xt7b5m628b64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b5m628b64/data/mets.xml  France  1799-08-18 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French Paris : De l'imprimerie de Meymat, rue des Moineaux, n°. 423  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Publiciste, Primedi 1 Fructidor, an VII, [18 August 1799] text Le Publiciste, Primedi 1 Fructidor, an VII, [18 August 1799] 1799 1799-08-18 2023 true xt7b5m628b64 section xt7b5m628b64 lemme;
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11111'1'21..s[111 11-5 10111110111 1111\[11101111310

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33' [10111' 5'1.)"11da:11'llcs.

[11's 111111111115 110111111111'111 1"111'5 incursions r111 cr‘:t1" (PAH-
d: :1lc, N 11111110111[1111l I135 com111111111111110115 6112111
\' 111.11111c 211 00110 11119111111. I105 (191111115 C0111'1c1‘15‘ d1: V111111-1'
1911015110111}; 1.1111 C113 L1 '-.5; do gngncr \"a1'11:1, 921 (11:
[11.111110 111 V011: dc. la 111c1‘ N11111: [10111513 113111111: 5!. 01111511111—


I T A L I E.

JUalthe , le 5 l/Lqrmidur.

Ln garnison do cct'n [)Iacc, 1'11 y comprcmnt lcs marins
([111: 1c 031‘111'c—a11111'r1l Villa-111111113111 011111111115 , 181 qui £1111.
M11: 111. troupe dc 11311..- , 51'1ch 11
411110 1101111110; 9.11 111111115. -
1105' 1131111105 ([111 ('11I(.1111'c11| 15 V1110, St. ([111 l‘1"(:1)1\'1‘111551t1.5
(30:81:11.51111111115 1'11111111111'11L 1141151 3111.15 i"~11':;
1111115 511111 1111'1‘11111111'11X : 115' [111' 1111! [11'11115111111111' '111111111',
1;.1151'111c d’a1111'c11111lq11u 111:1.11131111 1155. 11.5.


1'g'f'5' , 11m: [1111

111111151111); [10111' gudcr c»: (1.1'1'11111'1: 111111111¢11L5c5 11111111—

.111 M1 '11 [10111' 1111 an :1:

, (111 1'111, 1'1e1’c11.11»111'~v11~ 515'

31,171”: .'
I'1'I/1,.'.1".'.I lml' [1'5
.»l."1i1-L.5 (/11. [MI/(.3 .5'1’.(l'(’/1'/.7/I1' 1'1/ f"l’7I/1'I:l'1‘/I[cj'ldlh
,1).er1' [1L I'1'1)11Il!l1'1)/L Lf'c 1"1II."~'.I'.'.I/IL .'.1"¢ CHI! 11113111. '. ' ' : ,' /

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11! \""111115 15111131; [111111' 1'1111; 111015 1111 1111111155 111115 1.1 V1.1:111C»

1'1111111L‘ 1113111111? (1115131112111'111. .
1...;5 g1"111"1'..-11x11’1>1'9. 111121 so 11.11101‘ 1111 courage (3:. dc la
Volanlé dc 1.1 111111115011.
biocns r111 " a ("11.- 11‘1‘1" (1111:1111 ([1111125 111111'5' . 2'1
1"‘P‘1HU 111: 1'111'11v<"1' (11111.5 [.1 111-1111'1'1'1111'1kdc l'1 11.111'1'11111-
£115“ 1. 111115 11:1 1311" [1111111111 11111115 , 8x quahc {1131:1113 51111!
111.111 E(11-11111 111121111 Mallhc.
D 'puu [1105' (11' 5125: 111011; , (es Frangais n’ont 11111111111211.1111—
WH- 1!.13111'upc. 115 saw-11L sculcment lévacualiou 11c léfat

LC [11111


-— 5/1 gr [war I. .' 'Im'ue
I"/1\/‘I_f' '5

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1111 (11111"1' (11" marine
..'1 '

'[) ;i' 1.:11'
1.41111 191511111111

11112.11; 111.1; »

.‘01', 1'11. 11111-1
18 \‘.11.~1=-."111.~;r’e

2 '21 1111' I\"-l- 011 paru.’ 111'11'3111. ”111.1051
c 5': [1.1511'51'1' 11'11'1
vcc tunic 5a c11111 so L1o;:\:'1.-1‘. 1'1 L'md 111: 1r.':1<»c.:11
L1 [111111110 1111;.2 21-11111 (:.'11:':1r1111111.'.1111=.
11': 1311111501] 1111 for! 1‘}- .1111-11'11110, (111' '11'11 (.' : 1‘1'121' 11.21113
[1011; 111111 1111116 Blane-1.55:, a;b.1;11 1c (11:: 9211 [111'111111'
11'011'11': :1n3111151sc1 ‘1'L'bzi1’iuc 131' 1, 11:11:1'11'11 11' 1'11! 811113411115
("1 {amen 11! 1'1 911111151111, ('11. 21;:1151'11' Cm 11111-1

1'5; [11115111113 1".1p1).11111115', 1'1 .50 1'1'1131'1- 1'1 1‘1



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11311:..5 111-5 [11111111115 , an numbzc 'lc 21’10, 111i.- dams 11:5

{11:31111'111111: z1lc11a1'1 L? [1110: 1'1 13.; ' '1'11'1 1'1'111111rts.

c 23,111.11” 1=c'11di1:1:1dI\/11t 50:1 c:111'c 511 Nam s,
mili 11 de's acclumatious do 51's [:1111157"

371115 vunons d 11;)[11'1'1111'11 [1.11' 1a 1' 11'1”




(1' [1' 8'. 111"17101:"
hier (111115 1'1'[1o1',[ ([110111110111'1111'1» 111:: s. .1111111111111'6
116 est {'01'10 de 17 vaisscaux 111"»111'11u.

X. c113
De Bologna, [e 6 [/111'I'Im'1111r.

11 est ar1'1v1". 11.11 :11110u1d'h111 112 1:1 Toscauc U11 grand
11011111111 ([0 [11151111111115 1'1'a11c11'5'.

11 1551 [1111111111 [.1 1111111301111ch 11.") corps (1c [1'011pcs auc-
1111.111 I115 , ([11111 [011.9 l.11'011!c 11 5111111110. Lcsi11s111g'5105cans
011111 [111.1111 11'51'121119115'1111113 l1‘l1lll‘1llnflill 1k [13 1-111! (11 1551's
1'11: 1’1'1'11115'13, Pulignu 1‘41: Madcmm. ()11 apprund 11’1111 11111213
cotv' ([111: [0 61111111121! Ruff.) 111:.1'1'111:

5111' H'an' mac
grandc [)111'111‘. 111' 31111 11111130.

A .5011 a1'111'1'm' 51'F.'1'1'.11111c
:1 c11vny1", 1111c 15.111111111111111 1111 un=1211111111h111 1'1111'115' 11111
[.[lc 117.1 [11(1‘1111, j;1<:[1’i1 cc 111:1111q111, «1'..11|11'1[LL 1[L1c 1L!
(11"[331'1 dcs 1511151115, «[11 5c .5'11111. 11 111.5




1).. {110 [1 11I.;'II)1I'.:L
0'1 Vi '11? 111- 1'0 '1' \‘1111 1:11.

1D~'[)1115'11111L 101115.115 (£11..
1111': 15' (1 1511151111 11’;\ '21) 1111—11111 111 1c 1.- dz: l".11;o,
£10111 1.10 g'.1111.5'1)11 11411151111 111 1'.':1;l:1111‘c 111 [1111.1 11[111111111'c -
1111115 1'11'11'1'1111 iHb‘H‘J 11: d1'11p1'r1111'11111,‘ & h‘C rundil [1'115'011—
1-111'1-1'11' '(Hc 351 ('01-‘2111-5301)l1)1111311's5,d:1nl 1.11111111é.
5-)!“ 111's [1111110115 1'11111111 011\1111111111-11'111111‘111111‘1: 11: 511171)
(11: 5111111"gl111, [1111.5 1311111 d:A11111111- ».
[1" 8

U110 frr'wale angluiw a1'1'1\'1-.1: 111 dc _N:1[5lss , a confirmé
1a 11o11v1'Hc d1: 11:11l1'1'u (111 101 (1.1115 .511 tapitale , avcc 11110
611111: do 7110 pcrsunucs. Les v1llcs dc Capouc S; (.111:th


LL your/11' I/Lki‘lill'zlur.




m'r los frangais out laissé (lea gninisom, sent as iégécs
par lcs troupes napulitaines.

Les insurgés cl'Arczzo, qui s’l‘loit-nt porlf‘s 5111' Pcl‘u'
Cello Villa 511115 6111*(111V‘c1‘ dc 1‘('rsisl:111c1*;li


gin 0111. occupé

la garnison finng‘oisc s7étoit rrliréc \‘crs Rumc 11131111 11,111"

arrivée. Les 111.9111ng out 111311111" C11511ilc 5111‘ Aug-Que,
1"[c1l‘cnce , 1’9 9 [/Iurlnidw'.

Les dartiim'es lullrrs dc [.11111giz11n 1‘011l'11mrnl (1111‘ lea
I’rang'is 0111 évacué 8.1123111: 81; la Sprzzia, 8' 51: soul 10111-15
5111' S'slri. '

Nutm- s1'*naLa dl‘crélé, l0 171, qno 1011s (-1311): (1111i 0111 £1113
cmplnyf‘s danslcs1111111i1ipaliH-31lcla Testanc [1c111la111le $1"-
juur (lus Frangqis, SCI'UIIL (l011‘11ava11t i1=l111bil1vs i1 rvmplir
an. 11111: 1.1111: g publiquq, 8C mému £1 continuer l’ch‘cicc dos
unplui-3 qu’ilsncc11poic11l.

011 ("C1 i. do Lucqucs (1119,1‘1a1‘ 01‘1‘11'0 an général Kl'cnau ,
ngqul‘nl‘UH 111 3‘ a C11: 11:121in lul (111711 éloil avanl l'iuvaaiou


dcs Frangnis.
Turin , [e 8 l/Ic’rmidor.

LC m'nr'ral \VLkussowich (11i commando l’avanl- in do al.)
:1 . , _

11111;:11'111 1.- 1111110 —1‘1isw, orcupc 15*s1lcux Him; (11* 1.1

"f 1'1‘ssc1l1'Cu11i,():'1l1:s l"1':-111g.‘:1i$1‘111

,1’ Iv
18. UlJu‘JVU ML.
1; E ‘
.1411“ 1; (”1111111


.1 ll" g-‘nf'i’al ll

31111 1111i 051 5111- la gmpj {3E [wtil

unc g 111is'1111d1- 5 (1C1) .: '11
(lAu-xl, R (.‘bJL'JIVL’ l'1'-1'.:1

S.:i111-B.:111a1' l1‘11i1‘l111'l‘cfi [W111- l1. 111" pug'lcr (lcs vivrcs it bard.
A l. L l1) M A G N E.

[ish’lih‘ll’dlflIJ , [1' 18 [7111111111012

lig1.c11:sscs , vumnt dc l11

no (l1; lu 11'11isi1mu division (lé-s 11011111.:
7 110111111011 , 1‘1 (‘Ullllllili' 11111‘l1'gr"111l~1111-
1111115 uvons \'11

La 1112111351? 1::1'0:
111~1~. (1.1111111 2,0;
11111111((1—11'511'1111-7. , .‘1 1111551". l1l 111 9.0. l11122,
F21 {1'11 1* la. .11-1'11111l1- (liviwion _. 111111 dc 2.<)/11;ll111n1111~s , 1R (‘1‘111-
1,11-11’131"11g1{:1111’11::1111’1'2‘11'lill’u1'1L{irll'hlarlul‘cmlc Ba] 1111ull'.l;o.
(Elm 1311‘. i.1iu11 cs! 1:11111m;.111}ér 3111' lr g1"111'1'al.51c\11115.
Baum/l, lo. 9.1 t/nrnzitlur.

Le tr:.i11'2 sorret r1’1111‘lu emu) l.'1 r1'-p11l1liq1m lirqnqniso & le mztr<
grave (‘11-: 13:11l11n , e11 l7a11 '1, vicnt (l1: pmwilre impiimr'n ll (‘51, 1'0-
pe-mlam 9111111:- 11-15-11-111 iri; il tenth-111‘, heaucoup dc 111111110559;
1‘11— ln p.111 (l1: la l"'l)L1l1llllllO.
1”. 171113 lilJl‘H‘Jl‘l Huggnv, le l)-1illi:1f,:e 1l'lltionl113im . nppnrron
31 l’rerwhé 1l1~ S11"1.‘.)1»111‘g , le pays dc l’évi'que (l1: Spire 5111' la 111‘,
1'1‘1.i1'1-111 c1; rhulc 3711111" 1'1j11i111l1‘1' la 111111
11113-0 5311‘ lee l'xonlivu‘s d11 11-:1‘i111ize (lc (hues; lc 11:511
(ll:l’a1111.'-c J1: U111 , 511111111111 20,000 l11mlmcs,pa11il 110.11“ lz1
llom .gnu. L1: 1, 1131‘3l cl’avlillL-rie Kr'1y, so rend {111 1111.11—
1i::1'—g."111"1;1l Llu 111v11'1’11111lS11wu10w~7 5011 lils CSl passé ici cu
311111111, l101'.:111",1l11—1111,z'1 \'i1.-11:11- l1"; clvl‘s (lc Mdnlunv.
111's: unhfi , l1 2 ' \rl"1'011(3;\ll)c panic dc la g'n'nisuu (lo
1i!.1l1,li1, (l' . l:-x;11.1l1'i'-.

S M l \‘i1nldc suppiimm‘ l’1111iv‘-1
prufcssmu's 011L0111.111l‘1111- 51 11:11:11151'1'13 z‘éVululiou C11 111.1119.

P 0 l... O G N E.
Darzlzfg, {e 12 I/IH‘l/Zl'liu'r“.





lll’.‘ (1C )(lVSC,‘!OU! L‘s



”(War es'tntlr'c russc (lo i1i1111§; il (C(luit 11111311111.- xlc p011! 51 Kohl” 11111111111: 21.1311
11 1'lo111111it :1 1.11110 picres (le b1is de rl11‘11e pour la maxi-m l'mnmiw,
«"5: s’dnit 11l1ii3'1'; (le les 16111119 21 l’emlroit désigué par lo (41111.11-
111‘111/3111 fl"'11(_"his; 8: enliu, outrc (leux milliun; pour in (unwriuliw
1‘10 ;1r11.1
311111131" san
111- l'1‘1111c1
'lI1vvz1l . 8:
Dcux cc,
111111.11, ‘1

111 {3-11 7111:


0111 1111"

O11 s’aoc
lots auxiliz
i N115 111111




Pm‘ j Fl1‘
no‘11~ \‘1llC
'i'1111!1_ . I;
pl'in‘u (ll
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.01! W111
11111 ‘1 1'11! l
"llii‘ ll 1;)».
8011: 31- 1:011


(1111' [11

:11}; 11:1

0113 ('1‘.

X 01‘”:-


113 mar.
(-51. 1-11-

1' 111 111*:
11:10: 01'.-
.05 111.115
5 111151.

1111119 10
1111mm 1

11' 1' 111.111
11.15107 12
51:3 1'l.113
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1111 mai-
[mix 21V“

1uco11p (1-.

[grim (16
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7-“; 1111115


[1.3: 1112????




Le corps Iégishlif a a1110r1sé 10 1111001111111 1'1 n1'11.'110r1"~£
I..r1111g1'1111d1101111310110b5111m1311s,puuréh‘o 0111101131 011‘.-
'.. 5111105 06105, 111111 (l’y 1'1'3111'111101' Ics 1nigan'1ug-13 111:5
]'|' y a 011 (11101111111111 mmivemcns 11.1115 105 communes (1'11
11 1'1111111 11L 1‘111W11110 (Ci-11111111111 province 111: (311111111-
w.) 11: jum' (1110 lcs 11111111111511'111111115 01111211'111111111-s 1110111
,1'b111r 1’ 01311101 11‘cm1-111 ponr 1n ;In1r10 11111111121112130 1'11m-
1111.1111dc Groninuuc 011V1ya .1 S 11001111111111111'11111111111
{1111211114, (1111 y 1'1'?L::b‘1111111:11'.c Lu. 1111111115 (10 “1111111111110
1111111111111; 1111'1iv00 I105 [1.1111309 a .10111-111'11113 , A1111” 1‘1'111
.1111'111 U101 (13111111110111: 1111150115 (1-1115 11711111101111! (10.1.0
1~_I;.3,1'ul10910p:1.r11n0 :11C1Ja1ge I10 1n)u=.1i111.11-'111' O1 1,11
1111110 11c1’1111'.:1110110 S: 1111111'110-11-1111011dc 011' , qui
isnnt $.11 11: s (105 (1101's (109 10130101
[111111111111.16111111111110.11111011011:imppml (10. sa 01111101136011
1051.611' N:503 (11: plusiem's 01111}011,I0111111m111 11:111': IIriLfs
2.11"; (11101111105 (10011-15 1'1'11'0115. E110 (11'1r1111'; 1111.0 121 11V1'11c
‘11111115111111 , 001111101011 (11.15 c1111y-.-11s" Se11i11111111p1'1111111:k
1"»11(1a,-\111'11101111,13:1Islcn,1111'1I1'1L‘19,H1101113 {5L \ 11'-
$1.“: , r: 1111;11:11'gée do fan'c 1111111)11\Ic..11rapport.

1111311111.: DU


R 11 I )1.

5111101111, (13115121 1111111111 10 211111 1110111111011, :1 pawé
‘31-111 51 1a 11:1111011r d0 K1'1111'1b1011 avcc 500 111111.111x
11:1r11'11 11's 1111ssards 110 ka1015, 1.4L s’usl 1'01'10 111.101:
111110 s111' 1111.0 g'ndc placéc 51 la 11.11111‘111'110Simigiing,
(111111111311100 011 11161110 lcms qu'allnquéc. .
'11.'1'=1':1I'11'0111111 2°. 1'I‘g11110nl (111115321115 . 11130130 :3. Umzlnl,
111' 1'11111101111 avI1iL 1’1111011lion d'L1111'V1-1‘ , s0. 11'011111'11
11111111. 81: a 1'111 105111.111170 ma‘gz'L'. s;1gmnde11110111111113.
.» )L-ux cs111111101s (111 '2“. rPg111101it d'11115511111;, 11111005 51
"1:01:11 , ‘.L .'0111 mi". 011 muuvcmcnl , EL 0111 forcé 1’0111101'111
1Ipaqsci' 10 Main SI 1:: N11161:,
I.‘1~11r1.'1ninous (11101111001111 1711150111111” mais i1 :1 bsancoup
11-.31'1 51119.1.
31‘111-1: .'1vwms 11011111 46 chevanx ; 111115101115 111151111113
11:! 1111" 11115505. L’ezmemi a eu Musicurs hommL-s 111.05 81

Strasbourg, le' 27' tho/7711111”.

.fOn s’m'cnpe 11'1 avcc activité (1e 1’..1‘ga11is.1ti1m 1105 1131311-
= z111xi11a11‘0s. NI111'1' 11011111'101110111 1'111'11111'111'1'2111'111'5.
'Nus 1111111112.: 011:1vzu11 110 K011 Ont 111151111: po1! 1‘ 1111' (1110111 ('01'1111'111. g-‘r11'1z'111 111.11
’.' 1' 1 “lH'J‘UDF (1 .'\.111_
l 1111 11'
ll! '1' 1113

pi, 111.1105! n-US‘M"
.'1. 11.1111101111111 11g:1n1 11K..'..y,
1'11 (.31 (1c .1‘.1.1'11l11111 , 80311 (10.211110; '.'1 (11.111' 1:1111‘10
A1111: , (1111. 11*111'111110111 {11111: 11/10



01K .
.11111 C111 "

l' 11 111111.05. v 11111111111511

'1" 11' 01111111011111'11111! 1.11 0 ~11

I)‘-l/..1'IIl/e.': , [1-1 '87 .’I':.'-I‘In11{-..r.

“.11 1111119 110 ‘\'I.'.\11 1'11.i11:11, 1111’1111 corps; 110 if! 1":
111111 11:11)i‘111's 11'11111111'10. .-' 1'
1111' 1:11 Angiwlcs‘ro. Lcurs (3111111111305 (10 011111111155110 311111

falnis (111i panora-

.-1'.'1 1-;11'I11‘. (1e 1’1K;.1"‘111'lio11'


pn‘ls, R 115 1.’-111011I‘.1'111 511.10 11's ' . -1c. 01111 :15 1111111- Re
111-1110. 1-11 111310110. ‘1) 11.1. 1111:1111 1:510 ,"1)I1.;1 1i':.11'1;11;-1s

_ '03 11111311111119 51: 1'nl1g1r11.]10111 111' 1'.'I1.I111'zcs 110 1'1
1'1'1111111'11'11110 buluv.) vm'~. 12111.11 111.1 '10:. 11: 1101111101. 11:11: 5111-11:
11'1g1111I1'c; 1111.17 115 i'I::1)1'1=111 11111.1.) 05.1. 111 111.1~'~'1111:L' (1.111 1.1
l0111‘ 1111.11.11 1'. 0131'.11".011I1I"11011'1'5'I711I:11'1111:1I'1-111'21'0I11‘
111110 1‘. 1)1.1111_111 051 (1113 s :’mb11q1101' 1":
11In111'1: 0n Alz'glelcnc, 8!. (11111110116110 11n111's 0.1113 (1.1:

I)" ap11'25 1105 1(1‘11‘05 (101:1111'0 (11'111‘0 I111 17111111, 1111 vorps
11c cosaqlms 151 11 ja arrive $111“ 11" No. k'.'1‘ 11 11:1. 1.111 p111-
11.1110 ([110 1":1011111110 {'1'} 11109 vicndra 01111): 1111111111 5111' In.
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