‘1 H 1 1 '1 t. . “111 11" '1 't r' l. .. -. . . » :I‘fi: .‘1'1’ vg' 21. r,’
”l dont think the Prichard (‘oin suggestion to close .1 Mid. ‘t'llli'll 1h" WW“ was applauded when ll l ‘Iilr; (11 1" "IH'Il‘W ‘1 " 1 '1 ' ' 1 ‘ T 1"" “" ‘~ “ 2.22m» . < .3 ., ,II‘J'I .’
. .. . . . . , l - ,2 'r.,..., ,, ..2‘ '. .2 2 2-. ...,. . -, ' .". ‘. ,.‘...
mittee gave up easily And we didnt caused lne eoninnttee members “”m ”UL and then-(.ox John \ rulchurgi. “N1! '1 [111,1 1 1 -. . -. . I T 1 1 T11 1“”“2 2' 2 ‘ "1 51 '--' ‘1'! 1”
expect overnight change." said [)0- who questioned the ltlt‘d to l\.\llt‘ .i BrownJr included ”5 recommenda :1. l Irganim "I“ “'1” ' 2 ‘ “ ' “‘ ,2”... .- A... ,. -. . . . ’, 5.331
roth)‘ Ridings. \\ ho was on the origi— lllllltil‘lt\ report tioIns “"1 a Fund for Academic bx Tlrfi‘m ““3 ”l I”"""” ""1”““1 l» - . ”l".1PlI".1 ,..I . . . ,‘I’I _,',' i .v‘_
nal committee and served as chair The coninnttw ocean '.\lll1 :o Mm cellenceinnis “’32 nudge! proposal t 21 111mm 2:1)11ml’1i11111 111; 11 11 I I | 1 1| 211111 11121111 “”1111 ‘1‘? ”1.; '.T"'1~'
woman after Edward I“. Prichard‘s ple Today. it has 822 liit'ltil;2'l‘\ tlltl l\ B“! tighting among ”‘9 KNOB 11111 1.11.“; ulanhUH/1111 1 1 1 T 1 .1 1 1 L l 11 1 111111 1111 2. . - . 1.21 112-1. ”’1 1"‘1-1-1'2“,1‘
deathin1984. financedwthpi‘ixateinonex I” the funds failure that year. and 1:1Ht\1 1;):“U11hml ‘ 1 1 l 1 1 ‘1 ' 1T1“ 1 11 111 ' 1' 12. ‘11 1 ~ 1 ”1"13111 1 11‘
”lho committee issued its report on “me Mountz. the current chair m‘ committee 5 executne director. 1 )Kmp 1) (”UN . 1 1T . , 11 1" . 1 . . - I; ‘i-' ‘1 "-12" ‘1‘
. , ‘ ‘ ' 2 - c ., , ,,, , I . m v‘,.v- 2..» -v i . .k . , . .2 .11. “..:. ,_ .. . ..1'.',"' ." .
higher (’dUCilllUn In 1981 The recom- lllillt. .\.tlIl 'llt' l‘AHl l'i-poi" ("illne- 1U\l RUM rt *1 Sexton, bald the {QUdmt-l O Ulrplirution l" H "“hi“ 1 I