xt7b8g8fj87f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7b8g8fj87f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1986 1986 1986-03-06 2020 true xt7b8g8fj87f section xt7b8g8fj87f . . I i, J
B Vol. xc, No. as Established ma UfllVIl‘St'y of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since l97l Thursday. March 6 n“ .
House anels vote -. --
against sending aid ’ ' ‘ ' ” ' ‘
’ I‘ 4 . . . . , . ~ 1'
0 86 for contras orces s , .. V'l ,
,r‘ -. 2h. " I; ' ' 4' ', ' ". ,' '
v . . . if.» 'f: ;~~ . _ 'EYW’V-‘fxw i“?fi&7t”fi'fley \‘f‘ {*3 ,3“: {if}; .. {:3 h if ‘ ' I, .I ' _ , ' . ..‘
It) “UHF-“T PAW“ to vote on the request. which includ- - ’* ‘ ’ ‘ ' ' ” ‘I__'I..e§,‘.. , . ‘Y. , ,. '. _ 1
AssixiatedPress es $70 million in military assistance _ . 53K. 2 .1, - ‘ .'.’
and$30millioninnon-lethalaid. . d ’. f . ‘ :L . f .I -. '-.I' .
WASHINGTON -— TWO House Pah' “We must make sure they (US. i ' 13 ' if: ' . i " ;.I'.'I_
015. ignoring PI‘L’Sldeht Reagan‘s ar- troops) never are needed." Reagan ' if? i to ~ , . ‘2' : -,' 1 w ,- ‘ I-.,.I'.
gument that the L'nited States must told members of a Jewish organiza- . heft; , . t», , . , .' a . -. .'
be spared sending “our own Ameri- tion. “We send money and material A“ r". . . ('I‘ I. j. if! ifiI-II
can boys” to Nicaragua. votedIers now so we will never have to send ‘ _ _. ' ‘59 . ”E .3 j '. if? 2'
terday to recommend against giving our own American bovs. ‘ g _. t j. . I‘II. - iI
$100 million to rebels fighting the ”But if the members of Congress . . ' ' , " . I. v II gt , ..'. III. 4.1"“
Sahdlh'sm government. . hide their heads in the sand and pre- , , m i II 3 .‘I . II.: I~ _
The House Intelligence 00mm“? tend the Nicaraguan threat will go ‘ I ‘ i t
voted 9-7 against the aid package. A away. thev are courting disaster and i I y 3. . _ ':' . . _II
short time later. the House Foreign “Md”. will hold them accountable." «- ., » . .v \ . . h . II. .- ',""rilI".‘
Affairs subcommittee on the West- he said. \ ‘ ,, _ . I . ,I f’,“ i‘ I._
i» i ' .~. . .' ' ' ' v ‘ -. . ‘\
:Illl lIkmiIsphiu \oted 80 against Earlier. Defense Secretary Caspar , sI I, . . _~“I:-
mepOM' . - \" ‘ her er ar ued that the leftist . 3" ‘ 4 .' ' ‘1‘ ‘ ' ..
The two sets oi votes in the Demo- {£21m ’fian ofernment was becom , .5; .. It I . . , . I. . a
”at“w“nimiled windinvlérked the ing a “:cconigt Cuba on the American - » - rem-v» ewe-mer- *Wi’m " .. ' - _ I . ' ‘ ' l}. ~. , ‘
opening s.il\o tll legislatiie battles .» . . . I I . I. . .‘
ovi-rlteiigan's proposal. llldlnidlld «meaning; the Warsaw Q . w . I . . . .' II . .-

\"inc of the intelligence commit- Pact WI“ have effectively outflanked . = ' ~ . . _'
tce's lo Democrats voted against the “3' s, ’5? ' . " ' . z . I
proposal. with only ltep. Dan Daniel House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill mm; mm / .. ‘ l ‘ - .l .
of Virginia Joining with the Republi- .lr.. l)-Mass.. told his daily news I .. ““w ,_ , ‘ -’ . “
t‘itllS. [lt’SplIE‘ the committee's oppo- ciinierence that military aid won‘t . » II ., » . 1' " 'I . I .
Sllllill. hll\\(‘\'€l‘_ the request for $70 really help [he outnumbered “rag- * ‘8 ' .. iv ‘ t . t i 't .h;
iiiillioii military illtl and $30 million tug" (‘imirag and said he feared ap- . . . . . . . .
lllngllt'ili 'dld must Still g0 [0 the pruyul 0f [he request “rould lead to l _ ' . -_ ~ ',
House floor direct L'S. involvement. ' i i i . ‘

Reagan earlier had told a White ltep Richard Gephardt. D-Mo.. “"0““ MSW» .I I I
””11"“ audience that ”'f we give chairman of the House Democratic Cuin u l . . i -.
them the illtl they need. the Nicara- Caucus. flatlv predicted that Rea- g p . - ' . .
Ruaii people can win this battle for gan‘s $100 million request would be . . '
triedomontheirown " defeated on the House floor. al- Bill Johnson of Lexington enioyed a game of pool yesterday room, located beneath the Student Center cafeteria also has ‘

Reagan's appeal came shortly be- though leaving open the possibility while waiting for a friend in the Student Center pool room. The v'deo games and table tennis. ‘ ‘
fore the two panels were scheduled of an eventualcompromise. I ' . ‘
Liddy lectures about Interns getting taste of pol't' ’ " "

O 0 a . .
Ah'ehcahs’ 'ghorance m durin 1986 General Assembl - ’ ‘
h) 5(“1‘TWUH’ leg"" he asked a capacity crowd at g .. k I' .. . .
59001:” PI“ >199“ Edlhh‘ Memorial Hall last night _. By EVA J. WINKLE derstanding than she could have got- offered the internship posititons last i -

. . lle “am that when m5 sons turned 3“ “p h Staff Writer ten inaclass. tall. Students submitted applications ‘ ;

“05pm serving “me Mr h'5 m' h" and registered for S€1€CUV9 SQTV- \ U . \ “You can learn the rules in school, and were chosen for interviews . ' ' .
\‘oh'ernt‘m Ih “ atergate. (1- (yordon ice. they asked him why they had to. g ’ t ~ '5; " Rather than just studying the peo- but you can't learn the protocol and Jan Norris. a political seience ' ’
Lida-V says he has never been m a "There “in be a draft.“ Liddy re- 1:31.355" . . , £- ple who make KehtUCkY-S laws. the nuances like you can being there sophomore. said she likes working . ' " , '.
pm‘m' . . . SPOhded‘ , . - 3.. x ’12- I '> some political science students are every day."shesaid. withthe GeneralAssemblv ' I . f -

. ”0 spent about mi“) Year? m (m‘ That fat" ”has nothing ‘0 do With r ‘3 .1 I ' working with state senators and rep— Wilson said she would recommend --i have a lot more resbecl for and . ' .’
lerent correctional institutions ‘al’ partisan politics." he said. ”it has K .53 resentatives during this session of the program to anyone interested in confidence in the legislature.” she . '
hour!“ “H "W W anyone cor- everything to do with simple arith- ' ‘- iheGeneral Assembly. political science or in a political ca— said "if more people could see n - ; '~ -. '
"‘Tle‘l’ and l"~‘h'teh"ar'eS ‘he metic Ihecause 0f the decreasing ‘ "'i; , < ‘“ Through the political science de- reer. the wav l have. thev . . would proh- ' I " _ ‘ ‘ '
doesn t know why; he never felt pen- number of lB-year-oldst. Illusion ' . partment. 10 students have received Although the students are not ablv ‘ be pleasantly surprised ' . , I , ‘
itcnti. but in nine moves. he says he versus realityu . a internships this semester to study paid. they receive six credit hours There's nothing better than being .
hi“ ”9"” been ma prison. The Democrats and Republicans the ways and means of Kentucky‘s for the internship and one credit for there firsthand ' ' ‘

“l ‘he same “*9“ he says. you are l>0lh aware Of an impending . , legal system. aweeklv class seminar they attend. Norris works for Democratic rep- '. . 'I . .r
cant buy a “59d car any .m‘”? (1’3“th said, b”! don‘t “'3'“ to get G'GORDON ”DI“ Sheila Wilson, a political science Donna Greenwell, an accounting resentatiies Jim LeMaster. Lexmg ' .- , .’ .. :‘IT ,' '
only ~-previously 0?"th vehicles " anyone UPS‘?t prematurely. _ , , _ junior. is a legal aide to state Sen. junior. said her job is great. She in- ion; Herbie Desklns. Pikevillc; Al N ‘ l. ' I . ,'- ,
nor can you he crippled. JUSl hand- Similar misconceptions exist SOClal Security 15 currently facing Clyde w. Middleton. R-Boone and terns for four representatives. Pretchit. Henderson. Jody Rich r ,. 'I - ' »'
icappedordisahled. about the Social Security system. a $5 trillion Unfunded liablllty. and Kenton counties. Greenwell said she didn't think the ards. Glasgow. and Bob Jones. ()ldr ' -. V

Tht‘M‘ t‘upht‘mlsms. Liddy said. which he described as an ”interge- “when lhe baby-boomers h“ that Wilson types. answers letters and job would occupy so much of her haiYiCOu‘nly ,' . ‘Ir II 4 't g
are the symptoms of a country that nerational pyramid scam.“ People Syftemh 53“ over. phone calls. researchs bills and lime. hutitis what she expected. The internships offer good experr _" I' f , . _
livesin‘a world ofillusion." perceive the system as something of H W“. and I. were to go out and sometimes acts asapage. "1 love my l0b." she said. “ll ences for the students. said (iilly 4 -' l - . '.

"You think some poor soul with a bank account that they can put start (a 500‘" 59mm” .S-VSte’h’ywe Wilson said the handson experi- keeps me updated on current Martin. a political \‘CleliCO Junlttr ‘I if ". .I
one leg you call handicapped or dis» inoneyintoiind latcrtake back out. would be arrested. convicted. ‘hd‘Ct‘ ence she has received through the events." Martin works with Rep Ernesto . II I;. ,I ,I:‘ -- “,II
ablcd doesn't know that he has one "Wrong.~ Seellnm'. Page} program has given her a deeper un- The political science department Scorsone.D-l.€x1ngt0n 1 r, .‘ I. j". I. s; I'.

o o ' ' .. «I. .‘4 {:3 .

Congressnonal candidate to speak fl Aquino frees rebels ,-: ,, :1
It) FV-‘J-WINKLH future. a future in which we as a Party, the candidate and the stu- 4 . . . . ‘ .jI-‘I . ‘I.I',-I~ a";

Staff Writer people renew our historical commit- dents on campus.“ 5 137:} ream : d esplte Opp 0 81 t1 0“ ' II ;i ,; . {13.8,}.

ments." he said. . , . , ' "- .‘- ‘1‘, ‘ .‘nr‘.‘._r'7

’l‘im Connolly. a candidate for the . . I , The College Young Democrats. a 3;}, ’ . . . . -I. .' I;~' ;-.I‘I
Democratic nomination for the US. (onnolly takes a negative stance newly rechdrtered organization, Ire- eI .3? II ..' | _. gI ki .
House of Representatives. will speak on the aims race. I believe it is cently completed a members 19 .23.. We»; -» . H) .\ll(ll‘El.(‘.SL‘.»\Rl-IZ that he founded the Communist y .- II.-
'it a meeting of the College Young wrong to maintain a national de— drive. 5; - .. , " Associated Press . Partv of the Philippines In 1963 and ' ‘- . -‘ r -.' .
‘ . . . . - fcnse policy Wthh SEEKS ‘0 move the . ' - . .553}? ‘ a; ' - . l d the armed stru le a ainst the " , .l ,’
lkmixratstonight. . I I . . . . (‘onrad said response to the drive. .4 ' . .. . . e 83 E . . . ‘w

Connolly. a Lexington resident. arms “3‘9 into space. while at the Which was held last week. was ex- 4, geg ; MANILA. Philippines “ PreSIdent MHFCQS government Uhhl his cap- ' ; ' '
announced his ca ndi da cv against in- same time refusmg to conduct se- cellent. 1 ~ .. (‘orazon Aquino freed two former ture in November 1977 He had re- .' - v. '. -
cunibent 6th District representative r‘IOUS Iarms control talks here on .. . . , . q; communist rebel leaders yesterday fused throughout his imprisonment . . . _ . 'I I:
Larry Hopkins Feb. 17. earth. "d“e rhl‘trt‘mgthit'gugghimthzxpgisghe .. iii-353E .. despite (rleser‘daiignsf fromI theI mtlllile to answer questions about his party _ . . ~ . It ,

.o "o ' . . - ~ . _ a P“ I“ XI _ ' ' " tary. an pal r irst Visit 0 role. , ~ .
nail? igdrlflfintizg Rgzsczligeisgégge 19:9 oggggagéggrggsgfigtéfinggi_ berShIP drlvfi Conrad said palace in which Ferdinand E. Mar- Buscayno. who tips iIapludred in .'
that we cannot ~— we must not # let 1y was asked to speak “to offer the He also said that a major goal of £9, a coslivedfor203ears. . . La AUSUSI 197% was {I}? .2. egg “l“hf . j ‘ . .
the prosperity of the moment blind opportunity for students to get to the organization was to organize the " ' Meanwhile. attorney Loplno 2- mander of t e party 5 .I eIw eoIp es . . . .
us to the needs of the future." knowihe candidate.“ Democrats on campus. TIM CONVOIJJ aro said two men Shared ‘h the 1983 Army guerrillas and “35 known 3‘5

Connolly has announced his wishes . . . . . . , murder 0f. Aquino S husband. Benig- Commander Dante.

10 make America once again the (onrad said other Cflhdldatfi. Cyndi Vleaver. president 0f the campus locations to attract new no. had given sworn statements ad- The two other men released were .
“Land of 0 t 't . .. such as Sen. Wendell Ford. have group. said the orgamzation estab- members. mitting involvement and implicating Alexander Biron do and Ruben _ .‘ . .
ppor uni \ . .. . , . , .
. . ' been asked to speak to act as a lished a booth in the Student Center Connolly Will speak at 7 pm. in the former president. his Wlfe, Imel- Ale re Both were arrested within _
“Vie must begin investing in our conduit between the Democratic arcade and posted flyers at various 2o5$tudent Center. da. and four former Cabinet min- theg sitwoveais .
. isters. Gen. Fabian C. Ver. Marcos‘ Cpad H- I IL s W ho

siding“ V‘dfl‘W‘fi'fiWz-i- a military commander. was among ,ar ina aime , (in. arc is p . .

.g . '7'”“"""g{"' ’"Q‘ws‘m Tomorrow last Chance for applylng the26peopleacquitted. of Manila. said in Home that the es

%V;7§ . 'é {£15 "l‘m sorry for the delay." Aquino tlmated 1I2.500 insurgents might sur-

- WW th‘x‘ ‘ . . told Jose Maria Sison and Bernabe render thisImonItIh because “there:

Buscavno when they were ushered no reason or t em to stay in t
..,,_ i... .... .. w for Academic Excellence scholarship .-.. W... ..... i... m...“ Mm... .0...
debuts °h Clnomox. For a an hour after being freed from mili- who led the nation‘s Roman Catholic
"’5" P',“'"”- m "m' ByKIMhERLYSlSK through a contractual agreement be- dents. the amount covers payment tar." Who“ “"9 an?!“ meg‘b‘l’rs :liigfioli‘hzlihgigsf Aqu'm' “5 0"
SIGNS, P0901 Staff Writer tween UK and the University of classes. As tuition goes up. fewer 0‘ a rebel assassmation squa a 50 .
W If... “"9906 . Bookstore. The bookstore pays the scholarships are made available, were released. Sison told journalists. however.
, , Tomorrow IS the last day for Slu- University to serve the campus and Harders said. Aquino had pledged ‘0 free all N that there is no certainty that the re-

bY V°Mlh Uh'm‘W- 62' dents to apply for an Academic Ex- part of the money collected is re- The scholarships are not based on litical prisoners held by Marcos. bels will lay down their arms.
54, in the first game of the cellence scholarship. turned to the students through the academic standing alone. A finan- who fled the country a week ago. . . , . _
SEC Tournament. For hung, The scholarships are open to all scholarships. cial aid form is included in each ap- and the four wereIthe last on the Sagnsagee said 317 eplatitical eiijriszlrIiIiIie-
mm P0906. undergraduate. graduate and profes- "We want to serve peOple who plication. list. Most of the prisoners haveInot ers ve n or er reeas .

» ' sional students and all adult stu- spend money at the bookstore by . yet gone home became of required military says it has no more such

".2 y , dents attending college for the first getting money back to the people," I “People that may not qualify for medical checkups and paperwork. prisoners, but Saguisag said the gov-

. . time or returning after an extended said Faith Harders. assistant to the financml aid may very well qualify Presidential spokesman Rene Sa- eminent was checking reports by

. . periodofabsence. vice chancellor for academic af— for ourscholarships. Harderssaid. guisag said the four men were re- human rightsIorgamzatiom thatIup
undergrad?“ “We“ "“3‘ be ““5 The application also requires a leased after a “candid. cordial and F°fshpew|§ehmgf°°mlhlm 1"”
Today will be partly cloudy enrolled full time and have ‘ cumu- This year about 150 scholarships sou-word autobiographical assay. a vigorois exchange of views“ with :35 may or 90‘ 'ca rea-
with o M“ In the lower 40.. lative 3.3 grade pomtIaverage. Adult will be awarded. Harders said. The transcript. a list of honors and pre- military commanders. worried that -
A 2° t m d m students maybepart time. scholarship's monetary value de- vious jobs. Recommendations are they would take up arms again. Her More members of the Supreme
perm Graduate students are nominated pends on the total number given out not requiredofundergraduate. top military advisers had argued Court offered mi tions ter-
" 0W W ”l. by the director of graduate studies eachyear.shesaid. .. _ that the four men should not be . gm yes
. . I would really encourage stu . . day. leavnu only two or three of the
min. Lows witt be In the In their departments. Inn other no The scholarship covers mute tu- dents to apply," “mien said. but freed unconditionally. mm“ 13 justices misting Aqui-
M 2’. dents may flwlym‘hflrm- ition and fees for undergraduate and year. out of about 450 applications. Sison acknowledged at a new: con- no‘s demand that they quit so she
The scholarShilB are available graduate students. For adult stu- unscholarships wereawarded. ferenceafew hours after his release can reorganized: judiciary.

 i , t
Arts Editor
Assistant Arts Editor
0 O , ..r ”W. .
Cable TV offers quantity, not quality . . __ a i ,
We: .- 3.,3»? ' . t ._qu‘vfihi *‘“ 1 I. : $2 g f
H) \\ mun MILLLR ___-__— However. our daring herome Is plays a Connecticut Dripplebglho *i .=.' ‘ g;; f . dry“: (gm
Stat’t’\\‘rtter _ . called back to the streets to avenge struggles to survive a ter ing .. ; A ».- ‘-
RE FLICK TIONS the murder of the cop who helped transferred to a school in the slums Vi .. .9: . .gur‘ «a... I i’ .
The emphasis its on quantity rath- _ her escape the red light district. of Los Angeles. Kim IRichards (Dis- ‘3 ‘ .. . -' ”3* "‘2, ““3. I_ ‘- » = ‘ ‘ ~III
' or than qu‘dhl) this “Wk 0" cable , . . . . . . Aside from the scenes of nudity. ney‘s “Witch Mountain" series) co- ; . :4 I H”, . $ I é
It‘lt‘HMtin. Wlit‘lht'l‘ ““9 15 ltNikmg for 10 ‘ “3d?“ eral h“.’“”“’.““ (.Ompmd there really isn't a thing to be rec- stars as a punk beauty that he falls "r .:-:~ _ :5; r . . g . . ,. f"
trons result. “00m Alhn wrote and . . . . . . . __I. w .. s: .__ 5 _‘iw
lllll\l(’.\0r.\p(ll‘[§ directed but did‘nol star. m this omittended about this movre. in love With. This film IobVIously j II 1* ,. . at: t
The”, are mu]. mm“. premieres. “musmg: little romantic comedy. IEIght no-names star as a group of didn twm an Oscar for casting. sis-.3 ~~ 13- : , - t 5%
- 11ml ”‘9 ”‘5‘ "l the huhCh '5 13“" .h'gh Sghml dancers try mg to make From now until March 31. the air- ~ m ’- , '7
~ _war‘s The Purple Host- of . (‘airo l'ntortunately. the remaining We IiIhbigI :janaSt Portagrd (Iratted PCG): waves will be filled with college has lpfi .. .02.. : . III . . ,
. mm W - which debut“ bundai' mwres seem to have been made “ '° ‘3 .“ls 53“" .Y "‘5“ °'? ,'" ketball whether it's ESPN broad- " ..w .. i I ‘ l
night on t‘mcmux 311a Farrow stars mm a high school audience in mind. emax. This feature '5 energetically casting‘ the conference tournaments ( ," .5 = Q“ ‘1 . x? x
. a~ .m and moncgoer whose lWOill- The \torst of the group is the 1985 se- directed by Sidney Pottler, but or the networks presenting the - . . E Q ‘- I .
. . . nit-itsional hem Jet't Bridges of quel \u-nging Angel iraied R). theres no substance to this flick NCAA Tournament. \ II . is I II $0., . L.
' ~ "Jagged Edge“- steps from the which premieres Friday night on about a dance contest and its effect . a.” =* _ - g: =-' I,
5 - I screen into her three-dunensional HBO Betsy Russell «"l’rivate 0” the his who par “CIPate- So unless you possess the constitu- % t , . ’ ‘

. ‘ _ “'itl'lll School"! is the title character. who HBO will debut last year‘s I'l‘uff tion to watch about SOIbasketball myocoumsvovcotumuncrum
w . . ‘ ()t mu”... [me does not sit well has given up the sordid life of prosti- Turf (rated R) Saturday mght. games before April rols around. ‘F t F d' _ C' d . .
‘ ' .- . ‘I . . . . . _ . _ , ,. . J, S d (“Th New Kid") thiscouldbeavervlon month. as orwar premieres on Inemax Satur ay. Directed by Sid-

~ . . mth lairow s husband tbanny Aiel tutiontostud) lave in college ames pa er e - g ney Poitier, this story depicts how a dance contest affects eight
. . ; . ' ————————————— . highschooldoncers.
- ‘ ' I a - Krsrwm
' ‘ . t » 't- . Siud'“ Kernel
.~ . , ‘ ’~ . I [an i ) lSSSNewCircleRd.
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 l y .‘ I
Soon Word
Special Protects Editor
. . . . E E i t 1 . . g a little old lady is happy to make it
Liddy discusses Views ~ t o| .ldd m
V f - EE E E’ ‘ a . having any more than her purse stoA . .
.2 :: :2 fig; .-' 6%.: . i ;; Ien (in the other hand. a lifoot'i. ‘ '
at UK reSS conference -‘ I 5 If EE’E I. -' .-: - 2E (“h"hm‘d'mm WWW“ ZTtiipound tackle with a hat in one
p E :7 2.} :3: V}? ' 1* l) E ed ‘ind thrown m jail for fraud ~- He hand and an .\I~lh‘ in the other knows . - ' .- .
. . 5- E I E E E ' ‘z‘ " ' . said the government glosses over he can get‘trom street “Fm“ .' I .
By JAY BLANTON be the problems with college politi- .K. j 3 . : 1 a}; the ”we becuase "you would rebel Ameiica is being peiceiyed more , .
Staff Writer cal science courses. E Q :E 5 .. .356 = . E I . lI you knewthetrutli " and more “5 the old. lady h“ ”hm” ‘ g "1
“Most of your political science j E; i: E; i E . E Liddy also spoke about the bale ldrrgtl) through my “mm“ ”1 ("h‘ g _ ‘-
G- Gordon Liddy has absolutely no professors have really not partici- f? S". . 31.n- :5 ' é§ , ance between American and Some! g ‘5" l-‘reedoiii M. m _ gt \ x .. ’ . ,
doubts about his abllltles 853 Speak- pated in politics . .. so what they ‘- g f. 3 l: ff; E y military capabilities and strongly h' \‘ ”mush h'H “t':I”lxl:d “i" I“ g .r‘. .' "
er, . have to give you is what they have . t ’j j ' ‘ ’1; g E a f E implied that the Soviets would have ”int 8mm t: hptyrwr .m‘inh “f [.[Er I'" E E f -‘ _- "
“Your colleagues ‘h the New yo'h taken from a book and a lot of grand E ' '23- 5' .J ' ’ 3°" "h little. if any. difficulty in defeating he CM .m,‘ .“ bf“ H 11‘ .M m ‘1 I ._ . ‘1'. '. ‘y
Times have been kind enough to call theory, hUt the practical realities ”E E the l'nited States in any sort of huh I fhthAZ n-h nfflestlY .th ”Enjm g ' -' .' I ‘3 ,
me No. 1 in the country; your col- the situation differ."he said. . tary encounter He said 7.3 percent if I .d . l ‘LiIUI tl it lllulllinl " . I .' '.' 1"
lmgues in the W0“ Street 10“""1’ _ . . . . l . . , E” of this country‘s military equ1pment puip E. inw‘fl m ‘1'? f‘ 1”“ $.11}... , "1.. firm.“
have been kind enough [0 say that 'L'ddy gives dqu 6t: 9””? d .. is 16 years old or older. and added 1‘1?) rom ""m l" I w "m" ‘1’ My 5'" .5" fig," {'1'.
I‘m the most sought after (speaker) year concerning the pubic s mi‘sjctgn: .‘ m.- . . . , 1 that if the l'nited States imposed a 1 HI\ 4 1 1 WV“ . I. . H ‘7 ‘ 5' .f'/y'.i‘»".'_ 2
in the country; the National Assocta- ceptiOiis about the world. He sat ‘ lis : . w fit g .9 nuclear weapons freeze. “we -2 ( lsdrl)(\l .y .1, :Li'i'its (:lUnl int ' '.'.". 77' ! i
“on of Campus Activities has 531d audiences are concerned ~most y . M . I would Just disarm unilaterally by himpihi iiti a. T1 ’h1'(\ ”Milt tw p.933? .1 ... fly
that I‘m the best there is. with current events and conditions. { '4.“ w L. virtue of rust .. trots. . ill.‘ w: t if at Iitllsi'l‘um ' 1;: .,.f'.»2".f¢i 1’ ','1!:"_-2V,‘4l-
”And “Vith a“ due mOdeSty‘ I “The past IS. Of course' 0f intereSt (anowgu Kernelswlfl In gent‘IYiI. led} bald. AmenCan> as “Q d \N d}: ( U :'.".. _". 5‘! .\*..Z‘;';;":,:
agreewith 3110f the above." to them.“ he said. “but none 0f us . . ‘ . are naive and m“. to think of the Americans haye a preadoli-st-i-ii' -; p.21“. _;93;;!‘91.‘;;-42
In a press conference preceding are ever going to live in the past. 6- Gordon L'ddv Specks in Memorial Hall lostnight. world as a Palm Springs or Beverly \l(".\ ol Iht‘ \Ull‘ltl and what it T.iKt-\ 1:“:‘3-2'1'12"I.E-.‘5.§27.E.‘-’9 .:
his L'K lecture last night. Liddy dis- and the future is here and tomorrow 4 ' Hills or Fort Lauderdale. but "the ”III It) sul‘\l\t' In ;i tiul pl‘t'HMl .l. 1"2‘1-717'953:
cussed evervthing from his appear- looms ahead and what they're inter- Apart from his lectures. Liddy As for the future. Liddy said he world is a very bad neighborhood 1' 33’; .32'»‘,l;;._;-.t‘r,-(,_t‘ '32
ance on the'television show "Miami ested in is what's going on right now Owns a busmess in southern-Florida. subscribes to the axiom “Never the south Bronx at two o‘clock in MM} 5 lecture “a" wummui 1') Kiwi-TI". ';",‘-L:‘V.:‘.t-E‘2
Vice“ «something he said he hopes and how it's going to affect them to- Wines {0? ‘43“??{5 PUbllCfithnS 311d change a winning game and always the morning the Student (‘nneriiiiieiit \\.\U("..‘l 1."..- j; 56...: f1” T;
E 1“ do again) [0 what he perceives [0 morrow.” appears on telewsmn shows. changea h’S‘hg game H He said that in this neighborhtmd. txnn 2".'-.-' 1:", I 2 ', :L-‘x.
.‘: “y: ' ;. -~'-.
’.“,«‘.t‘ .ti
17.1: t'.2'.5".‘-T.=.l;
.fll E. 7!- 5-". ‘-. “ trig.
Although volumes couldbewritten—and indeed Cubansreturn to Watergate to repairtechnical .14} 7.7-, y» t
have been—about any facet of G. Gordon Liddy's . PTOblemS With the Wiretaps and to gather 3;. 1 . . -j .
life.sometimesasimple overview canspeak "fft‘hremgémn ”142?“? Larlrg0'BrienthNen chairman ‘. ‘ 3.1 .
- w‘. . , . ._ .. ) mocrt" . ‘t . ‘ . ‘
‘01umeMn'Leh' lilffi: While serving as asststant district attorney in known as CREEP. and later became general counsel lhe Cubans weEeIE-auighm: chTdeptlZ: 2:33:33 and ,E g, . _"‘ ‘2 ‘ '2. E
g ‘ . HutchessCounty.N.Y..Liddywaspromptedtoenter Ufthet)i‘garuzati0n. Iiddvand Hummer” rehended later ‘ ~. : .1.
N0‘ . 30. I930. George Gordon Battle LEddy IS born In polities by [he Foughkeemie racial riotsy when he - > . . . ‘ ‘ pp ‘ . "r ‘ ‘ \ ‘
Hoboken, NJ. By his own descriptionmms _ decided that “something had tobedone to array the ‘I942iALIdCIy organizesamillion-dollar plan for ‘ . ' { -', ‘
autobiography. Will.hewasasickly child suffering tide of national disorder and weakness_“After losing intelligence gathering and 58b0t339.99d€-n3m9d Sept. l5. i972: Liddy and the othersmvolvedinthe 5'»
froma lung ailment who lived inaworld of constant the bidfor Republican nominee for Congress byag GEMST QNE.Wlth the DUI?!“ y ObJeCUYe 0f break-in areiiidicted and four days later were k: , . ‘ -
fear - from the dirgiblos that flew over his house to percent margin. Liddy was approached by John discrediti‘ngthe Democratic party and its leaders. arraigned on charges including burglary. Wire- _- 1 '4, . 5‘ __
the moths'shadows he couldseeonhis bedroom wall Mitchell, Richard Nixon‘s campaign manager. and Included in the plan were proposals to secretly fund lapping and conspiracy. Liddy pleaded innocent on ,_ . . f A _‘ ‘ .. t:_. y \
at night. asked [0 serve as Nixon's presidential campaign Shirley ChlShOIm S campaign ambltlons~ thCh WOUId the grounds that he had only carried out an OIIEIClal ’, . ‘ '_ ‘ . . .'
manager in the mid-Hudson Valley region. force the Democrats to oppose her at the risk-OI assignment. and thus refused to cooperate Wllh .' '1; ' ‘ t: .
L dd be . f If alienating “£319" and blacks; and hire prostitutestto investigators. He was sentenced to 21 I __ years in ~ . , _
l9:t6:Atage6. i y ginsaprogramo se . . - - - 9059315300i ,ric poitico-groupies 0“ anopulen prison and fined $40.000inthe Watergate case lnthe 2 i g ' " “ l'
imprm ement. To overcome his physical d‘sab‘h‘Y' I999: Liddy becomes speCIal asststant for'orgamzed houseboat —‘ Wit-h a bedroom wired for sound _ to be Ellsberg case. he was given a one- to three~vea r ' ' ‘ V . .
ht‘ I'd" every day untilhecould run likeamachine. crime ‘0 t